Against the Ogres-scenario




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AGAINST THE OGRESScenarios by Ken Kennedy

The Against the Ogres articles are a series of four linked scenarios that will introduce players to the Ogre Kingdoms army and a number of the army's unique rules. The first two scenarios, "Deep Strike" and "Hunter and the Hunted," are played under the Skirmish rules. The third scenario, "Raid the Raiders," is a 500-point Warbands game. The fourth and final scenario of the Against the Ogres series, "Sacrifice to the Great Maw," is a full-sized Warhammer battle.

We wrote Against the Ogres with the Dwarfs in mind, but you can easily modify the scenarios and/or battlefields to pit almost any army in the Warhammer world against the emergent threat of the Ogre Kingdoms.


Scenario I: Devourers in the Darkness Scenario III: Raid the Raiders

Scenario II: Hunter and the Hunted Scenario IV: Sacrifice to the Great Maw


OverviewDwarfen mines and tunnels crisscross under the eastern edge of the World's Edge Mountains. Compared to the northern Dwarf Territories, this area has been relatively quiet – until now. A strange new menace has befallen one of the Dwarfs' eastern settlements. Two giant, stinking, slavering, pale Ogre Gorgers have found their way into the Dwarf tunnels nearby, driven mad by the smell of tasty Dwarfs. Miners have begun disappearing. The Dwarfs must eliminate this threat before the foul Gorgers find a way into the Dwarfen hold and devour the delectable families of the Miners.


- DEFENDERS (DWARFS) - • Advanced Force – 3 Miners (36 points)• 4 Ironbreakers and 1 Ironbeard (64 points)

- ATTACKERS (OGRE KINGDOMS) -• 2 Gorgers (150 points) see p. 36 of Warhammer Armies:Ogre Kingdoms

• Reserve Force – 1 Trollslayer (11 points)

• 6 Tokens – 2 with Gorgers , and 4 with rats


This scenario takes place on a 4’x4’ table that is designed to look like a Dwarfen (or Skaven, or Goblin) mine. Based on the map shown on this page, lay out enough terrain to form four or six connecting shafts (you can use existing scenery, solid objects like books, or even masking tape to create this board). To build your own catacombs board, modify the design in the following Black Gobbo 15 article .

Alternatively, if you don't play Dwarfs, you can set up the terrain to represent the streets of an Empire or Bretonnian town, the paths of an Elven forest or Orc village, or the catacombs of a Vampire Count's nocturnal lair.


The Dwarfs are trying to stop the Gorgers from getting out of the mines (off the Dwarf edge) and into the Dwarfen hold. The Dwarfs are also trying to keep their losses to a minimum – dying in the toothy maw of a Gorger is not a good way to check out. The Gorgers, of course, just want to kill and eat, and young Dwarfs are more tender than Miners.

The Defender (Dwarfs) wins the scenario if he kills both Gorgers without the help of the Trollslayer.

Requiring the assistance of the Trollslayer to kill the invaders will result in a draw.

If either or both of the Gorgers make it off the Dwarf table edge, it counts as a victory for the Attacker (Ogres).


The Attacker deploys the six tokens face down anywhere on his table edge. The Defender should not know which tokens are the Gorgers and which are harmless-but-noisy rats.

After the Attacker has placed the tokens, the Defender deploys his forces. The Defender can place three Miners anywhere on the Dwarf half of the board (within 24” of the Defender's table edge). The Defender deploys the Ironbreakers within 6” of the Defender’s table edge.

The Defender can move the Trollslayer onto the battlefield as if he had pursued enemies off the table the previous turn. The Trollslayer deploys via the Defender table edge at the beginning of any Defender turn. However, the appearance of the Trollslayer has an affect on the outcome of the scenario as described above, so use him wisely.

Who Goes First?

The Attacker goes first.

Special Rules

Skirmish. This battle is a Skirmish game. All the rules on pp. 242-246 of the Warhammer rulebook apply.

Dwarfen Tunnels. Tokens and Gorgers move at a rate of 6” and cannot march move in the narrow, low Dwarf mine tunnels. Gorgers can, however, charge their full 12”.

Dwarfs move as normal in their natural environment. On a successful Leadership test, a Miner can find a weakness in the rock wall and can burrow between existing mine tunnels at 3” per turn. Once these new tunnels have been created, Dwarf-sized models can squeeze through these openings at regular speed. Use a marker (string, paper, revealed tokens) to denote where the Dwarfs have dug new tunnels.

The Beast Revealed. When a token and a Dwarf in the same mine shaft come within 8” of each other and have line of sight, flip over the token to reveal whether it is a deadly Gorger or a harmless rat. A Dwarf can force the flip of a token regardless of line of sight if he is in the same tunnel and gets within 4” of the token (see Illustration 1, and Illustration 2 for clarification). The Ogre Kingdoms player has the option to reveal his Gorgers at any time.

The Hold Gates. When a Gorger gets within 12” of the Defender table edge, it begins to smell the young Dwarfs that the Miners are so valiantly trying to defend. If there are no enemies within 4”, the Gorger can move directly toward the Defender table edge. This rule is an exception to the Gorger’s Ravenous rule.

All Dwarfs within 12” of their own table edge know the consequences of their failure and are thus Immune to Fear. Fleeing Dwarfs automatically rally at their own table edge.

Shift Work. As long as no Gorger is within 12” of the Defender table edge, the Dwarf player can redeploy any slain Miners at the beginning of his Movement Phase as long as one Dwarf turn has passed since the Miner's death. The Defender can move the Miner onto the battlefield via his table edge as if he had pursued enemies off the table the previous turn.

Part of a Larger Battle

The results of this scenario will have a significant effect on the next Against the Ogres scenario.

If the Dwarfs dispatch the Gorgers quickly with few losses, the investigation into where the Ogres came from can begin sooner. If the Dwarf player wins Scenario 1, they are the Attackers in Scenario 2.

If the Gorgers get through and devour the inhabitants of the Dwarfen hold, the Ogres will find out about the Dwarfen presence when the Gorgers return to camp and cough up Dwarf bones and armor. If the Ogre Kingdoms player wins Scenario 1, the Ogres get to be the Attackers in Scenario 2.

If Scenario 1 ends in a draw, then determine who gets to Ambush in Scenario 2 by a dice off.



Immediately after the chaos from the Gorger incursion into the mines had settled, the Dwarfs sent out a small party of Rangers to investigate how the ravenous beasts got into the tunnel system. Many days passed, and the Dwarf scouting party never returned.

With a lost band of Dwarfs and still no information on the deadly invaders, you – one of the bravest Thanes of the Hold – have been asked to organize a large scouting party to search the tunnels and find out what happened to the missing Rangers.

You quickly discover a break in one of the deeper mine shafts that leads to a large system of caverns. Your expert Rangers follow the tracks of both the Gorgers and those of the previous scouts through the catacombs. Soon, your party finds itself above ground upon the snowy mountains. Not long after you set off through the falling snow do you discover why the other Rangers never returned...


- DWARFS - • Dwarf Thane with up to 25 points of equipment and up to 50 points of Magic Items (130 points)• Two Rangers with crossbows and shields (36 points)• Two Miners (24 points)• 75 points of Core and Special troops (no more than three of any one troop type and no more than 40 points of Special units)• No war machines

- OGRE KINGDOMS -• One Hunter with up to 25 points of Big Names and/or Magic Items (170 points)• 100 points worth of Sabretusks (two maximum) and Gnoblar Trappers (cost reduced to 5 points each due to the fact they are already Skirmishers)


This scenario takes place on a 4’x4’ table that has a 6" to 12”-wide mountain pass that runs diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner. Flanking both sides of this wide pass are two large snowy cliff faces. The cliffs should cover all but the corner 12" of

each board edge. Feel free to scatter a few small (2"-4" in diameter) snow-covered rocks along the mountain pass.

If you don't have cliffs available, use trees, tape, novels, or other objects to mark off the area where the cliffs are.


Before objectives can be set, you must determine who is the ambusher (Attackers) and who is getting ambushed (Defenders). Whoever won the last scenario, Devourers in the Darkness, gets to be the Attackers. For example, if the Dwarf player won the last scenario, then the Dwarfs are the Attackers in this scenario. If the result of the last scenario was a draw, dice off to determine who gets to be the Attackers.

The Attackers win this scenario if they kill at least half the number of Defenders (round up) by the end of the game. Defenders that leave the table fleeing count as killed, but those that voluntarily escape off either of the open table corners do not.

The Defenders win the scenario if the Attackers fail to meet the objective above, or if the Defenders manage to kill 50% of the Attackers’ numbers (round up). As soon as half the Attackers have been slain or run off the table, the ambush is called off and the rest of Attacking force retreats.

Keep track of who survives this scenario as models that are not killed or pursued off the table edge will make an appearance in the final Against the Ogres scenario.


First, the Defenders set up all of their forces in the 6”x6” deployment area in the middle of the table.

Next, the Attackers deploy. Place the Attacker models anywhere on the mountain pass, but they must be at least 12” from all Defenders. The exception to this rule is that Attackers can be set up atop the cliff path (see the map), even if that places them within 12” of a Defending model.

If the Ogre Kingdoms player is the Attacker, he can hold back the Hunter and deploy him during the Movement Phase of the Ogre Kingdoms' 2nd or 3rd turn. Deploy the Hunter from any table corner (anywhere along either 12" edge) as if he had pursued an enemy off the battlefield in the previous turn.

If the Dwarf player is the Attacker, he can hold back the Thane and deploy him during the Movement Phase of the Dwarfs' 2nd or 3rd turn. Deploy the Thane from any table corner (anywhere along either 12" edge) as if he had pursued an enemy off the battlefield in the previous turn.

Who Goes First?

The Attacker goes first.

Length of Game

The game lasts 10 turns.

Special Rules

Skirmish. This battle is a Skirmish game. All the rules on pp. 242-246 of the Warhammer rulebook apply. Also, due to the fact that all Gnoblar Trappers are units unto themselves, they have no one in their unit to

Bicker with. Do not use the Gnoblar Bicker rule for this scenario.

Ice and Snow. On a good day, the cliff faces flanking the mountain pass would be considered very difficult terrain. However, today, they are quite impassable due to icy conditions. In addition, due to the depth of the snow on the mountain pass and the cliff path, all models get -1" to their base movement rate to a minimum base movement of 3”.

Keep Yer Powder Dry. Blackpowder weapons fire their first shot as normal. However, any roll of a 1 to hit on the second or subsequent shots indicates that the powder has gotten wet from the snow and has caused a jam. The blackpowder weapon is useless for the rest of the game.

Part of a Larger Battle

The results of this scenario will have a significant effect on the next Against the Ogres scenario.

If the Dwarf scouts win the scenario, they follow the fleeing Gnoblars and discover the Ogre camp at the base of the mountains while avoiding detection. To represent this tactical edge, in the next scenario, the

Dwarfs get to choose who deploys first, and who goes first.

If the Hunter and the Gnoblars win the scenario, the Dwarfs are forced back into their hold without discovering the whereabouts of the Ogre camp. To represent the fact that the Dwarf army will need to send out more scouts to find the source of the threat, the Dwarfs lose 50 points of troops in the next scenario.

Remember: Keep track of who survives this scenario, as models that are not killed or pursued off the table edge will make an appearance in the final Against the Ogres




Long before the sickening scent of burned flesh filled Thane Durnik’s nostrils, the belching and bellowing betrayed the Ogre camp's location. Soon, Durnik and his surly band would descend upon these crude invaders and wipe them out entirely. All they waited for was the signal from the Rangers...


This scenario pits a 500-point Dwarf warband against an

Ogre Kingdoms warband of equal size. A large Dwarf scouting party has discovered the advanced camp of a much larger Ogre force. Before the final battle between the Dwarfs and the Ogres can commence, you must resolve this encounter.


Both armies are chosen from the Warhammer army lists following the rules below:

Attackers - Dwarf Army• Five hundred (500) points of Dwarfs following the Warband rules outlined in White Dwarf 296, 297, 298, and found online here.

Defenders - Ogre Kingdoms Army• Five hundred (500) points of models following the Ogre Kingdoms Warband rules outlined in White Dwarf 301 and found online here.

If the Ogre Kingdoms player won the previous scenario, The Hunter and the Hunted, the Dwarfs get 50 fewer points worth of troops.


This scenario takes place in an Ogre Kingdoms camp. The temporary camp is currently occupied by a small force of Ogres in advance of the main Ogre Kingdoms army. Set up a 4’x4’ table or mark off a 48”x48” area on a larger board. Take turns adding four or six small patches of forest along the table border but keep the middle of the table free of vegetation or other obstacles. Take turns adding three Ogre Huts, a campfire, and a totem to the Camp Deployment Zone (see the map).


1. If the Dwarfs won the previous scenario, The Hunter and the Hunted, they get to decide who deploys first. Otherwise, have each players roll a D6. The player with the higher score may choose whether to start deploying first or second.

2. Taking turns, each player deploys one unit at a time in their Deployment Zone (12” from their own table edge).

3. Champions are deployed with their units. All other characters are deployed after all other units, all at the same time.

4. Units with special deployment rules such as Scouts, Underground Advance, and the like, may be deployed (or, where applicable, held in reserve) per their usual rules.

Who Goes First?

If the Dwarfs won the previous scenario, The Hunter and the Hunted, they get to decide who goes first. Otherwise, both players roll a D6. The player who scores highest may choose whether to go first or second (reroll ties).

Length of Game

The game lasts 6 turns.

Special Rules

Bones of the Dead. There is evidence in and around the Ogre campfire of a recently consumed Dwarf Ranger. If a Dwarf unit comes within 3” of the campfire, it will find this evidence and the unit will be consumed with burning rage. The first unit to discover the remains of their fallen comrade will be filled with Hatred. Also, discovering the fate of one of the missing Dwarf Rangers is worth an additional 50 Victory Points (VP's) for the Dwarfs. If the Ogres keep the Dwarfs from discovering the source of their latest meal, it is worth 50 VP's for them.

Victory Conditions

Per the rules on p. 198 of the Warhammer rulebook, calculate VP's for enemy units and models that have been destroyed, are fleeing, have fled off the table, or have been reduced below half strength. No VP's are scored for board quarters, slain Commanders, or captured standards.

If the difference between VP totals is less than 50 points at the end of the game, then the result is a draw. Otherwise, the side that earns the highest number Victory Points wins the scenario along with an advantage in the next scenario.

Part of a Larger Battle

The results of this scenario will have a significant effect on the final Against the Ogres scenario.

If the Dwarfs win the scenario above, the path to the main Ogre Kingdoms camp has been cleared. The Dwarfs

can bring their entire force to bear and can catch the enemy flat-footed. To represent this advantage, the Dwarfs can bring an additional 100 points to the battle and the Ogre Kingdoms Deployment Zone is reduced to a mere 6” from the Ogre’s table edge.

If the Ogres win the scenario, they repel the Dwarf scout force and harass the main Dwarf army all the way to the next battle. These tactics manage to kill many enemy warriors, so reduce the size of the Dwarf army by 100 points in the final battle. Also, no Dwarf units can use any of their special deployment rules (Scouts, Underground Advance).

If the result is a draw, then no advantages or disadvantages are given to either side in the final battle between the Dwarfs and the Ogre invaders.


Da shorties jus' keep comin'. We beats 'em in da tunnels, and we beats 'em in da snow. Deh shoulda stoped messin' wit us after dat, but dey kep comin. We thik dey got der beatins in da scout camp when we wooped em gud, but dey don't stop. Now dey coming for a big brawl. We finish 'em dis time fer gud, and we take der home and eat

der yung. Hope de kids taste betta den da one weez eats alredy!

- Ogre Tyrant Sloovin Ribcruncher


This scenario is the big one: the final, decisive battle between the avenging Dwarf army and the invading Ogre Kingdoms army. The Dwarfs have finally made it to the main Ogre camp and are looking to put an end to these troublemakers from the East. Both armies will be fielding 1,750 points-worth of troops, but this number can be increased or decreased based upon the previous scenarios.


Both armies are chosen from the appropriate Warhammer army lists to the value of 1,750 points.

In addition, any troops that survived Against the Ogres Scenario II (Hunter and the Hunted) can be added to the army at no additional cost. If the Dwarf Thane and/or the Ogre Hunter survived, these characters do not take up a Hero slot.

If the Dwarf player won the previous scenario, the Dwarfs get 100 extra points-worth of troops.

If the Ogre Kingdoms player won the previous scenario, the Dwarfs get 100 fewer points-worth of troops.


This scenario takes place in an large Ogre Kingdoms camp. Set up a 4'x8' table. Take turns adding four to six small pieces of Ogre specific terrain. Take turns adding Ogre Huts, campfires, and totems to the table. Also, you will need to place a Sacrificial Pit and a Gorger Pit 2' apart and halfway between the Ogre Kingdoms board edge and the Dwarf board edge.


1. Each players roll a D6. The higher-scoring player may choose whether to start deploying first or second.

2. Taking it in turns, each player deploys one unit at a time in their respective Deployment Zone12"from their own table edge. If the Dwarfs won the previous scenario, the Ogre Kingdoms Deployment Zone is a mere 6" from their own table edge.

3. Champions are deployed with their units. All other characters are deployed after all other units, all at the same time.

4. Units with special deployment rules such as Scouts, Underground Advance, and the like may be deployed (or, where applicable, held in reserve) per their usual rules. If the Ogres won the previous scenario, the Dwarfs may not deploy units using their special deployment rules. (the exception to this is the Underground special rule)

Who Goes First?

Both players roll a D6. The player who scores highest may choose whether to go first or second (reroll ties).

Length of Game

The game lasts 6 turns.

Special Rules

Underground. While the battle on the surface rages on, an engagement beneath the ground is taking place. Deploy all Dwarf Miners and all Ogre Kingdoms Gorgers off to the side (or on a separate table) to represent the tunnels under the battlefield. During each Movement Phase, roll a D6 to determine if the conflict has begun. If a 4+ is rolled (the Gorger player gets +1 to this roll), the moving player's unit has found the enemy unit and charged it in the front. Place the units in base-to-base and

fight as normal during the Close Combat Phase. If a unit flees, is broken in combat, or is destroyed, then the other unit automatically wins the encounter and gets victory points for the full value of the unit.

On any of his turns after the combat has been won (or the opponent did not show up with units to fight), the victorious player may deploy his Underground unit(s) on the main table within 6" of the Gorger Pit terrain piece. The surfacing troops can be faced in any direction and are now treated as any other unit in the combat.

Sacrifice to the Great Maw. There are six captured Dwarf Rangers (0 VPs) located in the Sacrificial Pit. Any Butcher in base-to-base contact with the Sacrificial Pit can sacrifice one Dwarf per Magic Phase to augment his Gut Magic spells (just like extra Tooth-Gnoblars).

If a Dwarf unit comes into base-to-base contact with the Sacrificial Pit, the Dwarf Rangers are automatically freed and will fight as Skirmishers (with light armor and hand weapons only). If the Dwarf unit that frees the captives are Rangers themselves, then the freed Dwarfs can join that unit. Regardless, each Ranger set free will give the Dwarf Player 20 VPs. Killing a skirmishing Dwarf Ranger is worth 10 VPs for the Ogre player.

Victory Conditions

Per the rules on p.198 of the Warhammer rulebook.

If the difference between VP totals is less than 100 points, then the result is a draw. Otherwise, the side that earns the most Victory Points wins the scenario and the Against the Ogres campaign.
