AMDP Brochure - Australia


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  • 8/3/2019 AMDP Brochure - Australia


    Agribusiness Management Development Program

    Grow your own talent

    Prepare your next generation of leaders and win the war for talent

  • 8/3/2019 AMDP Brochure - Australia


    We are excited to bring you the inaugural Agribusiness Management Development Program (AMDP) incollaboration with our riends at The University o Adelaide; one o the worlds nest learning institutions. Also,

    what better place to spend a ew days brushing up on your skills than along the River Torrens university

    precinct in the heart o the city o Adelaide; a popular study destination or people rom all over the world.

    Our vision has been to do whatever we need, to help grow local agribusiness and to create economic

    advantages or the rural and regional communities in which these organisations are based. Quite simply, we

    want the educated young proessionals working back in the bush. Thanks to the impact o innovation, this

    mission is taking many orms and now includes a high-calibre management development pathway or middle-

    to-senior leaders in small to medium agribusiness.

    Lets be honest; virtually every business says that people are its most important asset, but too ew actually do

    anything about it. Human capital is treated as a cost rather than an asset. So as the agricultural industry calls

    or more innovation out in the paddock, a silent epidemic is hurting productivity back at the oce. Too many

    people have exited or chosen not to begin a career in the agricultural industry. As generations go by, this is

    creating a shortage o educated young proessionals moving up the ranks rom within.

    Unortunately, the oce or the boardroom is very rarely (i at all) considered when the industry talks about

    increasing productivity. Whats the cost? Well, we could miss the chance o truly maximising the opportunities

    o the emerging ood and bre boom, because the industry couldnt mobilise the succession o leaders

    required to take it on, in an increasingly sophisticated and complex business environment.

    Attracting talent is the biggest priority or agribusiness. So where will our next agribusiness leaders come rom?

    Hey - why not grow your own!

    The AMDP is something that will constantly evolve as the agricultural industry continues to adapt to changes in

    global markets. So heres your chance to participate together with other like-minded agribusiness managers

    rom dierent segments o the industry and leave your contribution or uture participants. In return, i we can

    play a role in helping you reach your own personal objectives and organisational goals then our mission is


    Welcome to a new era in executive education or agribusiness - we look orward to meeting you.

    Jeremy Lomman

    Managing Director

    Welcome. Yourourney starts now.

    World Class Endorsement

    Established in 1874, The University o Adelaide is one o Australias nest

    universities and has a strong international reputation. It is a rst rate, orward-

    looking and innovative university and is a member o the prestigious Australian

    Group o Eight elite universities. The University was recently ranked 4th in

    Australia and 73rd in the world among over 9000 universities.

    This places it rmly in the top 1% o universities across the globe.

    The Business School is a proud member o The Association or the Advancement

    o Collegiate Schools o Business. This is the ultimate level o accreditation sought

    by business education providers.

    The Executive Education Unit is part o the Faculty o the Proessions within

    The University o Adelaide. Together with the Business School, the Executive

    Education Unit has developed a strong reputation in the eld o management

    education both in Australia and overseas.

    Executive Education at its Best

    The Executive Education Unit is the premier provider o management

    development programs in Australia. For over 20 years the Executive Education

    Unit has developed considerable experience in designing and delivering high-

    level management and leadership development programs. Executive Education

    continues to build on its tradition o innovative and eective program delivery.

    The Executive Education Unit specialises in building on the technical expertise

    o middle and senior managers with programs designed to expand the core

    management capabilities needed by all leaders. It oers the latest in innovative

    management theory and practice through dynamic, interactive programs to


    Executive Education has considerable experience in delivering ace to ace

    management education tailored to middle-to-senior level managers and

    proessionals. Programs can include assessment components leading to status

    or urther studies and articulation into the Adelaide MBA.

    The Voice o Experience From Expert Presenters

    Agribusiness Management Development Program (AMDP) presenters are highly

    qualied experts in their elds with extensive real world experience. Presenters are

    also regular lecturers at the MBA level in Australia and overseas and all are actively

    involved in senior management consulting roles with some o Australias leading


  • 8/3/2019 AMDP Brochure - Australia


    Building Confdence Through DeeperUnderstanding

    The AMDP has been designed to broaden and strengthen the core management

    and leadership capabilities o middle-to-senior level managers rom the agribusiness

    industry. Middle-to-senior agribusiness managers are those in organisations that

    provide supplies and services to primary producers, add value to agricultural

    products, and those that acilitate the marketing and export o agricultural products.

    Participants in the AMDP will learn to lead companies which process, market and

    merchandise agricultural products to producers and end consumers.

    The three core modules are:

    Leading and Managing People

    Business Fundamentals

    Strategic Management

    By imparting modern tools and techniques with instant application to the workplace,this practical and relevant program aims to provide participants with the latest

    innovations in management thinking and:

    A view o the leadership behaviours required or them to operate as eective

    employees, team members, managers and leaders;

    An understanding o dierences in individual learning, communication and

    leadership styles, and understanding the implication o these dierences in the

    work environment;

    How to go about identiying and actioning opportunities or improvement in their


    How to progress and implement improvement projects based on problem solving,

    process change and process workfow levelling based methodologies, tools and


    A solid understanding o strategy and how to apply it successully in their


    Enhanced strategic thinking skills. They will know how to analyse and respond to

    the orces that drive the uture perormance o their organisations.

    The AMDP has been developed in an intensive residential ormat to be delivered

    over 5 days (Monday to Friday) rom approximately 9am 5:45pm in Adelaide.

    This program includes two written assignments and the submission o a nal

    strategic work-based written report that is due three months ater completing theAMDP. All three will be academically assessed by Executive Education.

    Participants who obtain a minimum o 50% or all assessments will receive

    advanced standing or three subjects in the highly acclaimed Proessional

    Management Program.


    Due to the intensive ormat o the program, participants will be required to complete

    the sel-refective proling tools that orm the basis o the Leading and Managing

    People module prior to commencement.

    In addition to the proling tools participants will be asked to read specic articles to

    help them prepare or the core modules.

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    Leading and Managing People

    This module is designed to provide an understanding o the business environment in

    which todays agribusiness organisations operate and develop an awareness o howthis environment infuences the undamental leadership skills required to lead and

    manage eectively. Participants will refect on their own management and leadership

    capabilities, with specic emphasis on team skills, communication and confict

    management skills.

    Specifc Learning Objectives

    In addition to the objectives already outlined, participants will also develop:

    An awareness o their personal strengths and weaknesses, styles and preerences,

    within the context o their current work environment;

    An ability to drat a personalised development plan to build the specic

    management and leadership skills required to reach their own career goals.

    Module Facilitator

    Mr David Pender - B Ec, MBA (Adel), CA

    David is an adjunct lecturer at the Adelaide Business School. He teaches in the

    MBA in the areas o Fundamentals o Leadership, Negotiation and Knowledge

    Management and has taught in Hong Kong and Singapore and teaches regularly

    in Executive Education. David has a corporate background in nancial services

    and more recently established an active consulting practice called Knowledge

    Perspectives. He works with both public and private sector clients that are people or

    knowledge intensive in the areas o

    perormance improvement,

    transition management

    understanding value and its creation

    as well as leadership and management related issues.

    Currently undertaking a PhD in Knowledge Management examining internal

    collaboration and network structures.


    Business Fundamentals

    Business Fundamentals introduces participants to the oundation concepts required

    to identiy and ormulate strategies or improvement and provides participants withthe required knowledge and skills on which each o the undamental improvement

    paths are based.

    The objectives o the Business Fundamentals module are to give participants a broad

    understanding and working knowledge o the key philosophies, concepts, principles,

    tools and techniques or achieving and maintaining operational excellence in their


    This module provides participants with a working knowledge and skills in the critical

    areas o understanding and managing customer satisaction and loyalty, managing

    processes or eciency and eectiveness and business improvement methodologies,

    tools and techniques.

    Learning Objectives

    In addition to the objectives already outlined, participants will also develop an

    understanding o:

    Key oundation concepts on which operational excellence in management and

    improvement are based;

    How we manage interactions with our customers and the eectiveness and

    eciency o our business and work processes;

    The basic oundations and concepts behind improvement methodologies such as

    Total Quality Management, Kaizen, Business Process Reengineering, Six Sigmaand Lean Thinking;

    The three key improvement methodologies available or achieving operational

    excellence i.e. problems solving, radical process change and process fow

    management levelling.

    Module Facilitator

    Mr Max Zornada - B.E. (Mech), Hons. MBA

    Max is a Management educator and consultant with extensive experience teaching

    MBA, Executive Education and management development programs. Max is a

    hands-on practitioner, consulting to major corporations on issues related to the

    achievement o Operational Excellence throughout Australia, the US, Middle East,

    UK, Western Europe and Asia.

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    Strategic Management

    The Strategic Management module is the capstone to the AMDP and will draw

    together the learning rom the other core modules. It will also prepare participants to

    complete their Strategic Report.

    Learning Objectives

    In addition to the objectives already outlined, through completing the Strategic

    Management module participants will:

    Be able to manage the strategic planning process, both rom the perspective o

    creating a plausible plan and rom the perspective o creating ownership o the

    plan by all relevant managers, sta and stakeholders;

    Be able to manage or conduct an analysis o the macro environment, industry

    sector, customers and competitors and develop appropriate strategic responses;

    Know how to conduct or manage an analysis o the strategic skills and resources

    within their organisations and be able to apply this knowledge eectively when

    developing their uture strategies;

    Be able to develop strategic alternatives and select the best options or


    Understand the connection between operational planning and strategic

    planning and be able to link these plans eectively.

    Module Facilitator

    Dr John Viljoen Bcom (Hons), MCom, PhD (Rhodes)

    Dr Viljoen is a highly experienced consultant, educator, researcher and presenter. He

    has held numerous teaching and research positions in world class business schools

    and has been active in the design and development o management programs.

    Final Assessment

    Three assignments have been included as part o the AMDP: Individual sel-refective report

    Report detailing a team or individual project showing application o the

    concepts covered during the Business Fundamentals module

    Strategic project work-based report

    All assignments are expected to be between 1500 2500 words.

    The assignments give participants the ability to apply their learning in a way that can

    deliver immediate benets to themselves and their organisations.

    Completing the assignments and receiving a pass grade (50% or above) will

    enable participants to obtain entry into the Proessional Management Program with

    advanced standing or three subjects.

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    Agribusiness Presenters, Guest Speakers andIndustry Panel Sessions

    During the AMDP you will meet and work closely with recognised agribusiness

    leaders to urther explore your learning outcomes and the critical challenges

    conronting agribusiness leaders in Australia and worldwide. Group interaction in

    a class environment will give participants various perspectives to the application o

    their learning outcomes in real-world business lessons, by having the chance to hear

    and discuss the practical insights o those that have led beore them.

    The Business o Agribusiness

    The Agribusiness Management Development Program (AMDP) is aimed at

    managers, team leaders and proessionals who are currently operating at middle-to-senior management level in agribusiness.

    The program is suited to highly capable and motivated managers who are

    responsible or managing resources and getting results.

    Participants can have varying levels o industry and management experience and

    previous study at university is not required. The AMDP is also ideal or managers

    or proessionals with existing tertiary qualications who are looking or either a

    oundation management course or a bridging course into urther management study

    at The University o Adelaide.

    Rigorous and Relevant

    The AMDP brings together a diverse mix o like-minded agribusiness managers and

    proessionals rom the many segments o the agricultural industry that are all striving

    to remain competitive in todays rapidly evolving business environment. Course

    content and material is deliberately not conned to one particular stream o the

    agricultural industry, allowing participants to maximise their opportunity to contribute

    to class discussions and hear resh perspectives rom people that operate in a

    dierent space in the industry. This cross-section o industry, discussion and debate

    greatly adds to the richness o the learning experience or participants.

    Lasting Networks

    When like-minded people rom the agricultural industry are attracted together with a

    goal to making things happen in their business and their industry, strong and lasting

    proessional relationships are ormed and are a platorm or ongoing advice, support

    or another resh perspective.

    Follow us on LinkedIn at:

    Terms and Conditions

    Cost o Program

    A$3500 plus GST

    This ee includes:

    Facilitation and delivery

    Program participant materials

    Academic assessment and grading o assignments

    Certicate o Completion

    Program catering or morning tea, lunch and aternoon tea

    Venue and equipment

    Monday night opening dinner

    All travel and associated costs or presenters and speakers

    This ee does not include:


    Program Location

    Executive Education Unit The University of Adelaide

    7th Floor, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide


    9:00am 5:45pm

    Monday Friday

    Deposit Payment

    A deposit payment o 20% o the program ee is payable upon registration to the

    program (A$700 plus GST) to conrm registration

    Cancellation Policy

    Cancellations must be submitted in writing no less than 30 calendar days prior to the

    start o the program.

    I cancellation is received 30+ calendar days prior to the commencement o the

    program then 100% o the deposit will be reunded in ull.

    I cancellation is received less than 30 calendar days prior to the commencement o

    the program then 100% o the deposit will be retained.

    I you do not attend the program and have not advised us prior to the program start

    date, or cancel while attending the program, the ull program ee will be retained.

    Program Transers

    I you are unable to attend the program on the dates that you have registered or, you

    may transer your registration to a subsequent program by advising in writing no less

    than 30 calendar days prior to the commencement o the program.

    The 20% deposit will be retained and transerred with your registration to the

    subsequent program.

    I you transer to a subsequent program then the above Cancellation Policy applies to

    that subsequent registration.

    Block 1:

    30 April 4 May 2012

    Block 2:


    Block 3:


    Block 4:


    Program Dates

  • 8/3/2019 AMDP Brochure - Australia


    Program Payment

    The remaining program ee o A$2800 plus GST must be paid in ull no less than 30

    days prior to commencement o the program.

    Method o Payment

    Cheque or Direct Credit Transer


    Pre program

    Pre reading and completion o personal proling tools


    Program delivery 9:00am to 5:15pm Monday to Friday

    Evening debrie 5:15pm to 5:45pm Monday to Friday

    Opening night dinner 7:00pm Monday evening

    Closing night dinner 7:00pm Friday evening

    Post Program

    Submission o x2 assignments

    Submission o x1 strategic work-based report

    Registration Process

    Follow the prompts at

    Your will receive a phone call to conrm your registration and will be sent an invoice

    or payment o deposit