America, Inc - A business plan for our future - 1st draft


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  • 8/3/2019 America, Inc - A business plan for our future - 1st draft


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    Building a betterAmerica today, nottomorrow.

    Michael D. Ballantine

  • 8/3/2019 America, Inc - A business plan for our future - 1st draft


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    America, Inc.

    Executive Summary

    This plan encompasses the desires and wishes of the American people to convert

    their 20th

    century economy based on fossil fuels to a 21st

    century economy based onclean renewable energy. To do this America will make the necessary investments in

    new technologies and restructure its economy to produce goods in a clean-

    environmentally friendly manner. Additionally, America will change its foreign

    policy from an offensive imperialistic stance to a purely defensive stance

    recognizing the rights of other nations as an equal. Further, America will redevelop

    its health care, education, and social programs to reflect its character as a free

    democracy promoting the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    The current economic climate presents a number of challenges that if not faced and

    overcome could leave to a deep depression erasing all the progress the middle

    class has made over the past 60 years. Specifically this nation faces the followingdilemmas:

    Unemployment approaching 20 million workers

    49 million adults without health insurance

    $1 trillion in student loans

    $2 trillion in sub-prime debt currently mired in foreclosure proceedings

    A drop in housing prices equal on average to 32% leaving 25% of

    homeowners underwater

    The continuation of two major conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan

    New conflicts or potential ones in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Pakistan.

    An unresolved crisis between the Palestinians and the Israelis

    The potential failure of the European Economic Union and/or the Euro


    Banks unable or unwilling to lend to small businesses

    A trade currency conflict with China with global ramifications

    A tax policy that is considered unfair by most citizens

    A national deficit exceeding $14 trillion and an annual budget deficit of $1.5


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    A failure rate of inner-city schools approaching 40-50% for minorities

    12 million undocumented workers

    A failed drug policy that has led to nearly 2 million citizens being imprisoned

    A societal clash between the right and left that at times appears ready to split

    the nation

    The wholesale violation of civil rights by the Patriot Act and the TSA

    A feeling that government has been subsumed by corporate interests

    A Congress detached from the electorate

    A general lack of leadership and vision

    Through this document, we will identify the many problems faced by the nation aswell as the desired solutions to remedy them. Once adopted, this document will

    become the blueprint for how we management our government and economy for

    the next 20 years.

    Mission Statement

    Americas mission is to lead the world to a greater understanding of the benefits of

    democracy and the advantages of adopting a clean-environmentally friendly

    lifestyle. To provide the necessary support to all members of its society from the

    young and elderly to the rich and poor.

    Historical Perspective

    In 2008, President Obama was elected to bring change. Despite the pundits

    claims and interpretations of what change meant, it is clear that the people knew

    exactly what they wanted, change. Instead, President Obama largely continued the

    failed policies of his predecessor, President Bush. President Obama failed to close

    Gitmo, end the Iraq war, provide transparency, or a host of other campaign

    promises. Congress, instead of demanding the President honor his promises

    supported him in his quest to cut taxes for the wealthiest 1% at the expense of the

    poorest members of our society. Whereas, President Obama honored his campaign

    pledge to not raise taxes in fact, he did not honor it in deed because a spending cutfor the poor has the same impact as a tax increase. This use of language to defraud

    the public is unacceptable. The most recent manufactured debt crisis was done for

    the sole-purpose of forcing Senior Citizens to accept a cut in a benefit they have

    earned and is in no way in any immediate danger. In fact, the social security trust

    fund is sufficiently funded for the next 20 years. To make matters worse, in

    collusion, neither party is willing to offer a realistic economic plan to solve the many

    problems identified in our Executive Summary.

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    America is loosely governed by two parties with each party alternating the

    Presidency to present a false impression that Americans have an electoral choice. In

    fact, Americans have no or limited influence over who will be the party candidate

    and most Americans feel they are asked to vote on which candidate is not as bad as

    the other instead of who is the best candidate for the job. To offset this lack of

    democracy, Americans Elect has chosen to offer an Internet primary where anypotential office seeker may challenge any other. It is hoped that this model can

    spread to every election held in this great nation.

    In 2007, despite the assurances of Ben Bernanke, this nation entered into a period

    of recession that most believe has not ended and will continue into the forseeable

    future. This downturn was caused by an expansionary policy of the Federal Reserve

    that led to a housing bubble that has resulted in our economy being brought to its

    knees. Despite trillions in quantitative easing, the FED has been unable to reinflate

    the economy. To make any substantive progress it will take fiscal policy to get

    things moving once again. However, someone drug out an old discredited idea that

    you could cut your way to prosperity. The current wisdom among the pundits is

    that by cutting spending and cutting taxes, the US economy will begin to pickup.

    This notion is both fanciful and dangerous. The point of cutting taxes is to put cash

    in the hands of business to spend on new equipment or hire employees. In fact,

    there is $2 trillion in the banks, this means that businesses have plenty of cash.

    The second objective cutting spending will result in a contractionary response by

    consumers affected by the cuts. The two actions together will worsen the deficit,

    cut spending, and push into an official recession. It would be understandable if this

    was the first time but this is exactly the same policy pursued by the Hoover

    Administration precipitating the first great depression.

    Instead, the Congress should follow simple economics and create demand through

    targeted spending on infrastructure projects to create jobs and expand economic

    activity. The Congress has one opportunity to get it right before sending us into

    another death spiral similar to that faced in 1933. To make matters worse millions

    of homeowners are faced with foreclosure. Without jobs, students are overwhelmed

    with substantial debts from university. Finally, there are 49 million American

    workers without health insurance and no prospect of getting it. All of these

    elements are combining to provoke an economic tsunami potentially greater than

    that faced in 1933.

    The campaign to elect Mike Ballantine has developed an economic plan and societalplan to address all these concerns and more. We welcome your ideas, suggestions,

    and criticisms. This plan is to represent the hopes and desires of the American

    people bringing accountability to its leaders. It is a living document and must

    reflect the challenges that we face as a nation.

    The Economy

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    The get the economy going, America needs to first remove the impediments to

    growth, stimulate growth and then support growth long-term. A number of factors

    enter in the equation, specifically, consumer debt, national debt, budget deficit, and

    a lack of credit despite substantial cash deposits.

    Consumer Debt

    At present consumer debt is one of the burdens holding back the economy. With

    house equities collapsing, consumers are unwilling to g further into debt. According

    to the Federal Reserve, there was $2.45 trillion in outstanding consumer debt.

    ( There is another $13.6

    trillion of mortgage debt (

    mortoutstand/current.htm) and sub-prime mortgages make up about 13% of this

    share (

    consequences-on-the-recent-mortgage-market). The final major component of

    consumer debt is student loans which total about $875 billion

    ( To reduce consumer debt and reenergize our economy, I am proposing

    that we write down consumer debts to reflect the realities of the current market.

    Until this debt overhand is removed from the consumer, it will continue to plague

    the market place preventing consumers from purchasing. That is not to say that

    debt forgiveness is fair or equitable only necessary to get the economy moving.

    Currently the FED has certain assets it acquired during its Quantitative Easing

    programs as well as its asset purchases from banks, Fannie and Freddie, and

    student loans. I estimate this amount is somewhere between $5 and 6.5 trillion. I

    propose that we move these assets into a Resolution Trust Corporation much like

    we did in the 80s during the Savings and Loan crisis and identify those withmarketability and those that need written down. I propose we provide debt relief to

    consumers during a 90 day period. Consumers will post on a special website at the

    IRS all their debts that they wish to have considered for a write-down. Priority will

    be given to student loans, sub-prime mortgages, home-owners followed by medical

    bills. There will be an allocation of $5 trillion for this program and will be divided as


    Debt Allocation % of total

    Home Mortgages $12.5 trillion $3,075 trillion 61.5%

    Subprime Mortgages $1.1 trillion $600 billion 12.0%

    Consumer Debt $2.5 trillion $750 billion 15%

    Student Loans $875 billion $575 billion 11.5%

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    There are many reasons to object to this but in reality without some sort of

    forgiveness program, our courts will continue to be clogged with bankruptcy filings

    and new foreclosures will drive housing prices lower.


    Having relieved consumers of an unsustainable debt burden, the next thing blocking

    recovery is jobs. Official unemployment has been hovering at 9.1%. When adding

    in discouraged workers, that number moves up to 14%. Even if we remove some of

    the debt from the unemployed, they cannot start buying again until they have a job.

    With a total work force of 151 million workers, we need to create 20 million jobs

    over 18 months to reduce unemployment to a more sustainable level of 3%. Keep

    in mind that approximately 150,000 workers enter the work force each month.

    Here is the breakdown on how we will create those jobs.

    ProjectNumber of

    workers Project LifePermanent


    Five cities - construction 4,000,000 10 years 1,000,000Transport systems/Hi-speed Rail 2,000,000 10 years 500,000

    Service/support ofconstruction 2,000,000 10 years 3,000,000

    Small Business 1,800,000 10 years 1,800,000

    Textile Factories 1,500,000 10 years 1,200,000

    Software and IT 1,015,000 10 years 1,015,000Restaurant and FoodService 800,000 10 years 800,000

    Electronics Factories 750,000 10 years 350,000

    New Nuclear Reactors 600,000 10 years 200,000

    Hospital and Health Care 600,000 10 years 600,000New Schools -construction 500,000 3 years 50,000

    New Teachers 500,000 10 years 500,000DC Powerlinesconstruction 400,000 5 years 75,000

    Moon Space Program 350,000 3 years 200,000

    Architectural and planning 300,000 10 years 150,000

    Electric Car Factory 300,000 10 years 120,000

    Solar Mirror Farms 300,000 10 years 120,000Renewables 300,000 10 years 225,000

    Pipeline construction 300,000 10 years 50,000

    Hydroponics Farms 250,000 10 years 200,000

    Community Police 250,000 10 years 250,000

    2 - Oil refineries - Detroit 200,000 3 years 75,000

    Oil refinery Gulf Coast 100,000 3 years 75,000

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    2 - Steel Mills 150,000 3 years 75,000

    Mars Space Program 150,000 8 years 150,000Plastics andPetrochemicals 100,000 3 years 50,000

    Tree Planting 100,000 10 years 100,000

    Rare Earth Minerals Mines 125,000 10 years 125,0001 - coal gasificationMidwest 75,000 3 years 35,0001 - coal gasificationKentucky 75,000 3 years 35,000

    1 - Electric battery plant 75,000 3 years 35,0001 - shale oil processingmine 35,000 10 years 35,000

    Totals 20,000,000 13

    These numbers represent estimates and a more detailed analysis will be provided

    for each project in the appendix of the plan. Companies participating in the growth

    plan will be able to borrow at low interest rate or no interest rate for a period up to

    five years depending on the project life. Principal payments will be deferred up to

    five years as well. To participate in this program, all companies must be 50%

    owned by their employees and the Federal government will take a 30% stake to

    represent the taxpayers interest. The Federal government will then offer its stake

    first to the company and then to the market once the loans have started to be

    repaid if financially advantageous to do so.

    We believe that by requiring companies to have employee participation in

    ownership, they will take a stronger interest in the success of the organization,reduce conflicts between management and employees, and prevent the offshoring

    or outsourcing of this work to make sure American companies and workers benefit

    from this program. The Federal government will take an ownership interest much

    like a venture capitalist to enable it to step in if the company fails to meet the

    contracted requirements and enable the tax payer to recover additional earnings to

    offset expected losses. This justifies the taxpayers continued support for the

    program as well as the deferment on the principal payments.

    The expectation is that this program will require $2 trillion its first year, the second

    year, and another $1trillion in the third year. These funds will be raised in the

    market through various bond issues at a market coupon rate. It is anticipated thatwe will need to offer 5 to 6% on the coupon. This type of program is not inflationary

    because we are not issuing new currency. It could cause wage inflation by reducing

    the number of unemployed below the normal unemployment level. If that happens

    then construction on the 5 cities will be adjusted and construction in one or two

    cities will be slowed down. The goal of this program is to bring the American

    economy back to health, not create a roller coaster of booms and busts. An

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    expected criticism is that this program will drive up the cost of money and crowd

    out funding for private enterprise. These are valid points and must be addressed


    Interest Rates and Bank Lending

    As part of this program, the Federal Reserves mandate will change from

    maximizing employment and minimizing inflation, two goals that are sometimes in

    conflict, to the simple goal of maintaining inflation at zero. This is the only way to

    stop the FED from continuing to fund asset bubbles. Currently, the FED is engaged

    in a policy of quantitative easing which has nothing to do with its mandate. The

    FED is attempting to reinflate the housing market, prop up the stock market, and

    maintain interest rates at an artificially low level of zero. Almost no economist

    agrees with the FEDs current policies. One might say Ben Bernanke is grasping at

    straws to fix an economy, whereas to fix the economy, Congress must act.

    It is expected that the FED will resist our move against their traditional

    independence. However, the FED is not acting in the best interest of the economy

    so we propose that the FED be nationalized and reestablished as the Central bank

    of the United States. Once this is done, interest rates will be adjusted to target

    zero% inflation. It is expected that interest rates will increase presenting a fiscal

    crisis for the government as its interest obligations go up on new borrowings. We

    predict that interest rates may go as high as 10% for short periods until the excess

    money that the FED has created in the economy works its way through. Debt

    service will cost between $300 billion and $600 billion and this money will need to

    collected in higher taxes or spending cuts. This is the unfortunate reality of the

    FEDs quantitative easing program over the past 3 years. The sooner we begin to

    accept this reality, the lower the average interest rate will be. Continued delay willresult in a repeat of the 70s when interest rates climbed above 15% Our target for

    interest rates is 2 to 3% providing savers with an incentive to save and invest in our

    infrastructure program.

    In addition to changes at the Federal Reserve, the reserve ratio at banks will be

    adjusted as well. The reserve ratio will be raised from the current low of about 3%

    to 50% to reduce speculative lending that does not create economic activity. The

    margin rate for stocks will also be adjusted to 50%. This will allow the Central Bank

    to regain control of the money supply. The infrastructure bank will provide the

    initial lending necessary to get the economy moving obviating the need for bank

    lending. At this point in time, banks are not lending to businesses only to market

    speculators. Over the course of three years, reserve ratios will be adjusted by the

    Central Bank to reflect the zero% inflation policy. It is anticipated that once housing

    prices stabilize, new construction takes place, and workers begin spending their

    money that economic circumstances will change sufficiently that banks will be more

    willing to take risk and begin lending again.

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    National Debt

    The exact figure of our National Debt at the time of this plans implementation is

    unknown. In August of 2011, it was approximately $14.3 trillion and additional

    borrowings were authorized. For discussion purposes, we will assume that the debt

    will be $16 trillion at the beginning of 2012. To minimize the conflict between theright and the left, no increase in the debt ceiling will be proposed. Instead, excess

    assets held by the FED that were not used in the debt forgiveness program will be

    used to offset short-term financings. This could have been done by the Obama

    Administration and the entire circus surrounding the deficit battle avoided. At

    present, the FED has approximately $2.5 trillion in Treasury Notes on its books as

    well as its income stream from the interest on the notes. This money will be used to

    fund any immediate needs faced by the government until a budget package can be

    approved. With our promise to end troop deployments overseas, it is expected that

    substantial savings could be realized within the first 6 months offsetting the

    ongoing budget problem. Here is a chart showing the interest burden at different

    average rates of interest in billions on the National Debt:

    Total DebtInterest

    RateTotal Payment































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    When one looks at this chart, one can begin to appreciate the true scale of our

    problem. Congress knows that zero% interest rates are impossible to sustain. If

    Interest rates were to rise to 10% it would absorb all the domestic spending and

    military spending leaving nothing for the American people. Congress does not want

    to cut social security to make it solvent, they need to cut social security to pay the

    interest on their profligate spending. This is the real problem faced by Americans,

    not the deficit or unemployment, if interest rates go up, it will be impossible to pay

    the bill without shutting down the government. We will explore solutions to this

    problem later in our analysis. The first thing we need to do is get control of our

    currency and stop the red ink from taking us further into this black hole.

    Health Care

    Currently, America provides its health care through a patchwork of programs

    including private insurance paid for by individuals or companies, government

    funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, or simply out of pocket by

    consumers unable to afford private health insurance but not eligible for government

    assistance. Most children and most of our elderly are covered by some form of

    insurance but there remains 49 million uninsured Americans. President Obama

    attempted to reform our health insurance through existing providers, unfortunately

    his program depends on requiring individuals to purchase health insurance through

    private providers. Many feel this goes beyond the powers expressed in the

    constitution and the Supreme Court will soon begin to investigate this issue and

    determine the governments right to require the uninsured to purchase privateinsurance.

    It is our position that what is known as Obamacare does not address the

    fundamental flaws of our current health care system. Assuming that people are

    required to purchase insurance, what happens if they are unemployed, unable to

    work, or decide not to pay? Further, the main problem with health care today is

    that it is too expensive and Obamacare does not address the cost side of the

    problem, only the revenue side. That is why we propose Medicare for all (MFA)

    MFA would address the current access issue and provide the same standard of

    coverage for everyone. This is not meant to be an all encompassing program andindividuals are free to purchase supplemental coverage through private providers.

    What it does is answer the question about what to do if people dont pay and it will

    lower costs. MFA lowers costs by taking the profits out of health insurance and

    simplifies hospital and doctors paperwork by consolidating everything to one

    program, reducing costs across the system. Further, this can be a simple legislative

    exercise of simply extending care to everyone without having to negotiate the types

    of benefits, the expected standards, etc. That work has already been done. In fact,

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    the only real debate will be why some Republicans feel we need to continue to

    burden America with a grossly ineffective program that neither works nor provides

    equal access to health care. The problem is how to pay for it.

    National Sales Tax

    Currently, Medicare and Medicaid are paid for through a mix of state and federal

    taxes including employee payroll deductions. Then depending on where one works,

    employers may pay nothing or 100% of the cost of health care. Employers have

    used this carrot as a benefit to attract and keep employees. It has the perverse

    effect of forcing employees to work in jobs they dont like just to get health care.

    Further, if the employer lays someone off, that worker is faced with huge COBRA

    payments just when finances have become more difficult to manage. This is stupid.

    If someone came to you and asked you to design a payment scheme would anyone

    actually dream of such an inefficient method or would one try to streamline it to

    reduce costs.

    One of the arguments by many tax payers is that they do not want to subsidize

    people who do not do their fair share of work. They feel that these people are

    getting a free ride and should accept the consequences of their decisions. There is

    some truth to that notion but the practical implications of abandoning people simply

    because they had a run of bad luck seems more 18th century than 21st century. We

    propose an alternative financing mechanism that is truly fair to all. Everybody pays

    and everybody benefits if we use a National Sales Tax. Everyone is a consumer and

    everyone eventually needs health care.

    We propose a tax of 15% on all purchases excluding fruit, vegetables, and dairy

    products. When purchasing large-ticket items, the tax could be spread out over aset period and collected as part of a loan agreement. Without working through the

    minutia of our economy, lets take a look at the big picture. The American economy

    is roughly $15 trillion per year. Of that, $2.3 trillion is spent on health care. If our

    MFA program captured the entire health care program, Americans would see a cost

    reduction of about 5% or about $115 billion a year. Where most people come from,

    $115 billion is a lot of money. To fund MFA, the National Sales Tax would need to

    raise $2.2 trillion each year. 15% of $15 trillion is $2.25 trillion. No program is

    perfect and the final numbers will need to be adjusted to reflect reality but in

    general terms, this works.

    One of the arguments will be that it will cause massive inflation as people now haveto dig deeper to cover the extra 15%. There is some truth to that. To counter the

    inflationary impact, we propose to increase social security payments by 10% as well

    as the earned income credit for the poor. As employers reduce prices or return

    some of the savings to their employees, prices will fall or incomes will go up. It is a

    one-time expense and once we move to the new spending level, it will be mostly

    forgotten. Consumers can adjust their spending habits and prioritize their spending

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    on goods they need. This program could be implemented in 90 days with almost no

    major road-block except the negative impact on health insurance company stock


    To help in the transition, the Federal government will absorb health insurance

    companies processing centers to transition health records and related employees toeither positions in the Federal government or assist with retraining to other needed

    employment positions in the economy. This will avoid mass layoffs and cushion the

    impact of substantially reducing the health insurance industry.

    When the original Medicare program was adopted, there was a lot of hand wringing.

    Now we have a proven program with sufficient foundation that we can expand upon

    and benefit from. Whereas, some people may have less coverage than they have

    today, we will provide coverage for 49 million Americans. Those that want

    additional coverage remain free to purchase any number of supplementary

    Medicare products available to seniors now.

    Getting these programs past Congress

    Consumer debt forgiveness, creating 20 million jobs, and Medicare for all are part

    and parcel of total package to put America on the road to prosperity. We would

    present it as a package deal. Congress would be asked to authorize $5 trillion

    funding from the assets of the Federal Reserve to be transferred to a Resolution

    Trust Corp (RTC) that would be mandated to use these funds to reduce consumer

    debt under the following formulas; 60% for home mortgages underwater, 12% for

    resolving the sub-prime mess, 12% for student loans, and 16% for consumer

    credit/medical bills. The RTC would be directed to rewrite home mortgages involved

    in the program according to the payment policies of FHA, to write down the first$10,000 of every students student loan and up to 50% of the remaining balance,

    and to give preference to unpaid medical bills in writing down consumer loans. This

    program will last for a period of 6 months with participants having 90 days to

    submit claims and another 90 days to verify eligibility. Any remaining funds will be

    used to reduce the National Debt. It is hoped that all obligations could be

    restructured and resolved in one year.

    The jobs program will be administered through a new American Infrastructure

    Bank a branch of the Federal Reserve Bank. This bank/agency will be authorized

    to borrow $2 trillion each year for the two years and $1 trillion the third year to fund

    new infrastructure, new factories, and fund business start-ups according to therequirements that companies that are 50% or more owned by employees will

    receive preferential rates and repayment terms and that the government will take a

    30% interest in any company receiving financial support from the bank. The

    interest rate subsidy will be offset by a new financial transaction tax of $.25 per

    transaction on Wall St.

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    The final part of the package will be the Medicare for All program and the National

    Sales Tax. These programs are relatively simple and the details will be determined

    by the agencies and programs themselves reducing the ability of Congress to either

    weigh these bills down with lots of other programs or reject one without rejecting all

    three. This package will be presented on the second day of office of this Presidency

    after having gone 30 days online to allow the people to comment and vote on it.Not only will it have the weight of a mandate from winning the election, it will have

    the strength of the nation behind it. This package will be presented without going

    to committee directly to the floor of the House. Debate will be limited to insure a

    vote within two weeks. The bill will then move to the Senate and will follow the

    budgetary rule of 51% approval limiting the ability of a filibuster. If either party of

    Congress refuses to pass the bill after the American people have given their

    blessing, the President will call for a Nationwide strike, a boycott against

    corporation backing individual Congressmen voting against and a million people in

    every capital of the nation. There is nothing more important than getting our

    economy moving again. The refusal of Congress to take action is tantamount to

    Congress trying to reverse the results of the election. Whereas, this President is

    willing to compromise and explore alternatives, the President believes that America

    no longer has the time to wait on fundamental action in these three areas.

    Structural Budget Problems

    There are a number of structural problems in our current budget. Some of these

    are legacy problems whereas others result from the economic downturn. The

    current funding problem for Social Security relates directly to the reducing payroll

    taxes caused by too many unemployed and efforts to boost the economy through

    tax holidays. We believe this programs funding issues will resolve themselves after

    we create 20 million new jobs providing us with time to address this problem in


    The Federal Budget is comprised of the following groups of expenditures:

    In Billions Obama'sAmerica


    Budget Budget

    Budget Outlays 2012 2012

    Mandated Programs

    Social Security 762 762

    Medicare 504 2200

    Medicaid 274 0

    TARP 10 10

    Other Mandatory Programs 532 532

    Subtotal 2082 3504

    Net Interest 340 660

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    Discretionary Programs

    Security/Defense 850 300

    Non-security 490 440

    Interest Subsidy for Jobs Bank 125

    Education 0 100NASA 0 100

    Renewables (Batteries, Trees,etc) 0 75

    Subtotal 1340 1140

    Total Outlays 3762 5304


    National Sales Tax (15%) 1700

    Individual Income Taxes 1271 1200

    - New jobs 52

    - Millionaire Tax 100

    - Reverse Bush Tax Cut 225

    Corporate Income Taxes 333 535

    Social Security Payroll Taxes 720 820

    Medicare Payroll Taxes 208 0

    Unemployment Insurance 66 66

    Other retirement 9 9

    - Financial Transaction tax 150

    Excise taxes 83 89- Tariffs (China, Oil Imports) 236

    Estate and gift taxes 21 21

    Customs Duties 33 33

    Federal Reserve Earnings 67 50

    Other earnings 18 18

    Subtotal 2829 5304

    Deficit/Surplus 933 0

    The Obama budget shows a deficit of $933 billion for fiscal year 2012. We believe

    that is both unrealistic, impossible to finance, and will result in the further

    depreciation of our currency. Our path to fiscal probity requires spending cuts as

    well as tax increases. We believe that when people compare our proposed budget

    to the unsustainable budget of the Obama administration, they will support the

    changes we propose.

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    Changes in the tax code

    The movement from Medicare paid by employee taxes to one paid through a

    national sales tax moves has the biggest impact on the budget by decreasing

    revenues from employee and employer contributions. The second major tax change

    is a movement to a more progressive tax rate based on no tax due on the first$50,000 of personal earnings. In the process, we would eliminate all itemized

    deductions and personal exemptions. For every additional $1,000 earned, a wage

    earner would pay an additional tax of .1% increasing progressively every $1,000.

    The adoption of this tax policy automatically will cancel the Bush tax cuts. Here is a

    sample chart to show the tax effect on wage earners.

    Wage Tax RateTotal Effective

    Income TaxIncomeTax

    50,000 0.00%

    - 0.0%51,000 0.10%

    51.00 0.1%

    52,000 0.20%

    104.00 0.2%

    53,000 0.30%

    159.00 0.3%

    54,000 0.40%

    216.00 0.4%

    55,000 0.50%

    275.00 0.5%

    56,000 0.60%

    336.00 0.6%57,000 0.70%

    399.00 0.7%

    58,000 0.80%

    464.00 0.8%

    59,000 0.90%

    531.00 0.9%

    60,000 1.00%

    600.00 1.0%

    70,000 2.00%

    1,400.00 2.0%

    80,000 3.00%


    ,400.00 3.0%90,000 4.00%

    3,600.00 4.0%

    100,000 5.00%

    5,000.00 5.0%

    150,000 10.00%

    15,000.00 10.0%

    2 15.00% 30, 15.0%

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    00,000 000.002

    50,000 20.00%50,

    000.00 20.0%3

    00,000 25.00%75,

    000.00 25.0%3

    50,000 30.00%105,

    000.00 30.0%4

    00,000 35.00%140,

    000.00 35.0%4

    50,000 40.00%180,

    000.00 40.0%

    500,000 45.00%

    225,000.00 45.0%

    1,000,000 50.00%

    500,000.00 50.0%

    1,000,001 95.00%

    500,000.95 50.0%

    Do develop a more accurate representation, an analysis must be performed at

    different income levels. The objective of this tax policy is to encourage investment

    and discourage taking income. Those earning income above $1,000,000 will be

    taxed at 95%. This figure could be adjusted to achieve the budgetary goal of

    increasing tax receipts by $100 billion per year from this group. The primary tax

    policy will be adjusted to yield $1.2 trillion in receipts to meet our targeted budget

    number and minimize the average impact on most Americans. The biggest change

    is the removal of mortgage interest deduction. This will be offset by the consumer

    debt relief program. The end of the state and local tax deduction is offset by

    removing the requirement for states to contribute to Medicare and Medicaid.Without health insurance, there is no longer a need to itemize medical expenses.

    To support investment, short-term capital gains will be taxed as ordinary income.

    Long term capital gains will be taxed according to a sliding scale based on the

    length of the holding and the personal tax rate of the tax filer. Here is a sample of

    the tax chart:

    Year Tax Rate

    1 30.00%2 25.00%3 20.00%4 15.00%

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    5 10.00%6 8.00%7 6.00%

    8 4.00%9 2.00%10 0.00%

    For savings and time deposits, there would be no income tax.

    The objectives of our tax policy is to promote investment in the US economy, not

    reward investors for investing overseas. Further, we want to end ridiculous CEOpay that does not reflect their true contribution to the business of the corporation.

    Another major change is corporate tax policy. Corporations earning less than

    $300,000 will be taxed according to the personal income tax code or at the

    discretion of the owners according to the current S-Corp rules. Corporations

    earning more than $300,000 will be taxed at two rates on all earnings.

    Corporations that are at least 50% owned by employees will pay a flat tax on all

    earnings of 25%. Corporations that are not at least 50% owned will pay a flat tax of

    50% on all earnings. This will avoid the potential for a corporation to pay less tax

    than the employees that work there. Special tax credits and accelerated

    depreciation schedules that distort economic activity will be eliminated. Interestexpense deductions will be limited to 50% of EBIT to encourage companies to build

    more equity in the business and rely less on debt to conduct their business. Start-

    up companies will receive a five-year waiver on interest expense rules. The

    objective of this policy is to increase corporate taxes by $200 billion each year and

    will be adjusted based on GAO projections.

    Projected Savings

    We believe that America must have a strong defense. The change between

    President Obamas defense budget and our defense budget is the ending of

    overseas deployments. We will recall 90% of our men in uniform and close 90% ofour overseas facilities in 90 days. The remaining troops will be responsible for

    returning equipment and property owned by the US taxpayer. We will identify 50

    bases that will remain open to support humanitarian relief and peace keeping

    activities. These bases will be staffed by no more than 10,000 troops worldwide.

    It is our belief that US presence overseas creates more conflicts than it solves.

    Further, with $16 trillion in debt that must be paid, we can no longer afford a

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    military strategy that calls for fighting two regional conflicts at a time. We will

    adopt a strategy that calls for no fighting overseas unless one of our allies comes

    under direct military assault. We will not anticipate hostilities thereby causing them

    to occur. Our defense budget and homeland security budget will be pegged at 2%

    of GDP inline with other major nations. Currently, China spends an estimated $120

    billion each year and Russia spends an estimated $70 billion a year. Our spendingwill still be 150% higher than our two closest rivals. Military spending over the past

    decade is directly responsible for the high National Debt that we currently face. In

    fact, had we followed a more realistic policy during the past decade, our National

    Debt would be half of what it is today and we would not be faced with National

    Bankruptcy. The cold war ended 30 years ago and now it is time to acknowledge

    that fact.

    Bases of operations to be closed within 90 days include all bases in Iraq,

    Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf, South Korea, Japan, Colombia, former Soviet states,

    Germany, Italy, the UK, and Guantanamo Bay. Other bases will be prioritized based

    on time, personnel and material availability. Without a true threat facing this

    nation, maintaining an overseas base network is superfluous, expensive, and a

    waste of national treasure.

    To soften the blow to the defense industry, it is our intention to increase funding to

    support an aggressive space industry. Money previously allocated for purchase of

    arms and munitions will be redeployed to our Moon and Mars programs. We

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    anticipate redirecting $100 billion in this fashion. We will reduce the number of

    uniformed troops by mothballing at least 6 carrier groups, reducing the Army to its

    special operations units and one combined arms division. We will cut the Air-Force

    by 30% but there will be no cuts for the Marines. Our special forces units and

    Marines are necessary to fight an enemy employing unconventional warfare. Our

    budget will concentrate on this type of military environment as opposed to theprevious large land scale wars of Iraq or expected wars against the former Soviet


    America will maintain a policy of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other

    countries. We will only engage in deployments for humanitarian or peace-keeping

    operations. There will be no wars to prevent wars or non-kinetic military adventures

    under this administration. We need to rebuild our relationship in the international

    arena and this is the first step.

    To further build relations overseas, America will unilaterally reduce its nuclear

    warhead inventory to 500 warheads and transfer the plutonium to the spaceprogram. We will negotiate with Russia and other countries on further reductions

    with a goal to reduce the potential that these weapons could ever be used. We will

    suspend all arms exports and ask our partners to do the same to reduce the

    potential for conflict worldwide. Unless America leads, no one will follow. By

    putting our money where our mouth is, we believe the rest of the world will follow

    us and usher in a new age of peace.


    Neighborhood schools

    National Standards

    Minority Teachers

    Funding for inner-city schools

    Block grants

    College financial aid


    Moon program

    Mars program

    Solar panels in space

    Moon mining for Helium-3

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    Construction of Solar Mirror Farms

    Geothermal Projects

    Electric Cars

    Lithium Batteries

    Wind/wave projects

    Solar panels

    Biodiesel from algae

    Biodiesel from biomass


    Construction of DC power grid

    Construction of 20 nuclear reactors

    Development of Thorium as a nuclear fuel source


    Investment in technologies to make tar sand exploitation cleaner

    Investment in technologies to make shale-oil exploitation cleaner

    Ending fracking

    Investing in technologies to remove CO2 from exhaust



    End subsidies for Corn Ethanol production

    Allow the import of sugar based ethanol as a substitute

    Plant 250 million trees a year

    Develop hydroponic gardens and vertical gardens in all major cities adjacent

    to power plants

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    Promote organic farming and end the attempt by regulators to put small

    farmers out of business

    Create new water treatment processes

    Require farmers to use more drip-irrigation in their fields to reduce water

    demands on western aquifers.

    Homeland Security

    Broken up and divided into different departments

    End the TSA and require airports to provide own security

    Department Consolidation

    Re-empower the Commerce department to manage 20 year planning

    Bring Departments of labor, transport, energy, agriculture, and EP under it

    Department of Justice

    Create a panel to investigate war crimes by former leaders

    Create a panel to challenge laws that discriminate

    Decriminalize drugs

    Reclassify Marijuana as equivalent to tobacco

    Issue pardons to all imprisoned non-violent drug offenders

    o Promote treatment and counseling

    Create a new national civil union law

    Department of State

    Change work permit laws for Mexico and Canada

    o Any Mexican or Canadian that has an employer sponsor will be issued

    a one-year work permit, renewable annually, $250.

    Allow all Mexican and Canadian passport holders an automatic 6 month visa

    Increase the number of H1B visas to 500,000, give priority to students

    graduating from US colleges/universities.

    Foreign Policy

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    o Israel/Palestine

    o Arab Spring nations

    o African wars

    o Relations with Russia joint Moon/Mars program

    o China tariffs, human rights

    o India reducing nuclear weapons

    o Pakistan policy reset

    o Brazil increase trade

    o Cuba normalize relations

    o Venezuela normalize relations

    o Japan sell a carrier group or two?

    o ASEAN promote clean energy development

    Constitutional Convention

    Vice-President to promote a convention to amend the constitution and make

    it a 21st century document


    Line-Item Veto

    Publicly financed elections

    Increase the number of Representatives

    Define a person

    Repeal the 17th amendment