Amrita bhalatka


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BOTANICAL NAME: Semecarpus anacardium Linn. f.

FAMILY Anacardiaceae

SYNONYMS Bhallataka, Arushkara, Agnimukha, Agnika, Bhalli, Viravriksha, Shophakrit, Bhallata.

VERNACULAR NAMES Eng.- Marking nut tree, Oriental cashew. Hindi- Bhilawa, Bhela. Beng.- Bhela, Bhelatuki. Guj.- Bhilamu. Kan.- Bhallataka, Goddugeru, Karigeri, Bhallika. Ma1.- Chera, Cheru, Alakkucheru. Mar.- Bibba, Bhilava. Punj.- Bhilawa, Bhela, Bhiladar. Tam.- Tatamkottai, Scramkotati, Senkottai, Erimugi, Shayrang, Sherankottai. Te1.- Nallajidi, Nallajidiginga, Bhalatamu, Jidi, Bhallataki. Arab.- Beladin, Habbul-fahm, Hab-el-kalb. Assam- Bhelaguti, Bhala, Bholaguti. Oriya- Bhollataki, Bholai, Balia, Bhollia. Pers.- Biladur. Santhal - Saso. Urdu- Baladuc Bhilavan.

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION A moderate sized, deciduous tree, 12-15 m high. Leaves simple, 17.5-60.0 cm long and 5-20 cm broad, obovate-oblong, glabrous above, ashy grey or buff and pubescent beneath. Flowers small, dull greenish yellow, dioecious, in terminal panicles. Drupes 2-5 cm long, obliquely ovoid, smooth, shining, black when ripe, situated on fleshy orange coloured receptacle.

DISTRIBUTION It is found in the outer Himalayas from the Sutlej to Sikkim and fairly common throughout the hotter parts of India.

PARTS USED Fruit, gum, oil

ACTIONS AND USES The fruits are astringent, nervine, escharotic, emollient, digestive, carminative, appetiser, anthelmintic, purgative, liver tonic, respiratory stimulant, expectorant, alterant, aphrodisiac, antiarthritic, depurative, vermifuge,

stimulant, urinary astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cardiotonic, uterine stimulant, sudorific, febrifuge, rejuvenating and tonic. They are useful in beriberi, cancer, sciatica, rheumatism, palsy, epilepsy, nervous debility, neurotic cardiac disorders, neuritis, cough, asthma, dyspepsia, constipation, flatulence, colic, haemorrhoids, helminthiasis especially hookworms, liver disorders, splenopathy, leprosy, leucoderma, scaly skin eruptions, inflammations, fever, diabetes, dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, syphilis, scrofula, turnours, ulcers and general debility. The gum exuding from the bark is useful in scrofula, venereal diseases and leprous affections. Oil is powerful antiseptic and cholagogue. It is used in scaly skin eruptions like psoriasis and leucoderma.

AYURVEDIC PROPERTIES Rasa - Katu, Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura Guna - Laghu, Snigdha, Teekshna Veerya - Ushna Vipaka - Madhura Doshaghnata - Kaphavatashamaka Rogaghnata - Indralupta, Mastishkadaurbalya, Nadidaurbalya, Apasmara, Gridhrasi, Urustambha, Amavata, Vatavyadhi, Pakshaghata, Agnimandya, Vibandha, Anaha, Gulma, Udara, Pleehodara, Grahani, Arsha, Krimi, Hriddaurbalya, Granthishotha, Kasa, Shwasa, Prameha, Shukradaurbalya, Dhwajabhanga, Kashtartava, Kushtha, Shwitra, Vatarakta, Vrana, Jwara, Daurbalya, Pleehavriddhi Karma - Pittavardhaka, Sphotajanaka, Sheetaprashamana, Vishaghna, Medhya, Nadibalya, Deepana, Pachana, Bhedann, Yakriduttejaka, Krimighna, Hridayottejaka, Shothahara, Kaphanissaraka, Vrishya, Kamottejaka, Shukrasravavridhikara, Vajikarana, Garbhashayottejaka, Swedajanana, Kushthaghna, Jwaraghna, Rasayana, Chhedana Doses - Oil - 10-20 drops; Fruit - 1-2 gm in Kshirapaka form.

SIDDHA PROPERTIES Siddha Name: - Chenkottai, Vallaathi,Erimugi, Nandhi vidai, Poothanasanam, Sombalam, Virasagi, Tembarai, Kalagam Suvai (Taste): - Kaippu (Bitter) Veeriyam (Potency): - Veppam (Hot) Vipakam (Transformation): - Karppu (Pungent) Ceikai (Pharmacological action): - Udalthetri (Alterative), Punnakki

(Caustic) Gunam (Uses): - Leprosy, Tuberculosis,, Leucoderma, Piles, Vatha diseases and Gastric ulcer. Siddha Pharmaceutical Preparations: - Serankottai nei, Rasaganthi Mezhugu, Idivallathi, Mahavallathi ilagam, Nandi Mezhugu, Neeranda Sanjeevi thylum.

PHARMACOGNOSY The fruit is laterally flattened, kidney shaped, drupaceous nut with a fleshy pear-shaped receptacle, dark brown, generally 2.5-3 cm long, obliquely ovoid, smooth, shining green. When ripe, the nut becomes black and the receptacle orange coloured. The pericarp is differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp. In longitudinal section the pericarp shows a single layered epidermis covered with thick cuticle. The epidermal cells get radially elongated and lignified as the fruit matures. Characteristic glands are found in the pericarp which arise as small protuberances in epicarp and exude oil globules due to pressure exerted by the cells of mesocarp. The mesocarp is a broad zone, 30-40 layers thick and composed mostly of parenchymatous cells, lysigenous cavities and fibro-vascular bundles. Rosette crystals of calcium oxalate are scattered in parenchymatous cells. The lysigenous cavities are formed by dissolution of parenchymatous cells. They increase in size with maturity of fruit and contain an acrid and irritant yellowish oily secretion. The endocarp consists of two distinct layers; the inner most is prismatic layer, which is very much elongated, columnar, compactly arranged, thick walled and lignified, the lateral walls being highly thickened. The outer layer is shorter and thinner than prismatic layer, but the cells are similar to the former.

PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Total ash- Not more than 4%; Acid-insoluble ash- Not more than 0.5%; Alcohol- soluble extractive- Not less than 11%; Water-soluble extractive- Not less than 5%.

CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS Bhilawanol and anacardoside (oil and seeds); nicotinic acid, riboflavine, thiamine and the essential amino acids-arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, pheynylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine (fruits); bhilawanol (mixture of 1,2-dihydroxy-3-(pentadecenyl-8')-benzene- and 1,2- dihydroxy-3-(pentadecadienyl-8', 11')-benzene,biflavan-tetrahydrorobusta-

flavone - and tetrahydroamentoflavone, biflavanoids A,B and C, latter two characterised as 3',8-binaringenin and 3',8-biliquiritigenin, nallaflavone (nuts); semecarpus biflavanone B, biflavonoid-jeediflavanone, galluflavanone, sernecarpuflavancne, anacardic acid, aromatic amines, bhilawanol ( l - pentadeca-A-enyl-2,3-dihydroxybenzene) and 1-pentadeca-A-dienyl-2,3- dihydroxybenzene (nut shell); amentoflavone (leaves); linoleic, myristic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids (kernel oil); anacardic acid, cardol, catechol, anacardol, fixed oil, semecarpol, bhilawanol (plant).

PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES Anticancer, antitumour, antioxidant, antiinflarnmatory, analgesic, anti-arthritic, hypotensive, antispasmodic, antiallergic, nematicidal, immunosuppresive, antineoplastic, cytotoxic, cytoprotective, hypocholesterolemic, antibacterial, moderate analgesic, immunomodulatory, cardiac depressant.

TOXICOLOGY In an acute toxicity study of Anacarcin forte-prepared from S. anacardium, the oral LD,, (72h) of the drug in rats and rabbits was more than 40 glkg In drug treated rabbits the bone marrow was hypocellular with reduced myelopoiesis and thrombopoiesis. Rats treated with the drug revealed variable changes in the bone-marrow ranging from hypocellularity to hypercellularity and impaired maturity of granulopoietic elements and megakaryocytes.

THERAPEUTIC EVALUATION Milk decoction of the nuts was administered orally to 120 patients of rheumatoid arthritis for 27 days. Very good symptomatic relief was observed in 65% of the patients. Toxicity symptoms were very common in females as compared to males. Clinical trials of the drug, Bhallataka Vati (Semecarpus anacardium) have shown spectacular effects on patients suffering from amavata. Clinical trials have shown that the combined therapy with the three drugs, viz. Bhallatak (Semecarpus nnacardium), Gourakh (Dalbergia lanceolaria) and Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) in osteo-arthritis, frozen shoulder and sciatica, has better effects than the individual drugs. Clinical trials of the drugs, Bhallataka (Setnecarpus anacardium), Gourakh (Dalbergia lanceolaria) and Guggulu (Cornmiphora mukul) have shown a definitive evidence of improvement in patients suffering from rheumatic arthritis.

A study was conducted with Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium) to assess its utility in sciatica. Bhallataka was purified and given orally in different dose schedules. The results were encouraging and the optimum dose was found to be 4 g/day. This dose was found highly effective in Gridhrasi (sciatica). A controIIed clinical trial was conducted with milk decoction of Selnccarpus anacardium in 20 patients of rheumatoid arthritis, 15 patients of ankylosing spondilitis, 25 cases of sciatica and 6 cases of knee joint arthritis. Among the 25 cases of sciatica of variable etiology treated with the drug and cases due to primary idiopathic sciatic neuritis responded well to the therapy while those due to osteoarthritis of lumbar spine showed mild to moderate improvement. Anacardium forte- Bhilawa nuts and seeds in proportion of 1:200 was found to be beneficial in giving clinical relief to cancer patients, improves general condition and increases life span. No unpleasant or toxic symptoms were observed in any case. A clinical trial was conducted on 30 diagnosed cases of rheumatoid arthritis (Amavata). The patients treated with 'Amrit Bhallataka' as Naimittika Rasayana revealed significant symptomatic relief and functional recovery in the joints. It also caused psychological improvement with change in haematological picture with decrease in E.S.R. after the therapy. Improvement in gastro-intenstinal functions was also noted. Experimental studies on the anti-cancer activity of the nut juice showed that oral administration to cancer patients, particularly those suffering from oesophageal and mouth cancer, is beneficial in providing clinical improvement, symptomatic relief and extension of survival time; no untoward or toxic effects have been observed. Extracts obtained by boiling the nut in milk have proved useful in the treatment of sciatica. Bhilawan nut has been tried also against ankylostomiasis and proved beneficial in a large number of cases.

FORMULATIONS AND PREPARATIONS Bhallataka rasayana, Bhallatakadi modaka, Amrita bhallataka leha, Sanjivani vati, Tilarushkara yoga, Bhallataka ghrita, Bhallatakadi kvatha, Bhallatakavaleha.

TRADE AND COMMERCE Retail market price- Seeds- Rs. 201- per kg (1999).

PROPAGATION AND CULTIVATION It is propagated by seeds. Having poor viability the seeds should be sown soon after collection. Seedlings are frost-sensitive but have good power of recovery; they are found to damp off at a tender stage. The tree is a moderate shade-bearer and coppices well. It tolerates variety of soils and climatic conditions.


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