An endangered species is one that is getting close to extinction


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 An endangered species is one that is getting close to


Endangered Species Top Ten List!

According to the World Wildlife Federation, these are the ten most endangered species on earth.

Asian Elephant

• The Asian elephant is classified as an endangered species due to a reduction of at least 50% of the Asian elephant population over the last three generations

Asiatic Cheetah

• The Asiatic cheetah is classified as a critically endangered species due to an estimated population of less than 50 mature individuals,.

• Asiatic cheetahs can be found in Iran.

• The tiger is classified as an endangered species due to its population declining to 1413 within three generations due to exploitation.


Corroboree frog

• As of June 2004 it had an estimated adult population of 64.

Crocodile newt

• It is also called tylototriton verrucosus.

• It is found in mountains of south- east and southern asia.

Sun bear

• Barely reaching 1.5m( 5ft ) in height, is the smallest of the bear family.


• Fossas walk in flat footed manner on their soles, like bears, rather than on their toes, like cats

• Less than 2500 in number

Komodo dragon

• This is the world’s largest lizard. the huge form of the komodo dragon belies the speed in which it can move.

• Only about 4000 to 5000 living population


• Koalas have dense grey fur ,which is paler on their undersides.

Bald uakari

• Bald uakaris have hairless, red fringed with shaggy fur, hence their name.

• They will be no more of these animals for your grand children to see.

Efforts to conserve

Efforts have been made the world over .

We have had some cases of increase in numbers due to conscious conservation methods.

Successful Cases of Conservation

• Bald Eagle (increased from 417 to 9,250 pairs between 1963 and 2006)

Gray Whale (increased from 13,095 to 26,635 whales between 1968 and 1998)

Grizzly bear (increased from about 271 to over 580 bears in the Yellowstone area between 1975 and 2005)

Help Save the Animals!

You Can Help

• Say No to Fur.

• Don’t buy peacock feathers.

• Do not indulge in buying items made of ivory.

• Don’t buy crocodile bags and shoes.

• Do your bit .

Wildlife is Mother Nature’s greatest treasure,

To protect it, we must take every measure.

Presented by

• Abhey , Anubhav and Namrah
