Asheboro Magazine, December 2010, Vol. 1, Iss. 5



With all of the Christmas celebrations, Hanukkah parties, and general merriment that this time of year brings, please take a moment to remember those that are less fortunate . Give of yourself just a little more to show how grateful you are for what you have. Pick up an ornament at Walgreens and let a Senior Citizen know that we care about them, and they aren’t forgotten at this time of year. Adopt a family less fortunate through any number of wonderful programs offered here and in Randolph County, and make their smiles brighter on Christmas morning. Volunteer your time at your church or other civic organization if they are feeding people who might otherwise not get a hot meal on Christmas Day. Whatever you choose to do, as little or as much as you are able to do, it will make someone’s Christmas that much brighter.

Citation preview

December 2010 • Vol. 1 • Iss. 5 Complimentary




The Future is Now!

feature storyDaniel “Homeless” Mustard

One Day at A Time

zoo zealforest aviary

community character

janet harllee

local holiday shopping guide - page 23-26

dr. roma cheek d.d.sliving the dream

3  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year


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4   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

  table of contents  december 2010


dr. roma cheek d.d.s

living the dream

departments6      letters fromthepublisher

7      letters fromthemayor

8      editorial dave2.0beta

12    community news-the arts artistgazing-thefiguresofartistCass


16    community news harmonizetheworld

21    citizen journalism lightattheendofthetunnel

22    asheboro friendly faces32    the cellar thomasjeffersonwashere

33    wine pairing recipe strawberrypeachstuffedfrenchtoast

34  community character janetharllee

36  daily devotion spongenosesmartyfins

37      community news originalcomicbookarttobeauctioned

forcharity christianmusiciansdonatetime& talenttofeedthehungry

38    zoo zeal zoo’sforestaviarywarmswinter’schill

40    restaurant review bistro42

42    business buzz josephsandpottery

44    community events46    going green partofthesolution

home for christmas


lets talk: the giving heart

one day at a time

At the base of a granite outcropping, carved with scenesof men and women, one at the wheel of a schooner, somehaulingnets,allbeingwatchedoverbyacelestialbeing,sitsasmall25yearoldmotorhome.

Some people are bornknowing what they wantto do with their life. It’s acalling, and the desire faroutweighs the challenges.Dentistry was like that forDr.RomaCheek.

DanielMustardgrewupinatraditionalhomeinHollywood,California. Hisyoungeryearswererifewithabusefromhismother. Because of this, he started drinking when he wasonlytenyearsold.




local holiday shopping guidepages 23-26


5  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

PUBLISHERSherry B. Johnson, ext

VP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTDavid A. Johnson, ext. 801



www.asheboromagazine .comT |336.698.3889

F | 866.559.2920

Content deadline for the Januaryedition is December 27, 2010.

Asheboro Magazine is published monthly by Crown Harbor Marketing, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above.

Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Asheboro Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.




The Future is Now!

Asheboro Magazine’s printed distribution is 3,000 copies. It

is hand-delivered to the upscale neighborhoods in Asheboro

which is roughly 1,000 homes. The other 2,000 editions are distributed through high-end retails locations, the library, hotels and other high-traffic

areas. Additionally, Asheboro Magazine is available online in

digital page-turner format where it is read by approximately

8,000 people.

Bianca Taylor

BiancaTylerisanaward-winningTVjournalist,radioshow host, entrepreneur and “Momversationalist™.”Her #1 job is proud mother of a teen and aKindergartner! Visit her Web site at www.TheLetsTalkMom.comtolistentoherradiobroadcastsabout Life, Love and Parenting – with her husband,Phillip–andtolearnmoreaboutempoweringyourselfby“FindingYourBrightSpot.”

Rev. Peter Panagore

Reverend Peter Baldwin Panagore of,is a native of Massachusetts, graduated with a Mastersof Divinity degree in Divinity from Yale University inNew Haven, Connecticut and with a B.A. in Englishfrom the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. St.John’s High School of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, anXaverianBrotherssponsoredschool,providedhimwithhispreparatoryschooleducation.In2003,hewasrecruitedtoapplyforthepositionofPastoroftheFirstRadioParishChurchofAmerica( FRPCA is America’s oldest continuous religiousbroadcast, founded 1926, and now reaching 1.5 millionlisteners, viewers and readers a week on TV, radio andinternet,includingAmericanForcesRadioNetwork.

Tom Gillespie

Forthepast12years,Tomhasbeenawriter,photographer& public affairs specialist at the North Carolina Zoo.After 20 years as a U.S. Coast Guard photojournalist& pubic-affairs specialist, Tom retired from the militaryin 1996 to work as senior editor & photo editor forOutdoorTravelermagazineinCharlottesville,VA,beforecoming to the zoo. Tom earned a photography degreefromRandolphCommunityCollege&aphotojournalismdegreefromSyracuseUniversity.Hehaswonnational& international awards with his photography. His workhasappearedinTime,NationalReview,USAToday,TheWashingtonPost,TheNewYorkTimes& inalmostallmajorEastCoastnewspapers.Tom’scolumnZooTalesappearsinabout25newspapersacrossthestate.He&hiswifeDebraliveinTrinity,NC

Dave Lowa

Dave Lowa has been writing for himself and his family for years. His professional lifehas spanned over 30 years and has primarily focused on the helping professions. HehasbeenaFamilyServiceDirectorfortheSalvationArmy,DirectorofaFoodBankthatserved12countiesinnorthcentralPennsylvania,andhasbeenanAdjunctProfessorofHealthSystemEconomicandFinance.HeislicensedasAdministratorofAssistantLivingFacilitiesinMassachusetts,Florida,andNorthCarolinaandholdsaMaster’sDegreeinHealthSystemAdministrationfromRochesterInstituteofTechnology.DavehastraveledextensivelyintheUS,EuropeandCanada.HehasbeenanactiveboaterwithhishomeportonCapeCod.HelivesinAsheborowithhisverypatientwife,Sharon.

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6   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

  letters   from the publisher

know that we care about them, andthey aren’t forgotten at this time ofyear. Adopt a family less fortunatethrough any number of wonderfulprogramsofferedhereandinRandolphCounty,andmaketheirsmilesbrighteron Christmas morning. Volunteeryourtimeatyourchurchorothercivicorganizationiftheyarefeedingpeoplewho might otherwise not get a hotmealonChristmasDay.Whateveryouchoosetodo,aslittleorasmuchasyouare able to do, it will make someone’sChristmasthatmuchbrighter.

While you are finishing up yourlast minute Christmas shopping,pleasetakealookatourLocalHolidayShopping Guide in the magazine andthelargerversiononlineforwonderfulmerchants right here in Asheboro tosupport. They have lots of gifts in arangeofprices.ThinkLocalFirstwhenyouareoutshopping,andsupportourlocaleconomy.

I like to take this time each yearas it draws to a close and reflect onthe changes and growth that occureach and every year; and speculateon what exciting surprises the NewYear will have in store. One thing Iknowforsure,itwillnotbeboring–liferarelyis.I’malsoworkingonmyNewYear’s resolutions (I don’t like to waittillthelastminute).OneImakeeveryyear istogetfitand joinagymwhichusuallylastsaslongastheChristmasdecorations take to come down. Thisyear,I’mgoingtochangeallthat–I’mjoiningtheAsheboroZumbagroupthatcurrentlymeetsthreetimesaweekatMagnolia on Worth, I’m going to startusingmyCurvesmembershipandI’mgoingtogetoutandwalkmore.

Have a wonderful holiday season,whicheverwayyouchoosetocelebrateit.Becareful,bekind,bewarm.



Sherry SherryJohnson,Publisher


As I write this letter on theeveofprintingourfifthissueof Asheboro Magazine, Ireflect on the journey that

brought our family to Asheboro. It’sa series of small steps, but clearlythere was a master plan that led usto Asheboro, North Carolina. ThiscommunityisawonderfultestamenttoSouthernhospitality. Wecouldn’tfeelmore at home than if we had movedbacktoourhometowninMainewhereIgrewup.

I’d like to thank all the people wehavemetoverthepastsixmonths.Weare humbled again and again by theoutpouringofsupportandgoodwishesfor the success of the magazine, andtheenjoymentpeoplegetfromreadingiteachmonth. Wehopethatyouwillall consider contributing from time totime. We welcome stories, pictures,andotheritemsthatyouwanttosharewithourreaders.

With all of the Christmascelebrations, Hanukkah parties, andgeneral merriment that this time ofyear brings, please take a momentto remember those that are lessfortunate. Giveofyourselfjustalittlemoretoshowhowgratefulyouareforwhat you have. Pick up an ornamentat Walgreens and let a Senior Citizen

Sherry B. JohnsonPublisher




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YMCA IN 2011!ADDITIONS-6,000 Sq Ft Fitness Center-3 Group Fitness Studios-Adult Only Locker Rooms-Community Meeting Room-Teen & Senior Center

RENOVATIONS-Family Locker Rooms-Nursery-Youth Programs Center-Pool-Gymnasium


JOIN DECEMBER 13, 2010-FEBRUARY 14, 2011 FOR…No Joinging Fees (SAVE $70-$100)! Heated/Indoor/25 Meter Pool, Three-Court Gymnasium, Wellness Center,

Two Racquetball Courts, Youth/Adult/Senior Fitness, $25 Registration Fee For Afterschool Programs Waived!




YMCA IN 2011!ADDITIONS-6,000 Sq Ft Fitness Center-3 Group Fitness Studios-Adult Only Locker Rooms-Community Meeting Room-Teen & Senior Center

RENOVATIONS-Family Locker Rooms-Nursery-Youth Programs Center-Pool-Gymnasium


JOIN DECEMBER 13, 2010-FEBRUARY 14, 2011 FOR…No Joinging Fees (SAVE $70-$100)! Heated/Indoor/25 Meter Pool, Three-Court Gymnasium, Wellness Center,

Two Racquetball Courts, Youth/Adult/Senior Fitness, $25 Registration Fee For Afterschool Programs Waived!


YMCA IN 2011!




YMCA IN 2011!ADDITIONS-6,000 Sq Ft Fitness Center-3 Group Fitness Studios-Adult Only Locker Rooms-Community Meeting Room-Teen & Senior Center

RENOVATIONS-Family Locker Rooms-Nursery-Youth Programs Center-Pool-Gymnasium


JOIN DECEMBER 13, 2010-FEBRUARY 14, 2011 FOR…No Joinging Fees (SAVE $70-$100)! Heated/Indoor/25 Meter Pool, Three-Court Gymnasium, Wellness Center,

Two Racquetball Courts, Youth/Adult/Senior Fitness, $25 Registration Fee For Afterschool Programs Waived!



2011 FOR...No Joining Fees (SAVE $70-$100)! Heated/

Indoor/25 Meter Pool, Three-Court Gymnasium, Wellness

Center, Two Racquetball Courts, Youth/Adult/Senior

Fitness, $25 Registration Fee for Afterschool Programs


7  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

Over the past year, we’ve seenRandolph County’s unemployment ratedrop from 12.8% in January to 9.3%as of October. There were 205 newjobs created in Asheboro in 2010, andwehaveenteredintograntagreementswith Allen Precision Industries andMalt-o-Mealforthecreationof94morejobsoverthenextthreeyears.RandolphC o m m u n i t yCollege has seenrecord enrollment,asourcitizensdealwith the changingeconomy bytraining for newjobs.

Within Cityg o v e r n m e n t ,we’ve completeddistribution ofrecycling roll cartsand every single-family homein the city nowreceives curb-siderecyclingpick-up.Wearemakingplansto add recycling pick-up for businessesand multi-family housing. We’ve alsosucceeding in raising $1.2 million forthe renovation of the historic SunsetTheatre.Theabilitytoraisethisfundingindifficultfinancialtimesisasignofhowimportantthecommunityconsidersthisfacility,andthecommitmenttheyhavetotransformingthisoldmoviehouseintoatop-rateperformingartsfacility.We’re

David H. SmithMayor, City of Asheboro

still trying to raise a little more so thatwecangobeyondthebasicrenovationsproposed,butwe’reconfidentthatyou’llsee the theatre transformed in 2011.Ourcommunityeventscontinuetobeahugesuccess.Wewereproudtopartnerwith the Asheboro/Randolph Chamberof Commerce for the first downtowncruise-inserieswhichbroughthundreds

of classic car fans to town over thesummer. Our second annual Trick-or-Treat in the Park event was an evenmoreresoundingsuccessthanlastyear,with over 5,000 people attending. OurNeighborhood Crime Watch programstarted this year, and we now have sixcommunities taking an active role inkeepingtheirneighborhoodscrime-free.

This year we’ve also seen acommitment to preserving the past

and telling our story. We were nameda Preserve America community, andworked with the Randolph CountyHistoric Landmark PreservationCommission to begin recognizinghistoric buildings and sites within ourcommunity. Volunteer Ricky Allred’stours of the Old Asheboro Cemeteryare consistently drawing groups of 40

or more people who want tohear stories of Asheboro’spast.Thisinterestinourpastreminds us that we live ina community with a uniqueand important history, andthat we have to rememberwhowehavebeeninordertoknowwherewearegoing.

I could write for daysabout the wonderful thingshappening in Asheboro, andI hope that in 2011 we findeven more ways to sharethese sorts of updates withyou. It’s an exciting time tolive in Asheboro, as we take

the small-town values and communityspirit we’ve always held dear into afutureofrenewedeconomicprosperity,excellence in education and improvedquality of life. To all the residents ofAsheboro, I wish you a wonderfulholidayseason!



  from the mayor   letters

8   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

 editorial  dave 2.0 beta

Ilovethistimeofyearbutnotforthereasonyoumightthink.Thepresents,parties,foodandtreatsthatseemneverendingat times,while fun,aren't thethingsthatmakethistimeofyearspecialtome.Ilovethistimeof

year because most people aremore charitable now thanany other time. There arenumerousorganizationsoutthere whose entire reasonfor existing is to make sureunderprivileged kids havea nice Christmas, too. Thisweekend,whilewewereoutandabout,westopped inatthe North Ridge Church toget some Chili to help themraise funds for the DreamCenter. The Dream Centeris a non-profit organizationdesigned to provide amentoring program andeducational services to at-risk students. We were given atourandtoldaboutthepositiveimpactithashadonthelocalchildren who might otherwise not have an opportunity toexcel.


I'dlikesuggestthatfromthispointforth,wecelebratethegivingpartoftheholidayseason365daysayear.Wecouldcreateanewholidayandcall itGiving365.YoucouldsendHappyGiving365cardstofriendsandfamilymembersjusttoletthemknowyouarethinkingofthem.Youcouldputupa

Giving365wreathtoremindothersabouttheimportanceofgiving.Infact,youcoulddoeverythingyoudofortheHolidaysall year long. Or, at a minimum you could find someone inneedtogivesomethingtoonceamonth.AndwhenIsaygivesomething,Idon'tmeansomethingthatcostsmoney.Manypeoplejustneedsomeonetocomebytheirhouseandshareacupofcoffeeorteawiththem.

Giving 365 could be whatever you wanted it to be withthegoalofkeepingthegivingspiritaliveallyearlong.IthinkaboutthejoyIreceivefromgivingandIgetexcitedabouttheprospectofextendingthisfeelingoveranentireyear.Pleasehelpmemakethisnewholidayareality. TelleveryoneyouknowaboutGiving365.Dosomethingniceforsomeoneoutof the blue and afterward say, "Happy Giving 365". It mayseemgoofyatfirst,butafterawhileitwilljustbecomepartofyourdailyroutine.And,justimaginewhatawonderfulworldourswillbecomeifweputgivingattheforefrontofeverythingwedo.

In closing, I'd like to thank everyone that has given toAsheboro Magazine. Many of the folks that contribute

material do so withoutexpecting anything in return.BiancaTyler,DougHigh,DaveLowa, Rev. Peter Panagoreandmanyothers. Ihavesaidthat Asheboro Magazineis going to become whatAsheboro Magazine wantsto become and it is evolvingjust the way it is supposedto. Without these peopleand the fantastic businessesthat support our endeavorby advertising with us, therewould be no magazine. Wefeel so very fortunate to calleach and every one of them

friends.Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and



“You can have everything in life that you want if you will

just help enough other people get what they

want.”— Zig Ziglar

Dave JohnsonVP, Business

9  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

w w w. w a y n e t t e a r a j . c o m

10   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

Some people are born knowing what they wanttodowiththeir life. It’sacalling,andthedesirefar outweighs the challenges. Dentistry waslike that for Dr. Roma Cheek. When she found

dental hygiene as a profession, Dr. Cheek knewimmediately her passion for dentistry would

leadhertogofurtherandbecomeadentist.Graduation from dental hygiene school

presented a step toward her dream.While waiting for the results from

her licensure exam, she found outshewasexpectingherfirstchild.After much soul searching, shechosetospendquality timewithherfamily,sosheputherpersonal

dreams on hold and became amom, while continuing to work as a

dentalhygienist.Her husband Gerry worked for an

electronics company, and for the first fewyearstheymovedaroundquiteabitwithinhis territory, living in cities and towns

throughout North and South Carolina. Inorder to work in another state, Dr. Cheek

traveled to Charleston to take the South Carolinalicensure exam. With North and South Carolinalicensesinhand,shecouldworkineitherstate.Asthe



live,theychoseAsheboro.TotheCheeks,originally from Robbins, Asheboro

had always felt like home with itsquaint, family-like atmosphere.

She and Gerry had been onlots of dates to Asheboro asteenagers.

While raising her sons,Seth and Adam, who were

living the dreamby sherry johnsonphotos contributed by: dr. roma cheek, dds

11  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

born 12 years apart, she worked as a dental hygienistwherevertheylived.WhenAdamenteredelementaryschool,sheknewitwastimetopursueherowndreamsagain.Herdesiretobeadentisthadnevergoneaway,andshewasn’tgoing to rest until she accomplished it. She began takingcoursesatnight,whilecontinuingtoworkduringtheday.Heracceptance to the University of North Carolina’s School ofDentistrycamein2001.SethwasofftoAppalachianStateUniversity,andthefamilyrelocatedtoChapelHillsoshecouldattendclassesfulltime.

Dr.Cheekloveddentalschool.“IhavealwaysbeeninspiredbythequotefromGeorgeEliot.”saysDr.CheekItisnevertoolatetobecomewhatyoumighthavebeen.TheatmosphereoflearningatUNCwasawesome.”Dr.CheekgraduatedfromUNCSchoolofDentistryin2005-oneweekendapartfromherson,SethfromAppalachianState.OnceagainAsheborowould become home, as a very gracious dentist who hadknownDr.Cheekformanyyearsofferedtohaveherjoinhispracticeasanassociate.“Dr.GaryParkshasbeenverykindandhelpful.Myworkinginhisofficehelpedmegetstarted.”

Inadditiontoworkingasanassociate,Dr.CheekworkedwiththeLexingtonCountyHealthDepartmentdoingdentistryonavastmajorityofchildren.WithAccessDentalCare,shehas enjoyed helping with dental care to seniors in assistedliving facilities likeCrossRoadsRetirementCenter. AccessDental Care takes the dental equipment to the facility andsetsuponsitetoprovidedentalcaretotheresidents. Thiswas very rewarding but as her practice began to grow, shehadtogiveuptheextrawork.

While practicing in Asheboro Dr. Cheek began lookingfor more space. She found several opportunities but noneofthemfeltquiteright. WhenthehomeonSunsetAvenuebecame available, it was perfect. She wanted her office tobewelcomingandfeelmorelikeahomethanaclinicaloffice.WhiletheywererenovatinganddecoratingGerrywouldbring

samplesforhertopouroverandchooseforthedécorduringher lunch hours. Everything was important, and no detailwastoosmalltogiveitherpersonalattention.Thecomfortofthepatientwasofgreatimportance.HerofficewasrecentlypresentedinacompetitionfortheBestOfficeDécorofasinglepractitionersize.

Theresultofthelaborhasbeenapracticethatembracestechnology. Her receptionareamay look likea living room,but the operatories have the latest in dental equipment.Sheusesdigitalx-raytechnologyforregularandpanoramicx-rays, so the amount of exposure to the x-rays is veryminimal to the patient. Sensors enhance the image andit is available immediately, no waiting for the x-rays to bedeveloped.It’salsomuchbetterfortheenvironment,withnotoxicchemicalsneedingtobedisposedof. Herofficeisalsopaperless, as every exam room has a computer terminaland monitor available to the hygienist, dental assistant anddentist-recordsareavailablewithaloginandpassword.Flatscreensareavailableforthepatientsineveryroomthatcanbe positioned for reviewing x-rays or watching TV. X-rayscan also be emailed directly to another specialty practice iftheyhavethetechnologytoreceiveit,ratherthanbeinghandcarried to their office. Exam chairs offer a gentle air-basedmassagewhileyouarebeingtreatedtorelaxyou.Allthesedetails enhance the patients’ enjoyment of their visit to thedentistoffice,andhelptorelaxnervouspatients.


Dr.Cheekfeelsthattherealstarsofherpracticeareherpatients.Shedoesn’tjustinformthemofwhattheyneedandmoveon.Shetakesthetimeandattentiontomakesurethepatient understands all their options, and then helps themmake an informed decision that is right for them. The care

12   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

ofherpatientsandtheircomfort ishernumberonepriority.Ifyouaskherpatients,theonewordyouhearoverandovertodescribeheris“Compassion.”Hergratificationintheworkcomeswhenthepatientisintearsastheysmile in the mirror, because they are sohappy.Dr.Cheekandherstaffprovideanexceptionalamountofdetailtoassurethedentistryreceivedisofthehighestquality.Herloveoflearningcontinuesasshedoesmany times the amount of continuingeducationrequiredforherlicenserenewal.

“Ienjoyworkingwithaveryfinestaff.”QuoteDr.Cheek.Dr.Cheek’sstaffconsistsof Vickie Hughes (Financial Coordinator),MandyAshley(AppointmentCoordinator/Assistant), Jamie Garner (DentalAssistant), Tina Ivey (Dental Hygienist)and Kathy Allred (Dental Hygienist).“Thesewonderfulladiestakeverygoodcareofourpatients.”

Dr.Cheek’sprofessionalassociationsincludetheRandolphCounty Dental Society, American Academy of CosmeticDentistry, Academy of General Dentistry, Docs Sedation,NorthCarolinaDentalSociety,AmericanDentalAssociation,Asheboro/RandolphChamberofCommerce,&theMidStateRotaryClub.

When she has free time, she loves to read novels ofespionage. The book has to grab her attention in the firstparagraph, one of her favorite authors is Tom Clancy. Shealsoenjoysoutdooractivitieswithherfamily,suchasboating

andwaterskiing.TheyaremembersoftheFirstPresbyterianChurchcongregationandshesingsinthechoirandplaysthehand bells. Gerry plays trombone, and plays in the brass

ensembleforEaster.Traditions and family mean a lot to

Roma. Whenhermompassedaway12years ago, she became the keeper of thetraditionsinherfamily.Herfather,ArnoldSwindell,hasmovedtoAsheboroandnowresidesatMountainTop.“Heisasweetieand was very supportive of my desire tobecomeadentist.”statesDr.CheekHer13familymembersgatheratherhouseonEaster,ThanksgivingandChristmaseachyear. The festivities start at breakfastwhenherfatherarrives.Theysharelove,laughterandgreatfoodthroughoutthedayandwell into theevening– tellingstories


ForDr.Cheek,itwasalwaysaquestionofwhenshewouldcontinue her education and become a Dentist, not if. Sheknew she wanted to practice the art of dentistry and knewwhatsheneededtodotomakeithappen.It’snevertoolatetopursueyourdreamsandmakethemarealityifyoubelieveinyourself.

“I didn’t ever want to say, I should have done that.”

13  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

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14   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

community news the arts

ARTIST GAZINGthe figures of artist cass catlett

by scott plaster

“Ihad definitely never consid-ered that I could or wouldmake art. In fact, like manypeople,Ididnotconsidermy-

selfa ‘creative’person,”saidvisualart-istCassCatlett.Thisstatementisshock-ing when you witness the remarkablepowerofherlatestfemalefigureseries.Amy Keith Barney of the Circa GalleryinAsheborosays, “herwork iscolorful,delightful,andsuretoinfluencepeople’semotionswithjustaglanceofhercare-fully painted pieces. One can’t help butwanttotraveltotheplacesshehascre-ated and be surrounded by the vibrantcolors.”Sowhatledhertosayoneday,“I’mgoingtodothisnomatterwhat”andbeginpainting?

Catletthadbeenaroundartherentirelife, visiting famous museums across

the country and in Europe when shelivedthereinthe1970’s.Thenonedayin 2003, her partner Gabrielle askedher thequestion, “What isyourheart’sdesire?” She described her response:“Aftera fewmomentsofhavingnoan-swertothat,Iliterallyheardmyselfsay:“Well, I’ve always wanted to paint”. Itwas a shock to me.” Catlett wrestledwith conflicting emotions for the nextfew weeks, including negative self-talk,fearofdisappointingothers,fearoffail-ure.Catlettfinallyputasidethesefearsandbeganpainting.Shecallsherexperi-ence of facing these paralyzing doubts,“walkingthroughtheveiloffear.”UndertheinitialdirectionofwatercolorpainterJo Leeds of Greensboro, Catlett discov-ered her inner ability to draw, choosecolors,andpaint.

Servingasinspirationforusall,Catlettis now 62, and says a person is nevertoooldtoexploreadesireordream.Un-til beginning work in her own studio inFisherPark,CatlettwasoneoftheLyn-don Street artists, where she both cre-atedandsoldherwork.Shenowexhibitsherworkinanumberofvenues,includ-ing the Gallery of the Arts in Winston-Salem,Artwalk inBoone,andtheCircaGalleryinAsheboro.Sheisalsoamem-ber of the Cosmic Cow Society (, a select groupof artists from central North Carolinawith the mission of changing the waythe public views art. With this group,Catlett has found new venues for herwork, including a show at the Commu-nityArtsCafe’sUndergroundTheatreinWinston-Salem.

15  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year


TherecentreceptiononNovember19includinga“SmallTalksArtSymposium”whereshewasableto(veryquickly-25secondsperimage!)discusshernewfe-malefigureseries.Theuniquepaintingsfeature female figures in various posi-tionsadornedwithvividcolors,outlines,andfigurativelines.Sheexplainsherin-terestinthesefigures,saying“Ibecameintriguedwithpresentingfemalefiguresincompositionsusingstrongdesignel-ementsandcolorwhichI foundexcitedmyimagination.”

Catlett’sfigureseriescaptureaninter-esting “yin / yang” of the feminine andmasculine,sheexplains:“Beingfemale,it is of course about my journey as awoman.Youwillseespacedividedinor-ganicshapesandlineslikecurves,arcs,

etc.thatsuggestthefeminineoryinen-ergy.Therearealsoshapesandlinesofmasculine/yang energy in each paint-ing that ultimately may say somethingabout the androgynous or the balanceofyin/yang.Personally,asapainter,myjourneyoverthe lastseveralyearshasand continues to be about finding andhonoring the balance of both feminineandmasculineenergyinmypaintings.”

True of so much great art, Catlett’spaintings remain alluring and mysteri-ous. She says, “I would say that thesepaintingsareallaboutreflection,inallofthemeaningsofthatword,bothinwardandoutward.Theelementofmysteryisalwaysimportantinallofmyworkandthisisespeciallytrueofthesepaintings.Themysterymustbethereforme.”

YoucanlearnmoreaboutCassCatlettat her website at www.casscatlett.comandkeepupwitheventsof theCosmicCow Society on its website at or its Facebookpage.Catlett’swork isondisplayattheCommunityArtsCafeshowandtheGal-leryof theArts inWinston-Salem,Art-walk in Boone, Zaytoon in Greensboro,theCircaGalleryinAsheboro,andothervenues across the Triad. You can viewmoreofherwork,includingthefigurese-ries,


16   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

community news

Beverly Dale has beendirecting singing groupssince 1970. She recentlyreturned to the role of

directoraftera10yearabsence.Whenshe started searching for a directorposition, there were positions availablein Virginia, but she and her husbanddidn’twanttorelocatefromtheirhomein Winston-Salem. Never one to let asmallthinglikethatstopher,shebegantheprocessofstartinganewchapterofSweet Adelines International, a highlyrespected worldwide organization ofwomensingers. Beverlytooka lookatthe current chapters in the area, andin looking at a map, the obvious choicebecameclearandtheZoopendousShowChoruswasborninAsheboro.She held a tea for potential chorusmembers at The Exchange onSeptember 14th, and the rest as theysay, is history. The ladies handed outflyersattheAsheboroFallFestivalwithinvitationstoaGuestNightonOctober7th. Thirty-five ladies attended theevent.A group of more than 20 ladies meetevery Thursday evening at the FirstBaptistChurchonChurchStreet. Theyhave members who drive in fromSouthern Pines, Fayetteville, Winston-Salem and Greensboro to sing eachweek.Theyrangeinagefroma23yearold UNCG student to the most seniormember,whoisover80yearsold.Sweet Adelines International iscommittedtoadvancingthemusicalartform of barbershop harmony througheducationandperformance.Barbershop

harmony is four-part, unaccompanied,close-harmony. Melody in the secondvoice, called the "lead" is sung in therange between A below middle C, andC above middle C. Tenor is a harmonypart sung consistently above the lead.Although tenor is the highest voicein barbershop harmony, it shouldnot be confused with the soprano ofconventional singing groups. The tenorshould have a light, sweet, pure tonethatwillcomplementbutnotoverpowerthe lead voice. Baritone coversapproximatelythesamerangeas lead.The baritone harmony notes cross theleadnotes;sometimessungbelowandsometimesabove.Basssingersshouldhave a rich, mellow voice and be abletosingtheEflatbelowmiddleCeasily.Bass should not be confused with thealtoofconventionalgroups.Members extend over five continentsandbelongtomorethan500chorusesand 1,200 quartets. Today's SweetAdelines choruses and quartets singexciting a cappella, four-part harmonymusic, barbershop style. The musicincludesspecialarrangementsoftoday'sballadsandupbeatsongs,popularshowtunes,andevenjazz.Memberssaythatsingingthepowerfullybalancedsoundsofbarbershopharmonyprovidesarich,rewardingexperience.Some of the ladies have been singingwithotherchaptersformanyyears,andmany have never been in a group likethis. “If you can sing Happy Birthdayin tune, we want you singing with us,”Beverlystated.IfyouhappentobeinthevicinityoftheFirst Baptist Church on Church Streetin Asheboro on a Thursday eveningaround 7:00 pm and hear the dulcetvoices raised in song, stop by and jointheparty.

harmonize the world

17  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year


one day at a timeby dave johnsonphotos provided by daniel mustard

I ampoliticallyambivalent.Inotherwords, I am disillusioned by ourpoliticalprocess. Itseemssoselfserving and, in the big spectrum

of things, has very little to do with me.I vote but it feels futile because evenif the person I vote for wins, very littleif anything ever changes. And then Ilookaroundatthestateofourcountry,supposedly one of the strongest in theworld and I am embarrassed. Whilewespendtrillionsonawarthatwecan’twin, fifty million Americans go hungry,unemployment continues to skyrocket,and more and more people lose theirhomes every day. Additionally, 30million Americans are uninsured andoureducationalsystemis inshambles.All the while oil companies, banks andmajor corporations post record profits.I wonder if anyone else wakes up,scratches their head and says, “Thereissomethingmonumentallywrongwithoursystem.”

IhavehadasoftspotinmyheartforthehomelessaslongasIcanremember.Idon’t recall thefirst time Ievermetahomeless person, but I am confident Ifeltsorryforthem.Iremembermyultra-conservativefathersayingsomethingtome like “homeless people choose to behomeless” and me thinking who wouldchoose to be homeless if they couldhavearoofovertheirhead.Whowouldchoosesleepinginacardboardboxinthe

streetinsteadofamattressunderneathsheetsandcovers?Whowouldchooseeatingoutofadumpsteroverahotmealat a table with loved ones? I realizedthen that my father, like so many, andarequicktojudgewithoutwalkinginthetattered shoes of a homeless person.Andyetthere,butforthegraceofGod,goanyoneofus.

Most people probably don’t think ofhomelessness much, if at all. In ruralareaslikeAsheboro,whatthereisisn’teasy to see. That is, unlike New YorkCity, there aren’t homeless people oneverystreetcorneraskingforyourloosechange.But,therealityis,wearemuchclosertobecominghomelessthananyofuscaretoimagine.And,asyouwillseeinthisstory,itdoesn’ttakemuchtofindyourselfaproductivememberofsocietyone minute and a homeless alcoholicthenext.Dependingonyouremotionaldisposition and your support system(i.e.familyandfriends),itcanhappenintheblinkofaneye. So,whileit iseasyto discount the likelihood of somethinglike homelessness happening to you, Iwouldaskforthesakeofthisstorythatyoutrytoimaginewhatcircumstancesitwouldtaketobecomehomelessand,whatitwouldbeliketobehomeless.Inthis season of giving, please make it agoaltofindahomelesspersonandshowthem a little kindness, because as youwillsee,itgoesalongway.

Daniel Mustard grew up in atraditional home in Hollywood,California.Hisyoungeryearswererifewithabusefromhismother.Becauseofthis, he started drinking when he wasonlytenyearsold.Despitethelessthanideal upbringing, he persevered, grewintoanadult,gotajob,gotmarriedandsettledintobeingaproductivememberofsociety.

Then disaster struck. His wife lefthim, taking most of their possessions,includingtheirdog.Shortlyafterthathisfather,whohewasverycloseto,passedaway. Daniel found himself slippinginto a constant state of depression.This resulted in the loss of his job andafter six months, he was broke. Heleft Hollywood for New York City, tohousesit for his sister, who was goingtobeoutofthecountryforawhile.Sheoffered Daniel a place to stay while hetriedtogethislifebacktogether.

ItwasinNewYorkthatDanielreallystarted putting his time and heart into

18   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

hismusic. Tryashemightthough,thepaincausedbythelossesinhislifewasunbearableandwhenhisnewemployer,Tower Records went out of business,he lost his will to live. This resulted ina strained relationship with his sisterwho eventually asked him to move outofherhome.AndthatwasDaniel’sveryshortjourneyfromaregularpersonlikeanyone of us to becoming homeless.This isn’t a story about a mentallyill person who could not assimilatehimself into“normal”society,whatevernormal is. This is about anyone of us,your neighbor, a friend or an associateexperiencing the perfect emotionalstormandtheresultingfall-out.

FastforwardthreeyearsandDanielfound himself on the Sirius Radio’sOpieandAnthonyshowaspartoftheir“HomelessShoppingSpree”wheretheycreateahumorousshowmakingfunofthehomelesswhileprovidingthemwiththe clothing and incidentals they needto weather the New York winters. Myfriendsummedupthegistofthisshowbestwiththeterm“KarmicCancellation”;

the good Karma created by the charitycancels out the bad created by themtaking advantage of the homeless ontheir show for the sake of entertainingtheirlisteners.

Daniel “Homeless” Mustard is afamiliar face in Washington SquarePark, known for its arch, honoringGeorge Washington, and thanks tohis appearance on the show is now afamiliarnameonYouTube. Hisvideoshave been seen well over 2 milliontimes, collectively. To put this intoperspective, only a handful of videosever hit 100,000 views and you havea better chance of winning the lotterythanpostingavideothatgets1millionviews.Infact,, you have roughly a 1 and 3.1millionchanceatgettingamillionviewsinthefirst30daysafterpostingavideotoYouTube. OneofDaniel’svideos,hisrendition of Radiohead’s Creep, hasgotten 1.6 million views. It was thisparticular video that introduced me toDaniel“Homeless”Mustardand,hence,thisarticle.Someoneinthebackground


I will spare you my diatribe on thetastelessness of this radio program...suffice it to say I don’t believe there isenough Good Karma in the universeto offset that Bad Karma createdby treating people in this fashion.However,ifDanielhadnotappearedonOpieandAnthony,wewouldneverhavehadtheopportunitytogettoknowhimand, ultimately, call him friend. Fromthe moment I saw Daniel’s video, I feltcompelledtodowhatIcouldforhim.

Anyone that has over a million hitsonYouTubeissomewhatofacelebrity,soIsearchedforDanielonFacebook.IreachedouttohimthereandaskedhimifhewouldconsiderdoinganinterviewforasmallmagazineinNorthCarolina.He was very kind and gracious andagreedtodoit. Theonlyproblemishedoesn’thaveaphoneofhisown.AfterhisappearanceontheOpieandAnthonyshow, he entered a rehabilitation

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19  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

programandisnowinahalf-wayhousetryingtore-entersociety.So,afterafewnearmisses,wefinallyconnectedonthephone and had a great conversation; IfeltlikeIwastalkingtoalonglostfriend.Idon’tknowwhatIexpected,butIdidn’texpectanarticulatelyintelligentpersonon the other end of the line but that isexactly what I got. He talked candidly,unashamed, of his circumstances andnoquestionwastaboo.

I had done quite a bit of researchon Daniel prior to talking with him so Ialready had quite a bit of informationto work with. The thing thatweighed heavy on my mindwas the cold, cruel reality oflivingonthestreets.Icouldn’timaginehowdifficultlifemustbeforsomeonewithnowhereto go and nowhere to callhome. What I discoveredsurprised me in some waysandinothersmadesense.Forexample,whenIaskedDanielabout basic necessities likefood he said “no one goeshungryinNewYork. Infact,Iprobablyeatbetterthanyoudo”.Apparently,attheendofthenight,restaurantsputfoodoutforthehomeless.Thatis,insteadofputtingitinthedumpster,chefsfromrestaurantsallacrossthecityputthefoodinseethroughbagsnearthedumpster. Thispreventsthem from violating any city rule orordinance regarding the distribution ofunused food and provides sustenanceformanyofthehomeless.Plus,Danielsaid, people are very generous when itcomes to giving money to panhandlerswhich, he said, is very hard for him todoandoneofthemainreasonshewasdrunkmostofthetime.

Hesaidthathomelessnessisnotanideal lifestyle but it isn’t as bad as hethoughtitwouldbe.Theotherhomelesspeople that hang out in WashingtonPark have become his support groupand family. He spends a great deal of

time there writing and playing musicand just hanging out. Because ofthe Opie and Anthony show he hasbecome somewhat of a celebrity andpeople are constantly recognizing himon the streets of Manhattan. Jokingly,he said this makes it easier to bum acigarette. He went on to say, becauseof his YouTube fame, some peopleactually come to Washington Park toseekhimout.Hesaidhehasmetsomereally fantastic people and even has anewfriend fromDelawarewhohehasvisitedonanumberofoccasions.

After an hour of conversation, Ifinallyaskedhimwhathishopeswerenow that he has started to turn hislife around. In his very casual way hesaid, “I really have no plans and don’twant to make any promises. I havealwayssung,evenasakid,soIwanttocontinuetowritesongsandpursuemymusiccareer. BeforeappearingontheOpie and Anthony Show, I never gaveany thought about becoming a star. Istilldon’tthinkofitmuch,butitseemscloser now than it did before and itskeeping me motivated to stay off thestreets.Iguess,Iamgoingtotakeitonedayatatime.”

For a guy that once shared thestagewithLadyGaga (beforeshewasfamous), it seems as though there islightattheendofaverylonganddark

tunnel.SinceIspokewithhim,hehasreleasedafive-songalbum(availableoniTunes)andisplayingatvariousvenuesaroundNYC.HisFacebookpagesareallatwitterwith“madprops”forthequalityofhisnewalbumandheappearstobeon the right track for a full recovery.However, right before we ended ourconversation, I asked him if there wasanything he needed and he said, “I amstill technically homeless. I don’t haveajobyet,andreallyhavenowayotherthanmymusicandpanhandlingtomake

money. And,becauseofmythree years on the street, Iam not too proud to acceptanything you are willing tosend”.Wearesendingacarepackage with items he canuse,likelongunderwear.

In a time that seemsbleak, there is a silver liningon most dark clouds. Oftentimes, it goes unnoticedbecause we are too caughtup in our own problems.Daniel “Homeless” Mustardis one of those silver linings.He is hope personified andhe represents what can

happentoapersonwhoisdownandoutwhen others reach out with a helpinghand.AsIlistentosoulfulsongsonhisbrilliantalbum,Ismileknowingthathehas a very bright future ahead of him.But, he is just one of many lost soulswhocouldbenefit fromthekindnessofa stranger. Next time you encountera homeless person, don’t be quick tojudge and think about the happiness alittle spare change could provide for aperson who doesn’t have the privilegeof having a regular place to call home.More importantly, be grateful for whatyouhaveandremembertherearemanyothersouttherewithfarless.

“Poverty is a weapon of mass destruction. Homelessness is a weapon of mass destruction. Unemployment is a weapon of mass destruction.”

-- Dennis Kucinich



Listen to Samples

FREE SongDownload

20   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas


more you’ll getback a million-fold (see mypost “What YouGive The WorldGets,” October 20,2010 at

As kids getolder,thatgivingtrendmaystarttoturntomoreofa“Me-me-me”attitude.Continuetoteachthemtoopentheirheartsandgivewillingly.And let themtakeownership in thosetasks–forexample, letyourchildput themoney inthebell ringer’sbucket outsideof the store. Orlet your childdecide what non-perishables to putinto the shoppingcart for the localfood drive. Bringyourchildrentothecollection stationandletthemputthegoodsintothebinsthemselves.

Givingshouldbeayear-round joy. It’seasytorememberitaroundtheholidays,youcan’tgetawayfrompeopleaskingfor help. But don’t wait to be asked. Meals and clothing areneededinthesummertime,too.

Inourhome,wekeepa “RunningDonation’sBox” in thestorageroom.Atanygiventime,oneofmychildrenmaycomeuptomeandsay,“Idon’tneedthisanymore.”Iimmediatelyhaveaplacetoputit,thehousekeepsfromgettingclutteredandsomeoneelsewillgettoenjoytheitem.

I always let my children decide what books, toys andclothing they no longer wish to keep. Again, it gives themownership in giving and eliminates the potential for theclassic,“Whydidyougetridofthat??Ilovedit!”althoughyouclearlyknewtheyhadn’tusedtheiteminages.

I’dliketosharewithyouthatlastChristmas,afterallthegiftswereopened,myhusbandpulledoutasurpriseenvelopeand said, “This is a special family gift.” Then he handed me

theenvelopeandIreaditoutloudtoeveryone.IchokedupasIreadthathedonatedanoperationforachildsufferingfroma severe cleft palate through the program Operation Smile.Itwouldchangethelifeofalittlepersonforever.ThatwillgodownasoneofourbestChristmas’ever.

Those memories were simply indelible to all who werepresentthatbeautifulevening–especiallytothechildrenwhoarelearningaboutgivingthroughexample.

Givingdoesn’thavetobe tangible itemsormoney,oftencharitiesneedpeoplewhocandonatetheirtime.Afewdaysago,myhusbandandIbroughtthechildrenandoneoftheirfriends toaspecial “packingparty” forOperationChristmasChild.

Duringa3-hourperiod, alongwith all of theother volunteers,we filled 1,000plastic shoe boxeswith goodies forchildren living inextremepovertyinother parts of theworld. Each boxwasmarkedforaboyorgirl,ages2-4,5-9and10-14.

Itemsincludedschoolsupplies,awashcloth,acomb,candycanes, stickers, a t-shirt, toy helicopters, beaded necklaces,little rings andbracelets, hairaccessories andyo-yos, loads ofknick knacks thatcould fill everycrevice and, ofcourse, for eachchild, 1 cuddlystuffedanimal.

At the end oftheevent,theteenfriend we broughtalong thanked usfor letting him experience one of the greatest feelings he’severfelt“doingsomethingforsomeoneelse.”

In a world where we see our teens hooked on X-Boxes,I-Pad, I-Pods, incessant texting and other technologicalparaphernalia, good old-fashioned, hands-on volunteering

LET’S TALKthe giving heart

by bianca tyler

21  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

really does bringout the feel-goodfuzzies in anyperson, old oryoung.

I was proud ofthe children. Our5 year old reveledin the feeling shegot from beingabletoindependentlyfilleachbox,pickingoutanyitemsshewanted,andthenfillingtheboxesbyherself(yes,allboxes–regardlessofthepacker’sage–werecheckedforgenderandageappropriateitems,ofcourse).

Thechildrenworkedhardandhadfun.Theywillrememberthat day forever and will, hopefully, pass the volunteeringtradition on to their children as my parents did to me. TheBrightSpot™-Rememberingthatthemoreloveyougivetoyourchildren, themoreyou’llgetbackamillion-fold…andsowilltheworld!!


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As we are in the middle of the holidays, there aremanyobstaclesthatwemustface.Whetherweareinthemiddleofalossofafamilymemberorareinthemiddleofadrawnoutjobhuntwithno


The dimming and readjustment of the light for me cameatthebeginningofthissummerwhenIwalkedintoworkoneMondaymorningandsetouttodomydailywork.Whatfol-lowedwasthesummoningofmetotheofficeofmybosstofindoutthatitwasmylastday.Iwasbeinggivenanewsetofclothestowear.NotonesthatIwantedtowear.Ialwaysvowedtokeepmyformer jobandtofightthrougheachday.ButIhavelearnedtowearthisnewsetofclothesandtolikewhatIhavebeengiven.



Eventoday,Imisinterpretedhowtogettoanappointmentresultinginhavingtorescheduleit.Afterhavingtakenabus,atrainandabus.Butbeinginaforeigntownandnofriendspassing by, it almost harks back to the time of Christ over2,000yearsagowhenHefacedthesamestruggles.

So look to theHillsforhelpaswenavigate throughthe course of lifeand as we seethe lights becomebrighter for us aswe eventually ap-proach the end ofthetunnel.

light at the end of the tunnelby scott r. davis

citizen journalism

22   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

 asheboro friendly faces




Local Holiday Shopping Guide

the festival of lightsSince we h i g h l i g h t e d Christmas in last month’s Local Holiday Shopping Guide, we thought we would discuss the other big religious holiday that is celebrated this time of year; Chanukkah. Even though we are not Jewish, we have celebrated Chanukkah to give our kids the experience of another culture. It was a great learning experience for all of us and now when our Jewish friends talk about the nuances of their celebration, we have a more complete understanding.

Chanukkah,theJewishfestivalofrededication,alsoknown as the festival of lights, is an eight daycelebration beginning on the 25th day of theJewishmonthofKislev.

Chanukkah is probably one of the best knownJewishholidays,notbecauseofanygreatreligioussignificance, but because of its proximity toChristmas.Manynon-Jews(andevenmanyassimilated Jews!) think of this holidayas the Jewish Christmas, adopting

m a n yof the

C h r i s t m a scustoms, such as

elaborate gift-givinganddecoration.

The Story

ThestoryofChanukkahbeginsinthereignofAlexandertheGreat. Alexander conquered Syria, Egypt and Palestine, butallowedthelandsunderhiscontroltocontinueobservingtheirownreligionsandretainacertaindegreeofautonomy.Underthisrelativelybenevolentrule,manyJewsassimilatedmuchofHellenisticculture,adoptingthelanguage,thecustomsandthedressoftheGreeks,inmuchthesamewaythatJewsin

AmericatodayblendintothesecularAmericansociety.More than a century later, a successor of Alexander,


in the Temple, massacring Jews, prohibiting thepractice of the Jewish religion, and desecrating

the Temple by requiring the sacrifice of pigs(a non-kosher animal) on the altar. Two

Merry Christmas  ASHEBORO Magazine  December 201024


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groupsopposedAntiochus:abasicallynationalisticgroupledbyMattathiastheHasmoneanandhissonJudahMaccabee,and a religious traditionalist group known as the Chasidim,theforerunnersofthePharisees(nodirectconnectiontothemodernmovementknownasChasidism).Theyjoinedforcesin a revolt against both the assimilation of the HellenisticJewsandoppressionbytheSeleucidGreekgovernment.TherevolutionsucceededandtheTemplewasrededicated.

AccordingtotraditionasrecordedintheTalmud,atthetimeof the rededication, therewasvery littleoil left thathadnotbeendefiledbytheGreeks.Oilwasneededforthemenorah(candelabrum) in the Temple, which was supposed to burnthroughoutthenighteverynight.Therewasonlyenoughoiltoburnforoneday,yetmiraculously,itburnedforeightdays,thetimeneededtoprepareafreshsupplyofoilforthemenorah.An eight day festival was declared to commemorate thismiracle.Notethattheholidaycommemoratesthemiracleoftheoil,notthemilitaryvictory:Jewsdonotglorifywar.


Chanukkah isnotavery importantreligiousholiday.Theholiday’s religious significance is far less than that of Rosh

Hashanah,YomKippur,andPassover.The only religious observance related to the holiday

is the lighting of candles. The candles are arranged in acandelabrum called a menorah that holds eight candles:one foreachnight,plusashammus (servant)atadifferentheight.Onthefirstnight,onecandleisplacedatthefarright.Theshammuscandleislitandthreeberakhot(blessings)arerecited:l’hadlikneir(ageneralprayerovercandles),she-asahnisim(aprayerthankingGodforperformingmiraclesforourancestors at this time), and she-hekhianu (a general prayerthankingGodforallowingustoreachthistimeofyear).After

25& Happy New Year   volume1  issue 5 

Local Holiday Shopping Guide

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recitingtheblessings,thefirstcandle is then lit using theshammus candle, and theshammuscandleisplacedinits holder. Candles can be litanytimeafterdarkbutbeforemidnight.

Eachnight,anothercandleis added from right to left(like the Hebrew language).Candles are lit from left to

right(becauseyoupayhonortothenewerthingfirst).Ontheeighthnight,allninecandles (the8Chanukkahcandlesandthe shammus) are lit. On nights after the first, only the firsttwoblessingsarerecited;thethirdblessing,she-hekhianuisonlyrecitedonthefirst night of theholiday.

It is traditionalto eat fried foodson Chanukkahbecause of thesignificanceofoiltotheholiday.AmongA s h k e n a z i cJews, this usuallyincludes latkes(pronounced “lot-kuhs”).

Gift-givingisnota traditional partof the holiday, buthas been addedin places where

Merry Christmas  ASHEBORO Magazine  December 201026

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Local Holiday Shopping GuideJewshavealotofcontactwithChristians,asawayofdealingwith our children’s jealousy of their Christian friends. It isextremelyunusualforJewstogiveChanukkahgiftstoanyoneotherthantheirownyoungchildren.Theonlytraditionalgiftoftheholidayis“gelt,”smallamountsofmoney.

Another tradition of the holiday is playing dreidel, agambling game played with a square top. Most people playfor matchsticks, pennies, M&Ms or chocolate coins. ThetraditionalexplanationofthisgameisthatduringthetimeofAntiochus’oppression,thosewhowantedtostudyTorah(anillegalactivity)wouldconcealtheiractivitybyplayinggamblinggameswithatop(acommonandlegalactivity)wheneveranofficialorinspectorwaswithinsight.

AdreidelismarkedwithfourHebrewletters:Nun,Gimel,Hei and Shin. These letters stand for the Hebrew phrase“Nes Gadol Hayah Sham”, a great miracle happened there,referringtothemiracleoftheoil.

ThelettersalsostandfortheYiddishwordsnit (nothing),gantz(all),halb(half)andshtell(put),whicharetherulesofthegame!Therearesomevariationsinthewaypeopleplaythegame,butthewayIlearnedit,everyoneputsinonecoin.Apersonspinsthedreidel.IfitlandsonNun,nothinghappens;on Gimel (or, as we called it as kids, “gimme!”), you get thewhole pot; on Hei, you get half of the pot; and on Shin, you

put one in. When the pot is empty, everybody puts one in.Keepplayinguntilonepersonhaseverything.Thenredivideit,becausenobodylikesapoorwinner.

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28   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

At the base of a granite outcropping, carved withscenes of men and women, one at the wheel ofaschooner,somehaulingnets,allbeingwatchedoverbyacelestialbeing,sits

asmall25yearoldmotorhome.Here and there a streak of rust

runs through the fading paint and thecurtains in the sun distorted windowsneedreplacing.Bythefrontdoor,underan orange and brown awning, sits aolder couple, smiling at the passersbyand sipping lemonade from plasticthermalcupsthattheygotin1987withthepurchaseof40gallonsofunleaded.TheywereontheirwaytoUtahforthefallcolors.

Around their feet dance four Chihuahua’s, one obviouslyolder and more crippled than the others, she is mother

to the other three. The father had taken one look at thesnaggletoothedlitterhehelpedbringintotheworldandjumpedshipinLubbock,Texassomeyearsback.Theydidn’tmisshim;

hewasapigatthedinnertable.Let me introduce you to Cleta

and Charlie Harmon. One of the everwideningsegmentsofsocietythatcallthe road home. After retiring in 1985from a small machining company inMedina, Ohio, they bought a class Cmotorhome, which is the type with avanfrontend,soldthehouse,andheldahugeyardsale.560,000miles, twoengines, a transmission and severalChihuahua’s later they are still at it.

This 25 foot long camper has been home to this couple forthepast25yearsandtheywouldnottradethe lifestyle foranything.


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29  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

ItwasJulywhenIranintothemandtheyhadtheiryearpretty well planned out. Cleta has always relocated downthrough the years thermostatically. Her goal is never to beanywherewheretheairconditioningorheatersareneeded.

The one exceptionto the rule isC h r i s t m a s .Christmas isalwaysspentattheKOA campgroundjust down theroad from the bigGrand Old OpreyHotel in Nashville.To Cleta’s wayof thinking therewas little chance

of snow, and the Christmas celebration, much of which isfree, indoors, and spectacular, was probably the best in thecountry.CharlieconsideredarrivingatthehugehotelcomplexinNashvilleasbeinghomefortheholidays.Thanksgivingwasimportant and normally spent in the vicinity of Charleston,SC.,butChristmaswaswherenextyear’sconversationsandplansweremade.Theyhadabigfamilytheycouldspendtheholidayswith,buttheyfigureditwasn’tworththehassleandtheirfamilylivedinheaterorairconditioningterritoryanyway.

Bob Lamont has a different idea. He has always been abookish, counterculture sort of guy. He is the person youwouldseewalkingupanddownthecurb infrontofGeneralDynamics facilities anywhere in the country holding a signwithapictureofastrawhutwithamissilestickingintheroof.Heisavegetarian,likesforeignmoviesandprideshimselfonhis ability to watch the French ones and not need subtitles.His long term girlfriend, Iris, is a music teacher whosepassion is Czechoslovakian romance literature. They buytheirgroceriesatafoodco-opwheretheyvolunteertosustaintheirmembershiponFridaynights.BobmakessurethatthevegetabletablesarefullyloadedfortheweekendandIrisrunstheregisterandadvises in theherbsandoils isle.Theyarebothverymuchintotheenvironmentandsustainableliving.

For the past ten years, they have lived in a 129 squarefoothouse.Ithaseverythingtheyneedtoliveafulllife.Morespace is dedicated to their books than to their clothes orcookingspace.Thewallsarenotvisible,theyarebookshelves.

Out in the yard, between the wind generators and solarpanels is a small green house which produces enoughchlorophyllchargedgrasses,sprouts,greens,andherbstoseethemthroughthedarkwintersofupstateNewYork.Theyloveeachother,theylovetheirhomeandtheyloveentertaininginitparticularlyduringtheChristmasseason.

AsBobhangsthe1000bulbstringofLEDlightsandsetsup the colorful blinking Santa’s Sleigh and Reindeer, he iscalculatingthewattageheisabouttouseandwhetherornothispowerinverterswillhandletheextraload.Hesendsupasilentprayerforasunnycoupleofdaysandaconsistentwind.

Bob’s sister and her husband, Iris’s brother and his wifeandtheirfriendStanleyandhisgirlfriendareallinvited.Theywillsitandeatacomboveggieandcarnivoremealoftofuandgoose with all the trimmings, then walk down to the town’sbaseball field, now 2 feet deep in snow, for the communityChristmastreelighting.

Bill and Jenna-Lyn have a great Christmas planned. Thekidsarealloutofthehousenow.Fromthefourfamiliestheyhaveformedtherearenowtengrandchildren.Theyoungest,Billyis8months,andtheoldest,Sarah,is10.Itusedtobenotroubleatalltosetaseparatetableuponthesunporchandfeedthekidsseparately,butnowtheywereeithertooyoung,toooldortoomanysotheseparatetablehadbeenjoinedtothebigdiningroomtableandspilledoutintothelivingroom.

Christmasdinnersaremadeofmemories.Traditionsfromgenerations long gone surface in the form of pies, gravies,silverwareandnapkinrings. Inthis familytherearealways

extra-largeolives,linesofceleryfilledwithcreamcheeseandlightly salted, horseradish and oyster crackers for the kid todareoneanotherwith,andachoiceofredorwhitewine,thewhiteisalwaysSauterne.

After the festivities, every family always leaves with alittlewhiteboxfilledwithaconfectionsimplyknownasRaisinSquares.Noonecanremembertheoriginofthisrecipe,theythoughtthatoneofthegreatgrandmothersusedtomakeit,butthatkindoforalhistorywasbecominglessavailabletothe

30   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas


Everyone got the meat they wanted as long as it wasturkey, white or dark. Two fat birds were to be roasted theslowway,325degreesnomatterhowlongittook.Everyoneexcepttheyoungestcouldremembertheyeartheyallfinallysatdowntoeatat9:30pmbecausethebirdwouldn’tfinish.ThatwastheyeargrandmotherBurtondid thecookingandputtheButterballintotheovenfrozenashardasarock.Thestuffingwasgoodthatyear,sotheymadeamealofit,collectedtheirRaisinSquaresandagreedtomeetthenextnightdownatthediner.Noonesaidawordtograndmother,butshewasalittlemiffedwhenshewenttomakeaturkeysandwichthenextdayandthebirdhaddisappeared.


LaVern and Rashid knew Christmas was coming. ThetownhadhunglittlelitChristmastreesfromallthelightpostsintheshoppingdistrictandthereseemedtobemoretrafficonFridaynightsintheneighborhoods.TheimpactofChristmasonpublichousingwaslimitedtotheappearanceofemptyBigWheel boxes waiting on the curb for the post-holiday trashpickup. Occasionally one would see the remnants of lastyear’sBigWheelsittingalongsideofthenewone’sbox.


On December 23rd they would join the line at the littlegymnasiumbehindtheSalvationArmyheadquartersintown.Theywouldgetthereearlyorthelinewouldhavewounditswayaroundthebuildingandtheywouldhavetostandoutinthecoldforhours.

Once inside they would be handed a cardboard box andmovedalongalineoftablesmannedbyvolunteers.Astheymovedfromtabletotabletheywouldreceiveafrozenturkeybreast,acoupleofcansoflimabeansandacoupleofcansofyams,alargepackageofdehydratedpotatoflakes,apoundofbutter from the USDA commodities program, some cheese,a loafofbreadandsixcansof tunafish,mostofwhichhadno labels. Lastly, if you had kids under the age of two, youwouldbegivenapackofpampersandusheredoutthebackdoor.Thewholeprocesstook6minutesandaseachcanhitthebottomoftheboxthevolunteerofferedhisorherHolidaygreeting.MerryChristmas,HappyHolidays,GodBlessYou.

Therewasnofamilytobringthisfeasthometo.Theyhadall fallen prey to one degree or another to the drug culture.LaVern’sprayersatnightwereoftenfilledwithgratitudeforjails.Atleastthereherlivingrelativeswouldbewarm,fedand

fairlysafe.Therewasstillhopeforthemiftheywereinjail.When they got home with their box of Christmas cheer,

they put the turkey breast in the freezer, the bread in therefrigerator and the cans in the pantry. It was getting late

and they had to get over to the Baptist Church on CentralAvebefore4:30tobeatthelinethatformedupforthesoupkitchen.DinnerthereatChristmastimewasgreat lastyearandiftheysurvived,theyknewitwouldbejustasgoodnextyear.

ForthemChristmaswasatimeofincreasedopportunity.Thegiftoftheseasonwasthatforacoupleofdaysitwasjustalittleeasiertosurvive.Itwastrueforeverylittleapartmentin the huge public housing complex in which they lived.Thousandsoffamiliesorcouplesjustlikethemweresimplygratefultobealive.

Forsome,expectationsaresohighthattheanticlimacticnatureoftheendingofanotheryearburiesthemindepression.Forothersthereligiousfervoristhebeginningofanotheryearcloser to the divine. There is no denying the new beginningtheseasonrepresents.Death,decayandhibernationareallaroundus,butthepromiseofanewbirthisconstantlyinthebackofourminds.TheNorthernhemispheregoesonbreakwhiletheclimestothesouthcomebacktolife.WecanalwaysbeupliftedtoknowthatitislatespringinBuenosAires.

Still theHolidaysare festivenomatterwhereyouareorwhat your situation. The crush and rush for many peoplecan be overwhelming. In big cities it’s is easy to get lost orforgotten in thechaos.Formethesquirrelsandrabbitsandbearshavetherightidea.Theyhavemadeatemporaryhomeandhavecrawledintoittowaittheearth’srebirth.

Ithaslongbeensaidthatthereisnoplacelikehomefortheholidays.I’mnotsurethat’sentirelytrue.Anemptyhouse,orahomeinwhichnoonecanrelatetoyouisprobablynotthebestplacetobe.Let’skilloffthatoldmythonceandforall.Ithinkabetterwell-wornsayingthatwecanapplyheremightbe,there’snoplacelikeaplacewhereeveryoneknowsyournamefortheholidays.Iknow,Iknow,itwouldbeimpossibleto sing that line; it just feels better, more holistic in somestrangeway.Asforme,theonequasiquotefromthatancient“Treason Speech” carries me through each holiday seasonandIamsureitwillringbrightandtruethisyearaswell.

“Iknownotwhatcourseothersmaytake;butas forme,givemeTheWaffleHouseorgivemedeath!“


31  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

health & wellnessarticle by Doug High

Natural Highs Massage and

if i could take only one vitamin, what would it be?

Iremember asking my mother,an RN, why we get sick more inthe winter than any other timeof the year, whether cold air had

more germs. She said, “Because ourresistanceislower.“

It was a good answer for me at thatage.

But a more provocative question:“Why isour resistance lowerwhen it’scold?”

Another question that medicalresearchers have asked is: Why dopeople diagnosed with cancer in thesummertime, live three times longer than other cancerpatients?


WhyvitaminD,becauseourbodymakesVitaminDwhenthe skin (without sunscreen) is exposed to sunlight. All weneed is a 20-minute exposure to produce 10,000 IU’s ofVitaminD.


In Dr. Michael Hollick’s book, The Vitamin D Solution: A3-StepStrategytoCureOurMostCommonHealthProblems,“Increasing levelsofVitaminDcantreat,prevent,andevenreverse a remarkable number of daily ailments, from highbloodpressuretobackpain. Itcan lessenthesymptomsofchronicconditionssuchasdiabetesandarthritis,andactuallypreventinfectiousdiseases,includingH1N1andcancer.”

Dr.HollickisalifelongVitaminDresearcher.HeisalsoaPhD,MD,ProfessorofMedicine,PhysiologyandBiophysics,Directorof theGeneralClinicalResearchCenter,DirectoroftheVitaminD,SkinandBoneResearchLaboratory,Director,


Ifyouwanttoknowwhatreallyworksfor chronic conditions for a fraction ofthe cost of typical remedies, watch Dr.Hollick’sincrediblyimportant50-minuteonVitaminD,VitaminDandPreventionof Chronic Diseases,

This month, a quasi governmentalagency, The Food and Nutrition Board,seemed to “play-down” the importanceofVitaminD.

Inresponse,Dr.JohnCannell,anothercareer, Vitamin D researcher and MD,

said, “The Food and Nutrition Board has failed millions”,and “.… the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Food and NutritionBoard (FNB), yesterday recommended that a three - poundpremature infant can take virtually the same amount ofvitaminDasa300poundpregnantwoman.”

Could it be that Vitamin D3 is affecting someone’s sales,hencetheplay-down?Certainly!

I’m with Drs. Hollick and Cannell. They have nothing togain. They’re not in the Vitamin business, and Vitamin D3isveryinexpensive;evenso,getonethat’seffective,notthecheapest.

Dr. Cannell, the founder of the Vitamin D Council,, a rich source of valuable, life-savinginformation, recommended combining Vitamin D3 withVitamins A and K2, as well as Magnesium and Zinc. Hisformulation is sold as D3 Plus by BioTech,

Perhaps Vitamin D3 is why I haven’t been sick in eightyears,eveninthewinter.


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32   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

the cellarby dave johnson

‘TistheSeasonforsparklingwhitewines.Withalltheholidaypartiesandspecialevents we attend this time of year,havingafewbottlesofbubblyonhand

isneverabadidea.Itmakesforagreatlastminutegiftforafriendorthehostofthepartyyoureceivedalastminuteinviteto.Bestofall,sparklingwhitewinemakesgreatmimosasandwhatbetterwayto kick off the Christmas morning festivities thantoastingtoallthatwehavetobethankfulfor.Alongwithorangejuice,sparklingwhitewinegoesgreatwith pomegranate and blueberry juice, too as Ihavejustdiscovered.

Recently, a really delicious (and value-priced!)sparklercrossedmypathandifIwereyou,Iwouldlaymyhandsonafewbottles(orcases),ASAP,forallyourholidaycelebrations.Iamnotabigfanofmostsparklingwhitewines,butIlovedthetasteofthis one. The Saint-Hilaire Blanquette de Limoux2007isunder$15anddrinkslikeasparklertwice

the price. Again,another testimonyto the fact that pricehas very little to dowith the taste ofwine. In fact, I readsomewherethatthisgem compares toa top-quality, non-vintage Champagneat three times theprice.SinceIhavearule of not spendingmore than $20 ona bottle of wine,I wouldn’t knowfirsthand, but I willtake their word forit. In my humbleopinion,itisthebestvalue sparkling wineyou’llfind.

For the winesnobs reading this article, the winemaker says,this sparkling white wine is dry, toasty, smoothand clean. Saint-Hilaire truly captivates with anattractive yeasty aroma and luscious creamytexture.Thepalateislightandcrispwithcitrusandappleflavorsandthebody is justheftyenough. Idon’t know about all that but, perhaps, the citrusflavormaybeoneofthereasonsthissparklingwhitewinemakesanespeciallydeliciousmimosa...Ihadafewwhileputtingitthroughitspaces.

Along with the great taste, Saint-HilaireBlanquette de Limoux comes with a great story.More than a century before champagne, theBenedictineMonksoftheAbbeyofSaint-Hilairein

the Southern foothills of Limoux created France’sVeryFirstSparklingWine.

Today, over four and a half centuries later,Saint-Hilaire Blanquette de Limoux is made inthe very same foothills of Southern France. By1794BlanquettedeLimouxwaswellknownandappreciatedthroughoutFrance.AtaboutthattimeitwasdiscoveredbyThomasJefferson.TheThirdAmerican President was an expert on Frenchwines and Blanquette de Limoux was an integralpartofhiswinecellar.

So, what do the pros say about this sparklingwhitewine?

From The Wine Enthusiast: “A pretty andremarkable drinkable sparkler with soft greenapple, tangerine oil and faint yellow floral notesaccented with hints of lavender. There’s mediumcarbonation and weight in the mouth and pearand apple flavors abound with suggestions ofhoneydewinthefinish.”

89 points, The Wine Enthusiast, November2009.

And,saysRobertParker, it’s “fresh, lively,crispanddry.”

In short, Saint-Hilaire rocks! If MTV Cribsever does a show on my house, I will open myrefrigerator to show it is filled with this modestyetdeliciousvintageandIwill leavetheCristaltothe Rappers and Rock Stars. Afterall, if it’s goodenough for Thomas Jefferson, then by gosh, it’sgoodenoughforme.

Don’t takemyword for it though. Pickupyourown bottle of Saint-Hilaire Blanquette de Limouxfrom our friends at Lumina Wine and Beer foronly $13.99 and be sure to let them know thatAsheboroMagazinesentyou.

thomas jefferson was here


33  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

Strawberry Peach Stuffed French ToastByBrettMoore










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34   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

JanetHarlleeisaninternationally-known storyteller, character ac-tress, speaker, and songwriter.Shehaswrittenandproducednu-

merous Christian dramatic productionsthatcombinestory,humorandsongtomakepeoplelaughandencouragethemtohangontotheirfaith.Janet grew up in Asheboro. Through-out her school years, she always lovedacting and being involved in drama. Itwasadreamofherstoperformandsing.Shespentasum-mer at the Burnsville Parkway Playhouse, a small summertheater.Sheperformedincommunitytheaters,TheaterintheRoundanddinnertheaters.Whenshewentawaytoschoolat Gardner-Webb University,she majored in theater andEnglish.After Janet met and marriedRobert, her husband, theymoved to High Point for 14years, before relocating toGreensboro. She saw an ad-vertisementinthelocalpaperfor a storytelling group anddecided to attend becauseshehadheardhowmuchfunitwas.Shegotbitbythebugherveryfirstmeeting.Whenshe attended the secondmeeting,shehadastorywrit-tenofherowntotell.Janetstartedoutwritingandre-writingoldfolktales,andthenbranchedouttowritestoriesofherown,basedonpersonalandfamilyexperiences.Someareembellished,andsomearenot.HerDadwasdiagnosedwithCOPDandin2000hewasbe-

coming more and more ill. Janet felta “nudge” that told her it was time tomove back to Asheboro and be closertoherfamily.Shestartedmakingcallsregardingemployment,andwasabletofindapositionwithanassistedlivingfa-cility.ShewasabletospendtwoyearswithherDadbeforehepassedaway.ShebecameveryinvolvedinthedramaministryatCrossRoadBaptistChurch.She has coordinated and written skits


tor’s wife, Renea Hendersontoperform.MitsyLou&DitsyLouPuppernickelwereborn.Janet credits the Lord withthenames,astheyjustcameto her one day. Mitsy Louhas since evolved into herowncharacter,andnowtrav-els around Randolph Countyand beyond, performing forchurch groups, businesses,andwomen’sorganizations.Mitsy Lou Puppernickel is atacky southern hairdresserwho thinks she’s on the cut-tingedgeoffashion.Youmaynotagreewithherstyle-but


community character janet harlleeby sherry johnson

“The Lord has given me songs – sometimes they

come so fast I have to capture them quickly before they are gone”

35  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

quiteahit.Shehasperformeditforwomen’sgroups,church-esandconferenceretreats. Shecanspeciallydesignapro-gramtofittheneedsofthegroup.Thisprogramwillalwaysbeherfavorite,becauseitwasherfirstandthatmakesitspe-cial. “TheLordhasgivenmesongs–sometimestheycomesofastIhavetocapturethemquicklybeforetheyaregone,”statesJanet.Janet received a call from Steve Rumbley, who wanted herto joinhisstaffatCrossRoadRetirementCommunity. Shemadethemove,andbecametheirAdmissionsandMarketingDirector.SheisabletospendtimewithherMom,whois96,andcurrentlyresidesatthefacility.Sheattributesherloveofstorytellingtohermother,whowasherinspiration.HerMomtaughtSundayschoolatchurchfor54years.JanetsaysshetakesafterherMomwithherstorytelling,butputsherown

spinonit.Janetiscurrentlyworkingonseveralprojects;abook,MitsyLou’s Devotions: A Makeover with the Maker; a manual ofplaysandskitsshehaswrittentoofferotherchurcheswhoareinterestedinstartingadramaministry,hersongsarebe-ingcompiledontoaCD;andseveralstoriesshehaswrittenovertheyearsforchildrenages7to11arebeingeditedandcoverartisbeingconsideredforabookaswell.Janet’s fondestwish is that “TheLordwillworkthroughmeand make a difference in someone’s life. We need to hangontoourfaith,andbe steadfast inthis ever changingworld.”

36   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

daily devotionSponge Nose Smarty Finsby rev. peter panagore

Scientific American titled it, ”Sponge-Nose Smarty Pants”. A close-upphotoshowedabottle-noseddolphinwearingaseaspongeonhernose.Marinebiologistsworking inSharkBaysawthatcertain femalesworespongestoprotecttheirtendersnoutswhentheywererootingforfoodon

theseafloor.Malesdidnotwearspongesever,andneitherdideveryfemale.Thequestionwas–wasthisbehaviorinstinctorwasitlearned?UsingDNAfrom13"spongers" and 172 "non-spongers", scientists determined that all the spongershadacommonancestor,buttheycouldn'tfindagenepatternthatwouldcausethebehavior.Therewasno"wearaspongeonyournose"gene.Science’sconclusion?Motherstaughtittodaughters.Itwaslearned



Let's Pray: Dear God of soft places, give comfort to Your children,especiallychildrenofdivorce.Guidethemthroughthispainfultime, letthemknowtheyareloved,andgivethemtoolstocope.Amen.


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37  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year

community news

On Friday December 17th North Carolina’s oldestcomic book shop will be auctioning off pieces oforiginal comic art, statues and signed memorabiliatobenefittheMake-A-WishFoundation®ofCentral

& Western North Carolina. The auction will take place atCirca Gallery, located at 150 Sunset Ave. in Asheboro, N.C.beginningat6:00p.m.TheartworkandmemorabiliawillbeondisplayatthegalleryfromDecember14thuntiltheendoftheauction.ItemsupforgrabsincludepiecesdonatedbyindustrygreatssuchasStanLee,BillyTucci,BillyTan,BartSears,JoeStaton, Neil Vokes, Jim Valentino, Jamal Igle, Al Bigley, KoiTurnbullandmanymore.“I was very pleased at the response we got from the comicbookindustry.”saidJeffLamb,ownerofTheComicConspiracy.“Oncewehadacoupleofconfirmeddonationsthewholethingjustsnowballed.”

Personnel at The Comic Conspiracy, with additional helpfromlongtimeshopcustomersandfriends,begancontactingartists,writersandeditorsatDCComics,MarvelComicsandmanyindependentpublishersandrequesteddonationsfortheHeroWishcharityauction.

“OncetheartistsrealizedthatHeroWishwastherealdealandthat100%oftheproceedsfromtheauctionweregoingtoMake-A-WishFoundation®,wewereabletoaddquiteafewprestigious names to our confirmed donation list.” said EllisAldridge,abusinesspartneratthecomicshop.

Aftersecuringavenuefortheauction,thenecessarypaperswere submitted to Make-A-Wish Foundation® and DonTimmonscameonboardastherepresentativefortheCentraland Western N.C. Chapter of the organization. The Make-A-Wish Foundation® is the nation’s largest wish-grantingorganization.Since1980,Make-A-Wishhasenrichedthelivesof children with life-threatening medical conditions throughitswish-grantingwork.TheFoundation’smissionreflectsthelife-changingimpactthataMake-A-Wishexperiencehasonchildren, families, donors, sponsors and entire communities.From their humble beginnings with one boy’s wish to be apoliceofficer,they’veevolvedintoanorganizationthatgrantsachild’swishintheU.S.every40minutes.


“We’re a small shop in a small town and we’re having torunthisentireeventonazerobudget.”saidbusinesspartnerBenny Littreal. “We’re completely dependent upon peoplewillingtodonatetheirtimeandenergytothisproject.”

ItemstobeauctionedforHeroWishwillalsobeavailableforviewingonTheComicConspiracywebsitebeginningnolaterthan December 1, 2010. In addition to being a live auction,absentee bidders will be able to phone in bids from all overtheworld.Anyitemswhichareunsoldattheliveauctionwillbelistedinanonlineauctionatalaterdate.Itemsremainingunsoldwillbereturnedtotheartistsandwritersthatdonatedthem.Anyonewishingtobideitherinpersonorbytelephonemust register either online, by telephone or in person atthe store. Non-auction contributions will also be gratefully



The Comic Conspiracy teams with Make-A-Wish Foundation® for HeroWish









Christian Rock Christmas IV Rocks the Sunset Theater

38   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas


Zoo’s Forest Aviary Warms Winter’s ChillStory & photos by Tom Gillespie, NC Zoo Staff

Eveninthegripofwinter,whenthearea’ssongbirdsaregoneandsummer’swarmthhasturnedtowin-ter’sfreeze,theR.J.ReynoldsForestAviaryexhibitat the North Carolina Zoo averages a warm mid-


The award-winning exhibit officially opened Aug. 26,1982,andimmediatelybecameavisitorfavorite.


destroyedbyhumanencroachment.Always one of the zoo’s most popular attractions, the

ForestAviarygainednationalattention inthe90swhenre-nownedzooexhibitdesignerJohnCoenameditoneofthe10bestzoonatural-habitatexhibitsinAmericainanarticlepub-lishedinUSAToday.

Sinceanextensive18-month,$850,000renovationwascompleted in May 2000, even more exotic plants and ani-malshavebeenadded,includingthegreenwoodhoopoeandthe yellow-rumped cacique. Forest Aviary visitors may alsorecognize many old favorites such as the scarlet ibis, Victo-riacrownedpigeonandChileanflamingo.Generally,thebesttimetoviewthebirdsisattheir9:30a.m.feeding.


zoo zeal

39  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year


Becauseoftheirnaturalcamouflaging,manyofthebirdsintheForestAviaryarenoteasilyseenatfirst.AccordingtoAviaryandeducationalstaffmembers,visitorswhowanttofullyappreciate theexhibitneedtosit forawhileand listenandlook,notjustquicklywalkthrough.Butjustasitisinarainforest,ifvisitorsgivethebirdstime,theywillcomeout.

OneoftheN.C.Zoo’smostimportantobjectivesistomain-tainviablepopulationsofexoticandendangeredbirdsfortheirown collections as well as for other zoos and bird facilitiesaroundthecountry.Tothisend,theZoohasbecomeanation-alleaderinthebreedingofrareandendangeredbirds,mostofwhichwillbeexhibitedintheForestAviaryatsometime.

OnesuchspeciesthatvisitorscanseeattheForestAvi-aryisthehighlyendangeredBalimynah.Bysomeaccounts,there are less than 15 left in the wild. Like so many otherendangered bird species, the mynah population in the wildisbeingdramaticallyimpactedbyhabitatdestructionduetotimberharvest,illegalbirdtrade,poachingandnest-sitecom-


The Aviary’s Bali mynahs are taken off exhibit betweenSeptember and March due to their interference with thebreedingactivitiesofotherAviaryspecies.

Unfortunately,thesafetyoftheplantsandanimalsinsidetheAviary’sminiaturerainforestisafarcryfromtheuncer-taintyoftoday’sindigenousrainforestsworldwide,wherecat-tleranching,settlement,logging,largeminingoperationsandhydro electric dams daily threaten their existence. Rain for-estsarethesourceofsomeofourmostwidelyusedproductsandthewinteringgroundformanyofourfavoritemigratorybirds.Yettropicalrainforestsarebeingdecimated,andspe-ciesarebeinglostbeforeweareevenabletodiscoverthem.

It’sanexhibitwherevisitorscangoinside,closetheireyesandpretendthey’reonatropicalisland,engrossedinthewon-derfulbio-diversity that’s there.Notabadexperience,espe-ciallyonacoldwinterdaywhensummer’swarmthisafaintmemory.

Since its Forest Aviary exhibit opened in 1982, the N.C. Zoo has been recognized for

some of the most significant bird hatchings among American zoos. One such event is the first American hatching of a golden white-eye, a bright yellow and green species that is native to the Marianas Islands in the western Pacific. The species is now classified as critically endangered in the wild on their native island, Saipan, because of the introduction of the brown tree snake. A non-native species, the snake is thought to have reached the island by cargo ship or plane.

To stop this decimation, proactive measures have included the establishment of captive-breeding programs and the introduction of the species to snake-free islands on their archipelago. Currently in the United States, there are 35 golden white-eyes—four of which are at the N.C. Zoo. Zoo visitors can daily see two of the four in the Forest Aviary exhibit.

40   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

bistro 42restaurant reviewarticle by Sherry Johnson

photos by Lauren Johnson

Bistro 42 relocatedto its new space on EDixie Drive near CenturyLink the first weekend in

November. Luke put a ton of timeand effort into remaking the buildingintoaverycoolspace,andtheresult isawonderfulplacetomeetfriendsforaquickdrinkafterwork,ortakethefamilyoutforagreat dinner. He has plans for the summerto expand to the side and offer shaded patioseating,somethingthatAsheboroneedsmoreof.

Bistro’s menu is still very similar to theirprevious location, with one notable exception.Jason Raynor, a native New Yorker, has brought alittlesomethingextratothetable–Pizza!Notjustanypizza,butNYStyle,slicefolding,doNOTeatthiswithaforkandknife‘ZA!!

Whenweheardthat theywereaddingpizza,wehadtocheckitout–Pizzabeingoneofthefourmostimportantfoodgroups.BeingfromNewEngland,it’schallengingtofindfoodsthatremindusofhome.WhenIworkedforColeHaanFootwear and Accessories, I spent a year living in Manhattanwithmyfriend,Pat,andmyfavoritemealwastwoslicesfromtheGreekplaceat18thStreet&1stAvenueanda“pop”.

Deb and Marcella greeted us when we walked in andusheredustothediningroomsideoftherestaurant.Marcella(Marci) came over and took our drink order. While that wasbeingfilled,shereadusthenightlyspecials.Althoughweweredefinitelythereforthepizza,itneverhurtstohearwhatelseisonthemenu.Ofcourse,thatalsoopensyouuptotemptation–sincetheyallsoundedsogood!Wedidbreakdownandorderthe roasted oysters on the half shell, served with chunks ofmozzarella cheese, and drizzled with balsamic vinegar as anappetizer.Theywereabsolutelydelicious!



– Andrew wentwith a regular pizza,

light sauce withbacon for his topping.

Lauren chose a whitepizza (no sauce and four

cheese base consisting ofprovolone,ricotta,mozzarella

and Romano), then addedthe Meat Lovers toppings:

pepperoni, Italian sausage,meatball&ham.DaveandIchose

fromthespecialtymenu.Ipickedmyfavorite, the Margarita, a wonderful


and diced roma tomatoes. Dave is themostadventurousofusall,heorderedthe

Rustica; a three cheese, artichoke hearts,tomato, eggplant, caramelized onion, fresh

basil and no sauce pizza. These were allindividualpizzassowewouldn’thavetoshare,

however, we ordered a Crostada for the table,whichconsistedofthreecheeses,Italiansausage,



shape.Iworkedforadeli/pizzaplaceinPortland,Mainefor several years and although I could throw a pie with

thebestof them,theynevercameoutquiteround…whichisokay,untilyoutrytofitthemintoapizzabox.Fortunately,



41  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year


We arrived before the dinner crowd really gets going at6:00p, so while there were a few people at the bar, we werethe only patrons on the restaurant side. This made it easy togooverandchatwithRaynorwhilehewasmakingthepizzas.Thatdidn’t last long,andbothsidesfilledupveryquicklyforaTuesdayevening.

Marcideliveredthepizzastothetable,andmymouthstartedwatering. The aromas of tangy tomato sauce, melted cheeseandspicescombinedtoteasethepalette.ThepizzaepitomizedNYStyle‘Za–itpresentedapuffy,bread-likeoutercrustwhichquickly tapered down to a very thin, crisp middle. The crust islightlybrownedandsomewhatcharredinappearance.ThisisapizzathatwouldstanduptoanycornerpizzashopinNewYork!

You do not eat this pizza with a knife and fork unless youwishtoinsultthechef!Pickingupaslice,Ifoldeditinhalfandtookmyfirstbite.Flavorexplosion!Thecrusthadjusttherightconsistency-notsoftandsoggybutasatisfying“crackercrunch”.Raynorwasnotexaggeratingwhenhesaidheknewpizza!Thiswasasliceofhomeandweduginwithavengeance.Isampledoneofeachofthepieswehadordered,andwhiletheywereallgood–myfavoritesweretheCrostadaandtheMargarita.DaveconcurredwithmychoiceoftheCrostada,buthissecondchoicewastheMeatLovers.

Although we made quite a dent in the slices on the table,wecouldn’tdoarestaurantreviewwithout tryingat leastonedessert.Weorderedoneflourlesschocolatetorteforthetable,withfourspoons.Whenitarrived,itwastoppedwithvanillaice

cream,adollopofwhippedcreamanddrizzledfudgesauceoverthe whole. The plate was lightly dusted with powdered sugar.Thepresentationwaslovelyandthetaste–outofthisworld.Infact,itquicklydisappearedandwehadtoorderasecondone.

Ifyouhaven’thadtheopportunitytostopinandexperienceBistro42’snewlocation,pleasestopby.Thebaroffersseveralchoices for seating – high-top bar tables for four, or individualseats at the expanded bar. You can order beer on tap, or anice glass of wine or mixed drink. The dining room has beenexpandedandincludesmoretables.Althoughreservationsarerecommended,withalltheexpandedroomyoucanstilldropbyonawhimandmostlikelyfindaplacetorelaxandeat.Youcaneatyourpizzathereortake-out,butyouwillnotbesorry.It’swellworththetrip!

42   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas



Joseph was born and raised in Austin, Minnesota. Hegraduated from Austin High School in 2001, and attended theUniversityofMinnesotainDuluth.JosephspentaportionofhisjunioryearinEurope,studyingartinCortona,Italy.



It was during his time in England that Joseph decided tobecomeapotter.Aftervisitingandspendingtimewithmanyfull-timepotters,Josephknewthatthiswasthelifeforhim.In2006,Joseph graduated with honors and received a Bachelor of Fine

joseph sand potterybusiness buzzarticle by Sherry Johnsonphotos by Dave Johnson

The Kiln

43  volume1  issue 5 & Happy New Year Laser & Cosmetic Center



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ArtsdegreeinGeneralStudioArt,withanemphasisonceramics.Joseph and Amanda moved to North Carolina, where he completed a


In the summer of 2009, Joseph and Amanda purchased a home andproperty to set up a studio and kiln near Randleman. He built the kiln byhand to accommodate the larger pots that he is known for. His potterycombines the styles of traditional, Southern alkaline glaze ware and EastAsiandesigns.Usingawood-firedkiln,bothsalt-andash-glazedwaresareproduced.

JosephwasarecipientoftheEllaFountainPrattEmergingArtistAwardthrough the Durham Arts Council, which provided funding towards theconstructionof thekiln. HealsoheldaBuyaBrickdrive tocomplete theconstruction. Theyfirethekilnandhostsalesthreetimesayear inApril,August&November/December.Ittakeshimapproximatelytwoandahalfmonthsto throwenoughpots,bowlsandbeautifulvasestofill thekiln forfiring.

IhadthepleasureofattendinghisrecentHolidayKilnOpeningandhistalent isunmistakable. HemakeseverythingfromChristmasornaments,teapotsandwonderfulbowls,topotsthataretallerthanIam,whichcanbekeptoutdoorsorbroughtinforastunningvisualdisplay.Ifyoudidn’thavethetimetocomeoutandviewhisworkattheKilnOpening,youcansetupanappointmenttovisitthepottery.

For more information, visit or look for him onFacebook,JosephSandPottery.

There is an entire gallery of pictures taken at Joseph Sand’s Kiln Opening on our website at

44   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

Community EventsDecember & January

December 16th – Thrifty Thursday Movies at the SunsetTheatre, Asheboro, NC, 7:30-9:30 p. A Christmas Carol,2009 animated version of this holiday classic, starring JimCarrey.Tickets$5.

December 16th –LaneRagsdaleChristmasConcert,Ran-dolph County Public Library, Asheboro, 7-8p. Hosted bythe Friends of the Library, Asheboro’s own Lane Ragsdalepresents his annual holiday cabaret show. Contact ArleneSmithat336-318-6802formoreinformation.

December 18th-Santa’sWorkshop,SunsetTheatreAnnex,9a.AtSanta’sWorkshopthekidswillcreateonecraftproject,takeapicturewithSanta,seeamovieandenjoyasnack.SignuptoparticipateattheCultural&RecreationServicesOffice.Admission-$10perchild.

December 21st-CityofAsheboroBloodDrive,PublicWorksConference Room (1312 N. Fayetteville Street), 1–5:30p.Thisholidayseasongivethemostpreciousgiftofall–thegiftoflife!December 27-29th – Bank of the Carolinas JV BasketballTournament,10a-10p. The largestJVbasketball invitation-al tournament intheUnitedStateswith62teamsfromtheCarolinas.Formoreinformation,contactDavidCrossat336-625-9990.

December 20th–BantamRoosterFoodDrive,SunsetThea-tre,Asheboro,7-8:30p.Admissionis2cansoffoodperper-son to benefit the Christian United Outreach Center. Doorsopenat6:30p.

January 1st – The Malpass Brothers, Liberty Showcase,101SFayettevilleStreet,Liberty,7-9p.Don’tmiss“ATribute

to Hank Williams”. Enjoy vintage classic country music byTheMalpassBrothers.Ticketsare$16inadvance,$18dayofshow.Call336-622-3844formoreinformation.

January 21st–AnnualMeeting,Asheboro/RandolphCham-berofCommerce,PinewoodCountryClub,6:30-9:30p.The85th Annual Meeting Dinner & Awards Ceremony of theAsheboro/RandolphChamberofCommerce.Ticketsareavail-ablefor$65perperson.Theeventwillfeaturepresentationsofthe2010ATHENAAward,2010CitizenoftheYear,2010Businessof theYear,2010Industryof theYearand2010Volunteer of the Year. The gavel will be passed from 2010Chamber Chairman of the Board, Carla Freemyer to 2011Chairman,JamesGouty.RetiringBoardofDirectorswillalsoberecognizedfortheirserviceandsupport.Reservationswillbetakenfirstcome,firstserved.GetyourticketstodayattheAsheboro/RandolphChamberofCommerce,317EastDixieDrive, Asheboro, call (336) 626-2626 or email chamber@asheboro.comformoreinformation.Seatingislimited.

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46   ASHEBORO Magazine  December 2010 Merry Christmas

going green

part of the solution

Inarecentstudyof50citiesnationwide,itwasshownthattherearemorehomelessthanthereareavailableshelters,and in rural areas, which comprise 9% of the homeless,thesheltersaregenerallynon-existent.Unfortunately,the



Due to the increasingly serious problem of the homelessworldwide, alternatives are being sought to supply affordablehousing, while, in this “going green” era, keeping in mind thepossibility of ecological and economic solutions. The companyEcoFaeBrick, started by students at the Prasetiya MulyaBusiness School of Indonesia, seems to have an innovativeanswer. Originally intending to solve farms’ excessive wasteproblems,thecompanyhasdevelopedabrickmadeofcowdunginsteadofclay,whichcouldbeusedtobuildaffordablehousing.Cow dung is the waste produced when they consume plants.

by barbara adams

Asaresult,EcoFaeBrickwonthe2009GlobalSocialVenture$25,000competitionattheUniversityofCalifornia.Theywereoneof123participatinguniversities.TheGlobalSocialVentureCompetition is the largestand longest-runningsocialbusinessplancompetitionprovidingmentoring,exposure,andprizesforwinnersintheworld.

Byhiringlocals,EcoFaeBrickhasalsogreatlyimprovedtheeconomicconditionoftheIndonesianpeople.EcoFaeBrickplansto expand into many farm areas in both Indonesia and thirdworldcountries.The75%cowdungbrickis20%stronger,andyet 20% lighter than the usual clay brick. Being a renewableresource, its manufacture reduces carbon emissions; solves ahygieneproblemduetohealthrisksfromlargeamountsofcowdung;whilethebiogasusedintheprocesssavesonfirewood(anon-renewableresource),andreducesproductioncosts.Thebrickhasnoodor,andisalsoenvironmentallysound,asitdecreasesafarm’scattlewaste;eliminatesthenecessityofexcavatingfarmsforclay;andreturnstheuseofmoreagriculturallandforfarming,thepurposeforwhichitwasintended.

Thebestpartofusingcowdungtomakebricksistheverylowexpense.Thereisaneverendingsupplyofthebasematerialandmostfarmerswouldgladlygiveitaway.ItwouldberelativelyeasytocreateaprogramsimilartoorinconjunctionwithHabitatfor Humanity that puts the homeless to work excavating thewasteandtransformingitintobricks.Oncethebricksaremade,they could be used to build housing with the majority of theexpensecoveredbysweatequity.

Whenyouremoveprofitoutoftheequation,thereisasolutionfor every problem in the world. Sometimes it just requires alittleoutside-the-boxthinkingandacan-doattitude.Inthiscase,EcoFaeBrickhasdiscoveredasolutiontoamonumentalproblemwhilealsohavingapositiveimpactonourecosystem.Thismaynotbethesolutiontohomelessness,butit iscertainlyaviablewaytoreducethecostofhousingforthoseinneed.





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