Assignment no 1 mgt 450


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HR Policy: A policy is a plan of actionHR policies need to ensure consistency and uniformity in treating people (guideline to course of action)It motivates employees and build loyaltyBenchmark to evaluate performanceTable: The main Chapters of HR policy documents are

1 HR Philosophy

How management /organization views human resource and what value it associates to the employee development.

2 Employment policy

Manpower planning, recruitment, probation, promotion, transfer, termination, retirement policy e.t.c.

3 Compensation

Pay, benefits, leaves, contributory provident fund, graduity, GP fund, retirement plans, medical facility, social security, house rent/hiring facility e.t.c.

4 Performance evaluation & Employee training

Performance appraisal procedure, methods, and guideline for training development of employees.

5 Community Relationships

Social/Community activities, Corporate Social Responsibility, Relationship with project stakeholders.

6 Legal and Ethical issues

Code of conduct ,work ethics,norms,values,information discloser policy, privacy of personal record and official communications, equal employment opportunity policy, outside work policy e.t.c

7 Occupational Health and Safety

Smoke free work place, workplace facilities(ergonomics),Health and Safety and guidelines.

8 Disciplinary Actions

Procedure for initiating disciplinary proceedings, opportunity of fair trial and hearing, right of appeal, grievance handling procedure, code of conduct.

Proactive HR BasicsProactive or preventative human resources is the strategic development of plans for recruiting, selecting, managing and motivating people. Proactive recruiting means crafting specific plans for recruiting employees who are the best fit for your organization. Proactive HR management processes include development of effective compensation programs that pay people fairly and competitively. They also include management approaches that are known to motivate employees to deliver optimum performance on a regular basis.

Reactive HR BasicsStrategic planning to react to human resources crises are important. Small businesses need to know what to do when employee troubles arise. However, reactive HR is often regarded as putting out fires and living in HR chaos because managers wait until employee issues come to a head before they try to handle them. By this time, symptoms may have become overwhelming for the business and its employees. Reactive HR also means adding new policies and procedures in response to problems that arise.

SimilaritiesThe main similarity between proactive and reactive HR is that both are integral in strategic HR, which has become prominent in the early 21st century. Companies need to proactively develop procedures but have an efficient system to deal well when surprise issues occur. Both approaches involve processes of dealing with employees and their concerns. In each type, HR professionals and managers want to keep employees happy so that production is high.

DifferencesTiming is a key difference between proactive and reactive HR. Proactive HR plans are typically implemented before issues come up. Proactive approaches include intentionally hiring certain employees and paying what it takes to motivate employees. Reactive approaches more often involve waiting until employees complain to fix pay or motivation problems. In an April 2011 FosterThomas article, Kristin Rueber explains that proactive HR also may involve payroll and employee audits that catch issues before they fester. She describes a particular situation in which a company paid a non active employee for about 12 years because it failed to review payroll files proactively.


