Aug 17, 2012 - Kaiserslautern American



Kaiserslautern American newspaper for the U.S. military community in Germany. Serving Ramstein Air Force Base, Baumholder, and the Kaisersluatern military community living in Germany.

Citation preview

by 1st Lt. Christine GuthrieU.S. Air Forces in Europe Public Affairs

Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, new U.S. Air Forces in Europe commander, outlined his pri-orities, vision, challenges and personal experiences during an interview Aug. 8 on Ramstein.

“I am so proud of this com-mand — our Airmen have accomplished so much in these past three years,” said

Breedlove who left Ramstein in 2009 after serving as 3rd Air Force commander. “We have an incredibly huge mis-sion here, taking care of two vastly different combatant commands in EUCOM and AFRICOM, on two huge con-tinents spanning over 100 countries.”

As fi scal constraints contin-ue to be a concern throughout the Air Force, USAFE lead-ership is faced with balanc-

ing mission requirements and dwindling resources.

Breedlove comes to USAFE from Washington, D.C., where he served as vice chief of staff of the Air Force and was responsible for a broad set of requirements and responsibili-ties. He managed major acqui-sition programs, such as Joint Strike Fighter and the Long-Range Strike Bomber. No matter the project, his focus remained on accomplishing

the Air Force mission in a constrained fi scal environment with limited resources.

“I think my past assignment will help me make decisions here at USAFE and also help me interact with our NATO partners” he said. “I have a good understanding of the pri-orities of the chief and secre-tary of the Air Force.”

The general said there will be no immediate changes in USAFE, but said his priorities

fall into three areas: mission, Airmen and families.

“Mission is fi rst. Secondly, I truly believe the Airmen are our primary weapon system. Many nations in the world have great air forces; many nations in our world may rival us as our Air Force gets small-er, but no nation in the world has the Airmen that we have,” Breedlove said.

by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Six countries provided more than 150 paratroop-ers to participate in International Jump Week hosted by the 435th Contingency Response Group from Sunday to today near Ramstein.

The paratroopers came from the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and the U.S. Air Force and Army and jumped from two C-130J Super Hercules aircraft and one C-17 provided from the Heavy Airlift Wing from Papa Air Base, Hungary. “International Jump Week is an oppor-tunity for U.S. and partner forces to get together for fi ve or six days here,” said Col. Mark Visconi, 435th Contingency Response Group commander. “We practiced jumps into Alzey, Germany, to trade tactics, techniques and procedures as well as build partnerships between multiple forces.”

The 435th CRG hosts the event with help from members of various Air Force and Army units in the area.

“The Contingency Response Group hosts this event, but we have members from all across the 435th Air Ground Operations Wing. There is a signifi cant amount of planning between aircrews, and personnel,” Visconi said. “The 37th Airlift Squadron and the Heavy Airlift Wing brought the aircraft here. There’s also coordination with our

August 17, 2012 Volume 36, number 33HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY?




Kaiserslautern Classics, Page 17




Fence removal symbolic of joint unity, Page 12 As of Aug. 14

346 561Hosted by the Ramstein Offi cers’ Spouses Club

Ramstein Welfare Bazaar

Sept. 13 to 16 in hangars 1 & 2, giant tent

27 DAYSVisit


See JUMP, Page 7


Team Ramstein hosts international jump week

Photo by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes

A German paratrooper attempts to pull his chute in after landing in a � eld during International Jump Week 2012 Wednesday in Alzey, Germany. Members of six NATO countries came together to trade jump tactics and techniques and got the opportunity to earn the other nation’s jump wings.

New USAFE commander shares priorities, gets personal

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 2 August 17, 2012





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INE Editor’s Note. The following commander’s

action line question was edited for accuracy, brevity and clarity.

QUESTION: There is a continuing trend on Lawn Avenue, between Arnold Circle and Harmon Avenue (the main road adjacent to the bowling alley).

I’ve called law enforcement requesting assistance and informed them of this problem. The response I get seems to be one of concern, but not priority. There is an issue with motor-ists exceeding the 30 km/h speed limit down that roadway, which is frequently crossed by pedestrians on a daily basis. Bike-patrol stings and posted squad cars have done little to dis-suade excessive speeding down this roadway.

As a pedestrian, I cross this roadway multi-ple times a day for duty and I utilize the cross-walk directly in line with Bldg. 2108, to and from the Chili’s parking lot. I make a point of that because over the past year, I had fi ve inci-dents of nearly being hit. I fi led a complaint and reported the incident to security forces. I have fellow Airmen and customers daily who all had similar situations.

This driving attitude carries itself into the

adjoining parking lot where motorists drive in excess of 20 to 30 km/h. This issue is further complicated by the lack of a walking path between vehicles. Why can’t we put speed humps in this area?

I appreciate your attention to this matter. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.

RESPONSE: Thanks for bringing these safety items to our attention. Speed humps are considered a traffi c-calming device, not a traffi c-control device, and are used mainly for school zones and residential streets. They are not considered transit (routes for busses or trucks) or snow routes. A site must have a legitimate speeding problem verifi ed by observation and radar surveys with the 85th percentile speed at least 5 mph (8 km/h) above the posted speed limit.

Lawn Avenue between Arnold Circle and Harmon Avenue is classifi ed as a secondary roadway (non-residential). The posted speed limit is 30 km/h and the 85th percentile is 32 km/h. The average daily traffi c fl ow is 4,698 vehicles with 16 percent being truck traffi c. This section of roadway is a bus and snow

route. Data collected indicated the average gap time between vehicles was 30.70 seconds, well above the eight second minimum required for pedestrians to cross the street. Based on data collected and the guidelines provided, speed humps will not be used. However, 86th Civil Engineer Squadron will add crosswalk signage at both crosswalk locations.

Once the new signage is installed, CE will monitor the traffi c along Lawn Avenue again. The parking lot for Bldg. 2140 is a multi-use parking lot with no defi nitive destination.

Two crosswalks across the length of the parking lot would eliminate much needed parking stalls. The speed limit for these park-ing lots is 15 km/h as specifi ed in AWI 31-201 chapter 4.2.2. Security forces will engage with those driving in excess of the posted speed limit.

CE will add reminder speed limit signs at the entrances along with speed limit mark-ings on the pavement. The Ramstein Air Base traffi c engineer will monitor the situation and keep in contact with 86th Security Forces Squadron and 86th Force Support Squadron with regards to future issues or concerns with the Bldg. 2140 parking lot.

Speeding on Lawn Avenue issue answered

by Chief Master Sgt. Keith Pudlowski86th Medical Group superintendent

For years now, we have lived with and complained about infl ated Enlisted Performance Reports that plague our rating system. It has been addressed as a failure of the rater to make the “tough call.” The fi nger is continually pointed at those fi rst-line supervisors for lack of fortitude in being reluctant to provide markdowns or reduced rat-ings. Raters are seen as the culprits and the entity that needs to right this wrong.

I have to say, sorry, but I beg to differ. We, as leaders, own respon-

sibility for the current state of our rating system. Leadership allowed ratings to get infl ated; and through our reluctance to change percep-tions have become a barrier to fi x-ing the issue.

Raters have been conditioned by the feedback provided by leaders through the years, either verbally or implied. The onus is on leaders to have the philosophical change in how we view reports and to com-municate that to the raters. Leaders have to be the ones to start mak-ing the “tough call,” and begin to accept that a markdown does not degrade the overall rating. A “4” EPR is “Above Average” and does not imply the Airman is a slug with problems.

Please don’t misread my mes-sage, I believe wholeheartedly in “Excellence in All We Do” as the goal and standard. In an organiza-tion with America’s fi nest, most dedicated and highly skilled men and women the rating system we should have, being labeled above average would still be pretty good and would warrant merit and not condemnation by one’s superiors. I’m not advocating for a lessening of standards, only realistic ratings and perceptions based on those ratings.

Why is a “fi rewall 5” EPR viewed so drastically different from a “5” EPR with a markdown? Are they not both “Truly Among the Best?” Why the enormous and

impacting disparity? Leaders have escalated the negativity associated with markdowns to the point that a markdown overshadows the actual overall rating. Raters wouldn’t be so hesitant to markdown Airmen if leaders accepted and focused more on the overall rating.

Why do we disapprove or request letters of justifi cation for decora-tions on Airmen with consistent ratings of “5” on EPRs, but with markdowns? Aren’t the “5/Truly Among the Best” ratings not justi-fi cation for rewarding their perfor-mance? Again, what message have we relayed to our raters when a markdown is interpreted so dramat-

Make the tough call

See CALL, Page 7

Kaiserslautern American Page 3August 17, 2012

by Tech. Sgt. Shawn J. JonesAir Force Public Affairs Agency

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. (AFNS) — The Air Force chief of staff flag passed to the service’s 20th chief in a cer-emony here Aug. 10.

Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, a 36-year Airman, stepped into the position, taking over for Gen. Norton Schwartz, who also retired from the Air Force during the ceremony.

“Mark is respected through-out the Air Force for his excep-tional leadership and abil-ity to connect with Airmen,” Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley said.

Raised in an Air Force fam-ily, Welsh said he found a role model in his father, a deco-rated combat pilot.

“Today, I think he’d be proud of me,” Welsh said. “And any day a kid can make his dad proud is a great day.”

Welsh emphasized the need for Airmen to understand the importance of the other servic-es in joint operations, but also said Airmen shouldn’t under-estimate the combat capabili-ties of their own service in

winning today’s fight.“No one else can bring what

we bring to the fight, and any real warfighter knows that,” he said. “Don’t ever doubt your-self or this service.

Welsh also addressed his stance on issues affecting the well-being of Airmen.

“When it comes to Airman resiliency, suicide prevention, and sexual assault prevention and response, I believe you’re either part of the solution or you’re part of the problem,” he said. “There is no middle ground.”

Welsh also said the Air Force must shape the future and that will require innova-tive thinking and different approaches to problems, along with modernization.

Welsh was nominated by the president May 10 and con-firmed by the Senate on Aug. 2.

In his previous position as the commander of U. S. Air Forces in Europe, he was in charge of Air Force activities in an area of operations cov-ering nearly one-fifth of the globe.

Welsh, a 1976 graduate of the Air Force Academy, has served in numerous operation-

al, command and staff posi-tions, such as commandant of cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy, vice commander of Air Education and Training Command and associate direc-tor for military affairs at the Central Intelligence Agency.

“When I became a squad-ron commander, I felt excited. When I became a wing com-mander, I felt proud. When I became a major command commander, I felt privileged and a little bit old,” he said. “Today when I was sworn in as chief of staff of the Air Force, I felt humbled to be given the honor of leading its incredible Airmen.”

His experience includes nearly 3,300 flying hours, most of which came in the A-10 Thunderbolt II and F-16 Fighting Falcon.

As the ceremony ushered in a new chapter in Air Force his-tory, it also served as the final chapter for Schwartz’s four years as the service’s senior uniformed leader and his more than 39 years of military ser-vice.

Schwartz’s career began in1973 after graduating from the Air Force Academy. He has logged more than 4,400

flying hours and participat-ed in military operations in Vietnam, Iraq and Cambodia.

“Anyone looking for an example of Air Force core val-ues need look no further than Gen. Norty Schwartz,” Donley said.

“Thank you for your lasting contribution to our Air Force and the character and quality of your service.”

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta presented Schwartz with the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, which is awarded to service members who perform exceptionally meritorious service in a posi-

tion of great responsibility.The award citation high-

lighted his success in restoring excellence in the Air Force nuclear mission, his efforts to partner with joint and coali-tion teammates in support of operations worldwide, mod-ernizing the Air Force’s air and space inventories, and care for Airmen and families.

Schwartz’s wife Suzie was also recognized for her devo-tion to Airmen and family sup-port programs.

“The Air Force has afforded us an honorable and rewarding journey for the entirety of our adult lives,” Schwartz said

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Welsh ‘humbled’ to serve as AF chief of staff

Taking care of the Airmen to enable, train and equip them properly will be one of his focuses, he said. He believes that to accomplish the mission and be an effective Airman, individuals must have their personal priorities in order, and, he said, that begins with the family.

After 33 years of marriage to his wife Cindy, Breedlove developed a mantra that he’s coveted for most of his career.

“The family was before the Air Force, the family was during the Air Force, and the family is after the Air Force,” he said. “Family is permanent and the Air Force is temporary.”

With family needs met, the mission takes care of itself, he added.

The Breedloves are no strangers to Europe. This is their seventh tour to the continent, and their fifth tour to Germany. He’s served as commander, 31st Fighter Wing, Aviano Air Base, Italy; vice commander, 16th Air Force, Ramstein AB, Germany; and commander 3rd AF. His first assignment to Germany with the Air Force was as a captain, F-16 Falcon pilot.

“Captain Breedlove was really focused on being an incredible F-16 pilot,” Breedlove reminisced. “As I come back, it’s not my job to be the ace on the base anymore; it’s my job to organize, train and equip our force to ensure our Airmen meet the demands of both AFRICOM and EUCOM.”

Breedlove will don several hats in his tenure as the USAFE commander. He is in command of U.S. Air Forces Africa and the Allied Air Command and is the director of Joint Air Power Competence Center.

He said he understands the importance of main-taining a fair balance between work and life, and credits his wife for keeping him grounded and focused on their children. A southern gentleman at heart, Breedlove was born and raised in Atlanta, Ga.

“Fried okra, cream corn and sliced red tomatoes,” he said, smiling as he stated his favorite meal. As a Georgia Tech graduate, he spoke on how he thought his Yellow Jackets would fare this football season.

“I will tell you that every year Georgia Tech faces challenges, and they just seem to keep having win-ning seasons, and keep getting to the bowl games,” he said.

“While they play great football, I am more proud that they graduate a lot of people with engineering degrees who go on to do something other than foot-ball.”

Besides football, Breedlove enjoys riding motor-cycles. He owns a Harley-Davidson Street Glide and plans to take trips when time permits.

“Motorcycling is a part of my family,” he said. “It’s a passion of mine, but more importantly is my passion for motorcycle safety.”

He admits that motorcycle riding can be danger-ous, and encourages Airmen to wear protective equipment properly and receive proper training.

“The only way to be an old man like me riding a motorcycle is to ride a motorcycle like an old man,” he said.

In his change of command, he acknowledged the changes he’s seen USAFE Airmen undergo, and said he was blown away by how they accomplished mis-sions in Libya and handled other conflicts.

“I am jealous for not having been here while we conducted missions in places like Libya,” he said. “Day to day, our Airmen do incredible work, and I am proud to be back on the team.”

COMMANDER, from Page 1

Photo by Senior Airman Aaron Forrest Wainwright

Gen. Philip M. Breedlove is interviewed by American Forces Network, Aug. 8 on Ramstein. Breedlove is now commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, U.S. Air Forces Africa and Allied Air Command Ramstein.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 4 August 17, 2012

AUG. 710:33 p.m.: A drunken driver was reported on


AUG. 85:15 p.m.: A major traffi c accident was reported

in Ramstein.

AUG. 912:05 p.m.: A domestic assault was reported in

Olsbrücken. 2:30 p.m.: Assistance was rendered on Vogelweh

Family Housing after a suspicious person was sighted.

5:47 p.m.: A major traffi c accident was reported in Katzenbach. The accident was caused due to fail-ure to yield the right of way.

10:40 p.m.: A major traffi c accident was reported at the Opel Circle in Kaiserslautern. The accident occurred when an animal crossed the road, causing vehicles to swerve.

11:50 p.m.: An exposure and drunk and disorderly was reported at the Armstrong’s Club on Vogelweh.

AUG. 106:54 a.m.: An aggravated assault, disorderly con-

duct and destruction of property was reported in

Kaiserslautern. 8:08 a.m.: Larceny and damage to

secured private property was reported in Schrollbach.

1:15 p.m.: Shoplifting was reported at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center.

AUG. 114:37 a.m.: An assault was reported on

Ramstein. 9:45 a.m.: Damage to private property was report-

ed in Bann. 11:09 a.m.: A major traffi c accident was reported

in Hochspeyer. The accident was caused by inatten-tive driving.

9:36 p.m.: A major accident with injuries was reported between Krickenbach and Linden. The accident was caused due to excessive speed for road conditions.

AUG. 121:30 a.m.: A domestic assault was reported in

Olsbrücken. 3:15 a.m.: A disorderly conduct, failure to iden-

tify, and provoking speeches and gestures was reported in Kaiserslautern.

AUG. 135:38 a.m.: A driving on a revoked license was

reported on Landstuhl. 6:54 p.m.: Larceny of private and government

property was reported in Prague, Czech Republic.

BARMENTSA family member’s son was barred from all U.S.

military installations in Europe for his involvement in vandalism and drug use.

AADD STATSAug. 10 — 5 volunteers, 9 calls, 10 lives poten-

tially saved.Aug. 11 — 16 volunteers, 14 calls, 24 lives poten-

tially saved.


e N


Page 4

COMPILED BY THE 569TH USFPS Reported LarceniesAUG. 10» Kaiserslautern: Body armor with plates and one com-bat helmet.» Rodenbach: One bicycle, one digital camera and one coat.» Börrstadt: One iPhone, one laptop, one laptop bag, one GPS and three books.

AUG. 13» Prague, Czech Republic: One Common Access Card, one stateside driver’s license, one government travel card, one USAA debit card, one Service Credit Union debit card, one Star card, 4,000 Czech crown, €60 and one ration card.

Neighborhood Watch trainingNeighborhood Watch training for Vogelweh

and Landstuhl housing residents will take place at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in Bldg. 2787 (adjacent to NCO Academy) on Kapaun Air Station. The training will cover topics such as report-ing procedures, information gathering and neighborhood watch structure. To be a part of Neighborhood Watch or for questions, con-tact Ramstein Security Forces at 480-1215/478-2232 or 06371- 47-2050/06371-405-2232, or Vogelweh Security Forces at 489-7040 or 0631-536-7040.

‘Jail and Bail’ fundraiserThe 86th Security Forces Squadron is promot-

ing an opportunity to place a co-worker, friend, associate or boss in custody. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 29 and 30 in the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center food court. Fill out a warrant, donate, and the rest is up to our defenders. Email with a detailed request or come see the 86th SFS at the KMCC on either day of the event to submit your warrant.

Estate claimsAnyone having claims or obligations for or against the estate of Airmen 1st Class Robert Hernandez, 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, should call the summary court offi cer, 2nd Lt. Douglas Schulte at 480-2051.

Ramstein Welfare BazaarVolunteers are needed for this year’s 48th annu-

al Ramstein Welfare Bazaar, which takes place from Sept. 13 to 16. Volunteers are needed in several areas, such as fi nance, hospitality, public drawing, business offi ce, credit card processing, volunteer fl oaters and submitting baked goods. To sign up, visit

Dental assisting programThe Ramstein Dental Clinic will start the

next American Red Cross Dental Assisting Volunteer Program Oct. 15. The course is full time for seven months (from 6:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily). It is open to dependent ID card-holders with a high school diploma or equiva-lent. Applicants must attend the mass briefi ng at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 8 in the Ramstein Dental Clinic waiting area. Interviews will be conduct-ed Sept. 14 to 15. Notifi cation of selection will be announced Sept. 17. Participants must be available to in-process Oct. 1 to 13. Applicants must be dedicated, motivated and up to date on all immunizations. Further information, appli-cations and interview slots will be given at the briefi ng. Volunteers are full time from start day. For details, call Master Sgt. Michael Nilles or Staff Sgt. Nichol De Veyra at 479-2210 or 06371-46-2210.

Overloaded garbage cansThe Kaiserslautern trash company, ASK, will

not pick up containers for non-recyclable waste that are overloaded and where the lid does not close. Residents can ask for bigger containers through their landlords and pay a higher fee, or buy extra bags for residual waste for €3.60 per

piece at the Rathaus in Kaiserslautern. Sorting trash the right way – biodegradable waste, paper, glass and yellow bag items – should avoid over-loaded garbage containers.

O� -limits listU.S. Forces personnel are prohibited from

entering or doing business with the following establishments, fi rms, individuals and organiza-tions, except as required by offi cial business. Military members, who violate this prohibition are subject to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

• Tuncay Altay (Black Sounds Club), Raiffeisenstrasse 19, Landstuhl

• Marco Banf (MBT and BTM moving com-pany), Kirchdell 16, Kaiserslautern

• James Brown (cleaning business), Obergasse 20, Weilerbach

• Axel Burghammer (car sales), Im Bachgraben 11, Landstuhl

• Ramona Fröhlich (day care), Hebelstrasse 12, Katzweiler

• Mohammad Koohi (Arya Club), Steinstrasse 56, Kaiserslautern

• Martin Massa (cleaning business), Rudolf-Breitscheid Strasse 77, Kaiserslautern

• Edgar Mayer (Autohaus Mayer and gas sta-tion), Kaiserstrasse 87, Bruchmühlbach

• Angelika Picker (AP Bausysteme/construc-tion), Kaiserstrasse 15, Pirmasens

• Gisela Smith and Herbert Sator (dog seller), Steinwendener Strasse 23a, Kottweiler

• Brigitte Weinand (day care), Weberstrasse 21, Kindsbach

Kaiserslautern American Page 5August 17, 2012


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AdvantiPro GmbH, Au� rag:33380, KdNr:10526, Stichwort:(varies), FarbenTechnik:Setzer:Mar Vertreter:Karin Flick Besonderheit:Anzeige muss auf Seite 5 gegenüber der Blotter Page platziert werden bitte. Grösse (SPxMM):5x310 Woche:22/2012 Ausgaben:10

RamsteinKindsbacher Str. 4766877 Ramstein-MiesenbachTel: 06371 61 39 90


KaiserslauternKaiserstrasse 167661 KaiserslauternTel: 0631 351 90 40

HeidelbergHebelstrasse 369115 HeidelbergTel: 06221 144 90

WiesbadenLudwig-Wolker-Str. 1455252 Mainz-KastelTel: 06134 567 80

SpangdahlemIm Kreuzgarten 1 A54529 SpangdahlemTel: 06565 93 69 90

AvianoVia Pordenone 48D33081 Aviano (PN)Tel: 0434 676 61-2/3/4


NaplesTel: 0434 676 61-2/3/4Email:

SigonellaTel: 0434 676 61-2/3/4Email:

VicenzaViale Della Pace 25436100 Vicenza (VI)Tel: 0444 91 09 38


RotaPlaza Del Triunfo 611520 Rota (Cadiz)Tel: 956 840 201



Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 6 August 17, 2012

by Rick ScavettaU.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern

Crouching before whirling helicopter blades in full combat gear, Kevin Zuniga prepared to rush a simulated casualty into the waiting aircraft.

Wafting colored smoke marked Miesau Army Depot’s landing zone, as Zuniga joined 212th Combat Support Hospital Soldiers to rush their patient onboard. Zuniga, a Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadet from Texas A&M International University, said summer training sharpens skills he’ll need as an Army officer.

“Every experience you get is going to shape you as a leader,” Zuniga said. “This one has been amaz-ing.”

Army units throughout the KMC hosted dozens of ROTC cadets from stateside universities this sum-mer. The cadets learned firsthand how Army units work and how leaders conduct themselves — valu-able tools for their future.

“I’m more confident going to my unit after I grad-uate knowing that I have a little bit of experience in a real unit, rather than just straight out of ROTC,” said Claire Marlow, a cadet from the University of Washington, one of eight ROTC cadets hosted by the 212th CSH.

During Cadet Troop Leader Training, cadets shadow Army officers and lead Soldiers through a variety of situations. On Aug. 2, the 212th CSH enlisted the help of Company C, 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, a medical evacuation helicopter unit based nearby at U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern’s Landstuhl heliport, to show cadets how to evacuate wounded troops from the battle-field.

“Afterward, one of the cadets had the opportunity to come with us to train in a simulator in Illesheim and participate with an instructor pilot,” said Capt. Michael Chase, the Company C operations officer.

At the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, 42 cadets served as platoon leaders in non-deploying battalions of the 18th Engineer, 18th Military Police

and 16th Sustainment Brigades. During their stay, they also had a unique opportunity — a meeting with the 21st TSC commanding general, Maj. Gen. Aundre F. Piggee, who hosted command orienta-tions that included his leadership and command philosophy. He held a question-and-answer session themed, “What cadets would like to know about the Army from Major General Piggee and staff,” fol-lowed by a luncheon where cadets had a chance to speak one on one with the commander.

At Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, 10 future Army nurses treated wounded warriors — putting their academic skills to work in a hands-on setting. LRMC is a desired location for the Nurse Summer Training Program, a 120-hour clinical internship offered to cadets before their senior year of nursing school. Each year, hundreds of nurse cadets compete for the opportunity.

Stephanie Savino, of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., said her interest in the military began in high school. But during her freshman year in college she decided on a medical career.

At LRMC, Savino worked on the intensive care unit and medical-sur-gical wards. She drew blood, start-ed intravenous fluids, administered medications and set up heart monitors. Savino, who attends Carson-Newman College in Tennessee, also trained at the Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility at Ramstein Air Base, helping transfer wounded warriors from ambu-lance buses to aircraft.

“This experience has been an essen-tial piece to my future career as an officer and a nurse,” Savino said. “The training I have received here cannot be replaced. I learned not only about ways to improve my nursing skills but also about leadership in nursing and what it will be like just starting off as a second lieutenant.”

While at Ramstein High School,

Matthew Turnbull was exposed to work at LRMC’s anesthesia department. That experience made him realize how nurses make a difference in people’s lives, he said. Turnbull, who attends the University of New Hampshire’s nursing program, recently worked in ICU with troops wounded in combat and now hopes to become a critical care nurse.

“Overall it’s been a very humbling and rewarding experience to be able to help take care of wounded service members from Afghanistan,” Turnbull said.

For Zuniga, evacuating simulated casualties was unlike anything his family or friends did this sum-mer. Training in the KMC is an experience he will take with him for years to come.

“The Army has made a great investment in paying to send cadets to CTLT,” said Zuniga. “If the budget changes, this is a program that needs to be kept.”

***Sgt. 1st Class Randall Jackson, 30th Medical

Command, Mike Bowers, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, and Chuck Roberts, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, contributed to this report.

by Staff Sgt. Travis Edwards86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

School is starting and the stores are filled with notebooks, pens, pencils and calcula-tors; children are getting anxious as parents ready themselves to place their trust in the

teachers of the KMC schools.But, the start of school Aug. 27 comes with some

safety concerns. One of the biggest topics for the Kaiserslautern district school office and Ramstein leadership at all levels is the safety of all children while transiting to and from school, especially on the first day. “Dozens of school staff, teachers and district per-sonnel will be working hand-in-hand with (safety offi-cials) and security forces members to watch out and

ensure everyone is safe and knows the rules on the first day and everyday,” said Mike Bryant, Kaiserslautern School District safety and security officer. “It’s a big day for all of us; we want to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible the first day for the children.”

In addition to encouraging safety in school, parents are reminded to keep a watchful eye on youngsters as they make their way to and from school.

(KMC SE and Security officer) Bryant recommends small children be escorted by an older sibling, parent or guardian, especially on the first day of school with the multitudes of other children all heading to the same destination. Active escorting by responsible caregivers helps promote safety and security. Vigilance by par-ents, neighbors and other adults “is what’s really going to make the difference,” said Lt. Col. Eric Springer, the

569th U.S. Forces Police Squadron and senior com-munity law enforcement officer for the Kaiserslautern Military Community. “Our community and its safety is our No. 1 concern and priority.”

Bryant added that parents should be teaching chil-dren to not speak to, get in a vehicle with or accept gifts from strangers.

Be sure to check the Ramstein LiveWire website at for updates to child-safety information, the neighborhood watch program, and for important emergency numbers to include the Ramstein Office of Special Investigations and Security Forces.

The Ramstein Official Facebook page, will continue to post critical updates affecting the KMC.

School to start: be ready, be safe

Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Randall Jackson

Cadet Kevin Zuniga prepares to load a simulated casualty on a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter as part of Medical Evacuation Training Aug. 2 at Miesau Army Depot.

Army cadets training in KMC gain leadership experience

Kaiserslautern American Page 7August 17, 2012

by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

An Airman with the 86th Communications Squadron on Ramstein was selected July 20 to receive the 2012 National Image, Inc., Meritorious Service Award.

Senior Airman Miranda Snyder, wing informa-tion assurance technician, is scheduled to leave for Los Angeles mid September to receive the award.

“I was completely caught off guard,” said Snyder. “I am still blown out of the water, but I am proud and incredibly appreciative.”

Generally, each branch of service recognizes one individual each year. The award is given to excep-tional Airmen who take care of people in their com-munity.

Snyder’s nomination packet included a list of organizations she volunteers for on a regular basis

including: the post office, tax center, Fisher House, Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility and Women’s History Committee.

This mother of a one year old considers helping others as a hobby.

“I just love to help others,” said Snyder.Since the age of 11, the Eugene, Ore., native

already had the compassion for helping others.Working at a mortgage company, her job prior to

enlisting, Snyder recruited a group of co-workers to help build a Habitat for Humanity home in Tucson, Ariz. She also assisted in the Basket for Babies event for the March of Dimes.

Snyder helped care for elementary school aged children, was a Eugene Handball Association tour-nament coordinator and provided the United Way organization with many donations since 2006.

“This award is recognition for her effort,” said Master Sgt. Dennis Palmer, 86th CS wing informa-

tion assurance superintendent.When she first got here Snyder was motivated

and dedicated, Palmer said.“Honestly, I wasn’t surprised Miranda was select-

ed for the award,” said Senior Master Sgt. Israel Jaeger, 86th CS plans and resources flight chief. “She exemplifies spirit and intent, the hallmark of this award.”

Snyder said she joined the Air Force because she felt like she wasn’t doing enough.

“I am always looking for more ways to help out,” said Snyder.

Snyder was floored when she was told she was selected in front of 30 of her co-workers.

“Miranda is an exemplary Airman,” said Jaeger. “She’s a mother, wife, daughter and Airman. Not only is her work ethic impeccable, but she puts forth the extra effort to get involved in the community, all to make a difference.”

Ramstein Airman selected to receive DOD Award

ically unworthy as to negate recogniz-ing three or four years of admirable performance with a medal?

Not too long ago I sat in a mentor-ing session where the briefer stated that “paperwork” should be on record in order to give an Airman a “4” EPR. Let’s examine that potential scenario:

“Airman Snuffy, have a seat. I’ve been observing your duty perfor-mance of late and I have noticed it has consistently been above average, this is unacceptable.

You have disgraced the unit and yourself. Here is your letter of coun-seling.

If your level of performance does not improve you can expect the next

time we discuss this matter I will be presenting you with a letter of rep-rimand.” Really? Leaders cannot continue to spread the message that a “4/Above Average” EPR is simply substandard behavior or performance.

Raters have reacted to the mes-sage we deliver. We as leaders have to change our perception and begin to communicate a new message if we

expect the rating system to improve and deflate. Our rating system needs an overhaul. But, it’s not a new per-formance reporting form that is the answer. Change lies with leadership. We need reality back in our system and to correct our perception of the meaning of average, above average and truly among the best. Trust and communication is key.

CALL, from Page 2

Photo by Spc. Iesha Howard

U.S. Army Spc. Adam Phillips, a parachute rigger with the 5th Quartermaster Detachment, 21st Theater Sustainment Command and a native of Garland, Texas, performs a rigger check on U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Cameron Riley, a combat tactics noncommissioned officer with the 435th Security Forces Squadron, and a native of West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday on Ramstein. The International Jump Week being held Sunday to today, includes U.S., German, Italian, Czech Republic and Spanish military members all jump-ing to earn international jump wings.

friends here at Rhine Ordnance Barracks with the 5th Quartermaster Company, 21st Theater Sustainment Command.”

The daily jumps wouldn’t have been pos-sible without the riggers from the 5th QM Co. packing the parachutes used, coordinating with the Air Force and hosting the training before jumps, said Staff Sgt. Tyler Buckingham, the NCO in charge of air operations. That partner-ship was key to a successful event.

“Our procedures within the aircraft are dif-ferent, but all static-line parachutes are mostly the same,” Buckingham said. “You just jump out and count to four.”

Training was conducted Sunday for the week’s jumps at Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

“We began training Sunday, doing some basic intro briefs, parachute training and train-ing with our various jumpmasters in a model C-130,” Visconi said. “We went over basics to ensure familiarity because each nation rep-resented here speaks a different language and we wanted to make sure we’re all on the same page.”

Training with the German jumpmasters breaks the monotony out of the usual jumping, said Sgt. Johnny Connish, an Army parachute rigger.

“Anytime we get the chance to get together and get different training, this is a good time,” he added. The training and preparation work beforehand led to successful jumps throughout the week.

“This is my first jump in Germany, I’ve been here about three weeks,” said Senior Airman

Christopher Zavala, 435th Security Forces Squadron combat tactics NCO. “It was great, I couldn’t have asked for better weather, the sun is out and there were no winds and I landed softly on the drop zone. Everything came together perfectly.”

Cpl. Benjamin Wilkinson, a 5th Quartermaster Detachment air operations non-commissioned officer, said camaraderie with foreign forces is important to him.

“You have people from all over the world, jumping out of airplanes,” said Wilkinson, a native of Purdue, Mo. “It’s a good chance to work with everybody and see how they do their jobs.

NATO leaders and Visconi both agreed that building partnerships through this week-long event will probably be the most important thing taken from International Jump Week.

“We have a very good comradeship, it’s very good how we all came together to jump here this week,” said Maj. Tim Holzaptel, Airborne Brigade 373 deputy commander. “For me and my battalion it’s a great experience to build up partnerships, share techniques and just get to know our counterparts better.”

“Going beyond learning the various tech-niques and procedures each country carries out in the aircraft before jumps, the biggest thing we’ll learn throughout the week is how we build partnerships between our various forces,” Visconi said.

“That relationship building will probably be the biggest piece that we all pull away from International Jump Week, what individuals and units we could call and know we can count on them in crisis or contingency.”

JUMP, from Page 1

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 8 August 17, 2012

by Chuck RobertsLandstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Affairs

Landstuhl Regional Medical Center joined the ranks of retired Lt. Gen. Colin L. Powell, The Prisoners of War (in absentia), and retired Brig. Gen. (Dr.) Rhonda L. Cornum

July 23 when it received the 2012 Veterans of Foreign Wars Armed Forces Award.

The award is presented annually by the VFW to recognize extraordinary achievement by members of the Armed Forces in such a manner to reflect the highest traditions of service to the Armed Forces, the nation and to its national security.

In presenting the award at its 113th national convention, Richard L. DeNoyer, commander-in-chief of the VFW, acknowledged the selfless service and sacrifice of the LRMC staff as shown by previous award recipients such as Cornum, who became an Iraqi prisoner of war after her Blackhawk helicopter was shot down during a February 1991 search and rescue mission for the

pilot of a downed F-16 during the Gulf War. Cornum received the award in 2009, Powell

in 1988 and The Prisoners of War (in absentia) in 1971.

“Taking care of the wounded and sick is not an easy task, and we know how taxing that can be on a caregiver,” DeNoyer said. “The VFW holds Landstuhl and its staff in the highest regard for their steadfast efforts, and we hope this expresses our gratitude to all that are involved in their immensely important operation.

Landstuhl Regional Medical Center provides our American communities with hope and opti-mism with every service member they are able to send home safely to their families, and for that we in the VFW, and indeed all of America, are grateful. “We also thank you for your outstanding contributions to our nation and for your dedica-tion to the health and wellbeing of United States service members.

The unwavering and enthusiastic employees and members of Landstuhl Regional Medical Center should be recognized for their tremendous

efforts, and we hope they know how essential they are to the survival and the spirits of America’s fin-est and their loved ones at home.”

In receiving the award, Col. Barbara Holcomb, LRMC commander, acknowledged the continued tremendous support the hospital receives from the VFW and her great honor in accepting the award on behalf of the LRMC staff, as well as paying homage to the wounded warriors they are honored to serve. More than 68,000 U.S. and coalition ser-vice members have been treated at LRMC from Afghanistan and Iraq. Of those, approximately 14,000 – the equivalency of about 20 battalions – have been able to return to duty.

“They want to know how is my buddy and how soon can I go back,” said Holcomb of the response she most often hears while visiting wounded warriors.

“We have a tremendous Armed Forces and these young men and women that come through truly love what they’re doing and love supporting the nation and fighting for what they believe in and what we all believe in.”

LRMC receives 2012 VFW Armed Forces Award

Photo by Staff Sgt. Tramel Garrett

18th MPs train with Polish soldiersFirst Sgt. Chad Laws, 18th Military Police Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, assists a wounded Polish MP Specialized Unit soldier during a joint training exercise Aug. 2 in Hammelburg, Germany, while another Polish soldier provides cover fire. The exercise, part of a Polish and U.S. military police training partner-ship, consisted of numerous battlefield scenarios that were executed July 30 to Aug. 5.

Want to go out and have fun? No matter if you are by yourself, with your friends or all your family, Military in Germany offers a wide variety of events in your area. Search by “location” or “type of event” and � nd exactly what you are looking for. Do you have a favorite event that is not listed yet? Let us know and we will share it with your community!

Enjoy a great time with the localsmilitaryIN GERMANY

Kaiserslautern American Page 9August 17, 2012

by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

More than 30 Airmen from throughout Ramstein participated in a 360-degree leadership course offered through the Kaiserslautern Military Community Top III Total Force Development Council.

This course and others like it are designed to give Airmen of all ranks a chance to develop their leadership skills. This specific course taught partici-pants how to lead those above, below and how to lead peers.

“I wanted to figure out how to lead up, more than lead someone adjacent to me or below me, because I’m an A1C so I don’t have many people below me,” said Airman 1st Class Joseph Quincan, class

participant. “Leading up is more of a challenge I think, because where I work everything is based on experience, knowledge and rank.”

This course taught Airmen that leadership isn’t solely about position, but influence as well.

“Participants learned that you can be a leader at any level, leadership is about influence not about what position you fill,” said Master Sgt. Jacob Peterse, course facilitator. “It’s about how much influence you have with others and how you can use that influence to steer things with a leadership perspective.”

For Quincan, this class demonstrated that in order to lead up, you have to lead yourself.

“John Maxwell explained it very well, saying that you have to have confidence in yourself first to be

the best you can be,” Quincan said. “People who have that experience and/ or rank will look for you to influence them. If they see that you’re the best that you can be, they may be influenced by you.”

Studying leadership is important for all ranks to do, it gives different perspectives to one’s leadership style, Peterse said.

“Leadership at all levels, from Airmen through Senior NCO to officers we all have people above and below us. That gives us a reason to study lead-ership,” he said. “This course gives names to things that people already do and it gives people ideas for new things to try to become a better leader.”

Leadership courses are taught four times a month. To register, contact the career assistance advisor or the KMC Top III Total Force Development Council.

by Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Chlosta7th CSC PAO

TOMPKINS BARRACKS, Schwetzingen, Germany — Many Soldiers say the Army is a lot like a family. Similar to some families, the Army also has a tradition of holding reunions for unit members and their families to remember and reminisce about their shared experiences and sig-nificant life events.

Under towering pines in their former headquarters building, the former 7th U.S. Army Reserve Command con-tinued this tradition by holding their inaugural 7th ARCOM alumni reunion on Aug. 11.

“There have been a couple of occa-sions where we met, retired Army Col. Phil Lopez, 64, former chief of staff, 7th ARCOM, who immigrated from Cuba at 16, to Warsaw, Ind., said. “[But] this is a means of getting every-body together.”

The day kicked off with a photo in

front of the American flag and “old” flag pole on the parade field; a tour of the old headquarters building and then a PowerPoint presentation on the history of the 7th ARCOM and its transforma-tion into the current 7th Civil Support Command.

7th ARCOM was activated Jan. 15, 1986 to provide command and control for USAR units assigned to U. S. Army Europe according to retired Army Col. Albert J. Gardner, 58, a St. Louis, Mo., native, a former 7th ARCOM member and current 7th CSC command execu-tive officer, said.

“I came because the 7th ARCOM was my first reserve unit after my active duty tour,” retired Army Lt. Col. Carol Fontanese, 51, who is from Pittsburgh, Pa., a former member of the 7th ARCOM, said. “For me, this is like my family. Today is bittersweet. I see people I haven’t seen for a very long time.”

A few of the 7th ARCOM’s signifi-cant achievements included the deploy-ment of USAR units to Operation

Desert Shield and Desert Storm and the activation of the USAREUR Mobilization Support Center, which mobilized over 3,000 reservists; also all of 7th ARCOM’s 23 subordinate units were mobilized during Operation Joint Endeavour & Operation Joint Guardian, some twice.

“The significance is to pay tribute to the camaraderie and esprit de corps developed and experience of individu-als assigned to the 7th both past and present, Gardner said.

In 2006, 7th ARCOM began its transformation planning; USAREUR directed the command to focus their theater support on consequence man-agement and civil affairs.

The 7th ARCOM headquarters ele-ment moved to Kaiserslautern perma-nently in the summer of 2008 and was reflagged as the 7th CSC.

“It was great, it’s outstanding,” New York City, N.Y. native, Army Staff Sgt. Julio Rivera, 56, a former member of the 7th ARCOM and current noncom-missioned officer in charge for the 7th

CSC supply room, said. “It brought me in contact with people I lost touch with and I hope we do it again.” According to Lopez, who was the lead organizer of the event, the 7th ARCOM plans to hold another reunion in the future based on positive feedback from the participants.

“It’s important, it’s part of our family tradition,” retired Army Staff Sgt. Joel Trammell, 52, a Chicago, Ill. native, who worked for the secretary general staff at 7th ARCOM and has deployed to Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan, said. “We were a family at 7th ARCOM. It’s a great idea and I hope they keep doing it.”

After the briefing at Tompkins Barracks, the group of more than 50 alumni and family members gathered for lunch at a restaurant in down-town Schwetzingen and then drove to Heidelberg to enjoy a boat cruise on the Neckar River with a final dinner in the city to end the day.

“The handshakes, the hugs, this is what it’s all about,” Lopez said.

Airmen study to become 360 degree leaders

7th ARCOM holds inaugural reunion at Tompkins Barracks

Photo by Army Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Chlosta

7th U.S. Army Reserve Command members and their families and friends pose for a group photo next to the flag pole during their inaugural alumni reunion on Tompkins Barracks in Schwetzingen, Germany Aug. 11.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 10 August 17, 2012

Kaiserslautern American Page 11August 17, 2012

Photo by Spc. Iesha Howard

Vehicle Clearance Sgt. Marcus Niter, a retention noncommissioned officer with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command and a native of Memphis, Tenn., checks vehicle clearance with Spc. Matthew Usafara, a utilities equipment repairer with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command and a native of Millville, Penn., during the Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Exercise conducted on Panzer Kaserne Aug. 6 to 8.

Get set ... sign!Jason Phelps signs an autograph for a patient during his Aug. 8 visit to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Phelps and fellow drag racing drivers visited staff and patients and set up static displays of their racing cars at the USO Warrior Center.

Photo by Rick Scavetta

National Night OutSoldiers from the 230th Military Police Company joined U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern for National Night Out at Pulaski Barracks. Community members got a chance to meet local law enforcement officers, check out tactical gear and watch military working dogs in action.

Photo by Tech. Sgt Daylena Gonzalez

Sports Physical DayA boy gets measured at the Ramstein Sports Physical Day hosted by the 86th Medical Group Aug. 11 at the Ramstein Clinic. Ramstein youth ages 6 to 18 years old visit each station to complete requirements for school and sports. The 86th MDG will provides all necessary paperwork for this examination.

Photo by Phil A. Jones

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 12 August 17, 2012

Back to school orientationThe Landstuhl Back to School

Picnic and Orientation takes place Aug. 24 for the 2012/13 school year. Elementary orientation will be held at 1 p.m, middle school at 2 and kin-dergarten at 3:30. The picnic, put on by the Landstuhl Elementary/Middle School PTSA, will start at 4 p.m. Come meet your teacher and LEMS community and enjoy some food.

Fall cheer tryoutsRamstein American High School

will be holding cheerleading tryouts for the fall season. The last day of the optional skills clinic will be held from 3 to 5:30 p.m. today in the great hall on the RHS campus. This is an option-al event but candidates are strongly encouraged to attend. From 6 to 7 p.m. Monday in the great hall, there will be an informational meeting about the tryout process, requirements, eligibility and expectations of new squad mem-

bers. Both the interested candidate and parent must attend this meeting. Bring all required forms to the meeting. Forms can be found online at Tryout week will take place from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday to Aug. 24 in the great hall. Candidates are expected to attend each day. Formal evaluations will be held after school at 3:30 p.m. Aug. 27 in the great hall. For more informa-tion, visit or contact coach Brooke Knight at

EFMP Summer Camp The EFMP Summer Camp is for

children ages 6 to 12 enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program. Children can enjoy this free, week-long day camp from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Aug. 24. Campers meet at Pulaski Park and then go on to explore local attractions such as the zoo, dino-saur park, bowling center and more.

For more information on enrollment, call 493-4094 or 0631-3406-4094.

Girl ScoutsAll Sembach girls in grades K-12

are welcome to attend “Blast Off! To an amazing Girl Scout Year!” from 2 to 4 p.m. Aug. 25 at Sembach Middle School for an exciting after-noon of fun and interesting science activities. For more information on this event, email

Hobo Challenge“Quicker, Craftier, Tougher” is the

Olympic theme of the Hobo Challenge Fall 2012 Camporee. Boy Scouts in the KMC may hop a train, track a pos-sum, sleep under the stars, shoot for gold and geocache their way through Landstuhl in a fun fi lled weekend Sept. 21 to 23 at the Landstuhl Local Training Area. During this education-al Camporee, Webelos Scouts and

Scouts through Eagle can experience the great outdoors. For many of the Scouts, the highlight of the weekend will be the evening campfi re. Those interested in joining Boy Scouting should contact

Story and photo by Rick ScavettaU.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern

In the woods behind Kapaun Air Station, Airman 1st Class Michael Callaghan snipped barb wire from fencing as Airman 1st Class Nicholas Diibon dug out fence posts.

Nearby, on Vogelweh’s main street, fellow 786th Civil Engineer Squadron Airmen tore through con-crete on a Cold War-era guard shack. Their goal: open the area for pedestrians and vehicles to move freely between the two Air Force bases and Pulaski Barracks, said Tech Sgt. Leonard Collins, who over-saw the project.

“It’s about two miles worth of fences and three guard shacks that needed to be removed,” said Collins, 28, from Riverside, Calif. “It’s a pretty big project.”

Eight Airmen worked for more than a month to complete the removal, collecting 100 tons of debris from the guard shacks, Collins said. Roughly 150 fence posts were recycled. Passing by, Lt. Col. Lars Zetterstrom watched the crews removing the barri-ers and thought the Army should do likewise.

“This effort is indicative of the overall relation-ship we have here in the Kaiserslautern Military Community,” said Zetterstrom, commander of U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern, who ordered the garrison’s public works directorate to remove 885 feet of fencing from Pulaski Barracks, near the traf-fi c circle linking the Army post to Vogelweh and Kapaun.

Blurring physical lines is more than just aesthet-ics, it’s symbolic of the Army and Air Force togeth-erness, Zetterstrom said.

“Tearing down fences between two Air Force bases and an Army installation represents what’s happening in our community,” Zetterstrom said.

“The Army and the Air Force are really starting to cooperate together, to fi nd better ways to provide for our joint service members and their families.”

In the past, both services built fences to deter external threats. But those physical barriers eventu-ally had an impact on Army and Air Force coopera-tion, Zetterstrom said. In fact, the demarcation had more to do with the KMC’s past than the current joint community, where Army and Air Force live side by side and use the same on-post services, he said.

With the barriers now removed, heavy trucks

making deliveries now move easier through road-ways. Airmen on Kapaun have a direct path to the commissary, bowling alley and eateries. Service members can also use the area for short hikes.

“These three installations are now integrated into a joint community that should appear seamless to the public,” Zetterstrom said. “It really makes the whole area look more visually appealing.”

***To hear more about the history of Pulaski,

Kapaun and Vogelweh, visit

School Notes

Fence removal symbolic of joint unity

Airman 1st Class Michael Callaghan helps fellow 786th Civil Engineer Squadron Airmen remove fences from Kapaun Air Station, part of an e� ort to open up the area between Army and Air Force bases in Kaiserslautern.

Kaiserslautern American Page 13August 17, 2012

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 14 August 17, 2012

Mark Your Calendar» Come out to KMC Onstage with the family to

enjoy the fun musical, “Pinkalicious.” In this musi-cal, Pinkalicious can’t stop eating pink cupcakes despite warnings from her parents. See the show to fi nd out what happens. Show dates: today to Sunday and Aug. 24 to 26. Times: 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets: adults cost $8, students cost $6, children under 6 cost $5. KMC Onstage is located in Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. Call 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626 for details.

» KMC Onstage presents the Music Cafe on Sept. 7, an opportunity to relax with fellow music lovers, grab a bite to eat at the Java Cafe, listen to local musicians, and even join in. Celebrate the fi rst night of a new music participation program. To perform, call 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626.

» The Kaiserslautern Gartenschau is looking for a new queen to offi cially represent the park for one year. Young women 17 years and older who would like to be the representative of the Gartenschau can apply for this posi-tion. The election will take place during the Gartenschau’s traditional fall market Sept. 9. Applicants should have a strong relation to the Gartenschau and should speak Ger-man and English. The future queen will have to represent

the Gartenschau during events on the grounds and outside the park, especially during the tulip month of April. For more information and registration, call 0631-71007-0 or email

» Operation Rising Star will be holding a cappella screenings and sign up at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 13 at KMC Onstage. Operation Rising Star is a fun and exciting show highlighting the community’s talent. There will be cash priz-es for fi rst, second and third place in the competition, which takes place at 7 p.m. Sept. 22, as well as the opportunity to compete in San Antonio for the grand prize recording studio experience. Call 493-6626 or 0631-411-6626 to schedule your screening.

Meetings » The KMC Adoption Support Group meets at 7 p.m.

the third Tuesday of every month at the Landstuhl Health and Wellness Center, Bldg. 3722 on Landstuhl. The group meets the needs of adoptive parents, adopting parents and adoptive children through education and research to resolve adoption issues. Inquiries about adoption are wel-come through the group’s website at The next meeting takes place Tuesday.

» The Rheinland-Pfalz International Choir needs new members. If you love music and love to sing, consider visiting to see if RPIC is a good fi t for you. The choir meets Tuesday evenings in Kaiserslautern-Erzhütten. New mem-bers are welcome through September. For details, visit (available in both German and English). There, you will fi nd directions, performance samples, photos and contact information.

» Rheinland-Pfalz Quilt Guild meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. the third Thursday of every month at the Ramstein North Chapel. Night meetings are held at 6 p.m. the fourth Thursday of every month. Check the website for the night meeting location. Stitch ‘n’ Gab is held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays at the Kapaun Chapel Annex, Bldg. 2782. For details, visit

» Join the Rheinland-Pfalz Quilt Guild Sept. 29 for a fun day of fabric shopping in Neunkirchen. We will start the morning with a guided tour of the city, which will take about two hours. At 2 p.m., the local quilt store will have a special just for our group. The shop will have a line of shelves con-taining all the fabric that we can purchase for €5 a meter. For more details, email Sarah Head at

Support Groups» Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weight loss support

group that meets from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays on Pu-laski Barracks in Bldg. 2919 in the fi rst fl oor conference room. For details, call 0170-8007205, 06303-807708 or 483-5336, 0631-411-5336.

» The Help Us Grow Securely playgroup meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. the fi rst and third Friday of the month at the Vogelweh Community Center. This playgroup is for parents and children up to 4 years old. For more informa-tion, call Army Community Service at 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.


10th AAMDC Soldiers earn German Profi ciency Badgeby Staff Sgt. John Zumer10th AAMDC Public Affairs

Many Soldiers around the world have possibly thought at least once in their military careers what it must be like to serve in other armies. Twenty U.S. Army Soldiers from the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command are now able to partially answer such a question because of recent joint training July 23 to 26 in Ingolstadt, Germany, with their German army counterparts.

The Soldiers gathered at Max Immelmann Kaserne to participate in four action-packed days of contests that mimic the physical and military testing that German soldiers must reg-ularly undergo. For most, it was their fi rst chance to get a front row seat to the training methods and standards of another army. Regardless of the nov-elty of the situation and differences in language, those involved were grate-ful for the chance to earn the coveted German Profi ciency Badge.

“I’d recommend it to anybody. It was a great experience to interact with other soldiers,” said U.S. Army Spc. Scott Clark, a wheeled vehicle mechanic with Service Co., 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment.

The German Profi ciency Badge allows non-German Soldiers to expe-rience physical fi tness and weapons qualifi cation testing similar to what the Bundeswehr, or German armed forces, put their own troops through. Fitness events included a 3k run, the shot or stone put, long jump, high jump and sprinting. Any hopes of catching some rest after the trip to Max Immelmann

Kaserne in Ingolstadt were quickly put aside, however, as the busy sched-ule planned by organizers dictated otherwise.

“After we arrived, had lunch, and were assigned rooms, we had to com-plete a 12-kilometer road march,” said U.S. Army Maj. Manny Ortiz, the G4 deputy for the 10th AAMDC.

As demanding as a ruck march

within hours of arrival may have been, it might have been one of the easier physical tests soldiers had to endure. Ortiz said any participant who had failed to prepare for the jumping and sprinting events, thinking they would be like a Sunday walk in the park, was sadly mistaken.

The four days spent training with their new German friends passed quickly according to many partici-pants, and a greater appreciation for those allies wearing a different uni-form was a common refrain among 10th AAMDC Soldiers. Any precon-ceptions about the German soldiers being considerably different were also put to rest.

“Getting to meet and spend time with the Germans, as I had never met my military counterparts, is what I’ll remember most. Everybody was extremely nice,” Clark said.

Ortiz agreed, noting that he had trained with the armed forces of many countries before coming to Ingolstadt for his initial encounter with the German armed forces. While those previous training opportunities had been benefi -cial, he said they now take a back seat.

“This is the best experience (train-ing) that I’ve had since I came to Germany,” he said.

Courtesy photo

A Soldier from the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command receives instruction on the MG3 machine gun from a German Luftwa� e airman July 24 in Ingolstadt, Germany. The 10th AAMDC saw 20 of its Soldiers competing for the right to wear the German Pro� ciency Badge, an award that recognizes pro� ciency in small arms weapons and physical � tness standards identical to what German soldiers must achieve.

Kaiserslautern American Page 15August 17, 2012

Classes And Training» Join ACS for Family Resiliency Training, a free

seminar designed specifi cally for family members to help you build a stronger family unit by teaching you the skills to increase your resiliency and core competencies including optimism, mental agility, self-actualization and character strengths. To register for the next seminar, which takes place at 9:30 a.m. Aug. 30 in Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks, call 0631-3406-4203.

» The Ramstein Airmen & Family Readiness Cen-ter will host a “Fighting for Your Marriage” seminar from 5:30 to 9 p.m. today in the Ramstein North Chapel conference room. A light dinner will be served. For regis-tration, call the A&FRC at 480-5100.

» Basic Training for New Parents, a full day class, takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Learn what to expect as a new parent and what to avoid. Class covers what equipment and supplies you will need for the new baby and discover the importance of bonding and attachment. Additionally, receive information on safety issues and in-crease your awareness of several common syndromes. Included in this class are hands-on practice with life size dolls and a free bag full of handouts and goodies. Register in advance by calling 0631-3406-4203.

» The 5 Love Languages is a brand new class of-fered through Family Advocacy. During this class, learn to reconnect with your loved one and understand how to truly communicate and understand what your signifi cant other is really telling you. The class takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. To register for this class, call ACS at 0631-3406-4203.

» Are you new to the KMC? Join Army Community Service for this free, two-part class at 9 a.m. Thursday and Aug. 24 in Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks. The fi rst day covers on overview of Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, and German culture and customs. On the second day, take the local bus for a special insider’s tour of “K-Town.” A walking tour of downtown takes you to the his-torical sites, museums, city offi ces and a historic restau-rant for lunch. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

» Have you recently discovered that you will be a sponsor to a new family joining our community? There is a lot to do as a sponsor and fi rst impressions are lasting. Make sure you are prepared to take on this critical role by taking a free Sponsor Training through ACS from 3 to 4 p.m. Aug 28 and Sept. 4 in Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Bar-racks. To register, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

» Couples Communication is a new two-part series

course being offered through Family Advocacy. In this class learn the keys to better communication, effective listening and understanding taught in a fun learning at-mosphere. Take the stress out of your relationship by enrolling today. Classes take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. every fi rst and second Thursday of the month in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. To register, call 0631-3406-4203.

» Did you know that anger is directly related to symptoms associated with survival instincts? Learn about how anger is triggered, ways to monitor and associ-ate patterns of anger with thought processes and most importantly, how to control anger in this three-part edu-cational learning experience. Join the ACS Anger Man-agement Class by registering for a session. Classes are offered from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Wednes-day in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Call 493-4062 or 0631-3406-4062 to sign up or for more information.

» Feeling over burdened? Are you experiencing sleeplessness, muscle pain or emotional tension? Then you may be stressed. There is a lot more to stress than what you might think. Join this informative two-part series that teaches you about different kinds of stress and healthy ways to cope. Stress Management classes are offered from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Tues-day in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Call 493-4062 or 0631-3406-4062 for more information.

» Interested in learning English or brushing up on your verbal skills? Then stop by ACS, Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks, at 9:30 a.m. every Monday to take part in this free, enriching English as a second language class. This class covers language fundamentals and provides a friendly learning atmosphere. For more information, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

» Already know the basics of English but want to keep learning more? Then stop by ACS, Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks, at 9:30 a.m. every Friday to take part in this free, enriching, Intermediate English as a second language class. This class expands on language fundamentals and provides a friendly learning atmo-sphere. For more information on this class, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

Chapel News» Join us at the altar and go before God on behalf

of the middle and high school students at 9 a.m. Thurs-day. It will start at Sembach Middle School and move to Kaiserslautern and Landstuhl Middle School throughout the morning. Coffee and lunch will be provided. For de-tails, call anthony Amor at 0151-2411-2619.

» The Ramstein Air Base Chapel has the follow-ing contract positions open: Vogelweh Gospel Ser-vice Music Director (Reference No. F3N0222067A004), Catholic 0900 music director (Reference No. F3N0222067A009) and Catholic 1700 cantor (Reference No. F3N0222067A011). Closing date is at 3 p.m. eastern standard time today. For more information, visit

» The Muslim community celebrates Eid-Al-Fitr Sunday to commemorate the end of Ramadan. Eid-Al-Fitr is the festival of thanksgiving, sharing and love. Families, singles and friends are welcome to participate in this re-ligious and cultural event. Program begins at 9:30 a.m. For questions, call Chaplain (Capt.) Walid Habash at 480–5753 or email

» Meetings for the Plugged-In Middle School Youth Group for Landstuhl, Kaiserslautern and Sembach take place from noon to 3 p.m. Tuesdays at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center.

» The Rock High School Youth Group meets from 7 to 8:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Ramstein North Chapel. For details and other events, call Anthony Amor at 0151-2411-2619 or visit

» Learn the “street smart” version of the basic German language during Conversational German on Monday evenings or Fridays during lunchtime. For more information and to fi nd out meeting times, stop by Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks, or call 493-4023 or 0631-3406-4023.

A&FRC programsThe Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center offers the

following programs:Ramstein Spouses’ Orientation: Aug. 20, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., A&FRC

USO Tour: Aug. 21, 8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., A&FRC Reintegration: Aug. 21, 9 a.m. to noon, Bldg. 3450Resume Writing: Aug. 21, 10 to 11 a.m., A&FRC

Pre-Deployment: Aug. 21, 1 to 3 p.m., Bldg. 3450 Base Intro: Aug. 22, 7:30 to 12:45 p.m., Hercules Theater

First Duty Station Lieutenant: Aug. 23, 9 to 10 a.m., A&FRCWhat is What Tour: Aug. 23, 9 a.m. to noon, A&FRC

Pre-Separation Counseling: Aug. 23, 9 to 11 a.m., A&FRCCall the A&FRC at 480-5100 to register for the classes.

Reintegration and pre-deployment briefings are open to spouses.

30th MEDCOM Headquarters settles in Sembachby Capt. Danielle Hamer30th MEDCOM Public Affairs

The 30th Medical Command has nearly fi nished unpack-ing the last boxes after a summer-long move to the unit’s new home at Sembach Kaserne.

The 30th MEDCOM pro-vides medical support for combat, humanitarian assistance and training missions for U.S. European Command, U.S. Army Europe, U.S. Africa Command, and Operations Enduring Freedom and Kosovo Force.

The unit’s move from Heidelberg is part of the U.S. Army’s ongoing transformation effort in Europe.

“Planning started over a year ago when former commander Col. John Cho toured the buildings on Sembach. We began the physical move in July,” said Maj. Richard Floyd, 30th MEDCOM’s deputy logistics offi cer.

The unit’s greatest challenges were timing the relocation and whether or not the buildings would be ready for the unit to occupy, Floyd said. The move consisted of two major compo-nents: equipment and personnel.

“Moving desks and computers was the easy part, but personnel are more complex,” Floyd said.

To reduce uncertainty for Soldiers and their families, the unit encour-aged families to be involved through town hall meetings and social media forums. For Staff Sgt. Michael Linder, relocating went very well, he said.

“I liked living in Heidelberg, the town was really great,” Linder said. “But it’s nice here. And the move was easy and quick.”

A brief call to Heidelberg’s housing offi ce was all it took, he said. A mov-ing truck arrived and could deliver his

household goods in two days. His new daily commute, from Vogelweh to Sembach, is akin to his commute from Patrick Henry Village in Heidelberg to Nachrichten Kaserne, where 30th MEDCOM was previously located.

The 421st Multifunctional Medical Battalion Headquarters, one of 30th MEDCOM’s direct reporting units, also relocated this summer from Wiesbaden to Baumholder. Several of its subordinate companies and detach-ments joined them from various loca-tions throughout Germany.

For more information, visit

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 16 August 17, 2012

by Petra Lessoing86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Otterberg will celebrate its “Altstadtfest,” old town fest, today through Sunday. The Altstadtfest takes place every two years, in turn with spring fest. It will be set up around the Abbey Church and on Kirchplatz in the historical part of Otterberg.

“For the first time during Altstadtfest, medieval camps will be put up behind the church,” said Carola Ibrom from the Otterberg Tourist Information office. Two medieval groups will display the life in the Middle Ages and inform visitors about that time.

The fest will begin at 7 p.m. today and Mayor Martin Müller and the Otterberg Spring Queen, Laura I, will officially open it from a stage on Kirchplatz at 7:30 p.m. The band The Twins with

guest will start entertain-ing the audience at 8 p.m. Local clubs and associations will sell food specialties and drinks in the streets of the medieval part of town.

Visitors can taste various Palatinate dishes, numerous beers, wines and cocktails. There will also be grilled ham, spare ribs, roasted pork, soup, bratwurst, currywurst, wurst salad and French fries.

“Local specialties will be the Otterberger and the Wallonenberger,” said Ibrom. “They are both hamburgers, the Otterburger with lettuce and the Wallonenburger with cole slaw. And both come with a bun that shows a squir-rel since the squirrel is the symbol in Otterberg’s crest.”

Saturday, vendors’ and food booths will open at 6 p.m. Hobby artists will sell a variety of items such as jew-elry and art and craft items and a basket maker will show off his profession.

Musical entertainment will start at 8 p.m. with Tijuana Band.

On Sunday, booths and stands will open at 11:30 a.m. and the local Music Association Harmonie Otterberg will start its “frühschoppen,” with eat-ing and drinking at 11:30 a.m.

The Rheinland-Pfalz Police Orchestra, Men in Blue, will present a wide range of brass music starting at 3 p.m.

Former 1. FCK soccer play-er Ratinho will lead an auction trying to sell a flag that was created by local children dur-ing the children’s fest.

“We also offer a percussion workshop, face painting and a big flea market from 1 to 6 p.m. in the Kapitelsaal in the Abbey Church,” said Ibrom. Proceeds will go to the new parish home.

For more information, visit

by U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern Public Affairs

Kaiserslautern Military Community’s Operation Rising Star, an annual vocal performance contest, takes place Sept. 22 at the Armstrong Club ball-room on Vogelweh.

Mandatory a cappella auditions for the contest are Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m., at KMC Onstage at Kleber Kaserne, said Jim Sohre, U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern’s entertainment director.

“You can’t win if you don’t enter so get your application in now,” Sohre said.

The contest has taken off in recent years, partly because contestants earn the chance, if selected, to fly to the States for the grand finals, Sohre said.

“At the garrison level, talented participants get the opportunity to perform for their peers and score good prizes,” Sohre said.

Last year, first-place winner Kristi Menyfield was one of 12 contestants selected to compete at Army-level

“Each garrison’s first place winner gets nominated to the grand finals,” Sohre said. “We were very proud of Kristi’s outstanding performance.”

Local garrison winners who place in the top three, earn cash prizes from $100 to $500. Another highlight is the “Spirit Award” – a $300 prize for the unit or family readiness group that demonstrates the best support for their con-testant. Singers passing this hurdle compete at KMC Operation Rising Star, a public event that starts at 7 p.m. on Sept. 22. Tickets are $3.

“We’re looking forward to a great lineup at Armstrong’s and hope to have another top Kaiserslautern contestant this year,” Sohre said.

The contest is for all active duty, National Guard or Reserve service mem-bers, from any branch, and family members over 18, who have a valid military ID card. Entrants must be in amateur status at the time of the contests.

Other rules and conditions are outlined on the official application, available at KMC Onstage or online at: For more information call 0631-411-6252.

Photo by Staff Sgt. Michael J. Taylor

Shaunna Cook, the 2010 KMC Operation Rising Star finalist, practices her performance. The contest, sponsored annually by the U.S. Army Family & Morale, Welfare and Recreation, is hold-ing auditions Sept. 13 at KMC Onstage on Kleber Kaserne.

Courtesy photo

Operation Rising Star returns to Kaiserslautern

Otterberg holds old town fest today to Sunday

Kaiserslautern American Page 17August 17, 2012

by Petra Lessoing86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The City of Kaiserslautern will host its sixth Kaiserslautern Classics from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday.

During this event, visitors will be able to experi-ence the history of motor vehicles while walking through the center of town. A display will be set up in all pedestrian zones, on Martinsplatz, around Stiftskirche, on Schillerplatz, at Altenhof and on the parking lot near the city hall. Vintage vehicles, newer cars, motorcycles and utility vehicles will be presented.

Private collectors, vintage vehicle friends, motor sports clubs and associations will show off their vehicles during the event.

“We again received a lot of interesting registra-tions for vehicles such as Porsche, Rolls Royce or the historical emergency vehicles,” said Alexander Hess from the project offi ce for city events. “There will be unique vehicles by Jaguar and Porsche, and fascinating motor bikes from the Otterbach Motorcycle Museum.”

A novelty this year will be the fi rst ADAC Rally Trifels Historic. Rally participants will start their

250-kilometer tour in historical vehi-cles through the Palatinate Forest at 10 a.m. at the Rathaus. A city round trip is scheduled for 6 p.m.

After the fruit and vegetable market on Stiftsplatz will end at 1:30 p.m., ambulances, fi re trucks, tractors and other vehicles will be displayed here. A German automobile club will offer children rides on youth carts starting at 3 p.m. The band Acoustic Soul will present jazz from the 1050s, 1960s and 1970s from 6 to 10 p.m. in front of the hotel.

Other bands including Plug and Play, Blues Hotel New Orleans and Marching Dixie Devils will perform at various locations throughout the day.

“The stores in the center and all other shopping areas will be open until 10 p.m.,” Hess said. “And our Tourist Information offi ce will offer guided city tours at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.”

The fi rst historical tour is 2 and half hours long and costs €5. The second tour is 90 minutes and costs €4. Please register in advance at the Tourist

Information offi ce, which is located next to the Fruchthalle concert building, Fruchthallstrasse 14, across from the city hall.

For more information, visit

Kaiserslautern Classics

… Races to Town Saturday

Photos by City of Kaiserslautern

ABOVE: Visitors of Kaiserslautern Classics admire a variety of vintage and his-torical vehicles in the center of town. BELOW: Numerous vintage vehicles will be on display from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday in Kaiserslautern.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 18 August 17, 2012

by Tech. Sgt. Ryon MillerKMC Fire and Emergency Services

Fire is a deadly threat to any house-hold. It can strike anywhere, at any time. In a study conducted by the National Fire Protection Association, they determined that almost two-thirds of residential home fire deaths between 2005 and 2009 resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.

A home fire can and might happen to you. Smoke alarms are the easiest, most cost-efficient way to alert your family of a developing fire. The more smoke alarms you have installed in your home, the more your chances increase that you will be alerted to a fire. You must be prepared and have the knowledge to escape safely. Fire is darker, smokier, hotter and faster than you can imagine. You must know what fire is like to increase the chanc-es of a safe escape. The following are four important facts to remember:

Smoke Is Dark. Most people expect fire to be light. For this rea-son, people have been trapped in their homes because they could not find their way out in the dark — they didn’t have a flashlight and didn’t practice an escape plan.

Smoke Can Be Deadly. Since most

fire fatalities occur between 2 and 6 a.m. when most people are sleeping — the only thing standing between the deadly fumes of fire and a safe escape maybe the piercing sound of a smoke alarm.

Fire Has Intense Heat. Fire can cause the temperature to rise several hundred degrees in seconds. The heat is so intense it can cause the human body to stop functioning altogether — one breath can cause severe lung damage. The heat alone can cause someone to become unconscious and not be able to escape.

Time Is Critical. A residential home can be easily consumed in flames in less than five minutes from the start of a fire. You must know what to do in order to help get you and your family out safely. A closed door is often the best way to stall a fire. By closing the door, you may save your-self seconds to use an alternate escape route.

What most people don’t realize is there are specific regulations and laws that govern the manufactur-ing, installation, maintenance and testing of smoke alarms not only in the U.S., but also in Germany and the State of Rheinland-Pfalz specifically. Within the U.S., these guidelines can be found online in

the U.S. Fire Administration State-by-State Residential Smoke Alarm Requirements manual, as well as in the National Fire Protection Agency Codes and Standards. In the state of Rheinland-Pfalz, the requirements for the installation of smoke alarms is laid out in the Landesbauordnung (State Construction Law for Rheinland-Pfalz).

Some of the same requirements can found in both the NFPA and Landesbauordnung, these require-ments are that smoke alarms must be installed in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area, in the path of egress and on every level of the home.

What this means for all military and civilian members working and living on a military installation is all smoke alarms will be installed and maintained by the installation in accordance with the NFPA to include all other appli-cable laws and regulations to ensure the high levels of safety are present. For those members residing within the local communities’ cities and villages of Rheinland-Pfalz, it is the responsi-bility of the homeowner or landlord to install smoke alarms in accordance with the state law to ensure the safety of occupants. However, the occupant is responsible for testing smoke detec-

tors (recommended monthly) to ensure operability and for replacement of bat-teries as necessary.

It’s not just enough to install or have smoke alarms installed within your residence, you also must main-tain them. Smoke alarms are easy to maintain; yet, improper maintenance is one of the biggest reasons smoke alarms fail. It is very important that you remember to maintain all your smoke alarms not just one or two of them. To ensure your smoke alarms are working properly you can follow these simple actions:

• Test your smoke alarms weekly by pressing the test button.

• Replace the battery in each smoke alarm at least once a year. Better yet, when you change your clock for day-light savings time, change your battery.

• Never remove the battery except when replacing it with a fresh battery.

• Clean the smoke alarm at least once a year.

• When in doubt, always remem-ber to follow the instructions in the product’s user’s manual for specific instructions on how to install and maintain your smoke alarms.

For questions, contact the KMC Fire Department, Fire Prevention Section in Bldg. 571 on Ramstein, or call 480-5940 or 06371-47-5940.

Smoke alarms required in Rheinland-Pfalz

Week-long camp is ‘smashing’ success for KMC kidsStory and photo by Staff Sgt. Travis Edwards86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Twenty-one children from the KMC got a chance to dip into a multitude of different extra-curricular activities dur-ing the Youth Center’s Smash Camp Aug. 6 through 10 at the Youth Instructional building here.

Smash camp is a five-day camp that allows children to try their hand at acrobatics, bal-let, jazz, tap, Broadway, art, Yoga and Jeet Kun Do, among other activities.

“We’ve done this camp four times already throughout the summer and it’s for two reasons: to help give the children something constructive to do during the summer and to give them a little taste of everything they can do for after school activi-ties,” said Jody Blevins, a career dance instructor who also works for the Youth Center. “It’s seven hours of fun that they absolutely love.”

Blevins is joined by Nina Moore, Youth Center dance and Smash Camp instructor who is majoring in dance at Brigham Young University, Utah.

“I’ve volunteered at the Youth Center for the last two years, so this is my third year here and my first year working full time for the Youth center,” Moore said. “It’s been great, I love it and the kids love it.”

The Youth Instructional building recently re-opened in June and features three rooms: a dance room with a Marley floor, which is a special perfor-

mance surface, suitable for dancing and a martial arts room with a soft mat covering the entire floor and a wide-open gymnastics room, which features uneven bars, two balance beams, a trampoline, a vault and a spring floor.

This was the fourth and final smash camp of the 2012 summer. With two instructors, the camp can accommodate up to 26 children ages 6 to 18 for about $110 for the whole week.

“This is the kind of camp I went to as a kid and I still have those memories,” said Tina Whitney, KMC Youth Center instructional director and cre-ator of the KMC Smash Camp. “I still remember how much fun it was and all the new people I met. I was exposed to so many new things and loved them; and I wanted to give that feeling to our mili-tary families.”

The camp was a smashing success for the chil-dren as well.

“My mom and I were searching for things to do for fun during the summer and out popped Smash Camp,” said Maddi Navid, 13, stepdaughter of Maj. Lance Benson and Smash Camp participant. “It had all different kinds of activities and we decided, ‘That looks like fun.’”

“The teachers were my favorite because they have a lot of fun with what they are doing and they make learning the dances fun,” she added. “I would definitely do it again.”

Jody Blevins, KMC Youth Center dance instructor, shows a Smash Camp attendee how to do a bridge during Day One of Smash Camp Aug. 6 at the Youth Instructional building on Ramstein. Smash camps allow children to try their hand at acrobatics, ballet and jazz, among other activities.

Kaiserslautern American Page 19August 17, 2012

Landstuhl hosts biker day Aug. 26by Petra Lessoing86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The Westpfalz Biker Group will sponsor its fifth annual Westpfalz Biker Day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 26 on the grounds

around Landstuhl’s commu-nity hall, Stadthalle. Under the auspices of Deputy County Commissioner Gerhad Müller and Landstuhl’s Deputy Mayer Dr. Peter Degenhardt, the event will feature motorcycle displays, emergency response demonstra-tions, safety information by dif-ferent agencies, a motorcycle ride, children’s activities, music, and food and beverages.

“Our biker day is a fundrais-er to support the Kaiserslautern Children’s Accident Committee,” said Friedrich Müller from the organization team. “Last year we were able to donate a total of €1,350.”

Organizers want to help to minimize the amount of motorbike accidents. Therefore, they have a close cooperation with the Rheinland-Pfalz Police, the U.S. military police, the Children’s Accident

Committee, the German Red Cross, the technical inspection agency and institutions fighting alcohol and drugs. They will all be present with informa-tion stands.

The German Red Cross and Landstuhl fire sta-tion will simulate a motorcycle accident and dem-onstrate first aid and other immediate emergency

response measures. Visitors will then receive flyers with tips and emergency phone numbers.

German Polizei will set up a driving simulator where people can test their abilities. Polizei and the U.S. military police will both have vehicles on display.

“We are happy to be able to present, just like last year, mem-bers of the AMC trial group from Kerzenheim showing off their motor biking skills,” Müller said.

Children can admire a balloon artist and get children’s tattoos.

“At 12:30 p.m., we start our tra-ditional motorcycle round trip,” Müller said. “Motor bikers will drive 60 kilometers through the north of Kaiserslautern County.”

All daylong, DJ Tony Carillo from the Kaiserslautern radio sta-tion Antenne 96.9 will provide

musical entertainment. Members of the Hochspeyer German Red Cross

food service department will take care of hungry and thirsty visitors.

“We hope to be able to welcome a lot of visitors who are interested in learning about motorcycles and safety,” Müller said.

Courtesy photo

Interested motoryclists can join a tour starting at 12:30 p.m. Aug. 26 at the Landstuhl Stadthalle. The tour will lead 60 kilometers through the north of Kaiserslautern County.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 20 August 17, 2012

by Petra Lessoing86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby. Dates are subject to change.

Performing artsPfalztheater Kaiserslautern:• Theater fest after summer break starts 2 p.m.

Sept. 15. Admission is free. For details, call 0631-3675-209 or visit

Kammgarn Kaiserslautern:Summer break through August. • “Prinz Pi & Band” present rock, pop and rap,

8:30 p.m. Sept. 1. Tickets cost €22. For details, visit www. or call 0631-365-2607.

Stadthalle Landstuhl (new concert location due to fi re in Haus des Bürgers, Ramstein-Miesenbach):

• Church choirs, members of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band, members of the orchestra of Saarbrücken State Orchestra with soloists such as Jocelyn B. Smith present “The Armed Man” by Karl Jenkins and “Mass of the Children” by John Rutter, 5 p.m. Sunday. Tickets at the door are €10. Advanced tickets for €8 are available at 06371-592220.

Katzweiler, Freilichtbühne (open-air stage in forest):

• Children’s play, “Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer,” in German, 8:30 p.m. Aug. 24, and 4 p.m. Sunday and Aug. 26.

• Adult’s play “Schinderhanna,” in German, 8:30 p.m. today, Saturday and Aug. 25. For details and directions, visit

Bildhaus Music Club, Hahnbacherhof (near

67701 Schallodenbach):• DCC Trio — A

Tribute to the Beatles, 8:30 p.m. Saturday. For details, visit

Homburg, historical market place:

• Musical Summer presents Greg Copeland and the Soul Gang, 7 to 10 p.m. today.

• Jazz frühschoppen: Les Haricots Rouge from Paris perform 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Admission is free. For details, visit

Winnweiler, Bischoff Brewery:• Rock im Brauhof starts 4 p.m. Aug. 25 with

the band Season Four; Die Dicken Kinder at 5:45 p.m.; 7ty Proof at 8:30 p.m., and Kind of Used, 0:15 a.m. Aug. 27. There will be a children’s program. Admission is free. For details, visit or

Miscellaneous• Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau, open through

Oct. 31. Hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets cost €7 for adults and €3 for children. Exhibitions: Farmers’ life in the early 20th century; Art Forum with 15 renowned artists presenting their works; fl ower show “Chill Out,” through Sunday in fl ower hall.

Today: Night of Legends VII features a musi-cal trip through fi ve decades with hits by Abba, Madonna, Robbie Williams, 7:30 p.m. in event hall. Admission fee will be donated to the Kaiserslautern Animal Protection Association.

Saturday: Caribbean Night features Caribbean music, dancers, cocktails and food specialties, 6 p.m. in fl ower hall. Sunday: Protestant worship service, 11 a.m. in willow church. For details, visit or call 0631-71007-0.

• Kaiserslautern, Japanese Garden, Am Abendsberg 1, open through Oct. 31. For details, visit

• Kaiserslautern, center, KL Classics featuring vintage vehicles (read article on Page 17).

• Kaiserslautern, An der Feuerwache 6 (behind Porsche dealer), fi re station, Open House features guided tours, vehicle and equipment displays, Red Cross presentations, fi refi ghters’ demonstrations, music, children’s activities, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. There is limited parking; visitors can take a shuttle bus from Toom Markt in Hohenecker Strasse.

• Erlenbach, village carnival, today through Monday.

• Mehlbach, Grillplatz, Fun Forest Day features tree climbing, archery, disc golf, games, zumba, 1 to 7 p.m. Sunday.

• Enkenbach-Alsenborn, Am Geldloch, cultural festival with entertaining program, start is 5 p.m. today, 2 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. Sunday. For details, visit

• Alsenborn, Alsenzhalle, summer night fest, start is 6 p.m. Saturday.

• Gerhardsbrunn, village carnival, today through Monday.

• Krickenbach, village fest, Saturday and Sunday.

• Schrollbach, village carnival, Saturday to Monday.

• Hirschhorn, village carnival, Saturday to Monday.

• Dahn, city fest with vendors’ market, Saturday and Sunday.

• Würzweiler to Pfaffen-Schwabenheim, road closure for car-free family day, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

• Neustadt/Lachen-Speyerdorf, Deidesheim, Erpolzheim, Friedelsheim, Grünstadt-Asselheim, Kleinniedesheim, wine fest, today through Tuesday.

• Saarbrücken, Deutsch-Französischer Garten, medieval days, today through Sunday. For details, visit

Flea markets• Kaiserslautern, Pfalzcenter (across from

Daenner Kaserne), Saturdays.• Kaiserslautern, Opel parking lot, Portal 4,

8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Aug. 25.• Ramstein, Autokino, 5 to 10 p.m. today (fi rst

and third Friday). • Bad Dürkheim, Saline (salt-works), 10 a.m. to

4 p.m. Saturday and Aug. 25. For details, visit

Was ist Los?KMC Cultural


Courtesy photo

Medieval market in Volkspark The medieval association “Die Legende” will sponsor its ninth legendary medieval market today through Sunday in Kaiserslautern’s Volkspark on Entersweiler Strasse. About 500 participants will display former craftsmanship, show o� knights � ghts and present sing-ing and dancing performances. There will be vendors with medieval goods, children’s activities and food specialties from the Middle Ages. Admission is €6 for adults and €2 for youths. Visitors can park at the Schweindsdell P+R parking lot (Kaiserslautern-Ost) and take a free shuttle. Market hours are from 1 to 10 p.m. today, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday. For more information, visit

Courtesy photo

Car-free German Wine StreetThe German Wine Street closes to motorized tra� c from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 26. Bicyclists, hikers and skat-ers can enjoy the 85-kilometer long tourist route from Bockenheim to Schweigen. For details, read next week’s KA and visit

Kaiserslautern American Page 21August 17, 2012

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 22 August 17, 2012

by Chuck RobertsLandstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Affairs

Landstuhl Regional Medical Center was one of many stops on the long road to recovery for Brian Kolfage, but one he does not remem-ber.

That changed Aug. 1 when Kolfage visited the hospital where he was treated eight years ago when he lost an arm and both legs from a 107 mm mortar blast that landed about 5 feet away from the former Air Force Security Forces specialist on Sept. 11, 2004, at Balad Air Base in Iraq.

Kolfage is now completing his degree in architecture at the University of Arizona, but was able to make the return journey to LRMC with his wife, Nikki, at the invitation of the Wounded Warrior Project that has allowed other former patients to retrace their road to recovery.

Kolfage said he has no memory of being a patient at LRMC, and said it was strange feeling visiting areas such as the entrance to the Emergency Department where he arrived on a stretcher in an ambu-lance bus.

During his visit, Kolfage shared his long and successful healing pro-cess with staff and patients.

Two patients in one of the rooms he visited were amputees who had just arrived from Afghanistan. Kolfage offered reassurance during their discussion that included ques-tions such as whether he is able to drive a car. Hearing that driving,

walking and other normal activities are all possible has added credibility when it comes from a fellow ampu-tee, said Kolfage.

“They can see I’ve been to hell and back and know they can trust me. You can see the hope and trust in their eyes because they know they can trust me,” Kolfage said afterward at the LRMC Fisher House where he was able to reunite with Vivian Wilson, current manager of the two LRMC Fisher Houses and manager of the Fisher Houses at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2004 where Kolfage and his wife resided for sev-eral months during his recovery. “It was incredibly heartwarming to see Brian after so many years, looking healthy and happy with his beauti-ful wife at his side and pursuing his dreams,” said Wilson.

Although not on staff when Kolfage was treated at LRMC, Capt. Kathleen Casper has treated numer-ous seriously injured Wounded Warriors during her seven years as an Army nurse.

Casper said the staff is always grateful for the opportunity to meet former patients such as Kolfage, the patient who “wasn’t supposed to live.”

“It was very meaningful to see Brian who has done so well,” said Casper, an ICU nurse. “He’s just like a normal, everyday guy now.”

Casper said Kolfage reflects the same selfless service she sees in so many of her patients. “These guys give everything. Their injuries are something they didn’t ask for … they

tug on my heartstrings.”LRMC is the largest American

hospital outside of the United States and the only Level I Trauma Center overseas, as verified by the American College of Surgeons.

LRMC provides medical care for more than 245,000 U.S. military per-

sonnel and their families within U.S. European Command. LRMC has served as an evacuation and treat-ment center for more than 68,000 U.S. servicemembers and civilians injured in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as servicemembers from 51 coalition forces.

8 years later, wounded warrior returns for LRMC visit

Photo by MSgt. Wayne Clark

Brian Kolfage (seated) talks with Col. (Dr.) Michael Murray during his Aug. 1 visit to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Kolfage returned to visit staff and patients at LRMC where he was treated eight years ago for injuries sustained during a mortar attack at Balad Air Base in Iraq.

Tiny TigersKukSoolWon of Ramstein’s Tiny Tigers spend an afternoon train-ing (and roaring) at Nanstein Castle in Landstuhl. Pictured here are: Devin Rutledge, Devon Lary, Joel Taylor, Abby Gels, Anjelka Johns, Roman Thuyns, Nate Levingston, Trevor Walsh, Zahriya Thomas, Siena Maldenado, Carson Ware and Micah McKinny along with instructors Mike Grimes and Travis Gentry.

Courtesy photo

Kaiserslautern American Page 23August 17, 2012

Raider WeekAttention all potential Kaiserslautern

High School football players for the 2012 season. The Kaiserslautern High School football team will be sponsor-ing Raider Week until Saturday. Raider Week is in-school training only for KHS football players to help them prepare for the 2012 football season. For full details, visit http://khsfootball.

AFCEA golf tournamentThe KMC chapter of the Armed

Forces Communications and Electronics Association will host a golf tourna-ment Aug. 30 at Ramstein’s Woodlawn Golf Course. Proceeds go to the chapter’s scholarship program, allow-ing it to contribute more than $26,000 annually to students in the KMC. Shotgun start is at 8 a.m. Cost is $50 per person for green fees, cart and lunch. Players can also enter a raffle to win prizes, such as an iPad, BMW golf bag, HTC Smartphone and more. To regis-ter teams by Aug. 24, email

Half marathonThe Ramstein Fitness Center

will host a half marathon at 8 a.m. Sept. 8. Check-in will be at 7 a.m. The half marathon is open to all ID cardholders. Participants must

sign up by Aug. 31. Entry fee is $35. Registration is non-refundable. For details, email

KMC district soccerThe U.S. Youth Soccer Europe-

KMC District program is looking for male and female players age 4 to 18. The KMC district will be conducting tryouts/assessments on Sunday, Aug. 19 and 26, and Sept. 2 at Ramstein’s Donnelly Park. The tryouts/assess-ments for 4- to 12-year-olds takes place from 10 to 11:30 a.m., and from noon to 1:30 p.m. for 13- to 18-year-olds. Participating players should wear cleats, shin guards and appropriate clothing for the weather. Players should also bring water or a sports drink. The KMC dis-trict provides training conducted by professional German soccer coaches. For more information, email

Fitness center open againVogelweh Fitness Center will re-

open its doors Monday. Hours of opera-tion are 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, holidays and family days. Sundays the fitness center is closed.

Fall sports tryoutsAttention Ramstein High School stu-

dents, for detailed information about fall sports tryouts, visit and click on “sports.”

Sembach soccer clinicsSoccer clinics are available through

SKIESUnlimited for beginner, inter-mediate and advanced youth players. Clinics include scrimmages, drills, attacking, defending skills, and more. To register or for more information, contact Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, or the One

Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post.

Recreational soccerMeet new people, get in shape

and play soccer from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday at the Miesau Fitness Center, Bldg. 1220. Open to U.S. ID card holders, Department of Defense civilians and retirees 16 and over. To play or for more information, call Robert Michels at 486-8939 or 06371-86-8939, or email him at

by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Why do we push ourselves to the point of exhaustion? Some exercise and others push themselves for an adrenalin rush.

On July 27, we did it for charity.

The EventThe Viking Challenge is a 24-hour walk/run-a-

thon where participants raised money to help benefit the Fisher House in Landstuhl, Germany.

I participated in the 2012 Viking Challenge and was not prepared for the swell of pride coupled with exhaustion I was going to experience. Starting at noon, our eight-man team was required to keep at least one team member on the track either walking or running for 24 hours; I did both.

Even though I had planned on being there the majority of the 24 hours, I never gave much thought to how far I would walk or run, until we got a few laps in and began to calculate how far we could potentially go. With many breaks to rest our feet and mostly walking, we figured we could go at least 26.2 miles—a marathon. Then and there, I decided to make that my goal.

Challenges FacedThe temperature reached a high of 90 degrees

Fahrenheit making the afternoon almost unbearable. Even though the sun was out and the heat was on, everyone kept a positive attitude and showed esprit de corps through the entire 24 hours.

With a surplus of upbeat music playing over the speakers, it was easy for me to stay motivated even during the wee hours of the morning. As 2 and 3 a.m. hit things seemed to blur together, then a second wind came on and I felt like I could go on forever.

That was until the last seven brutal miles. “Just put one foot in front of the other,” I said.

It took everything I had to keep going. Even with the breaks, hydration and music pounding in my ears; I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my team. We kept reminding each other what we were there for. No matter how bad I wanted to give up and go home, I knew that if I did, I would be disappointed in myself. I’m glad I decided to keep going because I reached 26 miles with a few hours to spare. Then I was determined to push myself to an even 30. I did it, and yes my feet still hurt. As a team we had a com-bined total of 184.6 miles.

During the month before the event my team took to

Facebook and asked friends, family and co-workers to donate to a good cause. We raised more than $800.

AfterthoughtsNever in my life had I walked or ran more than

eight miles. There was no need, but for the Viking Challenge, it was worth it.

The Viking Challenge has been, by far, one of the most intense charity events I have participated in.

My favorite part was not that I got out of a day of work, or that I got to brag to friends and family back home about what I was doing; it was getting the chance to see everyone come together for a good cause.

It was seeing the many things people came dressed as: Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Captain America, leprechauns and hippies all made an appearance.

It was hearing the laughter and seeing the smiles on everyone’s face; they knew that they were there for something greater than themselves.

There are no words to express the abundance of pride I had that my team and I exceeded our goals by pushing ourselves to the point of exhaustion and beyond; all for a charity that gives back to service members in need.

Will I do it again next year? Absolutely.

Pushing to the point of exhaustion: who does it benefit?

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 24 August 17, 2012

Visit for detailsAt The MoviesAt The MoviesAt The Movies

Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein)TODAY - Hope Springs (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

The Campaign (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m.

The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:15 p.m.

Madagascar 3 (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9 p.m.

SATURDAY - Hope Springs (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

The Campaign (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m.

The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:15 p.m.

Madagascar 3 (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9 p.m.

SUNDAY - Hope Springs (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

The Campaign (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m.

The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:15 p.m.

Madagascar 3 (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9 p.m.

MONDAY - Hope Springs (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

The Campaign (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Prometheus (R) 11 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.

TUESDAY - Hope Springs (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

The Campaign (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Prometheus (R) 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m.

WEDNESDAY - Hope Springs (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

The Campaign (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Prometheus (R) 11 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.

THURSDAY - Hope Springs (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

The Campaign (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Galaxy Theater (Vogelweh)TODAY - Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 (PG) 4 p.m.

Total Recall (PG-13) 7 p.m.

SATURDAY - Pirates! Band of Misfi ts (PG) 4 p.m.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon (PG-13) 7 p.m.

SUNDAY - Men in Black 3 (PG-13) 4 p.m.

What To Expect When You’re Expecting (PG-13) 7 p.m.


Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.

ACROSS1 Curves5 Step10 Congregation’s response14 Kick15 Rolls’s partner16 Crime boss17 Country road18 Tight as ___19 Begin a fall20 Snare22 Fame24 Dishwasher cycle26 Piano pieces27 Injure with hot liquid29 Citizen Kane’s estate31 Night prowler33 Calyx components37 Boring routine38 Accumulate40 1988 Dennis Quaid fi lm41 Greek wind god44 Vassal47 Author LeGuin49 Getting rid of50 Nightfall52 Mongrels54 Turned up56 Actor Liam59 Raise60 Mountain nymph62 Reebok rival63 Conspiracy64 “Filthy” money65 David Copperfi eld’s fi rst wife66 Dog caller’s word67 Glacial ridge68 Jacket fastener

DOWN1 Skilled2 Equine color3 Female singing voice4 Antiseptic5 Pitfalls6 Angler’s need

7 Jane who loved Mr Rochester8 Shrewdness9 Small cup10 Misbehaved11 It fl ows into the Seine12 Heroic tales13 “Uh uh!”21 Artist Warhol23 Classic art subject25 Classroom trial27 Poet Teasdale28 Hint30 In any way32 Oven dish34 Disclosure35 Advance36 Crooned39 “The King and I” country42 Crescent-shaped window43 ___ Major (Great Bear)45 Airport exit46 Holds out48 Starter home?50 Bung51 ___ grabs53 Anesthetized54 Coleridge’s sacred river55 Adorn57 Gumbo ingredient58 Lowest high tide61 Sendak’s “Where the Wild Things ___”

Solutions to the Aug. 10 puzzle

Puzzle courtesy of

Hope Springs (PG-13) — Kay and Arnold are a devoted couple, but decades of marriage have left Kay wanting to spice things up and reconnect with her husband. When she hears of a renowned couple’s specialist in the small town of Great Hope Springs, she attempts to persuade her skep-tical husband, a steadfast man of routine, to get on a plane for a week of marriage ther-apy. Just convincing the stubborn Arnold to go on the retreat is hard enough — the real challenge for both of them comes as they shed their bedroom hang-ups and try to re-

ignite the spark that caused them to fall for each other in the fi rst place.

Starring Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones.

The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) — When a plan is put into motion by a top-secret gov-ernment program to wipe out all the geneti-cally modified killers it created, one such operative must flee in order to save his life.

Starring Jeremy Renner and Scott Glenn.

FRI AUG 17 - WED AUG 22In Digital 3D: Prometheus (R)- Fri 15:45,Mon - Wed 16:00

Brave (PG)- Sat 15:30, Sun 13:30

Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (PG)- Fri15:45, Sat 13:30 , Mon - Wed 16:00

Magic Mike (R)- Sat & Sun 13:30

Ted (R)- Fri 15:45, 18:00, 20:00, 22:30,Sat 13:30, 15:45, 18:00, 20:00, 22:30,Sun 13:30, 15:45, 18:00, 20:00, Mon -Wed 16:00, 18:00, 20:30

The Dark Knight Rises (PG13)-Fri 19:30, 22:00, Sat 13:30, 16:30,19:30 , 22:00 , Sun 13:30 , 16:30 ,19:30, Mon - Wed 19:30

The Campaign (R)- Fri 17:45, Sat& Sun 18:00, Mon - Wed 17:45

Total Recall (PG13)- Fri & Sat15:45, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sun15:45, 18:00, 20:15, Mon & Tue 16:00,18:15, 20:30, Wed 16:00, 18:15

Next to Autobahn A6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) Merkurstraße 9, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach

6 THEATRES, THX, EX and all Digital Sound Systems

For Showtimes of Thur AUG 23 call 06371-937 037 or see

Kaiserslautern American Page 25August 17, 2012

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!!!!Apt Weltersbach 5min to RAB,118sqm + 14sqm laundry + sparerm = a total of 132sqm. BIK, dinarea, bathrm, big livrm, 2BR, par-king area, partl. furn, no pets,€650 + util. 2months deposit avnow 06371-952395 or 0174-3028999

10min to RAB Apt Bosenbach2BR liv/dinrm BIK bath w/shower& tub 100sqm laminated flrs2cpks no pets laundry compl re-nov Sat-AFN €500+util Call:06385-5152 or -1839 or 0175-7077303

1st floor Apt, 5min to Army De-pot, 10min to RAB, 3BR, BIK, liv/din rm, lrg bath w/ shower & tub,guest WC, balcony, 116sqm, lami-nated/tiled floor, parking spot,avail 5July €770 + util 0152-09515245

5Bedr. Apt in Oberstaufenbach,2,174 Sqt, built in kitchen, fire-place, walk in closet, 2 ba-throoms, balcony, kids and petswelcome, available by now €123001626481777 or 063728030120

Amer. owned, Beaut. 1BR apt.fully furn w/BIK, washer & dryer,AFN, WIFI. Queidersbach 10minRAB €650 incl util 0175-561-0912

Apt in Landstuhl (Melkerei) Pont-a-Mousson-Ring 8, 104sqm, 2BR,1BIK, 1bath w/ shower and bathtub, livrm, w/ dinrm, balc, laun-dryrm, parking lot. Call: 06371-16368

Apt in Trippstadt 130 sqm floorheating, 2 bedr, 1,5 baths, din/livarea, built-in-kitchen, walk-in clo-set, storage, satellite dish, patio,garage + off-street parking, ba-sem., landlady speaks Engl.?06306-2478 lv mess we callback or

Apt Katzweiler, 6km to Vogel-weh, 120sqm 3BR Bik 1.5bathlivrm €750 + util 0173-9043987

Apt-nice Ramstein, 310sqm,6BDR, 2 baths, garage rent1300€, ZIAI Immobilien 0637157888

Beautiful ground floor Apt196sqm Kottweiler, 5km RAB, 3-4BR, BIK, liv / dinrm, 3bath, stor,basem, 2carport, €1500 incl. util(except elec) + 1mo dep. Call06371-52388

Big nice Apt. in a quiet Area,3Bedrm., Liv-Dinrm., Bath, G.Toi-lette, Pantr., BIK, Balc, AFN, DSL-Internet 130sqm, sml. €450063847067 or 01638150865 /

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Kindsbach: 3 bedroom apart-ment w. 124 sqm living space, li-vingroom with open fireplace, di-ningroom, 1,5 bathrooms, b.i.k.,balcony KD Baubetreuung €84006371-619033 /

Kl-Sembach apt 2BR, newly re-nov. 1livrm bik w/dishwasher,1bath basement yard €460+utilTel. 06303-3389

Kottweiler-schwanden, 2 lightsapt, apt1, first floor, 115sqm,2BR, new open BIK, livrm, bath w/shower and tub, basement, gara-ge, garden, balcony, no pets, apt2, second floor, 115sqm, 3BR, liv/dinrm, BIK, bath w/tub andshower, guest WC, balc, garden,no pets. Call: 0172-6810880 or06371-406362

Kottweiler-Schwanden, 4BR,Apt, 1.5bath, 135sqm, liv/dinrm,BIK, built in closets, storagerm,balc, parking behind house, €950+ util, Call: 01604497965 or016090203562

Landstuhl center, quiet area,2BR, livrm, BIK, bath, garden, ga-rage, 91sqm, terrace, avail now,€650 + 270 util. Call 0171-9388747

Large partly furnish. Studio KL-Erfenbach; Vogelweh5mins; Ramstein 15mins. Avail. 9/12. Suit. for single. €545.- or cou-ple €635.- incl. util.; except elect.Call: 06301-793400

Miesenbach: nice 2 bedrm. apart-ment, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., 1 bath, garage, 625,-- € 06371/57656

New 130sqm aptmt in Queiders-bach, 2 bm, new open bik, floor-heat, patio, E820, Immo T.016096096498Nice apartment 140 m² in Glan-Muenchweiler, 3BR, 2 Bath, BIK,Liv/Din-Room, Storage, Rent:900.00 Euro + util., Avail: August15, 2012. For more info pleasecontact GI Bill Pay Service & RealEstate Tel.: 06371-465407 or0160-1065196, Email: ramstein@gibillpay.comObermohr very nice Apt, 2BR, liv/dinrm, BIK, bath, WC, terrace,park-spot, garage, €650 + util06371-52510Otterbach, 142sqm Apt ideal forsingle pers. 3BR 1,5bath, BIK, liv/dinrm. firepl rm, lrg terr. parking,attic storage, no pets, 900 Euro +util +491716518944 jutta@mj-express.deQueidersbach, 3 bedr. Apt., liv.-dinrm., Bik, 2.5 baths, 232 sqm.,mtl. rent € 1.700,00 + util. CallHartmann Realty 06371/912591Queidersbach, new renovated2bm apartmt, 120sq, 1st floor, pa-tio, E980 all incl, Immo T.016096096498Ramstein 314 sqm apartment on2 levels, 3bdrm, 2 bath, liv rm, dinrm, 2 BIK, lounge with fireplace,garage, balcony, terrace. €1500 +util. 06371-50768Ramstein close to RAB 4rms BIKbath approx 96sqm garden balcpark slot €600+€180utl monthly inadvance Call 0171-9388747Ramstein, 2 BR Apt, 105sqm, ni-ce Apt, €630 + util, deposit€1260, Available now, cell 0170-5559630 or 06371-943537Ramstein: 3bm aprtment, 1,5baths, patio, yard, no pets! E 580,ImmoT. 016096096498Schwedelbach furn comf Apt3BR, liv/dinrm, BIK, 1.5bath lrgsouthern balc 103sqm +basem,laundry, garage + carpk €910 inclutil +elec extra. 0170-6173410 or06371-404202Siegelbach: nice 3 bm aptmt,1,5baths, balcony, E800, all inclImmoT. 016096096498

Steinwenden 110sqm 2 BR liv/din rm bathrm basem. attic gara-ge no pets please €500 +utl.06371-62233 (English)

This apartment has 3 bedrooms,one kitchen, a big bathroom, a lar-ge living area and a dining area. Itis only 10 min from Sembach, 15min from Kaiserslautern and ashort dryving distance to Ram-stein - Base. €900

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 26 August 17, 2012

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A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.

Teaching the village, reaching the world!We meet

Sundays at 11 a.m.For more info call 06371-616793

or visit our website

Industriestr. 5066862 Kindsbach

Episcopal ServicesHOLY EUCHARIST

Sundays 10:30

Kapaun ChapelFor more information please

call 480-6148 or 06372-3163

St. Alban's Military CommunitySunday School 9:30 AM – Nursery Available

Sundays: Corporate Worship 10:45 AMWeekdays: Men’s, Women’s and Small Group Bible Studies / Prayer Meetings

Kirchenstrasse 2a, 66849 Landstuhl, Tel: 0 63 71 - 61 81 38 (across the street from European Country Living)



Time of Services: Sunday: Prayer - 10:30 a.m. | Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday: Prayer - 6:30 p.m. Hour of Power Discipleship Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. Saturday: Hour of Prayer 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Soul Winners International Ministries, e.V.Pastors William & Olivia Gairy

Im Haderwald 13 | 67661 KL-Einsiedlerhof011-49-171-385-1754 or |

Keeping it real, relational and relevant

August-Süssdorf Strasse 8Ramstein-Miesenbach06371- 407 808

Sunday Worship Gatherings at 9 & 11 a.m.

Schedule of ServicesSundays Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.Wednesdays Devo. & Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Kaiserslautern Church of ChristMühlstrasse 34 • 67659 Kaiserslautern

Contact Information Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92Web: • E-mail: info@ktowncoc.orgHerb Doyle 0 63 71 - 46 75 16 • John Phillis 01 60 - 6 42 79 95

“� e churches of Christ salute you.” - Romans 16:16

Heritage Baptist ChurchGary Cra�, Pastor

“Welcome Home!” 6km north of the A6 on the B40 in Mehlingen

Air Force and Army Chapel ScheduleProtestant Services

Saturday Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath School 9:30 a.m.Worship service 11 a.m. Sunday Protestant Worship and Kids’ Church10:00 a.m.POC USAG-K Chaplains O ce 493-4098, Civ. 0631-3406-4098, BLDG 3150

Sunday Protestant Worship and Kids’ Church 11:00 a.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains O ce 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Wednesday WOW (Worship on Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains O ce 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

(480-6148)Contemporary Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday

(480-5753)Liturgical, 9 a.m. Sunday Traditional Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday

(489-6859) Gospel Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday Protestant Education Classes are available forall ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner, For more information, call 480-2499 or 489-6743.

Jewish Religious Services (480-5753),

Shabbat Evening Service, Friday, 7 p.m.

Catholic Services (480-6148)

Sunday Mass, 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Sunday Daily Mass, 11:30 a.m. Mon through Fri

(489-6859) Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass, 5 p.m. Saturday

Sunday Confessions 10:45 a.m.Sunday Mass 11:30 a.m.Daily Mass 11:45 a.m. Tue – FriPOC USAG-K Chaplains O ce 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Sunday Mass 9 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Daily Mass noon Mon – FriPOC USAG-K Chaplains O ce 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Islamic Services (480-5753),

Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m.For Religious Education and Daily Prayers check Prayer Schedule

Orthodox ChristianConfession by appointmentDivine Liturgy - Kapaun Chapel Sun, 9:00 a.m. For more information call: 489-2496

Pulaski Youth Center Monday “Genesis” Dance Night (grades 6–12) Tuesday Musician’s Night (grades 6–12)Saturday “The Rock” (grades 9–12)Small Groups “Plugged-In” (grades 6–8)For more info call USAG K – Chaplain’s o ce at 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Denominational ServicesEpiscopal (St. Albans)

Sun, 10:30 a.m.

Korean Service  Sun, 1 p.m.

Unitarian Universalist 2nd & 4th Sun, 1.30 p.m.


1st & 3rd Sat, 7 p.m.

Confessional Lutheran (WELS)    2nd & 4th Sun, 4 p.m.

What you believeDoes make a di erence!

LandstuhlChristian Church

Kaiserstr. 66 • 06371-62988Sunday Worship 11 AM

Very nice furnished and fullyequipped Apts. Quiet area nearwood/lake. Close to RAB. 1-2BR,large living room with open BIK,balcony, bath, guest WC, free WI-FI Internet, 60sqm 550€ or 84sqm750€, All incl., Housing approved.Rent also accepted via PayPal.06371-598420

Weselberg: nice 3BM 1st floorapartmt, carport, E1100 all inclu-ded, ImmoT. 016096096498

! ! ! 360sqm Luxury small CastleRent Obernheim-Kirchenarnbach(Landstuhl school) 7BR 4bath 2liv/din sauna 938sqm lot 2300€ +utlavail Oct 0157/74285394 housingappr

!! Landstuhl, FSH, 320sqm, 6BDR, 4 baths, garage, rent €2100, ZIAI Immobilien 0637157888

Duplex in Kl-Erfenbach new reno-vated, 180sqm, garden, garage,Call: 06301-9731

!!!! Brand new FSH near Ram-stein 260 sqm, 6 BDR, 3 baths,garage, ZIAI Immobilien 0637157888

!!!Duplex. 5min to A62 & 15min toRAB LRMC & Baumholder. 5BR,new BIK, liv / din rm, 2bathrms,small yard & patio. Huge attic forstorage! E997 + util Pls Call:06371-15113 or 0162-9514636

!!FSH Obernheim, 2005 blt yr, ne-ar Landstuhl, quiet area, 284sqm,7BR, 2BIK, liv/din rm, 3bath,2storerm, dble garage (30sqm).Yard w/ playground. Garden hou-se. Pets subject to approval.06371-3969 / 0174-3996385

10 min to Landstuhl - WonderfulBlack Forrest Style Home - 4bedrms, 3 bath, fireplace, sauna,built-in kit, basemt, patio, garage& carport 1500€ plus util DorisDrewlow Immobilien, Tel: 06371-5940059

15 Min to Vogelweh or Ramstein - Luxury house 251m² best for asingle or couple 2200€ DorisDrewlow Immobilien, Tel: 06371-5940059

1FH in Landstuhl center quietarea approx 226sqm livspace8BR BIK 2baths 2guest WCs gar-den balc terrace 2park slots built1930 wooden flrs €1850 + util0171-9388747

3 Bedrm. House, 20 min toBaumholder & RAB, Livrm. w. Fi-replace & Dining Area, Kitchen,1,5Baths, Gallery, Attic, Balcony,Patio, Lawn Area, Garage, in Alt-englan-Patersbach, Unterer Flur4a, 750€. Call Ina 01578-173097101578 - 1730971

5 BR House 175 sqm in Kinds-bach with Garden, Garage forRent €1300 06371/

66903 Gries, Hauptstr. 87, 194sqm, 6 rooms, BIK, 1,5 Bath, cor-ridor, storagerm, Garage, 2 carparks and big Terrace. 1200 € +util. 20 Min. to RAB. Cell: 0171/7949867

Absolutely gorgeous renovatedcastle, 340sqm, 7 BDR, 4 baths,double garage, rent € 2600, ZIAIImmobilien 06371 57888

Airbase: 15 min. Bruchmuehl-bach: beautiful, freest house, 6 br,firepl, gar E 2220,-; Waldmohr:brand new beautiful house, 5 br,yard , gar E 2040,-; Schwedel-bach: 4 br, 2 bath, yard gar E1580,-; Hohenecken: very nice 3br, freest house, storage, garE1300,- ; Weilerbach: nice dplx 3br, 2 bath, carp E 1200,- ;Herschberg: freest 1 floor newhouse, 2 br open kitchen, floorh,storage, gar, yard E1250,- JR Re-alty - reduced fee - ph: 06371-71756 or 01703159692

Bann 200sqm House, very niceview, 5BR, 3 bath, double garage,1650€ + util. Please Call GS - Im-mobilien 0171-2180962

Beautiful TH overlooking vi-neyards, 1 km from A6, Gruen-stadt, 3 bedroom, family room, 2bath, attic, garage, granite kit-chen, wash/dry, lt fixtures, cur-tains, short ride to Kaiserslautern.Golf nearby. American landlords.€1070 941 227 1428

Kaiserslautern American Page 27August 17, 2012

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Beautiful Chalet Style HouseSouth of Landstuhl and KL, 4 BR,2.5 baths, nice bik, liv/din rm; sto-rage, double garage, nice yard,patio, balconies, €1,680. BeautifulVogelbach House, 6 BR, 4 bath,nice bik, liv/din rm, family room,storage, yard, double carport,€2,000. Nice HütschenhausenHouse, 4 BR, 2.5 baths, liv/dinrm, family room, garage, storage,yard, €1,740. Large, cosy Elsch-bach House, 4 BR, 2.5 baths, liv/din rm, bik, family room, largeyard, storage, 2 garages, €1,400.Largely reduced fees, call 0162-4131-878 or 06372-3211Brand new House Bruchmühl-bach, 6 BDR, 2,5 baths, rent€2000, ZIAI Immobilien, 0637157888Brand new low energy FSH 190m², 30 km to RAB, 4 BR, 2 Bath,BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Garage, Yard,Pets negotiable, Rent: 1,650.00EUR + util. Avail: August 15,2012. For more info please con-tact GI Bill Pay Service & RealEstate, 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, e-mail: ramstein@gibillpay.comBrücken: freest. 150 sqm house,living-diningroom, b.i.k., 4 be-drooms, 2,5 bathrooms, big gara-ge, balcony KD-Baubetreuung€910 06371-619033 / kd-baubetreuung@t-online.deComfortable renovated old farm-house, Dorfstr. 16, 66424 Hom-burg/Altbreitenfelderhof nearWaldmohr 5min, 7rms BIK liv rmdin rm 2bath 2balc terrace base-ment yard parking. €1100 + utl0163-3505337 or MGBernd@t-online.deDuplex 20min to RAB, 155sqmbik din/liv rm 4BR office bath WC3cellar rms gas&wood centr heatbalcony w/BBQ garage carpk€1000 + utl 0177-8412048Duplex in Mehlingen, 5rm, kit, 2baths, WC, sauna, 280 sqm + cel-lar 55 sqm + 2 garages, wintergarden, terrace, 2 balconies, largeyard €2200 + util. 0631-47596East of Kaiserslautern.: largeBungalow with extra apt. About300 m² total living space, 5 bedr,living, great kitchen, 2 ½ great re-modelled bathr, 2 car garage.Very quiet location € 299.000,--Wolfgang Wiedmann, RE/MAXDreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kai-serstr. 4, 06371/6129262 or 0170685 0060, email wolfgang.wiedmann@remax.deEnjoy luxury and comfort in yournew home, 440 m² FSH, 14 km toKL, 8 BR, 3.5 Bath, Designer BIK,yard and terrace, garage, in-law-suite, No pets, Rent: 3,030.00EUR + util., Avail: September 1,2012.For more info please con-tact GI Bill Pay Service & RealEstate Tel.: 06371-465407 or0160-1065196, Email: ramstein@gibillpay.comEulenbis, Brunnenweg 6, studio,bdrm, liv-dnrm, BIK, balc, 1.5baths, pantry, storage, 90sqm,incl. util, extra elec, beautiful view,floor heat, 15 min from RAB, norealtor fee Rent €650 Call: 06371-50549

Fohren-Linden, very privateplace, 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, gara-ge, BBQ area, large green, openspace house, 25 min. to Ramstein€1550 0174-8279244, edgarkorb@web.deFreest House Hefersweiler, Rels-bergerstr. 4, 140sqm, 4BR, BIK,1.5bath, +1shower bath, basem,cport, all windows w/insect nets,ceiling fans, yard €910 +util 0151-17068198Freestanding 6 BR house, 270sqm, jacuzzi, sunny garden, petsallowed, 10 min. to Landstuhl andRAB, 2200 € + util. €2200 pleasecall Volker 0171-3435936, immo-wuertz@t-online.deFreestanding house Weilerbach:200sqm, 6bedr, livr, 2,5bath, bik,yard, terrace, garage, pets allo-wed. €1400.- + util. Roth Immobili-en 06374-994776 or 0171-1950606FSH 163 m² near Wolfstein, 25km to RAB & K'L, 4 BR, 2.5 Bath,BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Basement, 1Garage, Yard, Rent: 1,200.00EUR incl. util. except electric.Avail: July 15, 2012. For more infoplease contact GI Bill Pay Service& Real Estate, 06371-465407 or0160-1065196, e-mail: ramstein@gibillpay.comFSH Linden 11km to Landstuhl107qm 900qm nice Garden BIKno pets 750€+util 06307/401995Glan-Münchweiler: 5 Bedr, 3Bathr., large livingr/diningarea, 2Kitchen, 2 open Fireplaces, Gara-ge, great view, available Aug.17th € 1.800,--Wolfganag Wied-mann, RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U,Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060, emailwolfgang.wiedmann@remax.deGorgeous, luxury house in Winn-weiler, 382 sqm, 7 br, firepl,floorh, fenced yard - pets ok, gre-at location, 2 gar. E 2920,-; JR Re-alty - reduced fee - 06371-71756,01703159692 or jrrealtykmc@yahoo.comHerschberg: freestanding 3bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-diningm,built-in-kit., patio, yard, carport,garage, 1.450,-- + util, 06371/57656Höheinöd (Vogelweh-school dis-trict): freest. House, 265sqm,7BR/3,5BA, terrace, yard, € 1850.- + util 06371/943315-16 www.GermaWild-Immobilien.deHorbach: house, 4 bdr., liv/dinr.,BIK, 1.5 bath, balcony, bsmnt,130 sqm., € 900 + util. HartmannRealty 06371-912591House 67735 Mehlbach, HauptStr. 107, 138sqm, 4BR, liv/dinrm,BIK, new washer/dryer, 2bath, ba-sem, attic, garage, 2balc, sm gar-den, 950€ +util +1mnth dep, onemonth free rent. 0172-6903147House Kindsbach, Eisenbahnstr.85, 160sqm, 4BR, BIK, Livrm,2.5bath, garage, cpks, stor €1160+util 06371-60764 or 0171-7121861House Queidersbach, Hasenhue-bel 5, quiet area avail now - 5BR3.5baths, liv/dinrm, kitch, w-in-clo-set, office, 3basem rms, terr, gar-den, courtyard, 0173-3600694House with, 3Bedr., Livrm,Dinrm, BIK, Bath, Big Balc., 2 Ga-rages, Big Yard, sml. Pets ok,DSL-Internet, AFN. €680063847067 or 01638150865 /

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 28 August 17, 2012

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German Schnitzel at its best!German Schnitzel at its best!


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HOME SERVICE • Outside grilling area


Opening hours:Mon-Fri 11:00 - 15:00 17:00 - 24:00Sat & Sun 11:00 - 24:00

The best Pizza & Salads in the KMC area


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Monday - Friday

Kindsbacher Str. 3666877 Ramstein

Tel: 06371 - 9525800Hours: Mon-Sun 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.






66849 Landstuhl, Von Richthofen Str. 06371-406881 or 0152-28815678 (please call for reservation)

Open: Tue – Sat 17.00 – 23.00, Sundays 11.00 – 14.00 + 17.00 – 23.00, Mondays closed

Wednesdays: Steak specials starting at ........................ € 5,90*Thursdays: Schnitzel, Schnitzel … starting at .............. € 7,80**(all w. salad and dessert)

Celebrate your party with us … (up to 60 people)

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from vacationf

ooonnnfrofrofrofrofrofrofrorom vm vm vm vm vm vm vm vm acaacaacacaacaacaacaa tiotiootiotiotiotioonnnnnnnn

We’re back from vacation

House, near Altenglan, 5rms,2bathrm, lrg BIK, balc, small gar-den, €900, Avail 1 Sept, 0171-3349183

Kindsbach: Nice, newer duplex,175sqm, 5BR/2,5BA, balcony, ter-race, little yard, € 1300.- + util06371/943315-16

Kindsbach: very nice freestan-ding House, 195qm living space,BIK with Pantry, living and diningroom with open fire Place, 4-5 BR/2,5BA, Hobbyroom with firePlace, Basement, nice Yard, Gara-ge. Pets allowed, Rent 1440€ callRE/MAX Real Estate Center andask for Kryspina, 0631/41408880or 0176/61265403

KL-Einsiedlerhof free standinghouse 5bdr, 1 bi-kitchen, 1 living,1 dining, 2 bathrooms, sauna +workout rm, newly renovated, bigsunny orchard €1100 0631351630(Mr. Junkermann)

KL-Erlenbach: Beautiful freestan-ding house, exclusive, with 267sqmrs living space, 6 bedrooms,3baths, fireplace, patio, yard andgarage. Rent: 1860,00€ + util.Call: 0173-5945725. Mr. SaschaK. (Realtor/Rudolph Investments)

Queidersbach: 3BM town-hou-se, patio, E 800, Immo T.016096096498

KL-Siegelbach, beautifultownhs. 158 sqm 3 bedr., 2 bath,1 liv./din.- area, 1 bik, 2 storeger.,fenced yard, 2 car parkspace1075,--€ + util. Tel. 06301-719567, 0172-6785550

Kottweiler: Brand new, high-qua-lity freest. House, 290sqm, 5-6BR/3BA, BIK, studio, garage, terrace,yard, € 2440.- + util 06371/943314-16

Krickenbach, new 160 sqm, 4BRfree-stand house, floorheat, newBIK, patio, garage, yard, €1250,Immo T. 016096096498

Krickenbach: nice 3 bm duplex,2 baths, garage, basement, patio,yard, E 1200, ImmoT.016096096498

Landstuhl School District: 250sqm, 5 br, 3,5 bath, 2 car garage,nice garden. € 1915+ut. 0172/6855976

Landstuhl: freestanding 3 bedr.,1 ½ bath, living-diningm, built-in-kit., patio, yard, garage, 950,-- +util, www.agra-immobilien.de06371/57656

Landstuhl-Melkerei: freest. Hou-se, 234sqm, 4BR/2,5BA, balcony,terrace, fireplace, double-garage,yard € 1760.- + util 06371/943315-16

Modern Vogelbach House, 10min from RS and LS Gates, 4 BR,2 baths, bik, liv/din rm, yard, sto-rage, €1,000. Call 0161-4131-878or 06372-3211

Martinshöhe (near Landstuhl):new 195 sqm house, living-dinin-groom w. open fireplace, open kit-chen w. b.i.k., 3 big bedrooms,1,5 bathrooms, double garage,balcony and yard KD-Baubetreu-ung €1450 06371-619033 /

New house big garden withpond+fishes 3 bedrooms / 3 BR 1Bath with shower+tube-guest WCOffice-BLK-dishw. Living-room-dinning-room balcony- double ga-rage-Sat-DSL Storage-Trr. in Li-vingroom and Dinningroom SQM1200.-+ util Tel. 06385-993870Handy: 0171-2038270

New House w/dbl. garage, lrgyard, in Weselberg, 210sqm, BIK,2 baths, livrm w/firepl, 3BR, lrgstudio, office, basem, elect shut-ters / garage , lrg terrace, floorheating, DSL + SAT, 15min fromRAB. Call: 06333-63510 or 0151-56616011

New little house, 113sqm, 3BR,2bath, fully equipped, 10 min toRamstein, Call Rosa 0173-6555736

Nice duplex-Half in Kusel region;120 m², 25 km to RAB, 15 km toBaumholder, 2 BR; 1,5 Bath, BIK,Liv./, Storage, 870,00EUR incl. util. except electr.; per-fect for a single person, pets ne-gotiable; avail now. For more infoplease contact GI Bill Pay Service& Real Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407or 0160-1065196,

Nice FSH 225 m² in Rodalben, 30km to RAB & K'Lautern, 5 BR, 2.5Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Base-ment, Garage, Yard, Pets allo-wed, Rent: 1660 Eur + 40 Eur ga-rage + util., Avail: Now. For moreinfo please contact GI Bill Pay Ser-vice & Real Estate Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196,

Siegelbach: nice 3 bm house, 2carports, patio, yard, E 1140, Im-moT. 016096096498

Kaiserslautern American Page 29August 17, 2012

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Also for non-golfers!

Opening hours every day from 10 am – 11 pmAm Hebenhübel67686 MackenbachTel.: 06374-802700

Tuesdays Steak evening – € 9.90

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�� � e only brewery in K-Town� e only brewery in K-Town������Next to the famous Sti�skirche (12th century Next to the famous Sti� skirche (12th century)Next to the famous Sti� skirche (12th century)�� � e best typical German food in town� e best typical German food in town


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Nice FSH 320 m² in Siegelbach, 5BR, 1 Loft, 3 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Yard, Garage, Pets nego-tiable, Rent: 2650 Eur + garage +util., Avail: September 1, 2012.For more info please contact GIBill Pay Service & Real EstateTel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, Email:

Nice house in Waldfischbach, bigLiving/Diningroom with open Fire-place, Terrace and barbequeplace, Kitchen furnished, 4 Be-drooms, Masterbathroom, Guest-bathroom with a shower, seperateGuest toilet, Housekeepingroom,over 200 qm Livingspace, Floor-heating, 4 Garage, big GardenTel: 015127038334

Niedermohr: 10 min to RAB, hu-ge house with wonderful view, 7bed, 4 Baths, 60 sqm living anddining with open fireplace, den,garden, garage, 340 sqm livingspace. Available 01. Sept. €2.300,-- Wolfgang Wiedmann, RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Kaiserstr.4, Landstuhl, 06371/6129262 or0170 685 0060, Email

Otterberg: completely newly re-novated and modernized, 180sqm, 5 bed, 2 bath, designer BIK,balcony, €1220+ut. Call 0172/6855976

Queidersbach 66851, nice Du-plex, 4BR, 200sqm, BIK, 2.5bath,garage, terrace w/ small yard.Avail 15 Aug. €1348 + util Tel:06363-5481 or 0171-7859082

Queidersbach, duplex 4rms BIKbath balc 90sqm €490+utl 06371-16904, Karen Simonis 0173-3109772

Queidersbach: brand new du-plex, 3 bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-di-ningrm., built-in-kit., patio, yard,garage, 1650,-- + util 06371/57656

Queidersbach: exclusive free-standing 3 bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-diningrm., open fire-place, built-in-kit., patio, yard, garage, 1630,-- +util www.AGRA-Immobilien.de06371/57656

Queidersbach: nice 4 BM duplex,3 baths, guest apartmet with ex-tra kitchen, partyroom, yard,E1085, ImmoT. 016096096498

Queidersbach: nice 4 bm duplex,studio, garage, floor-heat, open-fi-re-place, patio, E 1450, Immo T.016096096498

Ramstein: Brand new house,240sqm, 5 bed, 3 bath, garage,garden. € 1850+ut. 0172/

Ramstein: Townhouse, 4 bedr., 2½ bath, living-diningm, built-in-kit., basement, patio, yard, 1.150,-- + util, www.agra-immobilien.de06371/57656

Ramstein-Miesenbach: nice Du-plex, big living and dining room,BIK, 3-4 BR/1,5BA, Util. Room,Storage room, nice Yard, Rent1200€ call RE/Max Real EstateCenter ask for Kerim 0631/41408880

Ramstein-Miesenbach: nice free-standing house, 200qm, 5bedr.,livr., bik, 2.5bath, basement, ter-race, garage, pets are allowed,€1600. +util. Roth Immobilien06374-994776 or 0171-1950606

Reichenbach, 240qm, 5BR, gara-ge, €1725, Helterberg, 270qm,5BR, €1900, garage, Call RealtorErica, 0160-96697945,

Rodenbach: Very nice Duplex,185sqm, 4BR/1,5BA, terrace,yard, garage, € 1310.- + util;06371/943315-16

Steinwenden. nice 6bm duplex, 3baths, sauna, garage, e1920, Im-mo T. 016096096498

Rothselberg, nice newer 4 bedr.duplex, 130 sqm, bik, lrg liv rm, 3bath, patio, yard, garage, no pets,915,-€Kusel City, nice charming 3bedr., freest, 135 sqm, bik, lrg livrm, 2 bath, patio, sml yard, stora-ge, 2 garages, 975.€ Leppla Im-mobilien, Tel: 0179-2267905

Schönenberg-Kübelberg, duplexhouse, 145sqm, nice + quiet loc.,3bdrms., 1 bik., liv./dinrm., studio,1,5 bath, terrace, garden, garage,park. place, avail. 2012/08/20, 15min. from RAB, monthly rent:1.000,00 € + util., call: 06373 3432

Schönenberg-Kübelberg, freest1FH, 20min to RAB.120sqm,4BR, 2bath, BIK, liv/din rm, stora-he rm, basement, balc, patio, bigyard, double garage. Avail 15Sep.Call: 0160-96265863

Schwedelbach - Avail in ? 1week - 260sqm Single 6 bedrmhouse (2 walk-in closets), 3 1/2bath, liv&diningrm, wonderfulbuilt-in kit, pantry, fireplace,sauna, ov balcony, basement, hu-ge garden, 3 car carport 2200€plus util. Doris Drewlow Immobili-en, Tel: 06371-5940059

Schwedelbach - from 09 Septem-ber, 162 SM Townhouse, 3BR, LR/DR, BiK, 2.5bath, storage / base-ment, small fenced Yard. €1.160+ util. Call Andreas 0171-5410010 or Martina 0175-266 4099

Schwedelbach, 6km from Ram-stein Air-Base, House from Priva-te, 180sqm over 2 floors, 6 Be-drooms, 3 Bathrooms, Living- andDiningarea, Wintergarden, largeYard and Garden, Carport 1600€All included (not included electrici-ty and phone ). 0170-2965241

Schwedelbach, nice new 5 bedr.freest., 188 sqm, bik, lrg din & livrm, balcony, 2.5 bath, sauna,yard, carport, 1365,-€ Oberstau-fenbach, very nice lrg 4 bedr.,freest., 260 sqm, balcony, 3 bath,yard, garage, great view, no pets,1800,-€ Haschbach, nice new 6bedr, freest, 235 sqm, 2 bik, lrg livrm, 2 balcony, 3.5 bath yard, 2 ga-rages, great view, 1534,-€ LepplaImmobilien, Tel. 0179-2267905

Selchenbach, nice duplex, 300sqm, 4Bedr, BIK, 2 Bathr, Living/Diningr, Garage, Utility-rm, yard,25 Min to RAB, 20 Min to Baum-holder & Miesau, 700 sqm lot, noschoolbus. 1280 € + util. WeissImmobilien. 0179/6778745

Spesbach House 108sqm availSept. big liv-dnrm 2.5 bath 2bedrms build-in-kit. garage-parkarea off road, Internet, garden,gas heat, 5 min to RAB 700 € +util. +2mnth dep call after 5 or01786466546

Spesbach: new 230 sqm house,living-diningroom, kitchen w.b.i.k., 5 bedrooms, 2,5 ba-throoms, garage, terrace a. yardKD-Baubetreuung €1680 06371-619033 /

Wahnwegen, High standard free-standing house, approx 20 min toRAB & 25 min to Baumholder,quiet area, 330 sqm,1000 sqm lot, 7 BR, liv/dinr, BIK,2.5 baths, balc. ter. dbl. garage+carport, no school bus. 2600 € +util. Weiss Immobilien €2600 0179/ 6778745

Waldmohr: 180 sqm, 4br, 2 bath,firepl, garage, nice garden. €1300+ ut. Call 0172/6642692, KKA Im-mobilien.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 30 August 17, 2012

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TO USAWaldmohr: 200 sqm, 4 bed, 2,5bath, carport, nice yard and patio,€ 1450+ut. 0172/

Weilerbach house 3 BR 1.5 bathsBIK attic garage garden basemhigh standard 180sqm €1252 +util Call: 0152-51914840

Weilerbach: freest. House,260sqm, 5-6BR/2,5BA, balcony,terrace, yard, garage for 2 cars, €1940.- + util; Pörrbach: brandnew houses available € 1830.- +util 06371/943315-16

100 % financing possible - 5 kmEast of Kaiserslautern: Large hou-se with high class interior, largeopen floor plan, over 1000 m² pro-perty , 2 car garage, Marble bathr,large kitchen, large built in cabi-nets (walk in), Sauna, all floorhea-ted, very representative €368.000,-- Wolfgang Wiedmann,RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Land-stuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060,

2 bedrm Condo in Hoheneckenwith built-in kitchen & 2 be-drooms, 94m² liv. space, avail im-med. 79000€ Doris Drewlow Im-mobilien, Tel: 06371-5940059

Downtown Landstuhl: Big familyhome 290 sqm + garden 385sqm, 10 min to RAB. 7 bedrms, 3baths, built-in kitchen etc.€375000 usa-vera@hotmail.comor 0176-56527751

Höheinöd: comfortable one fami-ly house in quiet neighbourhood.190 qm living space, 3 BR, largekitchen, Garage, 550 qm propertyCome and see!!! Price € 235.000,-- Wolfgang Wiedmann, RE/MAXDreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kai-serstr. 4, 06471/6129262 or 0170685 0060, Email:

Kindsbach: nice duplex with ga-rage built 2006, 145sqm, 4bm, 2baths, E200000, ImmoT.016096096498

Krickenbach, Duplex, built 2000,170sqm house, 392sqm land withnice view, 4 bedrooms, 2 ba-throoms, open dining-living room,guest toilet, loft, balcony, garage€229000 017696205646

Kusel. Great house in very goodresidential area. About 252 m² li-ving space, 5-6 bedr, 3 bathr, Li-vingr familyr, kitchens, 2 Garages,more than 730 m² property, availa-ble now € 320.000,-- WolfgangWiedmann, RE/MAX Dreamho-mes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4,06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060email

Large house, 1983, 5 min. toRAB, 390 sqm, 4 Aptmts, 2x 3-bedr., 2x 2-bedr., garage, centr.heating, good rent. Sale by ow-ner, no realtor. €260000 0151-14707877

Linden, fantastic 4 bedroom, 3bath freestanding home with200m² living space, floor heating,garage & carport, sauna, built-inkitchen, pantry, fireplace room,patio, 2 balconies, & more.€239000 Doris Drewlow Immobili-en, Tel: 06371-5940059

Nice big house with 6 bedrooms,more than 250 sqm, 2 full bath,bik, with fireplace, full ba-sement, nice garden, availablenow, please call Werner €3550000173-4616514

Ramstein-Obermohr, nice FSH,ca. 200sqm, build 1994, 4Bedr.,2,5Bathr., Livr., Dinr., storage,laundry, patio, garden, garagefree and available now, possiblemthl. rent 1.500 € , near RAB, buyprice 259.000.-€ or 06374-915430

Renovated very nice single hou-se 183sqm liv sp. downtownLandstuhl (below the castle andnext to the woods), 2-3 bedrms, 2bath, built-in kit, 2 livingrm areas,loft, covered patio, vaulted ba-semt, garden, 2 off-str parkingspaces, could be bought on arent to own basis, or take over theowners mortgage paymt. DorisDrewlow Immobilien Tel: 06371-5940059

Spesbach: new freest. 267 sqmhouse, property 596 sqm living-di-ningroom w. fireplace, open kit-chen w. b.i.k., 6 bedrooms, 2,5bathrooms, garage w. storage-room, terrace a. yard KD-Baube-treuung €340000 06371-619033 /

Your community, your website.

Kaiserslautern American Page 31August 17, 2012

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We can help! TLAs in Ramstein New apt for 1 bed-room for 2 people & also for families.

Apts have: full furn Sat TV microw. phone comp w/DSL private parking pets

OK wash/dryer also avail. Call 06371-5432 or 0171-3256002

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Use your Housing Allowance topurchase your home - : buying inGermany is not complicated. Wewill inform you about all the de-tails. We will help you - finding - fi-nancing - notarizing - moving in -step by step to get your own ho-me, Wolfgang Wiedmann, RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Land-stuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060,

! ! ! ! 1 & 2 BDR Luxury TempApts TLA/TDY in Ramstein. 100%equipped including TV, DVD, freeInternet, washer/dryer, free callsto USA. reservation / questionscall: 0151-46501528 / / /

! ! Apt Mackenbach 60sqm 5minRAB sep entry fully furn BIK was-her/dryer fast Internet TV short /long term 0172-4094177

! ! TLA/TDY Comfortable 2BDR.Apt. in Mackenbach, 5min. toRAB, fully furnished, TV SAT,DVD, free phone, Internet, Gara-ge; phone: 06374-1777 or 0151-23263824 email:

***2, 3 + 4 TLA/TDY Luxury Aptsin Landstuhl, Ramstein & K-Town.All Remodeled, Furnished, 100%equipped, Cable TV, Kitchen,Washer, Dryer, Parking etc. Call0170-4137555 or 0172-7471366

1.5 BR attic apt 70sqm 5min toRAB totally furnished & equipped:Big liv/din rm with US TV RCVDVD Hifi BIK w/elec. stove & mi-crowave €580 incl all utl Call:0170-3255470

100% equipped 1-2BR Apts,Free internet, AFN, Phone to USA,off Road parking. 10min to RAM,Land, LRMC, Contractors alsowelcome. Info: 0177 1955959

1-3BDR 14 American-owned Lu-xury TLAs in Vogelweh, RAB, K-town. Free Rental Car, US Calls,Free Househunting Asst. Pets ok,VAT, VISA, MC

A variety of TLA/TDY Apts in K-Town in different sizes, 5min towalk to City Center, Fully Furnis-hed, Apts starting at 35€ per nightall incl. For Info call 0631-316860

Beautiful TLF House, 5min. toRAB, 4bedr., fully furnished, 0176-39755130,

Compl. furnished all incl. homesin Ramstein 1/2 bedr. apartm.,Landstuhl 2 bedr., Enkenbach 2bedr., 5 bedr. house w. yard inBruchmühlbach, engl. TV, Internetflatrate, b.i.k., washer, dryer andmore. KD-Baubetreuung 06371-619033 /

Landstuhl wonderful TLA/TDY 2BR, Internet and free phonecall,with all what you need. 01627048027

Nice TLA apartment in Vogel-bach, one or two bedrooms, 10min from the Ramstein and Land-stuhl gates, fully furnished andequipped, beautiful location, bal-cony, good parking with garage,American, TV, DVD, Internet. Wealso assist with transportation.Call 0162-4131-878 or 06372-3211.

LIKE US on Facebook and fi nd out about the latest events in your area

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 32 August 17, 2012

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Ramstein TLA 3-4BR 2Ba houseall inclusive furnished, linens, dis-hes/pots, wash/dryer, AFN, tel,DSL, carport 0152-33584979email: /

TLA in Otterbach, 3BR, BIK, 1.5baths, balc & patio, lge Liv & Din,beautifully furnished, with all youneed: wshr/dryr; dshwshr/micro;TV, DVD, Stereo, Internet; call06301/300215 Susanne

Caution: Some KA Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

(Red) 2010 Ford Edge SEL37,000 miles. Automatic transmis-sion, FWD, ABS, 6Cyl 238HP,Black interior, traction control sys-tem, Sync system. $21,

´91 Mercedes-Benz 190E, runsgreat, German-Specs, good sha-pe, Guaranteed to pass Inspecti-on. $1750 Tel.0151453384087

1969 Mustang! Show condition!Engine built up to much to list!Very fast and clean! Will turnheads everywhere! Classic ameri-can muscle! €25000 handy 015162618625

10/2010 VW Polo Comfortline"Team", New Price - $23,385, On-ly has 11,750 miles! Grey Met. w/Perlgrey sports seats. PW, AC,PA, CL, TC, CC, RNS310,Nav.Aux-In $$17,500017630314586 /

1996 BMW 318i blue 4dr sedan.5 speed manual, 294,000km w/current inspection. Great work ve-hicle, must go! $1200 DSN480-7207 Cell 015257380220

1996 BMW 520i, Ascot Green, 5speed, great condition, very relia-ble. Winter & Summer wheels.PCS in 3 weeks. €1600 0630-740-1863 /

1998 Blazer 4x4. 4.3 V6. 148000miles. Red w/ Tan interior. Powerlocks, windows. New coolant sys-tem. Passed inspection July 30,12. $2500 Obo

2004 Honda CRV, 2.4 Ltr. allwheel drive, A/C, 5 speed. Runsgreat, 78,000 miles, US Spec.Good gas mileage. $9700 o170-115-5787

2000 Ford Mondeo Wagon, Ma-nual, Sunroof, Heated Seats, Sum-mer & Winter Tires, Well Maintai-ned - Service Record Avail, Pas-sed Insp 30Apr2012, Spacious$2000 mrkleeen@gmail.com01733016001

2003 Buick Century, Silver, lessthan 104K miles, good mechani-cal condition, had cosmetic dama-ge, KBB price $3480 You save$1000, guaranteed pass inspec$2400. 015121810520 /

2004 Volvo S60 2.5T, Black withBeige leather interior, 109K miles,Automatic, 5 Cylinder, US Specs,Sunroof, Passed inspection July2012 $7,500.00 / 06227380802

2005 Nissan Pathfinder SE, Sil-ver, 78,925 Miles, Auto, 4x4, to-wing pkg, pwr win/locks/seat, 3rdrow, dual climate cntrl, very clean,many extras $13,500 obo01713879398

2006 BMW 325i (E90), 82k miles,Jet Black, US Spec, 6-speed ma-nual gas, premium package w/black leather, heated seats, origi-nal owner. Great cond! $

2006 Volvo XC90. 115K miles.2.5L Turbo. AWD. Leather. Hea-ted Seats. Seats 7. $12,50006384-514804

2007 Ford Focus SE, Excellentcondition, U.S. specs, 5-dr hatch-back with street appearancepackage, 5 speed, only 37930 mi-les, contact Tony $9000016099696473/

2011 VW golf TDI US spec 28Kmiles perfect condition. email forpics $22K obo

2007 Toyota Highlander. Spot 5on Ramstein lemon lot. V6, 4WD,AM/FM/CD player. Photos onRamstein Yard Sales. ECT Snowfeature. Sun roof. $18,700 06371-595-4066 /

2007 Toyota Rav4. Great conditi-on, Garaged, 55k Miles, 3rd rowseats, 4wd, No dents, tears,stains, Non-smoker, 4cyl eng,well maintained; Blue. $14000.Call: 0170 967-5139

2008 Dodge Charger R/T. Only26, 500 miles. 6 disc DVD w/TV.Bluetooth. Auto Climate Control.Heated leather seats. $$19, or01713611741

2009 Mini Cooper S hatchbackwith 39k km/24k mi. Silver w/black rims. Come and take a look!$18500 jordan.cayton@gmail.com01626925754

2009 Toyota Minivan; 21k mi; 7-psngr; pwr side drs/wndws/mrrs/&drvr's seat; 6-CD/AM/FM; AC;maint on sched; no acc; 1-owner;price neg; avail now $

2009 Volvo XC90 Chrome FrontGrille. Grille removed form 2009Volvo XC90. Also selling the rightand left bumper vents, 15 euroseach. €125 017681180184

2010 Chevy Camaro 2SS Coupe,11900mi, 6.2l V8 W/SFI, 426hp, 6-speed manual trans, white/oran-ge, heated seats, 20" polished aluwheels, excellent cond. $

93 BMW 518i, midnight blue,5spd, 4dr, sunroof, Pioneer CD,alloy rims, tow hitch, well maintai-ned and super clean. €900 0176-6935-0404

95' Nissan Skyline GTST. 75k mi-les. V6 turbo engine. New rims,summer & winter tires. New ti-ming belt, water pump, heater co-re, rear rotors/pads. $8500 OboDamon

98 BMW 323iA Station Wagonloaded with Leather Automatic A/C Cruisecontrol... cleanest BMWu've ever seen... low mls - no acci-dent $5.555 01758424906

Looking for a

used car?

Kaiserslautern American Page 33August 17, 2012

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98 Cadillac Seville SLS, 106k mi,requires service: possible head-bolt / vacuum leak repair. Willstart but can't be driven long di-stances. $1250. 015-223-554-70498' Volvo V70 Wagen, AWD, AU-TO, Sunroof, 7 Passenger, NewAW tires and second set of wintertires, Passed INSP 08/12, leatherINT. $3000 015126087856Audi 100 model 1998, automatic,w/ CD Stereo, AC, power doors,breaksruns great in good conditi-on € 1.400 obo 0172 -676 2717Backlight and indicator set forBMW, used and dismantled fromBMW 318i (E46) made:4/2003,properly stored and in good condi-tions. $100. 0179-9100405/tdlenhard@-online.deBlack, 4x4, roof rack, head-restDVD, 32k miles, 5-speed manual,great condition, and great gas mi-leage. Please email for additionalphotos. $16000 walshfamily24@gmail.comBMW 316I, 1995, 186K km, Ger-man spec, manual, power win-dows, sunroof. Very good on gas$2300, bpryakhin@yahoo.comBMW 320 Model 2004 doors - 6Gears, metalic, fully equiped e.gfull leather seats, seat heating,power doors/breakes/windows/sunroof, ESP, ABS, AC, stereoCD, garage kept, non smoking,well maintained w/ book, new Ti-res - Batterie and Oil change,Insp. guaranteed only € 6.450 obo0172 - 676 2717BMW X5, Mod. 2006, 3.0d,217HP, AWD, perf. cond.153000km, steptronic, leatherseats, GPS, Glass roof, xenon,etc. fully equip. no accid. lastBMW insp/svc 2012. $224000173-9025911GM Navigation Disc for factory in-stalled systems. Works in all Che-vy/GMC SUV's and Trucks. Textor call 01709006266 or $35JBL Amplifier and 2 Mac Audiospeakers, older model but still ingood shape (see attached pictu-res) $60 0179-9100405/tdlenhard@-online.deLexus LS 400, built 1991, €1500.If you like to include the spareparts: €2500. Call: 07144-9989984Mazda speed, 1.8 ltr. turbo with6 spd. Convertible, A/C runs gre-at, no leaks or defects. 77,000 mi-les but only 14,000 on new engi-ne. $10,400 0170-115-5787MB 220 D, 1998, Station Wagon,great gas mileage - Diesel, white,automatic, cruise control, A/C,electric windows infront, tintedwindows, rain sensor, removabletrailer hitch, 245.000 km, Germaninspection good until 4/2013, acci-dent free, 3.300 Euro OBO, Tel.0175-7503767Opel Corsa, 2009, orig. 1280km,cool & sound package, AC,€10.500 obo Call: 0152-53699038Opel Omega Caravan, 1995,5speed, silver metallic, trailer at-tachment, A/C, keyless entry, al-low wheels, €1520, Call 06302-5110

Peugot 206 CC 135 Sport!!! Built2005, 2dr, convertible, Europeanspec, 75k miles, 5sp, black interi-or, ABS, ESP, AC, power win-dows / locks, summer/winter tires+ rims, pre-heating, great conditi-on, new German TUEV till May2014, non-smoker, 2nd owner,Call for more info 0179-5352827or

Saab, 9-5, 2.3 Ltr. with 5 spd.Leather, all power, runs great, noleaks, good mileage. 67,000 mi-les, 2nd owner. $5800 0170-115-5787

Toda K20A Valve Spring Set. Ori-ginal price $400. Toda racingparts. Never used Asking $275Ph.017622987498 /

VW Bus T4 Multivan, built 1997,US - Model, 100 000 mls, just pas-sed inspection, very well takencare of. Interior: automatic, 2 -AC's (back and front seperated),anti-theft device, el. windows, 8 ti-res, Radio Gamma w/ 8 Spea-kers. Location: Zweibrücken4450.-€ Tel. 0163- 3704128

Caution: Some KA Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

Active duty, retired, veteran mo-torcycle riders. VietNam Vets/Le-gacy Vets MC Call

BSA Troop 166-Ramstein loo-king for new/current scouts andadults to rebuild troop. Mtg Weds7-8:30, Bldg 1009.

Cleveland Browns fans are invi-ted to join the Browns BackersWorldwide chapter in Kaiserslau-tern hosting watch parties everygameday in Otterbach Live!!

English speaking meetings of Al-coholics Anonymous available inthe Kaiserslautern/VogelwehArea. Our contact information is:AA Hotline-0157-36123097,

Iglesia de Dios Baumholder,Uberm Weiher 2, 55774 Baumhol-der. Domingos Adoracion: 11am;Miercoles estudios: 7pm. 06783-1850980

Just found out your pregnant?Want to develop a relationshipwith one doctor for the term ofyour pregnancy? Considering ha-ving your baby off-base?

Quit Smoking Today! Army Pu-blic Health Nursing is offering Tob-acco Cessation Classes for civili-an and military personnel in theKaiserslautern Military CommunityArea. New group begins 1st Wed-nesday of every month from 1130-1230 for four weeks at the KleberDFAC, Back Dining Room Bldg.3206. Advance registration is re-quired. To register or for more in-formation call Army Public HealthDepartment at DSN 486-7002/CIV06371-86-7002 or Kleber HealthClinic at DSN: 483-6099/CIV:06371-83-6099.

Reiki: Interested in forming a Rei-ki Share Group? Please contactJerry or Lorraine @

The Circle of Nerds proudly pres-ents: Galactic Showdown Satur-day August 11th 2012 0900-1900(All day event) KMCC Food Court!/LandstuhlFisherHouseGalacticShowdown

The Adjutant General's Corps Re-gimental Association EuropeanChapter Regimental Ball The Adju-tant General's Corps RegimentalAssociation European ChapterCordially Invites you to its annualAG/HR Regimental Ball. Celebra-ting the 237th Anniversary of theAdjutant General's Corps, 15 Sep-tember 2012, at the ArmstrongClub Vogelweh, Kaiserslautern,Germany, 18:00 - 24:00. GuestSpeaker: CSM Christopher D. Cul-bertson, The Adjutant GeneralSchool Command Sergeant Majorand The Adjutant General Regi-mental Command Sergeant Ma-jor. For more information contactMs. Marcia Sierra-Williams, DSN314-483-8062, Comm 049 (0) 631-411-8062, Email: or Mr. JohnYesis, DSN 314-496-5401, Comm049 (0) 6302-67-5401,

NOW also fi nd us on facebook

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FOR SALE -- MISCPermanent hair removal

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The chaplain's office of the USArmy Garrison Kaiserslautern hasa food pantry program to help mili-tary families with needs. Both can-ned and dry good donations areaccepted for the program andmay be placed in baskets in therear of the Daenner and Landstuhlchapels and at the chaplain's offi-ce (building 2919 on Pulaski Bar-racks). For more information, con-tact SFC Licciardi at

The Rheinland-Pfalz Internatio-nal Choir is getting set to beginAutumn rehearsals, and we areseeking new members. If you lovemusic and love to sing, considervisiting to see if RPIC is a good fitfor you! We meet Tuesday eve-nings in Erheuten, and new mem-bers are welcome through Sep-tember. Please visit our websiteat (available inboth German and English). Thereyou will find directions, performan-ce samples, photos, and contactinformation. We look forward tomeeting some new members fromthe Kaiserslautern area!

The 86 Force Support Squa-dron at Ramstein has licen-sed providers on and off theinstallation. Providers whoprovide more than 10 hoursa week of care must be licen-sed. Please use good judg-ment when choosing childcare services. For more infor-mation please contact063714057420 or

Day-Time Child Care in my Hou-se, experienced, loving, as a se-cond home, 5min RAB 0-2 years06383-7264

Looking for U.S. families to starta German-American playgroup forkids at kindergarden age in Otter-bach in the afternoons or on wee-kends.

37" Panasonic Color TV, multi-System, Multi-Voltage. Like new.$90 Frank 0171-996-6925

Electric Wok Orva 1100 WattsThermostat 3 sets heating grillClear glass cover €15 0171 7726166

I have 3 20" old fashioned TVs forsale. Not flat screen! 100$ each.All work perfectly. Call: 0177-6036101

Microwave oven - large, $15,06371 57888

Older Grundig TV w/SAT receiver(no flat screen) works great €80for both obo Call: 06386-6711

Sony Trinitron 25" TV, traditional(not flat screen), 7 yrs old, kept inspare office, barely used, $50,Call 0163-330-5535, Lv Msg

Still up-to-date am looking for aPowerVu receiver with valid subs-cription for afn tv

Caution: Some KA Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

220 appliances; dishes; brassand copper; floor pillows; batiks;cat house; TV stands; crystal/beermugs $1 each; furniture--solidoak; Best Offer. $50 06371-918718;

Antique printing press cabinets.Perfect for display or storage of je-welry. Two single pieces. Veryheavy and in good condition.€1100 0176/93177546 or

Antique Tin Pot - very old - pas-sed down from my grandfather.$40. See pictures at E-mail

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Ramstein, Flurstr. 4Tel. 0163-1 90 57 17R i Fl

Open Friday and Saturday8 am – 4 pm

Beautiful Polish tea service still w/ authentic labels. I bought when Iwas in Poland. Call: 0177-6036101

Brass king bed 450; dining room;living room furniture; lamps 20;Korean paintings 50; bar 50; barstools 50; TV stands 50; beermugs/crystal 1; Obo 06371-918718;

Changing/Bathing combo, goeson top of regular tub in your ba-throom. Tub stores convenientlyunderneath changing table. Was80 Euro, great condition! €

Chicken rotisserie new $25,06371 57888

Collection of leather bound, si-gned by the author, 1st editionbooks, mint cond. Over 100 diffe-rent books. Authors include: Nor-man Mailer, William F. Buckley,Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, DonaldMc Dunne, John Updicke, TomWolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious in-quiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or0151-270-19822

Dual Voltage Radial Arm Saw. 12inch blade/1.5 horsepwr. Forcross-cutting, miter cutting, in/outripping, and compound miter cut-ting. High quality! $400 or best of-fer 01636043150

Free Advice on having your babyoff base. Please e-mail your ques-tions to:

Fender type Telecaster electricguitar. Masterbuilt, professional in-strument. Excellent sound spec-trum and tonal qualities. Must seeand try! $495 Tom at 0172 3564442

Free Cleveland Browns fans areinvited to join the Browns BackersWorldwide chapter in Kaiserslau-tern hosting watch parties everygameday in Otterbach Live!!

Graco Circa Travel System (CarSeat+Stroller+base) with an extrabase. Excellent condition, it isbrand new. $100 01717761279/

Green suede handbag. Withthree compartments. Zipper top.$20 0176-22987498 please leavea message if I do not answer.

Infant First Aid class will be heldat the St. Johannis Krankenhausin Landstuhl on Aug 28 from 5.30-8.30pm. Please e-mail for mor in-formation:

Jugendstil furniture over 100years old. A variety of items,grandfather clock (Harmonium),crystal glasses, Murano glasses,Meisner porcelain figurines,200years old, coffee and Tea set.Call: 0177-5211480

Kids adidas soccer shoes, US si-ze 1, EU 32, black & red, worn afew times. Non marking. $35.0176-22987498, pics on class-world

Large and small appliances. Ever-ything must go.

Kitchen table and 2 chairs, lightwood, $40, 4-drawer chest $10,glass-top table and 3 chairs $40,entertainment cabinet $10, lt brnleather TV recliner $70. Call06374-1277.

Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, size 6, never worn. For wedding/prom/summer night out. $50;017622987498 or Pic on does not do justice. Be-autful dress.

Large Multi-family yard sale. Imwoogfeld 21a, 66879 Obermohr.Saturday August 18 8 a.m. till...Girls clothes and toys, householditmes, furniture.

Like new AbLounger with instruc-tion information and CD for exerci-se program. $50 06363-994040 /

Medela Pump-In-Style doublebreast pump that comes in conve-nient backpack. Closed System.Lots of extras! 110V or

Padi Scuba Diving lessons NearPHV Heidelberg Contact

Offering a queen size boxspring.I couldn't find a way to get itthrough the stairway. My loss isyour gain. Email if interested orfor more pics

Online Yard Sale. Email to recei-ve link. We have Electronics,Tools, Toys, Camping Equipment,Bicycles, Scooters and

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 36 August 17, 2012

Kaiserslautern American Page 37August 17, 2012

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Mon-Sat from 10:00 to 18:00 (closed Wed.)




Only 4 miles fromRamstein Air Base

ANTIQUESFreddy’sExclusive Antique

FurnitureTel: 06372-803255Hauptstrasse 94b66882 Hütschenhausenwww.freddyantiques.deFree delivery to Kaiserslautern,Spangdahlem, Wiesbaden, Heidelberg...

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Pink and white snake skin purse,not real. pics on isabell_1_98@yahoo.comPorcelain dolls, over 100 to choo-se from, all dressed. Price OboCall: 0176-90796039Portable bouncer comes w/cano-py/moskito net to protect babyoutdoors. Music, nature sounds,vibration. Barely used! $15 Safety1st Nature Sounds Bouncettesmoothsalsakat@yahoo.comReally cute, musical RockingBug, like new bc our daughter ne-ver liked it. It's really just been sit-ting in the room for a few months.No shipping $50 smoothsalsakat@yahoo.comSwarovski Crystal - Attention col-lectors! All pieces over 20yearsold! Prices greatly reduced! Greatgift for any special occasion! Pri-vate collection! Retired pieces.koala bear mother and baby, Pan-da mother & baby, whale, turtle.Call for info: 06332-41560 bet-ween 2pm to 9pm. Can deliver toRAB!

Swarovski Pegasus - From the1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Se-ries. Retired in 1998, Asking $500.Ph. 06374/944828

Swarovski SC Isadora & Antonio,from the trilogy (magic of dance)2002 & 2003, w/crystal signs &displays) will sell separately, Price299 € each obo Call: 0162-2762421

Swarovski, silver, crystal, trilogymasquerade, 1999-2001, w/cry-stal signs & displays, 899€ oboCall: 0162-2762421

Techno/Dancefloor Synth. "Qua-simidi Sirius" with integrated 11Ch.Vocoder (also voice distortion)+ Synthesizer "Quasimidi RavenMax" + Keyboard stand €

The Swarovski Pierrot mesasu-res 8". This is the first edition of"Masquerade" series. Retired in1999. Pics on

Documents for Sale! USA andCSA documents, coins of Germa-ny and China, private collection,for sale piece by piece. Call bet-ween 4-7pm 0152-25194313 (Da-vid Frank)

Very beautiful, 1xcoffee and1xtee set, color silver, newly, pho-ne €159

Volunteer Needed to teach chessto intermediate students afterschool; one or two hours perweek from 2:45-3:45 480-6023;

Whirpool fridge SBS Combi 6THSense D3JA+ March 2010 EnergyA+, 442 liters, ice/water dispenserVery good conditions ready to bepicked up $680 0171 772 6166

Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bott-les, attractive metal finish, fits per-fectly in a small, narrow space.$10; 0163-330-5535 or

Wood frame picture. From Ash-field Arts. Made in the UK. Paid$500. see for

10.5' X 6'. Very good condition.Wool. Professionally cleaned De-cember 2011. The multitude of co-lors works well with most decors.$125

8'cognac colored couch. Whencushions are raised up, an adultcan sleep on the couch. Great forthe TV room. P/U mandatory. Pil-lows included $300 eahuffie@hotmail.comAntique wardrobe €300, 0637157888

Bassett TV Cabinet. Exc cond.No damage whatsovever. About 5years old. Been sitting in my base-ment -- almost not touched. $

Broyhill Dining Rm Table set. Ta-ble, leaf, 6 matching chairs, HutchCorner unit. Distressed knotty pi-ne finish. Great condition. $900.Call: 0170 967-5139gpcolegrove@yahoo.comDining table w/ 2 benches, mas-siv wood - oak style, €250 0176-90796039Golden framed paintings, div. si-zes reasonable prices 0637157888

Extra high grade quality, old fa-shion style, full wood, handmade,complete livingroom. schrank4,20m long in one piece, sofa, 2armchairs, marple table. $ --06304 1720German Sideboard and High-board for Sale. Oak-rustic color,massiv. Great condition! New€1200 each, now selling for €250each! Call: 0176-907-96039Household Clearance: Furniture,Household goods, Lamps, mint-coats, Books, tools, etc. Sat,18.8. 10-17 -Helmholtzstr. 25 -65199

Ikea 3-Seater, colour off white,model Ektorp for sale due to PCS.Only 13 months old, in very goodcondition. Original price 350 Euro.0178-4508735 or

Large Antique Dark solid wood. 3pull out draws, 3 cabinets aboveand below to store goods in. 7feet tall. Price: $2900017622987498. class-world.eupics

Loveseat $95, 06371 57888

Old German shrank, table withchairs, couch, bedroom furnitureand other items. Everything mustgo.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 38 August 17, 2012

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0179-343729710 am to 6

quality service since 1991

Call for appointment:

Location:Lutrinastr. 11, 67655 Kaiserslautern

Ingrid E. White, D.C., FFEACEva D. White, D.C.

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Family and sports-oriented chiropractic care provided by German-American family of chiropractors.

Practice Dr. Matthias Christ MD, DDSOral and Maxillofacial Surgery • Certifi ed in Oral Implantology and Aesthetic Facial Surgery

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Hölzengraben 2, 67657 Kaiserslautern • Tel: 0631-371170 • E-Mail:

Murphy-style full size bed. Fra-me, mattress, hardware, 2 halo-gen lights. Comes apart for mo-ving. Pick up only in France, picson request. $800

Old German shrank, non smoker,3 meters long, lots of storagecompartments, must go - $200.Selling cheap, 25 min from Ram-stein

Pino Brand Kitchen (Paid over 2KEuro). Sink, Stove/Oven, Fridge/Freezer, Various kitchen Cabinets.Already apart - pick up in Mann-heim. $1800

Very old cabinet for sale. HenryII. €750

Tall Table and four chairs. Whiteframe and table top, pastel stripeseat covers $100 / €75. Photo on-line or by email.

Alteration Shop Has 4 Job ope-nings for customer service. POCMs. Hegendörfer. 0152-01823885

Busy private American DentalPractice in Ramstein is now ta-king applications for certified den-tal assistants. Please submit resu-mes to: Ramstein Dental Care Forquestions please call our office at06371-406230

Civilian Medical Clinic in Land-stuhl is expanding, hiring Ameri-can Physician's Assistants andNurse Practitioners for part-timeemployment.

Got Mad IT Skills? 5 or moreyears of hardcore Windows Enter-prise administration, VoIP/SIP ad-ministration, MS Database admi-nistration, and/or hands-on sys-tem security engineering? DRS islooking for you! We have ope-nings for a VoIP Technician, aSystems Admin, and an Informati-on Assurance Engineer. Keepyour TESA status, receive Hola/Cola, and enjoy the many benefitsof living in Stuttgart! Apply here… Disclaimer: Of-fers of employment are contin-gent on how much of a Rock Staryou really are.

Private Christian school seekingcertified teachers. PT & FT positi-ons available.

Attractive 35year single blackwoman is seeking to find a happyrelationship.

Female 35+, Travel Buddy wan-ted most expenses paid, helpdrive and navigate to destinationswith gps. If interested email me.Travel Buddy Wanted

South-American lady, 40, brunet-te, seeks nice, well educated gent-leman from 35 to 50 for friendshipor a possible

Female, 45 years, 5'6, blonde islooking for a friendly, good loo-king american man, 45 or older.Toget to know each other, and may-be for a relationship. Only seriouscontacts please! 01522-6519732

Single woman, 46/160/55kg loo-king for an nice American (cauca-sian) my age, who can speak Ger-man because my English is bad...No games, Only Singles!!!! 0160/6737687 (Text)

Warm- heated, great humor32yrs single back lady with a ge-nerous touch of friendship seeksto find a happy

Woman is looking for a man 35years or older, for friendship andconversation Call: 0172-6903147

There have been reports ofpets being sold from bree-ding facilities that are not ma-naged at the highest profes-sional standards. Pleasechoose your pet carefully.Make sure you check the cre-dentials of the people sellingthe pet, and get proper pa-perwork showing shots and/or other proof of healthy con-dition. For further advice,consult your Veterinarian.

400 liter Aquarium with standwith built in filter and pump$400.00 017653444578 /

Australian Shepherd Puppies,Pedigree, all colors, sold by vet,Phone: 06375 993324,

French Bulldog and Westi pup-pies are ready for new families.UTD on shots and€650

Golden Retriever, Labs andDoodle puppies are ready for anew family. UTD on shots, dewor-med, raised up with love. Price de-pendent on breed. €

Male and female Bearded Drag-ons. Confirmed successful bree-ding pair. With cage and accesso-ries. Serious inquiries only please.€100 015124126954

My puppies are in need of a newforever home. These Babies areboth home and potty trained andare so lovely with kids. They haveall health papers a $

Siberian Husky puppies are rea-dy to leave their mother. Blueeyed, UTD on shots and dewor-med. €650

!!PCS cleaning, weekly, over years INSP grtd 0160-91948-691 or

Call English Speaking Lawyer.Frank Lagies, Schillerplatz 7, KL,0631-41249106,, all lawconcerning issues

Certified translations. Reasona-ble rates. Call 06374-4113 or0179-531-0274.

Cleaning Lady offers great ser-vice. Kaiserslautern & Vogelweharea. English spoken. Mon - Sun.0176-90796039

Clock repair & antique clock sa-les. Hermann Lieser, Ludwigstr.32, Landstuhl 06371-2637

Home & Maintenance Service.PCS, regular & carpet cleaning w/ref., painting, repair, trash remo-val, bulk & yard waste 06383-927372 or 0172-6693714

Michi & Maxi Service! PCS clea-ning, trash hauling, painting, regu-lar yardwork. Guaranteed to passinsp. 0176-70610963

Professional lessons in guitar,bass & piano, saxophone. Cell015233696881

Translator/Interpreter CertifiedKL., near Vogelweh. Reasonablerates. Call: 0631-54440

Buying dictionaries all languagesand foreign language guides. Call0152-25194313 or 0160-69439449

Doctor couple, looking for FSHin Kl area and surrounding area asof now. Call: 0163-1379074

Looking for someone in/near theSchmalenberg area to let our 2dogs out for a 10 min potty break,once a day, Mon-Fri, must be bet-ween 10am-1 pm. $

Loving family w/ young boy loo-king for a puppy prefer a girl Momstays home so puppy will havelots of love & attention We're se-rious pet

New Challenge for Baseball /Softball Coaches!! The River Ban-dits Baseball and Softball Team,located in Saarbrücken (A6,30min from KL) is looking for coa-ches for both teams and alsoplayers. Please contact: or call0171-8634083

Someone to take over our leasein Einsiedlerhof as early as 15-20August. This is a newer 3bedroom1 bath flat 118m². 730e/mo+2modeposit. Thank you! €730063141249113 or

Tutors, Mentors, Coaches nee-ded this Summer -$$$- 01603156 501

Wanted: Female singer for esta-blished, gigging rock/pop band lo-cated in KMC area. 01727098850

Kaiserslautern American Page 39August 17, 2012

Community Appreciation Day sponsored by jSaturday, Aug. 25, 201212:00 - 18:00Pulaski ParkKaiserslautern