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Balance is the key.

Those of us who sit at computer screens for long periods every day are already in danger of

unsettling our health if this sort of activity is not balanced by a whole lot of contrasting activity.

An addict is one who will concentrate their mind and body around one sort of activity to the

exclusion of almost all others. 

The main health implications of Internet Addiction are as follows;

1. Posture and Tension:

Sitting or slouching in front of a computer for long periods of time and making repetitive small

movements with our fingers and wrists will affect our structure. Some of the effects will be direct,

as in placing unusual strains on our spines and the ligaments in our wrists. More importantly,

long periods of immobility will introduce habits of muscular tension, which may affect us

throughout our lives. 

What Can We Do?

We should spend 10 or 15 minutes of every hour doing contrasting activities, which involve

bending, stretching, moving about and generally all those things which we are not doing in front

of the screen. .

.2. Breathing and Blood Circulation:

When holding ourselves still for long periods of time and doing low energy work, we tend to

breathe in a very shallow manner. Long periods of shallow breathing means that a lot of stale air

remains in our lungs and the efficiency of oxygen uptake from our lungs into our blood is

reduced. Our blood oxygen levels drift lower and lower and the blood supply to our muscles, our

digestive system, internal organs and to our brain is affected. Our bodies and our brains are

unable to work at optimum levels. This can effect everything from the number of headaches we

experience to our mental efficiency, our resistance to common illnesses, our physical fitness

and our hearts.


What Can We Do?

Practice taking a few deep breaths, often while working at your computer. Get up and move

about regularly, try to introduce some aerobic exercise into these breaks. Do whatever it takes

to get the blood moving around in the body, to get your lungs opened up and cleared out.

3. Digestive System and Skin Health:

Even if we eat the best, freshest and most wholesome food, healthy digestion depends on our

stomach and abdomen being relaxed and mobile. Waves of movement travel along the tube,

which makes up our gastro-intestinal tract. These waves must be able to travel freely without

being affected by tension or our abdomens being compressed by hunching over ourselves. 

Smooth muscle movement, light exercise and even breathing, drive our lymphatic system,

which is primarily responsible for waste removal from tissues and cells throughout the body. If

our digestion is sluggish we feel just the same and whatever we put in our mouth is not digested

properly. If our lymph is sluggish, our skin health is poor, our breath and body odour may stink

and our pimples will be worse.

All these effects can result even if your food is fresh and wholesome. Imagine how much worse

they will all be if most of your food is junk and most of your drink is coffee or Coke? 

What Can We Do?

Eat away from the computer. Take a break, walk to the shop and buy some fresh food, prepare

it yourself, eat it in a relaxed manner. Focus your attention on the food and the enjoyment of it.

You can''t do this when you are on the Net.

Drink regularly. Keep a large jug or bottle of fresh water on the desk. Get up frequently and

make a herb tea drink like Chamomile or Rosehips or Mint for example.

4. What about the Electromagnetic Radiation?

Be aware that sitting in front of a cathode ray tube which is beaming electrons directly at yoface

and brain is not a good idea. 

Those of you who get headaches from sitting in front of your screens, on your mobile phones or

under fluorescent tubes beware, your bodies are trying to tell you something is wrong.

What Can We Do?

Take regular breaks from your computer and don''t take these breaks in front of the T.V. 

5. What about Eye Health?

Our eyes were provided with a lifetime warranty which explains that to maintain optimum health

and efficiency we should use our eyes to look around and about at all shapes and sizes and

colours. We should frequently look at things close to us and far away. We should look at things

in all sorts of light from starlight to bright sunlight.

What Can We Do?

Have your favourite pictures or photographs behind, beside and above your screen and at

various distances away. Have a window in front of you so you can focus on more distant objects

regularly. Have something else very close to your face, less than 10 inches away. This can be a

picture or some wording and glance at this regularly also. 

Cover your eyes regularly with the palms of your hand and open them into the darkness to let

them rest. Blink rapidly while looking directly at the sun for short periods. 

So friends take care of your health which is far more precious than anything in the world.

Published: June 28, 2007   Updated: October 05, 2010


Bad effects of television on student?

Television leaves a bad effect on students because some programmes show bad behaviour, and students might get the wrong idea and might start to act naughty. If you watch a lot of television, it's best to cut down on the amount of programmes you watch daily.

Read more:


Everyone needs electronic gadgets in their daily lives. Electronic Gadgets has made life very easier for businessmen, corporate executives and entrepreneurs because they can check their business and work when they are absent. Laptops, mobile phones, computer, TV, Printer are the main electronic gadgets which use in daily lives. By using of this device, one can connects with many peoples and business. Everyone know about how to use this electronic Gadgets, but only somebodies know how to safe with it. Here is provided safety tips about electronic gadgets. There is also number of incredible gadgets that are used for entertainment, people must to protect themselves from this type of electronic gadgets.

Cell Phone:

In the Today’s era mobile phone has become easily available and also can fit in your pocket. By using of cell phone you can connect with any person around the world. It is very helpful device for business men, corporate executives, etc. As per the Scientists and Doctors statement, this rising time of wireless technology is causing great disorder on our health, so people are needed to keep some safety tips for mobile access. The main reason for concerning  the safety with mobile phone is that the cell phones are sources of radiation. Part of radio waves released by a mobile telephone handset is absorbed by the human head that caused brain and eye cancer. There is range of important tips for using mobile phone which is described below:

Photos by flickr, Ed yourdon

How to safe with mobile phone:

Use your left ear when you are calling because the right ear has direct bad effects to your brain.

Do not use mobile during the charging as it is connected through live connections, so phone could get heated up very soon. Also avoid overcharging the batteries to reduce the chance of unbelievable occurrence.  

Use your pant pockets to keep your mobile phone and decreases your sperm count. Avoid also mobile use in driving time and on areas where there is little or no signal.

Use hands-free for long conversations that keeping the phone away from the body and head helps reduce exposure to emission.

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Laptop is a personal computer which you can take anywhere, any time. If you want to use a computer as per your need then laptop is best choice for you due to its mobility and other benefits. It also permits people to use internet most of anywhere. Currently it becomes an important part in human’s life as a result of its lightness, mobility and new facilities like WiFi. There are also many health risk related with the using of laptops like fertility, back pain, skin cancer, eyestrain, battery blast and exposure to radio signals that can change brain patterns.

Photos from flickr, Ed yourdon

Laptop’s Safety Tips:

Use Laptops for short period of time with comfortable chair. If you work with laptop for long time, then use the separate keyboard, mouse and laptop raiser. To do work constantly on laptops then you may be face some problems like back pain, shoulder pain or eye strain. To avoid these types of problem, do stretch exercises on an hourly basis so you can reduce muscle strain and increase circulation.

The main danger is that of burns to the legs after extended use of it. To avoid burning chance, set laptop desk or cooler on your laptop. To allow air flow between laptop and you, good laptop desk have huge sufficient vents and other laptops desks have more fans that use power from the laptop itself to remain cool.

Unplug any accessories, albeit your laptop will not be in use because it does not only use power but also cause the laptop to overheat.

Avoid soft material like buffer between you and your laptop. If your laptop always run on hard surface, that permits ventilation. Soft materials can block airflow vents and source it to burn. Use heat sink to maintain cooling if there is no possible to avoid a soft surface.


Today’s era is known as computer age It has become one of the most important devices which are available in any office, school, call center, bank, etc. It have become smaller, easier to use and blazingly fast. Currently Internet connection is available to all; it has become a center of interest and a common part of daily life. Regular computer users run with some health problem. In the most computer related jobs, people need to sit opposite of the computer for long time. If you work with computer without taking safety, then you may have to face several health problems like Nack strains, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Back Problems and Blurred Vision.To avoid computer health hazards, you need to use safety tips.

Image source:

Health safety tips:

Set your monitor at safe distance from where you can Cleary view contents on the monitor without any hesitant. The perfect distance between eye and monitor is 20 to 40 inches. Do not sit in same position up to one hour. Cross your arms in front of you, Lean forward, press your knee separately, keeping your hands on them.

After prolonged viewing of computer images and contains, you may get eye strain, headaches and vision anomalies. To assist your eyes, move it from the screen in every 20 minutes and look at a Distance object. A dark green color object is the best to watch at.

If you are holding mouse in the same position for long time, then it can cause a condition known as repetitive strain disorder in which your joint like the wrist is harshly damaged by continuous usage. To avoid this condition, take your hand off the mouse and place it below the desk and draw up with the back of your hand after then using your fingers push on the desk.

Keep keyboards at a relaxed point. To manage neutral body posture, change the chair and desk height. Left-hand users must to use a left hand keyboard which has the keypad lastingly fix to the left side.

You can drink  plenty amount of water when spending long time in one position that can prevent cramping of muscles and joints.


TV is one of the main entertainment electronic devices in the world. In the recent time, there are many types of television are available in the market including 3D TV, LCD, Plasma Display Panels (PDP), etc. Every one wants to get innovative TV for their home, but they do not know that it comes with several health risk. If the person watches TV more than 4 hours

a day then they are at a 46 % higher risk of death. Mass use of TV increased 9% risk of rising cancer and 18% chances of rising heart and vascular disorders. 3D glasses TV may cause several health problems such as nausea, confusion, convulsions, dizziness, lightheadedness, altered vision, cramps, motion sickness, muscle twitching, etc.

Image source:

Safety tips for TV

Wear TV protection Specs during watching TV. Also keep long distance between you and TV.

Do not watch in Darkness, Especially in night.

Please check safety features of the TV when you buy it.

The main safety tips about TV is that cut the time of watching TV and use it in another activities such as playing outdoor game, read newspapers, etc.

For kid’s safety , it should be kept in a separate room for entertainment.

Change the color setting of the TV screen to protect your eyes from the stress.


iPod is a portable media player intended and sold by Apple. The main benefit of Apple IPod is that you are carrying a portable music player, outside. It is not only multimedia player which play music, videos and podcasts but also slideshows of photos as well. It is great form of entertainment for the user. Users play also video games as well as get latest news. Constant use of iPod can cause risk of permanent hearing damage.

Photo by flickr, Phil Scoville

Safety tips with iPod

Control the Volume level of iPod to reduce the risk of health problems. Set the volume level at maximum of 70-80%.

Do not listen to iPods in thunderstorms, because lighting and iPod have caused dangerous electric currents. So when you are outside in thunderstorm, keep your iPod safely tucked away until you get indoors.

To Avoid health risk of iPod, you can buy set of noise-isolating or sound-canceling earphones with custom sleeves.

The main safety tip about iPod is that changing the popular white headphones that come with the iPod and buy some unidentifiable headphones in another color other white.

Video games

Playing video games is one of the most popular free time activates in the world. Kids spend their lots of time with video games. But they do not know that the video game effects on their health, both positive and negative. The negative and positive effects of the video game on health depend on the type of game played and its frequency. People can play the video game to distract from the stress, and pain. If the children suffer from some disorders like autistic and developmental, then the video games is best option for positive psychological impact. Video game also may cause of repetitive strain injuries, skin disorders or other

health issues like musculoskeletal problems, vision problems, so keep in mind some safety tips while you play video game.

Image source:

Safe with video games:

Keep an eye on video game ratings that provides guidance, so parents should decide which games are suitable for their children and also take the time to read safety related warnings that come with your system.

Kids will obviously want to be near you at the time of playing, so use wireless controllers to make safer floor.

Put the time limit on the period of each gaming session, otherwise it can cause of repetitive stress injuries to fingers, hands and wrists. Do not play video games up to 2 hours a day. To avoid the stress injuries, hold the game pad or joystick lightly and try to hit the keys with lighter pressure.

Have your child regularly focus on a distant object (at least 3 feet away) to help reduce eye fatigue.

Too much playing can cause eye strain, so taking breaks is also recommended to help prevent eyes strain.

Today’s era is technical era and the list of electronic gadgets is too long so it is not possible to give all information. But you have to need a safety with electronic gadgets otherwise you may face many health problems. Enjoy all electronic items with some safety tips and make your life safe.

Are Electronic Gadgets Bad for the Eyes?


In December 2009, the Archives of Ophthalmology reported on a study showing that the prevalence of myopia, or

nearsightedness, grew from 25% of Americans aged 12 to 54 in the early 1970s to 41.6% in the 21st century—an

increase of 66%. Nearsightedness is a refractive error in the eyes that causes close objects to appear sharp and

distant objects to appear blurred.

Researchers at the National Eye Institute, the authors of the study, say that the trend is matched in many other

countries around the world. While the causes of nearsightedness are not well understood, past research has found

added risk from genetic predisposition to myopia as well as from excessive amounts of near work, such as reading

and focusing on small objects. Lead study author Susan Vitale points to the advent of video games, PDAs and other

electronic gadgets as one “reasonable explanation” for the increase in myopia.

Computers have changed the nature of work dramatically over the past 30 years. Many of us spend most of our days

—even on weekends—staring at computer screens large and small. But our children’s daily activities may have

changed even more dramatically than our own. Today’s kids spend more time following the movements of a cursor

on a screen and less on the movements of a baseball or football.

Dr. David S. Friedman, Professor of Ophthalmology and International Health at the Wilmer Eye Institute of Johns

Hopkins Medical Center, says that any activity requiring long periods of close-up work may change the shape of the

eye. Near work causes the eye to grow somewhat longer, while looking into the distance relaxes the eye. It is

theorized that more distance viewing may send a signal to the eye to stop growing.

It isn’t simply distance viewing that’s important for proper eye development—it’s distance viewing out of doors. Jane

Gwiazda, who researches vision problems at the New England College of Optometry, says there is a compelling data

link between a lack of outdoor time and increased myopia risk. Natural light may stimulate dopamine production,

which inhibits eye growth, she says, and vitamin D from the sun may also contribute to regulating eye growth.

Questionnaire-based surveys show that children spend less time outdoors than they once did.

Myopia can be treated with glasses or contacts, but the condition increases the risk of eye diseases such as

glaucoma and retinal detachment. In fact, Friedman calls myopia “a major cause of blindness,” since it renders the

retina thin and “prone to breaks and tears.” Corrective LASIK surgery carries its own risks.

The bottom line: Be alert to the behavioral factors you can control. Those of us who sit in front of a computer screen

all day should make a point of looking into the distance at regular intervals to rest our eyes. And it’s a good idea to do

eye exercises (detailed below) as often as possible, too. We all know the importance of getting the kids outside every

day for active movement and sunlight, but let’s try to join them whenever we can.

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Give Your Eyes the Good Nutrition They Need Everyday

Your eyes are very delicate and need a steady stream of very specific nutrients to keep them healthy. Dr. Sears calls

them “targeted nutrients” because they are specially designed by nature to help your eyes function at full power. And

once they’re in your bloodstream, they go right to their targets–to the places in your eyes that need them the most.

Enhance your vision and support eye health today. Click here to learn more.

Exercising Your Eyes

Eye exercises can help to improve vision by sending a richer supply of blood to the ophthalmic nerves. It’s doubtful

that performing these exercises will allow you to throw away your glasses, but regular practice really can relieve eye

strain and fatigue. The following exercises are popular with yoga practitioners. As you perform them, keep your spine

erect, your hands on your knees, and your head straight and motionless.

1. Move your eyes up as far as you can and then down as far as you can. Repeat four more times. Blink quickly a few

times to relax the eye muscles.

2. Using points to your right and to your left, at eye level, move your eyes as far to the right and then to the left as you

can, without straining. Repeat four times. Blink several times, then close your eyes and rest.

3. Choose a point you can see from the right corner of your eyes when you raise them, and another that you can see

from the left corner of your eyes when you lower them. Look up at your chosen point in the right corner, then down to

the one in left corner. Repeat four times. Blink several times. Close the eyes and rest. Next, do the same exercise in

reverse—left corner up and right corner down. Repeat four times. Blink several times, then close your eyes and rest.

After you have performed the previous exercises for three or four days, you can add the following eye exercises:

4. Slowly roll your eyes first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Begin by lowering your eyes to the floor, then circle

around until you see the floor again. Do this slowly, making as large a circle as possible, so that you feel a slight

strain. This will stretch your eye muscles to the maximum extent, giving better results. Blink, close your eyes, and

rest. Then repeat the same action counterclockwise. Repeat five times and then blink your eyes for at least five


5. In this exercise you will shift your vision from close to distant points. Hold a pencil or your finger under the tip of

your nose. Then begin to move it away, laterally, until it is fixed at the closest possible distance where you can see it

clearly without any blurring. Then raise your eyes a little, look straight into the distance, and find a small point that you

can also see very clearly. Begin to shift your eyes from the close to the distant points. Repeat several times, blink,

close your eyes, and squeeze them tight.

6. Close your eyes as tightly as you possibly can. Really squeeze the eyes, so the eye muscles contract. Hold this

contraction for three seconds, and then let go quickly. This exercise causes a deep relaxation of the eye muscles,

and is especially beneficial after the slight strain caused by the eye exercises. Blink the eyes a few times.

7. This “palming” exercise is very relaxing to the eyes, and can help to preserve eyesight. Palming also has a

beneficial and relaxing effect on your nervous system. Sit on the floor and draw up your knees, keeping your feet flat

on the floor and slightly apart. Now briskly rub your palms to charge them with electricity, and place the cupped palms

over your closed eyes. Cross the fingers of your right hand over the fingers of the left hand on the forehead. Rest

your elbows on your raised knees. Keep your neck straight – don’t bend your head. Do deep breathing while palming

your eyes.

Yours in health,

Nancy Witting

Contributing Editor

New England Health Advisory


Why are gadgets dangerous from the one side?

Posted Date: 23 Mar 2009     Resource Type: Articles     Category: GeneralAuthor: Ankit Das Member Level: Silver    Rating:  Points: 30 (Rs 15)

Have you ever thought, after watching Television for a long tome why do you feel like having a headache and your eyes fell strained? While listening to music from earphones you must have observed some type of internal and external pain in the ear, haven’t you?

Television can be lethal if watched for too long and can harm us and our eyes pretty badly. Many experts in USA claim that nearly 50% of their children wear spectacles and suffer from some type of sight disease. The scenario is pretty much the same in India, to keep their babies quiet the parents turn on the Television so that their child/baby could enjoy Tom & Jerry or some other cartoons. What they don’t understand is leaving their child/baby in front of Television for some hours can be deadly for the child and can harm their eyes as their eyes stay in the developing state. If you have ever asked a child of age 5-10 years that “what does he want to become when he grows up”? The answer would definitely be Superman, Batman, Spiderman or Ben10, that is the effect of being too much exposed to Television at a pretty young age.

It is the era of Mobile Phones and MP3 Players, am I right? I think I am would you see anyone without a Mobile Phone when roaming around the market or shopping? Mobiles phone now come with MP3 Players and earphones. Earphones are the main enemies of the ear and the best friend of an ENT specialist. Mobiles Phones damage both ears and eye as the screen of the Mobile Phones are small compared to a Television which makes it difficult to read what is written on the screen and damages our eyes when we try to read it. When we put the earphones on than the ear drums are exposed to a lot of pressure which sometimes exceeds its limits when we hear Rock Song. This damages our ear and its hearing capability.

The trend of showing-off their gadgets has also followed with the trend of Mobile Phones. Teenagers use Mobile Phones which at least have a MP3 Player or else it will reduce the dignity of that person. So, teenagers buy as costly mobile as they can and waste their money on it.

Have you ever browsed through the daily paper and seen how many accidents occur in a day? The main cause of accidents is negligence by both the driver and the pedestrian. What can cause the negligence in drivers? Of course, talking on a Mobile Phone draws all your attention from the road

to the mobile phone and the second reason is listening to songs in the car very loudly.

What can cause the negligence in pedestrian? Again the mobile phone is to be blamed and the earphones of the MP3 players especially the noise-isolation earphones cause accidents as pedestrian cannot hear the car or its horn from a long distance and has its attention on the song.

Please never use Mobile Phones or MP3 Players on the roads! 

- side.aspx

Health Hazards of Modern Gadgets & GizmosDecember 06, 2007 at 5:15 PM

Read more: Health Hazards of Modern Gadgets & Gizmos

A gadget is a device or appliance having a unique purpose and function. At the time of invention, a gadget is often way ahead of its peers in terms of novelty and uniqueness. This is what makes them, so desirable and ‘cool’!

The top ten gadgets that changed the world are debatable. Nevertheless, popular choices would be the television, telephone, camera, movie camera, microwave oven, video cassette player and recorder, video gaming consoles, Sony’s Walkman, IBM’s personal computer or PC and the first cell phone released in 1996, by Motorola. The latest gadgets include superior versions of DVDs, smart phones, camcorders, laptops, iPods, iPhones, the Blackberry, PCs, computer notebooks, pedometers etc.

That modern gadgets have changed the world, is a gross understatement. No one wants to go back to the days of no television, no washing machines and certainly, no cell phone. Hi-tech gadgets are proliferating by the dozen, as companies vie with each other to catch the eyes of gadget freaks or just time-pinched consumers.


Yet, rising from the din of MP3 players, DVD film premiers and podcasts is an ever increasing evidence, braced by scientific work, of the ill-health effects of modern gadgets. 

The study done by Carnegie Mellon University found that spending one hour a week on the Net led to an average increase of 1 percent on depression scale, a loss of 2.7 members of the Net users social circle and increase of 0.4% on the loneliness scale.

Intel Apple computer along with Hawlett Packard has kick-started US 1.5 million US dollar- study on the effects of Internet on society. According to a spokesperson of the companies, 'People who use the Net lose more of their friends, are lonelier and more inclined to depression than non-Net users. Greater use of the Net is associated with a decline in size of the social circle, social contact and family communication'. 

A brief outline of how these gadgets and their hazards to health are described below:

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) 

Almost all modern gadgets produce electromagnetic fields or EMFs, be they powered by electric, electronic or battery sources. 


According to scientists, EMR (electromagnetic radiation) from EMFs, can be disruptive to the human body’s own natural energy fields. Like x-rays, these waves are not blocked or weakened by objects

in their way. They pass into our bodies upsetting normal cellular function and biological processes. EMR can cause headaches, tiredness and evenimmune system disorders. Scientists believe that appliances such as electric hair dryers, shavers and bedside digital alarms are more dangerous due to their proximity to the human head. 

According to the World Health Organization, ‘electronic smog’, created by electricity is 'one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences'. New evidence has linked ‘electropollution’ with a rise in cancer, birth defects, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, depression, learning disabilities and even Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. 

Some persons like Kathleen Lucas, of Glasgow are so sensitive to electromagnetic fields that they are actually incapacitated by modern gadgets. 

- Lucas, 55, could not go anywhere near a microwave oven, cell phone, iPod, etc., without getting sick. Confined to her home for decades as a result of this, an EMF-shielding costume sold by an innovative company, Hitek, finally came to her rescue. The suit contained a silver thread, which helped conduct electricity away. For Lucas it was a lifeline from years of suffering with brain fog, digestive problems and extreme fatigue.

- According to scientist and EMF expert, the late Dr. George Yao, the typical American is hit by electromagnetic radiation up to 200 million times more intense than what his ancestors absorbed from the sun, stars, and other natural sources.

Cell Phones- Can ‘Fry Your Brains’

For those who believe in the perils of the mobile phone, the fact that graver side-effects like cancer take years to show up after exposure to cell phone radiation, is solely responsible for the free run of these gadgets. 

A recent study by Finnish scientists found a 40 percent increase in the risks of brain tumor for those who use these phones for more than 10 years. The brain tumor was most likely to be located on the side of the head where the phone was held. In addition, a Swedish study has found that brain cells could be destroyed by mobile phone radiation, which means that the present generation of teenagers run the risk of going senile before their middle-age! 

In India and the US, clinical trials have raised the possibility that men who use mobile phones very frequently have reduced sperm counts.

Obviously there is also some media hype on some of these issues. However there is no question about the ill-effects of EMF and especially the radiation released by cell phones and their effects on the brain of children. The scientists are to some extent underplaying its ill-effects. At present most scientists are agreeable that children under eight should not be permitted to use mobile phones; a warning sidestepped by most lawmakers.

Stress at home, at work

Hi-tech gadgets created to supposedly reduce stress, often result in the opposite. Jarring ring tones, high-decibel tunes on iPods and headsets, as well as blaring music from the television’s pricey sound systems account for noise pollution, which in turn cause headaches and hearing loss. 

Like the ear, the eye too gets hit badly by modern gadgets. Hours of computer work, or computer play such as games have created a boom time for optometrists and eye ware stores. 

Slouching in front of the television or any screen for that matter, coupled with the continuous use of computer keyboards or phone keys for text messaging has brought about its own share of orthopedic problems.

All these problems result in bodies beginning to function less and less efficiently, in the process causing more stress. 

Meanwhile, manufacturers are trying to create ergonomically better-designed gadgets which cause less health problems and which can accomplish more functions in a lesser time. Sadly, this ultimately backfires in the form of more workload per worker. More work translates into more sedentary lifestyle, less recreation and exercise and ultimately, more stress. 

Safety Hazards

Modern gadgets come with many risks. As most are electrical or electronic, there are chances of electricity leaking causing minor shocks, burns and even electrocution. Faulty appliances can even set off electric fires. Toddlers with their inane curiosity are especially vulnerable to electric hazards.

Battery-operated devices such as mobiles phones can also be dangerous. A battery can overheat or explode resulting in third-degree burns or even start a fire. Nokia has recalled 46 million of the BL-5C batteries manufactured between December 2005 and November 2006 by the Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. Ltd for this very reason. They recorded approximately 100 incidents of over heating globally but reported no serious injuries or property damage.

(For a list of phones with such recalls go to medindia blogs) 

Modern gadgets can also compromise road safety. Hi-tech gadgets or gizmos like iPods, iPhones and cell phones etc come with multimedia facilities. This means that users can jive to their favorite tunes, watch movies or even browse the Internet all while answering a call or even, driving. Unfortunately the human body may not always be that efficient. This multitasking can translate into car accidents or even distracted pedestrians walking right into oncoming traffic.

Social Repercussions 

Gadgets like the Internet-enabled PC, satellite TV and mobile phone have created a unified international audience. Though the benefits are many, technology has grabbed its pound of flesh too. 

For one, it is now easier for anti-social elements and crime to spread its tentacles. Anti-social lyrics in popular songs, which spill out of ear phones and headsets can subtly bring about a rise in racial differences and hate-crimes. The young, impressionable mind can get influenced by the lyrics and this can lead to alteration in their outlook and lifestyle. The hard rock and metal music is often criticized for this very reason. 

The television, Internet and gaming consoles can leave their addicts strapped to the screens for countless hours, creating a host of personal and social problems. One such is loss of communication in families. In addition to the wave of consumerism and materialism created by hi-tech gadgets, the obsessive desire to possess these gadgets has boosted the incidents of thefts and crimes.

Gadget Disposal 

Hi-tech gadgets have come with the added burden of their disposal. Modern appliances such as PCs, laptops, mobile phones, fax machines, TVs etc., dumped into landfills are creating mountains of electronic waste or e-waste. Every year 2.2 million PCs, 3 million fax machines and over 6.5 million telephones, both fixed and mobile are discarded. 

Most of these devices contain lead, platinum and other heavy metals. They pollute the environment and create the increased risk to the health of all living organism as most of the pollutants creep into drinking water, crops and affect the food pyramid.

The search for safe and eco-friendly methods of e-waste disposal and recycling still remain one of the major challenge of the millennium. 

Hazards to the Ecosystem

Humans are not the only victims of hi-tech gadgets, which modernization has let loose.One vivid example is the mysterious ‘colony collapse’ of honeybees rampant now in US and continental Europe. 

According to concerned scientists, clinical trials with mobile phone handsets have proved their theory that the radiation given off by hi-tech gadgets and cell phones disrupt the navigation systems of the honeybees. This would prevent the inhabitants of the hive from being able to return to it. 

Now, what makes this ill effect of the modern gadget so scary is that bees are indispensable to the pollination of crops, and hence the production of food for human consumption. Albert Einstein once quoted “If the bees disappear, man would have only four years of life left'. 

Lifestyle Disorders 

Modern gadgets have quietly taken away the ‘spring in our steps.’ For one we hardly need to step-out for any of our wants and a modern fully equipped apartment can do away with almost any chore mentionable. 

As these gadgets lure us with more rest and less stress, we pay for it with lifestyle disorders such as obesity, diabetes, heart ailments, hypertension and infertility problems to name a few. 

For in his attempt to create a more convenient world, man is unwittingly paying the highest price - his health. 

Source-MedindiaANN SAMUEL/M


Read more: Health Hazards of Modern Gadgets & Gizmos


Junk Sleep and TeenagersAre electronic gadgets impacting how much sleep kids get?

The Stats

The survey released on August 28, 2007 states that students are very distracted by electronic gadgets in their

bedrooms. 1,000 teenagers were surveyed aged 12 to 16. 30 percent slept only 4 to 7 hours per night. The reason?

They were busy

watching television,

using the computer,

listening to music on iPods or

on the telephone.

The recommended time for teenagers to sleep is 8 to 9 hours so the brain can rest properly to be alert in school the

following day.

Work Regulations

Teenagers are limited to how many hours they may work per week. Working too many hours was affecting school so

laws were put into place so that students could have enough rest to learn the following day. Employers are regulated

but not the home.

Sleeping Patterns

We as a society are sleeping less. Our grandparents slept more than we do today. Of course, they didn't have 2 hour

commutes to work, cable TV and other distractions. When it got dark, there was little to do.

Today, we sleep much less. A new British survey tells just how much less teenagers sleep.

The Sleep Council

The Edinburgh Sleep Centre is very concerned about teenagers damaging their health by not sleeping enough. Dr.

Chris Idzikowski says, "This is an incredibly worrying trend. What we are seeing is the emergence of Junk Sleep -

that is sleep that is of neither the length nor quality that it should be in order to feed the brain with the rest it needs to

perform properly at school."Electronics in the Home

Just how prevalent are the electronic gadgets in children's bedrooms?

Nearly all the teenagers had a phone

Nearly all the teenagers had a music system or TV

Nearly 65 percent had all three

The survey found that 40 percent of the teenagers felt tired each day. Girls, ages 15 to 16, seemed to be the most

tired. [Scientific American,, August 28, 2007]

Teenage Schedule

Teens have always been busy in school.

School musicals,



mock trials,

student council,

volunteer work and


However, in the past, students got home at 11:00, did some homework and went to bed. Today, students come home

, don't do their homework, and get on the computer to check email and begin instant messaging everyone that has

contacted them that day. Many are up until 1:00 a.m. socializing with other students they will see in just a few hours

in school. Unfortunately, they will be going to school with a brain that has not regenerated to absorb new information.
