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  • 8/8/2019 batrep_171010





    The dust settled on the horizon, but the keen-eyed battlesuit pilot, Antoc, had registered the distant drop pods. His XV 88 suit tracking nodes all

    indicated that the enemy were near, and harmonic analysis indicated a large number of vehicles in the vicinity. Antoc laughed at this last alarmsignal, as the runes glowed green.. a Kroot and a native of Pech as he was, he simply had to put his ear to the ground to know that Imperial

    armour was on the move! Nevertheless, he was immediately on the comm.-link to commander ElQuixo who consulted some volumes on the

    subject of human technology (so ancient!) before recommending an Borkan armoured fins battle cadre deployment to combat the Guela


    So it was that Antoc was joined by his compatriot, Moroc, and a 3rd

    broadside pilot (having requisitioned a pair of shield drones from the

    armoury on the way to the drop-point). They stomped through the tree-line and awaited the advance of the ancient Imperial tanks. Antoc was

    sure he could see something behind the woods

    Spearhead deployment, Capture and Con troll mission.

    Tau rolled highest and deployed first/ started 1st


    Tau Deployment

    Pathfinders and Ethereal deployed up in ruins

    Tanks and Suits formed up in line along with Vespid

    Kroot infiltrated on the Tau right flank


    2 devilfish with fire warrior compliment

    Flamer suits deep strike

    DA Deployment

    Dark Angels veterans deploy behind building with Whirlwind.

    Vindicator, Rhino with Tac squad and Land Raider with Terminators and Chaplain on front line.

    Scouts: 1 unit infiltrated on to high building, 1 unit with Telion infiltrated near Tau lines.



    Rhino with Marines

    Jump troops deep strike

    Terminators deep strike

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    Before battle is joined -

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    Early Phase (Turns 1-2)

    Tau advance on right flank/centre Vespid, Finder fish with grenadiers, Kroot Left flank suits and Ion Heads advance, piranhas turbo boost Broadsides/ pathfinders LOS blocked by forest feature cant pop Land Raider!!

    Grenadiers assault Land Raider but fail to damage it

    Telions unit wiped out by focused fire DA reserves stay away

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    Middle Phase (Turns 3-4)

    Librarian teleports veterans across field to threaten pathfinders (below) Terminators deep strike into building and decimate pathfinders (below) Terminators assault out of land raider and wipe out grenadiers

    Unfortunate fire warriors annihilated

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    Middle Phase (Turns 3-4 ctd)

    Piranhas wreck a rhino, then go land raider hunting DA jump troops heroically intervene, assaulting and wiping El Quixo and crisis team Vespid help wipe out DA vets before getting annihilated themselves

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    Middle Phase (Turns 3-4 ctd)

    Terminators and jump troops clean up all crisis teams, who foolishly strayed into assault range! Kroot continue long march to objective

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    End Game (Turns 5-7)

    Last reserve Devilfish on and claims Tau objective, gun drones deploy to block objective Flamer suits deep strike in the hope that Final rhino transport will be popped It isnt (bad day for broadsides), they wreck rhino with missile pods instead Kroot run into Jump troops and are annihilated Last DA reserve rhino on, claims marine objective

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    End Game (Turns 5-7)

    Tau vehicles rush objective and contest marine objective Tactical, Jump troops, Terminators destroy 3 Tau vehicles contesting objective in turn 7

    Result Draw!


    The dust settled once more. On the far side of the battlefield Antoc spotted the Tau armour closing in on the enemy. He chuckled to himself

    foolish guela and their love of ancient machines! Suddenly he heard a scream over the comm.-link.. it was Aegeon, Piranha Ace, the Borkans

    best flyer. His wings had been clipped and he was going down BOOM! Almost simultaneously, a proximity alert was sounded by the two

    devilfish pilots, as Guela heavy units had unexpectedly survived the bombardment! It was all falling to pieces, their victory was lost!

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    Tau fail to contest, the devilfish graveyard

    The glorious dead