BCS Bees By, Eloise, Anderson, Sadie, Jon Harris, Stefan


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BCS BeesBy, Eloise, Anderson, Sadie, Jon Harris, Stefan


The Honeybees are going extinct one by one. For the last several years, the Fitz-Brown-Leach team has been trying to make an impact on what we think could be the end of the Honeybees.

Pests and Diseases

There are 6 main Pests and Diseases that have came across our bees.

One of them is the American Foul Brood(AFB). It moves into the Honeybee larvae system and takes all the nutrition from the larvae.

Another is the Varroa mites. They move onto the Honeybees and suck their blood.

The European Foul Brood (EFB) is a bacterial disease that effect Honeybee larvae before they enter the capped stage.

Nosema or Nosemosis is a disease that come from a fungus called Nosema Apis. it infects bees when they eat Nosema spores

Chalkbrood kills the brood of the Honeybees by fungal spores infecting the gut of the larvae, and eventually kills all the brood if not disposed properly.

Stonebrood is a fungal disease caused by Aspergullius fumigatus, Aspergullius flavus and Aspergillius niger. It causes mummification of the brood of a honey bee colony.

Types of Honeybees

Queen-The queen is a lucky, single honey bee. They hatch from fertilized eggs and feed on royal jelly as a larvae and continue to feed on it for their entire lifetime.

Worker-The honey bee has 4 stages- 1) EGGS The honey bee have to stay in this stage for three days. 2) LARVA The honey bee will be in this stage for 6 days. 3) PUPA They will stay in this stage for 10 days and weigh about 80 mg. 4) ADULT ˇThe honey bee is 1.6 mm long and it takes 21 days to reach this stage. It ends its life by working itself to death.

Drone-The drones are male honey bees. They develop from eggs that are not fertilized. They cannot sting. Their main job is to fertilize the queen.

Bee friendly plantsBlue Bell-Plant in the Spring

Primrose-Plant in the Spring

Snow Drops-Plant early Autumn

Daffodil-Plant in the late Fall

Cowslip-Plant any time!

Snakes Head-Plant any time!

Lenten Rose-Plant any time!

Crocus-Plant in the early Fall

Forget-Me-Not-Plant any time!

For more bee-friendly plants, go to bcsbess.com

ant any time

HOw you can help

Avoid pesticide when possible

Begin a garden with bee friendly plants

Educate yourself on the difference between bees, hornets and wasps

Most importantly--SPREAD THE WORD!

Our website

To learn all about the bees, go to...


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