BMT-2071 Team Building Bullying: Hurts, Hinders, and Haunts Sarah Anderson Michelle Soldwish



BMT-2071 Team Building Bullying: Hurts, Hinders, and Haunts Sarah Anderson Michelle Soldwish Elizabeth Imboden Mulaw Beletu Lacy Shreve. Stop the Hate!. Bullying: *Hurts *Hinders *Haunts. What Is Bullying?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BMT-2071 Team Building

Bullying: Hurts, Hinders, and Haunts

Sarah AndersonMichelle SoldwishElizabeth Imboden

Mulaw BeletuLacy Shreve

Bullying:*Hurts *Hinders*Haunts

Stop the Hate!

What Is Bullying?

Bullying is a widespread and serious problem that can

happen anywhere, it’s not a phase that children go through

or grow out of; it can cause serious and lasting harm.


Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is intentional, hurtful, (physical and psychological), and/or threatening and persistent (repeated). There is an imbalance of strength (power and dominance).

Being bullied can seriously affect a child’s

physical and mental health. They lack

confidence, feel bad about themselves, have

few friends and spend playtime alone. They

may find it hard to face going to school and

difficult to concrete on their work.

Why Does bullying Happen?

There is no single reason why some children become bullies or victims. Children

who are aggressive are more likely to become

bullies. Often they have they have seen, or been a

victim of violence at home.

They pick on children who appear different in some way Those who are quiet, shy, alone at playtime, and unable to defend themselves

Types of Bullying:



Children who are bullied may complain of various psychical

symptoms as a result of being upset.

They may worry and try to avoid going to school.

Other become very anxious, find it hard to sleep and may

feel depressed, or even suicidal. These problems can

carry on long after the bullying has stopped.

Bullying can be physical or physiological

Physical*Hitting*Kicking *Pinching


Psychological Name Calling, Insulting, Put Downs, Threats Racist Remarks,

Constant Teasing, Talking behind ones back, constantly trying to cause unhappiness, etc.

There is a strong link between bullying and suicide

Teenagers Revenge

87% said shooting

Is motivated by revenge

61% said becauseThey are victims

86% said others kidsPicking on


Physical Bullying

Psychological Bullying

According to the American

Medical Association, 3.7 million youths

engage in bullying, and more than 3.2

million are victims of

“moderate” or “serious”

bullying each year

Recent Statistics indicate that, 1 out 4 are bullied 77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally, and physically1 out 5 admit to being a bully8% of students miss one day of school43% fear harassment in the bathroom at school

Steps to prevent bullying:

*Address the problem all angle *Develop a school-wide bullying policy *Encourage Parent involvement in anti-bullying

How to Avoid Bullying.

*Ignore the bully and walk away

*Hold your anger in*Don’t get physical *Practice confidence*Take charge of your

life*Talk about your

problems*Find (true) friends