Body Organization and Structure. Body Organization and Structure Chapter 8 – Section 1 ...


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Body Organization and Structure

Body Organization and StructureChapter 8 – Section 1

Homeostasis: the maintenance of a constant internal state in a changing environment

Tissue: a group of similar cells that perform a common function

Organ: a collection of tissues that carry out a specialized function of the body

Organ system: a group of organs that work together to perform body functions

Body Organization and StructureChapter 8 – Section 1

11 Major Organ Systems Integumentary System

Muscular System

Skeletal System

Cardiovascular System

Respiratory System

Urinary System

Male or Female Reproductive System

Nervous System

Digestive System

Lymphatic Systems

Endocrine System

Body Organization and StructureChapter 8 – Section 2

Skeletal system – the organ system whose primary function is to support and protect the body and to allow the body to move. Support like a house---the framework.

206 bones. Many bones make blood and store minerals and fat.

Movement---bones with the help of muscles allow you to move.


A bone is a living organ. It is made of different tissues. Two types: Spongy bone: provides strength and support for the bone. This is

where you will find marrow.

Compact bone: rigid and dense. Forms the outer layers of the bone.

Bones are like a factory---it produces cells. Also, like a storage unit/warehouse---stores materials.

Skeletal System Marrow: red marrow: produces red and white

blood cells. Found in flat bones or at the end of long bones.

Yellow marrow: stores fat. Found in the center of long bones.

Bones also store calcium and phosphorus---minerals. Deposited by living cells called osteoblasts. These minerals give bones strength.

Section 2 When you were born your bones were cartilage. Cartilage is in your

nose or ear. This is why babies are flexible. Cartilage is also a shock absorber between bones. It protects bones. Cartilage is not as stretchy as bone but is flexible. Cartilage has three jobs: Protect bones

Give your body shape---ears and nose

Allows flexibility.

Four parts to skeletal system: bones, ligaments, cartilage, and joints.

Joint – a place where two or more bones meet. Three types: Gliding joint: hand, wrist—they glide over each other

Ball and socket: shoulder—rotates

Hinge: knee—like opening a door.

Ligaments = bone to bone, where joints are held together. Ligaments are connective tissue. Tough tissue that is stretchy.

Section 3 Muscular system – the organ system whose primary

function is movement and flexibility. More than 650 muscles in your body. Movement and flexibility

Gives body final shape

Three types of muscles: Cardiac: heart only

Smooth: digestive tract and walls of blood vessels

Skeletal muscle: attached to bones for movement, eyelids, and breathing.

Two Types:

Voluntary: skeletal muscle

Involuntary: cardiac, skeletal, and smooth.

Section 3 Tendons: attach muscles to bone.

Muscles work in pairs. One contracts while one extends. *flexor and extensor

Strain – an injury in which a muscle or tendon is overstretched or torn.

Tendinitis – inflammation of a tendon

Body Organization and StructureChapter 8 – Section 3

Integumentary system – the organ system that forms a protective covering on the outside of the body.

Protects by keeping water in your body and germs out of your body

Helps regulate body temperature: sweating

Helps get rid of waste.

Melanin: a chemical that gives skin color. More melanin = darker skin.

What is the largest organ of your body????

Section 4 Epidermis – the surface layer of cells on a plant or

animal. Most cells on the epidermis are dead. They are filled with keratin. Keratin helps make skin tough. The epidermis is made of up epithelial tissue. The epidermis is thicker on your hands and feet---palms and soles.

Dermis – the layer of skin below the epidermis. Made of proteins called collagen. Collagen provides strength and allows skin to bend without tearing.

Hair and nails are also part of the integument system. Hair also gets its color from melanin. Hair helps protect us from ultraviolet light, sweat in our eyes, and pathogens in our nose. Also, helps regulate body temperature. Hair stands up when cold. This is trapping warm air around the body----like a sweater.

Nails protect the tips of your fingers and toes.
