Broadwater News October 2015



Half-termly newsletter for Broadwater School, Godalming, Surrey.

Citation preview


Broadwater students with our visiting Spanish students and the Mayor at Godalming Town Hall

Dear Parents From a personal point of view, this term has been very busy. I and Mrs Matthews (Deputy Headteacher) have been undertaking numerous parental tours for prospective parents and year 6. We held a very successful and busy Open Evening and I don’t think I can remember when there has been so much interest in the school following this. Our students were once again excellent ambassadors in showing parents around and taking a lead in activities in the classrooms. Those of you that follow me or the school on Twitter will know that we saw some major changes in our exam results following re-marks. The most significant was the A*-C grade pass rate in Electronics change from 33% to 83% following a re-mark of the coursework. Whilst this is very pleasing it does beg the question about the quality of marking at national level and the impact that such poor quality marking is having on students being able to get on the right courses.


O C T O BE R 20 15

BROADWATER SCHOOL SUMMERS ROAD GODALMING SURREY GU7 3BW Telephone: 01483 414516 Fax: 01483 425782


We saw our results improve in the percentage of higher grade passes (5 or more higher grade passes including English and maths) but the most significant change was the value added measure for the whole school which increased to 1020 which is significantly above the national average of 1000. This is the highest that has ever been achieved by the school. We continue to see our more able students (Level 5 in KS2 in English and maths) perform above the national average for their progress, placing the school in the top 5 or 6 schools within Surrey. On the sporting front we’ve had much success this term with wins by girls’ and boys’ teams in most sports. Well done to everyone for their great effort. Our links with the All Schools programme for rugby resulted in me receiving a rather unexpected invitation to Buckingham Palace. The Queen invited representatives from the 20 teams competing in the Rugby World Cup and it was an evening that I shall remember for a long time. As I write this newsletter on Sunday afternoon, the hopes of the northern hemisphere teams rest with Scotland; there may be none by the time you read this. Let’s hope that our involvement with the RFU can lead to some future stars. We already have a number of top performers in a range of sports that we’ve highlighted in this newsletter. I would like to remind all parents that, if you are picking up your child in a car, it is essential that you drive slowly on the school site. This term we’ve had a number of incidents of parents driving far too quickly on the school site. We’ve noticed that some students are not making healthy choices when buying food from the Bistro. A number are buying too many cakes and not choosing a more balanced meal. We are challenging students when we see this happening but I would remind you that you can check what your child is eating in the Bistro through the Parent Pay facility. Can you please support us in helping students make healthy choices. After half term we have our year 11 mock exams, so half term is a good opportunity for year 11 to begin revising for these. Best wishes Chris Lee Headteacher

Spanish Immersion Programme at Broadwater School

For the second year, the MFL department and all the teachers of Broadwater were

delighted to welcome 14 Spanish students for the past three weeks. They were paired

with our Spanish GCSE Students who did an outstanding job of welcoming them and

making them feel at home. The girls really enjoyed the lessons and the school! Did

you know that they do not wear a uniform in Spanish schools? And you know what?

They loved the uniform and said our students look very smart!

I witnessed outstanding collaborative work particularly during our Spanish lessons

where our students worked very hard and made an impressive effort to speak Spanish

with the Spanish students. I hope they are now aware of the purpose of learning a


But beyond the academic aspect of this fantastic programme run by Suzie and Alex

Mackie, our students shared much more than Spanish words: friendship, trust,

laughter, curiosity for another culture, fun… and the memories of this great

experience will probably have more than an impact on the way they see the world


Thank you very much to William Banks, Isabel Davis, Kieran Hill, Ben Bayer, Molly

Stewart, Callum Foley, Ellen Jennings, Adam Ellis, Paul Ellis, Emily Bacon, Lizzie

Rhodes, Gemma Betteridge, Elliot Westen, Lewis Marguillan, Abbie Bickmore, Amelia

Barker, Charlotte Marshall and Elena Fletcher who were fantastic buddies!

Thank you very much to all the teachers and the staff who supported and contributed

to the organisation of this programme.

Ms Stephanie Gibert

MFL Subject Leader

Report from Sandra, the Spanish Immersion programme group leader

(See the Report in Spanish on our Facebook page!)

Once upon a time… a group of 14 brave girls and myself, their group leader, one day

took a plane from Vigo to London to have an adventure of a lifetime!

In this city, we met Suzie and Alex, who showed us where we would be studying and

told us lots of stories about the programme and above all, told us they would help us

with everything we need. The trip started in Broadwater School, the place where we

would study for three weeks and our host families came to collect us and took us back

to their house, the place where we would live for 3 weeks.

Over the three weeks, we got to know new cities, went on lots of adventures, enjoyed

making new friends and eating lots of different foods and a lot of English chocolate!

We visited London twice and also went to Portsmouth, Brighton, Guildford and

Godalming. In Godalming we were very lucky to meet the Mayor who showed us

around the Council Chambers of the Town Hall and answered lots of questions. Our

English buddies joined us on these trips and the weather was very good to us and it

was sunny almost all of the time!

Every day we had lots of plans after studying all day in school, eating good food and

making new friends. Alex and Suzie were waiting for us. Most of the activities were

with Alex, playing sports like football, badminton, volleyball or dodge ball....we were

a good team and we had a good laugh!

It was a fabulous and fun experience, where we shared amazing moments and made

new friends for life. Thanks so much for such wonderful and fun moments in which

we have learnt a lot!

See you in Vigo!!! Why not?

Year 11 History trip to the Houses of Parliament and the Churchill

Cabinet War Rooms

Some of our Year 11 students recently visited the Houses of Parliament and Churchill Cabinet War Rooms as part of their GCSE History studies. The students found it an informative day with a lot of information to take on board. They had an excellent tour around the Palace of Westminster where they could see the Queen’s robing room (used before the State opening of Parliament), as well as the House of Commons and the House of Lords itself. It was amazing to see where MPs vote and where politicians stand at the dispatch box to make their speeches. From the Palace of Westminster we went to the Churchill Cabinet War Rooms to see the rooms that Churchill used during the Second World War and where all the important tactical decisions were made. The museum also gives an excellent insight to how Britain coped during the war. Well done to the Year 11s that went for asking so many questions without being prompted! You were a credit to Broadwater!

Mr Russell Wait, History

Year 11 Road User Awareness Day

On Friday 2nd October, the whole of year 11 gathered with anticipation, having seen the arrival of all 3 emergency service vehicles arrive on the school site first thing that morning. As the day progressed, students learnt more and more about the importance of being safe whilst on the roads. This hard hitting message couldn’t be given to a more appropriate audience, with young people being most likely to be involved in a road traffic accident. The hard hitting message was delivered in a number of engaging ways: from videos, to dramas and high energy presentations. The year 11 Broadwater drama students gave a chilling performance to the rest of the year group, highlighting the effects of drinking and driving. One student said, “It really brought home the implications of drinking and driving and the serious impact it can have on our futures.” The day finished with a re-enactment of a road traffic accident with a comment from Trevor Coldman. You could tell that the year 11s were completely engaged in the spectacle before them, as the thought provoking questions came from a large number of year 11 students. Headteacher Chris Lee commented, “We are so pleased to be able to provide our students with the opportunity to take part in Road User Awareness Day. Certainly the videos provide a clear message of the dangers associated with texting and drinking while driving. I would like to express my thanks to Trevor Coldman who coordinates the event and has done so for many years. Through the commitment of Trevor and his team, I am convinced that lives have been saved.” Nathan Smith-Rogers, Assistant Headteacher

Rockley Watersports Trip 2015

Mrs Hatcher and Mr Cook took 16 students to Le Lac in the south of France at the end of last term on a water sports trip. The ferry and drive down to the resort was smooth on the new Rockley bus and we arrived in time for breakfast before their first activity. The students had coaching in sailing a variety of small dinghies as well as mountain biking, kayaking, swimming and adventure races. They also went to see the largest sand dune in Europe, which towers above the surrounding forest and is very impressive. The trip to the beach and shops allowed the students to practice their French language and most seemed to know how to ask for ice cream. Overall the trip was excellent and the students had a great time.

More photos from this trip are on the school website:

Mr Stuart Cook, Trip Leader

Piers Torday: Author Visit on 12th October

In conjunction with the Guildford Book Festival, Broadwater School Year 7 & 8 students, together with guests from Godalming Junior and Tillingbourne Schools, were fortunate to have award winning author Piers Torday visit our school to give an informative talk. Piers Torday comes from a writing family, his father being the author of ‘Salmon Fishing in the Yemen’. His books, which include the ‘Wild’ trilogy, tell the story of a young boy living in a futuristic dystopia, who can talk to animals. The second book in the series, ‘The Dark Wild’, won The 2014 Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize. Piers Torday gave us an interesting insight into the world of writing and being an author. Students were intrigued to learn that he was inspired to write by fellow author Roald Dahl. His love of animals was clearly evident, as he told of the plot of his trilogy, getting the students to imagine a future where animals no longer existed. Students were also fascinated to learn what to do should they ecounter a wolf!

The enthusiastic audience was engrossed when he read an excerpt from his book and were left wanting to read on to learn the conclusion. Piers Morgan was indeed a lively and engaging speaker. At the end of the session he signed copies of his books for eager students.

The event hopefully inspired both the readers and aspiring writers amongst the students of all the schools and it also promoted the sheer enjoyment of reading for pleasure. Mrs L Goldsmith – Learning Resource Centre Manager

PE and Sports News This year’s Inter House Sports Competition has already started and it looks as though it’s going to be a close competition. Inter House football for girls and boys took place 2 weeks ago. This week saw Inter House basketball for the girls and Rugby for the boys. The scores so far are:- Pegasus = 190 Aquila = 210 Phoenix = 195 Next we have Inter House basketball for boys and netball for girls. All students are invited to take part in Inter House sport. They just need to turn up to the P.E department at lunchtime. Students will be informed which weeks and days during registration the week before it takes place and it will be posted on the P.E notice boards. This information can also be found on the school website and calendar. Our two Young Ambassadors for Sport this year are Laura Hirons and Liam Gadd. They have helped update the PE notice boards several times already and will be attending a leadership conference after half term. They have also helped run Inter House sport. Last week we held the annual Year 2 Multi Skills Festival. The schools who attended were Loseley Fields, Moss Lane, Chilworth Infants and Farncombe Infants schools. Approximately 160 Year 2 pupils took part in the festival. Pupils participated in multi skills based activities which ran on a circuit basis, ensuring all pupils had a go at lots of different sports stations. Thirty four Year 7, 8 and 9 students from Broadwater were leaders on each of the stations. They showed the younger students what to do and helped to coach them. The Young Leaders did an amazing job and had an excellent rapport with the younger students. They were excellent ambassadors for the school. The Year 2 students thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and we hope to run the event again next year.

Last Wednesday Broadwater’s Young Sports Leaders helped to run the Annual Primary Rugby Festival in conjunction with Guildford Rugby Club. Seventeen of Broadwater’s sports leaders went along to the rugby club from 3.30 – 6.00pm. They helped to manage the

primary school teams, support coaching from Guildford Rugby Club’s coaches and deliver some warm up drills. Well done to all that took part and gave up their own time to support this event. Well done to the Year 7 and 8 Young Sports Leaders who are helping with the netball club at Loseley Fields after school on Wednesdays. Also, the Sports Leaders who are helping run the football club at Loseley Fields on Mondays after school. It’s great that they are willing to give up their own time to help develop younger pupils. All students are invited to become Young Leaders from all year groups. Any students interested in being involved in leadership work need to see Mrs. Fowler for details and attend the leadership meetings at break times. These are advertised in registers and on the PE notice boards.

Well done to the Year 9 netball team who recently beat Glebelands and Woolmer Hill in friendly matches. Also, congratulations to the Year 10 netball team who beat Rodborough and Woolmer Hill in friendly matches. Well done to the Year 9 girls’ basketball team who beat Glebelands last week in a friendly match.

The Cricket Committee held a Year 7 assembly at the start of term to promote the Broadwater Cricket Academy. They used the assembly to explain what they did in school and showed great confidence delivering the assembly using a power point presentation. If you would like to get involved with this committee

please see Mrs Fowler or Adam Lee (Chairperson) for more details. We have lots of activities planned for after half term and Christmas.

We have recently signed up to take part in the Sky Living Project, which will see a sports athlete mentor the Cricket Academy committee whilst they deliver the Inter Form cricket competition. We are waiting to see which famous athlete we get assigned. If you would like to be involved, please see Mrs Fowler. We have two girls’ cricket tournaments next half term. See Mrs Fowler if you’d like to play! Years 7, 8 and 9 are very lucky at the minute to be receiving Rugby coaching from Titans Rugby club in lessons. The coaches are really good and pupils are enjoying it. They are also running some sessions at lunch and after school, which all students are invited to. Finally, can I please ask that all students keep their eyes on the PE notice boards which have all details of when clubs are running and when fixtures are taking place. All of this information is also on the school website. Students just need to come to the PE department to take part. At the minute we have netball, football and basketball for girls. Just come along and join in! Mrs Fowler, PE Department Boys’ PE News This has been a busy half term with the majority of football fixtures being played over the past six weeks. The Year 7 boys have been training each week and improving with each game. They had a tough first game but under the coaching of Mr Whitman had a much better second game beating their opponents 5-1. Liam Hudson, Ben Carpenter and Jake Gadd all playing well in midfield to support the forwards. Aiden Palmer has been very strong in defence protecting Oliver Ballam’s goal from most strikers’ attempts to score. They play Kings College in the last week of half term and we all wish them well. The Year 8s have only played one game, but they started strong and beat Glebelands after some good competition across the pitch; Charlie Le Masurier scoring two goals to secure the win. Captain Tye Hackman has now recovered from his knee injury and the team should be in fully fit for next term.

The Year 9 team have played 2 games and have been getting better each week at practice. Captain Alfie Sellick has been really pushing his team to improve in training and his performances on the pitch have been excellent. He led them to their first win over Woolmer Hill that ended in goals from Reece Duncan, a team goal finished well by

Luca Punter Cannon and a strong strike from Tommy Stephens. The Year 10s have had their best start to the season for some time with two wins out of three. Another win should see them through to the next round of the competition. Jo Jo Fyffe has been excellent in a new position as striker along with Jason Cotton; they are combining well to create lots of chances. Tom Lawson, Kieran Hill and Josh Burt are playing well and improving on last season’s performances. Keep up the good work Year 10.

Year 11 have had an unusually slow start to the year with one game being lost to Glebelands and the other in the last week of term. They have a strong team and should do well and everyone is wishing them luck in their final year. Good luck Year 11. All Schools Rugby Over the past half term the students have been taking part in weekly rugby sessions, both in lessons and at lunchtime with Rugby coaches from Titans Sports Academy and have all made great progress in their knowledge and performance of rugby. After half term the matches will start against other local schools and the students will put all their hard work into practice. Mr Stuart Cook, PE Subject Leader

French Lessons

French native speaker offering French lessons in

Godalming. I have some teaching experience in Broadwater

School and in other schools abroad. I would be happy to help

students of every level, focusing on understanding, speaking

and writing depending on his or her needs. The price is

£20.00 per hour.

Feel free to contact me:

Miss Marion Tarsiguel, MFL Assistant, Broadwater School

Lost Property

Please collect any lost property from Student Services by Friday 13th November; after

this time all items will be recycled. Please remember to label all school items. Thank


Emotional Literacy Drop-in Sessions

ELSA is running on Tuesdays and Wednesday lunchtimes

from 12:50-1:25 in Room 108. The sessions are run by Miss

Walters for any students who wish to chat through any


Lunchtime Supervisor Required

50 minutes/day/5 days/week/38 weeks a year Salary: SN6 Pt. 4 £23435 pro rata £2,255 per annum

Required from 16th November or as soon as possible thereafter. To supervise students during lunchtime break. Fifty minutes daily (12.20-1.10pm). Monday to Friday, term time only. This post could be shared between two people and we would be pleased to receive applications from anyone interested in working 3 days per week. Further details on Vacancies area of school website. Please complete the Support Staff Application form on our website and return to the school at the above address or by email to:

Closing Date: Monday 2nd November

The School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its students and expects all staff to share this commitment. An enhanced DBS check will be required for the successful candidate.

Extra-Curricular Student Success Jordan Green – Y10 SGI Aquila

On Sunday 4th October, Jordan, along with some other team members of Spirit Tkd, competed in the WUMA British Samurai open tournament in Worcester, in which Jordan won SILVER for his patterns and GOLD for point score sparring and also Gold for continuous sparring. These were awarded with 3 different trophies. He was also awarded 2 gold medals. Jordan has now won the right to enter the six foot Lightning Trophy competition at the beginning of December. Well done Jordan!

Caitlin Fahy Y10 SOE Aquila

Congratulations to Caitlin Fahy who came 10th at the British Riding Club National Championships up in Lincolnshire recently. This was an important event with the top riders from each area qualifying. Riders came from as far as Devon, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Well done!

Imogen (Y11) & Olivia (Y8) Braiden PBA Phoenix Congratulations to Imogen and Olivia Braiden who both won GOLD medals at a recent G.K.R Karate Regional Championships. Well done!

Phoenix House News: A big congratulations to all our new Year 7s who have settled so well into Phoenix House. Change is never easy and they have all coped with it extremely well. I would also like to congratulate the rest of the House who have made an excellent start to the new academic year. The merits are mounting up very rapidly as are points for Accelerated Reader—so well done! Well done to those students who have already won a student of the week Phoenix pen for their contribution to the House. I’m looking forward to an exciting year ahead!

Attendance this half term = 93.7 % Student recognition I would like to congratulate Megan Davey for her excellent ongoing Ambassador work outside of school.

Aquila House News: This half term we have seen our new Year 7s in the House settle in to their tutor groups well. This is thanks to the great job the prefects and tutors have done in welcoming the new additions to their tutor groups. This year Aquila tutor groups have taken on more responsibility and have been taking it in turns to deliver our House assemblies. We have had two fantastic assemblies so far; AFE delivered an excellent assembly on the importance of looking after our school and not dropping litter and AHE presented an equally amazing assembly on the importance of people viewing our school positively.

Attendance this half term = 94.0% Student recognition I would like to say a special well done to Jordan Green SGI who competed in the WUMA British Samurai open tournament and gained 1 silver and 2 gold medals! Well done Jordan and good luck for the Lightning Trophy competition in December.

Pegasus House News: I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the students in Pegasus House on such a positive

start to the new academic year. Our Year 7 students have quickly got used to the new systems and bigger school and this is largely due to the caring attitude from our older students and my team of tutors and support tutors. I would also like to thank all of the tutor groups who entered the House logo competition. The entries are of a very high standard and will be judged shortly with winners being announced before the end of this half term.

Attendance this half term = 95.1% Student recognition I would like to thank my House Captain, Elaoise Benson for her outstanding efforts during our recent Open Evening after receiving wonderful compliments about the parental tour that she conducted. I would also like to congratulate Tyler Radlett who has recently participated in national competitions for Darts, I wish him every success in future competitions.

Art and Design

Technology News The autumn term has been a busy start to the school year for us in the Art and DT

faculty with new students, new staff and new classrooms.

We would like to welcome Mr Bartlett to the faculty as the new Art teacher.

The quality of the art and DT final GCSE pieces were of a very high standard this year.

We are very proud of our students and their results in Food, Resistant Materials,

Graphics, Art and Electronics. All results were above the national averages, and

special mention should be given to students in Art who achieved 86% A*-C and

Electronics that received 83%. We look forward to seeing what the new Year 11s will


The Photography Club have already been busy with preparing images for the new

displays in the prefect corridor. The work has created quite an impact already with

students receiving many compliments on their work. Look out for it on your next

visit to the school. Last weekend the Photography Club students gave up their

Saturday to go to London to capture more images to extend the gallery of work..

We have also set up a school Instagram account where you can follow photos from

the everyday school life and photos of our students’ work.

Mrs Pearson-Jury

Head of Art and DT Faculty

Art and Design Technology News

The Eikon Charity The Eikon Charity, a Surrey based charity committed to supporting the needs of local young people, are excited to announce that Maximo (the big blue bus) will be steering its way to Ockford Ridge and Aaron’s Hill during October and November. Every Monday evening, between 4:30pm and 6pm, Maximo will be hosting various activities run by experienced Youth Workers to engage with young people in their communities, to discuss important issues affecting them, but also to have a lot of fun too! Have a look at what we have to offer, and come and stop by and say hello! Mr Michael Johnson, Eikon Youth Specialist

P4C Training Course for Students – October 2015 In October, a group of students were invited to attend the P4C level 1 training course run by Will Ord at the school. Please see the report written by Elaoise Benson, Y11, who took part in this. Her excellent article is available on the school website on the ‘P4C Approach’ page:

Penalty Notices to Address Poor Attendance at School A Penalty Notice may be issued as an alternative to the prosecution of a parent/carer for their child’s unauthorised absence from school and will be used by Surrey County Council in the following circumstances:- 1. Pupils identified by police and education welfare officers engaged on Truancy Patrols and who have incurred unauthorised absences. 2. Leave of absence in term time (5 days or 10 sessions or more). Please be aware that The Education (Pupil Registration)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2013, which becomes law on 1st September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The Headteacher is also required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted. In such cases the Headteacher/Governing Body have to judge whether there are exceptional circumstances and may request that the Local Authority issue Penalty Notices when the absence is not authorised. Warnings will not be given where it can be shown that parents have been notified that such absences will not be authorised.

3. The issue of a Penalty Notice will also be considered where it is judged that a parent is failing to ensure their child's regular school attendance. This will be considered if the attendance is below 85% and there are 10 or more unauthorised sessions in the previous 6 school weeks, which may include a pupil arriving late after close of registration. If you believe at any stage that your child’s absence from school may leave you liable to receive a Penalty Notice, it is extremely important that you take action without delay to secure their regular attendance. If you have any questions or require further support to achieve an improvement, please contact the school or the Education Welfare Officer. Penalty Notice relating to Exclusions If a child is excluded from school, Section 103 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 places a duty on parents/carers to ensure that their child is not in a public place without justifiable cause during school hours. This duty applies to the first five days of each exclusion. Failure to do so will render the parent/carer liable to a Penalty Notice. (Alternative education provision will be made available from the sixth day of any exclusion.) Amount Payable for a Penalty Notice The amount payable for a Penalty Notice issued in any of the above circumstances is £60 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the Notice, rising to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days. If the Penalty Notice is not paid, the recipient will be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court for the offence for which the Notice was originally issued. Please be aware that each parent is liable to receive a Penalty Notice for each child who incurs unauthorised absences; for example, if there are two parents and one child, each parent will receive one Penalty Notice. If there are two parents and two children incur unauthorised absences, each parent will receive two Penalty Notices, which in this case would amount to £120 each if paid within 28 days. Advice and support is available from an Education Welfare Officer by contacting your local Education Office as follows:- South East - Tel: 01737 737600

Friends of Broadwater School Registered charity number 1162453

Friends AGM Update

Thanks to all who attended the AGM in September where a new committee was elected: Chair: Moira West-Brown, Treasurer: Estelle Spencer, Secretary: Vacant.

Next Friends Meeting: Tuesday 10th November 7pm-8pm Room 15/Learn Centre. All welcome. We’ll review the School’s Wish list, vote on any nominations for

Secretary and plan upcoming events. Please RSVP to or contact reception if you plan to come along so we know to expect you. Hope you’ll join us!

Fun & Games Night - Friday 27th November (7pm for 7:15pm start

The perfect opportunity to de-stress before Christmas and help raise money for our school! The tournament consists of a variety of games (traditional, retro, unusual, luck & skill) but no physical stamina nor special knowledge is required. Please pull a team (4-6 people) together and enjoy a fun night to support our school.

Tickets: £10 per person. Price includes tournament entry, supper, dessert & tea/coffee. Entry forms available from school Reception and via the school website.

If the company you work for offers ‘matched funding’ and you can help at this event, your company may match the funds we raise on the night! Please contact us if the company you work for offers a matched funding/giving scheme.

Textile Donations: Mon 2nd – Fri 13th November Clear out your cupboards during half term and bring bags of unwanted clothing and textiles (clothes, shoes, hats, bags, belts, bedding, towels, curtains, ex-uniform) to school Mon 2nd– Fri 13th November. See flyer on school website for a more detailed list of items to donate. Bags can also be dropped off at Y11 Parents/Evening on Weds 4th Nov or Ex Y11 Awards Ceremony on Thurs 12th Nov.

Save the Date: Christmas Carol Concert Thurs 17th Dec

The School Christmas Concert takes place on Thursday 17th December at St. John’s Parish Church, Farncombe. It’s a wonderful evening that's not to be missed! The Friends will sell refreshments and run a raffle for a festive Christmas Hamper. If you can donate an item for the Christmas Hamper Raffle (non-

perishable seasonal food items, wine, or crackers & decorations) please leave it in a bag marked 'Friends Raffle' at school reception. Thank you!

Do you Shop Online?(Ebay, Amazon, Sainsburys, etc) Whether you're ordering from ebay, Amazon, or one of 2700 other online retailers, the retailer will make a donation to our school, at no additional cost to you, if you make your purchase via Easyfundraising. It doesn't cost you a penny extra! Our supporters raise between £50-£150 per quarter for Broadwater via Easyfundraising . Please join us before you make your next online purchase (via mobile or computer) or start your online Christmas shopping! All you need to do is register...

Use the invitation link below & choose Broadwater School, Godalming as your 'good cause'.

When you register, don’t forget to sign up for Gift Aid (if eligible) so that your

support raises even more money for our school.

Please ask your friends and family to register to support us too!

Fundraising and Event Updates

Social Gathering

Thanks to all who attended the September social. It was great to have so many new people in us for a lovely evening. Dates of future socials will be sent out via parentmail.

Open Evening Advertising

Many thanks to the 22 families who agreed to have a Belvoir Estate Agent sign placed on their property to help advertise Open Evening. Not only did the boards help boost attendance at the event, they also demonstrated pride in and support for our school.

Thanks to Belvoir’s sponsorship, this also raised £220 for our school!


The school is finalising its Wish List for this year and we'll be discussing it at our November meeting.

Thanks to your support, our fundraising efforts are already off to a good start:

Open Evening Estate Agent Boards: £220

EasyFundraising: on target to raise £70 this quarter

Sale of Donated Items: £20

Current total: £290

Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable half-term.

The Friends of Broadwater School



Please check the school website for updated events and further information:


Wednesday 21st Sayers Croft residential visit ( 2 nights)

Thursday 22nd Meet the Tutor Evening 4-6pm

Friday 23rd Y10 & 11 Reports home

School closes at 3.20pm for half-term

HALF TERM: Monday 26th – Friday 30th October


Monday 2nd Return to school - week A

Start of Friends Textile Fundraising Collection (2 weeks)

Wednesday 4th Y11 Parent Evening (1) from 4-7pm

Warner Bros Trip – selected students

Tuesday 10th Friends PTA Committee Meeting 7-8pm

Wednesday 11th Y10 & 11 Parents’ Exam/ Revision Information Evening 7.30pm

Thursday 12th Awards Ceremony for ex Year 11 at 7.30pm

Friday 13th Baroness Parminter visit to Broadwater School

Last day for Friends Textile Fundraising Collection

Monday 16th Y11 Pre Public Exams Week

Tuesday 24th Y7 and Y10 Catch-up Photo Session

Friday 27th Y7-9 Reports Home

Friends Fun and Games Night 7pm for 7.15pm start


Thursday 3rd Year 9 Surrey Skills Fair

Friday 4th INSET DAY

Thursday 17th Christmas Concert 7pm

Friday 18th Y11 full report home. Y10 report home

School closes for Christmas holidays at 1.00pm

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS: Monday 21st December – Monday 4th January


Tuesday 5th Start of Spring Term, week B

Thursday 14th Y11 Parent Evening (2)