


Bach sonata Flute bwv 1032

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Flute Sonata BWV 1032by J. S. BachIn A majorFor Flute and Obligato KeyboardCompleted and typeset by Peter Billam Peter J Billam, 2000This score may be freely photocopied, and redistributedin paper form. It may be freely performed to live audiences;performing rights are waived.It may not be redistributed inelectronic form, and all other rights, such as those of recordingand broadcast, remain reserved by the arranger, Peter Billam,GPO Box 669, Hobart TAS 7001, Australia.This printing 13 December 2009. hav e downloaded a PDF ledirectly from les in this directory are out-of-date.They were superseded about two years ago.They are no longer maintained.You hav e been given an out-of-date URL :-(Please up-to-date versions, available in achoice of A4 and US-Letter page sizes.Flute Sonata BWV 1032Johann Sebastian Bach has left us three ute sonatas with obligato keyboard parts.Therearealsotwo or threeutesonataswithcontinuoaccompaniments;theauthenticity of one of these is contested.ThemanuscriptoftheSonatainAistitled Sonataa1TraversaCembaloobligato di J. S. Bach in Bachs handwriting.It was discovered by von Winterfeldin an antique shop in Breslau and presented to the Preu. Staatsbibliotek in Berlin;during the second world war it was moved to the monastery of Grssau in centralSilesia.At theendofthewar, it wasremoved by thePolishgovernmenttotheJagiellonUniversityinCracow,andin1977waspresentedtothe DeutscheStaatsbibliotek in Berlin. The manuscript is written on nineteen staves, and apartfrom this sonata it also contains a concerto for two keyboards and string orchestra.Theconcertooccupiesthetopsixteenstaves on eachpage,and,withtypicaleconomy, the Sonata lls up the lowest three staves.Eight of the manuscript pagesare intact, but unfortunately, on six of the pages the lowest part has been cut away,so that we lack some forty-ve bars at the end of the rst movement.CompletionsoftherstmovementhavebeenpublishedbyGustav Schreck(Peters),GeorgesBarrre(Boston),AlfredDrr(Brenreiter),WilliamBennett(Chester),andBartKuijken(Breitkopfu.Hrtel). Thecopyrightstatusofthesecompletions being unclear, this edition provides a new completion, bars 63 to 87,by Peter Billam. Also, since the manuscript leaves the right hand of the keyboardpart blank in bars 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 25, 26, 27, and in the last beat of bar 37, thesebars have also been completed by Peter recorder, and into G major for Descant recorder.Peter J J. S. BachFlute Sonata, BWV 1032Completion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billam Vivace44444444tr 5tr10trtr15Free from !4 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032Completion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billamtrtr 20trtrtr 25tr 30Free from !5 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032Completion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billamtrtrtr 35 4045Free from !6 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032Completion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billam 50 55Free from !7 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032Completion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billam 60PJB . . . 65Free from !8 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032Completion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billam70trtr tr 75Free from !9 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032Completion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billam 80trtrtr85trtrtrJSB . . .trFree from !10 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billam Largo e dolce68tr68tr68trtr 5 10trtr trtr15Free from !11 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billamtr20tr 25 30trtr35Free from !12 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billam Allegro383838tr5tr10tr 15 20trtr 25 30tr 35Free from !13 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billamtrtr 40trtr 45 50trtrtr55tr 60trtr65trtrtr 70trFree from !14 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billam 75trtr80trtr 85tr 90 95 100Free from !15 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billamtr 105tr 110 115120trtr 125tr trtr 130tr 135Free from !16 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billamtr tr 140tr trtrtr 145tr 150 155tr160tr 165Free from !17 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billam 170 175 180trtrtr tr 185 190trtrFree from !18 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billam 195200 205trtr tr 210tr 215tr 220Free from !19 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billam 225230trtr 235 240 245250Free from !20 J. S. BachFlute Sonata, BWV 1032, Solo PartCompletion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billam Vivace44444444tr 5tr10 tr 15tr20trFree from !21 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032Completion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billam 25tr 30tr 35tr 4045 50 55Free from !22 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032Completion (bars 6387) (c) 1999 Peter J Billam 60 PJB . . .6570trtr75 80trtr85tr tr JSB . . .trFree from !23 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J BillamLargo e dolce68trtr 5 10tr tr 15tr20 25 30tr35Free from !24 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billam Allegro3838tr5tr10 15tr 20tr 25 3035tr 40 tr 45 50tr55 60 65tr70 75 8085Free from !25 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billam 90 95 100tr 105tr 110 115120 125tr tr130tr 135tr tr 140tr145tr 150155 160tr 165 170Free from !26 J. S. Bach, Flute Sonata BWV 1032(c) 1999 Peter J Billam 175 180tr 185tr 190trtr195200 205trtr 210215tr220 225230tr 235240 245 250Free from !Peter Billamwas born in London in 1948, studied piano, and lived in Switzerland from 1973 to1983, where he studied composition, classical guitar, ute and voice, worked as Musical Directorofthe Thtre Populaire Romand, andasrecordingengineer, recordproducerandcomputerprogrammer. He moved to Tasmaniain1983,lecturedincompositionattheConservatorium,conductedrecorderensemblesandchoirs,studiedrecorder, voiceandharpsichord., becomingtherstcomposertosellscoreson-line,withon-linedelivery,taking scores from Composer to Performer in one immediate step. offers a newapproach to music publishing. These pieces are written to be read, made to be played !Compositions at include: Five Short Pieces, guitar, 1979; Divisions on an ItalianGround, ute and guitar, 1980; Five Rounds, choir, 1986; Go Forth and Multiply, choir, 1986; Three ViolinDuets, 1987; Fable, forpiano,1987; ToErich Jantsch, SAATTB recorders,1988; A SuiteofCurves,trombone(orhorn)andpiano,1990; Two RecorderDuets, altorecorders,orothermelodyinstruments,1991; Tr omboneQuintet, trombone,ute,piano,bass,andpercussion,1994; ThreeSongs, on poemsbyJack Kerouac, Vikram Seth and Dylan Thomas, voice and piano (only the rst and third of these are available),1994; Piano Study, piano, 1994; Four Dances, various ensembles including recorder quartet, string quartet,1995; The Poet in the Clouds, on a poem by S. T. Coleridge, SATB choir, 1995; Tr es Casidas del Divn delTamarit, on poems by Federico Garca Lorca, voice and piano, 1997; Three Suites, for the solo line, piano,andpianoandasololine,2000; DieZeiten, on poemsbyKstner, BachmanandJnger, choir(onlythesecondandthirdoftheseareavailable),2000; ThreeDuets forutes,2001; For FourHands forpianofourhands,2002; ThreePreludes forpiano,2003; SecondSoloSuite forute,violin,violaorcello,2003;GuitarDuet fortwo guitars,2006; WeWhoMourn forchoir, 2007; TrioWithGuitar forguitarandtwoclarinets or two recorders or two violas, 2008.Arrangements include: By J. S. Bach: Trio BWV 655, piano and ute; Vor deinen Thron BWV 668,piano; Fugue in F minor BWV 689, SATB recorders; Flute Sonata BWV 1031 transposed into G major foralto recorder and keyboard; Flute Sonata BWV 1032 completed by Peter Billam for ute and keyboard, alsoin C major for alto recorder, and in G major for descant; Ricercare a 3, from the Musikalisches Opfer forkeyboard; Ricercare a 6, forsSATBGrecorders,orstrings,ortwo keyboards; FugaCanonicainEpidiapente forkeyboardandmelodyinstrument;fromthe ArtofFugue: Contrapuncti1, 4 and 9 forkeyboard, and Contrapunctus 14 as completed by D. F. Tovey, for keyboard, or for SATB recorders, or forstrings; PassacagliaandFugueinc forpianofourhands; ChoraleswithDescant formelodyinstrumentand piano; Cello Suites I, II and III for ute or alto recorder, Forty Chorales for piano, Der Geist hilft forSATB-SATBrecorders. ByJohannesBrahms: FugueinAbminorfororgan, forSATBrecordersandgamba, in A minor; Choralvorspiele for organ with previous settings by Isaac, Bach, Praetorius, recorders.By Franz Schubert: Four Songs, voice and guitar; Schubert Dances, recorders and guitar, Schubert Dances,piano4hands. ByG.F. Hndel: ConcertoGrossoinAminor op6no4,harpsichordandrecorders;RecorderSonatainBb no5,inGfortenorrecorderandkeyboard.By othercomposers: ClaudioMonteverdi,EccoMormorarlOnde, SSATBrecorders; TwelveItalianSongs, voiceandguitar; JohnWilbye, Draw on sweetNight, SSATTBrecorders,andforutechoir; Telemann,TwelveFluteFantasias,recorder; JohnCarr, DivisionsonanItalianGround, uteorrecorderandguitar; FourteenFolkDanceTunes, recorder and guitar; Easy Classical Pieces, Bb trumpet and offers innovative and unusually generous and useful licensing conditions: You may not redistribute the piece in electronic form You may print out or photocopy as many copies as you wish You may give these copies to whoever you want You may freely perform the piece to live audiences; performing rights are waivedThese are extremely practical and generous copyright conditions, and have been devised so as tobe as useful to you as possible. Feel free to visit . .