Campaigns finished lucas powell




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CAMPAIGNLucas Powell

What techniques of promotion is there?

Shock Humour Persuasive techniques-slogan, jingle. Celebrities

Types of Campaigns

Billboards Bus stop adverts Television and radio adverts Posters

What is meant by community?A bond or relationship between a

group of people, normally in a town or village.

What areas are there in the local area that are ‘community’ spaces?

One of the biggest community spaces in Baldock is Avenue Park which is used everyday whether it’s children using the park, people using the tennis courts and football pitches or the cricket matches that go on every weekend on a Sunday.

Why is it important to have space for the

members of the community? It is important because community

spaces such as Avenue park brings the community together if there having a game of cricket or just enjoying a day of the British summer with a picnic.

What type of community campaigns have there

been? In avenue park the children's swimming pool was dirty, had broken glass in it and was full of sand. Until the community saved enough money to have it re-done and transformed into a splash park and more and more children and parents have been using it ever since it’s transformation. Projects such as this bring more people together to make a stronger community.
