Ch. 1.1 Government


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8/4/2019 Ch. 1.1 Government 1/20

GovernmentGovernmentDo we need it?Do we need it?

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1. What is Government?1. What is Government?

2. Why do we need Government?2. Why do we need Government?

3. Do I really need to know about3. Do I really need to know about


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Does Government affect you?Does Government affect you?

�  Yes!!

 ± ± What are 3 ways that government affectedWhat are 3 ways that government affected

your life today?your life today?

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�� Definition:Definition: the institution through which athe institution through which a

society makes and enforces its publicsociety makes and enforces its public


What does this mean?What does this mean?

 ± ±a group of people who meet to make anda group of people who meet to make andenforce rules and laws for the people of aenforce rules and laws for the people of a


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Government and PoliticsGovernment and Politics

�� GovernmentGovernment

 ± ± Society that makes and enforces publicSociety that makes and enforces public


 ± ± People have the power to enforcePeople have the power to enforce

�� PoliticsPolitics

 ± ± Process of GovernmentProcess of Government

 ± ± Who and what is involvedWho and what is involved

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Public PolicyPublic Policy

�� Public PolicyPublic Policy

 ± ± ALL things Government decides to do ALL things Government decides to do

�� EX. Taxation, defense, education, foreign policyEX. Taxation, defense, education, foreign policy

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Why do we need Government?Why do we need Government?

�� Settle disagreementsSettle disagreements

between individuals,between individuals,

groups, and nationsgroups, and nations

�� Laws/RulesLaws/Rules�� Protection/SecurityProtection/Security

�� Money (taxes, spending,Money (taxes, spending,


�� Foreign relations (trade,Foreign relations (trade,war, peace)war, peace)

�� Public services (roads,Public services (roads,

schools, fire/policeschools, fire/police

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Government and Power Government and Power 

�� Power Power is usually given to a group (small or is usually given to a group (small or 

large) or one personlarge) or one person

�� Three basic kinds in the USAThree basic kinds in the USA

1. Legislative = make laws1. Legislative = make laws

2. E

xecutive = enforce and administer laws2. E

xecutive = enforce and administer laws3. Judicial = interpret laws and their meaning3. Judicial = interpret laws and their meaning

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Why is Government necessary?Why is Government necessary?

�� No anarchyNo anarchy

�� Protect lifeProtect life

�� Negotiate with other countriesNegotiate with other countries�� TaxesTaxes

�� Maintain order and justiceMaintain order and justice

�� Make lawsMake laws�� Military and defenseMilitary and defense

�� Make tough decisionsMake tough decisions

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Four CharacteristicsFour Characteristics


 ± ± PeoplePeople

 ± ± Size does not matter 

Size does not matter 

 ± ± Homogenous or HeterogeneousHomogenous or Heterogeneous

TerritoryTerritory ± ± Land with recognized boundariesLand with recognized boundaries

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Four CharacteristicsFour Characteristics


 ± ± Supreme and absolute power in own territorySupreme and absolute power in own territory

 ± ±United



�� Form own GovernmentForm own Government

�� Frame economic policiesFrame economic policies


 ± ± Agency the State uses to accomplish goals Agency the State uses to accomplish goals

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Power vs. AuthorityPower vs. Authority

Power:Power: the ability to control or directthe ability to control or direct

someone or somethingsomeone or something

 Authority: Authority: power combined with the right topower combined with the right to

use that power use that power 

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Power vs. AuthorityPower vs. Authority

1.1. A police officer gives Judy a ticket for speeding. A police officer gives Judy a ticket for speeding.

2.2. John tells Sam to stay away from his girlfriend or he will ³get him´.John tells Sam to stay away from his girlfriend or he will ³get him´.

3.3. Judge Smith places Maria on probation.Judge Smith places Maria on probation.

4.4. Michelle¶s father tells her she is grounded because she was outMichelle¶s father tells her she is grounded because she was out

past her curfew.past her curfew.

5.5. Jeff, who is bigger than the other students, cuts in front of the lineJeff, who is bigger than the other students, cuts in front of the line

in the the cafeteria.

6.6. Jenny is shot by a gang for revenge.Jenny is shot by a gang for revenge.

7.7. June tells two girls sitting next to her at the movies to moveJune tells two girls sitting next to her at the movies to move

because they are making too much noise.because they are making too much noise.

8.8. The manager of a restaurant, tells Izzie she is not allowed toThe manager of a restaurant, tells Izzie she is not allowed to

smoke in the restaurant. smoke in the restaurant. 

9.9. The government imprisons Lisa for not serving in the army duringThe government imprisons Lisa for not serving in the army during

the Vietnam War because she believes it is morally wrong to kill.the Vietnam War because she believes it is morally wrong to kill.

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Where does Authority comeWhere does Authority come

from?from?�� BirthBirth

�� KnowledgeKnowledge

�� Consent of GovernedConsent of Governed�� Supreme BeingSupreme Being

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Origins of the StateOrigins of the State

�� Four theories trying to explain how theFour theories trying to explain how the

state emergedstate emerged

�� No conclusive evidence to support any of No conclusive evidence to support any of 


�� Ideas, thoughts, predictionsIdeas, thoughts, predictions

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Force TheoryForce Theory

�� One person or small group claimed controlOne person or small group claimed control

over area, FORCED all to submitover area, FORCED all to submit

�� ALL elements of State already existed ALL elements of State already existed

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Evolutionary TheoryEvolutionary Theory

�� Originated with theOriginated with the FamilyFamily

�� Families evolved intoFamilies evolved into ClansClans

�� Clans evolved intoClans evolved into TribesTribes

 ± ± Gave up nomadic waysGave up nomadic ways

�� StateState emerged from the Tribesemerged from the Tribes

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Divine Right TheoryDivine Right Theory

�� God created StateGod created State

�� God gave those of Royal birth a ³divineGod gave those of Royal birth a ³divineright´ to ruleright´ to rule

�� People would submit like obeying GodPeople would submit like obeying God

 ± ± Ex. European History,  Ancient HistoryEx. European History,  Ancient History

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Social Contract TheorySocial Contract Theory

�� Hobbes, Harrington, Locke, RousseauHobbes, Harrington, Locke, Rousseau

�� Born into a ³State of Nature´Born into a ³State of Nature´

 ± ± No authorityNo authority

�� Created State = gave up freedoms/power of self Created State = gave up freedoms/power of self in return for safety and wellin return for safety and well--beingbeing

�� Voluntary act by the peopleVoluntary act by the people

�� ³Contract´ = Constitution³Contract´ = Constitution