CH. 16. Sec 1 Beginning of 1900s ◦ Peace and harmony in Europe ◦ Darker side Developments...


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CH. 16

Sec 1

Beginning of 1900s◦Peace and harmony in Europe◦Darker side Developments would propel Europe into War

Unifying forceCause intense competition between nations◦Seek to overpower each other

Rivalries develop◦Great Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, GB, Russia, Italy, France

Causes of rivalries◦Competition for materials and markets

◦Territorial disputes◦Ethnic groups demand independence

Europeans compete over Africa and Asia

Quest for colonies pushed nations to brink of war

Competition leads to sense of rivalry and mistrust

Arms race developed in Europe◦To be great, countries need to have powerful army

◦1914 – all Great Powers, except GB have large standing army

◦Experts stress importance of quick mobilization Ability to get troops ready for war

Militarism◦Policy of glorifying military power◦Keeping army prepared for war◦Large and strong army made citizens feel patriotic Frightens some

Rivalries and mistrust led to creation of alliances◦Great Powers form military alliances

Alliance system designed to keep peace develops◦Helped cause a war

Bismarck Forges Early Pacts◦Saw France as biggest threat Thought they wanted revenge for losing Franco-Prussian War

Goal was to isolate France

1879 – Dual Alliance◦Germany and Austria Hungary

Triple Alliance - 1882◦Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

1881 – treaty w/ Russia

1890 – Kaiser Wilhelm II forces Bismarck to resign◦Didn’t want to share power◦Eager to show power of Germany

Wilhelm does things differently◦Treaty w/Russia ends in 1890 Russia forms alliance w/France – 1892 and 1894

◦War w/France or Russia would make Germany enemy of both Could be forced to fight two-front war

Began massive shipbuilding program◦Make German navy equal to GB

Moves alarm GB◦1904 – forms alliance w/France

Triple Entente◦1907◦Russia, France, GB◦Did not bind GB to fight w/France and Russia

◦Ensured GB would not fight against them

Triple Entente vs. Triple Alliance◦Conflict could draw entire continent into war

“Powder Keg of Europe”◦Mountainous peninsula in southeastern

Europe◦Home to assortment of ethnic groups Long history of nationalist uprisings and

ethnic conflict

Ottoman Empire in rapid decline◦New nations formed Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro,

Romania, Serbia◦Nationalism is powerful force Groups want to grow in size

Serbia◦Large Slavic population Wanted to absorb all Slavs on Balkan

peninsula◦Russia and Austria-Hungary in direct

conflict Russia – supports Slavic nationalism Austria – threatened by growth

1908 – Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina◦Large Slavic populations◦Outraged Serbian leaders Serbs vow to take B&H from A-H A-H vowed to crush Serbian effort

June 28, 1914Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand shot in Sarajevo, Bosnia◦Gavrilo Princip 19 yr old member of the Black Hand

◦Black Hand – secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrians

Austria angered◦Use murders as excuse to punish Serbia

◦July 23 - Presented ultimatum to SerbiaEnd to anti-Austrian activity Investigation of assassinationSerbian leaders agree to most of demands

Offered to have international conference settle others

Austria unwilling to negotiate July 28

◦Austria rejected Serbia’s offer◦Declares war on Serbia◦Russia mobilizes troops toward Austrian border

◦Leaders of Europe alarmed Urge Russia and Austria to negotiate