Chapter 11: Jeffersonian...


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Chapter 11: Jeffersonian Republic

Election of 1800

• Adams v Jefferson •  First election with

clear political parties •  Federalists want

strong central gov’t • Dem-Republicans

(aka Jeffersonians) want states’ rights

Downfall of Federalists

• Alien and Sedition Acts: not a smart move

•  Federalists split between Hamilton and Adams

• Adams didn’t fight France

“Whispering Campaign”

•  Lies and rumors spread about opponent

•  Jefferson the first victim of this campaign tactic ▫  Sally Hemmings ▫ Atheist

Jefferson Wins! How?

• NY flips from Adams to Jefferson

• Gets additional votes from south (3/5 compromise)

•  “Negro President”?

Jefferson’s Revolution?

•  Jefferson campaigned that he was “restoring the republican experiment”

• Going to limit gov’t power

• BUT…actually kept things similar to Adams

Peaceful Transfer of Power

• America is famous for it!

• After elections, the loser happily transfers power to the winner

• No drama EVER!

Jefferson’s Inaugural

•  Says “minority possesses equal rights”

• Basically, calms Federalists down

•  Promises not to overturn everything they did


• Reverses Alien and Sedition Acts (which had already expired)

• Repeals excise tax • BUT… •  Leaves the nat’l bank

alone •  Leaves “funding at

par” program alone

Judiciary Act 1801

•  Federalist create a bunch of new judgeships right before Adams leaves office

•  They want to pack the court with Federalists

•  Judges stay in office til they die

Chief Justice John Marshall

• Adams also appointed Marshall as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

• Brilliant Federalist judge!

• Remained a judge for 34 years!

Marbury v Madison (1803)

•  First major Supreme Court case •  Let’s read the description!

Impact of Marbury v Madison

• Marshall establishes principle of “judicial review”

•  The Supreme Court has the final say on 2 things: ▫  Is a law

constitutional? ▫  Interpretations the

of constitution

Jefferson’s Foreign Policy

• Anti-war • Anti-alliance • North African pirates

were attacking US merchant ships

•  Sent the navy, fought for 4 years at “shores of Tripoli”

•  Success!
