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This chapter focuses on the impact of HRD Systems and processes on

organizational effectiveness. Since both the concepts organizational effectiveness and

organizational development have been used synonymously by many people in this field

the researcher also had used these two terms also interchangeably for the purpose of this

study. Hence, for capturing the same, some of the elements such as teamwork, superior-

subordinate relationship, preparedness of organization for change, problem solving

approach have been taken into consideration.

Hence the following sub elements had been used for the study purpose. These are

‘whether the organization gives importance to teamwork or not’, ‘teamwork is effective

and contributes to organizational development’, ‘the relationship between superior and

sub-ordinate is a harmonious one’, ‘my immediate supervisor is encouraging me in my

efforts’, ‘organizational members are disposed to accept the desirable changes, when they

are proposed by the organization’, organization encourages creative thinking and ideas of

the employees’, the members of the organization believes that, when job related problems

arise, the solutions are found by their involvement’.

Organizational Development (OD)

OD is a process for planned change. It aims at building internal competencies in

individuals and teams in the organizational context, and at taking organizations to higher

levels of performance by building individual, group, system and process-related compe-

tencies. It focuses on behavior and uses various behavioral tools. It has a specialized

body of knowledge and therefore needs specialists to handle it. Its focus on people,

processes, systems, structure, etc., can extend from individual-based interventions to

structural changes and system revamps.


The Process of Organizational Change

Lewin (1947) conceptualized social change as occurring in three phases:

unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. Typical OD processes parallel these phases by the

broad, partially overlapping stages of diagnosis, intervention and process maintenance

(French and Bell 1991).

The Diagnostic Phase

Organizational diagnosis attempts to analyze the current state of the organization

in terms of its various structures, systems and processes in order to identify actual or

potential strengths and weaknesses. Diagnosis in OD is a collaborative process which in-

volves the client system in the collection and analysis of data. The purpose of the

diagnosis is joint understanding on the part of the consultant and the client of the state of

the organization. The emphasis is on generation of data valid to those involved in OD

and not necessarily to persons outside the client system. Therefore, OD diagnostic

methods may lack the methodological rigour of conventional research, although the OD

consultant may make use of conventional tools such as questionnaires and interview

schedules. This freedom from the orthodoxy of rigorous research methodology makes it

possible for the OD consultant to use and experiment with a fascinating variety of

methods of data collection and analysis, including such off-beat ones as getting members

of the client group to prepare collages representing their organization (Fordyce and Weil


The Intervention or Action Phase

The second phase of the OD process is concerned with taking action to bring

about the desired identified changes in the organization. This phase often overlaps with

the diagnostic phase since the process of joint diagnosis between the client and consultant

often functions to bring about some of the desired process changes. Action takes place

through interventions- sets of structured patterns of activities in which members of the

target organization or unit engage in activities related directly or indirectly to organiza-

tional improvement (French and Bell 1991). OD practitioners make use of a wide range


of interventions depending on the nature of the problems being dealt with, as well as on

their own background and competence. Such interventions include one-shot activities

lasting for a few hours, such as a team-building meeting, to long-drawn series of actions

that may last several months, such as the Grid OD intervention of Blake and Mouton


The Stabilization or Process Maintenance Phase

In Lewinian terms, the intervention phase of the OD process takes place under

conditions of 'un-frozenness' or fluidity, which are necessary for the changes to have an

impact. Once introduced, however, it is necessary that the changed system should

stabilize to allow the changes to permeate the culture of the organization. This requires a

third phase in the OD process: the process maintenance phase. This phase consists of

activities to monitor the effectiveness of the interventions by receiving feedback about

the changes introduced, and making modifications, should they become necessary. It is

also concerned with ensuring that the client system is enabled to maintain the changed

system without the support of the consultant. In the absence of effective process

maintenance, there is a tendency among organizations to regress to their former states.

Steps in OD

In line with the three broad phases described earlier, the OD process involves a

number of systematic steps. Typically, the steps can be outlined as follows:

1. Awareness of the need for change on the part of the client organization.

2. The entry of the change agent or consultant at the request of the client system.

3. Development of the consultant-client relationship by clarifying mutual

expectations and goals of the contract.

4. Information collection by the consultant to assess the state of the organization or


5. Joint diagnosis of problems by the consultant and client, based on the data



6. Development of action plans and strategies to bring about change or


7. Implementation of the action plans.

8. Monitoring and reviewing the progress of the actions.

9. Stabilization of the changes.

10. Termination of the client-consultant contract.

Types of Interventions

OD interventions could be classified in several ways depending upon the

dimension emphasized. One method of classification is based on the 'depth of

intervention'. According to this approach interventions can be distinguished in terms of

accessibility of the data and the degree of self-exposure involved. For instance, T-group

is a deeper intervention than a task-oriented team-building workshop.

Another classification scheme is based on the type of causal mechanism

hypothesized to underlie the particular intervention being used. As per this scheme, the

interventions can be:

♦ Feedback- This refers to receiving new information about self, others, group

or organizational dynamics. The assumption underlying this technique is that

information feedback has the potential to bring about a constructive change if

it is not too threatening.

♦ Awareness of changing norms- People modify their behaviour, attitudes and

values on becoming aware of the changes in the 'norms' that determine their


♦ Increased interaction- According to Homans (1950), increased interaction

leads to the development of positive sentiments, and its absence to that of

'tunnel vision'.

♦ Confrontation- This is the process of surfacing of differences and issues of

concern, so that these can be resolved in a constructive manner.

♦ Education- This is a change technique directed towards upgrading of one’

knowledge and concepts, and two, of outmoded beliefs, attitudes and skills.


Another method of classifying OD interventions is based on the 'task' and

'process' dimensions. For instance, some team-building activities may have a more task-

related orientation, such as goal setting or the reallocation of responsibilities. On the

other hand, some activities may focus more on interpersonal and group processes, such as

the quality of communications or the dynamics of informal leadership and influence

processes occurring in the group.

Interventions may also be classified in terms of 'focus and purpose'. The focus of

intervention could be on:

• individual- interpersonal, intrapersonal

• group

• intergroup

• organization

• outside environment

The purpose of intervention could be:

• process centered

• action centered

• feedback centered

Yet another way of classifying OD interventions is based on the size and

complexity of the client group. For example, the client group may be composed of (a)

individuals, (b) dyads/triads, (c) teams and groups, (d) inter-group configurations, (e)

total organization. As we progress from individual level to dyads, to group, to inter-

groups and then to the whole organization, the degree of interdependence and the

number of dimensions to be taken care of increases.

Experience with Indian organizations indicates that the most frequently used

interventions are: person focused, role focused, action research based, process feedback

based and training based.

Response on Organizational Development (Teamwork)

Not At All True

Mostly True

8.1.1: Response on Organizational Development

gives importance to te

Figure no 8.1.1 in the form of

respondents on Organizational

importance to team work

56% accept with the statement to ‘Mostly True’ while

same by ‘Sometimes True’ category

accounting to an impressive 64%

Always True’, that leads to

(Teamwork)-The organization gives importance to teamwork

and moderate, but on the higher side of the moderate class which is very close to

limit of strong category, which is highly commendable





Response on Organizational Development (Teamwork)

The organization gives importance to teamwork.

Not At All True Rarely True Sometimes True

Mostly True All Most Always True

: Response on Organizational Development (Teamwork)

importance to teamwork”.

in the form of pie diagram gives the distribution of

respondents on Organizational Development (Teamwork)- ‘The organization gives

work’. Out of the available sample, majority of

the statement to ‘Mostly True’ while another 31

same by ‘Sometimes True’ category. The positive side of the parameter

accounting to an impressive 64% in combination with an additional

, that leads to the conclusion that Organizational

The organization gives importance to teamwork was

, but on the higher side of the moderate class which is very close to

limit of strong category, which is highly commendable.

Fig. No. 8.1.1



Response on Organizational Development (Teamwork)-

The organization gives importance to teamwork.

Sometimes True

(Teamwork)-“The organization

gives the distribution of responses of the

The organization gives

ority of the respondents i.e

another 31% corroborate the

he positive side of the parameter would be

additional 8% under ‘All Most

the conclusion that Organizational Development

was found to be positive

, but on the higher side of the moderate class which is very close to the next


In the present case the strength on the positive side is definitely conspicuous, but

not very profound as the strength at the highest rung, being ‘All Most Always True’ is

only 8% and on the other side the negative rung carries a score of around 5%.

The responses for the above question were analyzed against category of

employment and length of service to examine whether there is any significant differences

vis-à-vis the parameters stated. The following table gives the results of the analysis of the

same which reveals that employees of the categories of ‘Executives’ and ‘Staff’ with

more than five years of service, with an exception to the category of ‘Semiskilled and

Unskilled’ conveyed a negative feeling in this regard which means that a kind of

dissatisfaction in this regard is more evident with length of service and at higher levels.

Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

Generally, managers view the concept of people working in teams as beneficial.

Teamwork has emerged as a widely used design approach in the large organisations for a

number of reasons, including the changing nature of work, they are fit with employees’

involvement and total quality management programmes, and the development of more

and more knowledge about how to design and operate things.

There are four types of teams that is seen in our working;

1. Parallel teams

2. Work teams

3. Project teams

4. Management teams

Parallel teams supplement the regular organizational structure and perform problem

solving and work improvement tasks- ex, quality circles, survey feedback teams, etc.

Work teams are responsible for producing a product or providing a service and are self

contained and identifiable. Work units that control the processes involved in transforming

inputs into measurable outputs. They are found most frequently in manufacturing setting,

examples- assembly teams, insurance claim processing teams etc.


Project teams typically involves a diverse group of knowledge workers, such as design

engineers, process engineers, programmers and marketing manager who are brought

together to conduct projects for new product development etc.

Management teams are the least frequently used and most poorly understood type of

team. There are obvious advantages of a team of well-trained managers.

The dissatisfaction levels among the seniors have to be removed by developing

suitable strategies to strengthen the feel of ‘teamwork’, so that organization could see

growth and development in a more rapid manner.


Category of Employment * Organization Gives Importance to Teamwork * Length of Service Crosstabulation


1 1

1 1

1 2 3

1 12 1 14

2 14 1 17

5 1 1 7

7 7

5 8 1 14

10 28 46 16 100

3 1 21 1 26

43 49 92

13 72 116 17 218

ExecutivesCategory ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Un Skilled/ Semi Skilled

Category ofEmployment


Length of ServiceLess Than One Year

1-3 Years

3-5 Years

More Than Five Years

Rarely TrueSome

Times True Mostly TrueAll Most

Always True

Organization Gives Importance to Teamwork


Cross Table No: 8.1.1

Response on Organizational Development (Teamwork)

Team approach has become popular and contributes to

Not At All True

Mostly True

8.1.2 : Response on Organizational Development (Teamwork)

become popular and contributes to organizational Development

Figure no 8.1.2 in

Organizational Development

contributes to organizational Development

56% accept with the statement to ‘Mostly True’ while another 30%

same by ‘Sometimes True’

Most Always True’

elevating the element to the category of strong and positive relationship with the

statement, which is highly commendable in terms of pe

team work.






Response on Organizational Development (Teamwork)

Team approach has become popular and contributes to

organizational Development.

Not At All True Rarely True Sometimes True

Mostly True All Most Always True

Response on Organizational Development (Teamwork)-

and contributes to organizational Development

in the pie diagram explains the responses

Organizational Development (Team work)- ‘Team approach has become popular

contributes to organizational Development’ . A little more than half of the

56% accept with the statement to ‘Mostly True’ while another 30%

same by ‘Sometimes True’. This in amalgamation with an additional

Most Always True’ arrives at an aggregate positive values of 68 percentile points

elevating the element to the category of strong and positive relationship with the

statement, which is highly commendable in terms of perception of the workforce towards

Fig. No. 8.1.2



Response on Organizational Development (Teamwork)-

Team approach has become popular and contributes to

Sometimes True

-‘Team approach has

and contributes to organizational Development’.

s of respondents on

has become popular and

. A little more than half of the respondents i.e

56% accept with the statement to ‘Mostly True’ while another 30% substantiate the

n additional 12% under ‘All

arrives at an aggregate positive values of 68 percentile points

elevating the element to the category of strong and positive relationship with the

rception of the workforce towards


When tested on the parameters of category of employment and length of service,

as in the previous dimension of the teamwork, here also the negative outcome recurs with

category of employment and length of service, the higher being with negative valencies.

In Indian organisations, teams have immense possibilities. Teams involve the

collective brain power of all diverse members. In several organisations it has been noted

that, the team based working is bringing a revolution in substantially cutting down

expenditure, enhancing quality and productivity, improving employer-employee

relationships and encouraging innovative and creative ideas among themselves. Work

teams in organisations empower employees to take maximum responsibility to make


In India, there are many firms that are following this team-based organizational

culture. To name a few, Videocon International, Modi-Xerox, TISCO, Philips India,

Cadbury India, etc; have created new impacts by empowering the teams and supporting

teamwork. Specifically the organisations that are sensitive to technological changes,

aiming at global market and industrial development, have to tread the new path of

teamwork approach.

Hence, the top management should make a structured attempt to improve and

develop the effectiveness of a group of people who work together permanently or

temporarily, as part of its team building initiatives, so that the dissatisfaction among

higher level employees, though represents a low percentage, can be eliminated, as team

building approach influences both attitudes and behaviors of people.


Category of Employment * Team Approach has become P opular in this Organization * Length of Service Cro sstabulation


1 1

1 1

1 1 1 3

1 9 4 14

2 10 5 17

4 2 1 7

7 7

4 9 1 14

5 26 50 19 100

1 1 21 3 26

40 52 92

6 67 123 22 218

ExecutivesCategory ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Un Skilled/ Semi Skilled

Category ofEmployment


Length of ServiceLess Than One Year

1-3 Years

3-5 Years

More Than Five Years

Rarely TrueSome

Times True Mostly TrueAll Most

Always True

Team Approach has become Popular in this Organization


Cross Table no 8.1.2


Table No: 8.1.3

Summary of Responses on Organizational Development (Team work)

Statements Aggregate Negative


Not At All True

Rarely True

Sometimes True

Mostly True

All Most Always True

Aggregate Positive Value

The organization gives importance to teamwork.

5 0 5 31 56 8 64

Team approach is effective and contributes to organizational development.

2 0 2 30 56 12 68

The above table indicates a very low aggregate negative values on the lower side

of the single digits with corresponding higher values on the side of the aggregate positive

values o both the elements such as the importance given by the organization for team

work and its effectiveness and contribution for organizational development, while the

first one was very close to the level of ‘strong’ category with 64 percentile points, the

second one was actually in ‘strong’ category on the positive side of concurring with the

statement at 68 percentile points, denoting a very commendable state of team work and

team spirit in the organization.

Hence it may be inferred that team work, one aspect of organizational

development, that was studied for the doctoral work, was on positive note which would

contribute for growth and development of the organization. The managers and

supervisors in the Organization were well aware of the concept of team work and since

HPCL is an organization which is sensitive to technological changes and aiming at

industrial development seems to be treading this team work approach with agility.

Not at all


0 0

Organization gives Importance to Teamwork

Team Approach is Effective and Contributes to Organizational Developmnent

Figure no: 8.1.3

Rarely True Some Times


Mostly True Allmost

allways True







Responses on Team Work

Organization gives Importance to Teamwork

Team Approach is Effective and Contributes to Organizational Developmnent



allways True


Team Approach is Effective and Contributes to Organizational Developmnent

Response on Organizational Development (Superior

between superior and subordinate is a harmonious

Not At All True

Mostly True

8.2.1 : Response on Organizational

Relationship) – “The relationship between superior and subordinate is a

harmonious one”.

Figure no 8.2.1 in

Organizational Developmen

between superior and subordinate is a harmonious one

majority of the respondents i.e 64

another 4% under ‘All Most

strength of 68% taking the element to the category of positive and strong.

case the strength on the positive side is definitely conspicuous






Response on Organizational Development (Superior & Subordinate Relationship) –The relationship

between superior and subordinate is a harmonious one.

Not At All True Rarely True Sometimes True

Mostly True All Most Always True

: Response on Organizational Development (Superior & Subordinate

The relationship between superior and subordinate is a

the pie diagram explains the responses

Organizational Development (Superior & Subordinate Relationship

between superior and subordinate is a harmonious one’. Out of the available sample,

respondents i.e 64% accept with the statement to ‘Mostly True’ while

% under ‘All Most Always True’ putting the statement on the positive side to a

strength of 68% taking the element to the category of positive and strong.

case the strength on the positive side is definitely conspicuous as well as profound

Fig. No. 8.2.1



Response on Organizational Development (Superior The relationship

between superior and subordinate is a harmonious

Sometimes True

Development (Superior & Subordinate

The relationship between superior and subordinate is a

s of respondents on

(Superior & Subordinate Relationship)- ‘The relationship

Out of the available sample,

% accept with the statement to ‘Mostly True’ while

putting the statement on the positive side to a

strength of 68% taking the element to the category of positive and strong. In the present

as well as profound.


When examined on the category and length of service, a very marginal negative

trend was found to be associated with higher levels and more length of service.

The levels of supervision vary with factors such as type of industry, size of

organisation and the nature of the organizational structure. The supervisor occupies a key

position in an industry. He stands at the point where the plans and policies of the

organisation are turned into practical results through the efforts of men at work. He

devotes most of his time in planning, decision making and communication.

High producing supervisors take more personal interest in their men, tend to be

more understanding, punish their men less frequently when mistakes are committed, and

prepare them for promotion by training them in new skills. They inspire higher morale in

work groups and more satisfaction in their peers.

Though the negative rung carries very less percentage in this case, management

has to focus on certain strategies to strengthen inter personal relationships between

superior and subordinate in the organisation.


Category of Employment * The Relationship Between Sup erior & Subordinate is a Harmoneous one * Length of Servi ce Crosstabulation


1 1

1 1

1 2 3

1 8 5 14

2 10 5 17

1 6 7

7 7

1 13 14

5 21 73 1 100

1 5 17 3 26

45 47 92

6 71 137 4 218

ExecutivesCategory ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Un Skilled/ Semi Skilled

Category ofEmployment


Length of ServiceLess Than One Year

1-3 Years

3-5 Years

More Than Five Years

Rarely trueSome

Times True Mostly TrueAll Ways AllMost True

The Relationship Between Superior & Subordinate is aHarmoneous one


Cross Table No 8.2.1

Response on Organizational Development (Superior Subordinate Relationship)

Not At All True

Mostly True

8.2.2: Response on Organi

Relationship) – “My immediate supervisor

Figure no 8.2.2 and then the pie diagram explains the response of respondents on

Organizational Development

supervisor is encouraging me in my efforts

respondents accept with the statement to

‘All Most Always True’ arrives at an aggregate positive value of 69 percentile points,

putting the element not only on the posit

‘strong’ category. In the present case the strength on the positive side is

conspicuous, but not profound as the strength at the highest rung

at 23 percentile points.

0% 2%




Response on Organizational Development (Superior Subordinate Relationship) – My immediate supervisor

is encouraging me in my efforts.

Not At All True Rarely True Sometimes True

Mostly True All Most Always True

: Response on Organizational Development (Superior

My immediate supervisor is encouraging me in my efforts

and then the pie diagram explains the response of respondents on

Organizational Development (Superior - Subordinate Relationship

supervisor is encouraging me in my efforts’ . Out of the available sample,

respondents accept with the statement to ‘Mostly True’ while a significant 23% under

‘All Most Always True’ arrives at an aggregate positive value of 69 percentile points,

putting the element not only on the positive side but also at a high pedestal that being the

In the present case the strength on the positive side is

conspicuous, but not profound as the strength at the highest rung ‘All Most Always True’


Fig. No. 8.2.2


Response on Organizational Development (Superior My immediate supervisor

Sometimes True

zational Development (Superior - Subordinate

is encouraging me in my efforts”.

and then the pie diagram explains the response of respondents on

Subordinate Relationship)- ‘My immediate

. Out of the available sample, 46% of the

a significant 23% under

‘All Most Always True’ arrives at an aggregate positive value of 69 percentile points,

ive side but also at a high pedestal that being the

In the present case the strength on the positive side is not only

‘All Most Always True’


The responses for the above question were analyzed against category of

employment and length of service to examine whether there is any significant differences

vis-à-vis the parameters stated. The following table gives the results of the analysis of the

same which reveals that employees of the categories of ‘Executive and Staff’ with more

than five years of service, with an exception to the category of ‘Semiskilled and

Unskilled’ conveyed a negative feeling in this regard which means that a kind of

dissatisfaction in this regard is more evident with length of service and at higher levels.

Hence, efforts should be made by the superiors to encourage their sub-ordinates in their



Category of Employment * Immediate Supervisors are Encouraging their Subordinates in putting Efforts * Length of ServiceCrosstabulation


1 1

1 1

3 3

10 4 14

13 4 17

1 5 1 7

6 1 7

1 11 2 14

5 24 29 42 100

1 3 5 17 26

43 49 92

6 70 83 59 218

ExecutivesCategory ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Un Skilled/ Semi Skilled

Category ofEmployment


Length of ServiceLess Than One Year

1-3 Years

3-5 Years

More Than Five Years

Rarely TrueSome

Times True Mostly TrueAll Most

Allways True

Immediate Supervisors are Encouraging theirSubordinates in putting Efforts


Cross Table No: 8.2.2


Table No: 8.2.3

Summary of Responses on Organizational Development

(Superior - Subordinate Relationship)

Statements Aggregate Negative


Not At All True

Rarely True

Sometimes True

Mostly True

All Most

Always True

Aggregate Positive Value

The relationship between superior and subordinate is a harmonious one.

2 0 2 30 64 4 68

My immediate supervisor is encouraging me in my efforts.

2 0 2 29 46 23 69

Table no 8.2.3 indicates a relatively brighter superior-subordinate relationship, both in

terms of harmony between superior-subordinate staff and encouragement from superiors

in the efforts of the juniors. Both the elements had the least aggregate negative at as low

as 2 percentile points while the aggregate positive points were 68 and 69 respectively,

falling into the category of ‘strong’ relationship, particularly the latter with very high

percentage in ‘Almost Always True’ at 23 percentile points, corroborating the

encouragement from the seniors. This is quite commendable.

Hence it may be inferred that, superior-subordinate relationship, one aspect of

organizational development that was studied for the doctoral work was on positive note

which may contribute for growth and development of the organization. The managers and

supervisors in the Organization were well aware of the concept of superior-subordinate

relationship, they are more keen about the level of supervision that is supposed to be

given to subordinates as the size of the HPCL is high.

Not at all


0 0

The Relationship between Superior and Subordinate is a Harmoneous one

Immedite Supervisors are Encouraging their Subordinates

Figure no: 8.2.3

Rarely True Some Times


Mostly True Allmost

allways True







The Relationship between Superior and Subordinate is a Harmoneous one

Immedite Supervisors are Encouraging their Subordinates

Responses on Organizational Development

(Superior - Subordinate relationship



allways True



The Relationship between Superior and Subordinate is a Harmoneous one

Response on Organizational Development (Preparedness of Organization for Change) are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they

Not At All True

Mostly True

8.3.1: Response on Organizational Development (

Change) – “Organizational members are disposed to accept, the desirable changes,

when they are proposed by the organization

Figure no 8.3.1 in the pie diagram explains the

on Organizational Development

‘Organizational members are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they are

proposed by the organization

i.e 60% accept with the statement to

Always True’, leading to an impressive aggregate positive value of 68%, leading to the

conclusion that the strength of the statement is not only positive but stands at ‘strong’

category. Organizational development

are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they are proposed by the

organization’ was found to be

0% 2%




Response on Organizational Development (Preparedness of Organization for Change) – Organizational members are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they

are proposed by the organization.

Not At All True Rarely True Sometimes True

Mostly True All Most Always True

.3.1: Response on Organizational Development (Preparedness of

Organizational members are disposed to accept, the desirable changes,

when they are proposed by the organization”.

the pie diagram explains the distribution of response

on Organizational Development (Preparedness of Organization

Organizational members are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they are

by the organization’. Out of the available sample, majority of the respondents

with the statement to ‘Mostly True’ while another

Always True’, leading to an impressive aggregate positive value of 68%, leading to the

conclusion that the strength of the statement is not only positive but stands at ‘strong’

Organizational development (Organizational change)- Organizational members

are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they are proposed by the

found to be at commendable level.

Fig. No. 8.3.1


Response on Organizational Development (Preparedness Organizational members

are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they

Sometimes True

Preparedness of Organization for

Organizational members are disposed to accept, the desirable changes,

responses of respondents

Organization for change)-

Organizational members are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they are

majority of the respondents

while another 8% under ‘All Most

Always True’, leading to an impressive aggregate positive value of 68%, leading to the

conclusion that the strength of the statement is not only positive but stands at ‘strong’

Organizational members

are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they are proposed by the


The responses for the above question were analyzed against category of

employment and length of service to examine whether there is any significant differences

vis-à-vis the parameters stated. The following table gives the results of the analysis of the

same which reveals that employees of the categories of ‘Executives and Staff’ with more

than five years of service, with an exception to the category of ‘Semiskilled and

Unskilled’ conveyed a negative feeling in this regard which means that a kind of

dissatisfaction in this regard is more evident with length of service and at higher levels.

Organizational change refers to a ‘relatively enduring alteration of the present

state of an organization or its components or interrelationships amongst the components,

and their differential and integrated functions, in totality or partially, in order to attain

greater viability in the context of the present and anticipated future environment.

Organizations that do not bring about timely change in appropriate ways are

unlikely to survive. Hence, change is imperative to have competitive advantage for an

organization. When senior executives understand this point, they tend to encourage lower

level managers and supervisors to participate as fully as possible in making the decisions

relevant to any change.

Hence, a deliberate policy of involving the lower levels of management in

formulating these decisions relevant to accomplishing a change, will further ensure that,

all members of management are united in a ‘common front’ when they introduce and

implement that change.


Category of Employment * When Organization Proposes Desirable Changes Members Accepts it * Length of S ervice Crosstabulation


1 1

1 1

1 2 3

14 14

1 16 17

3 4 7

7 7

3 11 14

4 26 52 18 100

2 22 2 26

42 50 92

6 68 124 20 218

ExecutivesCategory ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Un Skilled/ Semi Skilled

Category ofEmployment


Length of ServiceLess Than One Year

1-3 Years

3-5 Years

More Than Five Years

Rarely TrueSome

Times True Mostly trueAll Most

Allways True

When Organization Proposes Desirable ChangesMembers Accepts it


Cross Table No: 8.3.1

Response on Organizational Development (Preparedness of Organization for Change)

creative thinking and ideas of the employees.

Not At All True

Mostly True

8.3.2: Response on Organizational Development (

Change) – “Organization encourages creative thinking and ideas of the employees

Figure no 8.3.2 in

Organizational Development (

encourages creative thinking and ideas of the employees

respondents accept with the statement with respect to

Development (Organizational Change)

ideas of the employees

True’, capturing an aggregate positive value of 65 percentile points, just 2 points shortage

to join the rank of ‘strong’ relationship with the statement. This

that Organizational development (Organizational change

encourages creative thinking and ideas of the employees

moderate, but very close to the category of ‘strong’

the positive side is not only





Response on Organizational Development (Preparedness of Organization for Change) – Organization encourages

creative thinking and ideas of the employees.

Not At All True Rarely True Sometimes True

Mostly True All Most Always True

.3.2: Response on Organizational Development (Preparedness

Organization encourages creative thinking and ideas of the employees

the pie diagram explains the responses

Organizational Development (Preparedness of Organization for change

encourages creative thinking and ideas of the employees’. An impressive 58%

with the statement with respect to Response on Organizational

Development (Organizational Change) – Organization encourages creative thinking

ideas of the employees to ‘Mostly True’ while another 7% under ‘All Most Always

True’, capturing an aggregate positive value of 65 percentile points, just 2 points shortage

to join the rank of ‘strong’ relationship with the statement. This leads to

that Organizational development (Organizational change)- in terms of

encourages creative thinking and ideas of the employees’ was found to be positive and

, but very close to the category of ‘strong’ . In the present case the strength on

not only conspicuous but also profound.

Fig. No. 8.3.2


Response on Organizational Development (Preparedness Organization encourages

creative thinking and ideas of the employees.

Sometimes True

ness of Organization for

Organization encourages creative thinking and ideas of the employees”.

s of respondents on

change)- ‘Organization

An impressive 58% of the

Response on Organizational

Organization encourages creative thinking and

7% under ‘All Most Always

True’, capturing an aggregate positive value of 65 percentile points, just 2 points shortage

leads to the conclusion

in terms of Organization

found to be positive and

In the present case the strength on


The responses for the above question were analyzed against category of

employment and length of service to examine whether there is any significant differences

vis-à-vis the parameters stated. The following table gives the results of the analysis of the

same which reveals that employees of the categories of ‘Executive and Staff’ with more

than five years of service, with an exception to the category of ‘Semiskilled and

Unskilled’ conveyed a negative feeling in this regard which means that a kind of

dissatisfaction in this regard is more evident with length of service and at higher levels.

There are various keys to master the change, one among them is ‘Making Every

one a Hero’. recognize, reward, and celebrate accomplishments is critical and brings the

change cycle to it’s logical conclusion, but it also motivates people to attempt change

again. So many people get involved in and contribute to organizational change.

Hence, the higher management has to encourage people’s ideas or concepts, their

commitment to high standards of competence to bring the desired change in the

organization because HPCL has already got ‘think, share & win’ reward system.


Category of Employment * Organization Encourages Cr eative Thinking & Ideas of Employees * Length of Se rvice Crosstabulation


1 1

1 1

2 1 3

5 9 14

7 9 1 17

6 1 7

7 7

6 8 14

1 30 64 5 100

2 1 4 7 12 26

37 55 92

2 2 71 126 17 218

ExecutivesCategory ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Un Skilled/ Semi Skilled

Category ofEmployment


Length of ServiceLess Than One Year

1-3 Years

3-5 Years

More Than Five Years

Not At All True Rarely TrueSome

Times True Mostly TrueAll Most

Allways True

Organization Encourages Creative Thinking & Ideas of Employees


Cross Table No: 8.3.2


Table no: 8.3.3

Summary of Responses on Organizational Development

(Preparedness of organization for change)

Statements Aggregate Negative


Not At All True

Rarely True

Sometimes True

Mostly True

All Most Always True

Aggregate Positive Value

Organizational members are disposed to accept, the desirable changes, when they are proposed by the organization.

2 0 2 30 60 8 68

Organization encourages creative thinking and ideas of employees.

2 1 1 33 58 7 65

Table no 8.3.3 indicates the relative strength of the elements of preparedness for

organizational change in HPCL Visakh-Refinery. Both the element found to stand at

commendable level by virtue of the least aggregate negative score and a promising

aggregate positive score to the extent of ‘strong’ category with respect to preparedness to

accept the desirable changes at 68 percentile points while the other element that the

organization encourages creative thinking and ideas of employees, though literally comes

in ‘moderate’ class is however very close to the class of ‘strong’ with its 65 percentile

points on the positive side.

Hence it may be inferred that, preparedness of Organization for change, one

aspect of organizational development that was studied for the doctoral work was on

positive note which may contribute for growth and development of the organization. The

managers and supervisors in the Organization were well aware of the concept of

Organizational Change, and are trying to have competitive advantage for HPCL by

bringing timely changes.

Response on Organizational Development (Problem Solving Approach)

believes that, when job related problems arise, the

Not At All True

Mostly True

8.4.1: Response on Organizational Development (

“ The members of the organization believes

the solutions are found by their involvement

Figure no 8.4.1 in the form of p

respondents on Organizational Development

members of the organization believes that, when job related problems arise, the solutions

are found by their involvement. Out of the available sample majority of the respondents

i.e. 66% of the respondents

under ‘All Most Always True’ keeps the aggregate positive value for the el

all time high of 74 percentile points, driving to the conclusion that the element is being

followed to a very commendable extent.

Refinery in terms of encouraging the employees to find solutions with their involvement

seems to be yielding good dividends which are reflective of the accolades and awards

won by the organization

0% 1%




Response on Organizational Development (Problem Solving Approach) – The members of the organization

believes that, when job related problems arise, the solutions are found by their involvement.

Not At All True Rarely True Sometimes True

Mostly True All Most Always True

: Response on Organizational Development (Problem Solving Approach

The members of the organization believes that, when job related problems arise,

the solutions are found by their involvement”.

in the form of pie diagram explains the distribution of

respondents on Organizational Development (Problem Solving Approach)

f the organization believes that, when job related problems arise, the solutions

are found by their involvement. Out of the available sample majority of the respondents

% of the respondents accept with the statement to ‘Mostly True’

under ‘All Most Always True’ keeps the aggregate positive value for the el

percentile points, driving to the conclusion that the element is being

followed to a very commendable extent. The problem solving approach

Refinery in terms of encouraging the employees to find solutions with their involvement

seems to be yielding good dividends which are reflective of the accolades and awards

won by the organization.

Fig. No. 8.4.1


Response on Organizational Development (Problem The members of the organization

believes that, when job related problems arise, the solutions are found by their involvement.

Sometimes True

Problem Solving Approach) –

that, when job related problems arise,

distribution of responses of

(Problem Solving Approach) – The

f the organization believes that, when job related problems arise, the solutions

are found by their involvement. Out of the available sample majority of the respondents

‘Mostly True’ while another 8%

under ‘All Most Always True’ keeps the aggregate positive value for the element at the

percentile points, driving to the conclusion that the element is being

pproach in HPCL Visakha

Refinery in terms of encouraging the employees to find solutions with their involvement

seems to be yielding good dividends which are reflective of the accolades and awards


The responses for the above question were analyzed against category of

employment and length of service to examine whether there is any significant differences

vis-à-vis the parameters stated. The following table gives the results of the analysis of the

same which reveals that employees of the categories of ‘Executive and Staff’ with more

than five years of service, with an exception to the category of ‘Semiskilled and

Unskilled’ conveyed a negative feeling in this regard which means that a kind of

dissatisfaction in this regard is more evident with length of service and at higher levels.

Problem solving approach stands for a proactive action on the part of top

management. At the time of problems, management gives an opportunity for the

employees to come up with the suitable solutions in cost effective manner. Such solutions

will have effective utilization of resources and every employee in the organization will

have an opportunity to make use of their creative and innovative ideas with the help of

their practical knowledge.

This problem solving approach can be further toned up by the higher

management’s enhanced commitment to initiate problem solving approach among

employees in a cost effective manner by involving/ encouraging people’s ideas or



Category of Employment * Organization Believes that the Solutions for the Job Related Problems are Fou nd by the Involvement ofEmployees * Length of Service Crosstabulation


1 1

1 1

1 1 1 3

14 14

1 15 1 17

4 3 7

7 7

4 10 14

1 21 57 21 100

3 23 26

34 58 92

1 58 138 21 218

ExecutivesCategory ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Category ofEmployment




Un Skilled/ Semi Skilled

Category ofEmployment


Length of ServiceLess Than One Year

1-3 Years

3-5 Years

More Than Five Years

Rarely trueSome

Times True Mostly TrueAll Most

Allways True

Organization Believes that the Solutions for the JobRelated Problems are Found by the Involvement of



Cross Table No: 8.4.1’
