Charlotte's Web Unit Study - Homeschool Helper Online


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Charlotte’s Web Unit Study


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As you read Charlotte’s Web aloud, complete the activities listedfor each chapter.

The vocabulary words listed are words found in the chapter that the student might not know. You can look up the definitions and create a vocabulary book.

Chapter 1 – Fern gets the pig because she is an early riser. Think of sayings that show this philosophy. (The early bird gets the worm.) Discuss the setting of the book. Find out what kind of care a newborn pig needs. Vocabulary: injustice, runt, nevertheless

Chapter 2 – Find out why pigs like to roll in the mud. Complete the swine breeds notebooking page. Vocabulary: enchanted, vanished

Chapter 3 – From the descriptions, draw a picture of the barn, complete with all of the animals. Learn about farming methods in history. Vocabulary: grindstones, scythes, pitchfork.

Chapter 4 – Wilbur is gloomy because all of his plans are ruined because of the rain. Make a list of things you can do on a rainy day. Choose one of the activities and write a story about how you helped someone overcome their gloom by doing that activity with them. Complete swine notebooking page. Vocabulary: spattered, gloomily, glutton

Chapter 5 – Learn about spiders: their anatomy, are they insects, how many varieties. Record your findings on this spider notebooking page. Vocabulary: clashers, appropriate, salutations

Chapter 6 – Baby geese are called goslings. What are other baby animals called? Do Baby Animals Worksheet. Vocabulary: cramped, gratified, conscience

Chapter 7 – What kind of meat comes from pigs? Where do other meats you like to eat come from? Vocabulary: anesthetic, conspiracy, butchered

Chapter 8 – For discussion: Do you think animals talk to each other? Think about the differences between Charlotte and Wilbur. Complete the Character Comparison worksheet. Vocabulary: faintest, rambled

Chapter 9 – Learn about spider’s webs and how they spin them. Do all spiders spin the same kind of web? Vocabulary: summoning, thud, sedentary

Chapter 10 – Make a blueberry pie. Vocabulary: gullible, affectionately, crisis

Chapter 11 – For discussion: Was it really a miracle? Look up the definition of a miracle. What do you think of as a miracle? Vocabulary: glistened, veil, exertions, bewilderment

Chapter 12 – What words would you suggest to Charlotte to write in her web? Use white chalk and draw your web on black construction paper. Vocabulary: slogan, acrobat, destiny

Chapter 13 – Look through newspaper or magazine ads to find words that would work for Charlotte’s web. Cut them out and make a collage of good words. Vocabulary: journeyed, wondrous, disgusted

Chapter 14 – For discussion: Why was Fern’s mother concerned? Vocabulary: fascinating, sociable

Chapter 15 – Find out about spider’s egg sacs. Vocabulary: reputation, modest, distinguish

Chapter 16 – For discussion: Why did Wilbur faint? Was Charlotte’s plan working? Vocabulary: announcement, trampled, veritable

Chapter 17 – The kids each got 70 cents. Would that buy a lot at a fair today? Discuss inflation. Use this daily change worksheet to practice “buying” some items. Vocabulary: enormous, ascended, listless

Chapter 18 – Learn about county fairs near you.Vocabulary: messenger, schemes, masterpiece

Chapter 19 – Learn about the life cycle of spiders. Vocabulary: occupied, languishing, hoarsely

Chapter 20 – Use the Charlotte’s Web notebooking page to draw a picture of a scene from the book and write a brief summary of the story so far. Vocabulary: extraordinary, phenomenon, complimentary

Chapter 21 – For discussion: What does it mean to be a friend? Was Wilbur a good friend? Was Charlotte? Templeton? Vocabulary: ceremony, tremendous, sentiments

Chapter 22 – Use the plot summary worksheet to identify the different parts of the book’s plot. Vocabulary: untold, constructed, trembling
