Chinese characters.docx


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© 2003 – 200 !atrick "assel #ein This $age %as last u$dated &2'0('200

The most common Chinese characters in order of frequency

If you wonder why there are less than 3000 characters in the list, or have otherquestions, please read the introduction!

•  )ll characters are $resented in *alling statistical order %ith themost commonl+ used characters *irst'

•  )lternati,e *orms o* the characters are s$eci*ied %ithin$arentheses

 – in which case "F" marks full (or traditional) forms, "S" marks

simplified (or modern) forms and "A" marks alternative forms (mostlyspecial numerals).

• !ronunciations are s$eci*ied according to !in+in and %ritten %ithinbrackets -[''']-' )*ter each gi,en $ronunciation. a number o*$ossible translations are listed' /* a character corres$onds closel+to a some%hat longer %ord usuall+ a %ord that contains thecharacter in 1uestion. the longer %ord is gi,en in the list o*translations marked %ith $arentheses and a --'

•  )*ter the translation o* each character. exam$le %ords containingthe character are o*ten listed – these %ords are se$arated b+semi commas' 4o guarantee is gi,en that all the most common%ords are listed or that the gi,en exam$les are ,er+ common'

• 5ome o* the listed $ronunciations are less used than others. andin those cases translations and exam$les ma+ lack'

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• Grammatical $articles. classi*iers and other s$ecial translationsare marked %ith hooks -6'''7-'

• Curl+ brackets -8'''9- are mostl+ used %hen gi,ing re*erences tocharacters that are similar to the listed ones either in sha$e' Thisis to hel$ +ou a,oid mis%riting:misreading' The same marking isalso used *or re*erences to characters %ith similar meaning butdi**erent $ronunciation'

•  )dditional in*ormation o* other sorts is sometimes gi,en'

• /* the characters are not dis$la+ed correctl+. ,eri*+ that theencoding is set to GB23&2'

Seq.num. Character Pronunciations and eplanations

&   的

[de] 6grammatical $article marking geniti,e as %ell as sim$leand com$osed ad;ecti,es7<我的 %=de m+<高的 g>ode high. tall<是的 sh?de that@s it. that@s right< 是'''的 sh?'''de one %ho'''<他是说汉语的' T> sh? shuA "n+de' "e is one %ho s$eaks Chinese'[d?]目的 mDd? goal[dE] true. real<的确 dE1uF certainl+

2   一)壹

[+] one. a little< 第一 d?H+ *irst. $rimar+<看一看 kn+kn ha,e a1uick look at[+E] used be*ore tone IJ<一个人 +E gF rKn one $erson<一定 

+Ed?ng certain<一样 +E+ng same<一月 +E+uF Lanuar+[+?] used be*ore tones I2 and I3<一点儿 +?diMnr a little<一些 

+?xiN some8Com$are %ith幺O么 +>o. %hich also means -one-9

3   是[sh?] to be.是不是P sh?bush?P is it or is it notP<是否 sh?*=u%hether or not. is it or is it notP

J   不[bD] not[bQ] used be*ore tone IJ<不是 bQ sh? isn@t

( 了 [le] 6,erb $article marking a ne% situation or a com$letedaction7< 你来了 4S lile Uou ha,e come 我累了 V= lFile /@,e

gotten tired那了

4 hMole That@s WX no%我!"了一#$

人' V= YhS 1Sngle +E %Fi kFren' / in,ited onl+ one guest'[liMo] end. *inish. settle. dis$ose o*. kno% clearl+. to be able. 了% liMo;iZ understand. com$rehend< 了了 liMolia= clearl+understand. settle a debt:etc'. to be intelligent< 了了 liMole to beo,er:ended:*innish:settled< 你&不了 4S mi bDliMo Uou %ill notbe able to sell it[lio] ' lia to sur,e+:%atch

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8Com$are %ith( YS child9

\   人[rKn] $erson<人) rKnlFi humankind<*人+P +=u rKn maP /sthere an+bod+ hereP8Com$are %ith, rD enter9

  我 [%=] /. me. m+<我- %=men %e. us8Com$are %ith. YhMo seek9

^   / [Yi] at<0/ xinYi no%<1/ cQnYi exist


[+=u] ha,e. there is<2* mKi+=u ha,en@t. there isn@t< *2*PU=umKi+=uP /s there or isn@t thereP "a,e +ou or ha,en@t +ouP<*的 +=ude some[+u] 3 +u again. both''' and'''

&0   他[t>] he. him. his. she. her. it. its. 4他 1Et> other [tuA] in classical texts someone else. something else

&&   5O6 [YhF] this<5儿

 YhFr here[YhFi] this be*ore classi*ier

&2   7[YhAng] middle. in<78 #hAnggu_C"/4)[Yhng] hit a target

&3   9

[d] big<:9P duAdP ho% largeP<9; dxiMo siYe<9< d;i>e,er+bod+[di]9= di*u doctor 8Com$are %ith> ti ,er+ and? mD tree9

&J   来O@[li] come<A来 +unli originall+. as a matter o* *act<来B linincoming:next +ears

[lai] %hen used as a ,erb com$lement<C来

 1Slai get u$

&(   D

[shng] abo,e. on. o,er. to$. go u$. last. $re,ious[shMng]DE shMngshNng 3rd tone in `andarin[shang] %hen used as a ,erb com$lement8Com$are %ithF xi under9

&\   8OG[gu_] 8< gu_;i> countr+. state. nation. 6*amil+ name7< 78 

#hAnggu_C"/4) <H8 `Zigu_ 5)

&  个OI.J

[gF] 6general and nonHs$eci*ic classi*ier7<个人 gFrKn $ersonal<个人KL gFrKnYhD+F $ersonal home$age[gZ]M个 Y?gZ onesel* 

&^   N [do] to. to%ards. until. arri,e. reach

&   说OO[shuA] ex$lain. scold. re*er to. 说P shuAhu s$eak. sa+<Q说 

+_ushuA $ersuade[shu?] tr+ to $ersuade<Q说 +_ushu? lobb+ing

20   -OR[men] 6$luraliYing su**ix *or $ronouns and nouns re*erring to$ersons7< 我- %=men %e<人- rKnmen!W! . $ersons

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2&   SOT

[%Fi] *or. *or the sake o*. in order to. in this connection[%Ki] do. act. act as. be. become< US rFn%Ki think or belie,ethat'''< VS +S%Ki think or belie,e erroneousl+ that'''8Com$are %ithW bn do9

22   ([YS] child. son<(X YSn sons and daughters<儿( KrYi son[Yi] noun su**ix<Y( YhuAYi table8Com$are %ith了 le 6$article79

23   Z

[hK] together. %ith. O[ harmon+. gentle. mild. kind. 6*amil+name7<Z\ hK$Eng $eace["K] La$an[huo]]Z nuMnhuo nice and %arm[hF] ;oin in singing. com$ose a $oem in re$l+[hu_] mix %ith %ater [hu] mix. blend[hQ] com$lete a set in `ah;ong

2J   你 [nS] )lternati,e *eminine *orm ^ nS +ou. +our<你- nSmen +ou$lural

2(   _

[d?] earth. ground. soil. $lace. $osition. distance< _` d?Yh theT%el,e Terrestrial Branches[de] 6ad,erbial $article descri$ion f_ f ,erb7. l+<a_b 

kuide Y=u %alk 1uickl+

2\   c[ch] go out. come out. in direction out *rom something. emit.issue. $rouce<c0 chxin a$$ear. emerge. Od 6classi*ier*or o$eras and $la+s7

2   e

[do] %a+. $ath. channel. %a+. sa+. a streak o* light. doctrine.

6classi*ier *or ri,ers. to$ics. etc'7. ef o;io Taoism< ge Yhdao kno%[dMo] h dMo lead<ie ih lSngdMo)R

2^   j [+Z] also. as %ell<jk +Zx $erha$s

2   lOm[shE] $eriod. season. ln shE;i>n. lo shEhou time. ;l 

xiMoshE hour 

30   B[nin] +ear. 6*amil+ name7<pB  ;nnin this +ear<qB mEngninnext +ear<rB 1Dnin last +ear<7B YhAngnin middle age

3&   s

[de] 6ad,erbial $article ,erb f s f descri$ion7<bsa Y=ude

kui %alk 1uickl+[dK] get. reach. achie,e[dZi] should

32   t[;iD] ;ust. sim$l+. right a%a+< tu  ;iD+o about to do something<5t是我 #hF ;iDsh? %= This is sim$l+ me<他tur' T> ;iD+o1D' "e is about to lea,e'

33 那 [n] that

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[nFi] that be*ore classi*ier[nu_]v那 chnnu_ dee$ meditation[nu]w那 %Qnu hel$less. un*ortunatel+[nM] x nM %hatP[nZi] x nZi be*ore classi*ier %hichP

3J   u[+o] %ant. %ill. shall. need. im$ortant. essential< Ku Yh+omain. *undamental[+>o]uy +>o1iQ demand

3(   F[xi] belo%. under. go do%n. next as o$$osed to $re,ious:last8Com$are %ithD shng abo,e9

3\   V[+S] use. take. according to. because o*. in order to< zV kZ+SWX. ma+<{V su=+S so. there*ore. as a result<V| +S%ibe+ond. exce$t

3   } [shNng] gi,e birth. li*e< ~} xi>nsheng mister. gentleman. 5ir 

3^   •O€[hu?] can. able. meet. meeting. societ+. union. $art+[kui]• kui;? accounting[huS]•儿 hu?r moment

3   M[Y?] *rom. since. M‚ Y?;S sel*<Mƒ Y?rn nature8Com$are %ith目 mD e+e and„ bi %hite9

J0   …O†

[Yhe] 6,erb $article marking a continuing $rogress:state7[Yho] touch[Yhu_] %ear clothes. dress. touch[Yh>o] $ut in. add. O‡ make mo,e in chess. trick. decie,e


  r[1D] go. lea,e. de$art o$$osite o* 来 li

J2   ˆ [Yh] 6subordinator similar to的 de7. it in classical texts

J3   ‰OŠ

[gu] $ass. cross. go b+. exceed. 6,erb $article marking thatsomeone has had the ex$erience o* doing something. that it hasha$$ened at least once7<‰‹Œ gu mMlD cross the street<我r‰78Ž' %= 1Dguo #hAnggu_ liMng c?' / ha,e gone toC"/4)


JJ   <

[;i>] home. house. *amil+< 8< gu_;i> nation<9< d;i>e,er+bod+[;ie]< YhZngti>n;ie all da+ long<<‘  ;i>lS at home. in the


J(   ’O“[xuK] stud+. learn<’” xuKxio school<’} xuKsheng student8Com$are %ith Y? %ritten character9

J\   –O—[du?] correct. ans%er. treat. agree. mutual. $air< –不C du?bu1Sexcuse me

J z [kZ] able. zV kZ+S ma+. can. z是 kZsh? but. ho%e,er<z

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˜ kZ@i lo,eable. cute<z™ kZ@nKng $ossible. $robable. ma+be<zšz› kZk=ukZlF Coca Cola[kF]zœ kFhn khan

J^   [t>] she. her 

J   ‘ [lS] neighbourhood. hal* kilometer. 6*amil+ name7. Ož.Ÿ in.inside. lining<x‘P nMliP %hereP<那‘ nli there<5‘ YhFli here

(0   [hu] 1ueen. O¡ a*ter. behind. 6*amil+ name7< huti>nthe da+ a*ter tomorro%

(&   ; [xiMo] small<9; dxiMo siYe

(2   么

[me:mo] O¢.£ interrogati,e su**ix¤么P shKnmeP %hatP<S¤么P %FishKnmeP %h+P2¤么 mKi shKnme /t doesn@t matter.4e,er mind<¥么P YZnmeP ho%P[+>o] 5幺 +oungest. one e'g' in bus:house:$hone numbers

(3   ¦ [xn] heart<;¦ xiMoxn be care*ul<¦§ xnlS $s+cholog+.mentalit+< 7¦ YhAngxn center 

(J   :[duA] man+. much. more<:9 duAd ho% largeP<:¨ duAshMoho% man+:muchP


[ti>n] sk+. hea,en. god. da+. © ti>nkAng sk+<ª ti>n1?%eather 8« ti>ng>n the Ten "ea,enl+ 5tems ¬®¯°‚±²³´ 

 ;iMH+SHbSngHdngH%DH;SHgNngHxnHrKnHguS these characters aresometimes used as ordinal numbers98Com$are %ith= * man andw %Q %ithout9

(\   µ [Kr] µ¶ Kr1iZ and. *urthermore. ƒµ rn@Kr +et. e,en so

(   ™[nKng] can. be able<™· nKnggu be ca$able o*<z™ kZ@nKngma+be

(^   [hMo] good. good to'''. eas+ to'''< 你 4ShMo "ello[ho] to like[h>o]儿 hMoh>or in $er*ectl+ good condition

(   ¸[dAu] all[d] ¹¸ sh=ud ca$ital cit+



[rn] right. correct. so. like that< ºƒ surn although<»ƒ hrn

suddenl+< ¼ƒ d>ngrn o* course<Mƒ Y?rn nature

\&   2O½[mKi] 2* mKi+=u ha,en@t. there isn@t<*2*P U=umKi+=uP /sthere or isn@t thereP "a,e +ou or ha,en@t +ouP[m] sink. o,er*lo%. disa$$ear. con*iscate

\2   ¾[r?] sun. ¾( r?Yi da+<¾¿ r?;? diar+<¾À r?gu>ng sunlight8Com$are %ithÁ +uN sa+.目 mD e+e and g>n s%eet9

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\3   Ã[+Q] 6*amil+ name7. OÄ in. at. *or. to. *rom. b+. than8Com$are %ithÅ 1i>n thousand and« g>n stem9

\J   C[1S] rise. start<C来 1Slai get u$<–不C du?bu1S excuse me[1i] %hen used as a ,erb com$lement

\(   ÆOÇ [hi] still. +et[hun] return. gi,e back

\\   È[*>] OÉ deli,er. utter. ex$ress. shoot. emit. de,elo$. ex$and[*] OÊ hair [*a] OÊËÈ t_u*a hair 

\   Ì[chKng] ÌS chKng%Ki. ÍÌ binchKng become. 6*amil+name7<ÌΠchKnggAng succeed<ÏÌ %nchKng accom$$lete. *ul*ill<Ì语 chKng+ idiom

\^   Ð[sh?] matter. a**air. thing. e,ent. accident. ;ob. res$onsibilit+< ÐÑ 

sh?1ing situation

\   !OÒ[YhS] onl+. ;ust. merel+. 6classi*ier im$l+ing -one o* a $air-.animals. ,essels. utensils. etc'7< 一!Ó +? YhS m>o a cat[Yh] OÔ single. one. onl+8Com$are %ithÕ xiAng brother9

0   Ö[Yu] do. make<×Ö gAngYu %ork<ÖØ Yu+F home%ork[Yu_]ÖÙ Yu_;ian s$oil. %aste. humiliate. insult[YuA] do

&   ¼[d>ng] OÚ ser,e as. OÛ dingHdong[dng] OÚ $ro$er. right. e1ual. ¼Ö dngYu treat as.regard as

2   Ü [xiMng] think. *eel. consider. %ant. remember 

3   看[kn] see. look at. read. think. consider [k>n] look a*ter. tend<看Ý k>nsh=u guard

J   Þ[%Kn] language. literature. 6*amil+ name7<Þß  %Knhu culture<7Þ #hAng%Kn Chinese %ritten language

(   wOà[%Q] %ithout. nothingness. ha,e not[m_]áw nnm_ 65anskrit7 to gi,e onesel* totall+ to8Com$are %ith ti>n hea,en9

\   âOã

[k>i] o$en<âä k>ishS beginåâ dMk>i o$en. un*old

[kai] %hen used as a ,erb com$lement8Com$are %ithæ b?ng combine9

  ç[sh=u] hand. a $erson skilled in something< èç hush=u %a,e<éç $>ish=u cla$<êç %sh=u shake:clas$ hands8Com$are %ithë mo hair9

^   ì)í[shE] ten<ìî shEs>n thirteen<ïì %shE *i*t+<ì月 shE+uFWctober 

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  ð[+ng] use<ð hMo+ng use*ul<不ð bQ+ng there@s no need<ñð shS+ng use. a$$l+8Com$are %ithò shuMi s%ing9

^0   K[Yh] lord. master. host. god. Ku Yh+o main. $rimar+<KóYh+? doctrine. ism<KL YhD+F home$age8Com$are %ithô %ng king9

^&   õ

[xEng] go. WX<õö xEngdng action. o$eration. mo,e. get about.act[hng] line<÷õ +Enhng bank<õØ hng+F $ro*ession[hng]øõ( shDhngYi ro%s o* trees[hKng] $honetic radical

^2   ù[*>ng] side. s1uare<_ù d?*ang $lace<ùú *>ngmin as$ect8Com$are %ithû %n ten thousand9

^3   3 [+u] again. both''' and'''

^J   ü [rQ] like. as. as i*. üý rQgu= i*<üþ rQcS like this

^(   ÿ[1in] in *ront. $re,ious. ago. *ormer. *irst< ÿ the da+ be*ore+esterda+

^\   {[su=] $lace<{V su=+S so. there*ore<{* su=+=u all<厕{ cFsu=toilet

^   本[bZn] basis. origin. edition. 6classi*ier *or BWWX5 . $eriodicals.*iles. etc'7<本人 bZnrKn /. me. m+sel*<¾本 R?bZn La$an8Com$are %ith? mD tree9

^^   见O見

[;in] a$$ear to be. meet %ith. call on. 看见 kn;ian see<意见 

+?;ian idea. ,ie%. o$inion<听见 tng;in hear [xin] sho%. a$$ear. become ,isible8Com$are %ith贝 bFi shell*ish9

^   经O經

[;ng] longitude both geogra$hic and in Chinese medecin.scri$ture. constant. regular. 6*amil+ name7. deal %ith. 经纪 

 ;ng;? manage a business<已经 +S;ing alread+<经‰  ;nggu$ass. go through<经验  ;ng+n ex$erience<经由  ;ng+_u ,ia. b+%a+ o*<经常  ;ngchng *re1uent. dail+<易经 U?;ngBWWX  o*Changes<

0   ËO頭

[t_u] head. to$. *irst. 6classi*ier *or li,estock. garlic. etc'7< ËÈ 

t_u*a hair [tou]石Ë shEtou stone

&   ú[min] *ace. sur*ace. 6classi*ier *or mirrors. *lags. etc'7. O麵%heat *lour. ú条  mintio noodle<ú包 minb>o bread

2 公 [gAng] $ublic. o**icial<公‘ gAnglS kilometer<W公室 bngAngsh?o**ice<公司 gAngs com$an+<公共 gAnggng $ublic. communal.common< 公共汽车 gAnggng1?chN $ublic bus< 李公 SgAng

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honorable and old `r i

3   同[t_ng] same. %ith<同志 t_ngYh? comrade[tng] O衕胡同 hQtng lane

J   î) [s>n] three<第î!" d?Hs>n sh?;iF 3rd Vorld< î月 s>n+uF ̀ arch

(   已[+S] sto$. cease. end. 已经 +S;ng alread+8Com$are %ith‚  ;S sel*. %hich is -o$en- on the le*t side9

\   #[lMo] old.j4R)B . outdated<#$ lMosh teacher<#% 

lMoh tiger<#& lMo #h>ng old #hang dear *riend `r #hang

  'O([c_ng] *rom. through. ;oin. *ollo%er. secondar+[cAng])'' hNicAngcAng murk+

^   öO*[dng] mo,e. change. arouce<ö+ dng%D animal<,ö 

hu_dng acti,it+<-ö +Dndng s$orts

  O. [liMng] t%o be*ore classi*ier. (0 grams

&00   /O0[chng] long. lasting. length[YhMng] gro% u$. chie*. head. older. elder 

&0&   g[Yh] realiYe. sense. in*orm. tell. ge Yhdao kno%<g1 Yhshikno%ledge[Yh?] 2 Yh? %it. 23 Yh?hu? %isdom. 24 Yh?l? intellect

&02   5[mEn] 人5 rKnmEn!W! . 6*amil+ name7<5K mSnYhdemocrac+

&03   样O6[+ng] a$$earance. sha$e. *orm. manner< 5样 YhF+ng like this<¥么样 YZnme+ng ho%P in %hat %a+P

&0J   0O7 [xin] sho%. a$$ear. current< 0/ xinYi no%<È0 *>xindisco,er <08  xindi modern

&0(   9[*Nn] di,ide. *raction. minute. cent<:9ˆï bMi*NnYh% (:&00 ([*Fn] limits o* rights or dut+

&0\   ;O<[;i>ng] shall<;来  ;i>ngli *uture[;ing] general. a $iece in Chinese chess =; m;ing mah;ongg

&0   |

[%i] outside. outer. other. *oreign. be+ond. relati,e on onesmother@s:sisters:%i*e@s side<|> %isn daugthers son<|8人 

%igu_rKn *oreigner<意| +?%i unex$ected

8Com$are %ith? chD $lace9&0^   @ [dn] @是 dnsh? but. still. ne,ertheless. ho%e,er. +et

&0   A[shNn] li*e. incarnation. 6classi*ier *or suits o* clothing7. AB 

shNntS bod+<CA 1nshNn in $erson. $ersonall+

&&0   些[xiN] some. 6classi*ier *or $lural or inde*inite:small amount7< 一些+?xiN a number o*. some< 5些人 YhFxiN rKn these!W!

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&&&   DOE

[+] gi,e. o**er. hel$. su$$ort. and[+D]FD c>n+D $artici$ate in[+Q]G 6interrogati,e:esclamati,e $article78Com$are %ithH xiZ %rite9

&&2   高[g>o] high. tall. loud. 6$olite7 +our. 6*amil+ name7< I高 tEg>oim$ro,e< 高J g>ox?ng ha$$+<高见 g>o;in 6$olite7 +ouro$inion:idea

&&3   意[+?] 意K +?si. 意ó +?+? meaning. idea. L意 +un+i %ish.desire<意M +?tQ intention<意见 +?;ian o$inion<意9N U?dl? /tal+

&&J   OOP[;?n] enter. go *or%ard. recie,e. drink. eat. submit< OQ  ;?nbD$rogress

&&(   R[bM] gras$. hold. handle. 6classi*ier *or things %ith handles.hand*uls. chairs. etc'7[b]R( bYi.R儿 br handle

&&\   S [*M] ST  *Ml la%. WS bn*M method<S8 OMgu_ Orance

&&   þ[cS] this<üþ rQcS 5样 YhF+ng like this< þ_ cSd? 5‘ 

YhFlS here. at this $lace

&&̂   UOV[shE] solid. true. real<ÐU sh?shE *act<UWD shE;?shang actuall+<U/ shEYi reall+

&&   X[huE] circle. return. re$l+. turns. times. cha$ter. `uslim. "uiethnic minorit+. 6classi*ier *or cha$ters. times. etc'7< X来 huElicome back<Xr huE1D go back<XY huEd ans%er 

&20   Z)[ [Fr] t%o<Z月 Fr+uF Oebruar+

&2&   § [lS] $rinci$le<§\ lSlDn theor+<]§  guMnlS manage<¦§ xnlS$s+cholog+. mentalit+

&22   H[mZi] H^ meil? beauti*ul.  hMo good. H_ mZidK,irtue. 6*amil+ name7<H8 `Zigu_ 5)<H` mZi+un 5H< mZi;i> artist

&23   点Oa

[diMn] a dro$ o* li1uid. dot. decimal $oint. a little. a bit. a$$ointtime.5CT . choose. order *ood:drink. 6classi*ier *or smallamounts7. 点b diMnhu= light a *ire<一点儿 +?diMnr a little<点Ë diMnt_u nod one@s head

&2J   月 [+uF] month. 月c +uFliang. 月d +uF1iQ moon

&2(   q[mEng] bright. clear. distinct. next da+ or +ear. 6*amil+ name7<q„ mEngbai clear. understand<q mEngti>n tomorro%

&2\   4[1E] its. that. such. the+. them< 4他 1Et> other<e4 +_u1Ees$eciall+[;] anni,ersar+

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&2   fOg[Yh=ng] kind. sort. breed. race[Yhng] to $lant. culti,ate

&2^   EOh[shNng] ,oice. declaration. Ei shNng+n sound. 6classi*ier*or sounds7<Ej shNngmEng re$utation. *ame. statement.declaration

&2   k[1un] %hole. entire. total. com$lete. 6*amil+ name7< Ïk 

%n1un com$letel+<lk >n1un sa*et+

&30   × [gAng] ×Ö gAngYu %ork. ;ob<×人 gAngrKn %orker 

&3&   ‚[;S] M‚ Y?;S sel* 8Com$are %ith已 +S alread+. %hich is -closed- on the le*t side9

&32   POm[hu] s$eech. %ord. language. dialect. 说P shuAhu talk.s$eak[huo]„P bihuo bihu ,ernacular. em$t+ talk

&33   儿On

[Kr] child<儿( KrYi son<X儿 n@Kr daughter [r] noun su**ix<5儿 YhFr here<那儿 nr there[rKn] %hen re*erring to the radical8Com$are %ithÕ xiAng brother.o  ;S table.p +Q moment9

&3J   q[YhZ] one %ho'''<Öq YuYhZ author<Z\Kóq 

hK$EngYh+?YhZ $aci*ist

&3(   r[xing] take somebod+@s $art. to. to%ards. all along. all%a+s.6*amil+ name7. Os direction. to%ards. Ot *ormerl+.$re,iousl+< rq xingYhZ *ormerl+. once u$on a time

&3\   Ñ[1Eng] sensibilit+. uÑ gMn1Eng *eeling. emotion<˜Ñ i1Eng


&3   v[bD] v9 bD*en $art. section. unit. 6classi*ier *or *ilm.largeBWWX5 . machines. etc'7. vw bDdu? troo$s. arm+<xv xbD %estern $art<kv 1unbD entire

&3^   y[YhFng] right. straight. u$right. correct[YhNng]y月 YhNng+uF. zy xnYhNng the &st month o* lunar+ear 

&3   j

[mEng] j mEngYi name. $ersonal name. re$utation. *amous.6classi*ier *or $ersons %ith $ro*essional or $rominent socialidentities. e'g' students. doctors. soldiers. %orkers7< †j 

YhDmEng *amous<j{

 mEngcE noun&J0   定

[d?ng] *ix. settle. calm. stable. subscribe. |定  ;uKd?ng decide<一定 +Ed?ng de*inite

&J&   X [n] *emale. X人 nrKn. }X *Dn %oman

&J2   ~O•[%Fn] ask. examine<~€ %FntE 1uestion. $roblem<~ *Mng%Fn,isit

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&J3   4[l?] ,4 nKngl? energ+. ,italit+. 6*amil+ name7. 4‚ l?liangstrength. *orce

&JJ   ƒO„ [;] ƒ…  ;1i machine<†iƒ shAu+n; radio<‡ƒ *Ni; aircra*t

&J(   ˆO‰

[gZi] gi,e. gi,e to. *or. *or the bene*it o*< Šˆ snggZi

send:$resent to[;S] gi,e. su$$l+. $ro,ide. ‹ˆ gAng;S $ro,ide

&J\   Œ [dZng] e1ual. class. %ait. and so on. etc'

&J   o[;] small table. OoŽ  ;h almost[;S] O ho% man+P. a *e%. used in numerals8Com$are %ith儿 Kr child9

&J^   [hZn] ,er+. 1uite< hZnhMo ,er+ good<不 hZn bQcu notbad at all

&J   ØO‘

[+F] line o* business. trade. occu$ation. $ro*ession. course o*

stud+. engage in. 6*amil+ name7< ’Ø sh>ng+FCW``RC <×Ø gAng+F industr+<ÖØ Yu+F home%ork

&(0   “[Yu?] most. marking *or su$erlati,e<“” Yu?;?n recentl+:soon<“– Yu? xShuan *a,orite

&(&   nO—

[;i>n] room. bet%een. localit+. %ithin gi,en time or s$ace.6classi*ier *or rooms7[;in] ga$. inter,al[g>n]˜n不" bn@g>nbDg neither this nor that. inex$licit.e1ui,ocal. mediocre

&(2   z [xn] ne%. rene%<™z ch_ngxn again<zš xn%Kn ne%s

&(3   ¤O›[shKn]¤么 shKnme %hatP[shE] ì shE ten

&(J   å

[dM] strike. hit. get. $la+. generaliYed ,erb %ith s$eci*ic meaningdetermined b+ its ob;ect< 圠dMsuan $lan. intend<åâ dMk>io$en. un*old<å dM; strike. hitt. attack. assault[d] doYen

&((   ž[bin] ùž *>ngbin con,enient[$in]žŸ $in+i chea$8Com$are %ithñ shS send and gFng more9

&(\   # [%Fi] $lace. location. $osition. 6$olite classi*ier *or !W! 7

&(   ¡ [+n] cause. ¡S +n%Fi because. A¡ +un+n reason

&(^   ™[Yhng] %eight. considerable in amount:,alue. ¢™ 

chKnYhng hea,+. %eight+. ™u Yhng+o im$ortant[ch_ng] again

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&(   £[bFi] 1uilt. co,er %ith. b+ indicates $assi,e ,oice[$]£¤ $*Q bFi*Q bedding and clothing. something one hangson to

&\0   b [Y=u] go. %alk. lea,e

&\&   ¥O¦ [din] §¥ shMndin *lash o* lightning. ¥ª din1?electricit+<¥P dinhu $hone<¥¨ dinnMo com$uter 

&\2   ©)ª [s?] *our<©« s?YhAu all around<©月 s?+uF )$ril

&\3   第[d?] indicating ordinal number. th<第î!" d?Hs>n sh?;iF 3rdVorld<第一Ž d?H+ c? &st time

&\J   ¬O[mKn] door. gate. *amil+. house. ,al,e. s%itch. 6*amil+ name7.6classi*ier *or courses. braches o* science. etc'7< ¬š mKnk=udoor%a+< v¬ bDmKn de$artment<¬® mKnlEng doorbell



[xi>ng] each other. mutual. mode. $hase. 6*amil+ name7

[xing] look at. a$$earance. $hoto

&\\   Ž[c?] occurence. time. second. in*erior. number o* times< Ž liMngc? t%ice

&\   °O±[dAng] master. o%ner. 6*amil+ name7 °ù dAng*>ng east<°² dAngbZi northeast<°x dAngxi thing. creature8Com$are %ith车 chN ,ehicle9

&\^   ³[YhFng] ³´  YhFngYh? $olitics. $olitical a**airs. ³µ 

YhFng* go,ernment

&\   ¶[hMi] sea. big lake. 6*amil+ name7. ¶· hMi+ng. 9¶ dhMisea. ocean

&0   š[k=u] mouth. o$ening. entrance. hole. cut. 6classi*ier *ormouth*uls.!W! . %ells. etc'7<¬š mKnk=u door%a+<人š 

rKnk=u $o$ulation

&&   ñ[shS] make. cause to do. send as en,o+. ñð shS+ng use.a$$l+8Com$are %ith¸ l? andž bin o**icial9

&2   f

[;i>o] teach<ô#$f¹’' Vng lMosh ;i>o shDxuK' TeacherVang teaches math'[;io] cause. ask to. teach< f$  ;iosh teacher. instructor<fº 

 ;io+D education

&3   x [x] %est. %estern<°x dAngxi thing<x² xbZi north%est

&J   » [Yi] again. once more<»见 Yi;in goodb+e

&(   \[$Eng] *lat. le,el. e,en< ¼\ shuS$Eng le,el<Z\ hK$Eng $eace<\常 $Engchng ordinar+. common. usuall+8Com$are %ith˜ bn hal*9

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&\   ½[YhNn] true. genuine. reall+8There are t%o %a+s o* %riting this character9

&   听O¾[tng] listen<听见 tng;in hear<听不¿ tngbud=ng don@tunderstand b+ listening

&^   ! [sh?] generation. 6*amil+ name7. !"

 sh?;iF %orld<!纪


&   ªOÀ [1?] air. gas. ,a$or. s$irit. ,ital energ+< ª ti>n1i %eather 

&^0   Á[x?n] letter. message. in*ormation. ¯Á xi>ngx?n beli,e in<Á x?n*Nng en,elo$e

&^&   ² [bZi] north<°² dAngbZi northeast<²Ã BZi;ng

&^2   ¨[shMo] *e%. little. less. lack[sho] +oung<¨B shonin ;u,enile

&^3   ÄOÅ[gu>n] shut. close. turn o**. close do%n. concern. ke+ $art< ÄÆ 

gu>nxi connection<Äàgu>n+Q concerning

&^J   æ[b?ng] OÇ combine. merge. OÈ and. e1uall+. trul+[bng]æÉ B?ng #hAu Tai+uan in 5hanxi8Com$are %ithâ k>i o$en9

&^(   ÊOË[nFi] inside<ÊÌ nFir_ng content8Com$are %ithÍ ru meat and® bSng third9

&^\   Î [;i>] add. $lus. a$$end. ÏΠYNng;i> increase<FΠc>n;i> ;oin

&^   ß[hu] con,ert. melt. dissol,e. digest. incinerate. Íß binhuchange. trans*orm

[hu>] Рhu> s$end

&^^   由[+_u] *rom. let. 由à+_u+Q due to. §由 lS+_u cause.reason<M由 Y?+_u *reedom8Com$are %ith¬  ;iM helmet andÑ shNn ex$lain9

&^   ÒOÓ [1uF] ho%e,er. but. +et

&0   8[di] 8Ô dibiMo re$resent. l8 shEdi generation.$eriod. e$och. 6classi*ier *or $eriods7<08  xindi moderntimes<D8 shngdi $re,ious generation

&&   ÕOÖ [;n] arm+. militar+. troo$s

&2   ×OØ[chMn] gi,e birth to. ×} chMnshNng $roduce. ×Ù chMn$Sn$roduct

&3   ,[rD] O,  ;?nrD enter. get into<†, shAurD income8Com$are %ith人 rKn $erson9

&J ~ [xi>n] *irst. be*ore. earlier<~} xi>nsheng mister. gentleman. 5ir<Ú~ Yxi>n ~Û xi>nbFi ancestor 

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8Com$are %ithÜ sh lose9

&(   Ý[sh>n] hill. mountain. 6*amil+ name7<bÝ hu=sh>n ,olcano<ÝÞ sh>nmi mountain range

&\   ï)ß [%] *i,e<ï月 %+uF `a+

&   >[ti] great. ,er+. too<>> titai `adame<>à ti+ng sun.sunshine8Com$are %ith9 d big9

&^   ¼[shuS] %ater. li1uid. 6*amil+ name7<¼\ shuS$Eng le,el<¼ý 

shuSgu= *ruit<á¼ +oshuS li1uid medecine8Com$are %ithâ +=ng *ore,er9

&   ûOã

[%n] ten thousand. m+riad. 6*amil+ name7< ûä %nsu?long/j[`]ûå `1E 6*amil+ name78Com$are %ithù *>ng s1uare9

200   æ [sh?] æç sh?chMng market. èæ chKngsh? cit+. to%n

20&   é [+Mn] éê +Mn;ing e+e<éë +Mn;?ng glasses

202   BOì[tS] substance. AB shNntS bod+<íB  ;DtS concrete. s$eci*ic<B tSY? st+le o* %ritten Chinese. t+$*ace. *ont[t]B‚ t;i or tS;S intimate. con*idential

203  îOï.ð

[biK] se$arate. other. don@t. lea,e. di**erentiate. 6*amil+ name7[biF]îñ biFniu a%k%ard

20J   ?Oò[chD] $lace. $art. $oint. de$artment. o**ice[ch] deal %ith. get along %ith somebod+8Com$are %ith| %i outside9

20(   óOô[Y=ng] general. o,erall. al%a+s. ó¹ Y=ngshD sum. total<óõY=ngt=ng $resident o* a re$ublic

20\   öO÷ [ci] talent. onl+ then<øö g>ngci ;ust no%

20   çOù

[chMng] *ield. $lace %here!W!  gather. stage. le,el o$enground. countr+ *air. market. 6classi*ier *or games. $er*ormancesetc'7[chng] 6classi*ier *or ha$$enings7

20^   $Oú [sh] #$ lMosh teacher<$û sh*u master 

20   üOý[sh]BWWX . st+le o* calligra$h+<ü¿ sh;i clerk<Müþ 

tQshguMn librar+

2&0   ÿ[bS] com$are. contrast<ÿ较 bS;io relati,el+<ÿü bSrQ e*orexam$le

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2&&   住 [YhD]/j  in a $lace

2&2   员O員[+un] member' ist. er<委员• %Zi+unhu? committee<人员 

rKn+un $ersonnel

2&3   九)玖 [;i] nine<九月  ;i+uF 5e$tember 

2&J   笑 [xio] laugh

2&(   性[x?ng] sex. gender. nature. dis$osission. ness< z™性 

kZnKngx?ng $ossibilit+

2&\   通

[tAng] communicate. noti*+. connect. ;oin. kno% ,er+ %ell.authorit+. ex$ert. 通‰ tAnggu go through. 6classi*ier *ortelegrams7. 6*amil+ name7<交通  ;i>otAng tra**ic<普通P 

!tAnghD Common 5$each `andarin[tng] 6classi*ier *or actions7

2&   目

[mD] e+e<目ÿ mD1in in *ront o* ones e+es. at $resent< 目的 

mDd? goal. $ur$ose. aim<目录 mDlD catalogue. list. list o*contents8Com$are %ithM Y? sel* and¾ r? sun9

2&^   华O華[hu] glor+. s$lendor. magni*icent. 7华  #hAnghu China["u] 6*amil+ name7< 华Ý "u 5h>n mountain in 5haanxi

2&   报O報[bo] 报告 bogo re$ort. 报纸 boYhS ne%s$a$er. ¥报 

dinbo telegram

220   立[l?] stand. erect. ,ertical< 建立  ;inl? establish<立刻 l?kF righta%a+<立ùB l?*>ngtS cube

22&   ‹O馬[mM] horse<‹D mMshng right a%a+‹‹%% mMmahhcareless. casual8Com$are %ith乌 % cro%9

222   命[m?ng] }命 shNngm?ng li*e. *ate. destin+< 命令 m?ngl?ngcommand< 革命 gKm?ng re,olution

223   &O張[Yh>ng] s$read. sheet o* $a$er. 6classi*ier *or sur*aces. tables.$ostcards. etc'7<紧&  ;SnYh>ng tense. ner,ous

22J   ,[hu_] li,e. ali,e./j/4G . ,i,id. sa,e someone@s li*e<}, 

shNnghu_ li*e<,ö hu_dng acti,it+

22(   难O難

[nn] di**icult

[nn] disaster 

22\   [shKn] s$irit. god<!  ;ngshKn s$irit. mind. consciousness.essence

22   ¹O"[shD] number. number. *igure. *ate. $lan<¹’ shDxuK math[sh] count. enumerate. list[shu] *re1uentl+. re$eatedl+

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22^   #[;in] item. corres$ondence. document. 6classi*ier *or articlesand items7<条# tio;in term. condition

22   l[>n] still. 1uiet<lk >n1un sa*e. secure<l$ >n$i arrange.$lan. *ix u$

230   Ô [biMo] sho%. list. table. *orm. meter. O% %ristH%atch

23&   A[+un] originall+. sim$le. 6*amil+ name7< A来 +unli original.*ormerl+. as a matter o* *act< A¡ +un+n cause. reason

232   车O&[chN] car. ,ehicle %ith %heels. 6*amil+ name7[;] a $iece in Chinese chess8Com$are %ith° dAng east9

233   „

[bi] %hite<q„ mEngbai understand. realiYe. clear. ob,ious< „ biti>n da+time<„' bici cabbage[b_]李„ S B_ S Bi8Com$are %ithM Y? sel* and: bMi hundred9

23J   (O)[+ng] $romise. ans%er. res$ond. 6*amil+ name7. (* +ngg>ishould. ought to[+?ng] (ð +?ng+ng a$$l+

23(   Œ[lD] $ath. %a+. ;ourne+. distance. means. se1uence. logic. sort.grade. class. 6*amil+ name7. eŒ dolD road

23\   +

[1] $hase. stage. 6classi*ier *or issues o* $eriodicals7. l+ 

shE1 time $eriod<,+ b>n1 schedule. time table< -+ xng1%eek</+ chng1 long term[;] anni,ersar+

23   . [;io] cr+ out. call< ./  ;ioYu be called. be kno%n as23^   0 [sS] die. death

23   常[chng] o*ten. constant. ordinar+. 6*amil+ name7<1常 *Nichngextremel+

2J0   I[tE] li*t. raise. $ick u$. carr+<I高 tEg>o im$ro,e<I‹ tEgAng$ro,ide[d]I2 d*ang take $recautions or be on guard against

2J&   u [gMn] u3 gMn;uK *eel. uÑ gMn1Eng emotion

2J2   4 [;n] 4(  ;nYi gold. 45  ;nsh metals in general

2J3   6[hK] %hatP. %hereP. ho%P. 6*amil+ name7< 76 rFnhK an+<ü6 

rQhK ho%P<o6  ;ShK geometr+


[gFng] more. still:e,en more. *urthermore[gNng] re$lace. trans*orm. night %atch< 8 gNnggMi change.alter 8Com$are %ith¸ l? o**icial andž bin con,enient9

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2J(   9

[*Mn] turn o,er. return. re,olt. 9– *Mndu? o$$ose. combat<9: *Mn+?ng re*lect[bMn]99 bMnbMn $ro$er. *itting8Com$are %ith; +=u *riend9

2J\   <

[hK] close. shut. accord %ith. con*orm to. be e1ual to. together. ;ointl+. 6classi*ier *or rounds7. =<  ;iKhK combine<<Ö hKYucoo$erate[gZ] decilitre

2J   >[*ng] $ut. release. set *ree. gi,e out. ex$and. blossom. bloom.lend mone+ at interest<%>  ;iZ*ng liberate. emanci$ate

2J^   /

[Yu] do. act. make. $roduce. %rite. com$ose. 6slang7 to ha,esex<./  ;ioYu be called. be kno%n as</S Yu*M method.%a+ o* doing85ometimes re$laceable %ithÖ Yu do9

2J   Æ

[x?] series. de$artment. *acult+. Æõ x?t=ng s+stem. O? @Æ linx? integrate. relate to< ÄÆ gu>nxi concern. a**ect.matter. OA tie. *asten. *eel anxious. be concerned[;?] OA tie. bind

2(0   OB[;?] œ  ;?sun count. calculate. $lot. $lan. 6*amil+ name7<õ t=ng;? statistics

2(&   C[hu] Cq huYhZ or. Ck hux $erha$s. ma+b+. z™ 

kZnKng $robabl+8Com$are %ithG8 gu_ countr+9

2(2   司 [s]公司 gAngs com$an+. cor$oration<司令 sl?ng commander 

2(3   N [l?] ND l?+? interest. bene*it. $ro*it. 6*amil+ name7< Nð l?+ngutiliYe<EN shFngl? trium$h<意9N U?dl? /tal+

2(J   F[shu] recei,e. endure. GF  ;iNshu acce$t<难F nnshuunha$$+

2((   À[gu>ng] light. merel+<àÀ +nggu>ng sunlight<ÀH gu>ngr_ngglor+

2(\   ô[%ng] king<ô8 %nggu_ kingdom. realm. domain[%ng] rare rule8Com$are %ithK Yh lord andI +D ;ade9

2(   ý [gu=] *ruit. surel+. trul+. as ex$ected. =ý  ;iKgu= result.conse1uence. outcome<üý rQgu= i* 

2(^   COJ[1n] close relati,e. kiss<KC mD1in mother<LC *D1in *ather<CM 1nY? in $erson[1?ng]C< 1?ng;ia relati,es b+ marriage

2( " [;iF] "M  ;iFxin boundar+. limit<!" sh?;iF %orld[g>]不N" bD d>g> ha,e no relation. ha,e nothing to do %ith

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[g]˜n不" bn@g>nbDg neither this nor that. inex$licit.e1ui,ocal. mediocre

2\0   O[;E] reach. come u$ to. and. in. on. to<VO +S;E as %ell as<Ol 

 ;EshE $rom$tl+

2\&   p [;n] no%. this<p  ;nti>n toda+

2\2   Ã[;ng] ca$ital cit+. ²Ã BZi;ng short *or Bei;ing<áà4n;ng<°Ã Ang;ng Tok+o or other eastern ca$ital in $re,iousd+nasties

2\3   POQ[%D] a**air. business<7P rFn%u assignment. task< ¤P *Q%Dser,ice. ser,e

2\J   R[Yh?] %ork out. RS Yh?dD s+stem. institution. TR kngYh?control. dominate. OU RV Yh?Yo manu*acture

2\(   %

[;iZ] se$arate. ex$lain. untie. undo. take o**. dissol,e.6mathematic7 solution[iF] 6*amil+ name7[;iF]%Š  ;iFsng send under guard

2\\   W[gF] each. e,er+. di**erent. se$aratel+< W*ÅX gF+=u1i>n1ieach has his merits[gZ]MW Y?gZ onesel*. b+ onesel* 

2\   7

[rFn] a$$oint. no matter. ser,e a $osition. allo%. trust. o**icial$ost. 6classi*ier *or terms o* o**ice7<7P rFn%u task<76 rFnhKan+[RKn] 6*amil+ name7

2\^   Y[Yh?] to. until. extremel+. most. arri,e. reach< ›Y shFnYh? e,ento the $oint o*. so much so that<Y¨ Yh?shMo at least

2\   Z [1ng] Z[ 1ngchu clear<Z\  1ng;iK clean

20   +[%D] thing. matter<ö+ dng%D animal<]+ YhE%D $lant<+§ 

%DlS $h+sics

2&   ^

[ti] 6$olite7 +ou. O_ $lat*orm. 6classi*ier *or $er*ormances.engines. com$uters. TjHsets. etc'7. ^` Ti%>n short *orTai%an. Oa desk. table. Ob^c ti*Nng t+$hoon[t>i]^ Ti>nt>i in eastern #he;iang

22   d [xing] a$$earance. likeness. 9d dxing ele$hant

23   ¿Oe[;?] ¿s  ;?de remember. ¿录  ;?lD record8Com$are %ith the -o$en- radical ‚  ;S sel* and not the close已 +S alread+9

2J   fOg[bi>n] on the side o* something. margin. limit. 6*amil+ name7. hf $ngbi>n side<5f YhFbi>n o,er here

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2(   共[gng] share<一共 +Egng in all<共× gngchMn communist<公共gAnggng $ublic<共Z gnghK re$ublic

2\   cOi [*Nng] %ind

2   jOk

[Yhn] jl YhnYhNng %ar 

2^   «

[g>n] stem<«m g>nshF inter*ere. inter,ene. On dr+[gn] Oo do8« ti>ng>n the Ten "ea,enl+ 5tems ¬®¯°‚±²³´ 

 ;iMH+SHbSngHdngH%DH;SHgNngHxnHrKnHguS these characters aresometimes used as ordinal numbers98Com$are %ithÅ 1i>n thousand andà+Q at9

2   G[;iN] connect. GF  ;iNshu acce$t<G…  ;iNYhe catch. next<pG YhE;iN direct

2^0   q [t>] it. its

2^&   kOr[x] allo%. some%hat. 6*amil+ name7. jk +Zx $erha$s<k: xduA a lot[h]sk +Kh +ell in unison. +oHhoHho

2^2   t)u [b>] eight<t月 B>+uF )ugust

2^3   v [tF] vî tFbiK s$ecial. $articular<v点 tFdiMn characteristic

2^J   3Ow[;uK] $ercei,e[;io] x3 shu?;io slee$<y3 %;io siesta. a*ternoon na$

2^(   z [%ng] look. *ull moon<{z x%ng ho$e. %ish

2^\   p[YhE] straight. directl+8Com$are %ith½ YhNn true9

2^   ¤[*Q] ¤P *Q%D ser,e. |¤ +*u clothes[*D] dose

2^^   ë[mo] hair 8Com$are %ithç sh=u hand9

2^   }[lEn] ~} sNnlEn *orest. 6*amil+ name7<•} Gu?lEn cit+ inGuangxi

20   €O€

[tE] to$ic. $roblem. inscribe< ~€ %FntE 1uestion. $roblem<€目 

tEmD title2&   建 [;in] construct. establish<建  ;in+? suggest

22   á[nn] south<xá xnn south%est[n>]áw n>m_‚5anskritƒ to gi,e onesel* totall+ to

23 S [dD] degree. extent. unit kVh. angle. tem$erature. etc'.6classi*ier *or units o* measurement. occasions. times. etc'7<R

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S Yh?dD s+stem. institution[du_]„S c>idu_ surmise

2J   õO…[t=ng] order. unite. Æõ x?t=ng s+stem<õ´ t=ngYh? rule.dominate<õ一 t=ng+ together. uni*+. unite. integrate

2(   † [sF] ‡† +nsF colour<ˆ† liMnsF com$lexion. look. *acialex$ression[shMi] colour 

2\   [Y?] %ritten character<汉 "nY? Chinese character<j mEngYiname<B tSY? st+le o* %ritten Chinese. t+$*ace. *ont8Com$are 1ith’ xuK stud+9

2   "O‰ [1Sng] $lease. re1uest. in,ite<"y 1Sng1iQ ask. re1uest

2^   交 [;i>o] ;oin<交通  ;i>otAng tra**ic<交Š  ;i>ohun exchange

2   ˜O‹ [i] ˜Ñ i1Eng lo,e<˜人 irKn s$ouse. lo,er 

300   ŒO [rng] let. allo%

30&   UOŽ [rFn] US rFn%Ki consider. U1 rFnshi recogniYe

302   œ[sun] œ  ;?sun count. calculate. com$ute< œ了 sunle*orget it. ne,er mind

303   \O[lDn] theor+[Qn]\语 Qn+ The Con*ucian )nalects

30J   :O[bMi] hundred[b]‘ó ch>obY=ng ex$ress:co,er e,er+thing

8Com$are %ith„ bi %hite9

30(   ’[ch] eat[1]’’ 11 6the sound o* giggling7

30\   óO“ [+?] ;ustice. 意ó +?+? meaning<Kó Yh+? ism

30   ” [kN] de$artment<”’ kNxuK science<|” %ikN surger+

30^   ¥ [YZn] ¥么 YZnme ho%P

30   ` [+un] *irst. $rimar+. dollar 

3&0   [shF] club. organiYed bod+. • shFhu? societ+

3&&   –O—[shD] skill. ˜–  +?shD art<™–  ;?shD techni1ue[YhQ]–š YhQ;i medicinal %ine

3&2   =O›[;iK] tie<=ý  ;iKgu= result<=œ  ;iKhn marr+[;iN] bear *ruit

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3&3  )ž.Ÿ

[liD] six<月 liD+uF Lune8Com$are %ithJ x?ng $ros$er9

3&J   Î[gAng] achie,ement<ÌΠchKnggAng succeed<Î= gAng*u timeduration. time %hen. skill. art. %ork

3&(   [YhS] $oint. Ë YhStou *inger. toe<¬ YhS;ia *inger nail

3&\   K[s] KÜ sxiMng thought[si]意K +?si meaning[s>i]ÃK +Qs>i richl+ bearded

3&   1[*Ni] not. nonH<1常 *Nichng unusuall+. extraordinar+. s$ecial.,er+. extremel+

3&^   ¡[liQ] to *lo%. stream< ¥¡ dinliQ electric current<交¡  ;i>oliQ toexchange. alternate

3&   ¢ [mZi] e,er+. each<¢ mZiti>n e,er+ da+

320   £[1ng] nature@s colour blue:green:black'''< £B 1ngnin +outh<£¤ 1ng%> *rog

32&   ][guMn] tube. ]§  guMnlS manage. su$er,ise<不] bDguMn nomatter. regardless o* 

322   =

[*] man. ¥= Yhng*u husband<×= gAng*u time. duration.skill<9= di*u doctor [*Q] *ormal this:that $erson8Com$are %ith ti>n hea,en andÜ sh lose9

323   ¦O§[lin] connect. including<¦¨ linmng right a%a+<¦© linxDcontinuous

32J   ªO« [+uMn] *ar 

32(   ¬O[Y] mone+. ex$enses<¬本Kó YbZnYh+? ca$italism<®¬ 

t_uY in,est

32\   wO¯ [du?] team. vw bDdu? arm+. wß du?% troo$s

32   ° [gNn] heel. *ollo%. %ith. and

32^   ±O² [di] belt. Yone. carr+. bring. take

32   Ð [hu>] *lo%er. s$end<Ð}  hu>shNng $eanut

330   a [kui] *ast.5")R! . a› kuilF. ³a +Qkui ha$$+

33&   条O´[tio] t%ig. stri$. item. 6classi*ier *or dogs. snakes. dragons.etc'7<条# tio;in condition. term

332 µ [+un] court+ard<’µ xuK+un college<¶µ ++un hos$ital<S

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µ *M+un court

333   ÍO·[bin] change<ÍÌ binchKng become<Íß binhu ,ariation<8Í gMibin alter 

33J   @O¸[lin] unite. ;oin<@Æ linx? integrate. relate. link. get in touch

%ith33(   ¹ [+n] %ords<语¹ ++n language. s$eech. %ord

33\   ºO» [1un] right. $o%er 

33   ¼ [%Mng] to. to%ard<¼¼ %Mng%Mng o*ten

33^   ½[YhMn] ex$and. s$read out. 6*amil+ name7< Ƚ *>YhMn de,elo$.ex$and. gro%<½¾ YhMnlMn exhibit. sho%. dis$la+

33   *O¿ [g>i] (* +ngg>i should

3J0   iOÀ [lSng] to lead. collar<ih lSngdMo.iÁ lSngxiD)R <本i bZnlSng abilit+

3J&   ÂOÃ[chun] $ass. $ass on<Âõ chunt=ng tradition[Yhun] Con*ucian classic

3J2   ” [;?n] near<Ä” *D;?n ,icinit+<“” Yu?;?n recentl+. latel+. soon

3J3   Å[liQ] remain. sta+. ÆÅ bMoliQ kee$.R5Rj <Å’ liQxK tostud+ abroad<ÇÅ +EliQ hand do%n<ÈÅ  ;liQ arrest

3JJ   ÉOÊ[h_ng] Ɇ h_ngsF red<°ùÉ Ang*>ngh_ng The ast isRed


 ngAng needle%ork3J(   ´ [Yh?] go,ern. cure. $unish<³´  YhFngYh? go,ernment

3J\   |OË[;uK]%|  ;iZ;uK sol,e. resol,e. settle<|定  ;uKd?ng decide.resol,e. make u$ one@s mind

3J   «[YhAu] circuit. circum*erence. c+cle. %eek< «Ì YhAu%Ki ,icinit+.surroundings. entirel+<«A YhAushNn %hole ,od+

3J^   Æ [bMo] ÆÍ bMohD $rotect<ÆΠbMoYhFng ensure. guarantee

3J   ÏOÐ[d] reach. arri,e[d>] 6re*erring to sounds o* clocks or *ootste$s7

[t]ÑÏ t>ot %alk casuall+ to and *ro

3(0   WOÒ[bn] do<WS bn*M method<W公室 bngAngsh? o**ice8Com$are %ithS %Fi *or9

3(&   -OÓ[+Dn] carr+. trans$ort. -ª +Dn1i *ortune. luck<-ö +Dndngmo,e. turn around. s$orts

3(2   Ô [%] militar+<Ô… %1? %ea$on<Ô– %shD martial arts

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3(3   ˜[bn] hal*. semi8Com$are %ith\ $Eng e,en9

3(J   o [hu] lo shEhou time. %ait. situation

3((   Õ)Ö [1] se,en<Õ月 1+uF Lul+

3(\   × [b?] ×Ø b?x must<不× bQb? needn@t

3(   è [chKng] èæ chKngsh? cit+. %all</è chngchKng Great Vall

3(^   L[*D] LC *D1in *ather<LK *Dm $arents[*] old man

3(  ÙOÚ.Û

[1ing] strong[1iMng] stri,e[;ing]ÜÙ  ;uK;ing stubborn. unbending

3\0   Q [bD] ste$<OQ

  ;?nbD $rogress. im$ro,e<ÝQ

 snbD take a %alk3\&   Ï [%n] *inished. com$lete

3\2   革[gK] leather<革命 gKm?ng re,olution<8革 gMigK re*orm[;E]Þ革 b?ng;E about to die o* illness

3\3   ß[shNn] dee$<ß刻 shNnkF dee$. $ro*ound<ßà shNn+F dee$ inthe night

3\J   áOâ[1] _á d?1 area<áî 1DbiK di**erence[Au] 6*amil+ name7

3\(   ã [;E] namel+. that is. e,en i*. 立ã l?;E immediatel+. at once

3\\   y [1iQ] seek. ask<uy +>o1iQ demand. re1uest. re1uirement

3\   Ù[$Sn] ×Ù chMn$Sn $roduct<’Ù sh>ng$Sn merchandise.goods

3\^   ä[sh?] scholar<åä b_sh? !h'<Xä nsh? lad+. `s'<jä 

Yhnsh? soldier 8Com$are %ithæ t earth9

3\   çOè[YhuMn] turn. trans*er [Yhun] rotate[YhuMi] çÞ YhuMi%Kn to *launt one@s s$each

30   ‚[ling] amount<‚{ lingcE classi*ier. measure %ord[ling] to measure

3&   ©[kAng] em$t+. sk+[kng] lea,e em$t+. *ree time

32   ›[shFn] ,er+<›Y shFnYh? e,en. go so *ar as to[shKn] ¤ shKn %hatP<›么 ¤么 shKnme %hatP

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33   éOê[Yhng] cro%d. man+<ëé 1QnYhng the masses<听é 

tngYhng audience

3J   ™[;?]™–  ;?shDTC"4WWGU . techni1ue<”™ kN;? science andtechnolog+

3(   ìOí [1ng] light com$are %ith™ Yhng hea,+

3\   î[chKng]‰î guchKng $rocess<×î gAngchKng engineering$ro;ect< îS chKngdu le,el. degree. extent

3   告[go] 告ï gosu tell<报告 bogo re$ort. make kno%n[gD]告ð gDshu distributing *eudal calendar 

3^   ñ[;i>ng] ri,er</ñ Chng Li>ng UangtYe Ri,er<ñÝ  ;i>ngsh>nlandsca$e

3   语Oò[+] 语¹ ++n language<汉语 "n+ Chinese<语S +*Mgrammar< Ì语 chKng+ idiom

[+D] tell3^0   ó

[+ng] bra,e. outstanding $erson. óô +ngxi_ng hero<ó8 

Unggu_ ngland

3^&   õ[;]õö  ;ch base. *oundation<õ本  ;bZn basic. *undamental.essential

3^2   ÷[$i] *action. send<ø÷ dMng$i $olitical $arties[$>]÷司 $>si $ass$ort. identi*ication

3^3   ùOú [mMn] *ull<ùû mMnYQ satis*ied. contented

3^J   ü[sh?] ýü xEngsh? *orm<ùü *>ngsh? %a+. $attern<yü 

YhFngsh? *ormal. o**icial3^(   李 [lS] 李( lSYi $lum. 6*amil+ name7

3^\   þ[x] breath. sto$[xi]ÿþ xi>oxi ne%s<休þ xixi rest

3^   HO寫[xiZ] %rite<描H mioxiZ describe. de$ict[xiF]H意 xiZ+S *reehand brush%ork. sketch8Com$are %ithD + and9

3^^   呢[ne] 6sentence *inal $article7[nE] %oolen cloth

3^   1O識 [shE] kno%<U1 rFnshi kno%. recogniYe<1î shEbiK tell a$art[Yh?] *ormal remember. commit to memor+. mark. sign

30   极O極[;E] extreme. $ole<>极 Ti LE the 5u$reme ltimate in Chinesecosmolog+<>极拳 tMi;E1un shado%boxing

3& 令 [l?ng] make. cause<命令 m?ngl?ng command[lSng] ream. 6classi*ier *or $a$er7[lEng]脊令  ;ElEng 鹡鸰  ;ElEng %agtail a s+mbol o* brotherl+

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32   黄O黃 [hung] 黄† hungsF +ello%

33   _ [dK] ,irtue<e_ dodK ethics<_8 Kgu_ German+

3J   † [shAu] gather. †N shAudo recie,e. †获 shAuhuhar,est<†í shAushi $ut in order< †iƒ shAu+n; radio

3(   ˆO臉 [liMn] *ace

3\   钱O錢 [1in] mone+. co$$er coin

3   øO黨[dMng] $olitical $art+. cli1ue< 共×ø GngchMndMng Communist!art+<85ø Gu_mEndMng 4ationalist !art+

3^   倒[dMo] *all do%n. to$$le[do] in,ert. mo,e back%ards. $our. contrar+ to ex$ectations[do] *ollo% u$

3   未[%Fi] ha,e not. did not<未来 %Fili *uture8Com$are %ith£ m end9

J00   持[chE] hold<坚持  ;i>nchE $ersist in. insist on<Æ持 bMochE kee$.maintain. $reser,e

J0&   取 [1] take. get. *etch

J02   设O設[shF] set u$<建设  ;inshF build. construct<设 shF;? design.$lan<设备 shFbFi e1ui$ment. *acilities

J03   ä [shS] âä k>ishS begin. start<ä终 shSYhAng all along

J0J   版 [bMn] $rinting $late. edition<c版 chbMn $ublish

J0(   双O雙 [shu>ng] $air. t%in. double< 双ù shu>ng*>ng both sides

J0\   历[l?] O历! l?shS histor+<经历  ;ngl? ex$erience. O"¾历 r?l?calendar 8Com$are %ith# l? se,ere9

J0   $ [+uF]$…$… the more''' the more'''

J0^   ![shS] 历! l?shS histor+. 6*amil+ name7<|! %ishS uno**icialhistor+

8Com$are %ith¸ l? o**icial and gFng more9

J0   ’ [sh>ng] discuss. business

J&0   ÅO%[1i>n] thousand8Com$are %ith« g>n stem andà+Q at9

J&& & [$in] slice<'& Yho$in $hoto<&刻 $inkF moment<(& 

kM$in card

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[$i>n] *ilm

J&2   Ì [r_ng] contain<Ì易 r_ng+? eas+<ÊÌ nFir_ng content

J&3   ) [+n] grind. )* +n;i stud+. research

J&J   + [xing] resemble. ,+ xioxing $ortrait. image

J&(   .[YhMo] look *or. seek8Com$are %ith我 %= me9

J&\   ;[+=u] -; $Kng+=u *riend<; +=uhMo *riendshi$8Com$are %ith9 *Mn turn o,er9

J&   . [hi] .( hiYi. ;.儿 xiMohir child<X.儿 nhir girl

J&^   / [Yhn] stand<b车/ hu=chNYhn train station

J&   0O1

[guMng] %ide. extensi,e

[+Mn] %hen re*erring to the radical

J20   8 [gMi] 8Í gMibin change<8革 gMigK re*orm

J2&   O2[+?] \ +?lDn discuss. con*er<• hu?+? meeting.con*erence< 建  ;in+? suggest. $ro$ose

J22   ý[xEng] ýü xEngsh? *orm. sha$e<ýÌ xEngchKng to *orm. takesha$e

J23   委[%Zi]委员• %Zi+unhu? committee<委3 %ZituA entrust[%Ni]4D委5 x+%Ni+E to $retend interest and s+m$ath+

J2J   6 [YMo] earl+<67

 YMo*n break*ast<68

 YMochen morningJ2(   9 [*ng] 9n *ng;i>n room. 9( *ngYi building

J2\   i [+n] Ei shNng+n sound<i›  +n+uF music

J2   b[hu=] *ire<b车 hu=chN train<b: hu=chi match<b; hu=+n*lame

J2^   WO<[;?] fW bi>n;? boundar+<UW shE;? realit+<8W gu_;?international

J2   =O> [YK] con;unction<A= +unYK $rinci$le<否= *=uYK or else

J30   ¹ [sh=u] head<¹~ sh=uxi>n *irst o* all<¹¸ sh=ud ca$ital o* acountr+

J3&   ?O@[d>n] alone. single. sheet[chn]?àchn+Q 6hist'7 chie* o* the iongnu[5hn] 6*amil+ name7

J32   AOB[;D] seiYe. de$end on. CA gNn;D according to[;]DA  ;iK; short o* mone+. hard u$

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J33   hOE [dMo] lead<ih lSngdMo)R

J3J   F [+Sng] shado%. image<¥F  din+Sng mo,ie

J3(   Ü[sh] lose<ÜG shbi be de*eated

8Com$are %ith~ xi>n *irst9J3\   H [n] hold<H来 nli bring<Hr n1D take<Hˆ ngZi hand o,er 

J3   IOJ [%Mng] net<Id  %Mng1iQ tennis<¡vI +ntF%ng /nternet

J3^   K [xi>ng] $er*ume. *ragrant<KL i>nggMng "ong Xong

J3   M[s?] similar<MŽ s?hu it seems[sh?]M的 sh?de alike

JJ0   N[s] thus no%ada+s used mostl+ as a $honem in *oreign names<SxN *Mxs Oascist


[Yhu>n] O¬ Yhu>nmKn s$ecial. O< Yhu>n;i> ex$ert<O³Yhu>nYhFng dictatorshi$

JJ2   石[shE] 石Ë shEtou stone. rock[dn] unit o* grain8Com$are %ithR +u right9

JJ3   S[ru] seem. as i*< TS  ;iMru i*<S« rug>n ho% muchP[rZ]US bArZ buddhist %idom. $ra;na

JJJ   V[bng] äV sh?bng soldier<V4 bngl? militar+ strength8Com$are %ithW bn guest9

JJ(   X[d?] XX d?di +ounger brother [t?] Y

JJ\   ZO[[shuE] %hoP[shKi] %hoP

JJ   ”[xio] ’” xuKxio school[;io] ”–  ;iodu?.”y  ;ioYhFng $roo*read

JJ^   \O][dQ] read[du] $ause in reading

JJ   志[Yh?] 意志 +?Yh? %ill. ^志 bi>oYh? mark<同志 t_ngYh?

comrade. O_`志  YYh? magaYineJ(0   ‡Oa [*Ni] *l+<‡ƒ *Ni; air$lane

J(&   bOc[gu>n] ,ie%. contem$lation[gun]eb ogun aoist tem$le

J(2   lOd[YhNng] contend. dis$ute<jl YhnYhNng %ar. %ar*are<el 

duYhNng *ight. struggle

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J(3   * [;i])* +n;i stud+. research<*f  ;i;?ng a*ter all

J(J   包 [b>o] bag. %ra$

J((   gOh [Y] organiYe. grou$<gi YYh organiYation. organiYe. *orm

J(\   V [Yo] RV Yh?Yo manu*acture. jV chungYo create

J(   k

[lu] *all[l] be missing[lo]k† loshMi *ade in colour[luA]©kk kAngluAluA absolutel+ nothing le*t. o$en:s$aciousand desolate

J(^   lOm [sh?] look<¥l dinsh? tele,ision

J(   nOo[;?]经n   ;ng;? econom+<pn  ;iD;? hel$ disaster ,ictims[;S]nn  ;S;S multitudinous. numerous. magni*icent

J\0   [xS] ha$$iness<– xShu>n like

J\&   qOr [lE] qâ lEk>i lea,e. *rom

J\2   ºOs [su] ºƒ surn although

J\3   t[Yu] seat. sit. tra,el b+ car:$lane:etc'. $ut a kettle or similaron the *ire. 6classi*ier *or bridges. buildings. etc'7< "t 1SngYu$lease ha,e a seat<t公共汽车 Yu gAngng 1?chN ride a bus

J\J   u [;E] †u shAu;E collect<u7  ;EYhAng centraliYe

J\(   vOw [bi>n] %ea,e. organiYe. vx bi>n;E edit

J\\   yOz [bMo] treasure

J\   {O| [tn] talk

J\^   µ [*]³µ YhFng* go,ernment

J\   }

[l>] $ull. drag. haul[lM]˜} bnlM hal* [l] slit

[l]}}~ llagD mole cricketJ0   ) [hNi] )† hNisF black<)• hNi@n dark

J&   ¶[1iZ] *or the time being<µ¶ Kr1iZ *urthermore[;] onl+ used some $ersonal names

J2   €O [suE] *ollo%<€ž suEbin as +ou like

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J3   ‚[gK] check. $attern. standard<‚| gK%i es$eciall+[gN] 6the sound o* laughter. clicking o* a hen7. chuckel

JJ   ƒ[;?n] O„ use u$[;Sn] O… to max extent< ƒ]  ;SnguMn e,en though

J(   †O‡ [;in] s%ord<y† bMo;in doubleHedged s%ord

J\   ˆO‰ [;iMng] s$eak. ex$lain. discuss. stress

J   Š [bD] cloth. s$read

J^   ‹OŒ [sh>] kill. *ight. %eaken. reduce. burn o* medicine

J   [%Ni] tin+. micro<笑 %Nixio smile

J^0   Ž [$] Ž hi$ to *ear<zŽ kZ$ horrible

J^&   K [m] KC m1in mother<LK *Dm $arents<K Y?m letterso* an al$abet

J^2   O‘[dio] shi*t. tone[tio] ad;ust

J^3   ’ [;Q] de$artment. situation<“’ +_u;Q $ost o**ice

J^J   C[gNn] root<C本 gNnbZn essence. *oundation. basic. utterl+. notat all

J^(   ”[cKng] ”经 cKng;ng in the $ast[YNng] greatH grandmother[cNng]”儿 >icNngr ‚collo1uialƒ to get a scolding

J^\   –[Yhn] allo%. O— certainl+. $recise<–备 YhnbFi $re$are<^–bi>oYhn standard

J^   ˜O™ [tun] ball. lum$. grou$< ˜= tun;iK unite. rall+

J^^   š[dun] section. $aragra$h<çš sh=udun method. means to anend. strateg+

J^   终O›[YhAng] end<终àYhAng+Q *inall+<ä终 shSYhAng all along<终A 

YhAngshNn li*eHlong

J0   ›Oœ[lF] en;o+. be glad. $leasure. a› kuilF ha$$+

[+uF] i›  +n+uF musicJ&  

[1iN] to cut[1iF] corres$ond to<一 +E1iF all

J2   žOŸ [;E] grade. le,el<ž  ;iN;E social class. ste$s. stairs. rank

J3   ¡[kF] ¡¤ kF*Q o,ercome. gram. O¢¡+ kF1 set time limit[kNi] ¢ scold

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JJ   ! [;ng] $er*ect<!  ;ngshKn s$irit. essence<š!  ;i;ng alcohol

J(   x

[nM] %hatPx儿 nMr %hereP[nZi] be*ore classi*ier %hichP[na] used in orders and exclamations

[4K] in *oreign namesJ\   £ [gu>n] o**icial<£¤ gu>nlio bureaucrat

J   ¥ [sh?] Ô¥ biMosh? sho%. indicate<¥ YhSsh? $oint out

J^   ¦[chAng] O§ rinse. rush. O¨ rush[chng] O¨ to%ards

J   f[;?ng] *inish. fƒ  ;?ngrn unex$ectedl+< *f  ;i;?ng actuall+.exactl+. in the end. a*ter all

(00   Ž [h]MŽ s?hu it seems<oŽ  ;h almost

(0&   © [nn] male. ©人 nnrKn man

(02   ªO«[;] raise<ªõ  ;xEng hold a meeting<¬ª xuMn; election<ª  ;l? gi,e an exam$le

(03   $ [kF] $人 kFrKn guest<$b kFgu>n ob;ecti,e<$ª kF1i $olite

(0J  ÎO®.¯

[YhFng] $ro,e<MüΠtQshYhFng librar+ card<°Î 1i>nYhFng,isa

(0(   ± [k] bitter<²±  ;i>nk arduous<³± tngk su**ering

(0\   ' [Yho] shine<'¯ Yhoxing $hoto

(0   ´[YhD] $our. Oµ notes<´意 YhD+? $a+ attention<´l YhDsh?gaYe

(0^   ¶O· [*Fi] cost<’¶ xuK*Fi tuition

(0   û [YQ] *oot. û· YQgu enough<ùû mMnYQ satis*+

(&0   ¸O¹ [Zr] 6archaic7 +ou<¸ Zrhu therea*ter<高¸=  g>o@Zr* gol* 

(&&   ‡ [Yh>o] beckon. recruit. attract<‡º entertain guests

(&2   ë [1Qn] cro%d. grou$<ëé 1QnYhng The `asses

(&3   »O¼ [rF] hot

(&J   ½ [tu] $ush

(&( ¾ [%Mn] late<¾D %Mnshang e,ening<ྠ+F%Mn night<¾7 

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%Mn*n dinner 

(&\   ¿OÀ [xiMng] sound<F¿ +SngxiMng in*luence

(&   ÁOÂ[chNng] %eigh. name[chFn]–Á du?chFn s+mmetric

(&^   JOÃ[x?ng] 高J g>ox?ng glad[xng] JÄ xng*Fn excited8Com$are %ith liD six9

(&   º[di] treat. entertain. %ait *or [d>i] Å d>i sta+

(20   ÆOÇ[+uN] a$$roximatel+. arrange. a$$ointment[+>o] %eigh

(2&   àOÈ [+ng] o$$osite o*É +n<>à ti+ng the sun

(22   Ê [gN] ÊÊ

 gNge older brother (23   ËOÌ [;ng] sur$rise

(2J   +OÍ[ma] 6interrogati,e $article7[m] %hat<«+P gn mP Vhat@s u$P[mM]+ΠmM*Ni mor$hine

(2(   [YhZng] 个 YhZnggF %hole< tioYhZng ad;ust<Ï 

YhZng1E neat

(2\   `[Yh] branch. su$$ort<`持 YhchE sustain<_` d?Yh the T%el,eTerrestrial Branches

(2   Ð [g] Ð8 gdi ancient8Com$are %ithÑ shK tongue9

(2^   汉OÒ[hn] Chinese ethnicit+<汉语 hn+u Chinese<汉 hnYiChinese character<#汉 lMohn old man

(2   Ó [t] charge *or%ard. stick out< Óƒ trn suddenl+

(30   ÔOÕ[ho] name. number. mark[ho] +ell

(3&   ÖO× [;uK] cut o**. absolute

(32   ¬OØ [xuMn] ¬Ù xuMnYK choose.5CT <¬ª xuMn; election

(33   Ú[ba] at end o* sentence. indicates suggestion[b>] sna$

(3J   FOÛ[c>n]FΠc>n;i> $artici$ate[shNn]人F  rKnshNn ginseng[cNn]FÜ cNnc une,en. irregular 

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(3(   Ý[k>n] $eriodical. $ublication<报Ý bMok>n $eriodical $ublications.the $ress

(3\   ÞOß [+] in*erior. second<Þà UYhAu )sia

(3   á

[*D] Oâãá hu*D reco,er. Oäá` *DY com$licated.

com$lex. Oå co,er 

(3^   æOç [sh>ng] %ound. in;ur+. in;ure< jæ chu>ngsh>ng trauma

(3   )Oè [lFi] categor+. kind. t+$e<)M lFis? similar 

(J0   备Oé [bFi] –备 YhnbFi get read+. $re$are<设备 shFbFi e1ui$ment

(J&   –Oê [hu>n] –› hu>nlF ha$$+. ;o+ous<– xShuan like

(J2   ë [l?ng] other<ë| l?ng%i other. besides

(J3   L [gMng] harbor<KL i>nggMng "ong Xong

(JJ   ìOí [sh?] $o%er<ýì xEngsh? circumstances<îì Ysh? $osture

(J(   刻 [kF] car,e. 1uarter hour. moment

(J\   - [xng] star<b- hu=xng `ars<-+ xng1 %eek

(J   ïOð [dun] cut o**<不ï bQdun unceasing<ñï $ndun ;udge

(J^   òOó [chKn] dis$la+. ex$lain. stale. d+nast+ ((H(^

(J   ô [YhMng] $alm o* the hand<ôê YhMng% gras$

((0   õOö[n_ng] õ5 n_ngmEn *armer. $easant<õØ n_ng+Fagriculture

((&   à[+F] ྠ+F%Mn night<˜à bn+F.yà %+F midnight<à‘ 

+FlS at night

((2   U[b>n] sort. kind<一U +?b>n ordinar+[$n] ha$$+[bA]US bArZ buddhist %isdom. $ra;na

((3   ÷Oø[nin] miss. read aloud<b÷ gu>nnin conce$t<÷ü ninshstud+

((J   ù[;i] Oú ùû  ;iYhE ,alue. ù钱  ;i1ian $rice[;ie] Oú[;iF] ser,ant

(((   ¨Oü[nMo] ¨( nMoYi brain<¨ý nModai head<¨þ nMokK skull<¥¨ dinnMo com$uter 

((\   ÿO規 [gu]ÿT gul regular $attern<ÿ定 gud?ng regulations

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((   底 [dS] bottom<彻底 chFdS thorough<N底 dodS a*ter all

((^   故 [gD] cause. there*ore<故РgDshi stor+<故意 gD+? on $ur$ose

((   省[shZng] $ro,ince. economiYe. omit


 *MnxSng intros$ection(\0   妈O媽 [m>] mother. mom<妈妈 m>ma mama

(\&   øO剛 [g>ng] *irm. øö g>ngci ;ust a moment ago

(\2   句 [;D] sentence

(\3   显O顯 [xiMn] a$$ear<显ƒ xiMnrn ob,ious

(\J   ÿ [xi>o] disa$$ear<ÿþ xi>oxi ne%s<ÿ灭 xi>omiF $erish

(\(   |

[+] |¤ +*u clothing

[+?] %ear clothing. gi,e clothing to others to %ear 

(\\   žOŸ[lD] land<9ž continent[liD] six  liD

(\   … [1?] utensil. ƒ…  ;1i machine<Ô… %1? %ea$on

(\^   确O確[1uF] true<y确 YhFng1uF correct<确U 1uFshE indeed<q确 

mEng1uF ex$licit

(\   破 [$] smash<破坏 $hui ruin<破烂 $ln %orn out

(0   í[;D]×í gAng;D tool<í*  ;D+=u $ossess<íB  ;DtS concrete<玩í

 %n;D to+(&   居

[;] 居住  ;YhD/j . reside<居5  ;mEn resident<居ƒ  ;rnunex$ectedl+

(2   批[$] 6classi*ier *or a batch:lot7. comment. criticiYe. re*ute<批评 

$$Eng criticiYe

(3   Š [sng] see somebod+ o**. deli,er. gi,e

(J   泽O澤[YK]沼泽 YhMoYK marsh. s%am$<†泽 sFYK colour and lustre< ë泽° `o #KdAng CC!)R  and *ounder o* the !RC

((   紧O緊 [;Sn] tight<紧&  ;SnYh>ng tense<u紧 +o;Sn im$ortant

(\   帮O幫 [b>ng] 帮助 b>ngYhD.帮¨ b>ngmng hel$. gang

(   线O線[xin] line. thread<À线 gu>ngxin light ra+<¥线 dinxinelectric %ire

(^   1 [cQn] 1/ cQnYi exist<Æ1 bMocQn $reser,e

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(   LO願 [+un] %ish

(^0   奇[1E] mar,ellous. {奇 x1E rare. strange[;] odd not e,en

(^&   [hi] harm*ul< hich_ng destructi,e insect<# l?hai *ierce

(^2   Ï [YNng] ÏΠYNng;i>. Ï/ YNngYhMng increase

(^3   !O" [+ng] $o$lar tree<î#$! s>n;iMo+F+ng cotton%ood

(^J   %[lio] &% cilio material. ex$ect. antici$ate< ¬% Yliomeans. data. material

(^(   É [YhAu] $re*ecture<0É GuMngYhAu Canton

(^\   'O([;iK] ;oint. section. *esti,al. holida+. '¾  ;iKr? holida+[;iN] knot. link< '(  ;iNYi gnarl. knot in %ood

(^   ) [Yu=] le*t<)f Yu=bi>n le*t side

(^^   *O+ [Yhu>ng] dress u$. load. install. T*  ;iMYhu>ng $retend

(^   易 [+?] Ì易 r_ng+? eas+. change<易经 U?;ngBWWX  o* Changes

(0   †

[YhD] %rite.BWWX[Yhe] 5…[Yho] 5…[Yhu_] 5…[Yh>o] 5…

(&   , [;E] urgent<…, Yho;E anxious<,¨  ;Emng in a hurr+

(2   - [;i] *or a long time

(3   .[d] lo%</.  ;ingd reduce<.ž d;E elementar+<高. g>odheight

(J   äO0[su?] +ears old<ä¹ su?shu age<ûä %nsu? long li*e. Uour:"is`a;est+. -BanYai-

((   1 [x] 1u x+o need<×1 b?x essential

(\   š [;i] %ine<2š  $E;i beer<3š hN;i drink %ine

(   4[hK] ri,er<4á省 "Knn shZng "enan !ro,ince< -4 +DnhKcanal

(^   5[ch] beginning. *irst in order< 5Q chbD $reliminar+<C5 

1Sch at *irst

(   Q [+_u] Q6  +_u+=ng s%im. 7Q l+_u tra,el

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\00   8O9 [+n] se,ere. stern

\0&   :O; [tiZ] iron<_: d?tiZ underground. sub%a+

\02   < [YQ] 5< mEnYQ!W! . nationalit+. f< Yh=ngYQ race

\03   = [chQ] get rid o*. di,ide. =了 chQle exce$t

\0J   >[*Fn] $ortion. share. co$+. 6classi*ier *or $ortion. share. co$ies o*ne%s$a$ers etc'7. college degree

\0(   ? [gMn] dare<@? +=nggMn bra,e

\0\   胡[hQ] recklessl+<胡说 nonsense OA 胡( hQYi beard OB胡同 hQtng lane

\0   C[xuF] blood[xiZ] blood

\0^   D [1S] stand on ti$toe. ho$e *or. look *or%ard to< DØ 1S+Fenter$rise< DM 1StQ attem$t<DE $enguin

\0   F [rKng] Fƒ rKngrn. FG rKng;iD still. +et. as be*ore

\&0   ® [t_u] thro%<®H t_u$io ,ote

\&&   šOI [%Kn] smell. hear<zš xn%Kn ne%s

\&2   e[d=u] &0 liters<Je +>nd=u tobacco:o$ium $i$e<²e- 

BZid=uxng The Big i$$er. The !lo%[du] OK *ight

\&3   纪OL [;?]!纪 sh?;? centur+<纪÷  ;?nin memento<纪T  ;?l disci$line[LS] 6*amil+ name7

\&J   MON[;iMo] *oot<OM ch?;iMo bare*oot<MP  ;iMoYhS toe[;uK] #  ;iMo role. $art. character. actor. actress

\&(   R[+u] right<Rf +ubi>n right side<)R Yu=+u around. nearb+.more or less8Com$are %ith石 shE stone9

\&\   QOR [s]QS sxSng re,i,e<QÉ 5YhAu< Q@ 5lin 55R

\&   ^OT

[bi>o] mark<^– bi>oYhn standard

\&^   7OU [*n] rice. *ood

\&   V [+Qn] sa+. OW VX +Qncai cloud

\20   Þ [b?ng] sick<ëÞ mobing mal*unction

\2& ¶OY [+] ¶’ +xuK medical science<¶} +shNng doctor<¶µ 

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++un hos$ital

\22   Z[>]Z}[ >l>b_ )rab[N]Z\]^ NmEtu_g_ )mitabha Buddha $reser,e us

\23   Y[d] XY huEd ans%er 

[d>]Y( d>+ing res$ond. $romise\2J   æ

[t] earth. æ_ td? land. æ_ trMng soil8Com$are %ithä sh? scholar9

\2(   `Oa [kung]Ñ` 1Engkung circumstances<`¶ kung1iZ moreo,er 

\2\   b [;?ng] border. territor+<cb hun;?ng en,ironment

\2   dOe [ruMn] so*t<d# ruMn;in so*t%are

\2^   f [kMo] fg kMol consider. fh kMosh? exam

\2   i [ning] mother. aunt[niang]ji gniang girl

\30   k [cn] ,illage. rustic< õk n_ngcn countr+side. ,illage

\3&   l [d>o] kni*e

\32   Om [;] beat. strike. knock<å dM; strike. hitt. attack. assault

\33   nOo [;Sn] nn  ;Sn;Sn onl+. barel+

\3J   p[ch] examine. in,estigate<qp  ;iMnch ins$ect[#h>] 6*amil+ name7

\3(   r [+Sn] dra%. stretch. rC +Sn1S cause. sr x+Sn attract

\3\   t[cho] to%ards. d+nast+<tu Choxi>n Xorea[Yh>o] morning

\3   º[+D] raise. educate<fº  ;io+D education[+A]vº hng+A hea,eHho. +oHho

\3^   ©Ow [xD] x©  ;?xD continue<¦© linxD continuous

\3   yOz [dQ] onl+. alone<y立 dQl? inde$endent

\J0   {O|[lu_] {I lu_%Mng birdnet<{‹ u_mM Rome<{} lu_$ncom$ass[luA]{~ luAsuo %ord+. troublesome<••{{ lliluAluA thesound o* boiling:rumbling:etc'

\J&   €O [mMi] bu+

\J2   ‚Oƒ [hD] door. household<„‚ chu>nghD %indo%

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\J3   ÍO… [hD] ÆÍ bMohD guard. $rotect< Íä hDshi nurse

\JJ   3[hN] drink[hF] shout

\J(   -

[$Kng]-; $Kng+=u *riend

8Com$are %ith^ l? beautiul and† cFBWWX 9

\J\   ‹[gAng] su$$l+[gng] con*ess

\J   ‡Oˆ [YK] dut+<‡7 YKrFn res$onsibilit+

\J^   ‰OŠ [xing] ‰目 xingmD item

\J   ‹[bFi] back[bNi] carr+ on the back

\(0   Œ [+Q] /. me. O le*tHo,er. extra<4Œ the rest<ŒŽ cosine

\(&   {[x] s$arse. scattered. %ater+. this<{z x%ng ho$e<{奇 x1Erare. strange<{ l Greece

\(2   O‘ [%Fi]Æ de*end<} sanitar+< - satellite

\(3   ’ [liF] column. line u$<’车 liFchN train<$’ $iliF arrange

\(J   MO“ [tQ] $icture<_M  d?tQ ma$<Müþ tQshguMn librar+

\((   室[sh?] room<f室  ;iosh? classroom<”室 %sh? bedroom<W公室 

bngAngsh? o**ice

\(\   O– [lun] chaotic. disorderl+. mess+< — hDnlun chaos

\(   ˜O™ [iQ] 6*amil+ name7

\(^   šO› [+K] *ather<šš +K+e grand$a

\(   œO [l_ng] dragon<žœ k=ngl_ng dinosaur 

\\0   Ÿ[Yn] Ÿ- Ynmen %e +ou and /[Yan] abbre,iation *or6¾ YMo%Mn all the time. morning ande,ening. sooner or later 

\\&   [Yh>ng] cha$ter. seal. stam$. medal. badge. rules\\2   ¡ [xE] mat. seat. ban1uet<K¡ YhxE chair$erson

\\3   O¢[cu] £ cu%D mistake<不 bQcu not bad. $rett+ good<一点儿不 +?diMnr bQcu $er*ectl+ correct

\\J   Õ[xiAng] elder brother<ÕX xiAngd? brothers8Com$are %ith儿OÕ Kr child and! YhS onl+9

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\\(   • [n] )• hNi@n dark<•• secretl+<É• gloom+<•¥ hint

\\\   jO¤[chung] jV chungYo create[chu>ng] jæ chu>ngsh>ng trauma

\\   $

[$i] arrange. ro%. line

[$Mi]$(车 $MiY?chN handcart

\\^   ¥[chn] ¥ chnti>n. ¥¦ chn;? s$ring<¥§ chn;uMns$ring roll<¥¨X© chnxi1idAng the *our seasons

\\   Ø [x] Oª ×Ø b?x must. O« 胡Ø hQx beard

\0   ¬ [chKng]¬U chKngrFn admit<x¬  ;?chKng inherit

\&   [n] desk. la% case< Y d@n ans%er or solution to a $roblem

\2   ¨ [mng] hurr+. bus+<帮¨ hel$<¦¨ right a%a+

\3   ® [h] shout. exhale<®s hx breathe<–® hu>nh cheer 

\J   øO¯[shD] tree<ø} shDlEn %oods<ø? shDmD trees<ø« shDgntrunk

\(   ³ [tng] $ain*ul<³± tngk su**ering<³a tngkuai delighted

\\   ¢[chKn] to sink<¢™ chKnYhng hea,+[chNn])¢¢ hNichNnchNn $itchHblack

\   °

[a] used as $hrase su**ix. indicating ob,iousness:im$atience[>] indicating elation<°我3±了 > V= +u +Engle "a /@,e

%on again[] indicating doubt or 1uestioning. huhP<°P你说¤么P PP 4SshuA shenmeP "uhP Vhat are +ou sa+ingP[M] indicating $uYYled sur$rise[] indicating agreement:a$$ro,al<°.Ú P. hMoba Vell. WX

\^   ²O³ [lEng] cle,er. s$irit. soul. el*< ², lEnghu_ nimble. eas+

\   ´Oµ [YhE] dut+<´× YhEgAng sta**<´Ø YhE+F occu$ation

\^0   ¶O· [xi>ng] countr+side. home to%n

\^&   ¸O¹ [x?] thin<º¸

 YSx? care*ul<¸»

 x?b>o cell<¼¸

 xingx? detailed\^2   ïO½ [sD]告ï gosu tell<ï¾ sDsng la%suit

\^3   ¿OÀ [ti] *orm<¿S tidu manner<Á¿ Yhungti state

\^J    [tEng] ÂàtEngYhS sto$<Â车ç tEngchNchMng $arking lot

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\^(   Ä [+?n] ÄÅ +?nshu> $rint. Ä +?nYh>ng seal

\^\   ÆOÇ [bS] %riting im$lement<ëÆ brush< ÈÆ $en<ÉÆ $encil

\^   ¨[xi] ¨ xiti>n summer<¥¨X© chnxi1idAng the *our

seasons\^^   助 [YhD] 帮助 b>ngYhD hel$

\^   Ê

[*Q] blessing. good *ortune. ËÊ x?ng*Q ha$$iness. ha$$+<ÌÊ YhD*Q in,oke:%ish a blessing< Ê建 OQ;in8/t is common to hang calligra$h+ o* this character u$HsideHdo%non doors. in order to get!W!  to note that Ê倒了 *Q dole -The @Ou@ is u$HsideHdo%n-. %hich is $ronounced ;ust as ÊN了 -Oortune:ha$$iness has come-9

\0   ÍOÎ [kui] $iece. lum$. chunk. ` +un Chinese dollar 

\&   Ï [lZng] cold<ÏРlZng;?ng calm

\2   d [1iQ] ball<ûd  YQ1iQ *ootball soccer<_d d?1iQ the arth

\3   j [g]ji gniang girl

\J   Ñ[hu] ro% a boat OÒ scratch[hu] OÒ Ñ  ;?hu $lan OÓ

\(   Ô [;?] since. alread+<Ôƒ  ;?rn since. no% that

\\   ÕOÖ[Yh?] +Õ %DYh? matter. substance< Õ‚ Yh?ling 1ualit+.

mass\   ×

[b>]Ø× %Ziba tail<Ù× YuSb> mouth<×x B>x BraYil[b]Ù×( YuSbYi mouth. a sla$ in the *ace

\^   Ú [Yh?] send. con,e+< 一Ú +EYh? identical. OÛ¸Ú x?Yh? care*ul

\   `OÜ [%>n] harbor<^` Ti%>n

00   Ý [+Mn] ÔÝ biMo+Mn $er*orm. act. $er*ormance

0&   ?[mD] tree. ?Ë mDtou %ood<8Com$are %ith本 bZn root and9 d big9

02   ÞOß [%Ki] so*t leather. 6*amil+ name7

03   à [gui] blame. 奇à 1Egui strange<à+ gui%u monster 

0J   ÌOá [%Ki] surround<Ìâ %Ki1E La$anese -go-

0(   ÐOã [;?ng] still. 1uiet<Ð¥  ;?ngdin static electricit+

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0\   h[$ng] hf $ngbi>n side[bng] ä

0   åOæ [+un] Ðå hu>+un garden. 公å gAng+un $ark

0^   否

[*=u] not<是否 sh?*=u %hether or not. is it or is it notP

[$S] bad. in*erior<ç否 Y>ng$S $ass ;udgment on!W!

0   è [*D] assist. ,iceH<è{ *DcE ad,erb

&0   xOé [;E]vx bi>n;E edit<êx lu_;E 6loan7 logic

&&   ë[cMi] $ick. gather Oì[ci] Oíë_ cid? *ie* 

&2   î[shE] eat. î+ shE%D.îÙ  shE$Sn *ood[s?] *eed

&3   ï [dNng] climb

&J   ·Oð [gu] enough<™· nKnggu be ca$able o* 

&(   ñOò [si] contest<ÿñ match. race

&\   ó [mS] ó7 mS*n rice. meter<Ió  +DmS corn

&   T[;iM] *alse[;i] T+  ;i1j)C)T/W4

&^   较Oô[;io] relati,el+. 1uite<ÿ较 bS;io com$are. relati,el+[;iMo] bS;iMo bS;io

&   õ [;iZ] õõ  ;iZ;ie older sister<;õ xiMo;ie +oung lad+

20   öO÷ [l_u] stor+. building<9ö mansion<öø l_ut stairs

2&   获[hu] Où 获s hudK get. obtain. Oú†获 shAuhuhar,est

22   >Oû

[sn] grandchild<(> YSsn children and grandchildren.descendants< >ü© 5n VDkAng monke+ %ith su$ernatural$o%ers in the nobel -Lourne+ to the Vest-< >7Ý 5n#hAngsh>n >ýþ 5n Uixi>n 5un UatHsen.)R  o* theRe$ublican Re,olution and the X`T

23   ÿ [xu>n] ÿŠ xu>nbD declare<ÿ $ro$aganda

2J   穿 [chu>n] $enetrate. %ear 

2(   诗O詩 [sh] $oem<诗人 shrKn $oet

2\   歌 [gN] song<唱歌 chnggN to sing

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2   速 [sD] *ast<速S sDdD s$eed

2^   » [h] disregard. »ƒ hrn suddenl+. »µ h@Kr no%'''

2   堂

[tng] hall<î堂 shEtng dining hall. canteen< 课堂 kFtng

classroom[t>ng]c堂堂 lingt>ngt>ng brightl+ lit. brilliant

30   敌O敵 [dE] 敌人 dErKn enem+<敌Õ enem+ troo$s

3&   hO試 [sh?] tr+. test<fh  kMosh? test. 1uiY

32   谢O謝 [xiF] thank<谢谢 xiFxie thanks<1常u谢

33   央 [+>ng] entreat. center<7央 central< 央y beg. $lead

3J   怀O懷[hui] bosom. cherish<怀疑 hui+E sus$ect<怀÷ huinincherish memor+

3(   顾O顧 [gD] '顾 Yhogu look a*ter<顾$ gDkF customer 

3\   验O驗 [+n] 经验  ;ng+n ex$erience

3   营O營 [+Eng] cam$<营b cam$*ire< 营Ø do business

3^   à [YhS] ÂàtEngYhS sto$

3   姓[x?ng] *amil+ name<姓j x?ngmEng *ull name *amil+ name and$ersonal name<您贵姓 4En gu?x?ngP `a+ / ask *or +our *amil+name. 5ir:`adameP

J0   养O養 [+Mng] raise. nourish<营养 +Eng+Mng nutrition

J&   ^O麗[l?]H^ mZil? beauti*ul<壮^ ma;estic[E] Xorea8Com$are %ith- $Kng *riend and† cFBWWX 9

J2   5O屬[sh] belong to. be subordinate to. born in a s$eci*ic +earacoording to the Chinese calendar [Yh] en;oin

J3   景 [;Sng] scene. scener+<c景 *Nng;Sng scener+. landsca$e

JJ   [guA] outer %all o* cit+. 6*amil+ name7

J(   ![+] !" +ko de$end on. com$l+ %ith. according to< !ƒ 

+rn still

J\   #[%Ni]#$ %NixiK threaten. im$eril<¥# sh?%Ni demonstrate<%# 4u_%Ni 4or%a+

J   & [n] $ress. &' nYho according to<&' nm_ massage

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J^   (O)[F] e,il[%D] *( hate[Z] (¦ nauseous

J   + [mn] slo%

(0   , [Yu] ,# Yu%Fi seat. $lace. stand. $edestal. base.6classi*ier *or mountains. bridges etc'7

(&   - [Yu?] crime. guilt

(2   .O/ [%Ki]0. xi>n%Ki *iber<.Í %KihD sa*eguard<K. sE%Ki think

(3   1O2[;in] 11  ;in;in. 31 YhQ;in graduall+[;i>n] di$:soak in li1uid

(J   EO4 [shFng] EN shFngl? ,ictor+. trium$h. %in

((   5[cng] store< conceal. hide[Yng] x5 Yng Tibet

(\   6 [hung]67 hungd? em$eror<6 hunghu em$ress

(   8 [;iN] street<8e street. neighborhood<8Ë streetHcorner 

(^   9 [;] surge. dash. 9ö  ;dng excite<9:  ;liF intense

(   ;O< [+?] di**erent<;常 +?chng unusual

\0   = [Yh>i] $ick. take o**.5CT

\&   # [;iMo] horn. corner. dime[;uK] actor. role

\2   > [1io] look

\3   ?O@ [*D] carr+ on shoulder. su**er. negati,e

\J   A [sh] carr+ out<BA cush to measure. ste$<A× construction

\(   C[m_]CD m_*n model<CE m_*Mng imitate[mQ]C样 mQ+ng a$$earance<C( mQYi mold. $attern. die

\\   F [cMo] grass<FG cMomKi stra%berr+

\   H [m=u] certain. some<H人 m=urKn somebod+

\^   ÷OI [+En] sil,er<÷õ +Enhng bank

\   J[lD] J¼ lDshui de%. sho%. re,eal. betra+[lu] re,eal

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0   KOL[YhFn] battle arra+. 6classi*ier *or $hases. s$ells etc'7< 一Kc +EYhFn *Nng a short $eriod o* time

&   û [YhE] ûs YhEde be %orth. ùû  ;iYhE ,alue

2   ,

[b>n] class. %ork<D, shngb>n go to %ork<û, YhEb>n be on


3   MON [cKng] la+er. le,el. store+

J   O [xi] re$air. decorate<O8 xigMi re,ise

(   Ü

[ch] di**er. %rong[ch>]Üî di**erence[ch>i]cÜ[c] rank[cuA] stumble

\   P [%Fi] Pe %Fidao *la,or. taste

  iOQ[Yh] %ea,e. knit< gi Ysh organiYe<Ri *MngYh s$in and%ea,e

^   áOS [+o] medicine. drug

  þOT [guMn] building<7þ restaurant

^0   U [m?] thick. dense

^&   c[ling] bright. light. shine. loud and clear< Vc $iolianghandsome. beauti*ul. remarkable. brilliant. smart

^2   T [l]ST  *Ml la%<T$ lsh la%+er<纪T  ;?l disci$line<WT 

xunl tune. melod+

^3   XOY [xE]ZX linxE $ractice<’X xuKxE stud+<X[ xEgun habit

^J   \ [tin] *ield<\] tin+Z o$en countr+

^(   ^O_ [;iMn]^?  ;iMnd>n sim$le<^B  ;iMntSY? sim$le *orm character 

^\   ` [miMn] exem$t<a` b?miMn a,oid<`¶  miMn*Fi *ree

^   b [dQ] b+ $oison< bÙ drug<Þb ,irus

^^   cOd [gu] return

^   e [bA] ef bAlng %a,e<e/ bchnga %a,elength

0   g [xEng] mould. t+$e<hg diMnxEng t+$ical

&   i [%] i( %Yi room. 9i *ng% building<ij roo* 

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2   ŠOk [hun] change. exchange

3   p [;iD] hel$. rescue<p命  ;iDm?ng "el$ 5a,e me

J   l [;?] to mail<l}  ;?shNngch_ng $arasite

(   7 [d?] em$eror<78 d?gu_ em$ire<D7 5hngd? God

\   m [tu?] go back%ards. m hutu? retreat<nm chFtu? %ithdra%

  ·[+ng] ¶· hMi+ng ocean<>\· Ti$Eng Ung !aci*icWcean[+>ng]]·· nuMn+>ng+>ng %arm

^   oOp [s] silk. thread

  q [hQ] lake<qr hQ$A lakes<qá "Qnn< q² "QbZi

^00   x [shu?] x3 shu?;io slee$

^0&   sOt[lo] sö lodng labor [lo] encourage. console

^02   }Ou [*D] }X *Dn %oman<=} **D married cou$le

^03   [

[b_] eldest brother. uncle[bMi]9[( dbMiYi eldest brother o* one@s husband[bai]v[ shbai cousinshi$ on *ather@s side[b] w8Com$are %ith bMi hundred9

^0J   x[nE]xj Buddhist nun<xÎ}y 4E;i>l>gu> 4icaragua<xœ 

nEl_ng n+lon

^0(   z [$E] z{ $E* skin

^0\   Ú [Y] Ú~ Yxi>n ancestor<ÚK Ym grandmother 

^0   ô[xi_ng] $o%er*ul. male<óô +ngxi_ng hero<ô| xi_ng%Zigrand<ô} xi_ng; rooster 

^0^   œ[hn] =œ  ;Eehn marr+<œ~ hnlS %edding<œ• hn+nmarriage

^0   € [k>ng]€  ;ink>ng health<€‚h X>ngx #?diMn dictionar+com$iled in the XangYi $eriod

^&0   评Oƒ [$Eng] criticiYe. comment. re,ie%

^&&   „ [Yhu] $ursue

^&2 … [h>] exhale. si$. aha. 6the sound o* laughter. etc'7

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[hM] 6*amil+ name7[h]…† hsa shake. s%ing<…¤‡ hshimM Chinese *orest*rog

^&3   ˆO‰[lu] net. t%ine[lo]Šˆ gulo in,ol,ement. im$lication

^&J   ‹ [din] ’‹ sh>ngdin store. sho$<7‹ *ndin restaurant

^&(   Œ [*>n] turn o,er<Œ *>n+? translate

^&\   cOŽ [hun] ring<cb hun;?ng en,ironment. surroundings

^&   ~O [lS] ceremon+<œ~ hnlS %edding<~ lSmo $olite

^&^   ‘[$Mo] run[$o] $a% the earth

^&   ’[ch>o] ’‰ ch>ogu go $ast. exceed. ’ž ch>o;E su$er 

^20   $[+F] O“ lea* o* a $lant[xiK] harmoniYe

^2&   ”O[+>] $ress. $ressure[+]”C +gNn *rom the start. in the *irst $lace. altogether.entirel+. totall+. at all. sim$l+

^22   –[Yh>n] *ortune telling[Yhn] occu$+<–i YhnlSng ca$ture

^23   — [;n] e,en<\— $Eng;n a,erage

^2J   â [+=ng] ⪠+=ng+uMn al%a+s. *ore,er. eternal8Com$are %ith¼ shuS %ater9

^2(   : [liF] Ù: 1ingliF intense<»: ardent<:ä mart+r 

^2\   ˜O™ [;iMng] $riYe. a%ard<˜4 bonus<˜’4 scholarshi$

^2   š [$_] old lad+<#š lMo$o %i*e

^2^   ›Oœ [gMn] catch u$

^2   [*D] * *D+=u rich<ž *Nng*D abundant<Ÿ ci*D %ealth

^30   O¡ [ln]Рlnhu> orchid

^3&   录O¢ [lD] record<¿录  ;?lD take notes<录iƒ ta$e recorder 

^32   £OÓ [hu] dra%. $icture

^33   ¤ [+D] meet<¤N +Ddo encounter 

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^3J   ¥O¦ [dDn] to $ause. meal

^3(   ˜O§ [+?] skill. ˜–  +?shD art<Þ˜ %Kn+? literature and art

^3\   普[$]普通 $tAng common<普通P !tAnghu Common 5$each

`andarin<普¨ $bin uni,ersal^3   ñ [$n] ;udge<批ñ $$n criticiYe

^3^   © [+un] 来© li+un source. origin<¬© Y+un resources

^3   ªO« [+?] &00 million

^J0   ¬ [sD] $lain. %hite. ,egetarian<¡¬ +nsD *actor. element

^J&   [chun] boat. shi$<® dDchun *err+<¯°‡ +Yhu*Nichun -cosmic *l+ing boat- s$aceshi$

^J2   xO± [;?] x©  ;?xD continue<x¬  ;?chKng inherit

^J3   ²[shng] esteem<高² g>oshng noble. lo*t+[shang]Z² hKshang monk

^JJ   Ù [YuS] Ù× YuSba mouth<Ù³ YuSchQn li$

^J(   ´ [ch]b´ gu>nch obser,e<µ´  ;Sngch $olice

^J\   ¶ [+] rain<¶¼ rain%ater< ·c¶ bo*Nng+ rainstorm

^J   ¸O¹[+Au] excellent<¸º *ine<¸» outstanding< ¸$ +Au+uFsu$erior 

^J^   您[nEn] 6$olite7 +ou<您贵姓 4En gu?x?ngP `a+ / ask *or +our*amil+ name. 5ir:`adameP

^J   ¼O½ [xiMn] ¾¼ %NixiMn danger<Ƽ bMoxiMn insurance

^(0   J[+>n] O¿ smoke. cigarette. mist[+n] À

^(&   OÁ [;iN] ^ ste$s<ž class<Õ rank<š $hase

^(2   ÂOÃ[d>n] carr+ on a shoulder $ole[dn] t%o buckets *ull. (0 kg'

^(3   Ý [sn] break u$. distribute. dis$el[sMn] *all a$art. scattered

^(J   Ä[bMn] board. hard. OÅ#Ä  lMobMn sho$kee$er. $ro$rietor.boss

^((   Æ[YhAng] OÇB . clock<î点Æ 3 o@clock. OÈƘ 

YhAng@i dote on. 6*amil+ name7

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^(\   OÉ [*Mng] ~ *Mng%Fn ,isit<ë gather material

^(   Ê[mFi] ÊÊ mFimei little sister<õÊ  ;iZmFi sisters8Com$are %ithË m %i*e o* the last ruler o* the ia d+nast+9

^(   Ì [shNn] stretch

^(   ^[O_] Buddha<^f O_;io Buddhism[*Q]E^ *Mng*Q seem

^\0   M [xin] limit. bounds<*M limited<MR restrict

^\&   ÍOÎ[tMo] Í\ tMolDn discuss<Í* tMo+n digusting8ÍšX tMok=ucMi Í个ÏNP tMo ge ;El?hu to ask *orsomething as a token o* good omen9

^\2   ÐOÑ [lEn] o,erlook. be ad;acent to<Ðl tem$orar+

^\3   ÒOÓ [VQ] 6*amil+ name7. Vu Xingdom 222H2^0 )''^\J   ÔOÕ [+o] shake

^\(   Ö [tio] ;um$<Ö× tiosMn $arachute<ÖØ tio% dance

^\\   Ù[1] ÚÙ %>n1 cur,ed[1] melod+

^\   ZOÛ [lin] %hite silk. ZX linxE $ractice

^\^   ÜOÝ [gu]=Ü  ;iKgu structure<ÜÌ constitute<ÜV

^\   玩 [%n] $la+<玩í  %n;D to+<玩儿 hMo%nr *un

^0   I[+D] I石 +DshE ;ade<Ió  +DmS corn8Com$are %ithô %ng king9

^&   Þ [*n] ,iolate<Þ- *nYu? commit a crime< -Þ criminal

^2   ßOà [chMng] ×ß gAngchMng *actor+

^3   á [kZn] be %illing to. consent<á定 kZnd?ng de*initel+

^J   âOã [xiK]âÖ xiKYu coo$erate

^(   Ë [x?ng] good *ortune. luck<ËÊ x?ng*Q ha$$+

^\   èOä [hu] %a,e. %ield< command an arm+<èç %a,e one@s hand

^   å [xio] åý xiogu= e**ect. result<*å +=uxio e**ecti,e

^^ ÏOæ [1E]Ï YhZng1E neat<一Ï +?1E together [Yh>i] ç

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[Y] è

^    [*Nng] to seal<Â建 *eudal<Á en,elo$e

^^0   éOê [%Nn] é] %NnnuMn %arm<éS %NndD tem$erature

^^&   疑 [+E] 怀疑 hui+E doubt. sus$ect<ë疑 chE+E hesitate

^^2   Í[ru] *lesh. meat<ìÍ  ;ru muscle8Com$are %ithÊ nFi inside9

^^3   í[gAng] Oí  ;?ngAng. í gAng; attack<Oí s$ecialiYe instud+ing

^^J   纸Oî [YhS] $a$er<报纸 boYhS ne%s$a$er 

^^(   ï [cF] $lan<³ï YhFngcF $olic+

^^\   ð [chAng] *ill<ð9 chAng*Fn *ull. am$le< ðù chAngmMn *ull o* 

^^   jOñ [dSng] to$. 6classi*ier *or hats etc'7<一jò( +? dSng moYi a hat

^^^   óOô[xQn] ó. xQnYhMo seek[xEn]óK xEnsi

^^   õOö[n?ng] õL n?ng+un. õz  ;?ngkZ $re*er. rather [nEng]õРtran1uil

^0   ÷[sh>] sand<÷ø sh>m desert<÷ù sh>1i dune<÷È sh>*>6loan7 so*a

^&   2 [*ng] embankment. guard. $rotect. antiH

^2   ú [Yhu>] grab. seiYe. arrest. attract. scratch

^3   [l?] ( l?Yi exam$le<ü l?rQ *or instance

^J   û [g] thigh. section

^(   &Oü[mi] sell<ýý¥么&P !Enggu= YZnme miP "o% much arethe )!!5 P

^\   þOÿ [shDn] along. in the same direction as. obe+. suitable

^   µ [;Sng]µ´

  ;Sngch $olice<µ告

  ;Snggo %arn^^   梦O夢 [mFng] dream

^   剧O劇 [;D] drama. $la+. o$era< 剧:  ;DliF se,ere

00   善 [shn] good<8善 gMishn im$ro,e<善àbe good at

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0&   蒙[mKng] to co,er. ignorant[mNng] cheat[`Zng]蒙Р`Zngg `ongolia

02   H [$io] ticket

03   º [ling] ¸º +Auling. º good<º¦ lingxn conscience

0J   D[*n] 6*amil+ name7< O範DÌ *n%Ki sco$e. range<CD 

m_*n model. *ine exam$le

0(   坚O堅 [;i>n] hard. solid. *irml+<坚持 $ersist<坚定 *irm

0\   端 [du>n] hold sth' le,el %ith both hands. extremit+. end

0   " [ko] lean on. rel+ on. kee$ close to. come u$ to. near 

0^   `O雜[Y] mixed<á` *DY com$licated<`志 YYh? magaYine

[Y>]}‘}` l>lil>Y> rambling0   贵O貴 [gu?] ex$ensi,e. ,aluable

&0   怒 [nD] anger. rage

&&   稿 [gMo] stalk o* grain. dra*t. sketch. manuscri$t

&2   é [$>i] cla$. $addle<乒乓é $ng$>ng$>i $ingH$ong $addle

&3   率[l] rate. $ro$ortion<频率 $Enl *re1uenc+[shui] 率i shuilSng lead. command

&J   GO舊 [;iD] old not ne% com$are %ith # lMo old. not +oung<z xnne%

&(   掉 [dio] dro$. *all

&\   啦

[la] corres$onding to 了 le $lus° a. 6inter;ection indicatingexcitement:doubt7[l>]®啦啦 hl>l> *la$$ing sound[l]啦啦 ll chat. gossi$. ;a%< 啦呱 lgu> chat. gossi$

&   莫[m] nothing< not<莫9 md greatest<莫j4妙 mmEng1Emioba**ling. inex$licable

&^   授 [shu] a%ard. gi,e< teach< f授  ;ioshu $ro*essor 

&   Ý [sh=u] guard<ÆÝ bMosh=u conser,ati,e

20   油[+_u] oil<汽油 1?+_u gasoline<酱油  ;ing+_u so+ sauce[+Au]绿油油 l+Au+Au bright:*resh green<碧油油 b?+Au+Au bluishgreen

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2&   恩 [Nn] kindness<«恩来 #hAu Nnli

22   积O積 [;] accumulate<积极  ;;E $ositi,e<ú积 area

23   D [+?] ND l?+? ad,antage. $ro*?t

2J   O! [xin] count+</ xinYhMng count+ magistrate

2(   " [k] cr+. %ee$

2\   #O$[b] sto$<#× strike<#了 ble that@s all[$E] % tired. %ear+. exhausted

2   & [tEng]<&  ;i>tEng *amil+<S& court<&µ court+ard

2^   „[chu>ng] „‚ chu>nghu. „š chu>ngk=u %indo%<„' 


2   (O) [+ng] raise<È( *>+ng de,elo$. $romote

30   *[%ng] *¿ %ng;? *orget[%ng]*t

3&   y[%]7y noon<Dy morning< Fy a*ternoon< y7 lunch8Com$are %ith+ niQ co%9

32   ([kM] block. calor+. card[1iM] check$oint

33   , [xuZ] sno%<,РxuZhu> sno%*lake<-, huxuZ to ski

3J   ' [ci] ,egetable. dish3(   . [$i] tablet. brand. cards. dominoes< .( $iYi sign. label. logo

3\   +[niQ] ox. co%. bull<+/ niQnMi milk8Com$are %ithy % noon9

3   0O1 [tuA] take o**<0q tuAlE break a%a+

3^   å[b_] abundant. $lenti*ul<åä !h''<嘠uni,ersal lo,e<å+þ 

b_1DguMn museum

3   ¥[Yhng] &0 chS 3 &:3 meters. to measure land. male elderrelati,e:$erson< ¥= Yhng*u husband

J0   2O3[dn]42 bomb<(2 bullet[tn]2Ï他 $la+ guitar 

J&   à[YhAu] continent<Þà UYhAu )sia<5à AuYhAu uro$e<1à 

ONiYhAu )*rica

J2   6 [sAng] $ine tree<67 s1uirrel. O8 loose

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J3   坏[hui] O9 bad[$] :

JJ   ;O< [Fng] 6*amil+ name7

J(   uO=

[xi>n] *resh

[xiMn] *e%. rare<tu Xorea

J\   > [duMn] short o$$osite o*/ chng

J   ?O@ [b?]?Ø b?+F graduate<?f b?;?ng a*ter all

J^   A [Yh?] $ut. $lace<#A %FiYhi $osition

J   [[chu]Z[ 1ngchu clear [ch]±[ kch miser+

(0   5OB [Au]5à AuYhAu uro$e<5C Aum ohm

(&   D [lF] brie*. slight<D lF%Ni slightl+

(2   2 [Yh?]23 Yh?hu? %isdom<24 Yh?l? intellegence

(3   EOF [dMo] island

(J   G [kng] HG dSkng resist<9G re,olt<G $rotest

((   I [1] I( 1Yi %i*e

(\   J [bo] hug. embrace

(   KOL [Yi] carr+. be loaded %ith[YMi]¿K $ut do%n in %riting

(^   GOM [bi] ÜG shbi lose. be de*eated<NG *bi corru$t

(   OOP[1i>ng] gun[chNng]QO chnchNng comet

\0   ROS[sh?]<R hKsh? suitable. a$$ro$riate[dE]R' dEc_ng *ollo%. go to

\&   4OT[x] em$t+. ,oid<U4 1i>nx modest<4¦ xxn o$enHminded<©4 kAngx hollo%

\2   VOW [+D]V备 $re$are<V~ be*orehand<V报 *orecast

\3   ê[;ng] e+e[;ing]éê +Mn;ing e+e

\J   X[c?] thorn. $rick. stab. irritate. X‹ c?sh> assassinate[c] %ham

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 53/131

\(   Y [diN] dad<YY diNdie dadd+<Y_ diNd? dadd+

\\   ZO[ [*Nn]ZZ one a*ter another<\Z  ;i*Nn dis$ute<Z

\   ] [;iF]]^  ;iFsho introduce<]{ $re$osition

\^   _ [ku]包_ b>oku include<`_ giku generaliYe

\   aOb [xi>o] melt metal. remo,e. sell< 0a sold out

0   /[;ing] *all. descend[xing] ®/ t_uxing surrender 

&   cOd [+Q] *ish<4c  ;n+Q gold*ish<ec sh>+Q shark

2   f[bNn] run *ast. *lee[bFn] go straight to%ards

3   g [rZn] endure. tolerate<g不住 rKnbuYhD can@t bear. can@t resistJ   h [YAng] ancestor. clan. *action<hf  religion< Úh ancestr+

(   }Oi [$n] disk. tra+<œ} sun$n abacus<â} chessboard

\   j [Zr] jk Zrduo ear<jƒ ear$hone. head$hones

  ] [+Z] %ild

^   lOm [xDn] interrogate<通l tAngxDn ne%s re$ort

  n [$Fi] match. deser,e<9n distribute< n< $FihK coo$erate

^0   o[;?n] oà ;?nYhS $rohibit[;n] endure<不o bD;n can@t resist doing something

^&   p [su=] ro$e<Kp ssu= think dee$l+<p性 su=x?ng sim$l+. ;ust

^2   qOr [#ho] 6*amil+ name7

^3   s[m] silent<ss mm silentl+<¢s chKnm reticent<ts 

+Aum humor 

^J   u [tQ] on *oot. *ollo%er< uX tQdi a$$rentice<vu *ZitQ gangster 

^(   w[;i] *rame. rack. shel*. $ut u$. 6classi*ier *or $lanes. radios etc'7<一w‡ƒ +E ;i *Ni; an aero$lane< üw sh;i bookshel* 

^\   xOy [dNng] lam$

^   z [*Nng] mountain!)X

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 54/131

^^   ÁO{[Yhung] Á¿ Yhungti. Á` Yhungkung condition. stateo* a**airs

^   | [kuMn] *und

0   } [+E] }ö +Edng mo,e<ç} shi*t. trans*orm<}] trans$lant

&   ~ [b] dad<~~ bba dadd+

2   3 [tuA] hold in the $alm. rel+ on<委3 %ZituA entrust

3   •[h_ng] •¼ h_ngshuS *lood. ,ast. 6*amil+ name7< •c 

h_ngling loud and clear. magnanimit+

J   € [shNng] liter. rise. ascend

(   [hu=] 6classi*ier *or grou$s. cro%ds. bands etc'7. grou$o* !W! ' ‚ hu=bn $artner<<  ;i>huo *ello%

\   ƒO„ [d?ng] conclude com$are %ith定 d?ng decide

  … [ho] long *ine hair. milliH< …不 hobD not at all

^   † [hQ]†‡ hQli *ox

  ˆO‰ [YhFn] to%n. $ress do%n. calm. cool

&000   Š [chung] bed<Š? chungd>n sheet<4Š ri,er bed

&00&   ‹ [hD]‹¯ hDxi>ng each other<¯‹ xi>nghD mutuall+. reci$rocal

&002   Œ [to] set. co,er<çŒ  glo,e<一Œ|¤ +E to +*u a *ull suit o*clothing

&003   7[l] 7õ lxEng tra,el<7þ  lguMn inn<7õ lxEngshFtra,el agenc+

&00J   [to] ‘ to$Mo esca$e. *lee

&00(   ŽO[m] curse<妈妈Ž‹+P `>ma m mM maP oes mama cursethe horseP

&00\   O‘ [sh] trans$ort. lose com$are %ith ± +Eng %in

&00   唱 [chng] sing<唱歌

&00^   ’ [;?ng]“’ suE;?ng $aci*+. a$$ease

&00   ”[m?]”U m?m? secret<”ü secretar+[b?]” !eru

&0&0   {O–[cE] %ord<{h cEdiMn dictionar+<ö{ dngxE ,erb<{— cEhu?,ocabular+

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&0&&   ˜ [kDn] ˜难 kDnnn di**icult. O™ tired

&0&2   šO› [lFi] éš.š¼ tear<šœ teardro$

&0&3   [shQ] cooked. ri$e. *amiliar<ž shQx kno% %ell

[sh_u] 6collo1uial ,ariant7&0&J   ŸOŸ [ci] %ealth<ÈŸ *>ci get rich

&0&(   [guS] ghost< ¡ m_guS de,il<( guSYi *oreign de,il

&0&\   ¢[g] ¢Ë gtou bone[g]¢£ glu roll

&0&   Ñ[shNn] ex$lain8Com$are %ith¬  ;iM helmet and由 +_u *rom9

&0&^   ¤ [+D] desire. %ish<¤z +D%ng desire. lust

&0&   ¥ [YhNng] ;ourne+</¥ The ong `arch. attack. O¦e,idence.jU

&020   §[s] §人 $ersonal. §* s+=u $ri,atel+ o%ned. be $ri,ate. M§ Y?s sel*ish

&02&   Ø [%] ÖØ tio% dance

&022   X [1i] autumn. *all<¥¨X© chnxiidAng the *our seasons

&023   ¨ [;D] ¨9  ;Dd huge. gigantic

&02J   © [+Eng] –©

 hu>n+Eng %elcome&02(   » [xiD]¸» +AuxiD excellent<»ö xiDcai scholar 

&02\   ª [gMo] do

&02   ¯[dng] Jth in a series. cubes in *ood $re$aration. 6*amil+ name7[YhNng]¯¯ YhNngYhNng clang. clank

&02^   s[x] inhale<®s hx breathe<s† xshAu absorb<sr x+Snattract

&02   «O¬ [shZn]«ñ shZn$n bring to trial< «~ interrogate

&030   ¨[bin] all o,er. e,er+%here<普¨ uni,ersal. 6classi*ier *orre$etiti,e times:occurrences7<»说一¨ #i shuA +E bin 5a+it once more

&03&   O® [1ing] ¯ 1ingb? %all

&032   ° [Yh] ,ermilion. bright red

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&033   ±O² [shFng] hol+<±人 sage. saint<±³' 5hFngdn;iK Christmas

&03J   a [b?] a` b?miMn a,oid<a tob? esca$e. e,ade

&03(   ´Oµ [+uF] lea$

&03\   ¶ [;?] en,+. a,oid. 1uit<¶·  ;?hui taboo

&03   Y [YhuA] table<一&Y( +? Yh>ng YhuAYi one table

&03^   ¸O¹ [YhE] hold in hand<¸õ YhExEng carr+ out

&03   º [bNi]º» grie,ed< ºb $essimistic<º剧 traged+

&0J0   ¼ [+D] math *ield<i¼ territor+< ¡¼ ,alle+<á¼ region

&0J&   ½O¾ [xiMo] da%n< ½s xiMode kno%

&0J2   ¿ [nng] do<¿À nngchKn court ;ester [lng]‘¿ alle+

&0J3   Á [%ng] *lee. lose. die

&0JJ   ÂOÃ [1io] bridge

&0J(   ÛOÄ [bFi] generation<~Û older generation. ancestors

&0J\   §OÅ [shMn] §â get out o* the %a+. *lash<§¥ lightning

&0J   ÆOÇ

[+Sn] hidden<ÆÆ +Sn+uN *aint. indistinct

&0J^   ÈOÉ[;?n] strength. energ+. s$irit[;?ng]ÙÈ

&0J   ÊOË [no] »Ê nois+<ÊÆ alarm clock

&0(0   ž [k=ng] žŽ k=ng$ /@m a*raid<žÌ k=ngbD terror 

&0(&   Í[+a] 6sentence *inal $article like° a7[+>] ah. oh

&0(2   Î [*D] $a+

&0(3   Ï [;?ng] ÐÏ Yn;?ng res$ect

&0(J   ÑOÒ[;i>n]ÑÓ $rison< ÑÔ su$er,ise[;in] eunuch

&0((   ÕOÖ [tng] hall<×Õ c>ntng dining room

&0(\   ØOÙ [kD] %arehouse<¹AØ shD;DkD database

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 57/131

&0(   Ú [YhFn] shake. shock<_Ú earth1uake

&0(^   & [ci] &% cilio material<f&  ;ioci teaching material

&0(   Û[bng] ice<ÛÜ bngxi>ng re*rigerator<ÛÝ bngling iceHcold<Û

E BngdMo /celand<ÛÞß bng1ilEn icecream&0\0   S [xSng] become sober. %ake u$< IS remind

&0\&   àOá[1?ng]àÌ 1?ngYhD celebrate<àâ 1?nghF congratulate<àË 

1?ngx?ng re;oice

&0\2   绿Oã[l] 绿† lsF green[lD] in some $lace names

&0\3   ä [tuS] leg<äM abilit+ to %alk< äå( ankle<9ä thigh

&0\J   æ [shD] state. narrate<描æ describe< Dæ abo,eHmentioned

&0\(   ç [xQ] slo%l+. gentl+. 6*amil+ name7

&0\\   Ð [Yn] Й.ÐÏ res$ect

&0\   è [+?ng] hard<è# +?ng;in hard%are

&0\^   éOê [K] ÿé *orehead<定é 1uota

&0\   £Oë [%D] £ cu%D mistake

&00   ì [;iF] borro%. lend

&0&   íOî [n] recei,e. acce$t. en;o+. $a+. se%

&02   ï[YhK] *old< break< change direction[shK] break[YhN] turn o,er 

&03   ð [shu] sell<ðñ sell goods

&0J   ÇOò[+E]Ç +Echun inherit<Çó +Ehn regret[%Fi] gi,e

&0(   ·[bo] ,iolent. sudden<·J ex$ose[$D] ô

&0\   õ [1uN] õö 1uN* lack. be short o*< õ点 1uNdiMn shortcoming

&0   ÷[mE] be lost<我÷了Œ V= mEle lD / am lost<÷Á mEx?nsu$erstition. blind *aith:%orshi$

&0^   Oø [l] 6*amil+ name7< ù lmMng rude< dull

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 58/131

&0   ú [tn] úp tnsu= ex$lore

&0^0   ñOû [hu] ñ+ hu%D goods<ñü hub? mone+. currenc+

&0^&   ý [t_ng]儿ý Krt_ng children

&0^2   þOÿ [huMn] þ+ huMnmn slo%

&0^3   |O偉 [%Zi] |9 great. might+< 宏| h_ng%Zi.ô| xi_ng%Zi grand

&0^J   君[;n] 君K  ;nYh monarch. so,ereign. 君(  ;nYSgentleman< ·君 t+rant

&0^(   庄O莊 [Yhu>ng] ,illage<庄稼 Yhu>ng;ia cro$s<庄8 solemn

&0^\   凡 [*n] ordinar+< 凡是 *nsh? e,er+<1凡 extraordinar+

&0^   ¾ [%Ni]¾¼ dangerous< ¾ƒ crisis<¾ endanger 

&0^^   烧O燒 [sh>o] roast. cook. burn com$are %ith 炒 chMo stirH*r+

&0^   X [cMi] †X sFcMi colour<X† cMisF multicolour 

&00   抢O搶[1iMng] rob< snatch< scra$e[1i>ng]®抢_

&0&   T [kng] Tï kngsD accuse. TR kngYh? control

&02   胸 [xiAng] 胸膛.胸脯 chest< 胸怀 heart. mind

&03   戏O戲 [x?] 戏剧 x?;D drama. $la+<Q戏 +_ux? game

&0J   篇 [$i>n] sheet o* $a$er. $iece o* %riting

&0(   趣 [1D] interest. *un<J趣 interest< 趣P interest. taste

&0\   束 [shD] bundle<束缚 shD*D tie u$<=束  ;iKshD *inish

&0   谓O謂 [%Fi] call<{谓 soHcalled

&0^   ` [gi]9` roughl+. most likel+<`÷ conce$t<ª` s$irit

&0   射 [shF] shoot. *ire. send out<´射 in;ect<射箭 archer+

&&00   课O課 [kF] lesson<课本 kFbZn textbook

&&0&   洞 [dng] hole. ca,e

&&02   =[m] hem$. 芝= Yhma sesame<=烦 m*an bother [m>]==) m>mahNi dusk<== lunm>m> mess+. disorderl+

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 59/131

&&03   杯 [bNi] cu$<«杯 g>nbNi cheers

&&0J   透 [tu] $enetrate. thorough<透ë tu;?ng lens<透q trans$arent

&&0(   “O [+_u]“’ +_u;Q $ost o**ice<“H +_u$io stam$

&&0\   HO! [r_ng] ÀH gu>ngr_ng. H" r_ng+D glor+. honor 

&&0   ¿ [d=ng] understand

&&0^   #O$[+Ang] embrace. cro%d< #Í +AnghD su$$ort<#% +Ang;Scro%ded

&&0   &O' [xin] donate<(& gngxin contribution

&&&0   )[xS] %ash<)* xSYMo bath. sho%er [iMn] 6*amil+ name7

&&&&   休 [xi] sto$. 休þ xixi rest<m休 retire< 休养{ rest home

&&&2   +[$] com$el<”+ +>$ o$$ress<£+ bFi$ be com$elled[$Mi]+, $Mi;$o mortar 

&&&3   -O. [tn] sigh

&&&J   / [g=u] dog<0/ liFg=u hound<1/ *Nngg=u mad dog

&&&(   2 [tAu] steal<;2 xiMotAu thie* 

&&&\   ÉO3 [+n] o$$osite o*à +ng<É¢.É cloud+< É• gloom+

&&&   汽 [1?] ,a$or. steam<汽由 1?+_u gasoline<汽车 1?chN car 

&&&^   4[bi] honor. %orshi$<~4 lSbi %eek[bi]44 bibai b+eHb+e

&&&   5O6[hKng] horiYontal[hFng] $er,erse

&&20   7[g] beat. $la+. drum. arouse[g]877 $nggg *at. $lum$. *ull. bulging

&&2&   [;in]€  ;ink>ng health

&&22   9 [hu] thick. dee$. kind. rich *ood com$are %ith : bo thin

&&23   °O;[1i>n]°ƒ 1i>nd?ng conclude and sign treat+. etc<°j 

1i>nmEng signature

&&2J   <[d>n] cinnabar. red<<\ d>ntin $ubic region<<= >nmienmark

&&2(   > [u] name o* a ri,er in 4á "Knn and?x 5hMnx 

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 60/131

&&2\   @ [hMn] @. hMn;io.®@ hhMn..@  ;iohMn shout. cr+ out

&&2   A [r_ng] 踠ChKngd< BA *Qr_ng lotus. cottonrose hibiscus

&&2^   COD [lQn] %heel

&&2   E [n] shore

&&30   / [nMi] breasts. milk

&&3&   F [dn] thin. light<FG dnln HG 1iMnln light blue

&&32   I [cho] tide< IJ chosh moist<高I g>ocho climax

&&33   KOL [xDn] lesson

&&3J   MON [+un] round. circle< sometimes used *or ` +un dollar

&&3(   §[;uMn] roll<¥§ s$ring roll OO[;un] ,olume. book. exam $a$er [1un] P 1un curl+ hair 

&&3\   QOR [sh?]%Q  ;iZsh? ex$lain<Q> sh?*ng release

&&3   SOT [Yh] all. ,arious. 6*amil+ name7

&&3^   妙 [mio] %onder*ul. subtle<莫j4妙 mmEng1Emio be ba**led

&&3   U[%Ki]U+Kó %Ki%DYh+? materialism[%Zi] 6ex$ressing acce$tance o* a re1uest:command7

&&J0   VOW [du_] *orce one@s %a+<V取 seiYe. ca$ture<lV *ight *or 

&&J&   3[YhQ] ex$el. $ursue. one b+ one< 31 graduall+< 3Q ste$ b+ste$

&&J2   X[+n] X( +nYi s%allo% bird[U>n] 6*amil+ name7

&&J3   Å[d>i] stu$id. sill+. *oolish. sta+<ÅÄ d>ibMn sti** [i]ÅÄ ibMn sti** 

&&JJ   YOZ [cF] Y‚ cFling sur,e+. measure<bY gu>ncF obser,e

&&J(   f [lng] ef bAlng %a,e o* %ater<f¶ %aste

&&J\   [ [chAu] take out< shrink< %hi$< [J smoke tobacco

&&J   \O] [gi] co,er. shell<\( lid

&&J^   ^ [$i>n] slanting. leaning< stubbornl+< un*ortunatel+

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 61/131

&&J   _O` [+uF] ex$erience. $ass through. re,ie%< _\ +uFdQ read

&&(0   aOb [gu] a€ gumMi $urchase

&&(&   c [tQ] %a+. route<ÿc $ros$ect<c经 ,ia

&&(2   dOe[Yng] longitudinall+<fd c>oYng o$erate<d– Yngdu?column. *ile

&&(3   g[+K] 6archaic interrogati,e $article7. š +K grand*ather [UN]gh UNs Lesus

&&(J   i [mA] *eel. stroke<ip mAsuo gro$e<ji YhuAmA *athom

&&((   ŠOk [gu] hang. $ut u$

&&(\   l [hng] sail. *l+<lõ hngxEng na,igate<l© a,iation

&&(   ÙOm [YK] ¬Ù xuMnYK choose[Yhi] choose

&&(^   n [hFn] hate

&&(   o[shF]po sDshF dormitor+[shZ] Oq gi,e u$. abandon< o不s shZbDdK be loathe to lea,eat home

&&\0   拳 [1un] box %ith *ists< >极拳 ti;E1un Tai;i shado%boxing

&&\&   r [YhQ] bamboo

&&\2   s [tng] 6*amil+ name7. Tang +nast+. boast*ull. exaggerated< sÓ tngt rude

&&\3   "Ot [+D] $raise<H" r_ng+D honor<j" mEng+D *ame

&&\J   u[chKng] ride a ,ehicle< multi$l+[shFng] chariot

&&\(   v [ru] %eak<v %Niru *aint<dv ruMnru *eeble

&&\\   qOw [;iMn] qp  ;iMnch ins$ect

&&\   xOy [gAng] $alace. tem$le. 6*amil+ name7< (x YSgAng %omb

&&\^   zO{[+E] ceremon+. rite. gi*t. zÔ +EbiMo a$$earance. bearing. z… +E1? instrument. a$$aratus

&&\   | [1E] *lag

&&0   } [hn] kee$ in mouth. contain

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 62/131

&&&   ~ [Uun] 6*amil+ name7

&&2   • [YhS] *oundation o* a building< _• d?YhS address

&&3   €O[bMi] $ut. arrange. s%a+. %a,e< Ԁؠ+obMi% -shakeHs%a+H

dance-. %aggle dance o* bees. rock @n@ roll&&J   ‚Oƒ [o]‚” om? secret. m+ster+<‚妙 omio $ro*ound. secret

&&(   „[*>n] 6classi*ier *or kinds. times. occurrences etc'7< „… *>n1iKtomato[!>n]„† !>n+Q count+ in GuMngdAng

&&\   —[hDn] mix u$<— hDnlun chaos[hQn] mudd+. muddled

&&   灭O‡ [miF] extinguish<ÿ灭 eliminate< $erish<ˆ灭 annihilate

&&^   ê [%] hold. gras$<ôê

 com$rehend&&   ‰ [+] ‰Š +chS tooth

&&^0   gO‹ [l] fg kMol consider<Œg +Aul %orr+ about

&&^&   [Yho]â Yhok>i con,ene

&&^2   Ž [mZng] *ierce

&&^3   O [ku>n] %ide. broad. extend. relax

&&^J   ‘[chKng] *ill< contain[shFng] *lourishing<’‘ luxuriant

&&^(   “[hK] $it. nucleus<“” hKtao %alnut[hQ]“儿 hQr 6collo1uial7 $it

&&^\   ý [di] bag. $ocket

&&^   ^O [sho]]^  ;iFsho introduce

&&^^   –O— [b] mend

&&^   h [diMn]hg diMnxEng t+$ical<Ðh classical<{h dictionar+

&&0   ˜[1u>n] circle[;un] $en. st+[;u>n] shut u$ in a $en

&&&   ž [*Nng] goodHlooking O™ž *Nng*D abundant

&&2   š[+M]Þš %Kn+M cultured. re*ined<šÚ +MYhi elegant[+>]›& +>$in o$ium

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 63/131

&&3   Ï [;E] luck+. aus$icious

&&J   œO [Yn]œÌ a$$ro,e o*<Áœ $raise

&&(   ž[ch] tea<ž$ ch+F tea lea,es<Éž h_ngch -red tea- black

tea&&\   Ÿ [+?] also<9ˆŸƒ *MnYh+?rn and ,iceH,ersa

&&   [g] Ý ,alle+< O¡ + g%D grain<( gYi millet

&&^   ¢O£ [%Zn] ¢定 %Znd?ng stable. stead+<¢¼ %Zndang reliable

&&   —[hu?] O¤ gather together<—报 gu?bo to re$ort<{— cEhu?,ocabular+< O¥ con,erge. remit

&200   #O¦[l?]# l?hai terrible. *ormidable. 6*amil+ name7[li] name o* an ancient countr+

8Com$are %ith历 l? ex$erience9&20&   §O¨

[;iF] to *all due. 6classi*ier *or +ear o* graduation. regularsessions. meetings. etc'7

&202   ©Oª [;?] «© hKn;? mark. trace. ,estige<奇© 1E;? miracle

&203   ¬ [lKi] thunder<¬¶ thunderstorm< ¬Ï radar 

&20J   [xD]® Yh?xu order<î $rocedure< Ž order 

&20(   ¯ [hn] ¯Ï cold

&20\   Ä [*D] enclose. attach<Ä” *D;?n ,icinit+. nearb+

&20   }O° [;] chicken<xÆ}¯ gAngbMo ;dng s$ic+ diced chicken

&20^   ± [Y>o] meet %ith disaster 

&20   Ñ[ti>o] Ѭ choose[tiMo] $oke<Ñj challenge[t>o]ÑÏ t>ot %alk casuall+ to and *ro

&2&0   ² [;i>n] ²³  ;i>nbMng shoulder< ²?  ;i>n*D take on

&2&&   ´Oµ [+?] ¿´  ;?+?.X´ huE+? remember. recall< memor+&2&2   ¶ [r_u] +ielding<¶d r_uruMn so*t<¶Z r_uhe gentle

&2&3   ·[di] $ut on<·éë di +Mn;?ng %ear glasses<·Dò( dishangmoYi $ut on a hat

&2&J   ¸ [x] ¹¸ cherish<z¸ kZx it@s too bad<不¸ bDx not hesitate

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&2&(   º [gK] se$arate. stand bet%een<º¯ next door 

&2&\   » [ho] …不 hMobD. 不 hMobD not at all

&2&   ¼O½ [chKng] ¼U honest

&2&^   ¾ [ru?] aus$icious. good omen< ¾, timel+ sno%

&2&   ¿OÀ [;iMn] subtract<¿¨  ;iMnshMo decrease

&220   Á [bA] so%. seed<0Á broadcast< ÂÁ disseminate

&22&   ¢[me] 5么[m_]ÂO¢幺 +>om_ $ett+. insigni*icant

&222   ÃOÄ [YhNn] needle<ùà$olic+<ÃX YhNnc? acu$uncture

&223   â [1E] board game<dâ chess<Ìâ Go<Öâ Checkers

&22J   ÅOÆ [;?ng]Ål  ;?ngYhNng com$ete<Åñ contest

&22(   Ç[b?] çÇ sh=ub? arm[bei]ÈÇ gNbei arm

&22\   É [tSng] 1uite. ,er+< endure. stand< É立 stand u$right

&22   f[c>o] conduct. gras$<fd c>oYng o$erate[co] make trouble

&22^   Ê [+>o] %aist

&22   Ë [kung] 1Ë *Nngkung craY+

&230   Ì [t?] in $lace o*< 8Ì dit? re$lace. substitute

&23&   Í [mKi] $lum. $rune<ÍР$lum blossom<Í} $lum gro,e

&232   Î [gD]ÏΠg=nggD consolidate<Î定 gDd?ng *ixed

&233   ÐOÑ [lQn]Ч lQnlS ethics

&23J   Ò[5ng] the 5ong d+nast+ \0H&2< ÒB 5ng tSY? -5ong-Ht+$e*ace

&23(   ÈOÓ[g>ng] steel<ÈÆ *ountain $en<ÈÔ $iano[gng] shar$en

&23\   ÕOÖ [nu]Õ¹ nu+n a $romise

&23   ×OØ [cn] in;ure. barbarous. incom$lete. remnant

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&23^   Ù [+n] Ù/ +nchng $rolong

&23   %[h] #% lMoh tiger [h]‹‹%% mMmahh[hD]%不} hDbulM 6Yool'7 shrike

&2J0   Ú [xDn]Ú速 xDnsD ra$id. s%i*t

&2J&   ÛOÜ [Y>i] Û难 Y>inn. Û Y>ihi disaster 

&2J2   Ý[1i>o]ÝÝ 1i>o1i>o 1uietl+[1iMo]ÝE 1iMoshNng 1uietl+

&2J3   Þ [+uF] high mountain. %i*e@s $arents. 6*amil+ name7

&2JJ   ßOà [1io] 6*amil+ name7<ß? 1iomD arbor 

&2J(   á[chu>n] ri,er<©á省 5?ch>nshZng 5ichuan !ro,ince< Ûá 

bngchu>n glacier 

&2J\   â[ch_u] re,enge. hatered. 6*amil+ name7< 报â boch_u getre,enge[1iQ] mate. 6*amil+ name7

&2J   ¦ [;?] ¦'  ;?;iK season<©¦ dAng;? %inter<©¦ s?;? *our seasons

&2J^   ã [chu] blo%

&2J   äOå [ling] äî lingshi grain. *ood

&2(0   æ [;D] gather. get together<“æÍ hK;Dbin nuclear *usion

&2(&   Oç [+?] Œ *>n+? translate

&2(2   œ [Yh] œ( YhYi $earl. bead<éœ( e+eball< šœ teardro$

&2(3   v [sh] vv shshu uncle. *ather@s +ounger brother 

&2(J   èOé [m_u] scheme<Éè cons$irac+

&2((   öOê [ch]õö  ;ch *oundation. base. basis<ö石 chshE $linth

&2(\   ë [rKn] bene,olence. humanit+

&2(   ìOí [sn] decrease< damage<ìÜ snsh lose. loss

&2(^   î [r_ng] îß melt ice or sno%< c*ï r_ng

&2(   ðOñ [ling]车ð car<ð车 liMng ling chN t%o cars

&2\0   òOó [;?ng] clean. com$lete< onl+<«ò g>n;?ng clean

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&2\&   ô [mSn]ôõ mSn;iK agile<ôu mSngMn sensiti,e<ôö mSnru? acute

&2\2   ÷ [+] 6*amil+ name7. he or she<÷N Usln /slam

&2\3   þ [xi>n] *air+. saint. immortal celestial being<þX *air+ maiden

&2\J   ø [1iMo] cle,er. coincidentall+<ø妙 1iMomio ingenious

&2\(   ù[lEng] Yero<ù# lEng;in s$are $art<ù钱 s$are change[lng]úùù glnglng solitar+. all alone<¯ùù dnglnglngtinkle. ;ingle

&2\\   累[lFi] tired< %ork hard[lZi]积累 accumulate[lKi] Oû

&2\   ü [xiMng] üF xiMngshu en;o+ com$are %ithý hNng

&2\^   ‚ [bn] accom$an+<‚.同‚ com$anion

&2\   þOÿ [dng] s%ing. s%a+< loa* about<扫þ %i$e out<Úþ shake

&20   ¹ [YhNn] ¹y treasure¹œ $earl<¹贵 $recious

&2&   @ [+=ng]@? +=nggMn bra,e<@ª courage< @ä bra,e %arrior 

&22   £

[m] end. minor details<£儿 mr $o%der<«£ YhAum%eekend[me] 么 me<¤£ shKnme %hatP8Com$are %ith未 %Fi ha,en@t9

&23   ÄO奮 [*Fn]Äe *Fndu struggle<JÄ xng*Fn excited

&2J   胆O膽 [dMn] gallbladder. guts. bra,er+. internal $arts

&2(   弃O棄 [1?] >弃 *ng1?.抛弃 $>o1? abandon. gi,e u$

&2\   烦O煩[*n] be ,exed<=烦 m*an trouble. bother<不耐烦 bQ ni*nim$atient

&2   糊[hQ] $aste<糊涂 hQtu muddled[h] $laster [hD] $aste

&2^   犹O猶 [+_u] still. +et<犹豫 +_u+D hesitate<犹ü +_urQ as i* 

&2   税O稅 [shu?] tax

&2^0   培 [$Ki]培养 *oster. train. de,elo$<培º culti,ate. breed

&2^&   H [dS] su$$ort< HG dSkng resist

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&2^2   僧 [sNng] monk

&2^3   锋O鋒 [*Nng]锋N shar$<¦锋 charge. assault<~锋 ,anguard

&2^J   乃 [nMi] be. so. onl+ then. +ou

&2^(   遥O遙 [+o] distant. remote< long

&2^\   '[m_]&' nm_ massage<'擦 m_c> rub< *riction[m>]'挲 m>sa gentl+ stroke. smooth rub. massage

&2^   坦 [tMn]\坦 le,el<坦ƒ calm<坦¡ tank

&2^^  ¡5

[hu] a*ter 

&2^   眉 [mKi] e+elash<眉Ë bro%s<眉ë e+ebro%< 眉目 looks

&20   × [c>n] meal

&2&   [O慣 [gun] be used to<X[ xEgun be used to. habit. custom

&22   凭O憑 [$Eng] lean on. based on. 不\ bQlDn no matter 

&23   冠[gu>n] hat. cro%n[gun] *irst $lace<冠Õ gun;n cham$ion

&2J   [ti] li*t. raise. carr+

&2(   ! [$Fng] bum$ into<!见

 ha$$en to meet&2\   üO" [b?] mone+. currenc+<èü coin<人5ü rKnmEnb? R`B'

&2   #O$ [1S] o$en< start< enlighten<#È arouse. ins$ire

&2^   %O&[mM] 6classi*ier *or cloth. ha$$enings. etc'7< %РliMng mM sh?t%o entirel+ di**ereint things:matters<%Ë mMtou %har*. dock<Ô% homM serial number. code

&2   ' [mo] emit. risk. $retend to be. 6*amil+ name7<u' catch a cold

&300   œ

[hn] œ¼ hnshuS s%eat. $ers$iration

[hn]zœ kFhn&30&   ( [sQ] common. rustic. ,ulgar. custom< (P $ro,erb. sa+ing

&302   ) [hu] ash. dust. gre+. disheartened

&303   Ô [d]ÑÔ  ;i>nd su$er,ise

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&30J   *O+ [1i_ng] $oor<w* %Q1i_ng in*inite

&30(   ,O- [$A] 1uite. rather 

&30\   .O/ [1ng] lean<.r tendenc+. $re*er<.0 slant

&30   1 [;i>n] $oint. ti$<1ö  ;i>nru? shar$

&30^   2O3 ["n] 6*amil+ name7< old name *or Xorea

&30   4O5 [mo]4易 mo+? trade

&3&0   E[*Mng] resemble. be like. CE m_*Mng imitate. co$+<E^ 

seem<EV co$+

&3&&   ú [g] alone<ú儿 or$han<ú立 isolated< úy lonel+

&3&2   6O7

[$i>o] *loat in the air. *lutter< 6( *lutter. %a,e

&3&3   8 [mn] o,er*lo%<8/ endless<f8 lngmn 6loan7 romantic

&3&J   9[+] 9V ++S. ˆ9  ;S+ gi,e. grant[+Q] 6archaic7 : %Q /. me

&3&(   ; [YS] $ur$le. ,iolet

&3&\   <O=[cF] side[Yh>i]<> Yh>i%ai slant

&3&   ? [+n] along<?¶ +nhMi coastal<?儿 +nr %ater@s edge

&3&^   @ [b] raise. $ull<I@ $romote< ¶@ ele,ation

&3&   Á[xiD] Á( slee,e<iÁ leader< Á¹ $ocketHsiYed<>Á duMnxiDTHshirt

&320   A [ling] bridge. roo* beam<ÂA bridge<脊A¢ backbone

&32&   BOC [shMng] re%ard. admire<DB xnshMng en;o+. a$$reciate

&322   E [mD] curtain< act o* $la+<FE $EngmD screen

&323   ¯ [b?] %all. cli**<¯ 1ingb? %all la $ared

&32J   G[dn] 6archaic7 da%n<一G in one da+< once<`G 4e% Uear@sa+

&32(   8 [chKn] 68 YMochen morning

&32\   HOI [chQn] H\ chQn;iK $ure< ?H d>nchQn sim$le

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&32   JOK [b?] shut

&32^   ÝOL[ling] cool. cold[ling] make cool

&32   扫OM

[sMo] s%ee$<å扫 dMsMo clean u$

[so]扫N soYhou broom

&330   e [+_u] *ault< outstanding<e4 +_u1E es$eciall+

&33&   ,[$o] cannon<,2 shell[b>o] 1uickH*r+[$o],R concoct

&332   O [%Mn] bo%l

&333   POQ [tiN] stick. $aste. glue. sta+ close to

&33J   R [ch>] insert. stick in<RË

 $lug&33(   SOT [gn] roll. boil

&33\   UOV [+un]U故 cause. reason<fU edge<ÖU insulate

&33   W [s?] tem$le. Buddhist monaster+

&33^   贝OX[bFi] shell*ish< co%rie< mone+< 贝þ bFikK shell8Com$are %ith见  ;in see9

&33   YOZ [rDn]JY shrDn moist<NY l?rDn $ro*it<Y- rDnhu lubricate

&3J0   [ [sh?] surname. *amil+ name. [< sh?YQ clan[Yh]月[ UuFYh /ndoH5c+ths nomadic $eo$le in Central )sia

&3J&   ©[dAng] © dAngti>n. ©¦ dAng;? %inter<©\ dAngminhibernation< ¥¨X© chnxi1idAng the *our seasons

&3J2   ]O^ [ku]]9 kud enlarge. ex$and

&3J3   _O` [ln] *ence. railing

&3JJ   a [hu>ng] desolate. %asteland. *amine< ab hu>ngmiD absurd

&3J(   c [YhK]c’ YhKxuK $hiloso$h+

&3J\   d [b] *orce. com$el< close in on

&3J   eOf[xi] *righten. scare[hF] že k=nghF threaten. 6inter;'7

&3J^   g[du] $ile. hea$[Yu]c‘包g gulib>oYu altogether. all in all

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&3J   h [Yhung] collide. run into

&3(0   i[lng] +oung man<zi bridegroom' 6*amil+ name7[lng]jþi

&3(&   kOl

[liM] t%o. both<我-k %=men liM the t%o o* us

[liMng]mk  ;?liMng trick. intrigue. maneu,er. skill. dexterit+. cra*t

&3(2   GOn [ln] G† blue

&3(3   oOp [xin] idle. *ree time<oP digression. com$laint

&3(J   ² [xn] su**ering<²± xnk %ork hard

&3((   ëOq [;?ng] ë(  ;?ngYi mirror. lens<éë +Mn;?ng glasses

&3(\   r [$Ki] r同 $Kit_ng accom$an+<rs $Ki;i do%r+

&3(   tOu [1E] ride horse:bike[;?]ut chKng;? saddle horse< rider 

&3(^   v [dn] egg<}v chicken egg<v„Õ $rotein

&3(   w [cD] urge< urgent<wO cD;?n $romote<wñ cDshS im$el. urge

&3\0   x[+ng] shee$<Ýx sh>n+ng goat<xB +ngnin +ear o* the5hee$ ^th +ear 

&3\&   Ÿ[+E] RŸ sh?+E suitable[+i]žŸ $in+i chea$

&3\2   y[ma] 6$article *or $ersuation7[m] 6interrogati,e $article7 + ma

&3\3   ‡Oz [+n]‡† +nsF colour<‡ú +nmin *ace

&3\J   {O| [$En] {± $EnkD. {* $Eng1i_ng $oor 

&3\(   }[*Q] %idth o* cloth. siYe. 6classi*ier *or cloth. $aintings etc'7< 一}£ a $icture

&3\\   ~O• [YhD] sta+. halt. be stationed

&3\   € [$Eng] € *Q$Eng duck%eed

&3\^   ‚ [%] *oul<‚ƒ %rMn $ollution

&3\   „O… [;iK]„c outstanding< „Ö master$iece

&30   †O‡[$] $ounce on< *la$ %ings< †灭 $miF extinguish<†¡ $kF6loan7 !oker 

&3&   壮Oˆ [Yhung] robust. magni*icent<壮^ ma;estic<壮<

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&32   ‰OŠ [s]‹‰ $Qs bodhisatt,a. bene,olent being. 6*amil+ name7

&33   Œ [xEng] $unishment

&3J   ŒO [+Au] %orr+. grie,e<ŒŽ +Au+D sad<Œg %orr+ about

&3(   [mo] ú a$$earance<~ $olite

&3\   ÓO [+D] la%suit< ÑÓ  ;i>n+D $rison. ;ail

&3   [s>i] *ill in. stu**. cork[sF] ‘ dsF block u$. obstruct[si] $lace o* strategic im$ortance. border $ass

&3^   ’O“ [*Fng] male $hoenix *abulous bird o* good omen

&3   ” [k=ng] hole<”( X=ngYS Con*ucius<ú” mink=ng *ace

&3^0   O– [chD] touch<G  ;iNchD get in touch<# antenna

&3^&   —O˜ [lin]—˜ lo,e as in lo,e a**air

&3^2   ™Oš[1S] rhetorical ad,erb<™*þ§ 1S+=ucSlS Vhat kind o* reasoningis thatP. 4onsence

&3^3   ~ [sNn] ~} sNnlEn *orest

&3^J   ›[*n] numerous<›œ *nYhE breed<›H *lourishing<›B *ntSY? *ull *orms o* sim$li*ied characters

&3^(   [su?] smash to $ieces&3^\   ž

[;n] *err+ crossing. *ord. sali,a. s%eat. moist. dam$<žž*P 

 ;n;n+=u%Fi to do someting %ith $leasure. to be a$$etiYing

&3^   ŸO [xi]Ÿ$ xikF chi,alrous %arrior<Ÿó chi,alrous

&3^^   ¡[l_ng]¡™ l_ngYhng grand<¡C l_ng1S s%ell[lAng]¢¡¡ hAnglAnglAng tumble. roll

&3^   ëO£[chE] tard+<ëN arri,e late<ë疑 hesitate< ½ë $ut o** [Yh?]ëG Yh?dn da%n. da+break

&30   ¤O¥ [hu] shine<À¤ radiance. glor+<¤¦ huhung brilliant

&3&   § [hZn] ruthless

&32   ¨ [x]9¨ *Nnx anal+se

&33   ©Oª [suA] shrink

&3J   « [xuK] ca,e. hole. den. gra,e. acu$uncture $oint

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&3(   ¬O [xi>o] desolate

&3\   ® [+un] resentment. com$lain

&3   ¯[m_] rub. %ear do%n

[m] mill. grindstone&3^   ° [*Q] bend o,er. subside<° hot summer da+s<C° rise and *all

&3   ±O² [cE] take lea,e< diction. $oetr+. language

&J00   ³[nE] mud<³æ soil[n?] $utt+

&J0&   ´Oµ [lEng] B´ age< duration

&J02   ¶O·[;?ng] $ath. %a+< p¶ YhE;?ng diameter<c¶ tQ;?ng channel.%a+. through

&J03   ¸ [bE] ¸( bEYi nose<¸” bEk=ng nostril

&J0J   ¹Oº [li] rel+< hang around< blame *alsel+< den+ error 

&J0(   » [+Mng] *ace u$%ard<Á» x?n+Mng religious *aith

&J0\   ¼O½ [*Fn] ª¼ 1?*Fn. ¼怒 *FnnD angr+

&J0   ¾ [mD]¿¾ xinmD en,+< admire<˜¾ imD adore

&J0^   À [K] ,er+ soon. suddenl+< À8 Pgu_ Russia

&J0   : [+?ng] shine

&J&0   ÁOÂ [xQn]Á~ xQn%Fn ask about. in1uire

&J&&   ÃOÄ [cMn] tragic< sa,age

&J&2   =OÅ[mi] %heat. etc<=& mi$in oatmeal<=¡c mikF*Nng6loan7 micro$hone

&J&3   p[sD] sta+ o,ernight. 6*amil+ name7[xi] 6classi*ier *or nights7< 住一p YhD +? xi sta+ one night[xiD] constellation in Chinese astronom+

&J&J   Æ [bFi] times<îÆ three times as much

&J&(   Ç [c] thick. rough. coarse

&J&\   ÈOÉ[tKng] ;um$. gallo$. ,acate< ÊÈ boiling[tNng] thum$

&J& Ë [sh>o] ËË.Ë a little. a bit. slightl+

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&J&^   Ì [;iK] cut. sto$< section. length< ˜Ì hal* a section

&J&   ƒ [rMn] to d+e< catch disease<ƒ% d+e<‚ƒ $ollution

&J20   乌OÍ [%] 乌› %+> cro%. 乌) %hNi black<乌Π%gu tortoise8Com$are %ith‹ mM horse andÏ niMo bird9

&J2&   Ð [+D] heal. get better< Ð…Ð… like$ +uF

&J22   ÑOÒ[gMng] mound. sentr+[g>ng]ÐÑ石 hu>g>ngshE granite[gng]Ñš gnk=u delicious s%eet

&J23   Ó [li] %illo%

&J2J   ÔOÕ[$] s$read. un*old< $a,e[$D] sho$. store< $lank bed< ”Ô

&J2(   m [shF] %ade. *ord. go through. in,ol,e<«m g>nshF inter*ere

&J2\   Ö [;E] ÖÞ  ;Eb?ng illness<Ö±  ;Ek hardshi$

&J2   ×OØ[dMng] %ard o**. block. gear o* car[dng]Ù× b?ngdng arrange. get read+

&J2^   Ú [*Fng] acce$t. o**er<Ú命 recei,e orders<Ú¬ *latter 

&J2   Û[t] ste$ on<ÜÝ ÜÝ Y>ota Y>ota ruin. %aste. insult. a**ront[t>] Þ t> colla$se. sink. calm do%n

&J30   ß [YhAng] *aith*ul

&J3&   ß [%] ï % *i,e. 6*amil+ name7<wß du?% troo$s

&J32   à [du=] hide onesel*. a,oid. dodge

&J33   á[;E] book. registr+. nati,e $lace. membershi$<8á gu_;Enationalit+

&J3J   â [n]â4 nl? tr+ hard

&J3(   ã [lMng]äã shuMnglMng. qã bright and clear<ã¾ recite

&J3\   Ü [xi>ng] box

&J3   å [ci] cut cloth or $a$er< reduce< decide< sanction

&J3^   æOç [Yhng] curtain<èæ mos1uito net<æé tent< account

&J3   ê [;i>n] double< simultaneousl+êÌ com$atible

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&JJ0   ë [bS]ëþ bScS each other 

&JJ&   ì [xi] ros+ clouds

&JJ2   íOî [Yh] $ig<íB Yhnin the +ear o* the $ig the &2th +ear 

&JJ3   ž [x]ž shQx kno% %ell. be *amiliar %ith

&JJJ   ï[Yh>] $rick[Yh]ðï YhNngYh struggle[Y>]包ï

&JJ(   ñOò [1un] ad,ise

&JJ\   :[bo] thin[b_] slight<:v %eak[b]:ó bhe $e$$ermint

&JJ   ôOõ [YhD] build. construct<建ô’ architecture

&JJ^   ö [;Dn] handsome. $rett+<óö brilliant. talented

&JJ   ÷ [xiK] shoe

&J(0   ø [;D] øq  ;DlE distance

&J(&   ù [1n] ùD 1nlF. ù, 1nrD in,ade. intrude into

&J(2   D [xn]DB xnshMng en;o+

&J(3   %Oú [;S] s1ueeYe< cro%d< $ush. ;ostle< #% +Ang;S cro%ded

&J(J   û [mKi] goHbet%een. matchmaker<û] medium. intermediar+

&J((   ü[t] s$it[tD] ýü =utD ,omit

&J(\   þ [hQn] ²þ lEnghQn soul. s$irit. mood

&J(   \Oÿ[;iK] H\ chQn;iK $ure. Z\ 1ng;iK clean. sanita+<\„ 

 ;iKbi $ure %hite. s$otless



[Yh] branch

[1E] 歧 1E *ork. brach. di,ergent&J(   盈 [+Eng] *ull<盈N +Engl? $ro*it. ha,e a sur$lus

&J\0   阻 [Y] block<阻àYYhS $re,ent<¥阻 dinY resistance

&J\&   陷 [xin] $it. tra$< ca,e in< 陷, sink:*all into

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&J\2   ¬[;iM] helmet<¬ Yh;ia *ingernail<¬ beetle8Com$are %ithÑ shNn ex$lain and由 +_u *rom9

&J\3   郑O鄭 [YhFng] 6*amil+ name7< 郑™ YhFngYhng serious. solemn

&J\J   鸣O鳴

[mEng] cr+ o* birds. animals. insects< ring. sound< ex$ress

&J\(   倘 [tMng] 倘S tMngru i*. su$$osing

&J\\   剩[shFng] be le*t o,er. remain. 剩Œ shFng+Q sur$lus. le*t o,er.remain

&J\   颗O顆[kN] grain. small round ob;ect. 6classi*ier *or small round things7<一颗œ( +? kN YhYi one $earl

&J\^   拖 [tuA] $ull. drag< $rocrastinate

&J\   舒 [sh] stretch<舒¤ sh*u com*ortable<舒畅 shchng care*ree

&J0   惠 [hu?]恩惠 Nnhu? *a,or. kindness<贤惠 xinhu? ,irtuous X

&J&   昏 [hn] dusk. dark. to *aint

&J2   振 [YhFn] shake. stimulate<振ö ,ibration< 振Ä ins$ire

&J3   戒 [;iF] *orbid<戒8  ;iF+n en*orce martial la%<戒  ;iFYhi ring

&JJ   丧O喪[sng] lose b+ death. lose sth' im$ortant< 丧Ü sngsh *or*eit[s>ng] mourning<丧Рs>ngsh? *uneral arrangements

&J(   焦 [;i>o] burnt< 焦炭 coke<焦,  ;i>o;E anxious<焦点 *ocus

&J\   爬[$] cra%l. climb[$>]矮爬爬 Mi$>$> s1uat. short

&J   凌 [lEng] insult< encroach< dra% near< 凌8 lEngchKn be*ore da%n

&J^   3 [hu?]23 Yh?hu? %isdom

&J   偶[=u] 偶ƒ =urn b+ chance. e,en number 8Com$are %ith奇  ; odd9

&J^0   晃[hung] Ô晃 +ohuang shake. s%a+[huMng] daYYle

[hu>ng]&J^&   ” [to] ”( $each<”Р$each blossom<樱” +ngto cherr+

&J^2   O [ch?] red. bare<Oe ch?do e1uator<OM ch?;iMo bare*oot

&J^3   烂O[ln] mess+<!烂 cnln s$lendid[l>n]

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 76/131

&J^J   "O# [$in] $" decei,e< cheat. s%indle<"’ hoax<"( s%indler 

&J^(   B [cu] arrange<BA cush measure. ste$

&J^\   LO% [+F] $age

&J^   & [xiAng] terrible<&( xiAng@F *iendish<&Ž xiAngmZng *erocious

&J^^   '[ti] $eace. 1uiet<'8 Thailand< 'Ý Tish>n `ount Tai.something o* great im$ortance

&J^   (O) [sh] cor$se.(B shtS dead bod+

&J0   * [$A] slo$e. hillside<*S $AdD slo$e. gradient

&J&   +[lNi] tie or stra$ tightl+[lF]+p lFsu=

&J2   ,O- [lio] treat. cure<,S thera$+

&J3   .[tM] $agoda. to%er [da]³/.<ø/.

&JJ   0O1 [chKn] )0 huchKn dust

&J(   2 [tMng] lie do%n

&J\   3 [sh]v3 tFsh s$ecial. $articular 

&J   4 [%Fi]l4 com*ort. console<4~ ex$ress s+m$ath+ *or 

&J^   5 [tn] O6 altar. raised $lot o* ground< O7 ;ar. ;ug

&J   Â[g>n] s%eet<Â8 g>nYhe sugarcane<Â9 G>nsD8Com$are %ith¾ r? sun9

&(00   : [+Mo] bite< bark< $ronounce

&(0&   ; [;D] resist< ;Ö  ;D;uK re*use

&(02   < [bi>o] +oung tiger 

&(03   4[Yh] =4 boYh ex$lode. blo% u$

[Yh] dee$ *r+&(0J   > [;Sng] %ater %ell. 6*amil+ name7

&(0(   ? [ch_ng] %orshi$. high. sublime

&(0\   @OA[+Sn] drink[+?n] gi,e animals %ater to drink

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&(0   Ì[YhD] ex$ress good %ishes< àÌ 1?ngYhD celebrate<Ìâ YhDhFcongratulate< ÌÊ YhD*Q in,oke:gi,e blessing

&(0^   B[%>ng]BB %>ng%>ng tear*ul. bo%H%o%< B· boundlessocean

&(0   C [lo] *irm. durable< C9 lo*ng $rison<CΠlogD sturd+

&(&0   • [gu?] laurel ba+ tree<•} Gu?lEn

&(&&   Ø[%Zi] Ø× %Ziba tail[+S]Ø hu+S 6collo1uial7 end. behind

&(&2   V[$i>o] *loat[$io]Vc $ailiang beauti*ul[$iMo]V„ $iMobi bleach

&(&3   D[lio] ;ust. slightl+< wD %Qlio bored. sill+< D儿 lioti>nr chat.gossi$

&(&J   † [s>] cast. let go[sM] scatter. s$rinkle

&(&(   E [1i] E¼ 1idng a$$ro$riate. suitable< E 1ihMo ;ust right

&(&\   F[nEng]—Fæ hDnnEngt concrete<Fl nEngsh? stare<FΠ

nEnggD solidi*+

&(&   G [mo] s$ear<GH modDn -s$earHshield- contradiction

&(&^   Ä[U] 6*amil+ name7[%] 6archaic7 sigh and exclaim

[+Q] 5Ã in. at. to. *rom. b+. than&(&   WOI

[bn] guest<Wþ bnguMn hotel8Com$are %ithV bng soldier9

&(20   JOK [xD]ÑJ 1EngxD mood. de$ression<ËJ t_uxD lead. clue

&(2&   L [!Kng] 6*amil+ name7

&(22   M[dD] M( dDYi stomach[d] tri$e

&(23   N[cAng] urgent. rushed< NN cAngcAng hurriedl+. ob,iousl+.a$$arentl+< N¨ cAngmng in a hurr+

&(2J   描 [mio] trace. touch u$<描H mioxiZ describe

&(2(   O[*Zn] $o%der<)|O xS+*Zn laundr+ detergent<OɆ 

*Znh_ngsF $ink

&(2\   POQ [YKi] thie* 

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&(2   ö [*] õö 1uN* lack<%ö $E* tired<{ö $En* $oor 

&(2^   H [dDn] shield<GH modDn -s$earHshield- contradiction

&(2   R [ch_u] %orr+

&(30   0 [xiK] slanting<0f xiKbi>n h+$oteneuse<0率 xiKl slo$e

&(3&   S[liF] s$lit. crack9S *NnliF s$lit. di,ide. break u$. *ission[liZ] crack o$en

&(32   - [hu] sli$. slide. smooth. sli$$er+< -Û hubng iceHskate

&(33   T[*Zi] to $ossess literar+ talent<Tƒ *Zirn brilliant o* literature<Tn OZi;? Oi;i

&(3J   UOV [*Fi] %aste

&(3(   W [;?]WX  ;?m lonel+<WР ;?;?ng 1uiet $lace<¢W chKn;? 1uiet

&(3\   Y [+=ng] gush. $our. rise. surge<ZY xiAng+=ng turbulent

&(3   ¼O[[xing] ¼¸ xingx? detailed<端¼ du>nxing details<l¼ 

>nxing serene

&(3^   \O][t>ng] hot %ater. sou$[sh>ng]\\ sh>ngsh>ng to *lo% turbulentl+

&(3   彻O^ [chF]彻底 chFdS thorough<_彻 gunchF carr+ out. im$lement

&(J0   `[xun] black. dark. $ro*ound. abstruse< `’ xunxuK

meta$h+sics&(J&   a [;n] hal* a kilogram<公a gAng;n kilogram

&(J2   ¢Ob[hAng] bang. boom. rumble. bomb. attack. dri,e out< ¢¢:: 

hAnghAngliFliF grand. s$ectacular 

&(J3   c [;i>n] treacherous. traitor< Od adulter+<Ùc 1ing;i>n ra$e

&(JJ   eOf [lin]ze kZlin $oor. $iti*ul

&(J(   k[du=] k儿 du=r *lo%er. 6classi*ier *or *lo%ers. clouds etc'7< 一kР+? du= hu><一kV

[duo]jk Zrduo ear &(J\   g [;i>] good. beauti*ul

&(J   h [;iN] 6slightl+ archaic7 all. e,er+one

&(J^   ÏOi[niMo] bird[diMo] j8Com$are %ith乌 %u cro%9

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&(J   k[b>ng] nation. state. countr+< èk chKngb>ng cit+Hstate<乌3k 

%tuAb>ng uto$ia

&((0   l [*Q] su$$ort %ith the hand. hel$

&((&   mOn [huS] destro+<m灭 huSmiF exterminate

&((2   oOp [cAng]oq cAngming cle,er. intelligent. bright

&((3   qOr [bin] q\ binlDn debate. argue<qΠdiagnosis

&((J   s [$Eng] s( $EngYi bottle

&(((   tOu [F] hungr+

&((\   5[shK] snake[+E]4D委5 x+%Ni+E $retended interest and s+m$ath+

&((   v [b] catch<wv dib arrest

&((^   x [b>n] mo,e<x< mo,e house

&((   y[5hZn] 6*amil+ name7. li1uid essence< Ozyà 5hZn+ng< {y未« mshZn%Fig>n -be*ore the ink is dr+-[chKn] ¢ to sink

&(\0   |O} [*Nng] Chinese s%eet gum tree< ma$le

&(\&   ~ [;iD]~~  ;iD;iu uncle. mother@s brother 

&(\2   t [+Au]tÐ




 ghost&(\3   ¡

[m_] e,il s$irit. (¡ Fm_. ¡ m_guS demon<¡– m_shDmagic

&(\J   Ô [1En] YitherHlike instrument<ÈÔ $iano<;IÔ ,iolin

&(\(   ðO•[YhFng] struggle< earn[YhNng]ðï YhNngYh struggle

&(\\   € [$?n] engage<€" $?n1Sng engage. in,ite

&(\   ÚO [%>n] cur,e. bend

&(\^   ‚ [mD] ƒ‚ *KnmD gra,e. tomb

&(\   $ [1] $" 1$in cheat. decei,e. $? 1*u bull+

&(0   ü [%D] realiYe<3ü consciousness<>ü©

&(&   „O… [LiMng] 6*amil+ name7

8/17/2019 Chinese characters.docx 80/131

&(2   À [chKn] high o**icial. o,erseer. 9À dchKn minister 

&(3   † [*Mn] †X *MnhuE return. go back

&(J   ‡Oˆ[%Ki] disobe+. ‡9 %Ki*Mn. ‡‹ %KibFi ,iolate<‡S %Ki*M

break the la%&((   ‰OŠ

[ku] lose mone+<’‰ chku su**er a loss. come to grie*. treatun*airl+< ˉ x?ngku *ortunatel+. luckil+

&(\   ‹OŒ [di] lose. mis$lace

&(   [+un] hold. hel$<` Yh+un su$$ort<助 +unYhD hel$

&(^   Ž ["F] 6*amil+ name7. hertY

&(   [VFi] one o* the Three Xingdoms. name o* se,eral d+nasties.6*amil+ name7

&(^0   耐 [ni] be able to endure< *耐¦ +=ubixn $atient<不耐烦 bQni*n im$atient

&(^&   [$Fi] %ear at the %aist. admire. $endant %aist ornament< ¤ 

$Fi*u admire<Ï  ;?ng$Fi esteem

&(^2   ‘ [su>n] sour. acid

&(^3   ’[mKng] @’ linmKng alliance. $act[mEng]’“ mEngsh? oath o* alliance

&(^J   8[$ng] *at. $lum$[$n] 6archaic7 eas+ and com*ortable

&(^(   ” [shM] stu$id. idiotic<”( shMYi.”y shMgu> idiot

&(^\   O– [ro] %ind. coil. mo,e around<Ì %Kiro surround

&(^   —[hNng] groan. snort. hum[hng] hum$h

&(^^   ˜ [pEn] the pin +nast+ 22&H20 B'C'. 6*amil+ name7

&(^   ™[1] bend. submit. in;ustice<™¤ 1*Q surrender. +ield<委™ 

%Zi1u *eel %ronged. srong somebod+

&(0   š [r]›š %r insult. humiliate<œš chSr shame

&(&   [Yu_]  Yu_ti>n +esterda+<¾ Yu_%Mn +esterda+ e,ening8Com$are %ithž YM ho%9

&(2   Ÿ [shu] thin. lean. *rail. skinn+

&(3   O¡ [Yn] l YnshE tem$orar+

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&(J   箭 [;in] arro%<b箭 hu=;in rocket<箭Ë  ;int_u arro%head

&((   ¢[sh] ¢j shmEng. °¢ 1i>nsh sign one@s name< v¢ 

bDsh de$lo+

&(\   £ [*D] go to. attend

&(   ¤O¥[d?] hand o,er. $ass. gi,e< ¤交 d?;i>o deli,er. hand on. $resent.submit

&(^   „ [c>i] guess<„Ü c>ixiMng su$$ose

&(   ¦O§ [1in]¦¼¨ 1inshuStSng submarine<¦4 1inl? latent abilit+

&\00   ©Oª [h_ng] ©« h_ng+n s%an. %ild goose. ,ast

&\0&   ¬O [;?]̬ grade. achie,ement<ά merits and achie,ements

&\02   ® [+o] shine. daYYle

&\03   涂O¯[tQ] s$read on<涂% tQlio coating[tu]糊涂 hQtu muddled[t]糊‘t涂 hQlib>t con*used. muddleHheaded

&\0J   ° [gN] cut<†° shAugN to har,est

&\0(   ±[du] bean<±N du*u to*u<9± ddu so+bean<²± %>ndu$ea

&\0\   ³O´[mNn] mu**led o* sound. stu**+. cut o** *rom air circulation[mFn] bored. de$ressed

&\0   µ [tEng] µ( tEngYi $a,ilion. kiosk

&\0^   ¶ [xing] ϶  ;Exing aus$icious<·¶ cExing kindl+. merc+

&\0   ¸O¹ [l?]7¸ gl?.9¸  ;l? encourage<˜¸  ;iMngl? re%ard

&\&0   ¯ [+] ea,es. uni,erse<¯° +Yhu cosmos<º¯ mio+ tem$le

&\&&   » [*n] *lood<0» guMng*n %ide. extensi,e<»¼ *nln o,er*lo%

&\&2   ½[lng] %ol*. greed+ and cruel $erson< ½¾ lngbFi in a di**icult$osition

&\&3   ¿ [huS] ¿ huhuS regret. re$ent

&\&J   N[d>] $ut u$. hang o,er. li*t together [d]NÀ儿 dchr $ursue another@s utterance<xN nMd%here. %here,er 

&\&(   ÁOÂ[;in] ÕÁ  ;n;in %arshi$<l©KÁ hngkAngm;in aircra*tcarrier 

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&\&\   [*Q] *loat

&\&   ÃOÄ [1i>n] lead along b+ hand. halter. etc'< Ã+F_ 1i>nniQ xi d?

&\&^   Å [*Q]Å< *QhK con*orm to<ÅÔ *Qho mark. s+mbol

&\&   9OÆ [sD]89 +nsD serious. solemn<9Z sD1ng eliminate

&\20   Ç [nQ] ÇÈ nQl? sla,e

&\2&   =[bo] =4 boYh ex$lode. =È bo*> eru$t. burst<=r 

boYhQ *irecracker 

&\22   É [YS] elder sister<ÉÊ YSmFi sisters

&\23   Ê [+u] +oung. children<ÊË +uYh? childish<Ê儿 child

&\2J   ÌOÍ

[;i>] $ress. s1ueeYe. cli$

[;i] lined clothing[g>]ÌÎÏ g>Yhi%A arm$it

&\2(   Ð [+>o] Ð" +>o1Sng in,ite

&\2\   1OÑ [*Nng] craY+

&\2   Ò [+n]Òk +nx $ermit. allo%

&\2^   ÓOÔ [nMo]Ób nMohu= angr+. anno+ed

&\2   Õ [Y] rent<cÕ汽车 chY1?chN taxi

&\30   Ö [+S] Ö( +SYi chair 

&\3&   ×[chS] ruler. oneHthird o* a meter< ó× +ngchS nglish *oot[chZ]×× gAngchZ traditional Chinese musical notation

&\32   Ø [sh?]Øo sh?hu %ait u$on. look a*ter 

&\33   N [*] rotten<±N to*u<NÙ corrode< NG corru$t

&\3J   ÚOÛ[chn] 1ui,er<ÚÜ chnd=u tremble<Úö chndng ,ibrate[Yhn] tremble. shudder 

&\3(   ñ [ni] t%ist. turn around. seiYe< îñ biFniu a%k%ard[ni]Ýñ Yni s1ueak

&\3\   Þ[*Zi]Þ: *Nib_ humble[*Ni] luxuriant<ÞTW OZilbn !hili$$ines

&\3   ß[%M] tile< ßv %MtF Vatt[%] to tile a roo* [%>]Gßß ln%>%> daYYling blue

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&\3^   擦 [c>] rub. %i$e. scra$e

&\3   à[l] s$ic+<àá l;i>o hot $e$$er<bà dQl sinister [l>]»àà rFl>l> burning hot. im$assioned. $assionate

&\J0   â [Yu] $la+ music<Ýâ +MnYu $er*orm music<'â  ;iKYu rh+thm

&\J&   ã[+n] rich. 6*amil+ name7[+>n] ãÉ +>nh_ng blackish red. dark red

&\J2   ä[mi] bur+. co,er u$[mn]ä® mn+un blame. com$lain

&\J3   å [shu>i] *all do%n<å交 shu>i;i>o %restling

&\JJ   æ [$n] look. æz $n%ng ho$e *or. look *or%ard to

&\J(   ç[+En] chant. recite[+n]笑çç xio+n+n smilingl+

&\J\   ®[dD] cross a ri,er:sea:etc'. tide o,er. *err+ across< ® dDchun*err+

&\J   è [sh>n] éè chFnsh>n shirt

&\J^   ê [ku] ste$. stride. straddle. go be+ond

&\J   ë [Yu?] drunk

&\(0   ²Oì [;i>n] ²难  ;i>nnn di**icult. ²±  ;i>nk arduous

&\(&   í[+Mn] hide. sneak attack< íÍ +MnhD to shield<í\ +Mngiconceal

&\(2   ó[hK] lotus<óРhKhu> lotus *lo%er [hF] carr+. load

&\(3   îOï[c>ng] dark green or blue<î blue sk+<î6 green $ine<îð 

c>ng+ing *l+. mos1uito<î„ c>ngbi $ale. li*eless. gra+ish

&\(J   W[xun] s$in<Wç xunYhuMn rotate[xun] %hirl. lathe

&\((   ñ [;iN] unco,er 

&\(\   ò[s>ng] mulberr+ tree<òó s>ngcn silk%orm<ò$ s>ng+Fmulberr+ lea,es

&\(   ô [Yhng] battle. %ar<åô dMYhng %age a %ar. *ight a battle

&\(^   õOö [lin] lotus. %ater lill+

&\(   ÷Oø[Yu>n] drill. get into. stud+[Yun] drill. auger. diamond. %atch ;e%el

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&\\0   宏[h_ng]宏| h_ng%Zi magni*icient<宏9 h_ngd great<宏b 

h_nggu>n macrosco$ic

&\\&   ù[hun] unreal. imaginar+. magical<”ù;说 kNhun xioshuAscience *iction no,el

&\\2   ú [rFn] lú d>orFn shar$ edge o* kni*e or s%ord. kill %ith kni*eor s%ord

&\\3   ûOü[xi] û xig gorge. can+on<¶û hMixi strait. channel<îû 5>n i the Three Gorges o* the UangtYe ri,er 

&\\J   ýOþ [lio]ýÿ lioku ,ast. extensi,e< ýõ ionEng a $ro,ince

&\\(   娃 [%] 娃娃 %%a bab+

&\\\   凯O凱 [kMi]凯歌 kMigN song o* trium$h

&\\   患 [hun] %orr+. anxiet+. disaster< 患Þ hunb?ng *all ill

&\\^   障[Yhng] barrier. obstacle. 障碍 Yhng@i obstruct<Æ障 

bMoYhng ensure

&\\   丐 [gi] 乞丐 1Sgi beggar 

&\0   衡[hKng] %eighing e1ui$ment. 衡‚ hKngliang %eigh. measure.


&\&   ÓO貓[m>o] cat<熊Ó xi_ngm>o $anda<ÓË鹰 m>ot_u+ng o%l[mo]ÓÊ mo+>o stoo$. crouch

&\2   丑[ch=u] second arthl+ Branch. a clo%n in an o$era. 6*ail+name7< O醜丑陋 ch=ulu ugl+. disgrace*ul. scandalous

&\3   涛O濤 [t>o] great %a,es

&\J   ][nuMn] %arm u$. é] %NnnuMn %arm<]Z nuMnhuo nice and%arm

&\(   溜[li] slide. sneak a%a+[liD] s%i*t current o* %ater 

&\\   锅O鍋 [guA] $ot. %ok. *r+ing $an< 锅P guAtiN $ot sticker 

&\   奈 [ni] %hatP. ho%P<wz奈6 %QkZnihK ha,e no alternati,e

&\^   罚O罰 [*] 惩罚 chKng* $unish. 罚| *kuMn $enalt+

&\   í[shE] $ick u$ *rom the ground. ten ì shE< †í shAushi $ut inorder [shF]íž shF;E climb stairs

&\^0   浓O濃 [n_ng] dense. thick. concentrated< 浓S n_ngdD consistenc+

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&\^&   键O鍵 [;in] ke+<键}  ;in$n ke+board $iano or t+$e%riter

&\^2   ÞO脈[mi] ,ein. $ulse<ÝÞ sh>nmi mountain range[m]ÞÞ mm lo,ingl+

&\^3   锁O鎖

[su=] lock

&\^J   O! [lEn] 居 lEn; neighbor 

&\^(   "[chu] stinking[xiD] sni**. smell

&\^\   #[*>ng] $er*ume. #K *>ngxi>ng *ragrant<#´ *>nglEng age%hen s$eaking o* a +oung %oman

&\^   $ [chuE] hang do%n. droo$<$p chQiYhE ,ertical. $er$endicular 

&\^^   j[YhuA] clutch. gras$. catch< j÷5 YhuA mEcng to $la+ -hideHandHseek-

&\^   ã [hu]ãá hu*D reco,er. restore

&\0   C [m] nurse

&\&   % [kMn] cut. cho$. hack< %: kMnchi cut *ire%ood

&\2   &O' [;i] &(  ;ishS dri,e. *l+. sail<s& lo;i excuse me'''

&\3   ) [gAng] res$ect<)âz* gAnghFxnxS "a$$+ 4e% Uear 

&\J   [>i] get close to. be next to. in se1uence

[i] su**er &\(   +O, [hu] mis*ortune

&\\   - [Co] 6*amil+ name7

&\   ·[cE]·¶ cExing kindl+<·˜ cE@i lo,e. kindness<·º cEbNimerc+

&\^   Ü [d=u] ÈÜ *>d=u. ÚÜ chnd=u shi,er. tremble

&\   . [1un] s$ring. /. $Nn1un *ountain<©. +un1un source

&00   ¾O0 [lMn]½¾ YhMnlMn exhibition<Q¾ +_ulMn go sightseeing

&0&   1 [o] ba+. inlet used in $lace names< 1¬  )omen<19NÞ

&02   2[Y>ng] O3 dirt+[Yng] O4¦2 xnYng heart

&03   5 [tKng] sore. $ain*ul

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&0J   6O7 [t_ng] co$$er Cu<£6 1ngt_ng bronYe

&0(   8 [xi] 8œ xichS shame. sh+<89 xiku? *eel ashamed

&0\   :O;

[dng] shel,es<: dng@n *iles. archi,es

[dMng]Ž:( m dMngYi target o* scolding<êx: lu_;idMnglogical data *iles

&0   抛O< [$>o] thro%<抛弃 $>o1? abandon<抛= $>omo dro$ anchor 

&0^   > [mio] seedling. +oung $lant. ,accination< b> hu=mio *lame

&0^   ?[hu]疑? +Ehu uncertain[huo]÷? mEhuo $er$lex

&&0   @ [*Ki] @8 *at. *ertile. @% *ertiliYer<@A *KiYo soa$

&&&   BOC [1]B3 1YhQ dri,e out. ex$el

&&2   ÏOD [%A] nest<ÏE %A$eng shack

&&3   FOG [kD] F( $ants

&&J   H[g]H g;? estimate. guess[gD]H| gD+i secondhand clothes

&&(   » [b>o] %omb. $lacenta<¸» x?b>o cell

&&\   I [bSng] handle

&&   ÿOJ[ku] %ide<0ÿ guMngku ,ast<ÿ ku>nku broad<ýÿ 

lioku extensi,e

&&^   K[dD] 6*amil+ name7<KL dD;u>n cuckoo. aYalea<KÖ dD;uKsto$. cut o** 

&&   M [1En] Ms 1Enlo diligent. hard%orking

&20   N [YhAu] boat. shi$

&2&   ò [mo] ò( moYi hat. headgear. ca$

&22   OOP [mM]OQ mMnMo agate<Oš `M+M `a+a

&23   n [chF] remo,e. take a%a+. %ithdra%. e,acuate

&2J   频OR [$En] *re1uentl+<频率 $Enl *re1uenc+

&2(   vOS[chn] meditation. #en. h+ana[shn]vŒ shnrng abdicate

&2\   T [kN] 6archaic7 stalk. branch. 6*amil+ name7

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&2   UOV [li]UW li*Q radish<ÞU VKnli Brunei

&2^   X[k>n] ma+. endure<不X bDk>n can@t stand<难X nnk>nintolerable

&2   Y [cDn] inch

&30   » [>i] grie*<º» sorro%*ul<»y >i1iQ entreat. im$lore

&3&   熊 [xi_ng] bear. 6*amil+ name7<熊Ó xi_ngm>o $anda

&32   Z [*D] bell+. stomach. abdomen<Z_ hinterland

&33   [O\ [chng] taste

&3J   ][1i>o] knock. strike<]¬ 1i>o mKn knock on a door<]^ 1i>olu_ beat a gong

&3(   _ [b_] suddenl+<__ b_b_ ,igorous

&3\   ` [xQn] $atrol<`l xQnsh? make a tour o* ins$ection

&3   aOb [do] ac do1iF steal<Ùa 1ingdo robber 

&3^   dOe [ch_u] chi$. counter. $re$are. $lan

&3   f [ku] button u$<gf儿 nikur button<f( kuYi knot. button

&J0   h[chE] $ond. 6*amil+ name7. hi chEtng $ool<Q6h 

+_u+=ngchE s%imming $ool<¥h dinchE batter+

&J&   HOj [1iMn] shallo%. light

&J2   : [chi] *ire%ood<b: hu=chi match<:油 chi+_u diesel oil

&J3   k [>i] dust. angstrom<kO  );E g+$t

&JJ   s [;i] marr+ re*erring to a %oman

&J(   l [mKi] 6classi*ier *or small ob;ects. coins. etc'7

&J\   m [x] scarce. %ater+<m7 x*n rice $orridge. rice sou$

&J   n [di>o] ,ulture. n刻 di>okF car,e. engra,e<n *Qdi>o relie*scul$ture

&J^   *Oo[+n] Í* tMo+n. *( +n%D detest<*烦 +n*n boring[+>n] p +>npp +>n+>n %eak and %ear+ thrugh illness

&J   y[gu>] melon. gourd<xy xgu> %atermelon<”y shMgu> idiot<黄y hunggua cucumber 

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&(0   qOr [shu] longe,it+<q命 shum?ng li*eHs$an

&(&   s [diN] *all. tumble

&(2   t [chZ] $ull. tear. chat

&(3   u [d=ng] director<Ðu gd=ng anti1ue

&(J   vOw[;Sn] brocade<¤v shE;Sn *anc+<¬¤v sDshE;Sn assorted,egetables

&((   xOy[;in] re*lect. mirror. ins$ect. examine. take as a lesson. ancientbronYe mirror. %arning. ob;ect lesson< x定  ;ind?ng a$$raise<ìx  ;iF;in dra% lessons *rom

&(\   Å[shu>] brush. to brush. to $aint. s%ish[shu]Ŭ shuxuMn choose. $ick. select< Å„ shubi %hite.$ale. brush o,er 

&(   zO{ [1] %alk *ast. hurr+. zr 1xing tend. incline to<zì 1sh?tendenc+

&(^   | [;u>n] contribute. relin1uish. tax

&(   } [o] ~}  ;i>o@o $roud. arrogant

&\0   _O• [gun]_彻 gunchF carr+ out<一_ +Egun consistent

&\&   € [din] hall. $alace



[bA] $oke. turn. stir<Æ bAYhAng set a clock<¥P bA dinhu

dial a $hone&\3   ƒO„ [xDn]Uƒ 1i>nxDn modest

&\J   … [t] kick<…ûd t YQ1iQ $la+ *ootball

&\(   †O‡[$Ki] com$ensate. $a+ *or. lose mone+< †不是 $Ki bDshia$ologiYe

&\\   î [Y] a$$earance. gesture. îì Ysh?. î¿ Yti $osture

&\   ˆO‰[1i>n] mo,e. change<͈ bin1i>n changes<ˆt 1i>n;iD +ieldto

&\^   Š [lE] mulititude. 6*amil+ name7< Šq lEmEng da+break

&\   ‹ [;?] sacri*ice<‹…  ;?1? sacri*icial utensil

&0   Œ [d] dri$. dro$

&&   OŽ [xE] make a sur$rise attack. carr+ on as be*ore

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&2   [hu>ng] *lustered. con*used<¨ hu>ngmng in a *lurr+

&3   [bi>n] %hi$

&J   ‘ [mng]‘‘ mngmng ,ast. boundless and indistinct

&(   ’ [*Kng] meet

&\   “ [tQ] butcher. kill

&   ” [kn]” knch_ng insect<”q XnmEng

&^   [bMi] ø bMishD c+$ress[B_]} B_lEn Berlin[b] –黄 hungb the bark o* a cork tree. golden c+$ress

&   (O—[shS] sail. mo,e along 1uickl+ s$eaking *o ,ehicles. &( 

 ;ishS dri,e

&^0   ˜ [*D]™˜ *Nn*D tell. instruct<š˜ Yh*u en;oin. tell

&^&   ] [YhE] to $lant<]+ YhE%D $lant

&^2   ›Oœ [;D] *ear. dread

&^3   gO [ni]gf儿 nikur button. knob. handle. tie

&^J   õ [;iK]ôõ mSn;iK 1uick. agile<ìõ 1ng;iK nimble. s$r+

&^(   ž [YhFn] irrigation ditch<ßž 5hNnYhFn $lace name

&^\   Ÿ [shNng]Ÿ xshNng sacri*ice<Ÿš shNngkou beasts o* burden

&^   ¡O¢[YAng]°¡ gNnYAng *ollo% closel+<Ü¡ shYAng be missing<¡© YAng;? trace

&^^   £O¤ [c_ng] cro%d<£ü c_ngsh series o* books<£} c_nglEn ;ungle

&^   ø [m]÷ø sh>m desert<øƒ mrn a$atheticall+

&0   öO¥ [ru?]1ö  ;i>nru? shar$ $ointed. acute<öN ru?l? shar$. keen

&&   ¦

[lM]¦§ lMba musical %ind instrument< ¦y lMma lama[l>]¦¦ l>la dri$ %ater:etc'<¨啦 hu>l> sound o*rustling:crashing:etc'[l]…¦( h>lYi sali,a<ž¦ Yh>l harangue. shoot o** themouth

&2   n[1in] hea,en<ne 1indo %a+s o* hea,en. natural la%<n© 

1inkn hea,en and earth. the uni,erse[g>n] 5« dr+. hollo%

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&3   ª [hu] suddenl+

&J   JO« [sh] moist

&(   ¬O [YhNng] o$en the e+es

&\   º[YS]º¸ YSx? care*ul[YMi] +oung animal[Y]º² Y;i>n burdens. res$onsibilit+

&   ®[chMo] make noise[ch>o]®® ch>ochao make noise

&^   ¯ [+Au] long. dra%nHout. leisurel+< ¯- +Au;i ageHold

&   °O± [gAu] gulle+. trench

&^00   { [m] ink stick. {¼ mshuS ink<{( `YS a $hiloso$her

&^0&   ²[chun] string together. bunch. cluster<xͲ +ngruchunshee$ meat kebab

&^02   ³[;D] all<³›v  ;DlFbD club[;] together 

&^03   ´ [to] $otter+<´µ tocE ceramics

&^0J   (O¶ [gng](& gngxin contribute

&^0(   ·O¸ [hQn]·A hQnshNn *rom head to *oot. all o,er 

&^0\   ±O¹ [+Eng] %in

&^0   º [$?] *latulence. *art. nonsence. rubbish. ºû $?gu buttocks

&^0^   »O¼ [chE] gallo$. s$eed. s$read< »j chEmEng %ellHkno%n

&^0   ½ [bng] stick. bat. excellent<½d bng1iQ baseball

&^&0   ¾[$S] 6classi*ier *or horses. mules. bolts o* cloth. etc'7< s>n$S mM three horses

&^&&   ¿[$n] ¿À $ncu $iece together< ¿i $n+n< ¿H $SnxiZ s$ell.transliterate

&^&2   ÁOÂ [hKng] $ermanent

&^&3   s[xiK] e,il. 6interrogati,e sentence *inal $article7[+K] g +K 6interrogati,e $article7

&^&J   Ã[cu?] brittle. cris$<«Ã g>ncu? sim$l+<Zà1ngcu? clear<Ãv 

cu?ru *ragile

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&^&(   Ü [Y>o] rotten<ÜÄ Y>og>o bad luckÜÛ Y>ota %aste. s$oil

&^&\   Å [bn] dress u$ as. disguise as< $ut on an ex$ression

&^&   贤OÆ[xin]贤惠 xinhu? ,irtuous and duti*ul %oman< 贤人 xinrKn

,irtuous $erson&^&^   ÇOÈ [sh?] decoration. dress u$. im$ersonate

&^&   ÉOÊ [chng] re$a+. †É $Kichng com$ensate. $a+ *or 

&^20   Ë[ch>i] take a$art. dismantle[c>]‚coll1uialƒ excrete

&^2&   ÌOÍ [chn] to %ind. tie u$. tangle. bother 

&^22   ÎOÏ [shF] absorb. $hotogra$h<éΠ$>ishF take a $icture

&^23   ÐOÑ [nS] Ð定 nSd?ng dra*t<ÿРbSnS com$arison<CРm_nS imitate

&^2J   Ò [Y]ÒP Y%Fi *la,or<Ò/ YYhMng gro%

&^2(   Ó [hNi] he+

&^2\   Ô [YhS]意Ô +?YhS intention

&^2   ÕOÖ [chuMng] rush. charge

&^2^   âO× [hF]Ìâ YhDhF congratulate<àâ 1?nghF celebrate

&^2   Ø [cu?] emerald green<ØÏ cu?niMo king*isher 

&^30   ÙOÚ[*Kng] se%[*Fng] seam. crack

&^3&   ÛOÜ [bMo] *ull a*ter meal

&^32   Ý [;iK] rob. disaster 

&^33   ÞOß [*] $at. soothe. *oster<Þi *mA stroke

&^3J   à [%>] dig. exca,ate

&^3(   †Oá [cF] book<熠sh=ucF handbook<_M† d?tQcF atlas8Com$are %ith^ l? beauti*ul and- $Kng *riend9

&^3\   â [$n]âu $ntQ traitor 

&^3   ,[xio],+ xioxing $ortrait[i>o] 6*amil+ name7

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&^3^   ‚[x] s$lendid. ã‚  ;x bright. brilliand<€‚h X>ngx #?diMnXangxi dictionar+ &&\ )''

&^3   äOå [lin] smelt. re*ine. tem$er metal< æä dunlin exercise

&^J0   çOè [xin]çS xin*M constitution<çV xinbng militar+ $olice

&^J&   ºOé [mio] tem$le

&^J2   碧[b?] green ;ade. bluish green< 碧绿 dark green<碧G dark blue<,碧 uZb? -u$-. -5$rite-

&^J3   ê [hK] ê( hKYi box

&^JJ   ëOì [+?];ë +=u+? *riendshi$

&^J(   íOî [ch]í‚ chling reser,es<1í cQnch memor+

&^J\   ïOð [$Eng] s%i*tHrunning horse[OKng] 6*amil+ name7

&^J   ñOò [hun] .ñ  ;iohuan call out

&^J^   óOô [t>n] corru$t<ó¦ t>nxn greed+

&^J   ”Oõ [%] lie do%n<”室 %sh? bedroom

&^(0   ö [+?] %ing

&^(&   ÷Oø [rMo] harass. bother. trouble<÷ rMolun disturb

&^(2   $Où [xiK] u$$er $art o* side o* $erson@s bod+. coerce

&^(3   ú [gu?] kneel

&^(J   û[bNi] u$right stone tablet monument. etc< ‚û mDbNitombstone

&^((   ü [hN] breathe out mouth o$en. scold< üý hN1in +a%n

&^(\   þ [tin] s%eet<þ' tinci beet

&^(   ÿ

[sM] O灑 s$rinkle

[xiMn]ÿü xiMnrQ res$ect*ul. de*erential< O灑ÿƒ xiMnrnalarmed. sur$rised. shocked. *rightened. cold

&^(^   谱O譜[$] table. chart. manual. music score. 谱H $xiZ com$osemusic etc'

&^(   莎[sh>] used in names[suA]'莎 m_suA stroke. caress

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&^\0   娜 [nu_]婀娜 Nnu_ grace*ul %oman

&^\&   阁O閣 [gK] $a,ilion. cabinet

&^\2   庸[+Ang] usual. ordinar+<7庸 #hAngAng octrine o* the Golden

`ean&^\3   鹏O鵬 [$Kng] roc a giant m+thical bird

&^\J   å[*D] å\ *Dgi co,er<顛å di>n*D sub,ert< 5á9å *Mn*Dre$eatedl+. again and again

&^\(   玲 [lEng]玲珑 lEngl_ng cle,er and nimble

&^\\   侯 [h_u] mar1uis. 6*amil+ name7

&^\   抹

[m>] sli$ something o**.‚collo1uialƒ %i$e[m=] a$$l+. smear. brush:%i$e o**. exclude. $la+ cards:etc'< 抹

Š m=bD cloth. rag<抹‹ m=sh> obliterate[m] daub. $laster. skirt. b+$ass

&^\^   卢O盧 [Q] 6*amil+ name7<觚卢 glQ calabash

&^\   碍O礙 [i]障碍 Yhng@i get in the %a+< 妨碍 *ng@i hinder 

&^0   综O綜[YAng]综< YAnghK s+nthesiYe[YFng] heddle

&^&   ù [1i] mound. gra,e<ù陵 1ilEng hills<÷ù sh>1i dune



[+n] *aint. s%oon<Ë晕 t_u+n diYY+

[+Dn] diYY+. *aint. halo< É晕 h_ng+Dn blush&^3   拦O攔 [ln] block the %a+

&^J   燃 [rn] 燃烧 rnsh>o burn<燃% rnlio *uel

&^(   昌 [ch>ng] $ros$erous

&^\   吞 [tn] s%allo%. gul$ do%n. annex<吞2 tnm embeYYle

&^   [xin] sus$icion. dislike

&^^   ! [E] 6*amil+ name7

&^   "[+>] $a%n. detain<"Š +>sng send under escort< "# +>+Dnrh+me

&^^0   Ñ[shK] ÑË shKtou tongue8Com$are %ithРg ancient9

&^^&   $ [lEn] 6archaic7 beauti*ul ;ade

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&^^2   %O& [%D] *og<J% +>n%D smoke. mist

&^^3   ' [mn] $rolonged. grace*ul

&^^J   œO([chS] œš chSr shame. humiliation<zœ kZchS shame*ul<wœ 

%chS shameless

&^^(   )

[gu?] O* )( gu?Yi cabinet<)^ gu?ti counter<ô) 

YhMnggu? sho$kee$er [;])Ó  ;li tree o* the %illo% *amil+.large tree good *or making*urniture:etc'

&^^\   +O, [t>n] s$read out. un*old. take a share in. ,endor@s stall

&^^   -[xuN].- bAxuN to ex$loit[xi>o]- 1iNxi>o cut

&^^^   / [1]C/ 1n1 relati,e<休/ xiH1 ;o+ and sorro%

&^^   0 [g>n] $ole[gMn] O1 sha*t

&^0   2[+n] rock. cli**<2石 +nshE rock<32 sh>+n sandstone<ï2 

r_ng+n melted rock la,a

&^&   4 [%Fi] he+. hello. 4养 %Fi+Mng *eed. raise

&^2   5[rNng] thro%. toss<5d rNng1iQ thro% a ball com$are %ith Gd 

 ;iN1iu catch a ball

&^3   6 [sh?]6! sh?sh? $ass a%a+. die< ÿ6 xi>osh? *ade a%a+. ela$se

&^J   ³O7 [dn]³} dnshNng be born<±³' 5hFngdn;iK Christmas

&^(   8O9 [xun] hang. unresol,ed. %orr+<8: xun+ cli** 

&^\   ä[shuMng] äã shuMnglMng bright. clear. *rank<Ýä lingshuMng$leasantl+ cool

&^   ;[cu] 6*amil+ name7<;< cu%Ki rock+ mound. ot%ering<;= 

cu%Ni lo*t+. to%ering

&^^   > [tEng] ro+al court

&^   ÀO?

[cu] gather together. ha$$en b+ chance

&00   @ [ch] idiotic<@¦ in*atuation

&0&   A [$Kn] basin. tub. $ot< A_ $Knd? basin o* land

&02   B [+D] im$erial< OC2B *ng+D de*ense<HB dS+D resist

&03   D [kD] ×D cnkD cruel. 6slang7 cool

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&0J   E[i] Chinese mug%ort<EF ir_ng moxa[+?]®E +un+? resentment

&0(   G[i] 6inter;ection indicating sentiment:s+m$ath+:disa$$ointment7oh[>i] +esP

&0\   H[lMo]HH lMolao 6collo1uial7 maternal grandmother [m] 6archaic7 old lad+

&0   IOJ[l_ng] I( l_ngYi cage. coo$[l=ng]IK l=ngYho shroud. en,elo$

&0^   LO顛 [di>n] ;olt. *all. summit<L倒 di>ndMo turn u$side do%n

&0   • [+n] marriage<œ• hn+n marriage. realated b+ marriage

&&0   MON [xiK] M± xiKdi carr+. take along<Mç xiKsh=u hand in hand

&&&   9 [ku?] O9 cnku? ashamed

&&2   P [*Nn] *ragrance<P# *Nn*>ng *ragrant<P ONnln Oinland

&&3   Q[mD]ÐQ  ;ngmD solemn and 1uiet. 6*amil+ name7<QRs_ 

`hMnmdK `ohammed

&&J   S[shn] a *an. sla$. 6classi*ier *or doors etc'7< 一S¬ +E shn mKn[sh>n] to *an. sla$. incite

&&(   Ž[+D] 6*amil+ name7< *ragrant< elegant< OT luxuriant<ŒŽ 

+Au+D melanchol+

&&\   UOV [Yh?] thro%. cast

&&   W[YhNng] terri*ied. $anicHstricken[YhFng]ÉW *>YhFng stare blankl+

&&^   X[xn] rush $ith[x?n]2X +nx?n core

&&   7[sh] #7 lMosh mouse. rat<7B shnin +ear o* Rat &st+ear 

&20   \OY [;i]\y  ;iYhFng recti*+<\Ì  ;ichn get entangled

&2&   Z [;i>ng]fZ bi>n;i>ng border region<zZ n;i>ng

&22   Á[+uN] sa+8Com$are %ith¾ r? sun9

&23   û [*D]$û sh*u master term o* res$ect

&2J   [ [$o] [( $oYi robe. go%n

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&2(   ³ [chQn] Ù³ YuSchQn li$<³\ chQng>o li$stick

&2\   hO] [s] re,i,e. come to< gh UNs Lesus

&2   ^[$Zng] hold. carr+ in both hands< ^…一个xy $ZngYhe +E gF

xgu> carr+ing a %atermelon&2^   _

[gAu] cross out. e,oke. gang u$ %ith[gu]_¼ gudang shad+ deal:business

&2   `[mD] herd. tend<`ç mDchMng graYing land. $asture< `5 

mDmEn herdsman. go,ern the $eo$le

&30   a[rQ] Con*ucianism. scholar<a< RQ;i> Con*ucianists<a} RQlEnCon*ucian scholars

&3&   b [kMi]cb k>ngkMi generous. ,ehement

&32   d[;n] tendon. muscle. *iber<¨d nMo;n brains. mind. head<ez

d xing$E;n rubber band&33   f [YhD] $illar. $ost. c+linder 

&3J   g[bNi] lo%. in*erior. modest. humble<gh bNibS base. des$icable.,ulgar<gi bNiliF des$icable

&3(   j[+n] to s%allo%[+>n] $har+nx[+F]kj %+F sob. %him$er 

&3\   lOm [dn] 6loan7 ton.‚slangƒ one thousand +uan R`B

&3   On[ch_ng] %orm. insect<爬 $ch_ng re$tile<ü shch_ngbook%orm

&3^   oOp [shKng] o( shKngYi. op shKngsu= ro$e. cord

&3   qOr [chQ]q9 chQ*ng kitchen

&J0   s [+u>n] in;ustice<st +u>n%ang do %rong. treat un;ustl+

&J&   uOv[YhMng] rise. go u$[Yhng] s%ell

&J2   wOx [Yhu] to %rinkle<wy Yhu%Kn %rinkles

&J3   % [$E]%s $Elo exhausted. *atigued< %z $E;un tired

&JJ   {O| [d] gamble. bet

&J(   }O~ [ro] rich. $lenti*ul. ha,e merc+. gi,e extra

&J\   •O€[kung] •石 kungshE ore< •Ý kungsh>n mine<•+ 

kung%D mineral

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&J   畅O[chng] smooth. *ree<舒畅 shchng ha$$+. %orr+H*ree<畅a 

chngkui cheer*ull. care*ree<畅通 chngtAng unim$eded.unblocked

&J^   ‚ [mKi] coal<‚油 mKi+_u kerosene

&J   å [%n] çå sh=u%n %rist<äå( tuS%nYi ankle

&(0   /Oƒ[$Nn] s$urt. s$ra+<å/„ dM $Nnt? sneeYe[$Fn] cro$. in season. high season

&(&   …[1iMn]÷… $i1iMn send. dis$atch<~… xi>n1iMn sent inad,ance

&(2   † [ho]†þ hodng ,ast. might+<†9 hod huge

&(3   ‡ [%Nng] old man. 6*amil+ name7

&(J   ˆ [Y]ˆÁ

 YxQn consult. seek ad,ice *rom&((   ‰OŠ [bi>o] dartlike %ea$on<Ɖ bMobi>o bod+guard

&(\   F[$Eng]FE $EngmD screen[bSng]Fþ bSngx hold breath[bng]F营 bng+Eng %ith *ear and tre$idation

&(   ‹[Yhng] second. middle o* 3 months or brothers< ‹¥ 

Yhngchn 2nd month o* s$ring. middle o* s$ring< ‹Õ 

YhngxiAng 2nd eldest brother 

&(^   Œ[x] exclamation o* sur$rise. )las. `+ ŒŒ xx sound o*

giggling&(   ™ [*Nn]™˜ *Nn*D tell. instruct

&\0   [min] cotton

&\&   Ž [mFng] eldest son. *irst month o* season. 6*amil+ name7

&\2   O [chNng] $ro$ u$. su$$ort. kee$ u$. *ill to bursting

&\3   ‘O’ [lQ] ‘( lQYi sto,e. o,en. *urnace

&\J   “

[xiF] leak. drain. di,ulge. release

[+?]“” +?t garrulous and disorderl+. eas+going

&\(   [Yng] ä miYng bur+ the dead<~ YnglS *uneral

&\\   –[sAu] search<–u sAu;E collect<–p sAuch search<–p 

sAusu= look *or 

&\   — [ti>n] add. increase

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&\^   ˜[Yn] obe+<˜Ý Ynsh=u com$l+ %ith< ˜' YnYho obe+.con*orm to

&\   ™ [dE] 6archaic7 enlighten. guide

&0   šO›

[%Zi] *alse. *ake<4š x%Zi *alse. h+$ocritical<šü %Zib?

counter*eit mone+

&&   œ [Yho] omen. million. mega

&2   ý [1in] o%e. lack. lean *or%ard<…ý h>1in +a%n

&3   Ož [ling] A +unling *orgi,e

&J   Ÿ [+n] Ÿ» +nrF burning hot. ÈŸ *>+n in*lammation

&(   [*Nn]ª 1?*Nn atmos$here

&\   ¡ [Yhng] cane. caning. *logging. ç¡

 sh=uYhng sta**. %alkingstick

&   ¢ [xi>] become blind. $ointlessl+<¢( xi>Yi blind $erson

&^   £O¤ [dio] £c dio+Q to *ish<£¥ diogAu *ishing hook

&   ¦O§ [chng] intestine

&^0   ¨ [$] dra$e o,er one@s shoulders. o$en

&^&   .O©[b>o] shell. $eel[bA].- bAxuN ex$loitation

&^2   “ [sh?] È“ *>sh? s%ear<“¹ sh?+n oath

&^3   ªO«[Yhun] gain. $ro*it[Yun] cheat

&^J   ¬[+?] labor. re1uired ser,ice. j¬ Yhn+? battle<V¬ bng+?militar+ ser,ice<Ǭ nQ+? ensla,e

&^(   [$o] soak. bubble<' $oci $ickle<® $om *oam[$>o] s$ong+

&^\   ¯[n?] go against. disobe+. be contrar+ to< 汉ó¯r{h "an+ n?+Sn cEdiMn Re,erse ChineseHnglish dictionar+

&^   矮 [Mi] short not tall. lo%<矮( MiYi d%ar* 

&^^   ° [dio] hang. li*t u$. let do%n %ith ro$e. crane. mourn. re,oke

&^   ± [tin] *ill. stu**. *ill in *orm

&0   ² [;i>] good. *ine. $raise

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&&   ³O´ [YhQ]µ³ lYhQ candle

&2   ¶O·[sh]9¶ dsh tall building. mansion[i]¶¬ imKn )mo+

&3   ¸ [x] e,ening. sunset<¸à x+ng the setting sun

&J   ¹[shu>i] ¹v shu>iru %eak. *eeble<¹# shu>ilMo decre$it<¹m 

shu>itu? *ail. decline[cu]Œ¹ dZngcu rank. grade

&(   º [+F] *luid. ºB +FtS li1uid

&\   » [uN] 6*amil+ name7

&   ¼[$] *all *or%ard<L¼ di>n$ *all do%n. *all into disgrace[$Q] O½¼人 $QrKn ser,ant

&^   ¾O¿ [mi] ste$. stride. old&   ŠOÀ [chS] ‰Š +chS tooth

2000   ÁO [;Sn] Áà ;SnshFn cautious. sincerel+

200&   Ä[chKng] to $resent<Ä0 chKngxin a$$ear<Ä报 chKngbosubmit a re$ort

2002   Å [ng] Ź ngsh=u hold one@s head high. high. soaring

2003   ‘ [ch>o] co$+ search and con*iscate<‘H ch>oxiZ transcribe

200J   \OÆ [mE]\8 mEmin *ill the air<\– mEb make u$ *or. remed+

200(   Ç [kZ] šÇ k=ukZ thirst+<Çz kZ%ng thirst *or. long *or 

200\   ø [t] ø( tYi ladder. öø l_ut stairs

200   È [sh] s$arse. scant+<È» shhu carelessness

200^   É[ho] ÿÉ xi>oho. ɶ ho*Fi consume<É( hoYimouse. rat

200   Ê[dFng] o$en one@s e+es %ide. stare. glare< Êé dFng+Mn stare.

stare do%n20&0   Ë

[ch?]$Ë $ich? re;ect<ÌË b_ch? re*ute. denounce. re;ect.ˇ 

ch?YK denounce

20&&   ÍOÎ [ku>] brag<Í9 ku>d exaggerate

20&2   Ï [d?] stem o* a *ruid<JÏ +>nd? cigarette butt<ÉÏ +nd? clitoris

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20&3   Ð [;iMn] Ðl  ;iMnd>o scissors

20&J   Ñ [1] marr+ a %oman. take a %i*e. get married

20&(   « [hKn]«© hKn;? mark. trace. ,estige< æ« sh>nghKn scar 

20&\   Ò [*Q] 6archaic7 not

20&   Ó [Uo] 6*amil+ name7

20&^   ÔOÕ [Yhi] debt

20&   Ö [tu=] a$$ro$riate. read+

2020   × [lE]Ø× bAli glass<Ù× liQlE coloured glaYe

202&   Ú [t>o] $ull out. *ish out *rom $ocket. etc'. dig

2022   ÛOÜ[sh>] Û车 brake. sto$[ch]Û那 chn instant. s$lit second

2023   Ý[;ng] bright<¼Ý shuS;ng rock cr+stal<ÝB]  ;ngtSguMntransistor< Ý营  ;ng+Eng s$arkling

202J   Þ[YhAng] inner *eelings. middle<Þ¦ YhAngxn %holehearted<wöÃÞ %Q dng +Q YhAng indi**erent. unconcerned

202(   {Oß [*] z{ $E*u skin<{† *sF color o* skin

202\   à [lD] deer 

202   á [t] make rubbings *rom stone:bronYe[tu] o$en u$. de,elo$

202^   â [Yhu_] tall. 6*amil+ name7. â$ Yhu_+uF outstanding

202   ãOä[YhFng] disease<*ã  ;in%ngYhFng amnesia[YhNng]ã= YhNng;iK crucial reason. obstruction o* the bo%els

2030   å[tng] sugar. åý tnggu= cand+<åæ tngcD s%eet andsour 

203&   çOè[1n] b+ the em$eror himsel*. res$ect. ç 1n$Fi admire<çÜ 1nch>i im$erial en,o+

2032   éOê[min]¦é unbroken< ¶é s$onge[mi>n]déé so*t

2033   •[l] 6used as *or sound ,alue7[lS] ó‘ UnglS Britittish mile

203J   ëOì [+u] guide. lead. lure

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203(   í [k] %ithered. dried u$. dull

203\   î [xiN] ha,e a rest< nî  ;inxiN intermission

203   ï [sD] model. mould<ï% sDlio $lastic<ï+ sDxing statue

203^   妨[*ng] 妨碍 *ng@i hinder. im$ede. harm<不妨 bD*ng mightas %ell. no harm in'''

203   豫 [+D] short name *or "enan< 犹豫 +_u+D hesitate

20J0   ð [+?] $ress do%n. restrain<ðR +?Yh? restrain. inhibition

20J&   ñ [sh>n]ñò sh>nhQ coral<ñòó sh>nhQ;i>o coral ree* 

20J2   ô [gDn] ô( rod. stick<õô guMigDn %alking stick

20J3   öO÷

[;?n] enter. ad,ance. $romote. a d+nast+ 2\(HJ20. 6*amil+

name7. short name *or 5hanxi $ro,ince

20JJ   ß[lEn] $our. drench<ÛÞß bng1ilEn ice cream[l?n] strain. *ilter [ln]Jßß shlnln drenched

20J(   øOù [+uF] ø xS+uF ha$$+. ;o+*ul. delighted

20J\   ú[dn]ú9 dnhu honest. sincere<ú¦ nhung in Gansu[du?] ancient ,essel

20J   ûOü[+n] beauteous. amorous. û^ +nl? gorgeous. res$endent<uû xi>n+n bright color

20J^   Ø [bA]Ø× bAli glass

20J   ý [Y] strike. smash. break

20(0   þ[rMng] shout. +ell[r>ng]þþ r>ngrang shout

20(&   ÿ[mng] ÿ目 mngmD blind. unable to distinguish< ÿö 

mngdng act blindl+

20(2   辨 [bin] distinguish. di**erentiate

20(3   葛[gK] kudYu ,ine. grassHcloth[GZ] 6*amil+ name7

20(J   R[hMn] rarel+. seldom[han]{R xhan rare. cherish

20((   矩 [;] car$enter@s s1uare<矩K  ;YhFn matrix

20(\   6 [+=ng]Q6 +_u+=ng s%im

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20(   宅 [Yhi] residence. house

20(^   贷O貸 [di] borro%. 贷| dikuMn lend. loan

20(   ³

[bMng] u$$er arm. ²³  ;i>nbMng shoulder<翅³ ch?bMng %ing<

[$>ng] s%ell[$ng]³胱 $nggu>ng urinar+ bladder 

20\0   捏 [niN] hold bet%een the *ingers. knead. *abricate

20\&   颈O頸[;Sng] 颈‰  ;Sngxing neck[gZng]脖颈儿 b_gZngr na$e

20\2   ÙO踐 [;in]UÙ $ut into $ractice<ÙÛ tram$le

20\3   脖 [b_] 脖( b_Yi neck

20\J   贾O賈[g] merchant

[LiM] 6*amil+ name720\(   轿O轎 [;io] sedan chair<轿车  ;iochN car 

20\\   脾 [$E] s$leen<脾ª $E1i badH tem$er 

20\   堡

[bMo] 堡垒 bMolZi. *ort. *ortress<è堡 chKngbMo castle[b] 堡( bYi %alled to%n:,illage used mostl+ in $lacenames[$D] %alled to%n:,illage used mostl+ in $lace names

20\^   娇O嬌 [;i>o] grace*ul. delicate<娇嫩  ;i>onFn tender and lo,el+

20\   浙 [#hF]浙ñ省 #hF;i>ngshZng #he;iang !ro,ince

200   i [liF] bad. in*erior. minor 

20&   潇O瀟 [xi>o] dee$ and clear %ater< 潇ÿ xi>osM natural q unrestrained

202   赐O賜 [c?] gi,e. grant. gi*t *rom su$erior to in*erior

203   ] [tu_]]螺 tu_lu_ to$ s$iraling to+< ]螺z tu_lu_+E g+rosco$e

20J   蓄 [xD] store. sa,e. gro%<积蓄  ;xD sa,e<í蓄 chxD de$osit

20(   ƒO墳 [*Kn] gra,e. tomb

20\   O! [sng] $raise. song. ode<歌 gNsng sing the $raises o* 

20   " [lu] "¼ lushuS leak out

20^   v ["ng]vÉ "ngYhAu

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20   #[mo] stra%. thatch< #F mocMo grass *or thatching<„# 

bimo edible %ild grass

20^0   $O% [Yhu>n] brick

20^&   & [shDn] %ink<&n shDn;i>n a moment. in the t%inkling o* an e+e

20^2   'O( [hF] crane emblem o* longe,it+

20^3   )[b?] monarch<á) *Db? restore a dethored monarch or old order [$?]â) k>i$? o$en u$. start

20^J   *O+ [+Q] to *ish<*5 +QmEn *isher*olk<*Ø +Q+F *isher+

20^(   , [gu>i] cle,er. ,, gu>igu>i obedient. %ellHbeha,ed

20^\   w [b] o,erlord. t+rant. dominate<w– bYhn sieYe

20^   - [xi>ng] -助 xi>ngYhD assist. hel$

20^^   炒[chMo] stir *r+. saute< 炒7 chMo*n *ried rice<炒ú chMomin-cho% mein-. *ried noodles

20^   .O/[+M] mute. dumb. hoarse[+>] 6inter;ection indicating sur$rice. same as Í7. ah. oh

200   0[$] ri,erside. ri,er mouth mostl+ used in $lace names. 6*amil+name7

20&   1O2 [bSng] cake<1« bSngg>n cracker. cookie

202   O3 [x] sacri*icial animal<Ÿ

 xshNng sacri*ice203   4O5 [t>n] ¶4 hMit>n beach. sands

20J   6O7[dng] a nail. to *ollo% closel+[d?ng] to nail

20(   8[+D] $lead. ®8 h+D a$$eal[x]88 xx $anting. $u**ing hard[+] 6inter;ection -Vhoa-7

20\   9O: [x] tin 5n

20   ;O< [YFng] ;Š YFngsng gi,e as a $resent

20^   =[hAng] hubbub[h=ng] *ool. coax[hng] horse$la+

20   ®O> [lEng] bell

2&00 ?O@ [%n] stu$id. stubborn. naught+<?Ù %n1ing indomitable<?

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Π%ngD obstinate

2&0&   œ[YhE] $ro$agate. ›œ *nYhE breed. re$roduce. coloniYe< œ5_ YhEmEnd? colon+[shi]¢œ gshi skeleton

2&02   鹰OA [+ng] ha%k. eagle

2&03   B [Ci] 6*amil+ name7. sacri*icial tortoise

2&0J   C [cu] urge. hurr+. hasten

2&0(   B [*Q]BA *Qr_ng cottonrose hibiscus. lotus

2&0\   D [bn]DD bnbn 6archaic7 re*ined. urbane

2&0   E[$n] ¿ $ut:$iece together. s$ell. risk li*e[$n] abandon and ignore

2&0^   FOG [guS] track. rail. course. $ath< Fe guSdo orbit

2&0   HOI[+A] Wh[+o] 6inter;ection indicating exhortation7[+>o] ouch

2&&0   J[1in] a$olog+<eJ do1in a$ologiYe<JJ bo1in regret. besorr+

2&&&   K [dng] stare at

2&&2   LOM [shu] ,er+ large<Lä’# shush?xuK%Fi `aster@s degree

2&&3   N [rZ] o**end. ask *or trouble< N=烦 rZ m*n excite or in,itetrouble

2&&J   O[1?] OÆ 1?+uN contract. legal agreement[1iF]Oÿ 1iFku long se$aration. to be se$arated *rom oneanother 

2&&(   P [+Q] make a *ool o*. du$e. PQ +Qchn *oolish. stu$id

2&&\   ROS [shui] commander in chie*. grace*ul

2&&   T

[hung] a*raid. *ear*ul. Tž hungk=ng alarmed. anxious.

uneas+. ŒT +Auhung. T? hunghu a$$rehensi,e<ËT scared. alarmed

2&&^   ó [hn] Çó +Ehn regret. sorr+

2&&   UOV [lMn] laY+. sluggish<ÌUÊ shNn lMn+>o stretch onesel* 

2&20   W [+E] aunt mother@s sister. sisterHinHla% %i*e@s sister

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2&2&   X[chuMn] Xª chuMn1? $ant. gas$ *or breath< ªX 1?chuMnasthma

2&22   YOZ[shu] beast. %ild animal. ]Y +Zshu beastl+. crude.unci,iliYed

2&23   [ [m] $ath bet%een *ields. [} mshNng strange<[}人 mshNngrKn stranger 

2&2J   K [Yho] co,er. hood. o,eralls. cage

2&2(   0O\[liF] å0 dMliF hunt. chase<0人 liFren hunter<0/ liFg=uhound

2&2\   ] [sAng] lo*t+ mountain<]Ý 5Angsh>n mountain in "Knn

2&2   ^O_ [+n] salt

2&2^   `Oa [;] star,e. be hungr+. *amine< `t  ;@F hunger. star,ation

2&2   b [1] cold. chill+. sad<bÝ 1ling desolate<bà1cMn %retched

2&30   c [h_u] cd h_ul_ng throat. lar+nx

2&3&   e [+n] e• +nhu? ban1uet

2&32   f [1i>ng] ca,it+. tune. $itch. accent. s$eech

2&33   g [hn] %riting brush. %riting

2&3J   h [x] h\ xgi knee

2&3(   陵 [lEng] hill. mound. tomb<ìî陵 5hEs>nlEng the &3 `ing tombs

2&3\   i [*Nng] bee. %as$<ji m?*Nng hone+bee<i9 *Nng*ng beehi,e

2&3   êOk [lu_] $atrol<êx lu_;i 6loan7 logic

2&3^   l[$] cho$. s$lit[$S] di,ide. s$lit

2&3   m [lin] honest. clean. lo%H$riced


  n[gu=] bind. %ra$<包n b>ogu= bundle. $ackage

2&J&   ~Oo [;i>o] se,ere. ~}  ;i>o@o arrogant. $roud

2&J2   pOq [*n]p( *nYi dealer<p& *nmi deal in. tra**ic. $eddle

2&J3   rOs [hu?] $aint. dra%<r£ hu?hu dra%ing. $ainting

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2&JJ   : [+] :¯ +b? $reci$ice. cli** 

2&J(   t[chKn] time. da+. occasion. celestial bodies. 2Hhr $eriod< -t 

xngchKn star 

2&J\   u [+]u ti>n+ edge o* %orld< }u shNng+ career. $ro*ession

2&J   v [gN] ancient Chinese %ea$on similar to dagger axe or halberd

2&J^   w [kNng] hole. $it

2&J   x [YhN] co,er. hide. block

2&(0   y [1En] ca$ture. catch. seiYe

2&(&   zO{[mn] 1uite. ,er+. *ierce. ]z +Zmn barbaric<z5 mnhFngunreasonable

2&(2   | [YhS]„| biYhS 6Chinese medicine7 root o* ahurian )ngelica

2&(3   ‘[d] sto$ u$. block. 6classi*ier *or %alls7. 6*amil+ name7<一‘ 

+? d 1ing a %all

2&(J   }[gD] }~ gD+Ang hire. em$lo+<}K gDYh em$lo+er<}员 

gD+un em$lo+ee

2&((   •[%Mn] dra%. $ull. roll u$<•p %Mn;iD rescue< O€ $ullcart:carriage< lament

2&(\   \ [min] x\ shu?min slee$<©\ dAngmin hibernate

2&(   [%Zn] kiss. animal@s mouth. muYYle. li$s2&(^   ‚ [xio] *ilial. *ilial $iet+. mourning

2&(   r[b_] at anchor. moor. berth[$A]qr hQ$A lakes

2&\0   ƒ[s] ri$. tear<ƒm shuS tear a$art[x]Iƒ tEx arouse attention. hel$ and guide

2&\&   „[h_ng] X„ cMih_ng rainbo%[;ing] 6collo1uial7 rainbo%

2&\2   …O† [xD] chat. …æ xDshD. …РxDsh? narrate. relate

2&\3   ‡ [cu?] H‡ chQncu? $ure. unadulterated

2&\J   ˆ [miMn] make an e**ort<ˆÙ miMn1iMng *orce< %ith di**icult+

2&\(   ‰ [;iK] ‰4  ;iKl? do one@s utmost. ‰ƒ  ;iK;?n use u$. exhaust

2&\\   > [%>i] crooked. aske%. inclined. de,ious

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2&\   Ã [shFn] cautious. care*ul

2&\^   Š [kN] 6classi*ier *or trees. cabbages. etc'7<一Šø +E kF shD a tree

2&\   ‹

[$] OŒ ‹¬ $sD sim$le

[!io] 6*amil+ name7[$]‹ø $shD Chinese hackberr+[$A]‹l $Ad>o a t+$e o* long kni*e

2&0   [xiF] machiner+. ƒ  ;xiF mechanical<… 1?xiF a$$aratus

2&&   Ž [x] Ž¡ xliQ brook. small stream

2&2   [l?] mli ;asmine<О mli hu>ch ;asmine tea

2&3   ‘ [b>n] s$ot. s$eck. stri$e<‘‹ b>nmM Yebra

2&J   ’ [kN] knock against<’Ë

 kNt_u ko%to%<’!

 kN$Fng collide %ith2&(   “

[guM] *e%. scant. tasteless<“} guM*u %ido%<¢s“¹ 

chKnmguM+n habituall+ silent

2&\   ” [xQn] *ollo%. abide b+<”c xQnhun circulate. c+cle

2&   O– [YhMn] cho$

2&^   —[lF] take b+ *orce. —V lFdu_ $illage. $lunder< —‰ lFgus%ee$ $ast[lZ] s%ee$:brush $ast. snatch a%a+

2&   ˜O™ [] 6*amil+ name72&^0   š [x] š¾ xr? *ormer times. the $ast< ¼š %Mngx in the $ast

2&^&   › [;i>o] ›á  ;i>o1. ›|  ;iao%i suburbs. outskirts

2&^2   œ[;uK] rank o* nobilit+. $eerage< œä  ;uKsh? knight<œäi›  ;uKsh?+n+uF ;aYY

2&^3   [hu] emblem. badge. insignia< l省 >nhu shZng )nhui!ro,ince

2&^J   ž [cE] magnetism<ž: cEtiZ magnet<ž± cEdi magnetic ta$e

2&^(   Ÿ[*] bo% one@s head. bend do%n<Ÿ¦ *chAng di,e<Ÿ *knlook do%n at. o,erlook

2&^\   ¡O¢[tn] talk. 6*amil+ name7<ùà¡ ti>n*>ng+Ftn the stor+ o*

 )rabian 4ights

2&^   £ [dSng] ancient cooking ,essel. tri$od

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2&^^   ¤[*Q] stroke. touch lightl+. %hisk. *lick. go against somebod+@s%ishes<¤½ *QxiMo be*ore da+break[b?] ¥ assist

2&^   ¦ [Mn] /. %e<¦- Mnmen %e re*ers to s$eakers onl+

2&0   § [sMo] 9§ dsMo elder brother@s %i*e. sisterHinHla%

2&&   ¨ [$] kerchies. 稠sh=u$ handkerchie* 

2&2   ©[g] VhatP. "uhP[g] "o% comeP. Vh+P[Pg] W'X'. )greed

2&3   ªO« [dng] *reeYe

2&J   ¬ [%Mn] gentle. ¬ç %MnYhuMn tact*ul. agreeable

2&(   [t_ng] $arasol tree<油 t_ng+_u tung oil

2&\   ®O¯ [lu] ®° lutuo camel

2&   ±O²[$A] s$lash. s$oll. s$rinkle< rude and unreasonable< ,± hu_$oli,el+

2&^   ³[;ing] artisan[;iang]?³ mD;iang car$enter<:³ tiZ;ing blacksmith

2&   ¨ [tSng] light boat

2200   UO´ [1i>n]U4 1i>nx.Uƒ 1i>nxDn modest

220&   µ [;?] ¶µ ch>ng;? $rostitute. 6traditional7 *emale $er*ormer 

2202   ‹ [$Q]‹‰ $Qs bodhisatt,a. bene,olent being

2203   厕O·[cF] 厕{ cFsu= toilet[si] #厕 mosi latrine

220J   ¸ [*Q] ca$ture. ¸¹ *Ql $risoner. ca$ti,e

220(   º [+?] resolute<º4 +?l? %ill$o%er<坚º  ;i>n+? determined

220\   »O¼[lSng] mountain. Ý» sh>nlSng mountain range. ridge< ½» 

 ;DnlSng high mountains

220   ¾ [+>] *ork. bi*urcation<¾Ë +>tou girl. maid. ser,ant. sal,e girl

220^   ¿ [%Fi] *ear. res$ect<¿› %Fi;D dread<¿© %FisuA *linch

220   À[i>ng] short name *or qá "Qnn<Àñ i>ng Li>ng a ri,er in"unan

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22&0   Á [t=ng] bucket

22&&   Â[sMng] Â( sMngYi throat. Âi sMng+n ,oice. ¬儿 

sMngmKnr lar+nx. ,oice

22&2   ¦ [hung] bright. brilliant<ú¦石ànhung 5hEk Gansu Ca,es

22&3   ÄOÅ [bo] 6*amil+ name7. Äc bo+Q abalone

22&J   Æ [l?] grain. granule<Æ( l?YS 6terminolog+ in $h+sics7 $article

22&(   Ç[xing] lane. alle+[hng]Çe hngdo tunnel in a mine

22&\   ' [lin] *lag as sho$ sign< OÈ curtain

22&   ÉOÊ [t] bald. bare. blunt. incom$lete

22&^   [l] OË

月 l+uF &2th lunar month. cured *ish:meat:etc'<¦ lchng sausage<{ l Greece

[x] dried meat

22&   ÌOÍ [c>ng] %arehouse

2220   õ[guMi] õÚ guMi%>n turn. change direction. lim$. s%indle.abduct<õô guMigDn %alking stick

222&   ÎOÏ [bMng] bind. tie<Îw bMng;i kidna$

2222   Ð [sh] Ð( shYi %hatP ¤么 shKnme

2223   ÑOÒ [;in] recommend. 6archaic7 grass. stra%

222J   Ó [nE] 6*amil+ name7. 端Ó du>nnE clue

222(   Ô [sF] musical instrument %ith 2( strings

222\   Õ [lng] hall

222   ÖO× [+>] Ö( +>Yi duck<s#Ö Tng lMo+> onald uck

222^   j [m?] ij *Nngm? hone+<ji m?*Nng hone+bee

222   ØOÙ [YhZn]Øï YhZndun diagnose<Ø{ YhZnsu= clinic

2230   E [$Kng] shed. shack. cano$+<ÏE %A$eng shack

223&   Ú [xi>n] li*t a co,er. etc'. surge

2232   Û [t=ng] tube<¥Û dint=ng *lashlight

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2233   Ü [xE] Ü} xE*D daughterHinHla%<ý养Ü t_ng+MngxE child bride

223J   yOÝ [%Kn] lines. ,eins. %ood grain

223(   Þ [miMo] second &:\0 o* a9 minute

223\   ß [Yh>n] moisten. soak. touch

223   àOá [$ng] à9 $ngd colossal. huge

223^   â [dn] s1uat on the heels. sta+

223   ãOä [s>o] ãö s>odng. ã s>olun disturb. harass

22J0   歧 [1E] o* roads *ork. branch. di,ergent< 歧l 1Esh? discriminate

22J&   å[sAu] 6classi*ier *or boats. ,essels. etc'7< å油 liMng sAu

+_uchun t%o oil tankers22J2   芝 [Yh] 6traditional7 iris<¨芝= Yhma sesame

22J3   ¨Oæ[hu] clamor. hubbub. 稠xu>nhu noise. clamor [hu>] 6the sound o* clanging. gurgling. etc'7

22JJ   èOé [m] sixth o* an acre 0'0\\ hectares

22J(   ê[1un] ticket. certi*icate<,çê rDchMng1un admission ticket[xun]ëê g=ngxun s$an o* an arch

22J\   ì[tng] 6classi*ier *or tri$s. times. ro%s. etc'7[t>ng] í t>ng *ord. %ade

22J   î[;n] $iece o* cloth<ëî mo;n to%el<×î c>n;n na$kin<Ìî 

%Ki;n scar* 

22J^   ï [+En] excessi,e. o,er. %anton. le%d. licentious

22J   ðOñ [huMng] lie. $re,aricate

22(0   X [m] 1uiet<WX  ;?m lonel+

22(&   ò [gun] $our<òó gungi irrigate<ò? gunmD bush

22(2   ôOõ [ln] basket<ôd

 ln1iQ basketball22(3   ö [%ng] absurd. rash<öÜË %ngxiMngkung $aranoia

22(J   ÷Oø[gN] $ut[gK] endure

22((   ù[YhE] brother@s son. ne$he%< ùX YhQn brother@s daughter.neice

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22(\   úOû [xi>ng] %ing o* a house. side. rail%a+ carriage

22(   ü

[ch>] ü( ch>Yi *ork. intersection. 交ü  ;i>och> intersect[ch] obstruct. ;am u$[chM] the distance bet%een thumb and middle minger on an

outstretched hand[ch] *ork. di,erge<üŒ chlD crossroad

22(^   ý[UQ] 6*amil+ name7. small boat[shD] þ

22(   ÿ [*] *ell. cut do%n. attack

22\0   宰 [YMi] slaughter. butcher. go,ern<宰° YMigN in,ade and o$$ress

22\&   瞒O瞞 [mn] hide the truth *rom

22\2   ° [Yhu]¯° +Yhu cosmos

22\3   肿O腫 [Yh=ng] s%ollen<肿瘤 Yh=ngliQ tumor<É肿 red and s%ollen

22\J   漆 [1] lac1uer. $aint<油漆 +_u1 $aint<漆) 1hNi $itchHblack

22\(   Ì [bD] *ear. *rightening<žÌ k=ngbD terror 

22\\   : [%Q] 9 + 6archaic7 /. me

22\   吼 [h=u] roar. ho%l

22\^   侨O僑 [1io]华侨 "u1io o,erseas Chinese<侨» com$atriots abroad

22\   叠O疊 [diK] $ile u$. re$eat< ï叠 YhKdiK *old

220   啸O嘯 [xio]®啸 hxio %histle. scream. %hiYY

22&   罐 [gun] 罐Ë guntou can< ;ar 

222   ª [s?] © s? *our. ª意 s?+? %antonl+. 6archaic7 sho$

223   裙 [1Qn] 裙( 1QnYi skirt

22J   泣 [1?] "泣 k1? cr+. %ee$. [泣 chAu1? sob

22(   胀O脹 [Yhng] 膨胀 $KngYhng s%ell. ex$and

22\   赋O賦 [*D] 赋Ã besto% on< com$ose<赋税 taxes

22   熬[o] boil. ste%< endure[>o] boil. cook in %ater 

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22^   趁[chFn] take ad,antage o*< %hile<趁ƒ• chFn ;hu? takead,antage o* an o$$ortunit+

22   咳[h>i] he+[kK]咳嗽 kKsou cough

22^0   ³ [+Q]³a +Qkui delighted

22^&   恳O懇 [kZn]¼恳 chKngkZn. 恳 kZn1iF sincere<恳y $lead

22^2   辜 [g]辜? g*D let do%n. disa$$oint

22^3   ì [;]ìÍ  ;ru muscle

22^J   婴O嬰 [+ng] 婴儿 +ng@Kr bab+. in*ant

22^(   [+] ë +mo *eather<ëd +Qmo1iQ badminton

22^\   ! [gAng] 6archaic7 $ersonall+< bend at the %aist

22^   "O# [b?] execute kill<O" 1i>ngb? execute b+ shooting

22^^   È[;] ÈÅ  ;liQ arrest. detain<È束  ;shD restrict<ÈÁ  ;;io,ercautious

22^   $ [dng] sting. bite< sa+:ask again. ,eri*+

220   %[%a] 6sentence *inal $article like ° a7[%>] %ah sound o* cr+ing

22&   &[1Eng] &ã 1EnglMng *ine. sunn+<&'( 1Engti>n$l? a bolt

*rom the blue222   )O*

[mE] )语 mE+ riddle[mFi])儿 riddle

223   + ["ui] a ri,er in4á andl

22J   , [%ng] $ros$erous. *lourishing<,‘ ,igorous. exuberant

22(   ý [+?] leisure. esca$e< lý >n+? com*ortable. leisurel+

22\   -O. [1i_ng] beauti*ul ;ade<-/ agar 

22   0 [;i>ng] ginger 

22^   kO1 [%] sound o* %histling. Yooming< kj %+F sob. %him$er 

22   2O3 [cun] *lee. scurr+< exile< change %ording

2300   4O5 [b>n] $roclaim. 4È b>n*> $romulgate. issue

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230&   6 [xn] *ire%ood. *uel. 6¼ xnshui salar+

2302   7 [Yhi] stockade. cam$

2303   8[nio]

[su] urine. urinate230J   9O: [;i] ;a%< cheek

230(   w[di]wv dib arrest[dMi] catch<Ów#7 m>o dMi lMosh a cat catching a mouse

230\   ;[b] *ortune telling[bo]胡<; hQlu_bo carrot

230   = [Yh>o] clear. ob,ious<=, Yh>oxuZ rehabilitate

230^   > [;?n] soak

230   ? [gu>] scra$e<?胡( gu> hQYi sha,e< O@ %ind blo%[k>]?’ k>chi‚collo1uialƒ scra$e. s$onge on

23&0   A [%Mn]Aü %MnrQ ;ust like<Aƒ %Mnrn as i*< [+u>n] 9A

23&&   šOB [Yh] š˜ Yh*u ad,ise. en;oin. urge. exhort

23&2   C[nng] bag<77CC ggun>ngn>ng bulging[n>ng]CD n>ngchui $ork near the $ig@s ni$$les

23&3   E [+D] reside. li,e<E{ +Dsu= residence<E¹ *able. allegor+

23&J   ÌOF [b_] contradict<ÌË

 b_ch? denounce<9Ì

 *Mnb_ re*ute23&(   G

[chng]G chng+? $ro$ose[ch>ng]G¸ ch>ng+Au entertainer 

23&\   H [+D] IH mD+D take a bath<H室 +Dsh? bath:sho%er room

23&   J [g] coo. cluck bird sounds

23&^   % [nu_] %ö nu_dong mo,e< remo,e

23&   K [b_]Ke b_du *ight. %restle<ÞK mib_ $ulse

2320   L [$Kng] bitter *leabane. L6 $KngsAng *lu**+. 6classi*ier *orclum$s o* bamboo. grass. etc'7< L_ $Kngb_ ,igorous

232&   M [shMng] $art o* the da+< noon

2322   N [1Q] canal. ditch. channel< Ne irrigation ditch

2323   O [dAu] $ocket. bag

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232J   P [nn]PP nnnn mutter 

232(   Q [+E] 6archaic7 smooth< %i$e out. raYe

232\   ROS ["D] name *orD¶ 5hanghai

232   TOU [;in] inex$ensi,e. chea$. lo%l+. humble. %orthless

232^   V[$]ªV 1?$ boldness[b_]kV[tu]kV

232   W [du] rudder< helm<Wç steersman. helmsman

2330   X [x]ZX 1ngx clear. distinct

233&   Y [;i>ng] sti**< numb< deadlocked<Yè sti**. rigid

2332   Ä [g>o] $udding. vÄ dng>o cake

2333   Z [+?] 6archaic7 descendents. $osterit+< borderland

233J   ® [Yh?]® Yh?xD order. se1uence

233(   [ [+S] [" +Sko lean on< rest against< rel+ on

233\   Þ [t>] colla$se< sink< calm do%n

233   \ [huMng] suddenl+. as i* 

233^   ¥O] [gAu] ¥( gAuYi hook

233   ^[cho]^笑 choxio ridicule. laugh at< ^_ cho*Zng sneer at.taunt. mock<^¿ chonng mock. deride

23J0   ä [bng] be close to<ä¾ bng%Mn to%ard e,ening. at night*all

23J&   ` [+D] abundant. a**luent<` *D+D rich. %ealth+. o$ulent

23J2   a [Yh] boil. cook

23J3   b [r] milk. breast<cb br breastH*eed<bd rlo cheese

23JJ   e [%D] do not

23J(   fOg [shD] ,ertical. $er$endicular< ,ertical stroke -h-

23J\   惩Oi [chKng] chastise. $unish. correct. re$ress< restrain onesel* 

23J   j [d] look at. obser,e<目j mDd see %ith one@s o%n e+es

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23J^   k[Yh] treeHtrunk<Ýkºl sh=uYhditD guarding a treeHtrunk to%ait *or a rabbit

23J   mOn [xiD] embroider<m+ embroidered $ortrait

23(0   o [+>o] o¡ +>om_ demon<op +>oro charming. enchanting

23(&   qOr [+]Ëq amaYed

23(2   s[k>] used in transliterations sΠk>*Ni co**ee[g>]st g>lE curr+

23(3   uOv [g>ng] *ishing net ro$e< guiding $rinci$le<ui $rogram

23(J   w [t>i] *oetus. birth. Cw lQnt>i tire o* a %heel

23((   xOy [bn]¶x seashore< xРbnlEn to be close to a bod+ o* %ater

23(\   z [gNng] to $lough. till

23(   { [ch] sneer 

23(^   |O} [c>ng] shi$ cabin

23(   ~O• [+Q]~› +QlF amuse. amusement. recreation

23\0   v [*Zi] æv t*Zi bandit. brigand. robber<vu *ZitQ gangster 

23\&   ›O€ [+>]乌› %+> cro%<›& +>$in o$ium

23\2   [%Fi] stomach<š %Fik=u a$$etite

23\3   ‚ [Yo] rash. im$etuous

23\J   ƒO„ [sh] ƒ( shYi lion

23\(   … [$Nng] bang sound

23\\   † [n]†儿 nr girl

23\   ‡Oˆ [lSn] cold< strict< a*raid< shi,er. tremble %ith cold or *ear 

23\^   ÎO‰[gu] 乌Î tortoise<¶Î turtle[;n]ÎS  ;nl? *issure o* $arched earth[pi]Ί picE Xucha. a historic to%n at the northern rim o* theTaklamakan esert

23\   ‹ [lu=]‹B lu=tS nude<O‹‹ starkHnaked<‹J ex$osed

230   Œ [+>n] handsome. beauti*ul<ŒÉ bright red

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23&   [*] 6archaic7 onl+. curtes+ name

232   ŽO [+o] kiln< Ž洞 ca,e d%elling

233   i [tng] dike. hi chEtng. ¼i shuStng $ool

23J   0O[xi>n]0. *iber [1in] ro$e *or to%ing boat

23(   ‘O’ [ch=ng] lo,e. besto% *a,or on

23\   “O” [lin] “( linYi chain<}“ Yi$$er<“ hinge

23   ë[g=ng] arch. cu$ one hand in other be*ore chest. $ush %ith nohands

23^   – [+Sn] ancient title *or go,ernment o**icial< surname

23   — [;uK] dig. exca,ate23^0   ˜O™ [b] dam< d+ke. embankment

23^&   šO› [xi] šœ xiYhMi. š xi@i narro%

23^2   žOŸ[mEng] engra,e. car,e<ž刻 mEngkF inscri$tion. engra,e onone@s mindË

23^3   [chQn]‹ chQn$ honest. sim$le. unso$histicated

23^J   I [mD] %ash one@s hair<IH mD+D bathe

23^(   ¡ [xn] $er,asi,e *ragrance

23^\   ¢ [!>n] 6*amil+ name7

23^   ò[shuMi] s%ing back and *orth. toss. get rid o*. lea,e behind8Com$are %ithð +ng use9

23^^   £[bMng] $osted list o* names. announcement. notice< £样 

exam$le. model[bng] ¤ oar. %hi$. rod

23^   ¥O¦ [+u>n]ߥ shNn+u>n ab+ss

230   ¿ [xin]¿¾ xinmD en,+. admire

23&   › [%]›š %r insult. humiliate

232   § [1ng] minister or high o**icial in ancient times

233   ¨ [%D] ü to%ering< bald

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23J   ç [xu>n]çÊ make noise<ç® xu>nh shout loudl+

23(   © [l] shoes

23\   ª [h_u] ª( h_uYi monke+

23   t [%Mng] crooked< $er,ert< st +u>n%ang do %rong. treat un;ustl+

23^   éO« [chFn] line. to $lace underneath. lining< éè chFnsh>n shirt

23   ¬ [$n] border o* a *ield< shore. side. bank

2J00   [dFng] stool. bench<Ä

2J0&   ®O¯ [miMn] remote. long ago< ®° `iMndin Burma

2J02   Ž [xin] string o* musical instrument

2J03   ±[xD] ±` xDmD raise domesti, animals[chD]±} chDsheng beast

2J0J   ² [x] smashed rice

2J0(   ³ [+?] o,er*lo%<·³ +ng+? be $ermeated %ith

2J0\   ´Oµ[l=u] hug< drag. $ull[lAu] hold in the arms

2J0   乞 [1S]乞丐 1Sgi beggar<乞Í 1StMo beg

2J0^   ¶ [xQn] a $eriod o* ten da+s<D¶

 shngxQn *irst ten da+s o* amonth

2J&0   缚O· [*D] tie u$. bind

2J&&   !O¸ [cn]!烂 cnln s$lendid. magni*icent

2J&2   ¹Oº [+Q] chariot< area<¹\ +QlDn $ublic o$inion

2J&3   « [+n]9« d+n %ild goose

2J&J   z [;un] %z $E;un tired. %ear+

2J&(   » [ch_u] re%ard. $a+ment<»谢 ch_uxiF thank %ith a gi*t<报» bochou re%ard

2J&\   #O¼[+Dn] tone. charm. a$$eal. "# +>+Dn rh+me<#Þ +Dn%Kn,erse

2J&   ½ [mFi]¾½ %mFi lo,el+<q½ radiant and enchanting

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2J&^   ¿ [d] d+ke< ¿E d@n embankment

2J&   À [$>n] climb< $ull do%n<Àï $>ndNng clamber u$

2J20   cOÁ [1iF]c听 1iFtng ea,esdro$<ac do1iF steal

2J23   嫩 [nFn] tender. delicate. light. inex$erienced

2J2(   Â[su?] satis+. *ul*il. succeed< ¦ su?xn *ul*ill one@s desire[suE]˜A不 bnshNnbDsuE $arl+sis in hal* the bod+

2J2^   Ã[chKng]ÃZ trans$arent. clear [dFng] settle[dNng]黄ÃàhungdNngdNng glistening +ello%. golden

2J2   ÄOÅ [YhNn]Ä´ scout. reconnoitre<Äú detecti,e

2J30   ?OÆ [5hMn]?x省 5hMnxshZng 5haanxi !ro,ince

2J3&   陋 [lu]丑陋 ch=ulu ugl+

2J32   Ç [bFn] stu$id< clums+< cumbersome<Ç™ hea,+. cumbersome

2J33   È[shi]ÉÈ +oshi ke+[chE] s$oon

2J3J   ®[m] ®儿 mr *oam. *roth<® $om *oam. *roth<Ê® 

tumo sali,a

2J3(   ËOÌ [s=ng] to%ering. lo*t+< alarm. shock< 高Ë g>os=ng stand tall

2J3\   Í [cMi] ste$

2J3   酱OÎ[;ing] sauce. $aste. ;am< 酱油  ;ing+_u so+ sauce<Ð}酱 

hu>shNng;ing $eanut butter 

2J3^   ÏOÐ [hQ] kettle. $ot. bottle

2J3   Î [*Ni]sΠk>*Ni co**ee

2JJ&   £[lD]¢£ roll<¨£ bus+<££ mediocre[liD]£Ñ[l]

2JJ3   ÒOÓ [+Mng] itch

2JJJ   h [bS] /. me. m+. ,ulgar<hl bSsh? des$ise. disdain

2JJ(   þOÔ[kK] shell. case[1io] shell. hard sur*ace

2JJ   ÕOÖ [YhNn] 坚Õ.ßÕ lo+al< ,irgin< ancient *ortuneHtelling

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2JJ   × [mKi] mold. milde%<倒× dMomKi ha,e bad luck

2J(&   Q [chn] PQ +Qchn stu$id

2J(2   ØOÙ[lQ]ØÚ lQ%Zi reed<ÛØ hQlu gourd


2J(3   È[gN]ÈÜ gNbo arm<ÈÇ gNbei arm[gK]ÈΠtickle[g>]

2J((   Ý [+S] 6grammatical $article similar to -了-7

2J(\   ; [+n]b; hu=+n *lame

2J(   脊[;E]脊A¢  ;Eliangg backbone[;S]i脊 %;S ridge o* roo* 

2J(   Þ [1iQ]Þo

 1iQ;?n im$rison<ÞÞ

 1iQ*n $risoner 2J\0   ßOà

[*] assist. com$lement<ßh *dMo coach. tutor<ß助 *YhDassist. auxiliar+<ßi *+n consonant

2J\2   áOâ [Yhng] account. credit. debt

2J\3   ã [Yu=] assist

2J\J   ¤ [lio] £¤ gu>nlio o**icial. 同¤ t_nglio colleague

2J\(   ä[1uF] s$arro%[1i>o]ä( 1i>oYi *reckle

[1iMo]äÿé 1iMomang+Mn night blindness2J\   å [Yhun] %rite. com$ose

2J\^   æ[shuM] $la+ role:tricks:etc'. $la+ %ith. gamle. make *un o*.6*amil+ name7

2J\   ç [YhZn] çË $illo%

2J0   èOé [;iMn] $ick u$. gather. collect

2J2   ê [hn] ê洞 cul,ert<ê养 hn+Mng sel*Hcontrol< conser,e

2J3   ë [du] sto$. $ause. tease. $la+ %ith

2J(   ìOí [*Fn] excrement. manure

2J   î [mKng]îï mKngl_ng dim moonlight. obscure

2J^0   ð [g>n] li,er 

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2J^&   ñ [YhNng] e,a$orate. ñ汽 YhNng1? steam

2J^2   ¼Oò [ln] »¼ *nln o,er*lo%. *lood<¼ð ln+ng abuse

2J^3   ó [kui] ó( cho$sticks

2J^\   ôOõ[ku?] dam burst< break through< öô colla$se< ô÷ ulcer [hu?]

2J^   ÈOø [l?]ÇÈ nQl? sla,e<Èü l?sh o**icial scri$t

2J^^   ù [kMo] bake. roast. toast

2J^   ú [g>ng] ;ar. ,at

2J0   û [gAng] bo%< bend<û箭 gAng;in bo% and arro%

2J&   ü [tn] dee$ $ool. $ond

2J2   ýOþ [kung] ,ast< to %aste time<ý] %ilderness

2JJ   ÿ[>i] inter;ection he+<ÿÍ >i+><ÿH >i+A[Ni]

2J(   ½ [;Dn]8½ +n;Dn stern<½»  ;DnlSng high mountains

2J   爪[YhMo] cla%. talon[YhuM]爪( cla%. $a%. talon

2J^   怯 [1iF] 胆怯 dMn1iF timid< co%ardl+<8怯 xi1iF sh+

2J   ’ [mo] $ro*use. ’‘ moshFng luxuriant<’U mom? dense

2(00   芒[mng] a%n. beard. arista. s$ike. shar$ $oint[%ng]=芒 mi%ng a%n o* %heat

2(0&   Î [Yh]ÎB YhtS limbs<©Î the Oour imbs<ÿΠ*orelimb

2(03   稻 [do] gro%ing rice. $add+

2(0J   l [tD] l( tDYi rabbit

2(0(   圾[;]垃圾 l>; re*use. garbage

[sF]垃圾 lFsF re*use. garbage2(0\   喻 [+D]ÿ喻 bS+D analog+<Æ喻 +Sn+D meta$hor 

2(&0   框 [kung] *rame< case< circle

2(&&   缴O繳[;iMo] hand in. $a+[Yhu_] silk string attached to an arro% *or shooting birds

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2(&2   蹈 [dMo] ski$< ste$< Ø蹈 %dMo dance

2(&3   哨 [sho] %histle< chir$< sentr+ $ost

2(&(   颖O穎 [+Sng]z颖 xn+Sng ne% and original. no,el

2(&\   菊 [;Q] chr+santhemum

2(&^   喀 [k>] sound o* coughing or ,omiting

2(&   妆O妝 [Yhu>ng] adorn onesel*< 妆奁 bride@s trousseau

2(20   淹 [+>n] *lood<淹0 dro%n

2(2&   µ [cE] $orcelain. china<´µ tocE ceramics

2(23   淀[din] shallo% %ater< O澱 *orm sediment< settle< $reci$itate<淀

O din*Zn starch2(2J   µO蠟 [l] %ax. $olish. +ello%ish. µ³ lYhQ candle

2(2(   嚼[;uK]咀嚼  ;;uK che%[;io] che%[;io]倒嚼

2(2\   剂O劑 [;?] dose

2(2   逛 [gung] stroll. ramble. roam

2(2   骤O驟 [Yhu] gallo$<Q骤 bDYhu $rocedure<骤ƒ Yhurn suddenl+

2(30   暑 [sh] hot %eather<暑T sh;i summer ,acation

2(3&   [;n] *ront o* garment. bros' in la%< | +;n *ront o* Chinese


2(3J   !O" [lQ] hut. cottage

2(3\   ýO# [$Eng]ýý $Enggu= a$$le

2(3   $O% [shi] roast in sun

2(J0   & [do]„&



 mourn. grie,e2(J3   ' [mFi] no sun< dark< obscure< hidden< to *eign

2(JJ   (O) [l=ng] a$$roach< hold together< comb hair

2(J(   *[hn] letter<*# hn;in corres$ondence<*¹ *nshD math*unction

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2(J\   ïO+[l_ng]îï mKngl_ng dim moonlight< obscure[lAng]

2(J   ,O- [;i>o] glue. gum. rubber. stick. stick+

2((0   . [sh] ex$ress. con,e+<W.‚见

2((&   乒[$ng] $ng on' crack o* ri*le:etc'< 乒乓 $ng$>ng $ing$ong8Com$are %ithV bng soldier9

2((2   _O/ [*Zng]_X satiriYe. mock

2((3   0 [dMi] bad. e,il. ,icious

2(((   1 [hn] dr+ land< drought

2((   2 [$Q]23 $Qtao gra$e<23š $Qtao;i gra$e %ine

2((^   4 [%Ki] onl+. alone. think. $onder. 4一 %Ki+ onl+. sole

2((   5O6 [;iMn] choose. select. $ick out

2(\0   7 [gZng]77 gZnggZng brilliant< dedicated< 7p gZngYhE u$right

2(\&   8 [nin] t%ent+ same asZì FrshE

2(\3   9O: [Yhu>ng] stake. $ile< ‚一99Ð

2(\J   [+S] 2nd in se1uence

2(\(   ;O< [+o] ballad<;¹ +o+n rumor. hearsa+

2(\   =O> [Yhu?] *all< %eigh do%n<=( Yhu?Yi %eight< ear $endant< ballad

2(\^   ?O@ [Yh?] stagnant. sluggish

2(\   A [+Dn]怀A $regnant< FA concei,e<aA contrace$tion

2(0   BOC [sng]‹B recite *rom memor+

2(&   D [sh] D( comb< to comb

2(2   EOF [g>ng] ridge o* a hill

2(3   G [*Fi] G2 *FiYng lung

2((   H [%n] $ill. $ellet. ball

2(\   I [shu>ng] Iª shu>ngdng *rost

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2(   J [Yh] Jº Yh+F ;uice<ýJ gu=Yh *ruit ;uice

2(^   KOL [sh>] +arn<éK minsh> cotton +arn

2(^&   MON [xin] hold in mouth< hold inside< rank< ÕM militar+ rank

2(^3   OOP [n?] greas+. oil+< smooth< O烦 n?*an disgusted. *ed u$

2(^J   °[din] ancient suburb< $asture[di>n]¢°° chKndi>ndi>n hea,+

2(^\   2 [$E]2š $E;i beer 

2(^   Q [kMn] bank. ridge

2(^^   稼 [;i] to $lant. 庄稼 Yhu>ng;ia cro$s

2(^   R [hK] grain<R> hKmio seedlings

2(0   S[lFng] distracted. stu$i*ied[lNng]

2(&   / [Yh] 油/ +_uYh oil. grease</T Yh*ng *at. grease

2(2   3 [to]23 $Qtao gra$e

2(3   UOV [l>o] dredge *or. *ish *or. scoo$ u$ out o* %ater 

2(J   WOX [;iMo] disturb. anno+. WY stir. mix. agitate.

2(\   Z [xiF] *ragments. bits and $ieces< minute< tri,ial2(   ×O[ [sMn] ¶× umbrella<Ö×./k× $arachute

2(^   \ [diK]]\ hQdiK butter*l+<\^ diK+=ng chr+salis

2(   _O` [YhD] _V casting. *ounding

2\00   aOb [1]Aa bod+. stature<aB bod+

2\0&   Ë [Yh?] +oung. immature. childish<˪ Yh?1? childishness

2\02   c [xng] *lesh< *ish+<c" xngchu rancid. stinking2\03   d [tKng] cane. rattan< ,ine

2\0   e [d=u] stee$< suddenl+<ef d=u1io $reci$itous

2\0   gOh [tng] hot burning hot to the touch. c*'» rF

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2\&&   i [lE] $ear<’i $inea$$le

2\&2   j[_][] Wh[K] so*tl+ chant

2\&J   kOl [;i>ng] s+ru$. starch[;ing] m  ;ing thick o* $orridge etc'

2\&\   n [$?]nР$?;?ng secluded<^n $i>n$? outHo*Hthe %a+

2\&   o[*>ng] lane[*ng] %orksho$. mill

2\&   p [+>n]¦不/p absentHminded

2\20   q [x?] ga$< crack< ri*t< loo$hole


  r[to] %ash. clean<rª to1? naught+<rs toti eliminate

2\22   t [kuM] colla$se. break do%n

2\2J   u [t>o]uu t>ot>o torrential<uu不Ö talk on and on

2\2   vOw [ning] bre%. *erment. %ine. vÌ ningchKng result in. breed

2\2^   EOx [K] goose<DE 1S@K $enguin

2\2   ŠOy[Y] 6archaic7 this< no%< +ear [cE]Ί

2\3&   zO{ [dMo] $ound. beat< harass< z dMolun make a disturbance

2\3J   |O} [dng] ridge$ole

2\3\   ~[gu][gui]•~ mKigui rose

2\3   € [chMng] s$acious< o$en

2\3^   [i] ã iYhFng cancer 

2\J0   ‚Oƒ [lMn] cable<‚车 cable car 

2\J2   „O… [shu] shining<§„ glimmer. t%inkle

2\J3   • [mKi]•~ mKigui rose<黄X• +ello% rose

2\J(   †O‡ [Yh] cheat. s%indle< $retend. *eign

2\J^   ˆ[sh] e,il s$irit< ˆ„ shbi deathl+ $ale[sh>] sto$. Û sh>. ‹ sh> kill

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2\J   ‰ [m_] membrane. *ilm<#‰  ;iMom_ cornea o* e+e

2\(0   Š [*Kn] Š烧 *Knsh>o burn. set on *ire

2\(J   ‹[Yh>n] to glue. to $aste

[nin] Œ nin stick+2\(   [cu] break. m cuhuS. × cucn destro+

2\(^   Ž [+?]`Ž miMn+? immunit+<Ž %Nn+? $estilence

2\(   [Yhung] ‚ *or buildings[chung] $ennant< Buddhist $illar 

2\\0   ‘ [r] +ou. thou

2\\2   ’ [tMn] ’( tMnYi blanket< _’ d?tMn car$et. rug

2\\J   “ [cu] setback. “ï cuYhK *rustrate. de*eat

2\\   RO”[*Mng] s$in +arn<Ri *MngYh s$in and %ea,e<R车 *MngchNs$inning %heel

2\\^   [xi]N *xi deca+ed. rotten

2\&   –O— [chuE] hammer 

2\3   ˜O™[du?] exchange. con,ert. add %ater etc'< ˜Š du?hun con,

2\(   šO› [bin] braid

2\^3   œO [du] *all. sink<œk dulu degenerate. sink lo%

2\^J   ž [dE] bamboo *lute. %histle

2\^\   ŸO [m?] seek< look *or< demand

2\^   ¡ [b?] co,er. shelter. hide<Æ¡ +Snb? conceal onesel*< co,ert

2\^^   ¢O£ [xiK] in harmon+

2\^   ¤[mng]¡¤ liQmng hoodlum

[mKng] common $eo$le2\0   ¥ [miF]쥠1ngmiF scorn*ul

2\J   Ê [*Fi]ÊÈ *FitKng boiling<Ê点 boiling $oint

2\\   ¦[;E]½¦ lng;E 6archaic7 in disorder [;iF] ì  ;iF borro%. lend

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2\^   § [xiF] unload. discharge< remo,e< shirk

200   ¨ [x] extinguish. $ut out. go out< ¨灭 xmiF go out. die out

20&   ©[biMn] *lat< inscri$tion<©Â biMndan carr+ing $ole

[$i>n]©N202   炭 [tn] charcoal

203   c [k>ng] highHs$irited<cb k>ngkMi *er,ent< liberal. generous

20J   é [$Kng] sail<æé Yhng$Kng tent

20\   ª [YhM] %ink. blink

20   « [$?]«ü $?rQ *or instance. *or exam$le

2&&   ¬

[d>o]¬¬ d>odao chatter 

[t>o]¬À t>ogu>ng much obliged

2&2   [sh]' shci ,egetable

2&3   ®O¯ [ch_u] o® sch_u silk

2&J   ° [xD] sonHinHla%

2&\   ± [lio] *e%. em$t+. ,acant. lonel+

2&   ²O³ [;i>o] irrigate. %ater< $our li1uid on< ²Ð

22J   乓 [$>ng] bang<乒乓 $ng$>ng $ing$ong8Com$are %ithV bng soldier9

22(   \[g>o]‰\ +g>o tooth$aste<油\ ointment[go] lubricate

22\   膛 [tng] 胸膛 chest< chamber 

232   ´[Yu_]´¯ Yu_mo $onder [Yhu_]´¯ Yhu_m_ $olish

233   µ [$>] sound bang

23^   ¶ [sh] 6archaic7 kind and gentle2J0   § [b>] Ú 6used *or sound ,alue7

2J2   · [b?]·Þ b?b?ng malad+. e,il< dra%back<N· $ros and cons

2J3   ¸ [Yo] sto,e< kitchen

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2J\   æ [cD] ,inegar<’æ be ;ealous in lo,e a**air

2J   ¹ [bn] ,ariant o*D bn

2(J   º [din] establish< gi,e o**erings to the dead

2((   » [tQn] »( ,illage< collect

2\0   膨 [$Kng] ex$and. in*late<膨胀 $KngYhng ex$and. s%ell

2\&   ¼O½ [lQn] sink<¼陷 lQnxin *all to enem+< ¼S be reduced to

2\2   ¾O¿ [l] thread< strand<G¾ lnl shabb+. ragged

2\3   _ [rMng] æ_ trMng soil

2\(   À [+Z] smelt metal

2\\   Á [xi] leisure<©Á kngxi s$are time<不Á bDxi be too bus+

2\   Â [r_u] rub. knead

2\   <OÃ[lu_] ,ine<<; lu_bo radish<胡<; hQlu_bo carrot<Ä< bAlu_$inea$$le

22   Å [xing] circle in the air 

23   Æ [Yh]ÇÆ YhYh s$ider 

2\   È [l?] È( l?Yi chestnut< OÉ tremble

2^0   ÊOË[+?n] shad+[+n] É

2^3   ÌOÍ [;]Ì笑  ;xio mock<Ì_  ;*Zng ridicule

2^\   ÎOÏ [cAng] green. ÎË onion. scallion

2^   ÏOÐ [g=ng]ÏΠg=nggD consolidate

20   Ñ[YhAu] $orridge. gruel. congee[+D] Ò sell. ,end

2&   çOÓ [Yh>i] ,egetarian religious diet. gi,e alms. room or building

23   Ô [1?]Ôp 1?;n hitherto. u$ to no%. so *ar 

2J   ÕOÖ [Yh?]|Õ 1EYh? banner. *lag. stand. $osition

2\   ×[;n] *ungus. bacterium< ¸×.Þ× germ[;Dn] mushroom

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2^00   ÉOØ [1i>n] lead !b<ÉÆ 1i>nbS $encil

2^0&   ÙOÚ [hu?] ÙÛ hu?lD bribe<õÙ gi,e a bribe

2^02   FOÜ [r_ng] do%n< ,el,et< *loss

2^03   ÝOÞ [l] com$anion. associate

2^0(   æOß [dun] *orge<æä dunlin exercise

2^0\   àOá [1iMn]à‡ 1iMnYK condemn

2^0   ZOâ [xiAng] ZY xiAng+=ng turbulent

2^&0   ã [*] a$$l+ $o%der. ointment. etc'< s$read< ãé to elaborate

2^&3   ä[xi>o] night<通ä tAngxi>o throughout the night<`ä' 

Uunxi>o;iK antern Oesti,al2^&(   ·Oå [hu?] hide< a,oid< name o* deceased $erson

2^2J   ^Oæ [lu_] gong

2^2(   ç [hn]Úç shake. shock. ,ibrate

2^2   ý [hNng] success*ul. go smoothl+. 6electrical terminolog+7 henr+

2^2^   è [tMng] dri$ %ater or blood. shed tears. trickle s%eat

2^33   é

[kng] carr+ on the shoulder 

[g>ng] li*t %ith both hands

2^3(   ê[sh>n] China *ir [sh>]êë sh>g>o *ir sca**oldH$ole

2^J2   ì [Yo] dr+<«ì g>nYo dr+. dull<íì kYo boring

2^J\   íOî [+Qn] to di,ide e,enl+< to s$are< e,en

2^J^   ï [miMo]ï; tin+. negligible<ï‘ miMomng distant and indistinct

2^J   ð [diK] small $late or dish< žð saucer< ‡ð *risbee. OW

2^(&   ñ [1in]òñ xi>ng1in inla+. set. mount

2^(3   ó [%] irrigate< @ó *Ki% *ertile<ó] %+Z *ertile land

2^(J   ô[$Au] cut:slit o$en. %ô  ;iZ$Au dissect<ôú $Aumin crosssection. sectional ,ie%<ô¨ $Aux anal+se. dissect

2^(^   õ [;] 6archaic7 honorable %oman. concubine. 6*amil+ name7

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2^\&   öO÷[chu]öÔ chuho nickname[ch>o] grab< take u$

2^\J   ~ [suA]ø~ duAsuo tremble. shi,er 

2^\(   ùOú [;iMo] t%ist<ù‹ strangle< ùŒ death b+ hanging

2^\   ûOü[Yh_u] axle< axis< s$ool[Yhu]

2^\^   垒Oý [lZi] build b+ $iling u$ stones etc'< 垒y so*tball

2^\   þ [Yo]þE YoshNng noise

2^0   ÿO蘊 [+Dn]ÿ5 +Dncng contain. hold in store

2^&   邵 [5ho] 6*amil+ name7

2^J   ž

[YM] 6local7 ¥么

 YZnme ho%[YK] 6archaic7 bite[Yh>] ho%P. %hatP. %h+P<ž® Yh>hu bluster. sho% o** [Yh] bite<žÑ YhshK cluck %ith the tongue in surr$rice:etc'.to be le*t s$eechless8Com$are %ith Yu_ +esterda+9

2^^0   坪 [$Eng] le,el ground<F坪 cMo$Eng la%n

2^^\   ~O傭[+Ang] hire. ~人 +AngrKn ser,ant<}~ gD+Ang hire[+ng] ~4 +ng;n commission

2^^^   卵 [luMn] 卵( egg. o,um<卵巢 luMncho o,ar+

2^0   昼O晝 [Yhu] da+time

2^3   憋 [biN] check. restrain. su$$ress< su**ocate. *eel de$ressed

2^(   奎 [kuE] used in transliterations 奎õ kuEnEng 1uinine

2^   捂[%] seal. co,er. mu**le[%Q]枝捂

200   煎 [;i>n] to *r+

203   瞅 [ch=u] see. look at[1iu]溜瞅

20J   ÙO蝕 [shE] lose< erode. corrode

20   ï [r_ng] *use. smelt. ïß r_nghu melt<ï2 r_ng+n la,a

20^ 虾O蝦 [xi>] shrim$<œ虾 l_ngxi> lobster<虾炒7 xi>chMo*n shrim$ *riedrice

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[h] 蛤<虾蟆 hma *rog. toad

2&&   bO謬 [miD]ab hu>ngmiD absurd<b\ miDlDn *allac+

2&J   绅O紳 [shNn]绅ä shNnsh? gentleman. gentr+

223   òO鑲 [xi>ng] inla+< edge

22(   聋O聾 [l_ng] j聋 Zrl_ng dea* 

22^   募 [mD] raise. recruit

22   垄O壟 [l=ng] ridge or raised $ath in *ield< 垄ï mono$oliYe

232   彦O彥 [+n] man o* ,irtue and abilit+

23(   翘O翹[1io] hold u$<翘Ø× 1io %Ziba -to hold u$ the tail- to be:getcock+. to be snobbish and sel*Him$ortant

[1io] raise one@s head< become %ar$ed

23\   [$>] lie $rone< lean o,er 

23   ! [x?ng] a$ricot<!ë almond

2\0   "[Yh>ng] ob,ious. a$$arant< sho%+< Ô" biMoYh>ng commend.cite

2\   #O$ [chMn]#q chMnmEng clari*+<#æ chMnshD ex$ound

2\^   ¾O% [sng]ï¾ sDsng la%suit

20   &O' [sh]&g shni $i,ot. axis

22   (O)[YhMn] 6archaic7 to%ering<(z YhMnxn brandHne%. com$letel+ne%

23   * [$Q] cattail. 6*amil+ name7

2J   +O, [xiF].+ come do%n in torrents<+á laxati,e

2^   -O.[;iMn] economical. -‹  ;iMn$ *rugal<M- 1En;iMn industriousand thri*t+

2^2   e[xing] eø xingshD oak. rubber tree< e, xing;i>o rubber<ez xing$E eraser. rubber 

2^3   / [r_ng] /ß r_nghu dissol,e</º chemical solution

2J   0 [$D]0Š $DbD %ater*all

2   1[b>] hold on to< dig u$< rake< stri$[$] rake u$< ste%. braise

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3000   2 [chNn] 6archaic7 treasure
