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Conf idence Commitment Co-operat ion

Curios i ty Creat iv i t y Empathy

Respect Tole rance In tegri t y

Enthusiasm Independence Apprec iat ion

Landscape Drive T: 9842 7744 E: East Doncaster 3109 F: 9842 7044 W:

W h a t ’ s H a p p e n i n g a t M i l g a t e

No 9/13 – 14 June, 2013


Experimental School of Bei j ing


Students are dismissed early at



Fri 14 Jun Excursion – Year 5 – Art Walk in City

Mon 17 – Fri 21 Jun Planning Week

Mon 17 June Assembly – No Prep Presentation – Chinese Sister School Photos

Mon 17 Jun ICAS Test – Writing

Mon 17 Jun Musical Inspiration Concert [5pm in BER Building]

Tue 18 Jun ICAS Test – Spelling

Tue 18 Jun Incursion – Preps – Fairytales

Fri 21 Jun Excursion - Environmental Leaders [Yrs 2 - 6] - Currawong Bush Park

Mon 24 Jun Reports and Portfolios sent home

Tue 25 - Wed 26 Jun Parent Teacher Interviews

Fri 28 Jun Last Day of Term [early dismissal 2.30pm]


Wed 17 Jul CURRICULUM DAY – No students at school


CHINESE SISTER SCHOOL VISIT Two weeks ago I spent a week in Beijing, China, visiting our sister schools – the Kindergarten and

Experimental Primary School of Beijing Normal University. I spent time at both the Kindergarten and

the Primary school. In China, children attend Kindergarten from ages 3-6 and then start school from

age 6 and are at Primary school from Years 1-6. The equivalent of our Prep year is their last year at


Primary School I was welcomed on my first day in China to the Primary school by Mr Wu, the Principal of the Primary

School and Ms Huang, Principal of the Kindergarten, and then attended the Monday morning outdoor

whole school assembly where students speak and there is a flag raising ceremony – the Chinese flag

and the school flag. Usually the school band plays at the assembly but as there was light rain, they

didn’t play on that morning. The assembly occurs each Monday. I then visited the classrooms of the

Year 3 and 4 students who are corresponding with our Year 3 and 4 students at Milgate. They did

various performances in Mandarin and English – singing, dancing, playing musical instruments,

performing magic tricks and a calligraphy / paper cutting demonstration. I played a game of charades

with the students as well. I also observed lessons in: Maths, English, Music, Art, Science, Calligraphy,

etc. The students begin school at 8am and finish at 3:30pm. From 3pm – 3:30pm they all go outside

and are involved in physical activities such as: basketball, diablos, running, games and playing on

equipment. On some days there are after school activities / clubs that parents pay for and students

can attend such as: dance, taekwondo, craft, calligraphy, roller blading. Each class has 40 students

in it and they have a different teacher for each subject but they do have a class master (Home group

teacher). The students sit in rows in individual desks and the teacher uses a data TV for their lesson

and there is some involvement from students. For each subject the students have text books. Lunch

is provided for students each day by the school. The Primary school has 1700 students, 42 classes

and 116 teachers.

Kindergarten The Kindergarten has 5 branches with 82 classes, 500 teachers and 2500 children. I visited the main

branch of the kindergarten which was close to the Primary School. I was greeted by Ms Huang, the

Principal of the whole kindergarten. At each branch there is also a Principal for the specific branch

and Ms Huang meets with them all once a fortnight. I went for a tour of the kindergarten and the

displays and facilities were very impressive. The children are in classes of 30 with one teacher and an

assistant. The kindergarten day starts at 7:30am and finishes at 5:30pm. In the middle of the day, all

students have a sleep for 2½ hours. A few children stay overnight at the kindergarten on some nights.

The children and staff are provided with 3 meals and 2 snacks each day as there is a large kitchen

with 16 staff at the kindergarten. There are also 8 nurses at the kindergarten. I observed a Music,

Library and PE lesson. I also went into a classroom where the students were engaged in a variety of

activities similar to our kindergartens. The kindergarten provides child - centred education, themes

based learning and aims to develop children’s creativity.

Both the kindergarten and the Primary school have a training program for teachers from other areas

of China and they send teachers to West China for several months at a time to assist them with

training and modeling in teaching and learning. This is part of their community service / social justice

work as Western China is a disadvantaged area of China and the schools are not as fortunate as

those in Beijing. So they want to support these schools to improve. The students in both the

Kindergarten and the Primary School raise money for various charities in China eg Earthquake

victims so there is a strong philosophy of giving to, and caring for, others and working together for the

greater good.

During the visit to Beijing we discussed the Chinese student and teacher visit which will be 7-11

October. There will be 12 students and 6 teachers (4 primary and 2 kindergarten) visiting Milgate PS.

In the next couple of weeks a letter will be sent home to parents with further information and

requesting families to host a Chinese student.

PRINCIPAL’S UPDATE Over the last few weeks there have been many school activities and learning opportunities. The Year

5 and 6 students all enjoyed their camp at Coonawarra. They participated in many activities such as:

canoeing, high ropes, giant swing, horse riding, flying fox, raft building, archery, etc. Many students

challenged themselves and achieved things they had never done before. Thank you to James Will

and the Year 5 and 6 teachers who organized the camp and worked with the students for the week.

Thanks also to other school staff and parents who attended the camp. All the students had a great

time and appreciated the assistance and care from everyone. Also during that week, the Preps visited

the Museum and learnt about Grandma’s Toy box as well as seeing the animals and other exhibits.

The Year 3 and 34B students did a walking tour of Doncaster, visiting Schramms Cottage and other

places of interest in our local area. The Year 1 and 2 students visited Edendale Farm, where they

investigated, saw and learnt about a variety of mini beasts. On Friday the Year 5 students will be

going on an art walk around the city to investigate the types of art work in the city streets. Each of

these excursions link into the PYP Unit of Inquiry that each level is studying.

The Year 3 and 4 students have been participating in the swimming program at Aquarena over the

last two weeks developing and learning new swimming skills.

PLANNING WEEK Next week is planning week when the teachers have a planning day to plan the curriculum and

learning program for Term 3. Each year level is on different days: Monday – Prep, Tuesday – Years 5

and 6, Wednesday – Years 1 and 2, Thursday – Years 3 and 4. On These days the specialist

teachers will take the classes at each year level. The Specialist teachers have a planning day on

Tuesday in the last week of the term.

CURRICULUM DAY – WEDNESDAY 17 JULY The last Curriculum Day / Pupil free day for the year will be on Wednesday 17 July which is the first

week back next term. On this day the teachers will be doing professional learning in the areas of:

Inquiry Learning, PYP and the Australian Curriculum.

STUDENT REPORTS AND PARENT / TEACHER INTERVIEWS Parents will have an opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their learning progress

during Parent teacher interviews. Parent teacher interviews will take place on Tuesday 25 June

(3:45pm – 8pm) and Wednesday 26 June (3:45pm – 6pm). Bookings for these interviews can be

done online and information was sent home about this last week. There is a link

( and further information on the school website.

The student reports and portfolios will be sent home on Monday 24 June. These provide a summary

of a student’s learning and achievement for Semester 1. Student portfolios will also be sent home with

reports and this is an opportunity to celebrate and discuss your child’s learning with them.

SCHOOL 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Milgate PS and all state school annual reports will be publicly available in the State Register on the

Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority’s website by the end of June 2013 at:

Hard copies are available from the school on request.

Debbie Mierisch



Wednesday 17 July No students at school


COMMUNITY SAFETY Just a reminder to all parents, students and school community members in regard to

safety. Please DO NOT double park in streets or across neighbour’s driveways. Also

the school car park is for staff only and parents are requested not to drive into the

school car park when dropping off or picking up their children.

Could all students and parents please use the appropriate pathways out of and into

the school and DO NOT walk across the car park – this is for safety reasons. Also

remember to use the school crossings when crossing the road so everyone stays safe.

Thank you for your assistance with this.


SPORTING HIGHLIGHTS Congratulations to Brooke T who has successfully made it through to the

last round of the SSV Girls Basketball selection trials. Brooke will attend a 2 day camp in the upcoming

holidays; we wish Brooke all the best and look forward to hearing how she goes. Good luck Brooke.

Well done to the nine who competed at the Manningham Division Cross Country Championships on

Tuesday 11th June at Yarra Glen Race Course. All the students represented Milgate extremely well and

ran to the best of their ability.

10yr Girls: 4th Petra E | 8th Emma Mc | 13th Lara J Boys: 2nd Max T | 13th Mitchell R

11yr Girls: 18th Georgia R

12yr Girls: 1st Abbey C Boys: 10th Thomas P | 11th Zac R

Students that placed in the Top 12 in their age group will now run at the Eastern Region Cross Country

Championships on Tuesday 18th June at Yarra Glen Race Course. Good luck everyone!

INTERSCHOOL SPORT: Thursday 6 June Thursday 13 June



Football: No game – Serpell Curriculum Day No game due to weather.

Bat Tennis: No game – Serpell Curriculum Day No game due to weather.

Soccer: No game – Serpell Curriculum Day No game due to weather.

Netball A: No game – Serpell Curriculum Day No game due to weather.

Netball B: No game – Serpell Curriculum Day No game due to weather.

Girls Tee Ball: No game – Serpell Curriculum Day No game due to weather.




Football: Milgate won 137 to 8 No game due to weather.

Bat Tennis: Milgate won 54 to 6 No game due to weather. Soccer: Milgate won 5 to 1 No game due to weather. Netball A: Milgate won 22 to 13 No game due to weather.

Netball B: Milgate won 22 to 1 No game due to weather.

Girls Tee Ball: Milgate won 21 to 9 No game due to weather.

OUTDOOR EDUCATION: I have finalised all my staffing for the Yr. 3 & 4 Camp and if I need any more

Parent Helpers I will be in touch. I have sent out the Yr. 3 & 4 Camp Permission Forms, Initial

Information and Medical Forms. Please assist us by filling these forms in as soon as possible. I will be

sending home more information early in Term 3. If you have any questions please feel free to contact



learning more about the game of basketball through a fun and interactive lunchtime program, please

contact Jo McAuliffe at Kidzfit 45 on 0418 126 664.

If you wish to know more about how you could help out with any aspect of the PE/Outdoor Learning

Program, please contact James Will at school or have a look at the Physical Education Handbook on

the Milgate PS website under the Notices section.

James Will PE/Outdoor Learning Coordinator



JSC is holding a FREE DRESS DAY for our Plan Sponsor Child Binod in

Kathmandu. Please bring along a gold coin donation to assist Binod and his

family to have better access to medical treatment, clean water and an

education. Every donation counts.


Miss Wong, Mrs Houghton and Mrs Wright


TELEPHONE LINES We have found there is a fault with two of our telephone lines which affects both outgoing and incoming

calls. We have alerted the telephone company to the issue and they will be sending someone out

onsite in the next couple of weeks to fix the issue. We thank you for your patience.

WEBSITE We now have a translator on every page of our website! There are 51 languages to choose from and

once you select a language, it will remember it for each page. This is great news for our non-English

speaking families but also for families that would just rather read in their preferred language.



우리는 지금 우리의 웹 사이트의 모든 페이지에 번역이있다! 에서 선택하고 일단 언어를 선택하려면 51

언어가있다, 각 페이지를 기억합니다. 이것은 우리의 비영어권 가족뿐만 아니라 단지보다는 자신이

선호하는 언어로 읽을 것이 가족을위한 좋은 소식입니다.

UNIFORMS WANTED Do you have any secondhand

tracksuit pants in Sizes 4 or 6?

We need more spares for Sick Bay, especially with the wet weather now upon us. The little ones sometimes trip over in the wet and require a dry pair of pants

for the day. If you have any that are still in good condition [no holes please] then we’d love it if you can drop them off at the Office. Thank you!


Recently the Prep children

went on their first school

excursion EVER!

They travelled by bus to the

Melbourne Museum where

they learnt more about toys

from the past in the

Grandma’s Toy Box


They also explored the

Children’s Gallery, the

Dinosaur Gallery, the Forest

Walk and the 123 Grow and

Melbourne Story exhibitions.

It was a very exciting day!





We all had a very exciting day learning more about minibeasts and their habitats at

Edendale Farm.

Max liked digging in the bug pits

for Minibeasts. He found a


CiCi enjoyed the Diamond

Creek walk and tried to find a

platypus and the Diamond

Creek Galaxia, which is a fish!

Sebastian’s highlight was

creating a sculpture with

recycled materials. He made a


Michela M found out that the

worms make worm tea and that

is used to help the veggies grow

in the veggie gardens on the


We all liked learning about the

Eltham Copper Butterfly!

Marty found a millipede in the

bug pits and liked feeding the


Charlie liked jumping in the

puddles in his gumboots on the

Diamond Creek walk.

YEAR 6 PYP EXHIBITION The Exhibition is an important part of the PYP for all students. As part of the final year of their PYP programme, students are undertaking a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry that involves them identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues or problems.

As the culminating experience of the PYP, the Exhibition is an exciting opportunity for students to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning.

It is an opportunity for students to:

Engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry;

Demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning;

Explore multiple perspectives;

Synthesise and apply their learning of previous years and to reflect upon their journey through the PYP;

Demonstrate how they can take action as a result of their learning;

Unite all members of the school community in a shared experience of the PYP; and

Celebrate the students’ transition from primary to secondary education.

Throughout PYP Exhibition inquiry, each group of students is assigned a mentor who will support the group through the process.

Groups meet with their mentors on a weekly basis and/or additionally as needed.

Mentors play a vital role in the Exhibition process and can help students meet their goals by asking questions, suggesting resources, helping to interpret difficult language and facilitating interviews or telephone calls.

Students have commenced work on designing their unit of inquiry. They are excitedly researching, investigating and exploring a range of real-world issues, through the Transdisciplinary Theme ‘Sharing the Planet’.

Karlie Gooding

Educational Leader – PYP


Wednesday 14th August, 2013


7.00pm – 9.00pm


BER Building

All families and friends are welcome and encouraged to be a

part of this fantastic celebration of learning.

An inquiry into the struggle to share finite resources, access to equal opportunities, and

peace and conflict resolution. This theme provides ample opportunities for students to engage with and reflect upon the concepts of global poverty,

education for all, peace keeping and conflict prevention.

Central Idea: One nation can have global impact.


The Bunnings BBQ fundraiser was held on Saturday June 1st and we are delighted to report that it was

a fantastic success. We sold over 70kgs of sausages and raised $1,800 in profits to go towards our

Prep Playground revamp. It was wonderful to be supported by so many Milgate parents and teachers

on such a cold rainy day. Our biggest thanks go to Lee Camilleri and Harveen Puri (left picture) for all

of their hard work in co-ordinating the event.

SCHOOL DISCO The school disco is now just two weeks

away and ticket orders are coming in

thick and fast.

Don’t forget that this year the theme is …

‘Come as your favourite rock star’!

Tickets are $5 each and can be ordered

using the form sent home last week

(extra copies available at the office).

Parent helpers are an important part of

the evening – please return your

volunteer forms if you’d like to help out.

EARN AND LEARN NOW FINISHED It’s over again for another year - thank

you to all families who have already sent

in their stickers and sheets – if you

haven’t already done so, please send in

any left overs asap so we can finalise

the tally and order some products for the

school. Sheets/stickers should be placed

in the green box near the office.

UPCOMING PROJECTS The P & F have some very exciting projects coming up in Term 3 and 4 including a chocolate and herb

sales drive, the annual Father’s Day stall, a Skip-a-thon and our Christmas raffle and Doncare

Christmas tree. We’d dearly love to get some extra assistance from Milgate parents to help co-ordinate

these events and can promise you a warm welcome into our friendly group, plenty of laughs and a

great way to meet parents from Milgate. Even if you are unable to attend meetings, please feel free to

contact me at the email address below if you’d like to know more or be involved in any way.


Wednesday 24 July 7:30pm P & F meeting

Thursday 1 August - Chocolate boxes or herb bags sent home

Thursday 15 August 9:00am P & F meeting

Tuesday 20 August 1:50pm Father’s Day Stall - wrapping workshop

Thurs/Fri 29/30 August 9:00am Father’s Day Stall

Wednesday 18 September 7:30pm P & F meeting

Angela Eichler P&F President –

Visit Milgate’s website to download or

print a copy of this notice

Homepage - Recent News

Milgate Primary School | 14th June 2013 Coordinator: Elyse Grant

This week at After School Care…

The team at After School Care over the past few weeks have been

designing and making our new recycling bin. The first stage was

brainstorming ideas on poster paper. We then drew a couple of design

sketches before choosing the best suited one. Construction began two

weeks ago and has now been completed!

Next Wednesday will be the official launch of ‘Zero the Recycling Hero’.

He is 100% environmentally friendly as he is made completely out of

recycled products from Milgate Camp Australia.

Other activities we have done include a group skipping game, making

birds, Lego and our old favourite, a game of Octopus. Thanks to Bronte,

Audrey and Jen for the delicious banana pancakes you made us last

week. They were delicious

Finally, the holidays are coming up which can only mean one thing:

Holiday Club! Join us at Milgate for some fun club based activities,

incursions and excursions including going to see Despicable Me 2 and

visiting Melbourne Zoo!

If there are any questions regarding the program or Holiday Club, please

do not hesitate to contact me.


PREP ENROLMENTS FOR 2014 We are now accepting Prep enrolments for 2014.

Interested parents can book a school tour with our Principal - Debbie Mierisch or Assistant Principal - Mark Roberts, please contact our Office to arrange.

For sibling enrolments please come by the Office for an enrolment form or download it from our school website.


Basketball Milgate Community Basketball for students in Years 1 - 6. Cost: $30 registration and $30 for basketball top. Enrolment forms available at the Office.

Chess Club

Mondays Term 2 is for 10 weeks (excludes 10 June) 3.30 to 4.30pm in Library $9.50 per lesson Enrolment forms available at the Office, on Milgate’s website (under ‘Notices’) or visit

Formosa Chinese School

Saturdays 9.45am – 12.30pm or 10am – 12noon for 2yo Playgroup Please contact Teresa Chen (Principal) on 0412 037 192 or

Kelly Sports (Prep to Yr 4)

Brilliant Ball Sports Tuesday 3.40 - 4.40pm DONT MISS OUT ON HITTING A SIX! BRILLIANT BALL SPORTS allows your child to play a range of dynamic and active programs run over 10 weeks; these include: Soccer, Football, Netball, Basketball and Crazy Games! This Program will not only provide an essential base for your child's motor skills but help build awareness, co-ordination and friendship all in an enjoyable environment

Gym Fun Wednesday 12.50 - 1.50pm This fun fast paced, highly active and non-stop program is an introduction for your child to the world of gymnastics. Colourful ribbons, entertaining Hula Hoops, incredible Rhythmical Routines and Group Dynamics. Allow your child to build their gymnastics skills and their thirst for exciting energetic activities.

Available for students in Years 1 – 6 who have qualified.

Enrolment forms available at the Office or visit

Musical Inspiration

Music lessons available for trumpet, drums, saxophone, clarinet, flute, keyboard/piano, violin, cello, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar and singing. Lessons rotate during school time. Brochures/enrolment forms are available at the Office or on Milgate’s website (under ‘Notices’).


Heroes, Villains and Star Wars Mondays (Term 2 is for 8 weeks) What leads us to change from good to evil or reverse? Remember in Star Wars Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, was the scourge of the Jedi but he began life as Anakin Skywalker, a young slave from Tatooine, skilled in piloting and strong in the Force. The path of a Jedi is often difficult, filled with conflict and pain, yet Luke Skywalker, a simple farm boy, became the greatest hero the galaxy has ever known. Meet other heroes - Hercules, Penelope, Arthur, Boadicea, Weary Dunlop, John Monash and more amazing 20th century people who showed heroic characteristics. Are you a hero too? Learn more about drama and acting. Learn play-writing and how to develop dialogue. Tell great stories old and new.

Coming Up Term 3, 2013 . . .

The Life and Numbers of Fibonacci Who is Fibonacci? What are his famous numbers about? When did he live? What was his nationality? What is Pascal’s triangle? Why would I soak pine cones for you? What's a fractal? Where does a fern frond end? What's your chances? What's infinity? Where do I find these patterns? How do I work it out? Does it work in other ways? How can I use this new knowledge? Be a mathematician and have fun. We teach you the new ideas and you explore how it works in practice.

This program is available for all Year 1 - 6 students who have qualified for WiseOnes. The unit for Term 3

commences week beginning Mon 22 July and will run for 8 weeks (of the 9 weeks available).

Dates are 22 | 29 July; 5 | 12 | 19 | 26 Aug; 2 Sept; 9 | 16 Sept.

Enrolment forms available at the Office or on Milgate’s website (under ‘Notices - Extra-Curricular Activities’).

NEW Lunchtime TENNIS Program - Hot Shots Tennis Coaching

Wednesdays: Starting in Term 3 FREE Come & Try Sessions Weeks 1&2

12.50pm Years 2 – 6 1.20pm Preps & Year 1

Just come along all equipment supplied FREE Tennis Racquet for all New Enrolments Full details at the office or contact:

The Tennis Guru 0488 722 538

Chess for Children at Milgate PS

At Milgate Primary School we have an after school activity of Chess on Mondays from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Chess is a game that requires some learning and lots of playing to become good at.

It is fun and absorbing to play but also competitive and motivates us to win, but also teaches us how to deal with defeat. It is like a lesson of life but without any dire consequences.

Chess is encouraged because research indicates it directly contributes to academic performance. Chess makes kids smarter and better thinkers.

It does so by teaching the following skills:

Maths and Science problem solving

Reading skills



Sense of judgment

Critical thinking

Ability to recognize patterns


Analytical skills

Social interaction


Memory skills

Tactical skills



Communication skills

Visual memory

Attention span

Spatial reasoning skills

Capacity to predict and anticipate consequences

Ability to use criteria to drive decision making and evaluate alternatives

To read more about this, search for “Chess benefits for children” on the internet to find the surveys and testimonials that consistently confirm the above. One such site is:

To be in the Chess club is educational, engrossing and challenging but also held in a safe environment. Note that children are welcome to join the Chess Club at any time.

Children may attend a session for free to see if they’d like to participate further. Pick up a pamphlet with the details and give it a go!

COMMUNITY NEWS Please see our Community Noticeboard (located opposite the Art room) for any interesting community events. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) or Milgate Primary School for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.

ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN BASKETBALL Get Active Sports Details: Juniors program specifically designed for children aged 3 - 8 trying the sport for the first time.

Learn basic skills from experienced coaches using modified equipment. No uniform or special equipment is required for our programs and each child receives a basketball for them to keep.

Venue: Templestowe Heights Primary School Gym, 276-300 High Street, Templestowe Lower Contact: | Phone - 1300 772 106 |

HOLIDAY PROGRAMS Deep Creek Anglican Church Details: 10 – 12 July | Prep – Year 6 | 9.30am – 12.30pm | $7 per day [per child] Venue: 460 Blackburn Rd, Doncaster East Contact:| 0403 692 856 or 9841 7427

Kelly Sports When: Mon 1 – Thu 11 July [8.00am – 4.30pm everyday] Details: For children aged 4 – 12. Winter holiday fun – come and try a variety of sports with our

experienced Kellys Sports coaches. Venue: St Charles Borromeo Primary School Contact: Enrol online at

Slamin Tennis & Fitness Week 1: Tues 2 July to Thurs 4 July Week 2: Tues 9 July to Thurs 11 July Time: Junior Clinic 1.00 – 2.30pm Squad Training 2.30 – 4.00pm Cost: $30.00 - individual days | $75.00 - all three days Venue: Doncaster & St. Gregory's Tennis Clubs

Contact: Vicky Lee [Head Coach] 0403 129 648 | |

TENNIS Slamin Tennis & Fitness BEFORE SCHOOL LESSONS Venue: McCubbin Terrace [Milgate Park courts] Days: Monday | Wednesday | Friday Time: 7.45am [afterwards children walk together with coaches to school (only 5-10mins walk)] Details: All children receive a FREE Tennis Australia T-Shirt. Children 6 years and under receive a FREE Wilson

racquet and hat! STRICTLY A MAXIMUM OF (4) STUDENTS PER COACH. AFTER SCHOOL LESSONS Venue: Doncaster and St Gregory’s Tennis Clubs Days: Monday to Friday and all day Saturday Details: All children receive a FREE Tennis Australia T-Shirt. Children 6 years and under receive a FREE Wilson

racquet and hat! STRICTLY A MAXIMUM OF (4) STUDENTS PER COACH. Contact: Vicky Lee [Head Coach] 0403 129 648 or Website:

ADULT LESSONS Venue: McCubbin Terrace [Milgate Park courts] Monday | Wednesday | Friday

Time: 9.15 and 9.30am [after school drop-off] Venue: Doncaster and St Gregory’s Tennis Clubs Days: Weeknight evenings

Contact: Vicky Lee [Head Coach] 0403 129 648 | |

Each student receives a certificate from their teacher detailing the reason for their award.

Congratulations to these students on their efforts!


TERM 2 Week 7 Week 8

Prep CJ Isabella Oliver

Prep JP Nicole N -

Prep MT Kayla M Ruby C

Prep PM Oscar CJ | Keira O Chyna A

1LS Kylie L Max T

1SB Cameron N Jazzlyn L – Principled | Rachel L - Thinker

2PK Zohara & Arian Trung

2SL Emily K – Risk Taker Adam T – Knowledgeable

2WH Ronith P - Inquirer Nathan W – Curiosity

34B George CJ – Risk Taker Emily X | Olivia T | Madeline B – Caring

3AK Joshua K – Commitment Sarah L – Caring

3TW Emily H -

4AA Petra E Liam B

4LH Christian C – Inquirer Isabelle M – Thinker

4RW Chanel W Dominic C | Jaime C

5CH Nicholas Y Madison K & Andreina G – Inquirers

5DM Lucas M Spiro D - Independence

5KW Whole Class Ewan S – Principled

6FB Bronte C -

6JC Whole Class – Risk Takers & using the long drop Tom P

6KG Whole Class Matt E – Integrity

ART Josh B [34B] Aidan G [34B]

LOTE Emily G [4LH] Amelia S [PJP] | River H [PJP]

MUSIC Sarah L [3AK] Jaime Cormack [4RW]

PE Emily S [6KG] -
