Class 12 - Summer Vacation Assignment


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Section A – Reading

[Note: The first passage is from an IELTS paper. The comprehension questions are of the IELTS format. They have been retained for better comprehension skills only. They do not indicate the kind of comprehension questions asked in the school exam]

Passage No. 1

1. One of London Zoo’s recent advertisements caused me some irritation, so patently did it distort reality. Headlined “Without zoos you might as well tell these animals to get stuffed”, it was bordered with illustrations of several endangered species and went on to extol the myth that without zoos like London Zoo these animals “will almost certainly disappear forever”. With the zoo world’s rather mediocre record on conservation, one might be forgiven for being slightly sceptical about such an advertisement.

2. Zoos were originally created as places of entertainment, and their suggested involvement with conservation didn’t seriously arise until about 30 years ago, when the Zoological Society of London held the first formal international meeting on the subject. Eight years later, a series of world conferences took place, entitled “The Breeding of Endangered Species”, and from this point onwards conservation became the zoo community’s buzzword. This commitment has now been clearly defined in The World Zoo Conservation Strategy (WZCS, September 1993), which although an important and welcome document does seem to be based on an unrealistic optimism about the nature of the zoo industry.

3. The WZCS estimates that there are about 10,000 zoos in the world, of which around 1,000 represent a core of quality collections capable of participating in co-ordinated conservation programmes. This is probably the document’s first failing, as I believe that 10,000 is a serious underestimate of the total number of places masquerading as zoological establishments. Of course it is difficult to get accurate data but, to put the issue into perspective; I have found that, in a year of working in Eastern Europe, I discover fresh zoos on almost a weekly basis.

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4. The second flaw in the reasoning of the WZCS document is the naive faith it places in its 1,000 core zoos. One would assume that the calibre of these institutions would have been carefully examined, but it appears that the criterion for inclusion on this select list might merely be that the zoo is a member of a zoo federation or association. This might be a good starting point, working on the premise that members must meet certain standards, but again the facts don’t support the theory. The greatly respected American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums (AAZPA) has had extremely dubious members, and in the UK the Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great Britain and Ireland has occasionally had members that have been roundly censured in the national press. These include Robin Hill Adventure Park on the Isle of Wight, which many considered the most notorious collection of animals in the country. This establishment, which for years was protected by the Isle’s local council (which viewed it as a tourist amenity), was finally closed down following a damning report by a veterinary inspector appointed under the terms of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981. As it was always a collection of dubious repute, one is obliged to reflect upon the standards that the Zoo Federation sets when granting membership. The situation is even worse in developing countries where little money is available for redevelopment and it is hard to see a way of incorporating collections into the overall scheme of the WZCS.

5. Even assuming that the WZCS’s 1,000 core zoos are all of a high standard complete with scientific staff and research facilities, trained and dedicated keepers, accommodation that permits normal or natural behaviour, and a policy of co-operating fully with one another, what might be the potential for conservation? Colin Tudge, author of Last Animals at the Zoo (Oxford University Press, 1992), argues that “if the world’s zoos worked together in co-operative breeding programmes, then even without further expansion they could save around 2,000 species of endangered land vertebrates’. This seems an extremely optimistic proposition from a man who must be aware of the failings and weaknesses of the zoo industry: the man who, when a member of the council of London Zoo, had to persuade the zoo to devote more of its activities to conservation. Moreover, where are the facts to support such optimism?

6. Today approximately 16 species might be said to have been ‘saved’ by captive breeding programmes, although a number of these can hardly be looked upon as resounding successes. Beyond that, about a further 20 species are being seriously considered for zoo conservation programmes. Given that the international conference at London Zoo was held 30 years ago, this is pretty slow progress, and a long way off Tudge’s target of 2,000.

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Questions 1 – 7 Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 2?

Write YES if the statement agrees with the writerNO if the statement contradicts the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

Example AnswerLondon Zoo’s advertisements are poorly presented. Not Given

1. London Zoo’s advertisements are dishonest.2. Zoos made an insignificant contribution to conservation up until 30 years ago.3. The WZCS document is not known in Eastern Europe.4. Zoos in the WZCS select list were carefully inspected.5. No-one knew how the animals were being treated at Robin Hill Adventure Park.6. Colin Tudge was dissatisfied with the treatment of animals at London Zoo.7. The number of successful zoo conservation programmes is unsatisfactory.

Questions 8 – 10 Choose the appropriate letters A-D

8. What were the objectives of the WZCS document?

A to improve the calibre of zoos world-wideB to identify zoos suitable for conservation practiceC to provide funds for zoos in underdeveloped countriesD to list the endangered species of the world

9. Why does the writer refer to Robin Hill Adventure Park?

A to support the Isle of Wight local councilB to criticize the 1981 Zoo Licensing ActC to illustrate a weakness in the WZCS documentD to exemplify the standards in AAZPA zoos

10. What word best describes the writer’s response to Colin Tudges’ prediction on captive breeding programmes?

A disbelievingB impartialC prejudicedD accepting

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11. The writer mentions a number of factors which lead him to doubt the value of the WZCS document. Which THREE of the following factors are mentioned? Mark the three as a, b and c.

List of Factors

i. the number of unregistered zoos in the worldii. the lack of money in developing countriesiii. the actions of the Isle of Wight local counciliv. the failure of the WZCS to examine the standards of the ‘core zoos’v. the unrealistic aim of the WZCS in view of the number of species ‘saved’ to datevi. the policies of WZCS zoo managers

12. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences

a) Initially, what was the purpose of zoos?b) Expalin the advertisement headline mentioned in para 1.c) When and how did ‘conservation’ become the zoo community’s buzzword?

13. Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following.a) concealed para 3 masqueradingb) doubtful para 4 dubiousc) suggestion para 5 propositiond) average para 1 mediocre e) confined para 6 captive

14. On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary.

15. Write a summary of the above passage in 80 words using the notes; suggest a title for your notes.

Passage No. 2

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:(8 marks)

1. Nuclear weapons were first developed in the United States during the Second World War, to be used against Germany. However, by the time the first bombs were ready for use, the war with Germany had ended and, as a result, the decision was made to use the weapons against Japan instead. Hiroshima and Nagasaki have suffered the consequences of this decision to the present day.

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2. The real reasons why bombs were dropped on two heavily populated cities are not altogether clear. A number of people in 1944 and early 1945 argued that the use of nuclear weapons would be unnecessary, since American Intelligence was aware that some of the most powerful and influential people in Japan had already realized that the war was lost, and wanted to negotiate a Japanese surrender. It was also argued that, since Japan has few natural resources, a blockade by the American navy would force it to surrender within a few weeks, and the use of nuclear weapons would thus prove unnecessary. If a demonstration of force was required to end the war, a bomb could be dropped over an unpopulated area like a desert, in front of Japanese observers, or over an area of low population inside Japan, such as a forest. Opting for this course of action might minimize the loss of further lives on all sides, while the power of nuclear weapons would still be adequately demonstrated.

3. All of these arguments were rejected, however, and the general consensus was that the quickest way to end the fighting would be to use nuclear weapons against centres of population inside Japan. In fact, two of the more likely reasons why this decision was reached seem quite shocking to us now.

4. Since the beginning of the Second World War both Germany and Japan had adopted a policy of genocide (i.e. killing as many people as possible, including civilians). Later on, even the US and Britian had used the strategy of firebombing cities (Dresden and Tokyo, for example) in order to kill, injure and intimidate as many civilians as possible. Certainly, the general public in the West has become used to hearing about the deaths of large numbers of people, so the deaths of another few thousand Japanese, who were the enemy in any case, would not seem particularly unacceptable – a bit of ‘justifiable’ revenge for the Allies’ own losses, perhaps. The second reason is not much easier to comprehend. Some of the leading scientists in the world had collaborated to develop nuclear weapons, and a lot of ‘normal, intelligent people’ wanted to see nuclear weapons used; they wanted to see just how destructive this new invention could be. It no doubt turned out to be even more ‘effective’ than they had imagined. (461 words)

a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings. Also use recognizable abbreviations, wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply a suitable title to the passage.

b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words.

Passage No. 3

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Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. A 37 years old woman in South Korea, paralyzed 20 years ago, is now walking again. The miracle recovery was made possible after stem cells harvested from umbilical cord blood were introduced into her injured spine, initiating a process of nerve cell regeneration and healing. This is wonderful news especially for immobile spinal injury victims who’ve lost hope of ever regaining their motor abilities. Further, scientists say cord blood-generated multipotent stem cells can be safely used in treatment of other debilitating diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and even diabetes. Unlike stem cells taken from donor adult bone marrow, cord blood cells have a lower risk of rejection on grounds of genotype mismatch, as they are more flexible. In fact, there is no ethical dilemma in using cord blood stem cells as the blood is drawn from the discarded umbilical cord and placenta, after childbirth. Scientists claim that extracting stem cells in this manner poses absolutely no danger either to the life or well being of the infant and the mother.

2. Cord blood stem cells, then could be the answer to resolving the pesky ethical questions worrying the patients and medical, legal and governing communities worldwide with regard to researching and / or availing of the cutting-edge stem cell technology. The other sources of stem cells – blastocysts or pre-embryos and embryos (besides adult marrow) – would entail destroying the embryo after extracting the stem cells. Hence the ongoing debate among the pro-choice and pro-life camps over the use of this technology. So far, over a hundred cord blood banks have already been established worldwide and stem cells from these banks have reportedly yielded encouraging results. India’s first cord blood bank – a joint venture with a US firm – is all set to open to the public in Chennai this month; anyone can get their baby’s cord blood cryo-frozen for 21 years for a payment of rupees 590000. This way, an individual who needs treatment can access his own cord blood for stem cells, and be assured of a compatible perfect match. With Indian biotech companies like Reliance Life Sciences already investing heavily in stem cell lines and cord blood banking, there is no doubt that this will be the next sunrise biotech area. In fact, with medical termination of pregnancies legal and fertility centres holding stocks of unutilized blastocysts / embryos that will ultimately be destroyed, India could become the world’s largest supplier of life-saving therapeutic stem cells. (405 words)

a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings. Also use recognizable abbreviations, wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply a suitable title to the passage.

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b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words.

Section B – Writing

1. Factual Description – Answer any two

a) Your younger brother has joined a boarding school. He wants to open a savings bank account. Write how to open an S.B. account in not more than 125 words.

b) Write a brief description of the school at recess time. Do not exceed 125 words.c) Sheetal’s younger sister Seema is shifting to a university campus but non-

catered accommodation. She wants to know the method of preparing tea. Sheetal decides to explain the process to her. Write the process description in not more than 125 words.

2. Classified advertisement - Answer any three

a) Rahul / Ragini has lost his / her school bag in a public bus. He / She drafts an advertisement to be published in the newspapers. Draft an advertisement giving the relevant details. [WL – 50 words]

b) You are the Vice-President [HR], Reliance Infocom, Noida. Write an advertisement to be published in the classified columns of a newspaper for suitable accommodation on rent to be used as a guesthouse for the company. [50 words]

c) Harmeet Singh is interested in selling his old study materials for CAT preparation. Draft an advertisement for him. [50 words]

d) Mr. Avnish Bahl wishes to engage a Maths tutor for his son studying in Class VII. Draft an advertisement giving relevant details. [50 words]

e) You want to sell your Maruti 800 car as you are going abroad on an assignment. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in the classified columns of ‘The Times of India’, New Delhi. [50 words]

3. Poster designing - Answer any two

a) Your school is celebrating ‘Fight Obesity Day’. Design a poster to create awareness on the importance of eating right and exercising regularly. [50 - 80 words]

b) The Health Club of ‘Peach Glow Senior School’ is launching a ‘Eat Fresh Fruit and Junk the Junk Food Drive’ in and around the school. You are Vinay /

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Vineeta. Secretary of the Health Club. Draft a poster for display in and around the school premises.

c) As Manager of ‘Excellent Coaching Centre’ run by you, prepare a poster calling the attention of students desirous of attending IIT, CPMT coaching to join your coaching centre.

d) Design a poster calling teenagers to join the Defense services.

4. Invitations and replies - Answer any two for each type [invitation – 2 replies – 2]

a) Indian Air Force is celebrating the 64th Air Force Day. You are the Public Relations Officer. Draft a formal invitation for all retired Air Force Officers. [50 words]

b) Class XI students have newly joined their classes. Your class XII students have decided to have a welcome party for them. Write an invitation giving details of date, time and venue. [50 words]

c) Nikhil has come out successful in the IIT Entrance Examination. He has decided to throw a party to his friends. Write an informal invitation giving details of date, time and venue. Do not exceed 50 words.

d) You are Akshay / Aakriti. You have been invited to participate in a Seminar on Fundamental Rights of Children organized by the Lions Club of your district. Respond to the invitation by writing a letter to the Secretary of the club.

e) You are Manoj / Mini. You have been invited to attend a birthday party of your close friend. Respond to this invitation. [you decide whether to accept or decline]

f) You have received an invitation from the activity co-ordinator of St. Stephens Convent School, Bhubaneshwar to attend a Shakespeare’s Play, ‘Taming of the Shrew’ on the 30th of September in the school auditorium. Reply to this invitation as a parent of a child studying in the school. Express regret for your inability to attend.

5. Letter writing - Answer any two

a) You are Shyam / Sagarika. You are upset about the recent announcement of reservation policy by the HRD ministry and the kind of stir it has incited among

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the students. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the Editor of a local daily expressing your concern on the whole issue and the confusion over the future of the students. [125 – 150 words]

b) Jahanvi / Jeevan recently bought a laptop from Bell Electronics, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, but she / he is very upset because it is not responding to the configuration promised. Write a letter to the Manager asking for a replacement of the set. [125-150 words]

c) You had ordered 12,000 watches from M/s Tara Watch Co., Goregaon, Mumbai. The shipment of ‘Smart’ watches was received by your company two days ago. However, the serious delay in delivery and the sub-standard goods supplied has caused you to disappoint several of your most valued customers. Write a letter to M/s Tara Watch Co. informing them that you are returning the watches and cancelling the order. [150 words]

d) India Assurance Company, New Delhi, has given an advertisement in ‘The Hindustan Times’ for recruitment of Management Trainees to be groomed as managers of their company. Write to the HR Manager and apply for the same, giving your detailed Curriculum Vitae. Invent all necessary details. You are Aman / Aditi, 54-A, Gulab Road, Lucknow.

6. Article Writing - Answer any two

a) You are Rani / Raghav. You are very much concerned about the changing attitude of politicians who are using religion for political gains. Write an article in about 200 words for publication in a local daily suggesting to these people to separate religion from politics and work for the betterment of the society.

b) Recently you read in the newspapers of different incidents in which children had tried to imitate the stunts shown on television and embraced death. You have decided to write an article on the hazards of television viewing for kids. Write an article for ‘The Hindu’ in not more than 200 words.

c) You are Abhishek / Anubha studying in Plato Public School, New Delhi. While commuting for your school every day you find many of your school boys and girls taking free lift from the passing cars, which you don’t like. Write an article in about 200 words on ‘The Evils of Hitch-hiking’ for publication in your school magazine.

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7. Speech - Answer any two

a) You are Sangeeta / Sahil. You have been selected to represent your school in an ‘All India Debate Competition’ organized by the ‘National Children’s Club, Delhi’. The topic for the debate is ‘In the Opinion of this house – Minimization of human wants is the only way to cleanse society of all kinds of corruption’. Write a speech in not more than 200 words for or against the motion, giving arguments for your stand.

b) Atul is a student of class XII. He read the following article in a magazine and decided to share his views with the other students through a speech. He felt the necessity to do so as he had observed that students refuse to walk. They use vehicles even to go to places well within walking reach. [200 words]

Walking has its own benefits. Sadly in India it is associated with deprivation and poverty. ‘If you have a car why walk?’ asked a professor, revving up his Fiat for the few meters from his house to the college building.

c) To enforce discipline in schools and colleges is a great problem now-a-days. As Mohan / Mohini write a speech in about 200 words about this problem and express your views on effective ways of ensuring discipline in the campus.

Section C – Grammar1. Dialogue Writing - any two

a) Rehman appeared at an interview for the music teacher’s post. He was interviewed by the managing committee of the school. Write five sets of dialogues exchanged between the two with help from the points given below.

Qualification – experience, specialization, achievements, adjudged best singer.

b) You, Preeti / Prateek, have applied for a graduate course in a well known business school of Delhi. A date for interview has been sent and you have to prepare for one. Prepare five sets of dialogues – questions which you think you would have to face and the probable answers – with the help of the points given below.

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Preference regarding the college, course, job-prospects, good scope, interest level, hobbies.

c) You have to go to Chandigarh for a Student Exchange Programme. Based on the input given below, write a complete conversation. You are Renu / Ravi, talking to your friend, Ahmed.

Tenth of April propose to go – how car or train programme – begins9.00 am previous night by train early morning-road possibleCome along together difficult - busy with Theatre workshop here.

2. Framing questions / questionnaire - any two

a) This year, Bravery Award winners included a six-year old who saved a child from a bull and a ten-year old who foiled a robbery attempt. As a young reporter, you are to interview them. Frame 10 questions for this task.

b) Anil Kumble retired after a fulfilling career in cricket. As a sports journalist, you have been asked to interview him. Frame ten questions you would like to ask him based on the notes given below.

Age started playing – coaching where – debut match – career best – family support – favourite fellow cricketer – any regrets – toughest opponent – favourite playing ground – plans after retirement.

c) As an investigative journalist, you have got a rare opportunity to interview the alleged criminal – Kasab in jail. What kind of questions would you ask to know his side of the story of the terrorist attack in Mumbai.

3. Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example for you.

Only 26 / of relativity, which / Albert Einstein is / for his / when he was / best known / first advanced / theoryAlbert Einstein is best known for his theory of relativity, which he first advanced when he was only 26.

a) theory of relativity / influence / of a / according to / bends / light / Einsteins’/ under the / massive body

b) during / prediction / the total / his / put / was / to test / of 1919 / eclipse / solar

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c) one / because / a total / this / was least / to observe / was / solar eclipse / sunspots / likely

d) light was / also predicted / the deflection / of surface / by Einstein

4. Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example for you.Friends / I / my / were / grandmother / and / goodMy grandmother and I were good friends.

a) left me / my / city/ parents / her / with / they / in / went / live / when / to / the

b) morning / to / wake / used / up / the / in / she / me

c) said / in a / prayers / sing song / monotonous / morning / she / her

d) listened / I / loved / I / voice / because / her

e) always / with / school / she / me / to / went

f) school / together / after / walk / always / we / would / back

5. Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example for you.The watermelon / thrist quenchers / in summer / is / one of the bestOne of the best thirst quenchers in summer is the watermelon.

a) Around / it is / 96 countries / cultivated in / the world

b) in Africa / about 5000 years / grown / ago / it was / first

c) say that / at the / it was grown / some researchers / same time / in India

d) the travellers / across a desert / it was / when they / used by / travelled

e) the fruit / China and Japan / by the / was grown in / 10th century

f) very popular / it is / the African slaves/ took it / to the / where / U.S.A.

6. The following passage has ten errors. Identify the errors in each line and write them along with the corrections as shown in the example.

Incorrect CorrectWriting in Dutch, Anne confesses to confesses confessed

a) the diary her innermost desires yet fears. She ___________________

b) was terrified about the hiding place would be ___________________

c) discovered and taken a sedative to control _________ __________

d) anxiety and depression. “I wandered from _________ __________

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e) room after room, climb up and down the _________ __________

f) stairs and feeling like a song bird whose wings _________ __________

g) have been ripped of and who keeps hurling _________ __________

h) itself against the bars of those dark cages” , she _________ __________

i) wrote in October 1943. “I longed to ride a _________ __________

j) bike, dance, whistle, look in the world.” ___________________

7. The following passage has ten errors. Identify the errors in each line and write them along with the corrections as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct It has been just over a week now has had

a) that the spaceship had arrived and he make _________ __________

b) his way to work he realizing that he hardly _________ __________

c) noticed the hum any longer. The most _________ __________

d) annoying thing were the ‘out of towners’ _________ __________

e) which blocked the streets. He could _________ __________

f) understand their excitement for at the first _________ __________

g) day the ship arrived he has rushed to the _________ __________

h) nearest shop to buy himselves a throwaway _________ __________

i) camera to take snaps. He notices that a _________ __________

j) full industry had grown up around the aliens. ___________________

8. The following passage has ten errors. Identify the errors in each line and write them along with the corrections as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct In a country of million only about million millions

a) two lakh students took the IIT Joint _________ __________

b) Entrance Exams each year. ___________________

c) Qualifying to these institutes remains _________ __________

d) the bench mark of the brainiest _________ __________

e) of the generation. It is lesser wonder then _________ __________

f) that the proposed new eligible criteria _________ __________

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g) for IITs has sparked a storm debate _________ __________

h) and vociferous protest by student, _________ __________

i) specially of Patna. The HRD ministry’s _________ __________

j) decision do away with the JEE, imposed _________ __________

k) a 60 percent cutoff has led to re-evaluation _________ __________

Section D – Literature

Short answer type questions - 50 words - Answer any one from each chapter.

a) What reasons does the beggar give the narrator about how and why he lost his dreams?

b) What do you understand by the words – ‘do not take from another man his room or his faith or his song’?

c) What according to the narrator in ‘What’s your dream?’ was freedom?d) Bring out the irony in the story ‘A Room 10’X8’.e) What is the best way to prevent a wasp from stinging you?f) Who were the victims of the angry bee?g) Why was Doronin ‘unresponsive’ to her communication?h) What role did the letter from the old woman play in Lisa’s life?i) What ‘meritorious deeds’ did Asoka perform? What was their effect on the

people?j) How can the fall of Mauryan empire be taken as a rule?k) What were Asoka’s efforts to spread Buddhism?l) Nature is vividly described in the first stanza of ‘Sympathy’ – summarize it.m)Bring out the paradox in the poem ‘Survivors’.n) What does the poet mean by ‘feather of a one time wing’?o) The poet’s mother suffered an injury. Where and how?p) What is collocation? What are the examples of collocation in the poem –

Curtain?q) Why is the poem ‘Sally in our alley’ called a panegyric? r) “I will tell you what we’ll do” – Annotates) “…. he is not in pain” – Annotatet) Nothing at all. Along the whole length of the road, not a living thing….”-

Annotateu) How can the story of Prince Paris be linked to the story of Suzanne, Quinquart

and Robichon?

Long answer type - 80 – 100 words

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a) In The Hum of Insects, the reader journeys through the magic of reminiscence to present day reality. Comment.

b) “I won’t! I won’t! My hands are clear of it. I threw it on the fire. If you keep it, don’t blame me whatever happens.” - Annotate and explain its significance.

c) The play ‘Monkey’s Paw’ speaks about man’s basic nature of craving for more than he deserves – comment.

d) You are the young narrator of the story – What’s your dream?. You are highly impressed by the beggar and his preachings. Write a diary entry expressing your gratitude to the beggar.

e) ‘Finally Quinquart won the hand of Suzanne and was victorious ; then he sits and pens his thoughts in his diary. He mentions his state of mind during Robichon’s performance and his fears and feelings. Write the diary entry for him.

f) Why is Asoka compared to Alexander and considered to be the greatest emperor of his times?

g) “I see. You’re going to keep your vow then. Very well as you please” – Annotate. Do these words reflect the character of the speaker? Elaborate.

Note: The Syllabus and blue print for the Half-Yearly examination has already been upload and accessible on the school portal. Study well, complete your notes and wish you a happy vacation.


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