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• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue02 • SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue


TOOTH PREPARATION 04 Technique Kits04 Direct Cosmetic Restoration Kit05 Crown & Bridge Preparation Kit05 All Ceramic Preparation Kit

RESTORATION – DIRECT RESTORATIVES / ADHESIVES 06 GlasIonomer Restorative Cements06 GlasIonomer Cement Type II07 GlasIonomer Cement Type II Version 207 GlasIonomer FX-II08 GlasIonomer FX-II Capsules08 HI-Dense XP (Silver Reinforced Glassionomer)09 Zirconomer09 CoreShade GlasIonomer Base Cement10 GlasIonomer Base Cement11 2nd Generation Giomer Restoratives11 BeautifilII12 BeautifilInjectable13 BeautifilFlow13 BeautifilFlowPlus14 BeautifilOpaquer

14 BeautiSealant14 Barrier Sleeves15 FL-Bond II15 BeautiBond 16 AZ Primer16 Porcelain Primer16 M.L. Primer16 FL-Bond II Etchant

CEMENTATION – PERMANENT LUTING 17 Resin Cements17 ResiCem18 BeautiCem SA19 Hy-Bond Luting Cements19 Hy-Bond Resiglass19 Hy-Bond GlasIonomer CX20 Hy-Bond GlasIonomer CX-Plus Capsules20 Hy-BondPolycarboxylateCement21 Hy-Bond Zinc Phosphate Cement

CEMENTATION – TEMPORARY LUTING 21 Hy-Bond Temporary Cement (Soft)




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• 03SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

22 Dent Silicone Impression Material22 Tray Resin II

TEMPORIZATION 23 Provinice23 Quick Resin A

RELINING / REBASING 24 Tissue Conditioner II24 Denture Liner25 Provinice25 Quick Resin B

REPAIR 26 P & R Repair Kit26 CeraResin Bond Set

FINISHING & POLISHING 27 Abrasive Kits27 EnamelAdjustmentKitCA27 PorcelainAdjustmentKitHP28 Composite Finishing Kit CA / FG28 Composite Polishing Kit CA28 OneGlossCompleteSet29 Super-SnapRainbowTechniqueKit29 Super-Snap Mini Kit

29 Super-Snap X-Treme30 Super-Snap Singles30 Amalgam Polishing Kit CA & FG30 Acrylic Contouring & Finishing Kit HP30 NPAlloyAdjustmentKitHP

EQUIPMENT / ARTICULATION 31 EyeSpecial C-II32 Pro Arch Series32 Pro Arch Articulator IG32 Pro Arch Articulator IIG33 Pro Arch Articulator IIIEG33 Pro Arch Articulator III33 Pro Arch Articulator lV34 ProArchFacebow34 Handy Articulator IIA35 Accessories For ProArch

MISCELLANEOUS 36 BeautyOrthoBond36 QuickResinO37 Super Tray Cleaner37 Articulating Paper37 ToothColorWax


• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Tooth Preparation


Technique KitsTooth preparation is a crucial step that determines the aesthetics, function and long-term clinical success of restorations. Selecting the most appropriate shape ofdiamondburthatprovidesprecisionandefficiencywithpreservationofsoundtooth structure is often a common dilemma among the clinicians. We have created special kits with an assortment of carefully selected Diamond Points FG hygienically arranged in bur blocks to provide the clinician withthe preferred choice to assure predictable tooth preparation for any type ofrestoration.

DIRECT COSMETIC RESTORATION KITA carefully selected assortment of diamond points to help achieve accuracy and efficiency duringtoothpreparationandcontouring/finishingofdirectcosmetic restorations with special attention to preservation of tooth structure.The kit offers unique shapes of diamond pointsfor depth orientation, minimally invasive cavity preparation and direct veneer preparation.

TheDiamondPoints are hygienically organized in an aluminum bur block (autoclavable) forconvenient sterilization and easy replacement.

The Kit Contains:8pcsofDiamondPointsFGin3differentgrits(Regular,Fine&Superfine)



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CROWN & BRIDGE PREPARATION KITDesigned to offer speedy, simple and accurate tooth preparation for awide rangeof crownandbridgerestorations, veneers and onlays.Precisedepthorientationgroovescanbeachievedeasily with the specially designed depth cutting diamond points.2 special “Tissue-Protective End-Cutting Burs” for shoulderpreparationandfinishingundergingivalmarginswithoutinjuringthesofttissue.

ALL CERAMIC PREPARATION KITSpecially created for simple, efficient andaccurate tooth preparation for full-ceramic, inlay/onlay and veneer restorations.Exclusive selection of FG diamond points forpreparation of all-ceramic crowns, inlays and veneers.Hygienically organised in a bur stand forconvenient storage and easy replacement.

Thesepointsarehygienicallyorganizedinanaluminumburblock(autoclavable)forconvenientsterilization and easy replacement.

The Kit Contains:14pcsofDiamondPointsFGin3differentgrits(Regular,Fine&Superfine)


The Kit [PN 0955] Contains:17 pcs of Diamond Points FG in 2differentgrits(Regular&Superfine)

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Restoration – Direct Restoratives / Adhesives


GLASIONOMER CEMENT TYPE IIClinically proven restorative cement for Class III, Class V, Cervical erosions and Pedodontic restorations.Chemicallybondstoenamelanddentinwithadequatefluoridereleaseandrechargemakingitanideal choice for restoration of deciduous teeth.Providesexcellentmarginal integritywithaco-efficientof thermalexpansionsimilar to thatoftooth structure.Easymixingandhandlingcharacteristicstoensureefficientapplication.• Available in 4 blendable colours: Universal, Yellow, Gray & Brown

Glass ionomercementshavebecomeanessentialpartof restorativedentistryproviding the clinician an opportunity to conserve tooth structure and assist in its remineralisation.Themostsignificantcharacteristicsof theglass ionomersarethe ability to bond chemically to dentin and enamel through the ion-exchangemechanism,longtermfluoridereleasewithouthighsolubilityandtheabilitytoactasafluoridereservoir.

GlasIonomer Restorative Cements

Packaging• Complete 4 Colour Set [PN 1130], Universal Colour Set [PN 1131], Yellow Colour Set [PN 1132], Gray Colour Set [PN 1133], Brown Colour Set [PN 1134]• All the above sets contains: Powder15gm,Liquid8ml,Varnish10.6ml, CocoaButter,MatrixStrips,MixingPad&Spatula- Refills: Powder 15gm Universal [PN 1141], Yellow [PN 1142], Gray [PN 1143], Brown [PN 1144]), Liquid8ml[PN1140], Varnish10.6ml[PN1138], Cocoa Butter 10gm [PN 1139], MatrixStrips[PN1148]



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Restoration – Direct Restoratives / Adhesives


GLASIONOMER FX-IIA general purpose direct restorative developed for ART and Minimal Intervention (MI) dentistry, pitsandfissures,cervicalerosionandabrasion,intermediaterestorationforheavystressbearingareas,finalrestorationfornon-stressbearingClassI,IIofadultdentition.Enhanced aesthetics with high translucency, fluorescence close to natural teeth and optimalpolishability.Excellent compressive strength and packable consistency ideal for posterior restoration ofdeciduous teeth or intermediate restoration of permanent teeth.Chemically adheres to tooth structure with continuous release and recharge of fluoride ions,biocompatible,radiopaqueandlowsolubility.• Available in shades: A2, A3, A3.5 & B2 with a closer match to Vita Lumin shades

Packaging• Glaslonomer FX-ll 1-1 Set Contains: Powder15gm&Liquid8.4ml A2[PN3245],A3[PN3246],A3.5[PN3247], B2[PN3248]),CocoaButter1g,MatrixStripsx20, MixingPad&Spatula- Refills: Powder 15gm A2 [PN 3249], A3 [PN 3250], A3.5 [PN 3251], B2 [PN 3252] Liquid8.4ml/10gm[PN3253]• Glaslonomer FX-ll Mini Set Contains: Powder6gm&Liquid3ml A2[PN3255],A3[PN3256],A3.5[PN3257],B2[PN3258]

GLASIONOMER CEMENT TYPE 2 VERSION 2A new enhanced anterior restorative cement specially designed for ClassIII,ClassV,CervicalErosion/AbrasionandPedodontic restorations.TheYellowBrownshadeissuitableformostcaseswith optimized translucency and improved physical properties.Radiopaqueandbiocompatiblewiththeaddedbenefits of Shofu Glasionomer cements.• Available in shade : Yellow Brown

Packaging• Glaslonomer Type 2 Version 2 Set Contains: Powder15gm,Liquid8ml/10gm,MatrixStripsx20,CocoaButter1g,MixingPad&Spatula• Glaslonomer Type 2 Version 2 Mini Set [PN 3266] Contains: Powder6gm&Liquid3ml

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Restoration – Direct Restoratives / Adhesives


HI-DENSE XP (SILVERREINFORCEDGLASSIONOMER)Created for permanent restoration of posterior deciduous teeth, non-stress bearing permanent teeth, core build-upand repair of amalgam restorations.Contains spherical silver-tin alloy particles in a specially formulated glass ionomer powder for better performancewith exceptional handling and physical properties evenunder humid conditions.

Highcompressivestrengthandpreventscuspalflexureunderlargecompositerestorationsand excellentadhesiontotoothstructure,pinsandamalgam.Silverpowderispremixedforeasyhomogeneousmixing,packableandcondensablelikeamalgamwithout mercury.Radiopaque,excellentfluoridereleaseandrechargewithhighresistancetoerosion.

Packaging• Hi-Dense XP Starter Pack [PN 3120] Contains: Powder10gm&Liquid5ml• Hi-Dense XP ECO Pack [PN 3123] Contains: Powder30gm&Liquid10ml

GLASIONOMER FX II CAPSULESAn enhanced general purpose direct restorative now available in capsules toensureeaseof application,aconsistentmixeverytimeandtheadvantageofanadequateworking timewith fast set reactionatoraltemperature.Suitable for minimal intervention (MI) treatment,pediatric and geriatric restoration, intermediate restoration in heavy stress bearing Class I & IIrestorations, restoration of Class III & V cavities as wellasafinalrestorativefornon-stressbearingClassI and II cavities.

Exhibits packable consistency with high compressive strength. Chemicallyadheres to dentin and enamel with continuous fluoride release and recharge,biocompatibleandandradiopaquewithlowsolubilityVitashadedwithfluorescenceclosetonaturalteethforbatteraesthetics.

Packaging• Refillpackx50capsules (0.55gm / Capsule) : - Shades – A2 [PN 3270], A3 [PN3271], A3.5 [PN3272], B2 [PN 3273]



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Restoration – Direct Restoratives / Adhesives


CORESHADE GLASIONOMER BASE CEMENTSpecially formulated to provide a dependable, metal-freecorebuild-upwitheasydifferentiationfromnaturaldentin.Offershighcompressivestrengthwithapackableconsistencyideal for restoration of posterior deciduous teeth.Superior handling characteristics for easy application and chemicallybonds to toothstructure toensuredurablecorebuild-upforlonglastingrestorations.Radiopaqueandbiocompatiblewithfluoriderelease.

Packaging• CoreShade Glaslonomer Base Cement (Professional Kit) Contains: Powder25gm&Liquid10ml[PN1115],MixingPad&Spatula- Refills: Powder25gm[PN1116],Liquid10ml[PN1117]

ZIRCONOMERAnewclassofrestorativeglassionomerthatpromisesthestrengthanddurabilityofamalgamwiththeprotectivebenefitsofglassionomerwhilecompletelyeliminatingthehazardofmercury.Reinforcedwithspecialzirconiafillers,itexhibitshighcompressivestrengthandflexuralmoduluswithexcellentresistancetoabrasionanderosionforlong-termdurabilityeveninstressbearingareas.Sustainedhighfluoridereleaseimpartsanti-cariogenicbenefitsespecially incaseswithhighcariesrisk.Zirconomercanbeeasilymixedtoapackableandcondensableconsistencyforimmediate restoration and snap-sets within 3 minutes.

Itcanbeusedinawiderangeofclinicalcases:ClassI&II,Structuralbaseinsandwichrestorations,Corebuild-up, Root surfaces where overdentures rest,in both Pediatric and geriatric cases, as long-termtemporary for fractured cusps & fractures amalgam restorationsaswellasinARTtechniques.

Packaging• Zirconomer 1-1 Set [PN 3125] Contains: Powder12gm&Liquid5ml,MeasuringScoop, MixingPad&Spatula

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Restoration – Direct Restoratives / Adhesives


GLASIONOMER BASE CEMENTDeveloped as a dentin substitute, recommended as a supportive and protective base understress-bearingamalgam,compositeandporcelainrestorations.Acidetchableandanidealchoicewhenusingthesandwichtechniqueasarestorativeoptionasitisacidetchable.Chemicallybonds to the toothstructure,offersadequatecompressivestrengthand lowwatersolubilitytoensurelongtermdurabilityoftherestoration.Thisradiopaquecementiskindtothepulpandhelpsreducetheoccurrenceofsecondarycarieswithsufficientfluoriderelease.• Available in blendable shades: White & Yellow colour

Packaging• Glaslonomer Base Cement (Introductory Kit) Contains: Powder15gm&Liquid5ml[PN1110], MixingPad&Spatula- Refills: Yellow Colour Powder 15gm [PN 1111], White Colour Powder 15gm [PN 1113] & Liquid5ml[PN1114]



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Restoration – Direct Restoratives / Adhesives


2nd Generation Giomer direct aesthetic restorative materials and adhesives have been developed by further improving the S-PRG Technology (Surface Pre-Reaction Type Glass Ionomer), resulting in the development of modified “S-PRGfiller”toenhancetheaesthetics,polishability&handlingcharacteristics.

2nd Generation Giomer includes: BEAUTIFIL II – A new versatile highly aesthetic direct restorative material for anterior and posterior teeth BEAUTIFIL FLOW F02 / F10 –Aflowablerestorativematerialin2distinctviscosities,LowFlow&HighFlowBEAUTIFIL OPAQUER –AflowableopaquematerialformaskingdiscolorationsFL-BOND II –Alightcurefluoridereleasing,radiopaque,2stepadhesivesystem

2nd Generation Giomer Restoratives

BEAUTIFIL IIA versatile fluoride-releasing direct aesthetic restorative material that contains the modified S-PRGfillersdesignedforavarietyofanteriorandposteriorrestorationssuchasdirectcosmetictoothmodifications,restorationofClassIII,IV,andVcavities,cervicalerosion,rootcaries,ClassIandselectiveClassIIcavities,fractures,laminateveneersandcorebuild-up.Offersfluoridereleaseandrechargesimilartoglass-ionomerswithauniqueanti-plaqueeffectspecially useful when treating high caries risk patients.Assurespredictableaesthetics,excellentshadestability,improvedpolishabilityandoutstandingsurfacelusterduetothenano-hybridfillerdistributioninthematerial.Remarkablewearresistance,radiopacity3timesthatofnaturaldentinforaccuratediagnosisandbiocompatible.Optimalphysicalpropertiestoensuredurableandlonglastingrestorationsundertoughintraoralconditions.EnhancedhandlingwithidealthixotropicnatureandeasytouseONETOUCHCAPsyringesystem.

• Available in 14 shades: A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B1, B2, B3, C2, C3, Inc, BW, A2O,A3O(OpaciousDentinshades)

Packaging• BEAUTIFIL II COSMETIC KIT (designed for direct cosmetic restoration) [PN 1777] Contains: 3 BEAUTIFIL II 4.5gm syringes (A2, A3, Inc), BEAUTIFILFLOWF022gmsyringe(A2), BEAUTIFILOPAQUER2gm(LO),DuraWhite Stone,Super-SnapSingles,OneGlossTrialSet & Paper Pad (150 sheets)

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Restoration – Direct Restoratives / Adhesives


• BEAUTIFIL II 6 COLOR SET [PN 1775] Contains: 6BEAUTIFILII4.5gmsyringes(A2,A3,A3.5,B2, A3O,Inc),DuraWhiteStone,Super-SnapSingles, OneGlossTrialSet&PaperPad(150sheets)- Refills(4.5gm):A1,A2,A3,A3.5,A4,B1,B2,B3, C2,C3,A2O,A3O,Incisal&BleachWhite• BEAUTIFIL II Shade Guide Set

BEAUTIFIL INJECTABLESpecially created as a nano-hybrid direct aestheticrestorative with unique features to reinforce resinmicro-structure for superior mechanical properties. This restorativematerial performs remarkablyeven in loadbearingareaswiththeadditionalbenefitofcontinuousfluorideprotectionanduniqueanti-plaqueeffect.Designedwiththeconvenienceofaninjectablesyringe,thisuniversalmaterialcanbeconvenientlyinjectedintotherestorationsitesignificantlyreducinginstrumentationand working time. This non-tacky and non-droopy viscosity paste provides restorations to easily shape as you extrudethematerialfromthesyringe.Anoptimalfiller-matrixbalancecontrolslightdiffusionwithinthematerialtomimictheopticalcharacteristicsnaturalteeth,obscuringanyinfluencesfromthebackground. Inherent natural aesthetics, fluorescence and opalescence of Beautifil Injectableenablesthecliniciantoeasilycreatelife-likerestorations.

Packaging- Refills(2.2gmwithdisposableneedletips): Shades:A0.5,A1,A2,A3,A3.5,A4,A0.5O(OpaciousDentinA0.5), A1O(OpaciousDentinA1),A2O(OpaciousDentinA2),INC(Enamel), BW (Bleach White)



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BEAUTIFIL Flow PlusDevelopedasahigh strength,mediumviscosity, flowablerestorative by balancing the resin-filler complex. Unlikeconventional flowable materials, this unique resin exhibitsuperior mechanical properties and greater intra-oral durability while retaining its ability to flow effortlessly intodeepbasesandundercutareas.

BeautifilFlowPlusF03exhibitspredictablelife-likeaesthetics,anexcellentshadematchandsuperiorpolish.InclusionofS-PRGfillersintheresinmatrixensuresallroundprotectionthroughthe sustained releaseand rechargeof fluoride.The specially designed syringe comeswith a“flowoncommand”deliverywithpullbackmechanismtoensureefficientandhygienicapplicationwithout any wastage

Packaging- Refills(2.2gm): F03(Shades)–A0.5[PN2013],A1[PN2014],A2[PN2015],A3[PN2016],A3.5[PN2017], A4[PN2018],A2O[PN2020],A3O[PN2021],INC[PN2023],BW[PN2024],MI[PN2026], CV [PN 2027]

BEAUTIFIL FlowA unique flowable restorative materialdeveloped to provide two distinct viscosities BeautifilFlowF02 (Low Flow) and F10 (High Flow) while maintaining the same aesthetics, physicalproperties,fillerloadandparticlesize.BEAUTIFIL Flow F02 – created to retain the shapewithmoderateflow,especiallyforrestoringcervicalareasandminimallyinvasiverestorations. BEAUTIFIL Flow F10–createdforusewhensmoothflowisrequired,especiallyforrestoringgingivalboxofclassII,Pit&FissureSealantandasacavityliner.Excellentaestheticswithgoodtranslucencyandhighsurfacepolishidealforcosmetictouchupandsurfacemodificationsofaestheticallydemandingcases. Fluoride release and recharge is advantageous when using as a base in conjunction with BeautifilIIandtheuniqueantiplaqueeffecthelpswhentreatingpatientswithpoororalhygiene.Radiopaquewithhighelasticityandstablestressrelaxation,syringedesign;dispenseondemandwithnooozingofexcesspaste,360°rotaryfingergripandmulti-purposerubbershieldcap.

Packaging- Refills(2gm): F02 (Shades) – A1 [PN 1431], A2 [PN 1432], A3 [PN 1433], A3.5 [PN 1434], A4 [PN 1435], A30 [PN 1449], Gum [PN 1451] F10(Shades)–A1[PN1461],A2[PN1462],A3[PN1463],A3.5[PN1464],A4[PN1465], A30 [PN 1479], A3T [PN 1482]

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Restoration – Direct Restoratives / Adhesives


BEAUTIFIL OPAQUERA specially designed light-cure fluoride releasing flowable opaquer to mask intense discolorations on natural teeth or metal frameworks during repair.

Ideal to mask discolorations when restoring deep cavities with affected dentin and creating direct veneers for cosmetic restorations.

• Availablein2shades: Universal Opaque (UO) [PN 1363] & Light Opaque (LO) [PN 1364]

PackagingBox of 2gm syringe & needle tips x 5

BARRIER SLEEVESSpeciallydesigneddisposableplasticsleevestopreventcrosscontamination,especiallyforBeautifil Injectable,BeautifilFlow,BeautifilFlowPLUSandBeautiSealantsyringes.


BEAUTISEALANT Afluoride releasingpit& fissure sealant thatsealsdeepgroovesandfissuresthatprovidesremarkable anti-cariogenic benefits for a allround protection especially during the caries-prone years.This sealant comes with a self-etch primer that minimizesanydamagetoenamelbyeliminatingthe need for conventional phosphoric acid etchant. The HEMA-free self-etch primer has dual adhesive monomers that penetrate deep

intothepitsandfissures,toprimethetoothsurfaceforaneffectivechemicalbondtothesealantandavoidstheriskofhydrolysisatthebondinginterfaceovertime.Anefficient,non-drip, fuss-freesyringedesignandanextrafine27gaugeneedle tipenablesprecisedeliveryofthesmooth,bubble-freesealantwithoutoverfillingthegroovesandfissures.

Packaging• BeautiSealant Set [PN] Contains: 2gmSyringe,NeedleTipsx5



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BEAUTIBONDAn innovative self-etching HEMA free “All-in-One” 7thGeneration bonding system designed to provide stable and durable bond with both enamel and dentin for a wide range of anterior and posterior restorations.

Offers simple, safe and efficient application technique with high initial bond strength comparable with two-step bonding systems.

HEMA-free composition and unique dual adhesive monomers ensures secure bond to enamel and dentin

FL-BOND IIThe 2nd generation Giomer 2-step, self-etching, radiopaque, fluoride releasing adhesive system features a unique Primer and Bonding Agent to provide an excellent bond to both enamel and dentin with a secure marginal seal for a wide range of anterior and posterior restorations.

Excellent handling and short application time of 35 seconds only.

6thGeneration bonding system with a HEMA-free and Acetone-free primer to minimize odour and post-operative sensitivity with excellent bond strength, enamel and dentin that ensures long term durability of the bond. Radiopaque and biocompatible.

Ideal viscosity of the bonding agent enables uniform application without drooping to the cavity floor.

The bonding agent contains 40% specially modified S-PRG fillers that release cariostatic fluoride to stimulate remineralization of the tooth in areas prone to demineralization, controls bacterial colonization and increases acid resistance.

Packaging• FL-BondIICompleteSet[PN1306]Contains: FL-Bond II Primer 5ml, FL-Bond II Bonding Agent 5ml, Micro Applicators, Dish with cover and Step card

- Refills: FL-Bond II Primer 5ml [PN 1307] FL-Bond II Bonding Agent 5ml [PN 1308]

while minimizing post operative sensitivity with no gingival blanching.

A very thin 5µm bonding layer helps achieve superior aesthetics with a more conservative approach in flat and shallow cavities with a secure marginal seal.

Short and convenient application time of 30 seconds.

Packaging• BeautiBondSet[PN1781]Contains: BeautiBond 6ml, V-Dish x 25 Microtip Fine (Handle x 1, Application Tips x 50)

• BeautiBond-UnitDose[PN1782]Contains: BeautiBond 0.1ml (unit Dose) x 50, MicroBrush Fine x 50

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Restoration – Direct Restoratives / Adhesives


M.L. PRIMERAsinglebottlemetalbondingprimer,whichenhancesthebondingof resin materials to a wide variety of dental metals such as semi-precious metal, precious metal and non-precious metal.

PackagingBottle of 5ml [PN 1740]

AZ PRIMERA unique innovation specifically created to provide a stableand dependable bond with all-ceramic zirconia and aluminarestorations. The novel 6-MPHAmonomer inAZPrimer secures permanentanchorage to theall-ceramicbondingsurfaceandensures longterm clinical success.

PackagingBottle of 5ml [PN 3232]

PORCELAIN PRIMERContains silane coupling agent to prime feldspathic porcelain andindirectcompositerestorationstoenhancebondstrengthduring intra-oral cementation or repair of restorations.

PackagingBottle of 5ml [PN 3234]

FL-BOND II ETCHANTAn optional adhesive etching agent recommended for total etch technique to enhancebond strength in caseof enamelbonding, where the restoration lies entirely on the enamelsurfaceorwhenusingairabrasionforenamelcaries.




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Cementation – Permanent LutingC


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RESICEMThis radiopaque, dual cure resin cement offersexceptionalhandlingwithanidealthixotropicnature,excellentviscositywithnoslumpunderpressureandefficientremovalwithoutsmearingorsticking.Assures an even application of the cement to a thin film thickness of 9µ without compromising on thebondstrengthandanaccuratemarginal fitwithnoocclusal interference.Materialspecificprimers(PorcelainPrimer,AZPrimer,M.L. Primer) have been exclusively formulated foruse with ResiCem to increase bond strength and

Packaging• ResiCem Basic Set [PN 3220] Contains: 2 syringes ResiCem Paste (Clear) 5ml, Primer A – 3ml, Primer B – 2.5ml, Auto-MixTipsx20,ApplicatorHandle, ApplicatorTipsx50,PetitDish,PetitDishCover- Refills: Clear 5ml [PN 3221], Ivory 5ml [PN 3222] ResiCem Primer A – 3ml [PN 3227] ResiCem Primer B – 2.5ml [PN 3228]

Resin CementsTo meet the aesthetics demands Shofu introduces new dual cure resin cements that exhibit optimal translucency, superior handling and remarkable physicalproperties for successful cementation of metal-reinforced, metal-free all ceramic and indirect composite restorations


• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Cementation – Permanent Luting


BEAUTICEM SAA self-etch, self-adhesive, dual-cure resin cement that guarantees a simple, fast and reliableadhesionforavarietyofsubstratesrangingfromtooth structure (enamel and dentin) to metal, indirect resins and ceramics, without fear of post-operative sensitivity. The dual cure mechanism anchors the restoration through a stable bondand assures adequate polymerization even inareas with limited light penetration while totally eliminating the need for phosphoric acid etch.

It exhibits the highest level of translucency for demanding aesthetic cases. Maximum resinpolymerization imparts superior flexural strength and higher resistance to staining with lowsolubility.Thisuser-friendlyresincementdisplaysoptimalviscosityforeaseofplacementandanextremelythinbondinglayer(11.8µ)forvirtuallyinvisiblemargins.Thisresincementissuitableforcementationofawidespectrumofrestorationssuchasthosefabricated with reinforced ceramics, porcelain, various alloys: precious, semi-precious, non-precious including titanium, porcelain fused to metal, CAD/CAM, Indirect resins as well as implant supported prostheses and metal/resin cores.

PACKAGINGAuto-MixingSyringe5mlSetContains:MixingTipx10,StepCardx1Availablein:Clear [PN 3213] and Ivory [PN 3214]




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Cementation – Permanent / Temporary Luting

Hy-Bond Luting CementsThe range of Shofu luting cements contains the patented Hy-Agent additive which consistsoftannicacid,zincfluorideandstrontiumfluoride,thathelpstoimproveitsphysicalpropertiesandreducedecalcificationofenamelanddentin.Themostbeneficialeffectisthatithelpstosealthedentinaltubulestopreventirritationtothe pulp.

HY-BOND RESIGLASSAnewlyformulatedResinModifiedGlassIonomer(RMGI)Cement for luting metal-ceramic, full metal and metal-free crowns,bridges,inlaysandonlays.Chemically bonds to tooth structure to ensure higherbondingstrength.FluorideRelease&Biocompatible.Easytomanipulateandtoremoveexcesscement.

Packaging• Hy-Bond Resiglass Set Contains: Powder15gm&Liquid8.6ml[PN1103],MixingPad- Refills:Powder15gm[PN1104]&Liquid8.6ml/10gm[PN1105]

bondingtotoothstructureandlowwatersolubilityforlonglastingrestorations.Easy mixing, excellent handling characteristics and increased working time with a snap-setreactiononceplacedinthemouthincreasesapplicationefficiency.


HY-BOND GLASIONOMER CXAn enhanced glass ionomer luting cement for permanent cementation designed to provide an excellentmarginalsealandminimizepostoperativesensitivity.Excellenttrackrecordthatoffersalowfilmthicknessof18microns,highercompressivestrength,excellent

Packaging• Hy-Bond Glaslonomer CX 1-1 Set Contains: Powder45gm&Liquid25ml[PN1190], MixingPad,Spatula- Refills: Powder45gm[PN1191],Liquid25ml[PN1192]• CX-Plus 1-1 Set Contains: Powder15gm&Liquid8ml[PN1187]

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Cementation – Permanent / Temporary Luting


HY-BOND POLYCARBOXYLATE CEMENTDesignedspecificallyforsuccessfulcementationofcastrestorations and orthodontic appliances.ContainsHy-Agentadditive(tannin-fluoride)toovercometechniquesensitivity,minimizepostoperative sensitivityand increase compressive strength.Radiopaque,easytomixandmanipulatewithaverylowfilmthickness.Chemically adheres to the tooth structure and metal applianceswithlowsolubility.

Packaging• Hy-BondPolycarboxylateCement1-1SetContains: Powder125gm&Liquid70gm,MixingPad,Spatula- Refills:Powder125gm&Liquid70gm• Hy-BondPolycarboxylateCement1-1SetContains: Powder60gm&40gm[PN1160],MixingPad,Spatula- Refills:Powder60gm[PN1161]&Liquid40gm/33ml[PN1162]

GLASIONOMER CX-PLUS CAPSULESAtime-testedlutingcementnowavailableincapsulesfor cementation of crown & bridge work, inlaysand orthodontic appliances while assuring ease of applicationandaconsistentbubble-freemixeverytime.Exhibits high bonding strength to both tooth andstructure and metal for a complete marginal sealIdealhandlingcharacteristicsandlowfilmthicknessof 15 micron assures ease of restoration placement.Created with a longer shelf life of 3 years, CX Plus

capsulated cement displays high resistance to water contamination at the initialstageandidealradiopacitywithhighfluoriderelease.

Packaging• Refillpackx50capsules(0.53gm/Capsule) [PN 3277]



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HY-BOND TEMPORARY CEMENT(SOFT)Anon-eugenol,polycarboxylatebasedtemporarycementdesigned for temporary cementation, indirect pulp capping and temporary sealing of prepared cavities as an intermediate restorative.Contains the patented Hy-Agent additive with tannin-fluoride that seals dentinal tubules to prevent pulpalirritation.Ensureseasyremovalwithsufficientadhesivestrengthfor short-term cementation.Easytomix,manipulateandapply.

Packaging• Hy-Bond Temporary Cement (SOFT) 1-1 Set Contains: Powder125gm&Liquid70gm[PN1173], MixingPad,Spatula- Refills: Powder125gm,Liquid70gm• Hy-Bond Temporary Cement (SOFT) Set Contains: Powder60gm&Liquid35gm/30ml[PN1176], MixingPad,Spatula

HY-BOND ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENTTraditional Luting agent for cementation of cast restorations and orthodontic appliances.Can be applied directly over freshly-cut dentinbecause it contains tannin-fluoride which sealsdentinal tubules to minimize post cementationsensitivity.Offers high compressive strength and good filmthicknesswithadequateradiopacity.

Packaging• Hy-Bond Zinc Phosphate Cement 1-1 Set Contains: Powder60gm&Liquid40gm[PN1170]- Refills: Powder60gm[PN1171],Liquid40gm/33ml[PN1172] Powder125gm,Liquid100gm

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Impression Materials / Tray Materials


DENT SILICONE IMPRESSION MATERIALA vinyl polysiloxane impression material available in 3consistenciesforreliableandaccurateimpressionswithbothone-steportwo-stepimpressiontechniques.Dent Silicone V Putty –Aheavybody impressionmaterialdesigned for custom tray fabrication, bite registration andpreliminary impression.Dent Silicone Aqua Regular –Amediumbody,hydrophobicimpressionmaterialidealforsinglemiximpressiontechniquerecommended for edentulous and inlay restorations.Dent Silicone Aqua Injection –A light body, low viscosityinjection type impression material recommended for washimpression of a wide range of restorations such as post-core, crownsandbridges.

TRAY RESIN IISpecificallycreated for fabricationof individual trayandtrial plate to achieve a smooth and delicate tray surface. Offers controlledworking timeandexcellent adaptationwithout strain or deformation.Non sticky, non lifting and ideal handling characteristics.

• Available in: Blue


Abletoachievesmoothpredictableimpressionsthatarefreeofporositieswithexcellentelasticityand shear strength to resist tearing even in thin areas.Offerssuperiordimensionalstabilityforaccurateimpressionsevenofdeepundercutareas,stableincoldsterilizingsolutionsandcompatiblewithanytypeofdentalstonematerial.Odourless,snapsetreactionthatpermitsadequateworkingtimewithlessdistortion.

Packaging • Dent Silicone V Putty 1-1 Set Contains: Base 500gm, Catalyst 500gm, 2xDispensingSpoons• Dent Silicone Aqua Regular 1-1 Set Contains: Base96gm,Catalyst100gm,Adhesive9gm, Retarder3gm,MixingPad• Dent Silicone Aqua Injection 1-1 Set Contains: Base95gm,Catalyst100gm&MixingPad



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PROVINICEDesigned to provide provisional restorations with superior aesthetics, occlusal function and pulp protectionaftertoothpreparation.Proviniceisachemicalcure,powder-liquidtypeacrylicresinintoothcolourforprovisionalcrowns,bridges,inlay,temporarybridge,individualtrayforabutmentimpression, etc.

QUICK RESIN AAchemicalcurepowder-liquid typeacrylicresin fortemporary crown and bridge, temporary veneersand individual tray fabrication for abutment toothimpressions.Excellentstrengthandfastsettingmaterialofchoicewhenusingthedroptechniquefordirectandindirectmethod.Veryefficientwithasettingtimeof5to7minutes.• Available in 3 different shades: 23 (Enamel), 29 (Dentin), 32 (Dark Dentin)

Packaging• Quick Resin A Powder 50gm• Quick Resin A.BLiquid50gm

EnhancedaestheticswithhighpolishabilityandcolourstabilitySuperior wear resistance with good retentionanddurability.Excellenthandlingwithanidealworkingtime of 3 minutes• Available in shades: A1,A2,A3,A3.5,Incisal,56

PackagingIndividuallypackedin:Powder 50gm & 250gm Liquid100ml&250ml

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Relining / Rebasing


TISSUE CONDITIONER IIA self cure powder-liquid typematerial for tissuetreatment, functional impression and for temporary rebasing,reliningandconditioninginone.Offers good flow when mixing with excellentplasticity to ensure easy application and a smooth surfacefinish.There is virtually no irritation due to the optimal setting temperature. Primer can be used to separate the tissue conditionerfromthedenturebaseifrequired.

• Available in: Pink or White Color

DENTURE LINERAchemicalcurepowder–liquidtypeacrylichardrelining material for dentures.MMA free acrylic material increases patient comfort with less irritation, minimum odour and low curing temperature of 47ºC. Thereislowheatgenerationofonly37.6ºC.Itprovidesadequateworkingtime,ahighbondstrengthto the denture material and an ideal surface hardness to increasedurability.

Packaging• Tissue Conditioner ll Set Contains: Powder120gm&Liquid100ml,MixingSpatula,MeasuringCup,MixingCup,Dropper- Refillsarepackedindividually- Primerisavailableseparatelyin7mleach

Packaging• Denture Liner 1-1 Set Contains: Powder80gm,Liquid50ml,Adhesive10ml,Hardener(Accelerator-1gmx50pkt), MixingCup,MeasuringJar,Brush,Spatula,Dropper



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QUICK RESIN BA fast setting self-cure acrylic resin material for rebasing denture base, repair of dentures,dislodgedorfracturedprostheticteeth,loosenedclasp,brokenplates,extensionandprojectionofdentureborder,etc.

PROVINICEGum colour range of Provinice, a self cure powder-liquid typeacrylicresinsuitableforrepairofdentures,extensionofdenturerim,restorationofbulge,etc.It exhibits excellent aesthetics with high polishability and colourstability.Superiorwearresistanceandgoodretentionassuresdurabilityintheoral environment. Excellenthandlingpropertieswithanidealworkingtimeof3minutesenablesefficientapplication.• Gum Colours: U2 (light pink), U3 (pink), 8S(gumypink),3S(basepink)

PackagingIndividuallypackedin:Powder 50gm & 250gmLiquid100ml&250ml

• Available in 3 shades: Shade No.2 (pink), 3 (dark pink), C2 (clear light pink), C3 (clear pink), R2 (real pink), U2 (light pink), U3 (pink)

Packaging• Quick Resin B Powder 100gm• Quick Resin A.BLiquid50gm

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue26


P & R REPAIR KITNew versatile light-cure bonding system thatcanbeusedclinicallyfortherepairoffracturedceramic or indirect composite restorations intra-orally even when metal is exposed andchairsideadjustmentandrepairofprosthesis.Consists of 3 components:M.L. Primer –asinglebottlemetallinkprimerdesigned toenhance thebondbetween resinmaterials and a wide variety of metal alloys.

CeraResin Bond SetA 2-step light cure bonding system specifically designed to repairfractured porcelain or indirect composite resin restorations. CeraResin Bondprovidesexcellentbondingbetweenceramicandresinmaterials.CeraResin Bond (CRB 1) – acts as a silane coupling agent CeraResin Bond (CRB 2)–abondingagentthatcreates astronganddurablebondevenwithathinand transparentbondinglayer

Packaging• CeraResin Bond Set [PN 1741] Contains: CRB1(6ml),CRB2(5ml),Microbrushesx25each(pink&yellow), Instructions,DispoDishx5- Refills: CRB1(6ml)[PN1742] CRB 2 (5ml) [PN 1743]

Offersasimple,easyapplicationtechniqueandshortapplicationtimeof10sec. Ideal forbothintraoralandlaboratoryuse.CeraResin Bond (CRB 1) – acts as a silane coupling agentCeraResin Bond (CRB 2)–abondingagentthatcreatesastronganddurablebondevenwithathinandtransparentbondinglayer.

Packaging• P & R Repair Kit [PN 1739] Contains: M.L.Primer(5ml),CRB1(6ml),CRB2(5ml), Microbrushesx25each(pink&yellow),Instructions,DispoDishx5- Refills: M.L. Primer 5ml [PN 1740] CRB1(6ml)[PN1742] CRB 2 (5ml) [PN 1743]



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Finishing & Polishing


Abrasive KitsFinishing and polishing of restorations is an important step which helps to achieve ahighlypolishedsmoothsurfacethatpreventsplaqueaccumulation,stainingandsecondary caries to assure long term clinical success.Shofu being an expert in abrasive technology developed finishing / polishingsequencesforavarietyofrestorativematerialshygienicallyorganizedasabrasivekitsforefficientintra-oralorchairsidefinishingandpolishing.

ENAMEL ADJUSTMENT KIT CADesigned for cosmetic contouring of natural dentition orporcelainandsuperpolishingtheadjustedsurfaces.

The Kit [PN 0307] Contains:• Dura White Stones CA - 1eachTC1,FL2&RD1–foradjusting&finishing• Ceramiste Points CA- 1eachofKN7,PC2&WH6inStandard, Ultra & Ultra II grits – for polishing

PORCELAIN ADJUSTMENT KIT HPSpecially selected assortment of white stones and porcelain polishersforchair-sideadjustmentandglazelikepolishingof porcelain restorations prior to placement without the tediousrefiringprocess.

The Kit [PN 0301] Contains:• Dura White Stones HP- 1eachCN1,FL3&RE1–foradjusting&finishing• Ceramisté Points HP- 1eachofKN7,PC2&WH6inStandard,Ultra& Ultra II grits – for polishing

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue28

Finishing & Polishing

COMPOSITE FINISHING KIT CA / FGThese assortments are designed for contouring and finishingaestheticrestorations.The Kit CA [PN 0306] / FG [PN 0302] Contains:• Dura-Green Stones- 3eachCN1,FL2–foradjusting• Dura-White Stones- 3eachCN1,FL2–forfinishing

COMPOSITE POLISHING KIT CAAcomprehensiveassortmentforfinishingandpolishingofcomposites and glass ionomers.

The Kit [PN 0310] Contains:• Dura-Green Stones CA - 1 each CN1 and FL2 – for reduction of excessmaterial• Dura-White Stones CA - 1eachCN1andFL2–forfinishing• CompoSite Polishers CA - 2 each Bullet, Knife, Wheel – for Pre-Polishing• CompoSite Fine Polishers CA - 1 each Cup, Disk – for Super-Polishing without damaging enamel

ONEGLOSS COMPLETE SET OneGloss polishers are made using a highconcentrationofaluminiumoxide,speciallycreatedforfinishingandpolishingofdirectaestheticrestorationswith only one instrument. The degree of smoothness isdeterminedbysimplyalteringthecontactpressure.• Pressure of approx 1.0 Newton with intermittent water–forfinishing•Pressureofapprox0.3Newton–forpolishing

The Set [PN 0180] Contains: UnmountedPolishersin(Cup,InvertedCone,MidiPoint)x20each&CAMandrelsx3



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SUPER-SNAP MINI KITDesigned as an introductory kit to the comprehensive Snap-onfinishingandpolishingdisksystem.

The Kit [PN 0505] Contains: 4 different colour coded grits (48 disks) –(Black, Violet, Green, Red) in diameter of 12mm & 8mm, CompoSiteFineMidi-Pointx1,Mandrelx1

SUPER-SNAP RAINBOW TECHNIQUE KITA complete system for fast, efficient, safe finishing andpolishing of all direct aesthetic restorative materials, designed with soft, safe plastic snap-on mounts for mandrels. The non-metal centre to prevent gouging or discolouration of composite surfaces.

The Kit [PN 0500] Contains:4 different colour coded grits (180 disks) –(Black, Violet, Green, Red) in diameter of 12mm & 8mm,CorrespondingColourCodedPolystripsx40, Dura-WhiteStonesx2(CN1&FL2), CompoSiteFineMidi-Point,Mandrelsx4

SUPER-SNAP X-TREMEThe newest addition to the Super-Snap range, exceedsexpectationswithanaturallylustrouspolishondirectaestheticrestorations.Withtheextrathicknessofthealuminumoxideimpregnated polishing disks, you can easily apply greater pressure while having the desired tactile feel. Advanced 3D coating technology adopted into the surface contour of the finestSuperSnapdiskassuresasatinysmoothandlastinggloss.

Packaging• Super-Snap X-TREME Standard Disk Kit [PN 0506] Red&GreenDiskx50each• Super-Snap X-TREME Mini Disk Kit [PN 0507] Red&GreenDiskx50each- Refills: Green, Standard Disks [PN L511] / Mini Disks [PN L531] Red, Standard Disks [PN L512] / Mini Disks [PN L532]

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue30

Finishing & Polishing

AMALGAM POLISHING KIT CA & FGAn ideal assortment of abrasives impregnated withpolishingcompoundstoprovidefastandbrilliantresultsonAmalgamrestorationswithoutpumiceortinoxide.

NP ALLOY ADJUSTMENT KIT HPA specially selected assortment of abrasive stones andpolishersforchairsideadjustmentofnon-preciousalloys.

The Kit [PN 0311] Contains:- 2each–LabSeriesWhiteStonesNo.1, No.2,No.3,No.4,No.5foradjusting- 2 each – Hardie-Black (PC2) for polishing

ACRYLIC CONTOURING & FINISHING KIT HPDesignedforadjustmentandpolishingofacrylicdenturesandapplianceschairsideorinthelaboratory.Easytouse,convenientandefficient.

The Kit [PN 0329] Contains:• AcryPointx8:Coarsegrit2eachBP1,PC2–foradjusting- MediumGrit1eachBP1,PC2–forfinishing- Fine Grit 1 each BP1, PC2 – for polishing• RobotCarbideBursforsmoothandfast adjustment,1each:0620,0616,0635,0667

SUPER-SNAP SINGLESCreated as a single use hygienic pack to avoid cross contamination.

Packaging• Boxof48packs,eachpack[PN0501]Contains: 1 disk each of 4 different grits in 8mm & 12mm diameters andplasticmandrelx1

The Kit CA [PN 0308] & FG [PN 0309] Contains:• 3 each Brownie Cups & Midi-Points – for pre-polishing• 2 each Greenie Cups & Midi-Points – for polishing• 1 each Supergreenie Cup & Midi-Point– for super polishing



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Equipment / Articulation


EyeSpecial C-IIAsmartdigitaldentalcamera thatsimplifiesdentalphotography foryourentireteam.With itsautomatedpre-setdentalmodes, this fool-proofcamera fulfillsarange of critical applications in your practice, from routine intra-oral photography to treatmentplanning,orthodonticevaluation,informedconsent,labcommunication,legal/malpractice defence and practice marketing.An ultra-light and compact frame allows you to effortlessly shoot precise dental images,whileholdingit inonehand,freeingtheothertoadjust/holdthecheekretractorormirror.EyeSpecialCIIhasanexceptionaldepthoffieldandproprietaryflashmaticsystemtoconsistentlycapturesharpimagesintruecolourforalldentalpurposes.A large, intuitiveLCD touchscreenwithonscreenguidesand in-builtdistancefindersimplifiesusagewhileeliminatingtheneedforextensivetrainingon dental photography. Fixedvaluesforflash,shutterspeed,f-stopwithbuiltinauto-focusandauto-zoomfeaturesassuresremarkableanti-shakecapabilitiesandcapturesaccurateintra-oralshadesandtextureswhileneutralizingtheinfluenceofambientlight.Imagescanbeinstantlyviewedonthecomputer,tabletorsmartphonewithaWi-fiSDcardandeasilyarchivedwiththeSurefilephotomanagementsoftware.

UNIQUE FEATURES• 8 Automated Pre-set dental shooting modes for you to choose from• 3.5 inch LCD touchscreen with intuitive one-touch operations• Auto-zoom, auto-focus and anti-shake features• Dental cropping gridlines on the display screen provides easy reference for precise focus• ExceptionaldepthoffieldandProprietary flashmaticsystemensurecrystalcleardentalimages• Surefilephotomanagementsoftware• Auto-cropping function ensures consistently uniform images • Water & Chemical resistant (IPX4)• CompatiblewithWi-FiSDcard(preferablyClass10)

PackagingShofu EyeSpecial C-II Camera [PN 5130]Shofu Gray Card for C-II [PN 5131]VideoCableforEyeSpecialCII[PN5132]Hand Strap for EyeSpecial CII [PN 5133]

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Equipment / Articulation


PRO ARCH ARTICULATOR IG• Most simple arcon-type model of the Pro Arch series• Developed to reproduce the natural relationship and movementofthepatient’sjawsonthebasisofmean valuejawrelation- Attractiveresincoatingtoprovideadurablesurface finish- Light weight cast aluminium framework- Easytoobtaincentralregistration- The incisal pin has a notch that precisely stops at 0º position to reproduce accurate centric occlusal position- The ear location pin with a single reference point enablesfacebowtransfer- Easy opening and closing of centric lock lever as well as quickreleaseforseparatingupperandlowerportionsof articulators

Pro Arch SeriesSeries of Pro Arch, arcon-type articulators were designed to accurately reproduce thenaturaljawrelationshipandspecificmandibularmovementsofindividuals.ThesepreciseandsturdyProArcharticulatorsareabletoproducehighqualityprosthesis,adjustedaccordingtothepatient’scentricocclusionandmandibularfunction.

PRO ARCH ARTICULATOR IIG• Thissemi-adjustablearticulatorisdesignedforeasyandquick reproductionofpatient’snaturalprotrusiveandlateralmovement ofthemandible.- Simpleadjustmentsystemofcondylarpathandsagittal condylar path- Thebalancingsideandworkingsidelateralcondylarpath anglesarefixedat15°and0°respectively- Sagittalorlateralincisalpathanglecanbechangedusing differentincisaltables- Twin-platemechanismatthecondylarguidancecombines thebenefitsofbothboxandslottypes- Durablesturdydesignandeasytouse



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PRO ARCH ARTICULATOR IIIEG• Pro Arch IIIEG has an angle adjustment feature for the working side lateral condylar path as well as for sagittal and balancingsidelateralcondylarpath.- Providesadequatecorrespondencetolateralcheck biteandcorrectreproductionofpatient’slateralborder movements- Condylarpathadjustmentiseasyandaccuratewiththe inverted-typeadjustmentfeature- Anglesofsagittalorlateralincisalpathcanbechanged usingincisaltables- The twin-plate mechanism at the condylar guidance for accurate denture occlusion- Combinedbenefitsofbothslottypeandboxtype articulators

PRO ARCH ARTICULATOR III• Designed to meet all the requirements of a semi-adjustable articulator.- ProArchIIIhasanangleadjustmentfeaturefortheworking sidelateralcondylarpathaswellasforsagittalandbalancing side lateral condylar path- Incisalandcondylarguidancehavesufficientadjustment rangeequivalenttothatofthehumanbody- Twin-plate mechanism present at the condylar guidance- Combinedbenefitsofbothslottypeandboxtypearticulators- Incisalpathadjustmentsystemavailableisoftwotypes: adjustableincisaltableandresinblocktosuitindividualcases- Lowercastmountingringisadjustablein2positionsfor precise mounting

PRO ARCH ARTICULATOR IV• Topendsemi-adjustablearticulator.- Adjustment systems similar to the ProArch III articulators withanadditionalimmediatesideshiftadjustablesystem- Incisal pin arc shape centred around the condylar ball to maintain its position even when the distance between the upperandlowerjawischanged- Angle of the sagittal condylar path is not changed by the range of motion

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue

Equipment / Articulation


PRO ARCH FACE BOW• DesignedtobeusedwithProArcharcon-typeIG,IIG,IIIEG, III, IV articulators• Torecordthepatient’smaxillarypositionandtoaccurately transfertheregistrationtothemaxillary(upper)elementof the articulator- Simpleandaccuratewithmaximumpatientcomfort- Withearrod,orbitalpointerandbitefork

HANDY ARTICULATOR IIA [PN 5041]• Constructedonthebasisofmeanvalueofthejawmovement.- When the centric screws are loosened, a spring located in the centreoftheupperjawpermitsmovementandreturntothe original position- Theupperjawmaintainsahorizontalpositionevenwhenthe Incisor Rod is removed- Thisarticulatorcomeswith2easilyremovable,heatresistant plastic mounting plates to permit working with more than one model at a time



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Description lG llG lllEG lll lV

1. Splitcast Mounting Plate S (2pcs) l m l m m

2. Splitcast Mounting Plate D (2pcs) m m m m m

3. Cast Plate (10pcs) l m l m m

4. Metal Mounting Plate (2pcs) m l m l l

5. Split cast Plate m m m m m

6. Steel Plate (10pcs) m m m m m

7. Incisal Table 0 m l l

8. Incisal Table 5 m m l

9. Incisal Table 10 l l l

10. Incisal Table 15 m m l

11. Adjustable Incisal Table (for lll and lV) l l

12. Resin Block l l

13. Adjustable Incisal Pin l l

14. Incisal Pin for Resin Block l l

15. Incisal Pin l l l

16. Incisal Indicator l l l

17. Reference Indicator l l l l

18. Occlusal Plate (for lG, llG and lllEG) l l l

19. Base for Adjustment of condyle path m m m m

20. Adjustable Cast Support m m m m m

21. Simple Cast Support G m m m m m

l Equipped with the unitm Optional

12 3 4 5



8 9


1112 13

14 15







• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue



BEAUTY ORTHO BONDA new light-cure orthodontic adhesive system, developed through the Giomer concept with S-PRG fillerstoensurefluoridereleaseandrechargewithafastandsimpleapplicationtechnique.The adhesive system consists of:• Mild Self-etching Primer –HEMA-freeandenableseasydebondingwith minimal demineralization of the tooth structure• Beauty Ortho Bond paste– Exhibitssuperiorhandlingwithanidealpastelikeconsistencythatprovidessufficient timeforpreciseplacementofbrackets• Salivatect (optional)– UsedonthePrimertreatedsurfaceasaprotectivebarrieragainstsalivacontamination in the posterior region.

QUICK RESIN OQuickResinOisachemical(self)curepowder-liquid type acrylic resin material ideal forfabricationoforthodonticappliances.

Packaging• QuickResinOPowder(Clear)100gm• QuickResinOLiquid(LightPink)50gm

TheS-PRG*fillerinBeautyOrthoBondhassignificant“fluoride release & recharge” that encouragesremineralization of enamel and minimizes bacterialcolonisation, which prevents secondary caries.Offers a short and simple application technique thatensuresbetterpatientcompliance.The unique syringe design of Salivatect with its pullbackmechanism,360ºCrotaryfingergripsandmulti-purpose rubber shield cap ensures efficiency duringclinical use.

Packaging• Beauti Ortho Bond Set Contains: Primer A 3ml, Primer B 3ml, Salivatect 2gm, Paste3gmx2,MicrobrushFine(Yellow)x25pcs, Needle Tips (50 pcs), Petit Dish, DFU



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ARTICULATING PAPERThis double sided articulating paper isuseful to check the occlusion and identify high points in a restoration.Eachpaperisdoublesidedand40micronsthick for convenience of use.• Avaliable in 2 colours: Blue & Red

PackagingPackedas12sheetsbooklets, Boxof10booklets

SUPER TRAY CLEANERSimple and effective cleaning agent specially designed for cleaning pure stainless steel impression trays.Mix4scoopsofpowderwith1litreofwater.Thetraysshouldbesoakedovernightforbestresults.


TOOTH COLOR WAXDevelopedintoothcolourshadesforindirectwaxupand trial application. Ideal for use during cosmetic smile makeover procedures to enhance patient communication.


• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue



2nd Generation Giomer Restoratives 11

AAbrasiveKits 27Accessories For ProArch 35Acrylic Contouring & Finishing Kit HP 30All Ceramic Preparation Kit 05Amalgam Polishing Kit CA & FG 30Articulating Paper 37AZ Primer 16

BBarrier Sleeves 14BeautiBond 15BeautiCem SA 18BeautifilII 11BeautifilII6ColorKit 12BeautifilIICosmeticSet 11BeautifilFlow 13BeautifilFlowPlus 13BeautifilInjectable 12BeautifilOpaquer 14BeautiSealant 14BeautyOrthoBond 36

CCeraResin Bond Set 26Composite Finishing Kit CA / FG 28Composite Polishing Kit CA 28CoreShade GlasIonomer Base Cement 09Crown & Bridge Preparation Kit 05

DDent Silicone Impression Material 22Denture Liner 24Direct Cosmetic Restoration Kit 04

EEnamelAdjustmentKitCA 27EyeSpecial C-II 31



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FFL-Bond II 15FL-Bond II Etchant 16

GGlasIonomer Base Cement 10GlasIonomer Cement Type II 06GlasIonomer Cement Type II Version 2 07GlasIonomer FX-II 07GlasIonomer FX-II Capsules 08GlasIonomer Restorative Cements 06

HHandy Articulator IIA 34Hy-Bond GlasIonomer CX 19Hy-Bond GlasIonomer CX Plus Capsules 20Hy-Bond Luting Cements 19Hy-BondPolycarboxylateCement 20Hy-Bond Resiglass 19Hy-Bond Temporary Cement (Soft) 21Hy-Bond Zinc Phosphate Cement 21HI-Dense XP (Silver Reinforced Glassionomer) 08

MM.L. Primer 16NNPAlloyAdjustmentKitHP 30OOneGlossCompleteSet 28

PP & R Repair Kit 26PorcelainAdjustmentKitHP 27Porcelain Primer 16Pro Arch Articulator IG 32Pro Arch Articulator IIG 32Pro Arch Articulator III 33Pro Arch Articulator IIIEG 33

• SHOFU Dental Products Catalogue40


Pro Arch Articulator IV 33Pro Arch Face Bow 34Pro Arch Series 32Provinice 23 / 25

QQuick Resin A 23Quick Resin B 25QuickResinO 36

RResin Cements 17ResiCem 17

SSuper Tray Cleaner 37Super-Snap Mini Kit 29Super-SnapRainbowTechniqueKit 29Super-Snap Singles 30Super-Snap X-Treme 29

TTechniqueKits 04Tissue Conditioner II 24ToothColorWax 37Tray Resin II 22

ZZirconomer 09

SHOFU INC. 11 Kamitakamatsu-cho, Fukuine, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605 - 0983, Japan ( DENTAL ASIA-PACIFIC PTE. LTD. 10 Science Park Road, #03-12 The Alpha, Science Park ll, Singapore 117684 ( DENTAL TRADING (SHANGHAI) CO. LTD. No.645 Jiye Road, Sheshan Industry Park Songjiang Shanghai 201602, China ( DENTAL CORPORATION 1225 Stone Drive, San Marcos, CA 92078-4059, USA ( DENTAL GmbH Am Brüll 17, 40878 Ratingen, Germany ( UK. Riverside House, River Lawn Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1EP, United Kingdom (
