Collarín cervical anatómico blando


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Collarín cervical anatómico blando Collarín de espuma de 20mm. de grosor, conformado anatómicamente para la sujeción de la zona cervical.


Ortesis cervicales indicadas para disminuir la movilidad de la zona cervical de la columna vertebral, proporcionando un alivio del dolor.

Se utilizan como recordatorio para restringir los movimientos de cabeza y cuello, limitando principalmente la flexión y extensión, y en menor grado los movimientos laterales.

Los collarines semiduros y duros aumentan respectivamente el grado de inmovilización, aunque nunca se llega a alcanzar la inmovilización total.

Ortesis indicadas para colaborar en los tratamientos de: procesos reumáticos, traumatismos leves, y también como protección postoperatoria en tratamientos quirúrgicos.


Rodear el cuello con el collarín, ajustándolo mediante una cincha de velcro en la parte posterior y adaptándolo al contorno de este. Ajustar al cuello sin que oprima.

Debe quedar una posición neutra de la cabeza, evitando la hiperextensión y la flexión.


No acercar el collarín a una llama, fuente de calor o temperaturas elevadas. Pueden provocar el deterioro del producto.

Debe mantener una posición neutra de la cabeza, evitando comprimir la glotis.

Para la higiene del producto lavar a mano con agua tibia y jabón neutro.

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holaps no es exactamente el philadelphia pero es bastante simple y fácil de hacer:con una tira de cartón de 10 a 15 cm. de alto (según la persona que lo vaya a utilizar) y unos 40 cm. de largo, lo forras de algodón y lo envuelves con una venda, dejando una tira en cada extremo del cartón para poder amarrarlo cuando lo coloques...

ojala te sirvacuidese

Cómo hacer un collar cervical Durante Primeros Auxilios Mediante eHow Contribuyente

When you suspect that someone has an injury to the cervical spine (see "How to Rule Out a Spinal Cord Injury During First Aid"), and long-term immobilization is necessary, make a collar that will do the for you. Cuando usted sospecha que alguien tiene una lesión en la columna cervical (ver "Cómo descartar una lesión de la médula espinal durante Primeros Auxilios"), y la inmovilización a largo plazo es necesario, hacer un collar que hará el trabajo para usted.

Difficulty: Easy Dificultad: Fácil

Instructions Instrucciones Things You'll Need: Cosas que necesitará:

Tape De cinta small, Sharp Scissors pequeñas, Sharp tijeras Illustration Board Or Cardboard Ilustración del Consejo o de cartón

1. 1 1 Get the raw material: An ensolite sleeping pad is ideal; cardboard can also work. Obtener la materia prima: Una colchoneta Ensolite es ideal; cartón también pueden trabajar. The key is that the material be flexible yet rigid. La clave es que el material sea flexible y rígido.

2. 2 2 Cut a rectangular piece from the material a little longer than the circumference of the injured person's neck, and about as wide as the neck is long. Corte un pedazo rectangular de material un poco más que la circunferencia del cuello de la persona lesionada, y casi tan ancha como el cuello es largo.

3. 3 3 Cut it further so that it will fit comfortably around the injured person's neck: If you imagine the collar to be like the sloping, gentle ridgeline of a mountain range, the high points will be at 1/3 and 2/3 from left to right, with a "valley" in between them, where the front of the neck will fit. Corte aún más para que le quede en el cuello de la persona lesionada: Si usted se imagina el collar a ser como la pendiente, Ridgeline suave de una cadena montañosa, los puntos altos será menos 1 / 3 y 2 / 3 de izquierda a derecha , con un "valle" entre ellos, en la parte delantera del cuello en forma. Cutting from the high points to

the ends, slope it off gradually at first, then more steeply as you reach the edge. De corte de los puntos altos a los extremos, pendiente de que poco a poco al principio, luego más brusca, ya que llegar al borde.

4. 4 4 Cut a hole approximately 2 inches in diameter just below the "valley" in the center. Corte un agujero de aproximadamente 2 pulgadas de diámetro, justo debajo del "valle" en el centro. This will allow you to monitor the carotid pulse once the collar is in place. Esto le permitirá controlar el pulso carotídeo una vez que el cuello esté en su lugar.

5. 5 5 Put the collar around the injured person's neck, with the hole centered over the front of the neck. Coloque el collar alrededor del cuello de la persona lesionada, con el agujero centrado sobre la parte delantera del cuello.

6. 6 6 Close the collar at the back of the neck, securing it in place with duct tape or athletic tape. Cerrar el cuello en la parte posterior del cuello, manteniéndola en su lugar con cinta adhesiva o cinta atlética.

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Read more: Cómo hacer un collar cervical Durante Primeros Auxilios |

How to Rest With a Cervical CollarBy nuriacat, eHow Member I want to do this!

Rest With a Cervical CollarUser-Submitted ArticleThe cervical collar can be required to wear continously or part time. The use of the collar at night is often more effective than during the day because it prevents the neck from adopting bad postures that may increase the pain and contracture. The pain could be improved by resting, although it is not uncommon to get worse in bed at night when the source of the pain is caused by disease, which compresses some of the nerves.Difficulty: Easy

Instructions1. 1

Recommendations for a patient with cervical collar on:The best position for sleeping is on your back or side and avoid sleeping on your stomach.

2. 2Sleeping on a firm mattress, but not rigid. Use soft and thin pillows, about aprox. 8 inches or 20 centimeters in diameter, flattened in the middle.

3. 3Avoid positions of flexion or neck rotation for a long time, such as: reading or studying with the book resting on a very low table.

These postures can be avoided reading in chairs with armrests or putting books on a lectern in the table.

4. 4Raise the computer or television screen to place it at the eyes level.

Read more: How to Rest With a Cervical Collar |

How a Cervical Collar WorksBy Hilary Cable , eHow Contributor I want to do this!

The Cervical Spine

1. The cervical spine comprises seven vertebrae from the base of the skull to the top of the shoulders that support the skull and brain. The nerves that pass through the cervical spine serve the neck, face, sinuses, throat, arms, hands, shoulders, thyroid gland and other parts of the upper body. Hence, damage to the cervical spine can cause pain and sometimes disability. Types of Cervical Collars

2. Cervical collars come in four basic models--gel-filled hot and cold packs, foam immobilization collars, hard plastic or metal support collars and hard plastic immobilization collars. They are fitted snugly around the neck and almost all fasten with Velcro. Cervical collars hold the head and securely and allow the neck to heal, preventing further injury. Gel-Filled Hot and Cold Collars

3.Foam immobilization collarGel-filled hot and cold packs are used to relieve pain, stiffness and inflammation. They can be warmed in a microwave oven or frozen, then applied to the neck and fastened. The primary advantage over heating pads is their mobility--the wearer is not tethered to an electrical outlet when treating pain, and they can be prepared and worn at work or at home. Because they are fitted, they are less cumbersome than traditional ice packs. Foam Immobilization Collars

4.Metal support collarFoam immobilization collars are prescribed to patients who have soft-tissue injuries, such as whiplash and other kinds of neck sprains, or who need short-term support of the head and neck while regaining physical strength after a long-term illness. They are made of dense foam shaped to rest on the upper shoulders and clavicle while the top of the collar cradles the base of the skull. They are covered with a washable knit fabric and have a Velcro closure. Some doctors say that this type of cervical collar can do more harm than good and that they should not be used long-term. Immobilizing the neck can increase joint pain and stiffness and can make the muscles that support the neck and the spine weaker through disuse. See the Resources section below for a link. Metal and Plastic Support Collars

5.Hard plastic immobilization collarHard plastic or metal support collars are prescribed to hold the head and neck of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS) and other degenerative diseases where the muscles are too weak to support the weight of the skull. They are made of fabric-covered hard plastic or metal tubing and are secured with wide Velcro strips. They are designed to be discrete and low-profile and fit easily inside clothing. Hard Plastic Immobilization Collars

6. Hard plastic immobilization collars secure the spines and skulls of patients who have broken vertebrae, skull fractures and other trauma that requires complete immobilization during healing. They are also used during emergency rescues of accident victims to prevent additional injuries to the neck and skull during transport. Like the foam collar, they rest on the tops of the shoulders and clavicle, but support the head with shelf-like chin rest. They include a large opening in the front of the collar that can be used to monitor pulse in the carotid artery or for installation and maintenance of tracheotomy openings and respirators.

Read more: How a Cervical Collar Works |