complex 1: sandbag - Men's Fitness Magazine€¦ · sandbag is resting on your shins [B]. Now,...


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  • 64 | MF | december

    complex 1: sandbagInstructions: Complete as many reps of each exercise as possible in 20 seconds, then move directly to the next one. After completing one set of each of the five exercises (that’s one round), rest for 20 seconds before repeating the process. Beginner: Four rounds. Intermediate: Five rounds. Advanced: Six rounds.

    1 Bent-over rowReps: As many as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, move on to Single-leg Deadlift.

    l With feet hip-width apart, grasp the bag by the vertical handles and stand up tall. Bend at the hips and, keeping your back straight, lower the sandbag until it’s resting just below your knees (the start position) [A]. Locking your body into position, pull up through your elbow, drawing the sandbag towards your chest. Squeeze the bag hard against your ribs for a second [B] before lowering it to the start position.

    3 Power cleAn Reps: As many as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, move on to Thrusters.l Standing straight up with feet hip-width apart [A], slowly lower yourself into a half squat until the sandbag is resting on your shins [B]. Now, explosively drive up the sandbag — as it reaches chin level, roll it back towards you so you catch it on top of your fists, letting it rest against your collarbone (the “rack” position) [C]. Drop the bag back to waist level before repeating.

    Bent-over Row


    2 SIngle-leg DeADlIft Reps: As many as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, move on to Power Clean.

    l Stand tall, keeping the same grip on the sandbag [A]. Balancing on your left leg, raise your right leg behind you [B]. As your leg gets higher, your body will pivot on your supporting leg, causing your chest to lower. Keep your arms straight and let the sandbag hang straight down. Once you’ve lifted your right leg as high as possible (without the sandbag touching the ground), return to the standing position. Switch legs.










    N D




  • | MF | 65

    5 SquAt thruStS Reps: As many as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 60 seconds, then return to the Bent-over Row for next round.l At the end of the thrusters, drop the sandbag on the ground in front of you. From standing, drop into a deep squat, allowing yourself to roll up onto your toes [A]. Place your hands on the sandbag and, supporting your weight on your arms, kick out into a push-up position [C]. jump your feet back up between your elbows, then roll back into the deep squat. Press down hard through your heels and drive up to the standing position.

    Squat Thrusts

    4 thruSterSReps: As many as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, move on to Squat Thrusts.

    l Finish the Power Cleans in the rack position with the sandbag on top of your knuckles and resting against your collarbone [A]. Drop into a deep squat (butt in line with knees), making sure to push your elbows forward to keep your back flat [B]. Push down hard through your heels and drive up under the sandbag until you’re standing tall with the sandbag above your head [C].







    For information about Alpha Strong’s versatile sandbags, sandballs or certified trainers, go to



    N D




  • 66 | MF | december

    complex 2: battling ropes ™Instructions: This complex builds cardiovascular conditioning and power. Do each exercise for 30 seconds, then move to the next one without rest. Once you’ve completed a full set of each of the five exercises (that’s one round), rest for 60 seconds, then repeat. Beginner: Three rounds. Intermediate: Four rounds. Advanced: Five rounds.

    2 SIDewInDerS Time: 30 secondsl Bring your hands together at waist level. Now separate your hands like opening a big pair of scissors and then drive them back towards each other again as if you’re closing the scissors. If you’re doing it correctly, you should see sideways waves running all the way down the rope.

    1 corkScrewSTime: 30 secondsl Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Pick up the ends of the rope so that your thumbs point directly along the rope. grip the ends of the rope tightly, lift them to level with your collarbone, then rotate them outwards. your hands should move in a circular motion, which will create a tunnel pattern in the rope.



  • | MF | 67

    3 AlternAtorSTime: 30 secondsl Starting with your hands at waist level, drive your left hand upas you drive your right hand down. Now switch directions with each hand, driving back up with the right and down with the left. If you’re performing the movement correctly, you should see alternating waves running away from you down the rope.

    4 DuAl wAveS Time: 30 seconds l Bring your hands to waist level. Drive up both hands at the same time so both ends of the rope are moving in unison. Now drive both ends of the rope back down together. If you have your rhythm right, you should see a single wave running down the rope.


    Single-rope Sprint

    Dual Waves

    5 SIngle-roPe SPrIntTime: 30 secondsl Drop one end of the rope to the ground and stand on it. gripping the other end with both hands, drive the rope upwards to collarbone level. Now drive it back down below your hips. this exercise is a flat-out sprint (no coordination is required), so pick up the pace, as you will have 60 seconds’ rest once you’ve earned it.

    For more information about the Battling Ropes™ training system, check out

  • 68 | MF | december

    complex 3: sandballsInstructions: This complex is a great combination of strength, power and cardio. Do as many reps of each exercise as you can in 30 seconds before moving directly to the next one. Once you’ve completed a full set of each of the three exercises (that’s one round), rest for 30 seconds and repeat. Beginner: Four rounds. Intermediate: Five rounds. Advanced: Six rounds.

    1 SIngle-Arm SwIng Reps: As many as you can in 30 seconds with one arm, then move to the Swing Clean and Press.

    l grasp the handle of the sandball in your right hand. With your back straight, swing the ball between your legs as far as possible without curving your spine [A], then drive up into a standing position. the ball will swing up in front of you [B]. Once it reaches chin level, swing it back between your legs and repeat. After you’ve done 30 seconds with your right arm, go straight to the next exercise — you’ll use your left arm in the next round.

    2 SwIng cleAn AnD PreSSReps: As many as you can in 30 seconds with one arm, then move to the Snatch and Slam.

    l transition from the Single-arm Swing by continuing with the same back swing [A], but as the ball swings up in front of you, punch up underneath it so it lands on the back of your wrist and close to your body in the rack position [B]. Drive it straight up above your shoulder [C]. Return the ball to the rack position, then swing it back between your legs. After 30 seconds with your right arm, go straight to the next exercise.

    3 SnAtch AnD SlAm Reps: As many as you can in 30 seconds with one arm, rest for 30 seconds, then move back to the Single-arm Swing. l Swing the ball between your legs [A], then stand up straight, swinging the ball to eye-level and punching under it so the ball rolls over onto the back of your hand [B]. Lock your elbow at the top of the movement. then, dropping from the hips, slam the ball to the ground in front of you [C]. Repeat.

    Single-arm Swing

    Snatch and Slam




    BB C

    B C

    Swing Cleanand Press
