Condensed Portfolio-Maya Shankla PART-1 Assistant version 2 reduced


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Regenerating Hackney's green spaces: As part of the Olympic 2012 legacy, new homes and workplaces will be built, which will result in existing green spaces being destroyed. The new property is being developed with environmental ideals in place, so when new yards need to be cultivated the seedling tree nursey will be the main suppler. Using wild flowers grown on site, users can harvest the seeds and make seed bombs and plantable paper. They can bring recycled paper to the storage area below the garden, and use it for the plantable paper.

Using sketch models demonstrated that I wanted each workshop to be made up of smaller levels that are connected to other floors. The "tower" will be a big contrast to the flatter landscape of Hackney wick.

Above: Internal render of seedbomb workshop: Handrawn over RHINO render. Opposite: Initial sketch models exploring overall proposal and facades. Below: External perspective view from the road side.


Wattle and daub would suit the ethos of my building in terms of sustainability. Wattle and daub is a composite building material used for making walls, in which a woven lattice of wooden strips called wattle is daubed with a sticky material usually made of some combination of wet soil, clay, sand, animal dung and straw.

The language of the building is very organic stemming from the brief, therefor it was important for the internal views to reflect this.

Above: Sectional perspective showing materiality. Opposite: Sketch model testing arrangement of workshops with interlocking staircases. Below: Final section with initial RHINO render.

I wanted each workshop to have interlinking levels, were some would only be accessible by particular stairways.

Introducing glass and steps as a replacement will allow shards of light to enter the space below, creating an interesting atmosphere between the contrast of light and shadow. Drip irrigation is the most efficient method of irrigating. While sprinkler systems are around 75-85% efficient, drip systems typically are 90% or higher. What that means is much less wasted water! Drip irrigation has more commonly been used in commercial nursery and agricultural operations.


Reflecting upon the sun and shadow analysis, a solution to gaining direct, natural light is by building vertically. This exposes the making spaces to more light and greater views across Hackney Wick and the elevated garden. The main components of the building include; Wildflower garden, series of workshops, core services, storage units and a juice bar. I wanted the progression of the building vertically to follow the steps

The optimisation of sunlight and ventilation is achieved through vertical design as the ground level of the site remains overshadowed and restricted involved in making seed bombs and plantable paper.

Timeline of growth: New housing development will hopefully encourage more spaces being used as planting spaces. The seedbombs can be easily dispersed by the community, which would be a fun and effective way of 're-greening' Hackney, for a very spontaneous floral attack.

Above: Interpretation of Hackney Wick 2 years after the seedling nursery has been opened to the public. Opposite: External view from bridge. Below: Final plans of 3/6 floors.


Fusion of Kinetics and architectural element the final ideas for the structure was a fusion of a hand fan and wall. It can be manipulated in various ways, which could enable different uses for different users. Using light as key element, the bladed and fabric will create interesting variations with shadows.

Extrusion of the fans pivot point created interesting dynamics between the blades and fabric. This manipulation means that virtually most shapes can be achieved by basing the form on the extrusion of the pivot from the fan. The blades will move up and down the rail imitating the movement of a curtain rail and Japaense partition.

The ability to personalise the rail was a key feature that I wanted the structure to have. It has attachable parts, such as seating and shelving, that can be added according to what the user needs.

Above: Exploration of form on site. Opposite: Element within the context of Hackney Wick. Below: Final plans of kinetic element on site.


Research into Gibraltar's energy showed that a new power station would be needed to provide for growing energy, and replace 3 existing power stations whose engines have reached, or a rapidly reaching the end of their operational lives. There is a growth in demand for electrical energy from existing users in Gibraltar.

I used Googie architecture- a form of modern architecture, influenced by car culture, jets, the Space Age, and the Atomic Age- as a main influence for my architecture. Incorporating the nuclear power plant into the building was essential for me. I want to celebrate the use of nuclear technology, and emphasis the notion of celebration by making themes of nuclear power less threatening, therefore having the plant being exposed.

Compared to large nuclear power plants, mini nuclear plants have distinct advantages. The most important detractions of any nuclear plant are its safety concerns, radiation hazards, and a core meltdown or a nuclear hijack.

The magnitude of change to local and wider landscape character of the area would be very high. The construction of the new power station may affect viewpoints but will be a great touristic attraction and encourage the celebration of nuclear technology.

Above: Final elevation showing a section through the power plant. Opposite: Perspective view from cocktail bar Below: Final plans on site.


Over the summer of 2014, I was asked to do some initial art work for an upcoming animated film, KIBO. I was truly passionate about this project because it was raising awareness about increased ivory poaching in Africa, which I also mentioned in my dissertation concerning how growing cities affect protected areas in Africa.

Top: The three main characters. Above left and centre: Key Scene-Paint fight with various characters. Above right: Nyati- A non-violentbuffalo on a quest for greater spiritual awareness. She meditate, talks of "deep" things and is stereotypically loud, sassy african-american woman. Opposite: Kibo- A fun loving, curious African elephant. He is always exploring and always full of questions about his world


Over the course of the summer, I worked with Stage designer Ellen Nabarro on the play Henry IV. I learnt skills such as model making, soldering, and metal work as well as gaining insight into the collaboration with many teams involved in putting on a theatrical performance.

My role was to make all the essential parts of the theatre i.e flooring, seating banks, chairs, as well as the more detailed part of the set i.e childrens chairs, beanbags, slides, internal phone and lights. I was involved in part of the design process by producing alternative's to a solutions and coming up with ideas when we ran into problems with potential funding for the production.

Top left: Scene; Police inspector using internal phone. Top Right: Scaled model 1:25, made of mulitput and painted with acrylic. Opposite: Scene; Playful communal area. Bottom: Opening scene: Gym conformation.
