Conditions for Learning Hattie




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Conditions for learning The ideas behind the conditions for learning are based on many years of research on the brain and learning (Hattie, 2009). We now know that learning is a social activity that is influenced by the environment and the engagement of the learner in the process. In general, we can say that everyone, adults and children, learn well under the following conditions:

1. The environment in which learning is to take place is positive, safe, and caring, socially and culturally respectful and inclusive.

2. What is being learned is meaningful to the learner and the learner can use what they already know as a basis for gaining new knowledge.

3. What is being learned is appropriate for the developmental level of the learner.

4. What is being learned is challenging, and the learner is engaged, accepts the challenge and is encouraged and supported in taking risks in the learning process.

5. The learners see themselves as successful in the learning process with opportunities to learn in their own way, make choices, and feel in control.

6. The learners have opportunities for social interaction and helpful feedback during the learning process.

In summary:

Learning is a process of figuring things out, asking questions, making connections, getting ideas and testing them, taking risks, making mistakes, without fear of ridicule or embarrassment, trying again and eventually experiencing the satisfaction of accomplishment. (Priesnitz, 2009)

Without the conditions for learning our students may not make the academic gains that we expect or hope for when we set goals and targets in our school growth plans. Lack of progress, poor attendance or inappropriate behaviour may be symptoms that lead us to examine the ways in which the school creates and supports the conditions for learning.

Conditions for Learning Exercise Describe what you think you would see in classrooms and at the school. 1. In a positive, safe, caring, socially and culturally inclusive environment, you would see . 2. To ensure that learning is meaningful and builds on what learners already know, you would see 3. To ensure that the learning tasks are appropriate for the learner’s developmental level, you would see 4. To ensure that students are challenged to meet high expectations and encouraged to take risks in the learning process and learn from their mistakes you would see 5. To help students be successful in the learning process and have opportunities to learn in their own way, make choices, and feel in control, you would see 6. To provide appropriate social interaction and opportunities for helpful feedback, you would see
