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”Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful…

that’s what matters to me.” /Steve Jobs/

”To go marketing is only effective

with perfect timing…”/Aaron Shapiro/

What is Oil forYou,

Business, Opportunity, Value, Life… Oil Wells

Water is the same for Us…

Business, Opportunity, Value, Life… Medical Water Fountains

The characteristic, and the thermal water resources of the hydrography of Hungary is

outstanding all over the world, but unequalled in Europe. High amount of the mineral

and thermal waters contain dissolved minerals, so those are applicable for healing, and by that good for bath and

drinking cures. Now, there are thousands of founts, which provide warm water between 30-100 °C, most of them

provides healing water. Healing water can be found in every region of our country. The wide water selection (eg.: earthen, lime,

alkaline, chloride, sulfid, bitter, in sulfur and so on) gives opportunity to heal, treat or prevent almost all major illnesses (eg.:locomotor diseases,

flatulence, respiratory catarrh, gynecological diseases, skin diseases etc.).

The most precious treasure of our life is health. Health is life, and life is water... That water which is in a growing danger on our planet, beacuse of the great pollution, and the melting of the polar ice, caused by the global warming.

Waters of Hungary not only appease. They beautify, regenerate, heal, give health...keep us living! And our life worth all money!




The first big break-through in the field of health and medical tourism happened ten years ago, when the first Orbán-government started the Széchenyi-Plan. Beacuse of it, with a 400-500 million dollar investment, 150 medical bath with warm water were built, of which 36 is special: radioactive, sulfuric-acid, nitrate-bromine-carbonated, ioded, etc... The only cave-bath in Europe, the Taplocai Cave Bath is located in North-Eastern Hungary. The most known lake with warm (33° ) medical water is Lake-Hévíz, is in Hévíz, close to

Lake Balaton. Some of the baths of Budapest -which is the ”Bathcapital” of the World for decades- were in use in the turkish ages as well.

The new buildings are attended by more than 30 million guests yearly.

Many similar and/or different health and medical centers, which were built in the frameworks of the Széchenyi-Plan are the property of local governments (cities), and all of them are considering their own interests, trying to make their way on the market. This makes them competitors.

Untapped and a great investment opportunity is to integrate the baths under one control and stake, and by a proper compartmentalize of the baths and targeted market orientation, this investment will ensure that after being the ”Bathcapital”, Budapest will become the number one power in the world of baths.

”Your water is the elixire of life, and in a pure form it could transform your body…

it could return the life power to everything, every single cell…

it is able to provide perfect physique…” /Mikos/

Plain carbonated water for healing cardiovascular diseases

Earthy, chalky water for healing urological diseases

Alkaline water for healing gastrointestinal diseases

Chloride water with mucus solvent properties

Iodine- bromine water for healing goiter

Global brand drop by drop…

World name owing to one soft drink. Coca-cola. The second best known word on the world after the word ”OK”. A brand, under which many other product is selled, aligned with the requirements of the age and society.

The success of this company can be a perfect example for Hungary as well. Under the ground of this country, there is such a rich water supply, which can be a source for a wide bottled mineral water product selection, that could suffice all requirements. So, what could make this unique in the world?

Everyone can find a water type among the life-giving hungarian water types, that can make balance in one’s body.

The 60% of the human body is water, so the appropiate amount and quality water intake will enhance the standard of living, and the way of feel of the consumers, especially if the consumed watertype is determined personally, especially for the consumers’ complaints. Different types of water are recommended for each illnesses and complaints. There are 20-25 different types of water that can be determined for alleviate, eliminate and even cure of 20-25 different symptoms and illnesses. These water types produced and uniquely bottled in central managed factories, can become a world name with the appropiate selling technique.

Natural appeaser, that can appease and ease pain as well. Curative spring, in a unique bottle. Pure water, original components... The perfect product! Let’s bring the health to the surface!

Idea, resolve, profession…

World fame from the unknown…

anti-wrinkle effect deep hydrating regenerating skin-tightening

Health is the key of beauty,

and the key of beauty could be hidden in our


The capabilities of the thermal waters, are appli-cable in beauty products for theraphic purposes, de-pending on skin types.

This is not a new thing, France discovered this treas-ure in the second half of the 19. century, creating a well-known, and avowed

beauty product, by us-ing the thermal wa-

ter of Vichy, a small town in the French


We can be better in this. The water of Vichy is only a drop in the „sea” of thermal waters. With the wide selection of the hungarian waters, such a cosmetic supply can break into the market of the luxury beauty products, in which complete product groups could provide a solution for the problems of different skin types, depending on the water contents. Beside beauty, the 20-25 water types of our homecountry can provide health as well, and can be the basis for 20-25 first class, premium category cosmet-ics. Beside skin tightening and wrinkle removal, these wa-ter based cream groups could guarantee deep hydration, cell preservation or even cell renewal depending on the mineral composition.

Beside the above described drinking cures, the bunch of hungarian waters carries a great investment oportunity by leading it to the beauty care industry.

The creator of natural cosmetology can be that country, which has the appropiate rich medical and thermal wa-ter selection, – the key of beauty is under the surface of Hungary!

What is Oil for You,

What is Oil for You,

Water could be the same for us...

Success, Money, Riches…

Hungary is rich not only in natural treasures, but in very gifted, highly qualified, and world wide avowed doctor society, and therapeutic, and medication industry workers. The two fields complements each other. This is completed with those different medical cures and treatments, which can provide healing, and regeneration only with that lodging, which fully conforms their requirements.

The above service is avaliable only in a few places, and those are not too different from each other (the target group is the same). Regenerating cures based on the former described natural mineral and healing waters with wide and different components, could ensure a huge step on the field of remedy (every place has different specification).

Lodging buildings based on special services, under one control and stake, can top up the formerly known investment opportunities (drinking cure, beauty industry). These luxury hotels or elite health care accomodations could guarantee the perfect comfort and professional full service for those participating different cures.

The most important thing in our life is health. Health of our children, our parents, our loves, our beloved ones... this is the only thing, that can be „payed” by all companion layer. Because of its geographical position and natural conditions, Hungary can be a perfect place for a health center. The conditions are given...

In the case of the above described potential business opportunities -hiding in medical and mineral water resources- are exploited, namely the prospective investor gets part or full ownership of 20-25 baths of Hungary in a bunch, 20-25 different thermal and medical water – applicable for drinking cures- based bottling plants could be established. It would be a unique activity on the world to establish the factories, and to apply different drinking cures for treating and healing different illnesses and syndromes, because the thermal fountains – the basis of these bottling plants – provide inexhaustible source for the continuous water supply. Because of their bottling, the special water types can be selled at any part of the world.

The 20-25 baths and their founts and healing waters mean 20-25 own, or part-owned thermal fountains, which inexhaustibe waters are suitable for producing hundreds of luxury beauty products (water based beauty products, creams, bath salts, etc.)

The above investment opportunities make possible to sell the two integrally interweaving areas –beauty and health- in a bundle, which products can be completed with a special activity: health and beauty care in elite hotels. By the combination of these three activities, the most complex health and beauty center or country can be created, of which estimated capital investment is 300-500 million $.

This is a guaranteed profitable investment, which ensures absolute success on three untapped, world wide unique fields, for wich emphasized attention is being paid these days!

Health, Beauty, Success, Money…

The Spa Hungary Ltd. introduces

The service of the Spa Hungary Holding Ltd. is exceptional and unique in Hungary. It’s founder and owner is Imre Kovacsics, who is a nationally recognized expert in managing of thermal, and medical baths. He coordinated 15 medical and wellness centers’ design, implementation, and lead to market until now (eg.: Gyula, Tatabánya, Székesfehérvár, Makó).

Beside managing and positioning the above facilities, now the Ltd carries out professional review, and/or problem management in Balmazújváros, and carried out in Hévíz, Szentgotthárd, Gyomaendrőd and Nyíregyháza.

Bathworld on the advanced level

”Business can not be done with remote control.”

can not be done with remote control.”The Spa Hungary Holding Ltd. has a special knowledge connected to thermal and medical baths in the field of

> complex review (economic, technical, marketing, training, quality assurance, etc.), and executing the rationalization process

> organizational definition of the operation,> work and process consulting,> determination of optimal labor, and cost structure > efficient determination of the medical department> quality assurance and training> bath-management consulting> constant innovation suggestions, ideas in the field of medical tourism, and> medical and thermal baths, and wellness centers design.

Our goal in the case of all baths is to get the CEO to manage the bath in a successful manner. The achieved result is the success of the owner as well. We enforce the principle of “Unity is strength”, because the baths under the same management can act in a uniform way in the procurement market, and by that we can achieve results for the benefit of all.We are proud of that, all of our partners are satisfied with the job done by us, with no exception.

/Mahmoud Abu Rida/

Spa Hungary Holding Ltd.Hungary 2484 Agárd, Fürdő tér 1.

Phone: 30-552-3064 | Fax: 0036-22-579-249E-mail:

This offer is the intellectual property of Spa Hungary Holding Inc., and is protected by copyright, which is under the protection of international and Hungarian legislation. Thereof any part and content, can be exclusively used with the written consent of the owner.

Bathworld on the advanced level