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Connecting with George SiemensConnecting with George Siemens

Su-Tuan Lulee

Sheri Oberman

Tony Tin

EDDE 803 ProjectAthabasca University

Connectivism: A Learning TheoryConnectivism: A Learning Theoryproposed by George Siemens and Stephen Downesproposed by George Siemens and Stephen Downes

� Learning network contains nodes & connections

� Emphasizes the learner’s ability to navigate

the information: the pipe is more important

than the content within the pipe (Siemens,


� Principles were integrated from chaos,

network, complexity, and self-organization

theories (Siemens, 2004).


� Knowledge is networked and distributed,

and the act of learning is in the creation

and navigation of networks.

� Learning is actionable knowledge.


◦ exploit the weak ties between nodes

◦ recognize the patterns

◦ connect to the small world of individual knowledge; meaning making

◦ extend personal network.

Rhizomes as a Metaphor for Rhizomes as a Metaphor for

LearningLearning� The rhizome is an

acentered, nonhierarchical, nonsignifying system, without an organizing memory or central automaton, defined solely by the circulation of states. (Funch, 2004).

Connectivism and EpistomologiesConnectivism and Epistomologies

Epistemologies and Learning Theories

Driscoll’s Classification of Epistomologies (2005)

Siemens added

Objectivism Pragmatism Interpretivism Distributed Knowledge

Behaviourism Cognitivism Constructivism Connectivism

Learning Theories

ConstructivismConstructivism vs. vs. ConnectivismConnectivism

(Siemens, 2009)

Theory into Practice Theory into Practice -- Principles for IDPrinciples for ID

� Assumptions/principles for instructional design:

◦ providing the most diverse opportunities for learners to be able to connect with persons/ideas

◦ building the learner’s ability to navigate the information

◦ adopting blogs, wikis, and other open, collaborative platforms as a two-way process

◦ connecting to diverse, outside real-world conferences and experts

◦ providing learners with a rich array of tools and information sources to use in creating their own learning pathways

◦ using multiple forms of assessment. (Examples from CCK09)

Theory into Practice Theory into Practice –– Facilitating LearningFacilitating Learning

� How does a connectivist teach? A connectivist nurtures and maintains connections for students by:

◦ a brief introduction to weekly activities through short podcast/paper/video or online presentation

◦ moderating weekly discussions centered around readings

◦ short presentations from guests, followed by discussion

◦ daily emails summarizing key aspects of the existing conversation to students.

Context of the TheoryContext of the Theory

� Continual flow of data and information.

� Technologies change our ways of life,

communication, and learning.

� Uncertainty of lifetime - career change.

� Behaviorism, cognitivism, and

constructivism do not address the

challenge of new knowledge creation.

� Connectivism explains new knowledge


Connectivism: ConclusionsConnectivism: Conclusions

What is next? George Siemens connects to our questions about the future of connectivism.

� Connectivism privledges connections made in networks via emerging technologies to support actionable knowledge and to accelerate a shift in education so that it is less hierarchical, more learner-centered, more widely communicated and more far-reaching.

Further StudyFurther StudyDownes, S. (2008, December 8). Connectivism: A Theory of Personal Learning. Retrieved


Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. elearnspace. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (2005, August 10). Connectivism: Learning as Network-Creation. ELEARNSPACE. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (2008). New spaces and structures of learning: the systemic impact of connective knowledge, connectivism, and networked learning. In unknown. Presented at the unknown, Portugal. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (2009a, September 12). What is Connectivism? Week 1: CCK09. Course Handout for CCK09, . Retrieved from

Siemens, G., & Downes, S. (2009). Connectivism & Connective Knowledge. Connectivism & Connective Knowledge. Online Course, . Retrieved from

Siemens, G., & Tittenberger, P. (2009b). Handbook of Emerging Technology for Learning. online: N/A. Retrieved from

ResourcesResourcesThe following resources are available in a digital reading room at

Athabasca University Library.

� George Siemens speaks to The Changing Nature of Knowledge(3:33 minutes)

� George Siemens speaks to

The conflict of learning theories with human nature (4:14 minutes)

� George Siemens speaks to The impact of social software on learning

(3:13 minutes)

� George Siemens speaks to The Network is the Learning (3:14 minutes)

� Stephen Downes speaks to Connectivism and Organizations (7:17 minutes)

� Sarah Stewart a student who dropped out of a course given by George and Stephen responds to them with her thoughts and communicates her experience as a student.

EpilogueEpilogueRhizomatic Connections to cyber-space from this event

� Power Point (PPT) available to the second Ed.D. cohort

� Transcript in searchable pdf format

� Elluminate recordings including part 1 and part 2

� Link to a digital reading room with assortment of resources concerning connectivism

� Discussion forum in Moodle 803 site

� PPT available in Slideshare

� AUSPACE (Athabasca University) to store all the learning objects on connectivism. This will facilitate easy access to it from The Landing or external browsers.

� Convert the interview into MP3 audio format and upload it to AU itunes channel for really simple syndication (RSS).
