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Caffeinated drinks are very popular, but caffeine has negative effects on some

people. Beverages that do not contain caffeine are healthier than those that do.

Decaffeinated soda, coffee, and tea are possible options. Herbal tea and juices are other

caffeine-free drinks. The best drink of all, though, is plain water.



Consumer items such as televisions, clothing, and electronics are selling well. One

reason they are in such high demand is the growth of the national economy in recent

decades. As a result of economic expansion, many people are earning more money than

they once did. In addition, families with two incomes are more common than ever. Some

couples who spend most of their time working reward themselves by shopping. Consumer

shopping is an important aspect of our economy.



If you have ever used a typewriter, you know how frustrating it can be to finish

typing a page only to discover one or two small errors that should have been corrected.

Using a word processing program on a computer can save you hours of retyping. Word

processors also make it easy to revise your ideas and your paper’s organization as many

times as you need to get it right. Once you have the basics down, you can also produce a

much more professional looking paper by learning to take advantage of different typefaces

and graphics. There are many advantages in learning how to word process on a computer.



One of my proudest memories is standing up to the grade school bully. One day

when my sister, Jan, was about seven, and I was ten, we ran into the school tough guy, Tex,

in the schoolyard. Tex was known as the tough guy because he would fight anybody at any

time and win, and he just had a bad attitude. For some reason, my little sister started

talking back to Tex, and I, trying to protect her, ended up in a scuffle with him. Amazingly

enough, after I pushed him hard a few times, Tex backed down. My friends wondered why

I wasn’t upset that Jan had caused a fight. “Who cares,” I said. “Tex backed down from

me.” To this day, I don’t know why he did.



A proactive individual understands that he or she must take responsibility for his or

her own actions. For proactive people, circumstances do not dictate success; they

themselves do. Feelings do not rule behavior, and his or her decisions are based on values

and goals. A perfect example of the difference between reactive and proactive attitudes can

be seen in the different ways people think of love. A reactive person thinks of love primarily

as a feeling. Thus as the feelings of love diminish, the commitment to the relationship

weakens. A proactive person, by contrast, looks at love as an act of will. The decision to be

loyal to the commitment stays strong even if feelings diminish. Proactive individuals

believe they have a sense of power over their lives and can deal with whatever comes their




The way parents raise their children can be divided into a few general methods.

Those who set up very strict rules for their children and never explain those rules are using

an authoritarian approach. In an authoritarian home, force and punishments are used to

make sure children follow rules, and children are given no choices. In contrast, parents

who use the permissive approach have few rules. Permissive parents allow children to

make their own choices about almost everything, including when they eat and go to bed. In

between these two extreme methods of child rearing is the democratic approach.

Democratic parents present their children with rules, but they explain the rules to the

children. If a child in a democratic home can give a good reason for not following a rule, an

exception may be made. These are three of the methods parents may choose to raise their



What is a Journal?

A journal is simply a collection of your writing done each week. It is not a diary; it is

a private book in which you write things you wouldn’t want anyone else to read. You may

present your point of view and no one will disagree with you. You may also use your

journal to practice the kind of writing in which you have the greatest interest, whether it

takes the form of poems, stories, or descriptions of incidents or people.

Journal writing will give you the opportunity to look objectively and creatively at

your life and your world. The act of putting ideas down on paper will give you a roadmap of

your mind. This may give you directions on where you are, where you are going, and where

you have been.

Topics for your journal are as numerous as your thoughts. Anything that you have

feelings about is a potential journal entry and putting those feelings down on paper is the

key. A simple approach to writing a journal entry is asking yourself, “How or what do I feel

about (insert your topic of choice)?” Here are some suggestions from the endless list of

possible topics: food, nature, flying, the law, crime, work, talent, birth, love, beauty, anger,

practical jokes, marriage, sickness, business, children, violence, heroes, music, magic, etc.

Your journal will not be graded on your feelings or opinions but on your efforts to

build a collection of your own work that you will be proud to have. I will read it to see how

you are doing and perhaps, make suggestions and comments. This is only between you and

me (and the class Teaching Assistant; if there is one) no one else will see it or read it

(unless you yourself show it or read it to them).

Each entry needs to be dated and a certain number of words in length. You will need

to make an entry every class day.

Journals will be collected at the beginning of class the end of each week. Attach each

week’s topic sheet to the front of your weekly journals.


What is a Journal?

1. Think of your journal as a treasury – a jewelry box for gems and gold nuggets.

2. Think of your journal as a storehouse into which you pack the ideas of others; just as you would store canned goods or anything else edible or usable in a cupboard at home to be taken out when needed. Be a pack rat!

3. Think of your journal as a collector’s cabinet in which you place prized possessions.

Your thoughts and works are something truly worth collecting.

4. Think of your journal as a picture album, and you a roving reporter and

photographer clicking the shutter on life. Make your words as colorful as possible to

illustrate exactly what you saw yourself.

5. Think of your journal as a laboratory for experiments. Dissect. See what the insides

of something are like, how it runs, and how it is put together.

6. Think of your journal as a drafting board. You will be drawing the plans for a new

life or a new world in which you or everyone lives.

7. Think of your journal as a giant closet into which you can step and try on new

clothes. Try many different styles; but remember, you don’t have to buy. Steal it for

your journal.

8. Think of your journal as a psychiatrist’s couch. Lie down, and talk, and talk, and

talk, and talk. Ramble. Explore dreams, as well as the real world.

9. Think of your journal as a travel log. Map out your life. Where have you been?

Where are you going right now? Where would you like to be someday?

10. Think of your journal as a continuous, but never mailed, letter to someone you

know. What will you tell them? It may be a long letter to yourself. What would you

like to remember ten years from now? Don’t cheat yourself; you’ll know when you



Journal Instructions:

• Each journal will be worth 10 points (5 points for each


• Each entry must be titled (e.g. Present Tense Topic, Past

Tense Topic, Opinion Topic, or Upfront Topic).]

• Circle the topic you chose on the cover sheet.

• Do NOT re-write the prompt/question from the cover sheet

on your journal.

• Put the journals in the order they are on the cover sheet.

• Please count your words! Write the number of words below

the entry in the right corner and circle the number.

• One of your journals must be edited in class before turning it


• Journals may be turned in one class past the due date for

half credit.

Points will be deducted as follows: -10 too short -5 late -2 not stapled -2 missing cover sheet -2 missing full name, date, and/or class information -2 out of order -2 words not counted -2 written in pencil or ink that is not blue or black -2 re-wrote prompt -2 no edited journal entry -1 topic on cover sheet not circled



AcDv B68 Journal “A” – General Topic: School

Choose 1 Present Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Opinion

Topic for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Present Tense Topics:

1. Discuss some reasons why students go to a 2 year college.

2. How important should sports be at the college level?

3. Describe your student habits.

4. Describe some changes in your lifestyle since you started college.

Opinion Topic:

Your friend tells you he/she can get the answers to the final exam. What would you do?

Support your response with details/examples/explanations.

Each Journal entry must be at least 59 words short!






AcDv B68 Journal “A” – General Topic: School

Choose 1 Present Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Opinion

Topic for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Present Tense Topics:

1. Discuss some reasons why students go to a 2 year college.

2. How important should sports be at the college level?

3. Describe your student habits.

4. Describe some changes in your lifestyle since you started college.

Opinion Topic:

Your friend tells you he/she can get the answers to the final exam. What would you do?

Support your response with details/examples/explanations.

Each Journal entry must be at least 59 words short!


AcDv B68 Journal “B” – General Topic: Sports

Choose 1 Past Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Upfront Topic

for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Past Tense Topics:

1. Tell about a time you played a sport.

2. Tell about a sporting event you watched.

3. Tell about an injury you sustained due to a sporting activity.

4. Tell about a time your favorite team won/lost a game.

Upfront Topic:

Choose one article from Upfront to write about. The Upfront journal should include the

title, author, a brief summary, and your opinion of the article. Explore your ideas as you

answer these questions. Continue to learn about yourself and your opinions.

Each Journal entry must be at least 75 words in length. Write complete

sentences, check punctuation and capitalization, correct obvious spelling errors, and

stay on topic.


AcDv B68 Journal “C” – General Topic: Time Management and


Choose 1 Present Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Opinion

Topic for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Present Tense Topics:

1. Some people save everything while others throw everything away. Are you a pack

rat or a tosser? Describe the benefits and problems in what you do.

2. Some people are compulsively tidy while others are not. Describe how you

organize your school papers, and the benefits and problems you are having as a


3. Factories study time management to make jobs take less time. Describe a more

efficient way to do a boring or time consuming job.

4. Describe how you manage the combination of school, work, and family. What

corners do you cut and why?

Opinion Topic:

Does the world need clocks? Why/why not? Support your response with


Each Journal entry must be at least 89 words in length! Reread your entries to

be sure you answered the questions and wrote complete sentences. Check punctuation,

capitalization, and spelling usage. Try to use some sentence variety.


AcDv B68 Journal “D” – General Topic: Parenting, Children, Childhood

Choose 1 Past Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Upfront Topic

for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Past Tense Topics:

1. Tell about the biggest lie you ever told as a child.

2. Tell about something your parents did to influence your behavior and decisions.

3. Tell about sharing your room with your siblings when you were younger.

4. Tell about a time when a sibling/child/parent did something foolish or


Upfront Topic:

Choose one article from Upfront to write about. The Upfront journal should include the

title, author, a brief summary, and your opinion of the article. Explore your ideas as you

answer these questions. Continue to learn about yourself and your opinions.

Each Journal entry must be at least 109 words in lengths. Write complete sentences,

stay on topic, check writing mechanics, and use sentence variety.


ACDV 68 Journal “E” – General Topic: Budgeting and the Media

Choose 1 Present Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Opinion

Topic for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Present Tense Topics:

1. Describe how you make up your monthly budget.

2. Describe some ways a person can save money or waste money.

3. Describe how people can use or misuse credit cards.

4. Describe what makes a TV show, movie, or concert worth watching.

Opinion Topic: A big chain supermarket with lower prices opens across the street from your favorite smaller neighborhood grocery store. Where would you shop? Support your response with details/examples/explanations. Please explore your ideas about this week’s topics in thoughtful and honest ways. Each paragraph Journal entry must be at least 125 words in length. Every sentence should be a complete sentence and be on topic. Continue to use sentence variety and check writing mechanics. In addition, this week, you are going to work on handwriting improvement. Use blue/black ink, white-out as needed, and be sure your “e” doesn’t look like a “c,” your “t” isn’t an “I”, etc…


ACDV B68 Journal “F” – General Topic: The Workplace

Choose 1 Past Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Upfront Topic

for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Past Tense Topics: 1. Tell about a busy day at work. Was the way you handled the pressure effective?

2. Tell about the effect your employment/unemployment had on your feelings about

yourself and/or your family.

3. Tell about your first day on a job.

4. Complete this sentence and tell what happened. When I was younger, I always wanted to be a __________________.

Upfront Topic:

Choose one article from Upfront to write about. The Upfront journal should include the

title, author, a brief summary, and your opinion of the article. Explore your ideas as you

answer these questions. Continue to learn about yourself and your opinions.

Each Journal entry must be at least 125 words in length. Every paragraph must have a topic sentence, details to support the main idea, and a clincher sentence. Check your work to be sure you used the same tense and point of view consistently. All spelling, punctuation, and capitalization should also be checked.


ACDV B68 Journal “G” – General Topic: Values

Choose 1 Present Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Opinion

Topic for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Present Tense Topics:

1. Describe some values you learn at college and use in your daily life.

2. Comment on the following statement by David O. McKay: “No success can compensate for failure in the home.”

3. Describe how the values of an organization to which you belong influence what you do or don’t do.

4. Describe the values of your family you maintain as an adult.

Opinion Topic:

- You are offered a job you would really love, but it pays less money than you are currently making. What would you do? Support your response with details/examples/explanations. What do you value? Who or what influences you and how you conduct your life? What is important to you? These journal questions will assist you in focusing on values in your workplace, your home, and your personal life. Each paragraph entry must be at least 125-150 words in length. Every sentence should be a complete sentence and on topic. Each paragraph must have a topic sentence, at least 3 supporting details, and a clincher sentence. Check your work to be sure you used the same point of view and tense throughout and correct writing mechanics. Please write neatly and clearly using blue/black ink.


ACDV B68 Journal “H” – General Topic: Cities and Towns

Choose 1 Past Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Upfront Topic

for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Past Tense Topics:

1. Tell about your last visit to a city or town other than Bakersfield (or your town). 2. Tell about the things you considered in moving to or staying in the city/town you

now live. 3. Tell about a time when you or someone you know was the victim of a city crime. 4. Tell about the city/town in which you lived as a child.

Consider the similarities and differences of different cities and towns. Which do you prefer? Why? Is the city or town of your childhood the place you want to live as an adult? Why or why not? Think of your “ideal” city or town. What would it be like?

Upfront Topic:

Choose one article from Upfront to write about. The Upfront journal should include the

title, author, a brief summary, and your opinion of the article. Explore your ideas as you

answer these questions. Continue to learn about yourself and your opinions.

Each paragraph entry must be at least 125-150 words in length. Every sentence should be a complete sentence and on topic. Each paragraph must have a topic sentence, at least 3 supporting details, and a clincher sentence. Check your work to be sure you used the same point of view and tense throughout and correct writing mechanics. Please write neatly and clearly using blue/black ink. If you use a word-processor, use a 12 point standard font, like Times, Georgia, Arial, or Verdana.


ACDV B68 Journal “I” – General Topic: Job Skills

Choose 1 Present Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Opinion

Topic for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Present Tense Topics:

1. Describe the characteristics/qualities that make a person a good supervisor to employees?

2. Describe the characteristics/qualities that make a person a good supervisor-of employees to his/her own supervisor.

3. Describe the different types of information needed to complete an application and why each is required/requested.

4. Describe the process of preparing for a successful interview as a worker, supervisor, or manager. Are there any differences? If so, explain.

Opinion Topic:

- You overhear your boss telling a co-worker you are going to be fired in 2 weeks. What would you do? Support your response with details/examples/explanation. Explore your thoughts as your respond to these topics. Learn something about yourself and your world. Think, reflect, imagine, compose, and enjoy the writing process. Each Journal entry must be at least 125–150 words in length. Please count and time each entry, so you will know how much you have written and have a sense of how long it took to write each new response. Remember to stay on topic, use Stand English, follow the rules of punctuation and capitalization, and proofread your writing to see that it meets the criterion you have been studying this semester.


ACDV B68 Journal “J” – General Topic: Transportation and the


Choose 1 Past Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Upfront Topic

for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Past Tense Topics:

1. Tell about a time you did something to help protect the environment.

2. Tell about a time someone you know abused the environment.

3. Tell about a form of transportation you used in the past and why you switched.

4. Tell about a time you helped someone with their transportation situation.

Upfront Topic:

Choose one article from Upfront to write about. The Upfront journal should include the

title, author, a brief summary, and your opinion of the article. Explore your ideas as you

answer these questions. Continue to learn about yourself and your opinions.

Each paragraph entry must be at least 125-150 words in length. Every sentence should be a complete sentence and on topic. Each paragraph must have a topic sentence, at least 3 supporting details, and a clincher sentence. Be sure you stay consistent in point of view and tense. Check spelling, mechanics, and handwriting. Time yourself to see how long it takes you to complete each entry.


ACDV B68 Journal “K” – General Topic: Laughter

Choose 1 Present Tense topic for your journal. In addition, write about the Opinion

Topic for this week’s Journal. On _______ a total of 2 Journal entries will be due.

Present Tense Topics:

1. Write a paragraph that describers some things that make you laugh.

2. Look up the word laughter in the dictionary. Write a paragraph about the meaning.

3. What is a “funny bone?” Write a paragraph that describes your funny bone.

4. “A winning smile is the best accessory any dress ever had,” said C. Terry Cline, Jr. Write a paragraph that describes what this quote means to you.

Opinion Topic:

- You are asked to come on stage to be hypnotized. What would you do? Support your response with details/examples/explanations. Each paragraph entry must be at least 125-150 words in length. Every sentence should be a complete sentence and on topic. Each paragraph must have a topic sentence, at least 3 supporting details/example/incidents, and a clincher sentence. Be sure you stay consistent in point of view and tense. Check spelling, mechanics, and handwriting. Time yourself to see how long it takes you to complete each entry. Write with confidence and ease. You can do it!


The First 1020 Most Frequently Used Words


The First 1020 Most Frequently Used Words


The First 1020 Most Frequently Used Words


The First 1020 Most Frequently Used Words


ACDV B68 Name



Write N above all the common and proper nouns in the following sentences.

1. Wilton Norman Chamberlain died of a heart attack at the age of 63.

2. He died at his home in Bel-Air, California.

3. He was a lifelong bachelor and one of America’s greatest basketball players.

4. After his retirement from basketball, he remained active.

5. Chamberlain played volleyball and ran marathons.

6. Fans and players paid tribute to Chamberlain during games and tournaments

after his death.

7. Many of his basketball records still stand.

8. He won the MVP award and the Rookie of the Year Award in the same year.

9. No other basketball player ever matched his record of 100 points in one


10. Chamberlain played for the Globetrotters, the Warriors, the 76ers, and the



Prepositions – Bee and the Bottle



about below in since above beneath inside through across beside into to after between like toward against beyond near under along by of until among down off up around during on upon at except outside with before for over within behind from past without In addition to these common prepositions, English has a number of prepositional combinations that also function as prepositions.


ahead of in addition to in reference to at the time of in between in regard to because of in care of in search of by means of in case of in spite of except for in common with instead of for fear of in contrast to on account of for the purpose of in the course of similar to for the sake of in exchange for


Preposition Puzzle

PART I: Find and circle 16 different prepositions in the puzzle

below. You may go across (from left to right), down, or up.










PART II: Make up your own preposition Search-A-Word Puzzle.

Include at least ten different prepositions.










1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

7. _______________

8. _______________

9. _______________

10. _______________


Noun and Adjective Review

Buy Some Vacation Souvenirs to Take Home to Your Friends! List adjective/noun pairs for at least ten letters of the alphabet to identify souvenirs you might purchase on a Hawaiian vacation. (Examples: bamboo baskets, fantastic films)

Super Souvenirs Adjectives Nouns

A _________________________ _________________________

B Bamboo _________________ baskets

C _________________________ _________________________

D _________________________ _________________________

E _________________________ _________________________

F _________________________ _________________________

G _________________________ _________________________

H _________________________ _________________________

I _________________________ _________________________

J _________________________ _________________________

K _________________________ _________________________

L _________________________ _________________________

M _________________________ _________________________

N _________________________ _________________________

O _________________________ _________________________

P _________________________ _________________________

Q _________________________ _________________________

R _________________________ _________________________

S _________________________ _________________________

T _________________________ _________________________

U _________________________ _________________________

V _________________________ _________________________

W _________________________ _________________________

X _________________________ _________________________

Y _________________________ _________________________

Z _________________________ _________________________

Based on: The Basics and Beyond; 1981, Goodyear Publishing Co, Inc



Think of all the words that might be used to describe each of the following. Banana Ocean Snow Sand Fish Seaweed Hot dog Spaghetti Jazz Rock-n-roll II. For each word below list at least 3 words meaning the same thing (synonyms). Big Beautiful Smooth Cold Loud House Car Chair Mistake Book Run Walk Use Help Eat Not Quickly Seldom Again neatly




Using Correct Pronoun Forms

Substitute the correct pronoun for the underlined word.

1. ________ I lent my car to Fred.

2. ________ I lent my car to Fred and Mary.

3. ________ I borrowed Kevin’s notes.

4. ________ Throw the Frisbee to Martha’s dog.

5. ________ The keys on this keyboard are sticking.

6. ________ The Johnsons are moving to Little Rock.

7. ________ We held a going-away party for the Johnson’s.

8. ________ The bike that belongs to you is underneath the wheel of my pickup truck.

9. ________ I sold more raffle tickets than Melanie did.

10. ________ The petals on this plant are wilting.

11. ________ This bagel is not the one that belongs to you.

12. ________ Your chrysanthemums are tall and golden, but my chrysanthemums are shriveled and brown.

13. ________ Your children are at camp this summer while our children are in police custody.

14. ________ Mrs. Klein and Mr. Verrioli attend different health spas.

15. ________ Giving Leroy a spanking will hurt Leroy more than it will hurt me.

16. ________ I ate more pickles than Katherine did.

17. ________ Mona sat between John and me.

18. ________ Ms. Bowen and Mr. Arnold attended different workshops.


Complete each sentence with appropriate pronoun.

1. When a student attends a local college, __________ can live quietly and inexpensively at home.

2. Students living in the dormitories must vacate ___________ rooms during spring break.

3. An oak tree is just a nut that held __________ ground.

4. When a woman joins the Marines, __________should not expect special treatment.

5. Nobody on the rugby team is working to __________ ability.

6. In earlier days, the local drug store was different from the ones we have today.

__________ usually stood in the center of town and served as a meeting place for people.

7. Each of the women recited __________ story.

8. Neither one of the men could make up __________ mind.

9. Sarah is a person who sticks to __________ principles.

10. Anyone who thinks wrestling is a legitimate sport must be out of __________


11. Shakespeare left his second-best bed to __________ wife.

12. The umbrella originated in Mesopotamia 3,400 years ago; __________ offered

protection not from the rain but from the sun.

13. Each woman at the workshop described __________ project.

14. Most of the voters placed __________ ballots in the wastebasket.

15. Neither one of the boys could remember __________ address.


Verbs and Adverbs

Enter a vacation advertising contest! Win a free scuba diving lesson by creating and writing your own advertisement explain why divers should use King Scuba diving equipment. Include three verbs and three adverbs in your ad, and list the verbs and adverbs you use under the ad. You may select some words from the list below, or use your own.

Verbs Adverbs dive swim very often

explore enjoy most easily discover learn surely certainly

Official Contest Entry Form


“The Most Respected Name in Diving Equipment”







*Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

Verbs Adverbs

1. ____________ 1. ____________

2. ____________ 2. ____________

3.____________ 3.____________

Based on: The Basics and Beyond; 1981, Goodyear Publishing Co, Inc



Circle the verb(s) in each sentence. 1. The initial stage of production cannot be done with machines and still requires

manual work.

2. I will submit my research paper to my teacher and hope for a good grade.

3. She kept her wedding dress and veil in a garment bag in the closet.

4. The award ceremony will take place on Tuesday.

5. John’s dad puts a priority on spending time with his kids.

6. Florida’s voting system endured intense scrutiny after the 2000 election, including a

recount and protests that went all the way to the Supreme Court.

7. His verse, tranquil and beautiful, shows the growing emphasis on style and form.

8. Adult elephants consume massive amounts of food and water daily.

9. Some observers worried the words of support might not translate into action.

10. His comments were not pertinent to the subject we were discussing.

11. Endurance is more important to a marathon runner than speed.

12. He is passive and does not contribute in any way.

13. Our landlord had to eject our neighbors for not paying their rent on time.

14. The government of Jordan is a constitutional monarchy.

15. Japan’s oppressive rule of the Korean peninsula early last century still casts a dark

cloud over relations.

Name _________________________ Date _________________


Prepositional Phrases

DIRECTIONS: Put parentheses around each prepositional phrase. Then underline each preposition,

and circle the object of the preposition.

1. The airplane was flying (above the clouds).

2. We are moving to North Carolina.

3. Sandra lives on the second block.

4. An old water tower once stood on that hill.

5. The car slid on the wet pavement.

6. Sealing wax was invented in the seventeenth century.

7. Motto rings were first used by the Romans.

8. Tungsten, a metal, was discovered in 1781.

9. Roses originally came from Asia.

10. The ball rolled into the street.

11. Do you always keep the puppies in a pen?

12. The children climbed over the fence.

13. She lives in Denver.

14. Columbus made three trips to America.

15. They spread the lunch under the shade of the giant elm tree.

16. The treasure was found by a skin diver.

17. A squad of soldiers marched behind the tank.

18. Shall I row across the stream?

19. Large airplanes fly across the nation.

20. Walter looked into the sack.

21. The cat ran up the pole.

22. The pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620.

23. Many tourists come to our state.

24. We spent last summer in the Adirondacks.

25. Do not stand behind a parked car.





DIRECTIONS: Cross out any prepositional phrases. Underline the subject once and the verb/verb

phrase twice.

1. John walked along the trail during the summer.

2. In one cage, we saw a huge bird from the jungles of Brazil.

3. A rose bush with sharp thorns grew inside our fence.

4. She divided the candy among the children at the party.

5. The boys will go across the street, through the alley, and into the park.

6. Beyond that hill is a house without a roof.

7. Near that city and past a mountain is a pot of gold for you.

8. Along the muddy road and against the rain, the lady walked underneath an umbrella.

9. Above the third shelf, you will find books about Abe Lincoln and concerning other aspects

of American history.

10. In the middle of the party, the lady dashed out the door without her coat.

11. Beneath the tree slumbered an old man with his dog.

12. The lad darted beyond his mother’s reach during the game.

13. Walk past the gate and through the door to find a beautiful room without furniture.

14. The dessert was stored in the refrigerator until the end of the meal.

15. Behind me sat a clown with his balloons and lollipops.



Circle the subject in each sentence. 1. Most father penguins lose about 25 pounds while they wait for their babies to hatch.

2. She is a great cook and served a delicious trifle to us.

3. Anti-nuclear sentiment runs high throughout Japan, which has pledged neither to build nor possess atomic weapons.

4. Kent was able to compose himself before he went to the principal’s office.

5. The large vehicle is mostly used for military transport.

6. The White House has threatened to veto the bill if it includes the provision.

7. We signed a contract agreeing to pay the company to install a pool in our backyard.

8. Volcanoes are described as active, dormant, or extinct.

9. Twenty-six species of marine mammals live in the sanctuary.

10. Hawaiians watched the lava ooze slowly down the sides of the volcano.

11. The villagers were afraid the volcano would erupt soon.

12. Mexico, the world’s fifth largest coffee producer, has initiated a campaign to increase global consumption and improve the quality of the coffee product.

13. The Australian golfer won the first major tournament he entered.

14. He wrote a total of 18 plays, as well as 32 works of prose and poetry.

15. A spinal cord injury can cause paralysis or even death.

Sentence Worksheet #1


Circle the verb(s) in the sentences below. 1. Betsy plays the piano.

2. A civil engineer earns a good salary.

3. My sister is jumping rope.

4. Sally waited in the rain for an hour.

5. She trusted Jean to show up.

6. I called her apartment, but she had gone.

7. The mail will be late today.

8. He had given me perfect instructions for getting to the lake.

9. The Dean told her that she would graduate next year.

10. I am curious about the history of slavery in this country.

Circle the subject(s) in the sentences below. 1. An American elephant does not exist.

2. Judy’s notebook was in the trunk of the car.

3. I saw the light.

4. Cheese is available in Wisconsin.

5. The Trail Blazers are a championship team.

6. Alligators are fond of dating crocodiles.

7. I have a boat on the lake.

8. A message from my brain tells me it is spring.

9. I am going to invite hula dancers to my party.

10. The fire is blazing in the fireplace.


Simple Sentence Lesson 1A


1. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each sentence. 2. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 3. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. 4. In the blank to the left of the sentence, write the correct sentence formula for the

sentence. Choose the correct formula form your Formula Card. ______________________________________________________________

Example: __SV__ 0. The old dog was sleeping under the table.

______________________________________________________________ F S V


______ 1. The small boy walked quickly down the hill.

______ 2. The men and women were walking around.

______ 3. An old dog chased and bit the boy.

______ 4. The young boy ran across the field.

______ 5. The mother and sister came out of the house and comforted the boy.

______ 6. The neighbor called the dogcatcher and chased the dog.

______ 7. He and the older brother finally caught the dog.

______ 8. There are wet leaves and branches on the sidewalk.

______ 9. Los Angeles is located on the West Coast and has one of the busiest airports.

______ 10. Boldness and confidence are shown by heroes and often are needed in an emergency.


Simple Sentence 1B


1. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each sentence. 2. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 3. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. 4. In the blank to the left of the sentence, write the correct sentence formula for the

sentence. Choose the correct formula form your Formula Card. ______________________________________________________________

Example: __SV__ 0. The old dog was sleeping under the table.




______ 1. The teacher went to school early and left late.

______ 2. The young man and woman were married Saturday morning.

______ 3. The answers of the young woman surprised the members of the committee.

______ 4. John and Mike threw the football and caught it.

______ 5. Susan and Jeff went to the theater and ate candy.

______ 6. The mule jumped and kicked Brad.

______ 7. California has become famous for its mountains and its beaches.

______ 8. The friendly man and woman smiled at the young child.

______ 9. Amusement parks are scattered throughout the states and attract thousands of vacationers each year.

______ 10. There go Phil and Charles.


Simple Sentence Lesson 2A


1. Make each of the following into a simple sentence that matches the listed formula. 2. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each sentence. 3. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 4. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. ______________________________________________________________


(S VV) 0. The children jumpedjumpedjumpedjumped and and and and skippedskippedskippedskipped down the roaddown the roaddown the roaddown the road. ______________________________________________________________



(S VV) 1. Terry ________________________________ ___________________________________

(SS V) 2. The girl _____________________________ __________________________________

(S V) 3. The horse _____________________________ ___________________________________

(S VV) 4. Jerry ________________________________ ___________________________________

(S V) 5. The long lines at the amusement park __________ ___________________________________

(S V) 6. The firefighter’s bravery ___________________ ___________________________________

(SS VV) 7. Eric _________________________________ ___________________________________

(S V) 8. The forest _____________________________ ___________________________________

(SS V) 9. Lately, my cousin ________________________ ___________________________________

(S VV) 10. Suddenly, the alarm ______________________ ___________________________________


Simple Sentence Lesson 2B


1. Make each of the following into a simple sentence that matches the listed formula. 2. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each sentence. 3. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 4. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. ______________________________________________________________


(S VV) 0. The children jumpedjumpedjumpedjumped and and and and skippedskippedskippedskipped down the roaddown the roaddown the roaddown the road. ______________________________________________________________



(S VV) 1. Sharon _______________________________ ___________________________________

(S VV) 2. An orange ____________________________ __________________________________

(S V) 3. Tomorrow, we __________________________ ___________________________________

(SS V) 4. Amy ________________________________ ___________________________________

(S V) 5. New York _____________________________ ___________________________________

(S VV) 6. The pig ______________________________ ___________________________________

(S V) 7. Yesterday’s win _________________________ ___________________________________

(SS VV) 8. Hopefully, John _________________________ ___________________________________

(S V) 9. The garage ____________________________ ___________________________________

(SS V) 10. She _________________________________ ___________________________________


Simple Sentence Lesson 2C


1. Make each of the following into a simple sentence that matches the listed formula. 2. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each sentence. 3. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 4. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. ______________________________________________________________


(S VV) 0. The children jumpedjumpedjumpedjumped and and and and skippedskippedskippedskipped down the roaddown the roaddown the roaddown the road. ______________________________________________________________



(SS VV) 1. Later, Maria __________________________ __________________________________

(S VV) 2. My aunt _____________________________ __________________________________

(S V) 3. The night _____________________________ ___________________________________

(SS V) 4. Jose ________________________________ ___________________________________

(S V) 5. The river _____________________________ ___________________________________

(S VV) 6. Michael _____________________________ __________________________________

(S V) 7. Finally, truthfulness _____________________ __________________________________

(SS V) 8. Unexpectedly, the doorbell ________________ __________________________________

(S V) 9. The young spotted owl ___________________ __________________________________

(S VV) 10. A turtle _____________________________ __________________________________


What is a Sentence?

Directions: Read each group of words carefully. If the words form a complete sentence, write “C” in the blank and underline the subject(s) (one line) and the verb(s) (two lines). If the words do not form a complete sentence, write “I” in the blank. ____ 1. The fastest bike of all.

____ 2. My brother caught a three-pound trout.

____ 3. He sprang at the window.

____ 4. A bridge over troubled waters.

____ 5. The tire on my bike is flat again.

____ 6. He will play that song for us as an encore.

____ 7. Suspended gently in the sky.

____ 8. Jenny knows how to bake mango pie.

____ 9. Furthermore, the whole speech.

____ 10. The children pleaded for ice cream.

____ 11. The full moon is shining tonight.

____ 12. Those tomato plants should be stalked to the wall.

____ 13. Eating your lunch at school.

____ 14. Looking over his shoulder.

____ 15. All those boys.

____ 16. After the accident, he walked with a limp.

____ 17. Reaching the end of the song.

____ 18. The good life.

____ 19. Dinner will be ready at six o’clock.

____ 20. At last, I have finished this exercise.


Making Verbs Agree with their Subjects

Write, on the line, the correct form of the verb in parentheses (): ________ 1. Our ceiling leaks. Water (leak) onto the floor and loosens the tiles.

________ 2. Hillary runs like a gazelle. Her brother (run) like a three-legged musk ox.

________ 3. I care about her very much. She (care) about no one but herself.

________ 4. The Mobile station closes at midnight. The other stations never (close).

________ 5. This old watch keeps perfect time. I (keep) it on a silver chain.

________ 6. My sisters play musical instruments. My brother (play) the radio.

________ 7. Your excuse sounds familiar. It (sound) like the one you gave last week.

________ 8. This water tastes like crankcase fluid. You (taste) it and tell me what you think.

________ 9. Omar complains about everything. He even (complain) about the color of the rain.

________ 10. My drink consists of V-8 and grenadine. Your drink (consist) of tomato juice and Sprite.

________ 11. Felix criticizes everyone at work. He never (criticize) himself.

________ 12. I refuse to apologize to Leonard. He (refuse) to speak to me.


Making Have, Do, and Be Agree with their Subjects

In the blank space, write the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses ():

________ 1. I have an electric saxophone. My wife (have) a headache.

________ 2. I do my best to simplify things. Professor Legree (do) his best to make things complicated.

________ 3. There are strange lights in the sky. There (be) a spaceship flying around.

________ 4. What have the children been hiding in their rooms? Why (have) Rusty dug a deep hole in the garden?

________ 5. There is sugar on my hamburger. There (be) onions in my coffee.

________ 6. The children have an extra holiday. Why (have) the teachers gone on strike?

________ 7. When does Ronald return from work? (Do) we have enough time?

________ 8. Here are my lost socks. Now, where (be) my favorite tie?

________ 9. Why have you put papers on the floor? The cat and its kittens (have) a new litter box.

________ 10. There is a roach on the wedding cake. Where (be) all the guests?

________ 11. Two gray cats are sitting by our trash can. They (belong) to a neighbor.

________ 12. Paul is going to buy a bike. Which one (be) he going to buy?

________ 13. There (be) a lot of busy airports in the United States. Chicago and Atlanta have the busiest.

________ 14. The birthday boy is here. (Be) the ice cream and cake ready to be served?

________ 15. Our son just got his driver’s license. The scratches and dents on the car (be) definitely his fault.

________ 16. Susie cleaned the kitchen. I (do) the windows.

________ 17. I never go anywhere. Lois and Clark (have) one adventure after another.

________ 18. Murphy’s law says, “Anything that can go wrong will.” Sure enough, everything (have) gone wrong.

________ 19. Some people are particular about the way they dress. Black and white (be) the only colors Jermaine will wear.

________ 20. The jury came out with a verdict of guilty. There (be) no doubt that the witnesses (be) telling the truth.

Adapted from: Richard Nordquist, “Passages: A Beginning Writer’s Guide,” St. Martha’s, 1991


The Verb “To be”, Past Tense Circle the form of the verb “be” that best completes each sentence. 1. Jake’s parents knew his obsession with Star Trek (was, were) getting out of hand

when he insisted that they call him Mr. Spock.

2. At one time the strait separating Alaska from Russia (was, were) frozen and people migrated across it into North America.

3. We (was, were) aghast at the amount of food my uncle was able to eat.

4. People who reported at least one half hour of brick walking per week (was, were) half as likely to be overweight as those who didn’t take walks.

5. We (was, were) pretty sure that the cub had been separated from its mother for quite some time. It was ravenous when we bottle fed it.

6. When our team won the championship, we (was, were) all ecstatic.

7. With the way Jordan is constantly getting to all the meetings on time, you would think that he (was, were) omnipresent.

8. Her hearing impediment (was, were) diagnosed at a very early age, so she was able to learn to read lips and use sign language to communicate.

9. Despite losing by 200 votes, Mike said he (was, were) satisfied with his campaign.

10. Although Taylor (was, were) just a peon in the company, she hoped to work hard enough to get promoted into a more important job one day.

11. He (was, were) able to compensate for being short by making every basket he shot.

12. We (was, were) ecstatic after the degenerate moved out of our neighborhood and into a different part of the city.

13. We were pretty sure that it had been raining outside for quite some time. The newspaper (was, were) thoroughly soaked when we went out to get it.

14. Although she seemed very open to new ideas, most of her views (was, were) quite puritanical.

15. When Samuel regained his consciousness after the hard hit, he (was, were) a little dazed at first, but then remembered that he had been playing football.

16. We weren’t sure if the tome would look good on our small coffee table, but we (was, were) pleasantly surprised that the large dictionary looked great.

17. The appetizers (was, were) an excellent overture to the rest of the dinner.

18. After coming up short in the last boxing match, Dylan King (was, were) able to reclaim his title of State Champion.

19. I don’t think we are behind anybody, but I would be arrogant if I said we (was, were) significantly ahead.

20. We framed the pictures carefully, but I (was, were) entirely happy with the matte colors we chose for them.


The Verb “To be”, Present Tense

Circle the form of the verb “be” that best completes each sentence. 1. When talking about your family, it (is, are) wise to be discreet.

2. The image of Lincoln (is, are) on a penny.

3. The sun and stars (is, are) luminous bodies.

4. It (is, are) paramount that you decide which college you would like to attend before it is too late to apply for the upcoming semester.

5. The owners of the bicycle shop (is, are) very amiable and helpful with advice.

6. The matriarch of our family (is, are) going to be 100 years old in August.

7. Those clothes (is, are) not deemed appropriate for this type of event.

8. Our family’s matriarch (is, are) know for passing down her recipes to all of her daughters and granddaughters.

9. The United States, Britain, France, Russia and China (is, are) permanent Security Council members of the United Nations with veto power.

10. If you (is, are) the youngest in the family, sometimes you feel like a peon because your brothers and sisters get to do things that you don’t get to do.

11. If we (is, are) very frugal this year, we can afford to go on a cruise this summer.

12. The black running in front of me (is, are) a bad omen. I think I’ll stay inside today.

13. Our opposition (is, are) not much competition. We should be able to win the game without much effort.

14. When people (is, are) faced with adversity, it is good to have a family that can help them through it.

15. James’ short, and often very pointed, poems (is, are) excellent examples of the epigram form.

16. Noah’s ingenious plan to stop the littering problem in our city (is, are) one that is admired by many of his colleagues.

17. It (is, are) very difficult for my dad to be impartial when he referees my games.

18. Many prisoners (is, are) in favor of the scheme, hoping it may deliver them more lenient sentences.

19. They will arraign the young man this morning so we want to be at the courthouse early to hear what he (is, are) being accused of.

20. Much of the terrain is virtually impassable, and large areas (is, are) unexplored.


Subject/Verb Agreement

Please underline the subject in the following sentences and then provide the proper form of the verb. USE PRESENT TENSE!!! carry 1. Nobody I know __________ a gun.

work, take 2. My parents __________ two jobs while my grandmother _________ care of the children.

have 3. Most stores at the mall are __________ sales this weekend.

like 4. The guys behind the counter __________ to joke with their customers.

score 5. Two women on the team always __________ over 250.

hurt 6. The noise in the city streets sometimes __________ my ears.

live 7. One of my best friends now __________ in London.

be 8. The instructions for programming a VCR __________ confusing to many people.

be 9. Where __________ the keys to the car?

live 10. Underneath the big rock __________ hundreds of bugs.

be 11. There __________ seventeen people ahead of me in the line at the bank today.

do 12. Why __________ Gene always have to be right?

be 13. Inside each cardboard carton __________ a dozen boxes of Girl Scout Cookies.

There are more sentences on the next page.


go 14. “Everything in these three rooms ______,” Wanda told the movers.

work 15. Neither of the lights in the basement ______ .

respect 16. No one ______ a poor loser.

appear 17. Each of the fires ______ to have been set by the same arsonist.

know 18. Everybody in my apartment building ______ when someone is having a party.

stay 19. Our cats and dog ______ with a neighbor when we are on vacation.

hold 20. Staples and Scotch tape ______ all the old books in the BC library together.

require 21. My accounting class and my statistics class ______ long written reports.

like 22. Nobody ______ to be laughed at.

appear 23. The buffet chicken and the lasagna ______ to be less than appetizing.

plan 24. All the teachers except one ______ to give final exams.

give 25. The two lamps beside the couch ______ little light.


Subject/Verb Agreement

Find the verbs that are wrong and write the correct present tense form on the line. If the sentence is correct, put “C” on the line.

1. ______________ Commercials on television celebrate youth.

2. ______________ Commercials make us afraid of growing old.

3. ______________ One of these commercials tell us to think young.

4. ______________ Another commercial invite us to “Join the Pepsi generation.”

5. ______________ Teenage actors on the screen sell soft drinks and jeans.

6. ______________ Little children promote cereals and candy.

7. ______________ Young people in commercials act like adults.

8. ______________ The advertisers appeal to our vanity.

9. ______________ The advertisers play on our fears.

10. ______________ A soap commercial promise “younger looking skin.”

11. ______________ A commercial for hair dye products tell us to “wash away the gray.”

12. ______________ There be an ad for a little yellow pill.

13. ______________ Meanwhile, we still grow older, but not wiser.


Subject/Verb Agreement Problems

Make all the verbs agree with their subjects. (If changes are needed, change verbs not subjects. Two verbs may need to be changed in a sentence.) 1. The members of the public speaking club gathers in the students center every


2. The fast-food wrappers in the back seat of Matt’s car reveal his eating habits over the past few weeks.

3. The green Lincoln parked by the azaleas are large and expensive, much like Uncle Ed’s other cars.

4. The hungry dogs behind the fence snaps greedily at the bowls of moistened food.

5. Almost in slow motion, a stack of chairs begin to tumble to the floor.

6. In Denise’s dreams, a large computer with sharp teeth start to chase her around the living room.

7. The coaches of the home team watches in dismay as the other team score effortlessly.

8. The shells that we found on the beach yesterday look pretty in the jar beside the window.

9. The dog, which bears a strange resemblance to its owners, lives across the street.

10. The hawk, making a third unsuccessful dive at its prey, cry out in frustration.

11. The dog, always a little shy and uncertain, have developed a reluctance to venture from the house.


Indefinite Pronouns

The indefinite pronouns listed below are considered singular. Add an –s to the verb in the present tense if one of these words is the subject. nobody anybody everybody somebody each one no one anyone everyone someone either nothing anything everything something neither No one claims to be perfect.

Everybody plays the fool sometimes.

Each of the divers has an oxygen tank. In the blank space in front of the sentences, write the correct form of the verb which is in parentheses ():

1. ____________ Both candidates support increased defense spending. Neither of the two candidates (support) gun control.

2. ____________ Everybody wants to take classes in the morning. Nobody (want) classes in the afternoon.

3. ____________ Everyone claims he was sleeping. No one in either apartment (claim) to have heard the cries for help.

4. ____________ Both the manager and her assistant have been fired. Neither the manager nor her assistant (have) been notified.

5. ____________ Everyone has an essay to write. Nobody in the class (have) time to attend the lecture.

6. ____________ The animal acts are not the main attraction at the circus. The main attraction at the circus (be) the clowns.

7. ____________ Not one of those books belongs to me. One of these books (belong) to Amy.

8. ____________ Everything you do seems to work out perfectly. Nothing I do ever (seem) to work out at all.

9. ____________ All of the doors need to be painted. Every one of the windows (need) to be washed.

There are more sentences on the next page.


10. ____________ Those two science projects in the refrigerator are turning green. One of the projects (be) beginning to breathe.

11. ____________ The president, after a meeting with his advisors, goes to the billiard parlor to relax. Either his secretary or his masseuse (go) with him.

12. ____________ There are many interesting people living in my neighborhood. One of the most eccentric (be) Sasha Hightest.

13. ____________ Twenty teams from different schools meet once a year. These teams from all over the country (meet) in the Junior College World Series.

14. ____________ Each player admits that somebody made a mistake. Neither of the players (admit) that he made the error.

15. ____________ Gus and Merdine want a trial separation. Neither one (want) to move out of the trailer.


Irregular Verbs

Here is a list of some common irregular verbs. You can also find the principal parts of irregular verbs in an English Dictionary.

Root Form -S Form Past Form Present Participle

Past Participle

B become begin bite blow break bring build buy

becomes begins bites blows breaks brings builds buys

became began bit blew broke brought built bought

becoming beginning biting blowing breaking bringing building buying

become begun bitten blown broken brought built bought

C catch choose come cost cut

catches chooses comes costs cuts

caught chose came cost cut

catching choosing coming costing cutting

caught chose come cost cut

D do draw drink drive

does draws drinks drives

did drew drank drove

doing drawing drinking driving

done drawn drunk driven

E eat Eats ate eating eaten

F fall feed feel fight find fly forget forgive

falls feeds feels fights finds flies forgets forgives

fell fed felt fought found flew forgot forgave

falling feeding feeling fighting finding flying forgetting forgiving

fallen fed felt fought found flown forgotten forgiven

G get give go grow

gets gives goes grows

got gave went grew

getting giving going growing

gotten given gone grown

H have hear hide hit hold hurt

has hears hides hits holds hurts

had heard hid hit held hurt

having hearing hiding hitting holding hurting

had heard hidden hit held hurt


Root Form -s Form Past Form Present Participle

Past Participle

K keep know

keeps knows

kept knew

keeping knowing

kept known

L lay leave lend let lie lose

lays leaves lends lets lies loses

laid left lent let lay lost

laying leaving lending letting lying losing

laid left lend let lain lost

M make mean meet

makes means meets

made meant met

making meaning meeting

made meant met

P pay put

pays puts

paid put

paying putting

paid put

Q quit Quits quit quitting quit

R read ride ring rise run

reads rides rings rises runs

read rode rang rose ran

reading riding ringing rising running

read ridden rung risen run

S say see sell send set shut sing sit sleep speak spend steal

says sees sells sends sets shuts sings sits sleeps speaks spends steals

said saw sold sent set shut sang sat slept spoke spent stole

saying seeing selling sending setting shutting singing sitting sleeping speaking spending stealing

said seen sold sent set shut sung sat slept spoken spent stolen

T take teach tear tell think throw

takes teaches tears tells thinks throws

took taught tore told thought threw

taking teaching tearing telling thinking throwing

taken taught torn told thought thrown

U understand Understands understood understanding understood

W wake wear win write

wakes wears wins writes

woke wore won wrote

waking wearing winning writing

woken worn won written


Principal Parts of Verbs

Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Infinitive (base form of


Present Tense

(3rd person singular)

Past Tense (-d or –ed)

Present Participle (-ing ending with helping verb: has, am,

is, are)

Past Participle

have, has, had, am, is, are, was,


to ask Asks asked asking asked

to drop Drops dropped dropping dropped

Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs

(Please fill in the boxes, looking the verbs up in your dictionary.)

Infinitive (base form or


Present Tense

(3rd person singular)

Past Tense (-d or –ed)

Present Participle

(-ing word with helping verb: has, am, is, are)

Past Participle

have, has, had, am, is, are, was,


to become

to begin

to blow

to break

to bring

to catch

to choose

to cut

There is more on the next page.


Infinitive (base form or


Present Tense

(3rd person singular)

Past Tense (-d or –ed)

Present Participle

(-ing word with helping verb: has, am, is, are)

Past Participle

have, has, had, am, is, are, was,


to drink

to drive

to eat

to fall

to feel

to find

to freeze

to get

to go

to hide

to know

to lay

to leave

to lend

to lie (tell untruth

to lie (on a bed)

to lose

to make

to read

to ride

There is more on the next page.


Infinitive (base form or


Present Tense

(3rd person singular)

Past Tense (-d or –ed)

Present Participle

(-ing word with helping verb: has, am, is, are)

Past Participle

have, has, had, am, is, are, was,


to rise

to sell

to set

to sew

to shake

to sit

to sleep

to shave

to spend

to swim

to take

to teach

to tell

to think

to throw

to wear

to win

to write


Present and Past Tenses: Irregular Verbs

Most verbs are regular verbs, which means we add -d or -ed to them to form the past tense. Verbs that do not add -d or -ed to form the past tense are called irregular verbs. Use your dictionary to find the past tense of irregular verbs or consult the chart of irregular verbs.

Exercise 1A All of the verbs in the following sentences are past tense forms of irregular verbs. Underline the verbs. Identify the subject pronoun and write the present tense forms of the verbs on the blank lines to the right.

EXAMPLE: Ricardo and his father rose early. _riseriseriserise____

1. Ricardo and his father drove to the lake cabin together. __________

2. The next morning they saw a bright frost on the grass. __________

3. The sweet smell of coffee came from the kitchen. __________

4. After a breakfast of fruit and pancakes, they took a boat out on

the lake. __________

5. Ricardo held tightly to the fishing pole. __________

6. He threw the line far out into the water. __________

7. Suddenly the rod bent in his hands. __________

8. A large trout hung on his hook. __________

9. He brought the large trout into the boat. __________

10. Ricardo and his father caught several fish that day. __________


Exercise 2B All of the verbs in the following sentences are present tense forms of irregular verbs. Underline the verbs. Write the past tense forms of the verbs on the blank lines at the right.

EXAMPLE: The convention begins on Thursday. __began__

1. Jugglers meet once a year at an international convention. __________

2. They come from all age groups and many occupations. __________

3. Each performer gives a demonstration of a specialty. __________

4. Everyone makes a unique presentation. __________

5. These artists throw just about everything from cigar boxes to

bean bags up in the air. __________

6. Some people ride unicycles during their performances __________

7. One man even eats parts of an apple and a cucumber in his act. __________

8. The experts have their names in the Guinness Book of World

Records. __________

9. An Italian man holds one of the first such records: ten balls or

eight plates in motion at once. __________

10. Jugglers, amateur or professional, keep things on the move. __________


Coordinating Conjunctions FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) Coordinating Conjunctions Meanings Examples For shows reason. I attend culinary school, for I

enjoy cooking. And shows addition. He likes to read, and he likes to

write. Nor adds a negative. I don’t like beef, nor do I like

pork. But shows opposition. She wants to go the movies, but

she has to work. Or shows alternative. I will go skiing this winter, or I

will go hiking. Yet shows exception. I want to buy a car, yet I cannot

save money. So shows a result. I will study for the POW Exam, so

I can pass the class.


Conjunctive Adverbs

Coordinating conjunctions are meant to join two clauses, not start sentences. Instead of starting sentences with “and”, “but”, “yet”, or “so”, try substituting the coordinating conjunction with the corresponding conjunctive adverb. Example 1: Instead of:

I want to buy a house. So I am saving my money. Write:

I want to buy a house. As a result, I am saving my money. Example 2: Instead of:

My favorite amusement park is Disneyland. But it is expensive. Write:

My favorite amusement park is Disneyland; however, it is expensive.

Coordinating Conjunctions Corresponding Conjunctive Adverbs


Furthermore Moreover In addition In fact Indeed


However Nevertheless Nonetheless


Consequently Therefore As a result


Conjunctive Adverbs


Conjunctive Adverbs cont.


Pre-Writing Techniques

Prewriting is a name for the activities you do to help you organize your thinking before you begin to write. Effective prewriting will ALWAYS result in a superior written product. Different prewriting methods work for different people, so please experiment with prewriting until you find which techniques bring out your best ideas. Some common prewriting activities are: 1. Freewriting – continuous non-stop writing on any topic for a period of time; it is a

completely unedited writing warm-up activity.

2. Brainstorming – making a list of everything you know about a particular topic;

focused words/phrases that pop into your mind are listed in random order.

3. Doodle pictures of all ideas you have related to a particular topic.

4. Draw a “web” or “cluster” using words that come into your mind when you think

about a key word; it may also be used to organize brainstorming ideas.

5. Build “cognitive towers” using the topic and all related ideas; this is especially useful

for organizing brainstorming ideas.

6. Make an outline of your brainstorming; headings and subheadings help organize

brainstorming ideas.

Discussing the topic with someone, exchanging ideas, or simply thinking about the topic while you do some other task (for example, think about the topic while cleaning the house or washing the dishes) are additional prewriting techniques.

• In this writing class, you are encouraged to do #1 as a warm-up activity, but it does

not get turned in.

• In this writing class, you are first required to choose either #2, 3, or 4 as an idea

generating activity.

• In this writing class, you are then required to choose either #4, 5, or 6 as an idea-

organizing activity.

• In this writing class, an idea generating activity AND an idea organizing activity, a

rough draft AND a final copy are ALL REQUIRED for each paragraph packet

submitted for grading.


Transitions Chart

Size Sequences The largest The next largest The smallest

Larger than equal to Smaller than

The smallest The next smallest The largest

The small sized The medium sized The large sized

Time Sequences

First Then Next At last

Now Soon Then Later

At the beginning In the middle At the end

Before During or Meantime Meanwhile After or Afterwards

By this time At the same time At that instant

First Second Third Finally

In the morning Before noon in the afternoon in the evening

Yesterday Today Tomorrow The day will come

The first The next most recent The most recent

In the past In the present In the future

The next day Two weeks later Six months later

This year Next year In the next few years

The earliest The next earliest The most recent

Spatial Sequences or Places

Behind Over Under Below Beneath Low down On the bottom On the corner

On the edge Toward Throughout To the right of To the left of On top of At the top By

Beside Around Near Side by side Close to Next to Down Up

In front Facing In back of In the center Inside Outside At the end of Between

West of East of North of South of At the In On Above

High Against Alongside Ahead of Here There Beyond Farther on

Importance Sequences The best The next best The least best

The most important The next most important The least important

The first More important Most important

The best The next best The worst

Chain-Link Sequences On the one hand On the other hand Again Besides

One example of Another example of A further example of For example

In the first place In the second place In the third place

Also Too So Since Is Because Still While Yet Instead Although

One Another Still another A further Furthermore The last

The opposite of _ is _ On the contrary

In addition In the same way In fact

However Nevertheless

Similar to _ is _ Another similar _is _ A dissimilar _is_

Concluding Transitions To conclude In conclusion

In summary In sum

To summarize Thus

As you can see As a result Finally


The Three Kinds of Transition Signals Punctuation with coordinating conjunctions: Punctuation with subordinating conjunctions: Punctuation with conjunctive adverbs and phrases: Coordinating

Conjunction Subordinating Conjunction

Conjunctive Adverbs and Phrases


and also in addition besides moreover


or nor

Cause and Result

so for

because since

therefore consequently as a result for this reason


but yet

although though even though, while

however on the other hand nevertheless, nonetheless

Restatement in other words

More Specific

in fact indeed


If unless as long as



when, whenever while, as after, before since until

today, yesterday, etc. last…, next… then first, second, third, etc.


where wherever


in order that so that

in order to


as if as though


Tiger Cops

Paragraph Writing Checklist As you write your paragraphs, always use this checklist. Be sure to go back and read each sentence that your write! Ask yourself these questions:

1. Do I have a topic sentence that tells what the main

idea of the paragraph is?

2. Did I indent the first sentence of the paragraph?

3. Are all sentences complete with a subject and a verb?

Go back and read each sentence to check!

4. Does each noun agree in number with its verb?

Examples: the dog and cat are (not the dog and cat is),

she plays (hot she play), we write (not we writes).

5. Do all of the sentences relate to the topic? Are all

supporting details about the topic?

6. Does each sentence being with a capital letter?

7. Is the overall appearance of the paragraph neat?

8. Does each sentence have the correct end punctuation?

9. Is the last sentence a summary or “clincher”


An easy way to remember each checkpoint is to think of the words TIGER COPS. T = Topic Sentence I = Indent first sentence G = Go back and read each sentence; make sure it is complete E = Each noun agrees in number with its verb R = Related supporting details only C = Capitalize the beginning word of each sentence O = Overall appearance is neat P = Punctuate each sentence S = Summary sentence is last


Peer Editing for Writing Assignment

Reader’s name: ______________________________ Writer’s name: _______________________________ Instructor’s initials:________ Read your classmate’s paragraph SEVERAL times while answering the following questions. Share your impressions with your classmate. 1. Is the topic sentence a complete sentence and not a title? Does it state the main idea

of the paragraph?

2. Does the body of the paragraph discuss what the topic sentence dictates?

3. Are there specific details, descriptions, and/or examples in the body to support the

topic statement?

4. Is it clearly written? What about the paragraph is confusing to you? Write any

questions you have in the margin of your classmate’s paper.

5. Is there a clincher sentence? Is it the last sentence in the paragraph? Does it restate

the topic sentence or sum up the paragraph without adding new details?

6. What do you like best about the paragraph? Tell your classmates, and write your

answer below.


Peer Editing for Writing Assignment Reader’s name: ______________________________ Writer’s name: _______________________________ Instructor’s initials: ______ Read your classmate’s paragraph SEVERAL times while answering the following questions. Share your impressions with your classmate.

1. Is the topic sentence a complete sentence and not a title? Does it state the main idea of the paragraph?

2. Does the body of the paragraph discuss what the topic sentence dictates?

3. Are there specific details, descriptions, and/or examples in the body to support the topic statement?

4. Is it clearly written? What about the paragraph is confusing to you? Write any questions you have in the margin of your classmate’s paper.

5. Is there a clincher sentence? Is it the last sentence in the paragraph? Does it restate the topic sentence or sum up the paragraph without adding new details?

6. What do you like best about the paragraph? Tell your classmates, and write your answer below.



1. Highlight every other sentence.

2. Circle the first word in every sentence (checking for fragments)

a. Look for prepositions D, I b. NO!!!!! Fanboys c. Dependent words (Subordinating conjunctions) D, I or ID (No

comma) d. “ing” words D, I

3. Check for run-ons

a. Pronouns in the middle of sentence (it, he, she, we, they, I) (her dog, his ball…)

4. Check mark all commas and semi-colons and check comma rules and

comma splices

5. Look at all verbs to check tense, subject-verb agreement, and form

6. Look for contractions

7. Look for “there is, there are, there was, and there were at the beginning and middle of sentence Verb-Subject”

8. Look for ,and ,but (comma?)

9. Look for apostrophes (why?)


ACDV B68 Name Date/Time Writers: ask yourselves 1. Have I said enough, or is there more I should write?

2. Have I said too much?

Does my paper concentrate on describing one thing, scene, person, or object, or does

it try to describe too much?)

3. Does my pa per have a plan, or does it jump around and confuse my reader?

4. Have I given concrete, specific details so that my reader can “see” what or who I am


5. Are my verbs strong and descriptive?

Writers: ask someone in the class to read your paper.

Readers: answer the following questions:

1. Concentrate on visualizing what the author is describing. Where does the writer effective show rather than tell by using specific, concrete details and/or strong verbs?

2. Where did you want to know more? 3. What is the plan of the paper?


Sentence Breakdown

Write the first 4 words in each sentence

Verb(s) in each sentence

Subjects(s) in each sentence

Number of words in each


















Write the first 4 words in each sentence

Verb(s) in each sentence

Subjects(s) in each sentence

Number of words in each












*If you wrote more than this, it is WAY too long! Please work on writing within the word count guidelines!


ACDV B68 Name


Paragraph Correction Form

Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction Example: II. D. Comma splice

The lunch was delicious, I can still taste it.

The lunch was delicious, and I can still taste it.


Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction


ACDV B68 Name


Paragraph Correction Form

Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction Example: II. D. Comma splice

The lunch was delicious, I can still taste it.

The lunch was delicious, and I can still taste it.


Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction


ACDV B68 Name


Practice POW Correction Form

POW #’s ________________

Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction Example: II. D. Comma splice

The lunch was delicious, I can still taste it.

The lunch was delicious, and I can still taste it.


Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction


ACDV B68 Name


Practice POW Correction Form

POW #’s ________________

Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction Example: II. D. Comma splice

The lunch was delicious, I can still taste it.

The lunch was delicious, and I can still taste it.


Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction


ACDV B68 Name


Practice POW Correction Form

POW #’s ________________

Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction Example: II. D. Comma splice

The lunch was delicious, I can still taste it.

The lunch was delicious, and I can still taste it.


Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction


ACDV B68 Name


Practice POW Correction Form

POW #’s ________________

Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction Example: II. D. Comma splice

The lunch was delicious, I can still taste it.

The lunch was delicious, and I can still taste it.


Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction


ACDV B68 Name


POW Correction Form

POW #’s ________________

Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction Example: II. D. Comma splice

The lunch was delicious, I can still taste it.

The lunch was delicious, and I can still taste it.


Type of Error Incorrect sentence or sentences Correction


Compound Sentence Lesson 1A


1. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each sentence. 2. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 3. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. 4. In the blank to the left of the sentence, write the correct sentence formula for the

sentence. Choose the correct formula form your Formula Card. ______________________________________________________________

Example: __I,cI__ 0. We went to the park, and the children played on the slides.

______________________________________________________________ F S V


______ 1. The hail was falling, and the wind was blowing.

______ 2. Nothing could be done; the freezing wind had frozen the door shut.

______ 3. Sam got a shovel; Mark grabbed a metal pole.

______ 4. The men hit the ice, but it would not break.

______ 5. Finally, Jim built a fire near the door, so the ice would melt.

______ 6. The pair had to get inside the cabin, or they would freeze to death.

______ 7. They were shaking; the temperature was 10° below zero.

______ 8. Jim could not move his fingers, nor could he feel his toes.

______ 9. Sam forced the door open, and they dashed inside.

______ 10. Then they built a fire in the fireplace, for now it was time to warm up.


Compound Sentence 1B


1. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each sentence. 2. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 3. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. 4. In the blank to the left of the sentence, write the correct sentence formula for the

sentence. Choose the correct formula form your Formula Card. ______________________________________________________________

Example: __I, cI__ 0. We went to the park, and the children played on the slides.




______ 1. Sam and Nick went for a hike; it was a lovely spring morning.

______ 2. The sun was shining, and the sky was clear.

______ 3. The men soon were lost, for they had forgotten the compass.

______ 4. Sam seemed afraid, but Nick showed courage.

______ 5. The hikers climbed to the mountaintop, so they could see clearly and could get their directions.

______ 6. Sam prepared the food; Nick started the fire.

______ 7. The climbers were starving, yet they stored some supplies for the next day.

______ 8. The couple climbed the mountain; the sun was low to the sky.

______ 9. Soon they found the trail; it was hidden in the underbrush.

______ 10. The hikers got home at dusk, for their adventure had taken all day.


Compound Sentence Lesson 2A


1. Complete each of the following sentences to make a compound sentence by adding an independent clause. Match your sentence to the listed formula, and use the conjunction in parentheses if one is required. Be sure to include a comma or semicolon in each sentence.

2. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure to the clause you have added to the sentence.

3. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 4. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. ______________________________________________________________

Example: I, cI 0. We could not pick the apples, nor could we pick the oranges.

(nor) ______________________________________________________________


Formulas & Conjunctions

I,cI (and)

1. Janice rode her bicycle to work ______________ __________________________________

I;I 2. Jeff wanted to leave later __________________ __________________________________

I,cI (yet)

3. She talked to him about coming to the picnic _____ __________________________________

I,cI (for)

4. The baseball field was ruined _______________ __________________________________

I,cI (nor)

5. Luis did not finish his homework ____________ __________________________________


Compound Sentence Lesson 2B


1. Complete each of the following sentences to make a compound sentence by adding an independent clause. Match your sentence to the listed formula, and use the conjunction in parentheses if one is required. Be sure to include a comma or semicolon in each sentence.

2. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure to the clause you have added to the sentence.

3. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 4. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. ______________________________________________________________

Example: I, c I 0. We could not pick the apples, nor could we pick the oranges.

(nor) ______________________________________________________________


Formulas & Conjunctions

I,cI (and)

1. Josh rose at 6:30 A.M. to finish his homework __ _________________________________

I,cI (for)

2. Alicia and Daniel ignored Martha’s warning ____ _________________________________

I,cI (or)

3. They must leave now ___________________ _________________________________

I,cI (nor)

4. The child did not laugh __________________ _________________________________

I;I 5. Unemployment was declining _____________ _________________________________


Compound Sentence Lesson 2C


1. Complete each of the following sentences to make a compound sentence by adding an independent clause. Match your sentence to the listed formula, and use the conjunction in parentheses if one is required. Be sure to include a comma or semicolon in each sentence.

2. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure to the clause you have added to the sentence.

3. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 4. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. ______________________________________________________________

Example: I, cI 0. We could not pick the apples, nor could we pick the oranges.

(nor) ______________________________________________________________


Formulas & Conjunctions

I,cI (but)

1. They started to go to the movies _______________ ____________________________________

I;I 2. The sky looked cloudy ______________________ ____________________________________

I,cI (for)

3. Vinnie could not take the boys to the museum _____ ____________________________________

I,cI (and)

4. Jake was winning _________________________ ____________________________________

I,cI (or)

5. The experiment must be completed today ________ ____________________________________

I,cI (nor)

6. The president will not meet with us _____________ ____________________________________

I,cI (yet)

7. She looked all around ______________________ ____________________________________

I;I 8. Bob and Angie want to wait at the park __________ ____________________________________

I,cI (so)

9. The college will be closed Sunday ______________ ____________________________________

I;I 10. The horn honked _________________________ ____________________________________


Compound Sentence Lesson 2D


1. Complete each of the following sentences to make a compound sentence by adding an independent clause. Match your sentence to the listed formula, and use the conjunction in parentheses if one is required. Be sure to include a comma or semicolon in each sentence.

2. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure to the clause you have added to the sentence.

3. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 4. Underline the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. ______________________________________________________________

Example: I, cI 0. We could not pick the apples, nor could we pick the oranges.

(nor) ______________________________________________________________


Formulas & Conjunctions

I,cI (and)

1. A team of doctors went to Russia ______________ ____________________________________

I,cI (for)

2. The theatre was filled to capacity ______________ ____________________________________

I;I 3. Efficient studying and active listening are important _ ____________________________________

I,cI (nor)

4. Lois did not want to dance ___________________ ____________________________________

I,cI (so)

5. We have enough time for a swim ______________ ____________________________________

I;I 6. The stereo cost $100 to repair _________________ ____________________________________

I,cI (or)

7. You should give her that pen _________________ ____________________________________

I,cI (but)

8. Jesse gets his new scooter on Monday ___________ ____________________________________

I,cI (yet)

9. The dress seemed to fit _____________________ ____________________________________

I;I 10. The hospital asked for blood donors ____________ ____________________________________


Compound Sentence Lesson 3A

Instructions: 1. For the first eight sentences, write a compound sentence to match the

listed formulas. Include the conjunction in parentheses if one is required. Remember to punctuate each sentence correctly.

2. For the last two sentences, choose a formula for a compound sentence from your Formula Card. Write the formula on the blank to the left of the sentence. Write a sentence that matches the formula you have chosen.

3. Be sure to check each sentence using the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure.


Formulas & Conjunctions

I,cI (for)

1. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (but)

2. _________________________________ _________________________________


3. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (and)

4. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (so)

5. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (yet)

6. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (or)

7. _________________________________ _________________________________


8. _________________________________ _________________________________

______ 9. _________________________________ _________________________________

______ 10. _________________________________ _________________________________



I,cI (and)

0. The checkered flag was lowered, and the crowd roared.



Compound Sentence Lesson 3B

Instructions: 1. For the first eight sentences, write a compound sentence to match the

listed formulas. Include the conjunction in parentheses if one is required. Remember to punctuate each sentence correctly.

2. For the last two sentences, choose a formula for a compound sentence from your Formula Card. Write the formula on the blank to the left of the sentence. Write a sentence that matches the formula you have chosen.

3. Be sure to check each sentence using the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure.

_______________________________________________________ Example:

I,cI (and)

0. The checkered flag was lowered, and the crowd roared.



Formulas & Conjunctions

I,cI (yet)

1. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (nor)

2. _________________________________ _________________________________


3. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (but)

4. _________________________________ _________________________________


5. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (for)

6. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (and)

7. _________________________________ _________________________________

I,cI (so)

8. _________________________________ _________________________________

______ 9. _________________________________ _________________________________

______ 10. _________________________________ _________________________________


Compound Sentences or Not?

Formula 1. Juan is good at math and writes well, too.

2. Juan is good at math, and he writes well, too.

3. Susan is very attractive, but she sees herself as ugly.

4. Susan is really very attractive but doesn’t think so.

5. The night air was foggy and chilly.

6. The night air was foggy, and it was chilly.

7. Ross is excited about going to college and is applying to several places.

8. Ross is excited about going to college, and he is applying to several places.


Confusing Words

These words are used all the time, so you need to know them. Find the ones that give you trouble and learn those. a Use before words starting with consonant sounds or long u (a bat, a cat, a union)

an Use before words starting with vowels or pronounced as if they did (an age, an egg, an hour, an M&M)

accept To take, to receive : I gladly accept your praise.

except Not including: Everyone except Noah voted yes.

affect To change or influence: Starlight affects us in ways we don’t understand.

effect The result, the consequence; Effect is usually a noun, so you’ll find the or an in front. We are studying the effects of starlight on human beings.

etc. Abbreviation of et cetera, which means “and so forth” in Latin. The t is in the middle, the c is at the end, followed by a period. Don’t write “and etc.” We bought confetti, serpentine, fireworks, etc., for the party.

good, well Test by trying your sentence with both. If well fits, use it. He plays third base well. He is a good third baseman.

it’s It is. Test by substituting it is. It’s easy.

its Possessive: Every goat is attached to its own legs. No apostrophe. “It is” cannot be substituted.

lay To put something down. -ing: She is laying out the facts. Past tense: He laid the book on the table. Once you lay something down, it lies there.

lie To recline. Lie down. Past tense (here’s the tricky part): lay Yesterday I lay down for half an hour.

loose Not tight. After he lost thirty pounds, his jeans were all loose.

lose To misplace. I constantly lose my glasses. To be defeated. I win; you lose.

no, new, now, know, knew

No is negative; new is not old; now is the present moment. Know and knew refer to knowledge

of, have Remember: could have, should have, would have, NOT could of, would of, should of

Continued on next page


passed A course, a car, a football; also, passed away (died) Kirtley passed me on the street; he also passed English. Saturday he passed for two touchdowns. The coach passed away.

past Yesterdays (the past; past events); also, beyond. He can never forget his past romances. You can’t live in the past. Go two miles past the railroad tracks.

quiet He is the quiet type.

quit She quit her job the day she won the lottery.

quite The monkeys are quite noisy today.

than Comparison I’d rather dance than eat.

then Next And then it happened.

their Something is theirs. You hurt their feelings.

there A place; Go over there. There is… There are … There was … There were … There are a thousand reasons why I fear her.

they’re They are. They’re hard to handle.

to Direction: Give it to me. Go to New York. A verb form: To see, to run to be. (Note that you barely pronounce “to”.)

too Very: Too hot, too bad, too late, too much. Also: Me, too! (Note that you pronounce “too” clearly.)

were Past tense: You were; we were; they were.

we’re Contraction for we are: We’re as silly as can be.

where A Place: Where are you?

whether Not weather—rain or snow; Tell me whether or not you love me.

who’s Contraction for who is: Who’s there? Who’s coming with us?

whose Possessive: “ Whose diamond is this?

women Several of them. This woman is different from all other women.

Don’t write a women.

your Belonging to you. Use only for your house, your car—not when you mean you are.

you’re You are. You’re handsome.


More Confusing Words

There are a number of words that are mistaken for one another because they are homonyms: words that are pronounced the same (or almost the same), but are spelled differently and are different in meaning. The Big Four Of all frequently confused homonyms, the following four groups cause writers the most trouble: Its belonging to it it’s contraction of “it is”

If the house doesn’t get its roof replaced soon, it’s going to be full of water. (If the house doesn’t get the roof belonging to it repaired, it is going to be full of water. Use it’s whenever you can substitute “it is”.)

It’s a shame that the new restaurant lost its license. (It is a shame that the new restaurant lost the license belonging to it.)

Their belonging to them There (1) in that place; (2) used with is, are, was, were, and other forms of the verb to be they’re contraction of they are

The coach told the players there was no use for their unprofessional behavior; they’re going to run extra laps as punishment. (The coach told the players there was no excuse for the unprofessional behavior belonging to them; they are going to run extra laps as punishment.)

Their bodies were discovered over there in a shallow grave; tomorrow there’ll be an autopsy to determine the cause of death. (The bodies belonging to them were discovered over in that place in a shallow grave; tomorrow there will be an autopsy to determine the cause of death.)

To (1) used before a verb, as in “to say”; (2) toward Too (1) overly or extremely; (2) also Two the number 2

It would be too confusing to name the baby Lucy; her mother and two of her aunts are named Lucy too. (it would be overly confusing to name [verb] the baby Lucy; her mother and 2 of her aunts are named Lucy, also.)

Let’s go to the mall to look for clothes, unless you are too tired. (Let’s go toward the mall to look [verb] for clothes, unless you are overly tired.

Your belonging to you you’re contraction of “you are”

If you’re going out in the downpour, take your umbrella. (If you are going out in this downpour, take the umbrella belonging to you.)

Do you think your family will be upset when they learn you’re moving to Alaska? (Do you think the family belonging to you will be upset when they learn you are moving to Alaska?)


passed (the past tense of pass) (1) handed to; (2) went by; (3) completed succesfully

Past (1) the time before the present; (2) by

As Ben walked past Sharon’s desk, he passed her a Valentine and pleaded, “Let’s forget about the past and be friends again.”

Peace calmness or quiet

Piece a portion of something

The usual peace of the house was disturbed when my brother discovered someone had eaten a piece of the cake he had baked for his girlfriend’s birthday.

Plain (1) not fancy; (2) obvious; (3) straightforward

Plane a shortened form of airplane

It was plain to see that a plane had recently landed in the muddy field.

Right (1) correct; (2) the opposite of left

Write to form letters and words

I can write clearly using my right hand; when I use my left, my writing is illegible.

Than a word used in comparisons

Then at that time; next

First Aaron realized he was driving faster than the speed limit; then he saw the police car behind him.

Threw (the past tense of throw) tossed

through (1) Into and out of; (2) finished

Yesterday I went through my old letters and threw most of them away.

Wear to put on (as with clothing)

Where in what place or to what place

Because Samantha was not told where her friends were taking her for her birthday, she had trouble deciding what to wear.

weather outside conditions (rain, wind, temperature, etc.)

whether If

The weather won’t spoil my vacation, whether it rains or not, my dyas will be spent on the beach.

whose belonging to whom

who’s contraction of “who is” or “who has”

The boss yelled, “Who’s responsible for this mistake? Whose fault is it?


One Word or Two?

If you can put another word between them, yhou’ll know to keep them separate. Otherwise, you’ll have to check them one by one. a lot I like you a lot—a whole lot. (A lot is always written as two words.)

all ready We were all ready for Grandpa’s wedding.

already Helen already has plans for Saturday.

all right It’s all right with me if you want to quit.

a long Childhood seems like a long time.

Along Come along to the carnival.

a part I want a part of the American pie.

Apart Even when we’re apart, I think of you.

everybody Everybody in the room danced to the music.

every day It rains every day, every single day.

everyday I put on my everyday clothes.

every one He ate every one of the cookies—every last one.

everyone Everyone likes pizza.

in depth Study the biology textbook in depth.

in fact In fact, Janine wasn’t in the room when the ruckus started.

in order In order to prove her point, Marty climbed onto the desk.

in spite of I like you in spite of your churlish disposition.

Into Ann Appleton fell into an easy job.

Itself The car sunned itself.

myself I fixed the car myself.

no one On one ever calls me anymore.

nowadays Nowadays, they call ice boxes “refrigerators.”

nevertheless Nevertheless, Billy’s in for a tough caompaign.

some time I need some time alone.

sometimes Sometimes I get the blues.

somehow Somehow the laundry never gets done.

throughout Throughout the entire summer, David lounged on the beach.

whenever Whenever I hear that song, I start to cry.

whereas I’m always on time, whereas my brother is always late.

wherever Wherever Lillian goes, she goes in style.

withheld Joe withheld the rent because the roof leaked.

without You’ll never catch Pearl without her sunglasses.


Practice Underline the correct homonym in each group.

1. (Its, It’s) a shame (its, it’s) going to rain today; we won’t be able to give the front

porch (its, it’s ) second coat of paint.

2. The drivers say that if (their, there, they’re) not going to get (their, there, they’re)

new contract, (their, there, they’re) going to strike.

3. Having (to, too, two) read and take notes on (to, too, two) chapters a night is

simply (to, too, two) much work.

4. (Your, You’re) not serious when you say (your, you’re) planning to sell (your,

you’re) house and live in a tent in the woods, are you?

Other Common Homonyms Brake (1) to slow or to stop; (2) the mechanism that stops a moving vehicle

Break (1) to cause to come apart; (2) to bring to an end

If you don’t brake your sled as you go down the icy hill, you could easily break a leg.

Hear to take in by ear; to be informed

Here in this place

The music here near the band is so loud that I can’t hear you.

Hole an empty or hollow spot

Whole complete or entire

The mechanic examined the whole surface of the flat tire before finding a tiny hole near the rim.

Knew (the past tense of know) understood or was aware of

New (1) Not old; (2) recently arrived

Jay knew he needed a new bike when his old one broke down again yesterday.

Know to understand or be aware of

No (1) Not any; (2) the opposite of yes

I have no idea how much other people know about my divorce.



A homonym is a word that sounds like another but is spelled differently. Cross out the WRONG one in the sentences below.

1. (You’re, Your) the only student (who’s, whose) always (here, hear) on time.

2. (Its, it’s) difficult to (break, brake) the habit of smoking.

3. I never (new, knew) that (there, they’re) could be such a problem as having (too, to)

little money to get through the month.

4. The Fergusons found that (there, their) dog hat eaten the (hole, whole) ham.

5. The (plain, plane) had (two, too) engines, and one of them caught on fire.

6. If the house doesn’t get (its, it’s) roof repaired soon, (its, it’s) going to be full of


7. The coach told the players that (there, their, they’re) was no excuse for (there, their,

they’re) unprofessional behavior; (there, their, they’re) going to run extra laps as


8. It would be (too, to, two) confusing to name the baby Lucy; her mother and (to, two,

too) of her aunts are named Lucy (to, too, two.)

9. If (your, you’re) going out in the rain, take (your, you’re) umbrella.

10. As Ben walked (past, passed) Sharon’s desk, he (past, passed) her a Valentine and

pleaded, “Let’s forget about the (past, passed) and be friends again.”

11. Yesterday I went (through, threw) my old letters and (through, threw) most of them


12. I can (write, right) clearly with my (write, right) hand but not with my left.

13. Because Samantha was not told (where, wear) her friends were taking her for her

birthday, she had trouble deciding what to (where, wear).

There is more on the next page.



14. The (weather, whether) will not spoil my vacation; (weather, whether) it rains or

not, my days will be spent on the beach.

15. Did you (here, hear) the old legend about a famous bank robber who is buried

(here, hear)?

16. The call of a bluejay about to feed on a (peace, piece) of bread was the only sound

heard amidst the (peace, piece) and quiet.

17. The (new, knew) student in Spanish class (new, knew) how to speak better than

anyone else.

18. Those cans of tuna have (already, all ready) been stacked too high; they appear

(already, all ready) to fall upon an unlucky shopper.

19. The telephone operators are required to take a (course, coarse) in phone etiquette

to insure that they do not treat customers in a (course, coarse) manner.

20. The children’s poor health (led, lead) the doctor to suspect they were being

poisoned by (led, lead) based paint in their home.

21. The (principal, principle) said, “Our (principal, principle) is simple. If you bring

drugs to school, you’re out of here.”

22. All the workers (except, accept) the part-timers voted to (except, accept) the new


23. The heavy rain the night before did not (affect, effect) the success of the picnic; in

fact, the rain had the (affect, effect) of clearing the air for a beautiful day.

24. A contest (among, between) ten candidates has finally come down to a choice

(among, between) two people.

25. It’s easy to (lose, loose) a ring that is too (lose, loose) on your finger.

26. “This house is (quite, quiet, quit) noisy,” said the babysitter. “If you don’t (quite,

quiet, quit) down, I’m going to (quite, quiet, quit) being so patient.

27. The rich (desert, dessert) had the (effect, affect) of giving him a stomach ache, so

his mom gave him a (dose, does) of Pepto-Bismol.


More about Homonyms: Quiz 1

Circle the words that correctly fit each sentence. 1. At first, the motion of the airplane bothered Randall, but (by, buy) the time the

flight was over, he was (use, used) to it.

2. Even people who won’t usually take (advice, advise) somehow (except, accept) it

from Rosalie.

3. The (principal, principle) of my old school (quit, quite, quiet) his job to stay home

and take care of his grandchildren.

4. Despite the terrible (effects, affects) of the earthquake, people didn’t (loose, lose)

their sense of humor.

5. One benefit of watching (less, fewer) TV is that you are exposed to (less, fewer)


6. When Eleanor learned that she had (pass, passed) her POW exam, she disturbed

her usually (quiet, quite, quit) house with a shout of joy.

7. Tonight (we’re, were) going to see (a, an) old movie called “The Three Faces of


8. A basic (principal, principle) that (a, an) student doctor learns in training is

“First, do no harm.”

9. In order to (lose, loose) weight, it’s better to exercise and eat sensibly (than, then)

to starve yourself.

10. I am more (use, used) to spending an evening watching TV (than, then) reading

or exercising.


More about Homonyms: Quiz 2

Circle the words that correctly fit each sentence. 1. Tomorrow (were, we’re) going to buy (a, an) afghan for Mommy.

2. Gina likes to hike into the (dessert, desert) because of the sense of (piece, peace)

she feels there.

3. Some of the best (advice, advise) I ever got was this: “When you (lose, loose) your

temper, count to ten before you speak.”

4. First we’ll have salad, (then, than) a main course, and finally (dessert, desert).

5. Because (were, we’re) going to be traveling in a hot climate, I packed clothes that

were (lose, loose) and cool.

6. Some medications, unfortunately, have (quite, quit, quiet) a few unpleasant side

(effects, affects).

7. More than half of today’s college students are female; far (fewer, less) women

went to college in the (passed, past).

8. The boy, who was a poor sport, would (quite, quit, quiet) the game early if he saw

he was going to (lose, loose).

9. Even though the job doesn’t pay much now, I strongly (advise, advice) you to

(accept, except) it. It’s a wonderful opportunity.

10. Until my graduation, I had never seen our (principal, principle) wear anything

other (than, then) a suit and tie.


Even More about Homonyms: Quiz 1

Circle the words that best fit the meaning of the sentence.

1. Because (its, it’s) (a, an, and) beautiful day, I’ve decided to (accept, except) (your,

you’re) invitation.

2. (To, Two, Too) days before, he decided that (to, two, too) many people were


3. George, Tom (a, an, and) Harry were gravely (affected, effected) by (their, there,

they’re) first –grade teacher.

4. She (use, used) to go swimming every day.

5. (Hear, Here) are the books, and (their, there, they’re) are the students.

6. If you climb four flights of stairs, (your, you’re) likely to (loose, lose) (your,

you’re) (breath, breathe).

7. First, you must (choose, chose) (among, between) French, German, and Italian

for (your, you’re) language requirement.

8. You weren’t (suppose, supposed) to do that.

9. Have you (passed, past) any course yet?

10. On his (advice, advise) she (bought, brought) some stock with all her available

(capital, capitol).

11. (Who’s, Whose) to say that sunny (weather, whether) is the best?

12. Are you (quiet, quite) sure he meant to (complement, compliment) her on the

(dessert, desert)?

13. I (adviced, advised) him to quit his job (quiet, quite) a long time ago.

14. (Weather, Whether) or not you (use, used) to eat strawberries in not important.

15. The (passed, past) few weeks have been (quiet, quite) hard on her.

16. The millionaire couldn’t decide whether to (leave, let) his money to charity or to

his wastrel nephew.

17. Light beer, which is really just a watered down product, has (fewer, less) calories

than, then) regular beer.

18. Ever since she was a child, that girl has had (alot, a lot) of problems.

19. If the school goes to Washington, D.C., will the students visit the (capital, capitol,


20. Many people misunderstood (a, an, and) instructor’s function: it is to (learn,

teach). Only the student himself can (learn, teach).

21. The (break, brake) on the winch failed, our piano crashed to the ground.

22. As the bombs (bust, burst) around him, Francis Scott Key thought of the (rites,

rights, writes) the new country had fought for in the Revolution.

23. On what (cite, sight, site) do you plan to build your new house?


24. The Christmas choir was (lead, led) by a rotund man in a red suit.

25. In the class (preceding, proceeding) lunch, we will discuss Plato’s Republic.

26. As the reluctant private (raised, rose) his hand to volunteer for the dangerous

mission, the captain knew that her squad members would cooperate with one


27. Henry David Thoreau like to joke that he was a (thorough, through) man.

28. On our next trip to Europe, we plan to see the (cites, sites, sights) of Rome and


29. In your research paper, how many authors did you (cite, site, sight)?

30. Many primitive cultures have strict initiation (rights, rites, writes) for


Even More about Homonyms: Quiz 2

Each sentence in the following paragraph is number. If all the words in the sentence are correctly used, write C next to the number of the sentence. If one or more of the words are misused, write WW next to the number, then correct all errors. ____(1) I said I was going too the store to buy ice cream, and Mary said she’d

come along to. ____(2) As we passed the Victorian mansion, she began to complement

me on my outfit; she liked the jogging shorts with the tuxedo shirt. ____(3) Then Mary

embarrassed me again buy asking whether I would except a small gift from her.

____(4) What was I supposed too do? _____(5) I had to explain that I was use to

acting on principal and so I could not accept the gift. ____(6) Furthermore, I offered

her some unsolicited advise, which she wasn’t too happy to hear. ____(7) I told her to

save her money until she had accumulated two hundred dollars. ____(8) At that time,

she should invest her capitol in a blue-chip stock portfolio. ____(9) The last time I

heard from Mary, she was doing quiet well. ____(10) She was deciding which suitor to

accept; her choices were the man who brought her to ten-carat diamond rings or the

other man. ____(11) She wasn’t sure weather she’d be happy with the rich man or the

poor man.



Underline the correct word in each set of parentheses.

1. (It’s, Its) too late now to give the dog (it’s, its) bath.

2. Have Matt and Sara told (they’re, their) parents that (they’re, their)

planning to start their own business?

3. (Who’s, Whose) going to tell me (who’s, whose) drink this is?

4. I think that (you’re, your) best quality is (you’re, your) sense of humor.

5. (It’s, its) revealing that only three pieces of U.S. Currency have had

women’s pictures on (they’re, their) front or back sides. The women

(who’s, whose ) faces have been on U.S. money are Martha Washington,

Pocahontas, and Susan B. Anthony. What’s (your, you’re) guess as to why

this has happened?

Put apostrophes into these sentences, but only where they are needed.

6. The teachers broken leg kept her out of class for two weeks.

7. That insurance companys best customers are construction workers.

8. Im planning to take a night school course next semester.

9. Even if they hurry, they cant make it to school on time.

10. The huge green frogs sticky tongue soon captured several flies.

11. Endorphins, the bodys natural pain killers, are released when people


12. A sign in front of the stores entrance says, “Don’t even think of parking


More on next page.


13. Its supposed to rain for the next three days, so we can skip watering the


14. A tornado destroyed the barns roof, but no animals were killed.

15. Many teenagers borrow their parents cars on Saturday nights.

16. The shrinking of the earths ozone layer will result in rising temperatures.

17. When the ballparks gates opened, hundreds of fans were already waiting


18. Why should Leroy forgive your insult when you havent even apologized.

19. Many of the streets residents have lived there for at least twenty years.

20. If the canary hasn’t eaten its food by morning, you should take it to the


21. Many students feel strongly that teachers don’t have the right to strike.

22. Over one-fourth of the librarys books are missing from the shelves.

23. My grandmothers hairdo looks the same today as it did when she was


24. I went to the post office, but its only open until 11:00 on Saturdays.

25. Shirley couldn’t start either of her cars, so she had to call a tow truck.


Introduction to Run-On Sentences

A run-on sentence is defined as a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses (separate thoughts containing both subject and verb) which are improperly joined: Mark the place between the two fused thoughts with a /. 1. It’s easy to begin smoking it’s much harder to quit.

2. Some people at the office have been laid off the other workers are nervous.

3. The patient’s blood pressure was low his temperature was low as well.

4. Test anxiety is a very real condition some symptoms are stomach cramps and


5. Computer skills are useful in college they will help you in the job market as


6. I’d love to go out to eat tonight I’m short right now on money.

7. Cindy has a broken foot she won’t do any hiking this fall.

8. Jeff was talking on the phone he was switching TV channels with his remote

control at the same time.

9. I chose the shortest check-out line at the supermarket then the one customer

in front of me pulled out dozens of coupons.

10. The electricity at the mall went out all the stores had to close early.


Combining Sentences

Mark the place between the two fused thoughts with a /.

The kettle whistled furiously the toast smoldered the cat nibbled the bacon

there was a crash a juice glass smashed against the wall the baby started to cry

the other children screamed they kicked one another little Vera had an egg in her

fist she hurled it the egg splattered against the wall Howie did his imitation of a

police siren Godfrey banged his head against the refrigerator the children’s

mother did not hear anything she sat out on the front steps she sipped tea there

were planes overhead she watched them a taxi pulled up to the curb the cab

driver honked the horn the children’s mother climbed into the cab she stared

straight ahead the cab drove off the woman had no intention of ever returning.


Correcting Run-On Sentences

Each of the following sentences is a run-on sentence. Some of the run-ons are fused; some of them are comma splices. Determine where the two independent clauses meet and correct the run-ons. You may use a period, a semi-colon, or a comma and a subordinating conjunction. Vary your correction choices.

1. One of the most famous ballets is Swan Lake it tells the story of a woman under a terrible spell.

2. In the opening scene, the prince is celebrating his twenty-first birthday his mother arrives and gives him a gift.

3. The gift is a bow and arrow the prince shoots the arrow at a swan.

4. The swan suddenly transforms into a beautiful woman she explains she has had a spell cast on her.

5. According to the spell, she must be a swan from midnight to dawn the spell can only be broken if a man declares undying love for her.

6. They fall in love that evening she becomes a swan again at midnight.

7. The prince fights the evil sorcerer the spell is broken.

8. The beautiful young woman becomes human she and the prince live happily ever after.

9. Different versions with different endings of Swan Lake exist audiences never tire of seeing this ballet performed.


Correcting Run-Ons in a Paragraph

The following paragraph has five run-on sentences. Some of the run-ons are fused; some of them are comma splices. Find the run-ons and correct each one using a period, a semi-colon, or a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Vary your correction choices.

Dance Theatre of Harlem (DTH) was co-founded in 1969 by the late Karel

Shook and by Arthur Mitchell, Mitchell began the company for the people of

Harlem after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was killed. Thirty-two years later, DTH

is widely acclaimed as a major cultural organization it includes a world-class

ballet company, an accredited school of dance, and the Dance Theater of Harlem

School. In addition to breaking barriers around the world, DTH runs an arts

education and community outreach program called Dancing Through the

Barriers the outreach program attempts to introduce dance to people of all

cultures, ages, and backgrounds. Each part of the DTH works to enrich people’s

lives through dance, it even makes connections between ballet and athletics.

People around the world look forward to seeing the Dance Theatre of Harlem

perform DTH has grown into a respected, multicultural ballet company.


Complex Sentence Lesson 1A

Instructions: For the following complex sentences: Underline the independent clause with two lines. Underline the dependent clause with one line. In the blank to the left of the sentence write the correct formula for the sentence.

Use your Formula Card to choose the correct formula. _______________________________________________________ Example:

_ID__ 0. The sirens wailed until all danger had passed. _______________________________________________________



______ 1. I will rake the leaves myself unless you want to join me.

______ 2. After the fans went home, the band packed up their instruments.

______ 3. Until Jill learns how to pace herself, she will not be healthy.

______ 4. The car is perfect for me because I can afford its upkeep.

______ 5. Since the weather got warm, we have been driving with the top down.

______ 6. Whenever Hanni smiles at me, my heart melts.

______ 7. Will you wait for me while I speak to Mr. Low?

______ 8. Before you buy a boa constrictor, you should think about future problems.

______ 9. Although she was scared to death, Kathy gave a short speech to the class.

______ 10. I will buy a home even if I have to save for ten years.


Complex Sentence Lesson 1B

Instructions: For the following complex sentences: 1. Underline the independent clause with two lines. 2. Underline the dependent clause with one line. 3. In the blank to the left of the sentence write the correct formula for the

sentence. Use your Formula Card to choose the correct formula. _______________________________________________________ Example:

_ID__ 0. The sirens wailed until all danger had passed. _______________________________________________________



______ 1. While the snow was falling, the streets were silent.

______ 2. After we finish this homework, we should call Joe and go to the dance.

______ 3. The repairman will come tomorrow if he can find the time.

______ 4. Because the thief was noisy, he was caught opening the safe.

______ 5. Shanna looked happy once her test was over.

______ 6. Until Jake learns to study, he will continue to fail.

______ 7. Candy wore a floppy hat as if she wanted to hide her face.

______ 8. Whenever you see our lights on, we are at home.

______ 9. Although we were careful, we still got lost.

______ 10. Even if we have the best team, we may not win.


Complex Sentence Lesson 2A

Instructions: 1. Make each of the following into a complex sentence that matches the listed

formula. Use the listed subordinating conjunction if one is needed. BE sure to include a comma if one is needed.

2. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each clause that you have added.

3. Underline the complete verb(s) in each added clause with two lines. 4. Underline the subject(s) in each added clause with one line. Example:

ID (when)

o. Sarah started crying when she heard the bad news about her grandfather.



Formulas & Conjunctions

ID (because)

1. I want to earn some money _____________ ________________________________

D,I 2. Unless he gets some help ______________ ________________________________

D,I 3. When it is time to leave _______________ ________________________________

ID (so that)

4. Jan came early ______________________ _________________________________

D,I 5. Since I have been going to the doctor _______ _________________________________

ID (after)

6. He will go swimming __________________ _________________________________

ID (although)

7. The car is ready _____________________ _________________________________

D,I 8. Until we finish the work ________________ _________________________________

ID (if)

9. The builder will start the house ___________ _________________________________

D,I 10. Before James leaves __________________ ________________________________


Complex Sentence Lesson 2B

Instructions: 1. Make each of the following into a complex sentence that matches the listed

formula. Use the listed subordinating conjunction if one is needed. BE sure to include a comma if one is needed.

2. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each clause that you have added.

3. Underline the complete verb(s) in each added clause with two lines. 4. Underline the subject(s) in each added clause with one line. _______________________________________________________ Example:

ID (when)

o. Sarah started crying when she heard the bad news about her grandfather.


Formulas & Conjunctions

ID (while)

1. Matt talked to him __________________ ________________________________

ID (whenever)

2. Jean will go _______________________ ________________________________

D,I 3. Because today is Thursday _____________ ________________________________

ID (when)

4. Jan will give you the money ____________ ________________________________

D,I 5. Unless we find the basketball ___________ ________________________________

D,I 6. In order that she would be on time _______ ________________________________

ID (since)

7. Jesse has not slept well _______________ ________________________________

D,I 8. Whenever this game ends _____________ ________________________________

ID (until)

9. Jenna cannot go jogging ______________ ________________________________

D,I 10. If you will call me tonight ______________ ________________________________


Complex Sentence Lesson 3B

Instructions: 1. Write a complex sentence that matches each of the listed formulas. Include

the listed subordinating conjunction in your sentence. 2. For the last two sentences, choose your own formula and subordinating

conjunction. Write the formula to the left of the sentence on the blank line, and write a matching sentence.

3. Be sure to check the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each clause. _______________________________________________________ Example:

D,I (if)

o. If you want me to take you, I will pick you up at ten o’clock.



Formulas & Conjunctions

ID (before)

1. ________________________________ ________________________________

ID (as if)

2. ________________________________ ________________________________

D,I (as long as)

3. ________________________________ ________________________________

D,I (while)

4. ________________________________ ________________________________

ID (even if)

5. ________________________________ ________________________________

D,I (once)

6. ________________________________ ________________________________

ID (so that)

7. ________________________________ ________________________________

D,I (whenever)

8. ________________________________ ________________________________

________ 9. ________________________________ ________________________________

________ 10. ________________________________ ________________________________


Complex Sentence Lesson 5A

Instructions: 1. For the first six items, write a complex sentence that matches each of the listed

formula. Use the conjunction in parentheses if one is required. 2. For the last four items, choose a formula, write the formula on the blank line, and

write a sentence that matches the formula. 3. Be sure to check your work by using the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on

each clause. ______________________________________________________ Example:

D,I (until)

0. Until the tide goes out, swimmers should not go in the water.__________________


Formulas & Conjunctions

SS V 1. ________________________________ ________________________________

ID (because)

2. ________________________________ ________________________________

I,cI (but)

3. ________________________________ ________________________________

D,I (while)

4. ________________________________ ________________________________

S VV 5. ________________________________ ________________________________

I;I 6. ________________________________ ________________________________

Complex: _______

7. ________________________________ ________________________________

Simple: _______

8. ________________________________ ________________________________

Compound: _______

9. ________________________________ ________________________________

Complex: _______

10. ________________________________ ________________________________



Conjunction: A word that connects words, phrases or clauses in sentences.
















Find these conjunctions: OR BUT UNLESS THEREFORE





A Birthday

Directions: change the paragraph from past tense to present tense. The first sentence will read, “Every Saturday, Wendell, a kindergartner enjoys a nearly perfect day: He is six years old.” By Paula Lynn Parks

A Birthday

Last Saturday, Wendell, a kindergartner enjoyed a nearly perfect

day. It was his sixth birthday. First he got to sleep late: When he

finally woke up at 8:30 A.M., he watched his favorite action hero

cartoon while he was still wearing his Spiderman pajamas. He ate

strawberry pancakes for breakfast: The pancakes had a smiling

face drawn in whipped cream; After he got dressed, Wendell

played outside in the sandbox with his older brother and sister: In

the sand; they make castles, hills, and volcanoes: He used some

sticks to make a bridge: Then they added water, and the bridge

collapsed: For lunch; Wendell ate a turkey sandwich with relish,

ketchup, and mustard and snacked on grapes: He was glad when

his favorite friends, Allan and Michael, arrived to play: Then


Wendell and his family and friends went to the arcade to play

video games and miniature golf: Wendell drove a bumper boat

and everyone in his boat got wet because he drove too close to the

waterfall. Wendell chose dinner at his favorite pizza joint: While

he ate cheese pizza, he told three jokes about farts: At home,

Wendell had cake and ice cream: After his friends left, Wendell

took a bath and got wrinkled while playing in the bath tub with his

toys. Before bedtime, Wendell was read his favorite bear stories:

He fell asleep during the third one: It has been another perfect



Sentence Lesson 4A


1. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each sentence. 2. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 3. Underline the head word of the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. 4. In the blank to the left of the sentence, write the correct sentence formula for the

sentence. Choose the correct formula from your Formula Card. ______________________________________________________________

Example: _SS_VV_ 0. The basketball team and the swim team got together and

celebrated. ______________________________________________________________ F S V


______ 1. Bob and Danny met at the movies.

______ 2. The ladies went to the arcade and played pool.

______ 3. Rick rode four of the rides at the carnival; Sarah tried only two.

______ 4. Sue served and hit the ball out of the court.

______ 5. Kim’s return looked in-bounds, but her opponent called it out.

______ 6. She remained focused and served the ball again.

______ 7. The Braves and the Pirates both played on Friday and lost their games.

______ 8. Nick has less than 4 months to live; the tumor has spread throughout his brain.

______ 9. Over at the track, Sue was running laps.

______ 10. Brenda wanted her to rest, but Linda had too much to do.


Sentence Lesson 4B


1. Do the Subject-Verb Identification Procedure on each sentence. 2. Underline the complete verb(s) in each sentence with two lines. 3. Underline the head word of the subject(s) in each sentence with one line. 4. In the blank to the left of the sentence, write the correct sentence formula for the

sentence. Choose the correct formula form your Formula Card. ______________________________________________________________

Example: __SV__ 0. The old dog was sleeping under the table.

______________________________________________________________ Formulas

______ 1. Ben finished one painting and started another.

______ 2. Save’s hobby is collecting stamps; I do not have a hobby.

______ 3. Shane waved and smiled at the others.

______ 4. Nancy and Rick went out for dinner and then took a walk.

______ 5. The sheriff did not believe his story; he arrested him for trespassing.

______ 6. James had to work at the ticket booth, but he wanted to sell hotdogs.

______ 7. Scott offered to help him on Friday night.

______ 8. The ambulance arrived quickly, and the injured man was helped.

______ 9. They questioned him and let him return home.

______ 10. Very early that morning, the two boys went home.



There are at least 63 mistakes in this. Fix them.

edgar allen poe the famous american short story writer died in 1849 he was drunk

alone and friendless at his death his family purchased a tombstone for him but it was

smashed on it way to the cemetery by a runaway freight train because his familie could

not afford another one poe was buried in an unmarked grave a group of Baltimore

teachers admirers of poes work began to raise money for atombstone they held fund

riasers asted for donations invested what they arened and waited after ten long years

they raised the 1000 they needed newspaperman h l menken wrote angrily during all

this time not a single American autor of position gave the project any aid the baltimore

group made it possible for teachers students or anyone who admires poe’s work to visit

his grave twentysix years after his death edgar allan poe finally had a tombstone bearing

his name


fix Whatever is wrong

1. im sure dr Clark don’t never closes her office on bridge st in December

2. the left front tire on bill and bobs buick busted as they drove on there journey to

Atlanta in the southeast

3. mr larson didn’t no that the kiwanis club had froze his winning swardfish at

cutter market 1307 Washington ave bakersfield California

4. jenny and mary isnt aware that there bread has began to raise in an open pan

5. when she slided down the hill Jan injures her ankle worst than her wrist

6. Joanne has threw the ball father then me Jeff complained

7. Will eric leave frank borrow a Copy of Cinderella on two weeks on april

8. Welter has Teached some new music to the people who slung in the catholic

league choir last year I think

9. im going to listen to garth brooks while I right a letter to aunt mary

10. joe dont no know anyones at work whose live s at his neighborhood

More on next page.


11. rules our made too be honor and observe

12. after tree callbacks I make the finale cut and I think I had a good change to git the


13. throughout my live I had deal with barriers sit up by people who where not

veiling to look passed mine disabilitys

14. their our many rules and I have red them all

15. a college really consists of a groop of students who want to team a group of

teachers who want to learn and a well collection of books

16. i stopped but he gone on

17. either he gone or i went



There are at least 18 mistakes in this. Fix them.

I love old-fashioned horror films that feature vampires werewolves mummies and

zombies. The movie monster I love best of all is Frankenstein but it was only recently

that I read the original book by that name. I was surprised to hear that its author Mary

Shelley was a very young girl. Mary was the daughter of scholars and an intelligent and

talented young woman. She eloped at seventeen with Percy Shelley a well known poet

and traveled to Switzerland. In Switzerland their party included Mary her husband

another poet Lord Byron and Byron’s physician. Someone in the group said “Let’s each

write a story about the supernatural.” Mary’s contribution which was a story about a

living creature made from dead bodies was Frankenstein. The story was published when

Mary was twenty-one years old and it became an instant classic. Because of its wide

appeal it has been the subject of many movies—and nightmares.


Noisy Boys Commas

Add commas where needed and identify which comma rule applies Rule # 1. ________ __ The boys in the back of the room are noisy.

2. ________ __ Women who are very poor drivers should have their license revoked.

3. ________ __ During the summer days are long.

4. ________ __ Above all the rooftops are filled with TV antennas.

5. ________ __ I saw you talking to a pretty slim girl.

6. ________ __ I’d like to be rich married secure and famous.

7. ________ __ The ship which docked yesterday is the Queen Elizabeth II.

8. ________ __ People who live beyond their incomes shouldn’t complain about


9. ________ __ I will keep taking the test until I pass it.

10. ________ _ I need to buy a gray summer suit and a pair of while linen pants.

11. ________ __ Wherever you’re going to get there requires planning and purpose.

12. __________ On Friday November 30 1963 I met my wife and my life has not been

the same since.

13. __________ In fact I stole the books.

14. ________ _ George who is very nearly my age had a heart attack last year.

15. ________ __ The revolution in education which so many educators talk about has

yet to take place.


Commas in a Series


Use a comma to separate words or phrases in a series. Going to school, working at the dress shop, and practicing her violin took up all of Gina’s time. My grandmother remembers World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Rewrite each sentence using the correct punctuation.

1. General Martin served in World War II the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

2. This week Mrs. Nelson is going to the doctor having breakfast with Michael and taking her son to camp.

3. What are the capitals of Louisiana Georgia and Texas?

4. Please get a book sit quietly and read until the final bell rings.

5. We had bacon eggs and sausage for breakfast this morning.

6. The hamsters scampered around the cage bit each other’s ears and rolled in the wood shavings.

7. We haven’t decided whether to go swimming go to a movie or just stay home this weekend.

8. We had pretzels chips and soda for our snack.


Commas in a Series 2


Use a comma to separate words or phrases in a series. I have a hamster, a dog, and a cat. The flag is red, white, and blue. ___________________________________________________________ Rewrite each sentence using the correct punctuation. 1. Jim named his dogs Red Spot and Sal.

2. I like pizza tacos and hotdogs.

3. Betty bought apples oranges and grapes at the market.

4. We have pigs chickens and cows on our farm.

5. Dad had to mow the lawn fix the window and trim the tree on Saturday.

6. The farmer has cows horses and pigs.

7. My favorite numbers are three one and twenty-three.

8. My brothers play soccer football and baseball.


Lengthy Introductory Phrases

___________________________________________________________ Use a comma after an introductory phrase that begins a sentence Since she was the last person in line, she had to close the door. Before we leave, there is not enough time to play a game of Monopoly. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Rewrite each sentence using the correct punctuation.

1. After working at the same job for 35 years Mr. Smith was ready to retire.

2. Now unfortunately there aren’t enough people here to make up two teams.

3. After I ran my errands I went home to rest.

4. Before I meet your friend please tell me a little bit about her.

5. After having been teased all her life about her glasses Deanna decided that she would try contact lenses.

6. Along with my brothers we played soccer in the park.

7. To find all the eggs the children had to look in every little hiding place.

8. Bending nearly to the ground in the hurricane the palm trees looked ready to break.


Pop Quiz Comma Usage

Directions: Add commas where necessary. If the sentence is correct, circle the number.

1. John grew tired of mathematics but he still loved literature.

2. His mother told him to sudy for his math test and to continue reading books.

3. Even though Mary enjoys hot chocolate she sometimes orders hot tea.

4. You should let the butterfly go free or you should pin it to the board.

5. I wanted to make a peanut butter sandwich but couldn’t find any bread.

6. Whichever path you choose leave some kind of marker so that you can find your

way home.

7. Tim loves dogs and his wife loves cats.

8. If students understand these comma rules then they may find this test easy.

9. Gertrude’s little sister and her mother shopped for groceries on Monday.

10. Shopping for groceries on Monday and doing laundry on Tuesday are their

regular chores.


Subjects and Verbs

In each of the following sentences, underline the subject of the sentence, identify the subject pronoun, and then, choose the verb that agrees with the subject, and circle it. Example: ___it____Today, information about happenings around the world (comes,

come) to us through the media. Subject Pronoun

1. Each day several students (go, goes) to the mall after school.

2. Spring and fall (is, are) my favorite seasons.

3. All of her friends (was, were) at her birthday party.

4. Dogs and cats (makes, make) good household pets.

5. In the early days of our country, pioneer men, who (was, were) responsible for the

safety of their families, defended their homes from enemies.

6. Which (is, are) your books?

7. She and I (is, are) going to the movies together.

8. My father says that all used-car salesmen (is, are) dishonest.

9. Millions of dollars were stolen from the Kansas City bank in 1920, yet not even one

dollar (was, were) ever recovered.

10. Neither James nor his teachers (has, have) a solution for his problem.

11. The media (has, have) announced that the president will visit New Orleans this


12. Harry, the captain of the baseball team, (is, are) going to be the starting pitcher.

13. Half of the senior class (is, are) going on the class trip.

14. Most of the cheese (was, were) eaten by a mouse.

15. There (is, are) many good reasons to continue your education beyond high school.

16. In the living room (was, were) a stereo, a television, and a radio.

17. Washington, Oregon, California and Alaska (borders, border) the Pacific Ocean.

Continue on the next page


11. He and I (is, are) playing tennis on Friday.

12. Under the table (is, are) a group of kittens.

13. Half of the chocolate cake (is, are) gone.

14. Many of Roger’s friends (plays, play) baseball.

15. The governor, as well as several state senators, (is, are) visiting our campus.

16. Under the spreading chestnut tree (was, were) the village blacksmith and his


17. The army (is, are) on maneuvers in West Germany this summer.

18. The problems of transporting goods and people (is, are) compounded by rising

gasoline prices.

Plural to Singular

Revise the following sentences by changing all plural subjects and verbs to singular ones.

1. The records are being catalogued now.

2. The cars speed down Mt. Royal Avenue each day.

3. Her songs are selling quite well.

4. Their children insist on staying awake until midnight.

5. Our new puppies cry all night.

6. Hurricanes are natural phenomena.

7. Scientists declare that one day people may live to be one hundred.


Verb Tense Shifts Correct any verb tense shifts in the following sentences. If the tense shift is OKAY, circle the number of the sentence.

1. Martha expertly fixed the hole in the kitchen wall while her husband watches.

2. John has finished the evening cabinet-making course, and he hopes to make a large

cabinet for his stereo.

3. Florence made a big pot of baked beans and takes it to the family reunion.

4. The college library opens every weekday at 8:00 a.m. and closed ats midnight.

5. Barry’s insomnia began after he starts watching Chiller Thriller Theater every night

on television.

6. haunting sound of an owl’s cry echoes through the forest as the campers paused to


7. Francine walks her Irish setter, Rufus, every day, but someone else will walk him

today since Francine is out of town.

8. The light changed from red to green, and the impatient driver behind Bernice honks

his horn loudly.

9. The audience was caught up in the tension of the play, but just at the crucial moment

someone’s beeper goes off.

10. Harold is here today, but he will be on vacation next week.

11. Rudy arrived at work half an hour late and finds his boss waiting for him at the door.

12Harold felt full and uncomfortable from the four slices of pizza he eats an hour ago.

More on the next page


13. Charlene complains every day about the temperature in the office, but no one ever


14. When her doorbell rang, Alicia looked out the window and saw a short, well-dressed

man carrying a large vacuum cleaner.

15. I have looked over your offer, and I am considering it carefully.

16. Renata planned to study for her test last night, but she falls asleep with the book in

her hand.

17. The convenience store sells bread but stocked only one brand.

18. The judge heard the closing arguments and then gives the jury its final instructions.

19. When Jason arrives at the house, he notices the front door standing open.

20. By tomorrow, Marcia will have finished the book that she started yesterday.

21. Kerry walks almost every day and tried to walk at least a mile each day.

22. As the sun sets, John will finish painting his house.


“Would” Paragraph

Keeping this paragraph in the simple present tense, rewrite the

paragraph omitting the helping verb “would” when appropriate.

______My ideal car is a Ford Mustang. It would have to be white

with black and dark gray on the inside. Everything would have to

be power, it would have to be fast, and have a really loud radio. I

think the 99 model is the best lookin because it’s so arodinamic. If it

had a V8 moter, I would race it all the time and win. After all,

nothing can beat a good old fassion American V8. The radio would

have to be made by Sony because they make the best electronics. It

would have to have a DVD player, a Playstation 2, and a nineteen

inch plasma flat scree L.C.D. in it. Because everyone would want to

still my car, I would have to have a state of the arc alarm system to

protect everything. That would be a car anyone would want to have.






Fragments and Punctuation

Decide whether each group of words below is a sentence or a fragment. If the group of words is a sentence, write C in blank. If the group of words is a fragment, write Frag in the blank. Correct the fragments.

1. ____ _ A library which can be an interesting place.

2. ____ _ A small town in upstate New York.

3. ____ _ Had been a shoe salesman many years ago.

4. ____ _ The boys playing golf at the country club.

5. ____ _ Before heading for home, their son had another cup of coffee.

6. ____ _ Although pregnancy requires a woman to modify her diet.

7. ____ _ After they tried to defraud the government on their federal income tax


8. ____ _ The beautiful girl with the long blond hair and the bright red shirt.

9. ____ _ Retired to Arizona with one cat, two dogs, and a snake.

10. ____ The teacher grading the papers with a heavy heart.

11. ____ Since the air conditioner broke.

12. ____ He tried hard to convince the jury, but to no avail.

13. ____ The car refusing to start.

14. ____ Even though an attendance book is a legal document.

15. ____ The canister on the right with the red flower on it.

16. ____ Have been through so much, have suffered so much hardship, but I

remained married.

17. ____ The child had a lollipop which broke when she fell.

18. ____ Because loneliness is a dreaded disease, too.

19. ____ On a beautiful day no one wants to remain indoors.

20. ____ The pack of dogs fighting on the street corner.


Run-Ons and Punctuation

In the blank at the left of the sentence, write C if the sentence is correctly punctuated. Write RO if the sentence is a run-on. Correct the run-on sentences.

1. ____ _ College offers many opportunities to ambitious students however each person

must decide to take advantage of them.

2. ____ On sunny, hot days we like to swim; the cool water is so refreshing.

3. ____ Left-handed people face many obstacles few ordinary items—such as can

openers and doors—are designed for them.

4. ____ Tomorrow is another day, and I sure hope it’s a better one.

5. ____ Tryouts for the soccer team went well fifty girls qualified.

6. ____ The lights in the room keep blinking I think there’s a short in the wires.

7. ____ The automobile industry is less successful today than in past years because

new cars cost too much for most people.

8. ____ There was a time when a young man held a door open for a young lady that

time has passed.

9. ____ Most people don’t realize that the dictionary offers a plethora of valuable

information they use it only to look up word definitions.

10. ____ Computers are quickly replacing typewriters, yet some writers prefer their

trusted manuals.

11. ____ Registration is a long, boring process it is too bad that they can’t shorten it


12. ____ Now is the time to register to vote, for the elections are scheduled for two

weeks from now.

13. ____ I think clocks should be outlawed they put too much pressure on people.

14. ____ East Texas offers a variety of landscapes; rice paddies flourish in the southern

section, and rolling hills cover the middle section.

15. ____ Whoever invented Silly Putty probably made a fortune I’d like to meet him or



Worksheet: Run-on Sentences

Fix with WABBITS: D,I or ID 1. A mystery movie is playing at the Roxie, a science fiction film is showing at the Strand.

2. Juan drives a taxicab, Steve drives a truck.

3. You look under “Physicians” in the Yellow pages of the telephone directory to find a

doctor, you look under “Beauty Salons” to find a hairdresser.

4. Their apartment has a swimming pool, it doesn’t have a sauna.

5. First Yvonne paid to register her car, then she bought automobile insurance.

6. We can eat at a restaurant, we can buy TV dinners and eat at home.

7. Cheryl returned five books to the library yesterday, she had to pay an overdue fine.

8. Carlos used to smoke, he doesn’t smoke any more.

9. days are getting colder, we have started turning on the heat.

10. Every day Eugenio drives Lily to school, he picks her up after her last class.

These are more sentences on the next page.


Worksheet: Comma Splices

Fix with FANBOYS: I, cI 1. A mystery movie is playing at the Roxie. A science fiction film is showing at the


2. Juan drives a taxicab, Steve drives a truck.

3. You look under “Physicians” in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory to find a doctor, you look under “Beauty Salons” to find a hairdresser.

4. Their apartment has a swimming pool, it doesn’t have a sauna.

5. First Yvonne paid to register her car, then she bought automobile insurance.

6. We can eat at a restaurant, we can buy TV dinners and eat at home.

7. Cheryl returned five books to the library yesterday, she had to pay an overdue fine.

8. Carlos used to smoke, he doesn’t smoke any more.

9. The days are getting colder, we have started turning on the heat.

10. Every day Eugenio drives Lily to school, he picks her up after her last class.

Fix with FLASHCATS (I; ca, I) 1. A mystery movie is playing at the Roxie, a science fiction film is showing at the


2. Juan drives a taxicab, Steve drives a truck.

3. You look under “Physicians” in the Yellow pages of the telephone directory to find a doctor, you look under “Beauty Salons” to find a hairdresser.

4. Their apartment has a swimming pool, it doesn’t have a sauna.

5. First Yvonne paid to register her car, then she bought automobile insurance.

6. We can eat at a restaurant, we can buy TV dinners and eat at home.

7. Cheryl returned five books to the library yesterday, she had to pay an overdue fine.

8. Carlos used to smoke, he doesn’t smoke any more.

9. The days are getting colder, we have started turning on the heat.

10. Every day Eugenio drives Lily to school, he picks her up after her last class.


Identifying Run-ons and Fragments

Write R.O. for the run-ons, Frag for the Fragments, and C for the complete sentences in the blank before each item.

1. ____ the cafeteria is a very lively place on campus

2. ____ students coming and going and the sound of the jukebox

3. ____ some people try to study there do they really learn anything that way

4. ____ a luncheon special each day of the week

5. ____ service is fast the line moves quickly

6. ____ students sometimes bring their own lunch and eat it at the cafeteria tables

7. ____ classmoates sit at a table and work on assignments

8. ____ several card games are going on people play very seriously

9. ____ one student has part-time job cleaning tables

10. ____ from 7:30 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. Monday through Friday

11. ____ to earn spending money by having a paper route

12. ____ I used to get up by 6:00 every day

13. ____ i had 45 regular customers i used my bike to deliver the papers

14. ____ most of the customer paid up every Saturday

15. ____ old mr. Johnson who lived on the corner with all the cats

16. ____ he always gave me a 50-cent tip nobody else gave me that much

17. ____ rainy and cold weather were terrible i loved summer mornings

18. ____ my parents worried about me riding my bike

19. ____ calls on the phone from people who didn’t get their paper

20. ____ the route was taken over by my little brother


Corrections for Run-on Sentences

The following passage contains run-ons. Make the appropriate corrections.

John, a young man living in Nebraska, was a bright student he was accepted at the

University of Pennsylvania. His parents were not wealthy, they did everything they

could to make his trip possible. John worked very hard at the university he wrote his

parents frequently. One day his parents received a message with tragic news. John had

been mailing a letter, a group of boys ganged up on him. They beat him, then they took

his wallet. He was taken to the hospital, he was too badly hurt to live. John’s parents

mourned for their son, they were sad as well as that the boys could receive the death

penalty. The boys were poor and had no education the parents felt sorry for them. They

wrote the judge hearing the boys’ case and asked that the boys be given the lightest

sentence possible. They wanted the boy’s to have a second change they even set up a

trust fund to help them get training and jobs. John’s parents had lost their son, they did

not want his life to go to waste.


Expanding Sentences

Sentences can be expanded by the addition of modifiers. Expanded sentences are richer and tell the reader more. Examples: The student was using a computer.

The high school student was using a small, home computer. (tells what kind) The high school student was using a small, home computer that belonged to his father. (tells whose)

Practice: Expand the following short sentence by adding words that answer each question. Build each sentence on the one above, so that the fifth sentence will include the answers to all the questions.

The children learned to use the computers.

1. (what kind of computers?) ____________________________________

2. (How many?) ___________________________________________

3. (Where?) _______________________________________________

4. (When?) _______________________________________________

5. (Why?) _________________________________________________

Computers have become a part of many homes and classrooms. Have you used one? Do you think computers will change the way we live? Answer these questions and write your thoughts about computers. Use some expanded sentences.

Edit (alone or with a partner)

• Have you used a variety of sentences? Are there expanded sentences that give the

reader needed information?

• Did you give reasons to support your feelings?

• Be certain of the spelling of all words. Check a dictionary.

Editor’s Note: Be careful not to create a run-on sentence by putting too many ideas into one sentence. As you write, review your sentences. Read aloud to make sure they sound natural and clear.


Varying Your Sentence Beginnings

The usual order of the sentence in English is (1) subject, (2) verb, and (3) object (and modifiers) or predicate word (and modifiers) Effective writing sometimes varies the beginnings of sentences to give them a new look by inverting the order of their parts. Ways to Vary Sentence Beginnings:

1. Put an adverb before the subject. “Merrily, Jane skipped to school.”

2. Put the verb before the subject. “Away sailed the sleek vessel.”

3. Begin the sentence with a prepositional phrase, a participial phrase, or an infinitive phrase. “For her, the party was over. (Prepositional phrase.) “Walking carefully, Joe crossed the narrow bridge.” (Participial phrase.) “To be sure, we double-checked. (Infinitive phrase.)

4. Begin the sentence with a subordinate clause. “As we went on, we remembered his warning.”

Varying Sentence Beginnings. Rewrite each sentence below. Change the position of the words to give variety to the sentences.

1. The dog followed us, wagging his tail.

2. Mike phones home every week as a rule.

3. The bushels of wheat fell into the chute.

4. Nothing tasted as good as ice cream to Maria.

5. The man paced the floor, wringing his hands.

6. We handled the heavy package carefully.

7. Lou’s goal was to be rich.

8. Dozens of boats were on the lake.

9. We followed the tracks for two hours.

10. The bird traveled as swiftly as an arrow.


Sophistication Is In

The following groups of sentences need your immediate help. Each group should be combined into a single sentence. Compose ten sophisticated sentences using combining tools including conjunctions, phrases, clauses, and more. Write the new, more sophisticated and mature sentences on the lines below each group.

1. The girl is tall. The girl is smart. The girl has two sisters.

2. We saw the movie star. The movie start was in his sports car. The movie star waved to us.

3. My mother bought a new rug. The rug is oval and red. The rug was purchased for $300.

4. Our English class homework is to read three chapters from our novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It should take me about 45 minutes to read those pages. I will read those pages in my bedroom tonight.

5. It is sunny today. We plan to go to the beach this afternoon. We will take our supper with us when we go to the beach this afternoon.

6. My brother went shopping for my birthday present today. I hope he buys me a new CD player. My other CD player broke last month.

Name: ______________________


Writing Lab Instructions

Basic Skills Computer Lab Requirement

Go to the Student Success Lab in SS143, double-click the

PLATO icon on the computer desktop, and log on using

duew__________________(your student ID#). You may

complete any of the lessons from the Writing/Grammar

series. I suggest that you use the lab intermittently to clarify

concepts we are studying in class.

You must complete two lab hours by __________!

Name: ______________________


Computer Assignment Grade

Student Name________________________________________ According to the computer, you completed _________________ time. 2:00 – 1:55 = 100 Points

1:54-1:48 = 95 Points

1:47-1:42 = 89 Points

1:41-1:36 = 84 Points

1:35-1:30 = 79 Points

1:29-1:24 = 74 Points Points = ________________

1:24-1:19 = 70 Points

1:19 < 0 Points GRADE = ________________

Name: ______________________


Writing/Grammar Plato

Name: ______________________


Writing/Grammar Plato

Name: ______________________


Some Basic Writing Rules (All the examples are incorrect.)

1. Use one point of view: People in Bakersfield cam find whatever kind of s hops you want. (Who wants?) The best advice I ever got was to do your homework. (Whose homework?)

2. Don’t shift tenses unnecessarily:

My first job was at a bakery. I made bread and pastries. We went to my grandparent’s house. We get in the car, and I get in the driver’s seat.

3. Don’t refer directly to the reader (e.g. avoid “you” and commands):

Did you know that Barack Obama lived in Indonesia? Make them do their homework.

4. Don’t announce what you are going to do, or what the essay will do: I will explain my reasons in this paragraph… I am going to talk about… 5. Make the time and place clear:

When I first began to study photography… (Where? When?) People can find jobs easily here… (Where?)

6. Use plurals and simple present tense for general statements: People come to California because of the weather, the school, and the job. (only one school and job?) If a student did not study every day, he or she would fall behind the class. (only one student? only in the past?)

7. Write out numbers of one word. For numbers that are more than one word, you can use the number: Studies show that 1 out of 3 high school students smoke. The California Gold Rush happened in the nineteen hundreds.

8. Use only one conjunction to join two clauses: Because I want to be rich, so I buy the lottery ticket every week. Even though I never win, but I buy the lottery ticket every week.

9. Use transition signals to connect ideas: The weather was cold and damp. I often got sick and missed classes. California is a dangerous place to live. Many people live here.

Name: ______________________


Sandwich Chart

Name: ______________________


Helping Verbs

am is



can might

could must

do shall

does should



has were

have will

had would




Name: ______________________


ACDV B68 POW Evaluation Sheet

The quantitative method of evaluation used involves both objectivity and subjectivity. The two paragraphs submitted for POW grading will be assessed according to the following guidelines. After making a professional assessment of the two paragraphs submitted, the reader(s) will then determine writing test results as either PASS, BORDERLINE, or FAIL.

Reader 3 Reader 2 Reader1

1. Content:

A. Length (125-150 words ea.)

B. Off topic

C. Digressions…each sentence

D. Logical order

E. Point of view

2. Sentences:

A. Fragments

B. Confused sentence structure

C. Fused sentence

D. Comma splice

E. Fanboy comma omission

F. Illogical or confused idea

G. Tense shift (2 shifts to “would” allowed

H. Verb form

I. Subject – verb agreement

3. Word Form:

A. Standard American English

B. Modifiers

C. Singular/plural forms

D. Vocabulary Errors

E. Subject case

F. Verbals (Infinitive/Participle/Gerund)

4. Mechanics:

A. Indentation

B. Capitalization

C. End punctuation

D. Omitted/confused punctuation

E. Unnecessary punctuation

F. Spelling

G. Apostrophes (possessive or contractions)

H. Legibility/handwriting

__________ __________ __________

Both papers combined = WRITING TEST RESULTS: Major ACDV 68 error areas: I, II Minor ACDV 68 error areas: III, IV


Name: ______________________


Explanations for ACDV B68 POW Evaluation Sheet