Cost Accounting chapter 5 ABC


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Activity-Based Costing andActivity-Based Management

Chapter 5

Learning Objective 1

Explain undercosting

and overcosting ofproducts and services.

Undercosting andOvercosting Example

Jose, Roberta, and Nancy orderseparate items for lunch.

Jose’s order amounts to $14Roberta consumed 30Nancy’s order is 16Total $60

What is the average cost per lunch?

Undercosting andOvercosting Example

$60 ÷ 3 = $20

Jose and Nancyare overcosted.

Roberta isundercosted.

Learning Objective 2

Present three guidelines for

refining a costing system.

Existing Single Indirect-Cost Pool System Example

Kole Corporation manufactures a normal lens(NL) and a complex lens (CL).

Kole currently uses a single indirect-cost ratejob costing system.

Cost objects: 80,000 (NL) and 20,000 (CL).

Existing Single Indirect-Cost Pool System Example

Normal Lenses (NL)Direct materials $1,520,000Direct mfg. labor 800,000Total direct costs $2,320,000

Direct cost per unit: $2,320,000 ÷ 80,000 = $29

Existing Single Indirect-Cost Pool System Example

Complex Lenses (CL)Direct materials $ 920,000Direct mfg. labor 260,000Total direct costs $1,180,000

Direct cost per unit: $1,180,000 ÷ 20,000 = $59

Existing Single Indirect-Cost Pool System Example

All Indirect Costs$2,900,000

All Indirect Costs$2,900,000

50,000 DirectManufacturingLabor-Hours

50,000 DirectManufacturingLabor-Hours



$58 per DirectManufacturing


Existing Single Indirect-Cost Pool System Example

Indirect Costs

Direct Costs

Indirect Costs

Direct Costs









Existing Single Indirect-Cost Pool System Example

Kole uses 36,000 direct manufacturinglabor-hours to make NL and 14,000 directmanufacturing labor-hours to make CL.

How much indirect costs are allocatedto each product?

Existing Single Indirect-Cost Pool System Example

NL: 36,000 × $58 = $2,088,000

CL: 14,000 × $58 = $812,000

What is the total cost of normal lenses?

Direct costs $2,320,000 +Allocated costs $2,088,000 = $4,408,000

What is the cost per unit?

$4,408,000 ÷ 80,000 = $55.10

Existing Single Indirect-Cost Pool System Example

What is the total cost of complex lenses?

Direct costs $1,180,000 + Allocated costs $812,000 = $1,992,000

What is the cost per unit?

$1,992,000 ÷ 20,000 = $99.60

Existing Single Indirect-Cost Pool System Example

Normal lenses sell for $60 each andcomplex lenses for $142 each.

Normal Complex Revenue $60.00 $142.00 Cost 55.10 99.60 Income $ 4.90 $ 42.40 Margin 8.2% 29.9%

Refining a Costing System

Direct-cost tracing

Indirect-cost pools

Cost-allocation basis

Refining a Costing System

1. Design of Products and Process

The Design Department designs the moldsand defines processes needed (details of

the manufacturing operations).

Refining a Costing System

2. Manufacturing Operations

Lenses are molded, finished,cleaned, and inspected.

3. Shipping and Distribution

Finished lenses are packed andsent to the various customers.

Learning Objective 3

Distinguish between the

traditional and the activity-based costing

approaches to designing

a costing system.

Activity-Based Costing System

FundamentalCost Objects


Costs of Activities

Assignment to OtherCost Objects

Cost of:• Product• Service• Customer

Activity-Based Costing System

A cross-functional team at KoleCorporation identified key activities:

Design products and processes.

Set up molding machine.

Operate machines to manufacture lenses.

Maintain and clean the molds.

Activity-Based Costing System

Set up batches of finished lenses for shipment.

Distribute lenses to customers.

Administer and manage all processes.

Activity-Based Costing System

No. ofSetupHours






No. ofShipments



SetupDesign ShippingActivityIndirect CostPool

Activity-Based Costing System

NL CL Quantity produced 80,000 20,000 No. produced/batch 250 50 Number of batches 320 400 Setup time per batch 2 hours 5 hours Total setup-hours 640 2,000

Total setup costs are $409,200.

Activity-Based Costing System

What is the setup cost per setup-hour?

$409,200 ÷ 2,640 hours = $155

What is the setup cost perdirect manufacturing labor-hour?

$409,200 ÷ 50,000 = $8.184

Activity-Based Costing System

Allocation using direct labor-hours:NL: $8.184 × 36,000 = $294,624CL: $8.184 × 14,000 = $114,576

Total $409,200

Allocation using setup-hours:NL: $155 × 640 = $ 99,200CL: $155 × 2,000 = $310,000

Total $409,200

Learning Objective 4

Describe a four-part

cost hierarchy.

Cost Hierarchies

A cost hierarchy is a categorizationof costs into different cost pools.

Cost drivers bases (cost-allocation bases)

Degrees of difficulty in determiningcause-and-effect relationships

Cost Hierarchies

ABC systems commonly use afour-part cost hierarchy to

identify cost-allocation bases:

1. Output unit-level costs

2. Batch-level costs

3. Product-sustaining costs

4. Facility-sustaining costs

Output Unit-Level Costs

These are resources sacrificedon activities performed on each

individual unit of product or service.


Machine depreciation


Batch-Level Costs

These are resources sacrificed onactivities that are related to a groupof units of product(s) or service(s)rather than to each individual unit

of product or service.


Procurement costs

Product-Sustaining Costs

These are often called service-sustainingcosts and are resources sacrificed on

activities undertaken to supportindividual products or services.

Design costs

Engineering costs

Facility-Sustaining Costs

These are resources sacrificed onactivities that cannot be traced to

individual products or services butsupport the organization as a whole.

General administration

– rent – building security

Learning Objective 5

Cost products or services using

activity-based costing.

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

Identify cost objects.


Identify the direct costsof the products.

Direct materialDirect labor

Mold cleaning and maintenance

Step 1 Step 2

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

Cleaning and maintenance costs of$360,000 are direct batch-level costs.


Because these costs consist of workers’wages for cleaning molds after each

batch of lenses is run.

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

Normal Lenses (NL)

Cost HierarchyDescription Category

Direct materials Unit-level$1,520,000

Direct mfg. labor Unit-level 800,000

Cleaning and maint. Batch-level 160,000

Total direct costs$2,480,000

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

Complex Lenses (CL)

Cost HierarchyDescription Category

Direct materials Unit-level $ 920,000

Direct mfg. labor Unit-level 260,000

Cleaning and maint. Batch-level 200,000

Total direct costs$1,380,000

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

Select the cost-allocation bases to use forallocating indirect costs to the products.

(1) (2) (3)Activity Cost Hierarchy Total CostsDesign Product-sustaining $450,000Setups Batch-level $409,200Operations Unit-level $637,500

Step 3

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

Identify the indirect costs associatedwith each cost-allocation base.

Overhead costs incurred are assignedto activities, to the extent possible, on

the basis of a cause-and-effect relationship.

Step 4

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

Compute the rate per unit.

(1) (5)NL CL Total

Setup-hours: 640 2,000 2,640

Step 5

$409,200 ÷ 2,640 = $155

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

Compute the indirect costs allocatedto the products.

NL: $155 × 640 = $ 99,200CL: $155 × 2,000 = 310,000

Total $409,200

Step 6

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

Compute the costs of the products.

NL and CL would show threedirect cost categories.

Step 7

1. Direct materials

2. Direct manufacturing labor

3. Cleaning and maintenance

ImplementingActivity-Based Costing

NL and CL would show six indirect cost pools.

1. Design

2. Molding machine setups

3. Manufacturing operations

4. Shipment setup

5. Distribution

6. Administration

End of Chapter 5
