Covert Selling



Selling, Persuasion, hypnosis, mind, buying, mind, thinking,

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Free Report

“NEW Advanced Covert Selling Strategies That You Can Quickly And Easily Use Without Learning Complicated (And Very Old School)

NLP Tactics”WARNING: Contains Controversial Information .

(I’m serious. This is NOT for the average marketer.)

By, Nathan Blaszak CH. Written For: Ted Ciuba & Friends

Dear you,

If you’re tired of having to master what is commonly referred to as “essential” skills, going through hours of practice and trying to “decode” NLP terms just to sell your products and services, then this is most important report you’ll ever read.

Here’s why:

Just about everyone that begins to search “hypnotic marketing” online almost always discovers one thing after they download or send for a course:

It’s not as easy as most “experts” make it out to be!

And it’s for a good reason.

Think about it:

• Rapport – modeling and matching people is taught in thousands of different ways – which one is best? More importantly, how do you do this on video?

• Anchoring – Is it really necessary and if so, when and why should it be used?


• Language patterns – oh boy! Almost everyone I meet absolutely FAIL at using them (never mind creating or writing them).

Even though these skills are useful in ways, intelligent covert hypnotists (or people that recognize the value of selling subconsciously) search out new ways to persuade more people in ways that can be used immediately without having to “turn on your hypnotic voice”, do non-verbal ju-jitsu or speak in long winded sentences.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to determine that the skills most “persuasion gurus” teach – they’re not natural!

How would you like it if someone said “If you were to listen to me you might find that the most incredible thing you could ever discover is right before you and how surprised would you be to find yourself taking action, right now?”

I mean, why bother doing that? It’s not like it’s going to be delivered properly using your tonality in most cases anyway and besides, what ever happened to good old fashioned honesty where you can say the same thing by going “Hey, this is cool and I think you’re going to like it, let’s check it out. Just keep reading…”

See the difference?

I hope not because you’re saying the same thing. One is much more direct than the other, and people that influence others are leaders anyway – so why not be direct instead of slippery?

By the way, if you don’t believe me that these skills are not only NOT important, but unnecessary I invite you to notice how in any videos that I do I rarely – if ever use any covert hypnosis skills like language patterns and what not – I almost never “dress up” or use anchoring and people STILL like me, buy my products, and offer me to speak at seminars (which I rarely accept).

However, on June 24-26 2011 I’ll be speaking at widely successful Michael Penland’s internet marketing and wealth building seminar along with one of the world’s best internet marketing consultant’s Ted Ciuba in Orlando Florida to go over my proven psychological formulas – the formula’s that I have only shared with just a handful of people!

It definitely won’t be about rapport.

It definitely won’t be about anchoring.

It definitely won’t be about language patterns.

What will it be about?

It’s about how to persuade and influence people subconsciously by using my proven psychological sequences the world has never seen!


More importantly, it’s about you discovering these secrets and using them in your professional and personal life. Just keep reading because while it’s probably in your best interest to show up to this seminar that’s not what this report is about. If you show up then after you do you’ll be glad you did but you better hurry because there are only a limited number of seats reserved for this event. If you don’t show up then you will miss out big-time. It’s just that simple.

And the best part is, the sequences Ted and I will be revealing don’t have to be used to just “make money” and sell lots of stuff (although I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t use it for that).

You see, as I have just said – it’s about “psychological sequences” that you can use that are proven to subconsciously instill desire in your prospect to act – without using traditional covert and conversational hypnosis techniques.

In fact, these strategies are so powerful that they make those traditional methods obsolete and totally unnecessary.

Wait a minute here… let’s back up because I just realized this is a pretty big claim to be making. After all, why would the author of a covert hypnosis book titled “How to Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught” say that those methods are obsolete?

First, let’s not get this wrong. Traditional covert hypnosis skills work and they ARE a good thing to know. However, as a covert hypnotist myself you can only imagine how difficult it can be to persuade and influence others using the tactics that I teach in that book. The tactics rarely work with those that are educated about what I teach in the book so it brings us to the QUESTION:

How in the world do you influence the educated now, Nathan? They know all of your tricks! They’re educated! You can’t be using your hypnotic voice, anchoring, rapport techniques and language patterns with them because they’ll actually catch you because you’ve spilled the beans!”

ANSWER: By using proven psychological sequences that they don’t know because I haven’t taught them to anyone yet, except for Ted and only a handful of others.

About a year ago my first release of any psychological sequence I knew and practiced regularly was a video course called “Ninja Six” where I revealed a 6-step formula to you that psychologically leads a person to act in your favor.

For those of you that remember, I had sent out an audio with a “link” underneath the audio… what was interesting was how I actually used the Ninja Six formula in the audio to get people to click the darn link already!

In fact, that’s all I wanted them to do. (See next page)…


The initial test was for 100 people only and 76 people posted comments within the first 6 hours to the blog out of 100. Holy smackers! That’s a 76% conversion!

This is a BIG deal because some that actually DID post a comment to my blog didn’t even hear the crazy message where I basically ranted the whole time that drove people there but made a post anyway! Social proof like this sells the socks out of your products!

You see, when it comes to influence and persuasion and actually getting people to ACT then you have to realize that it’s just arithmetic. 76 out of 100 people to act on your offers or do what you want is a very, very good day.

The industry standard is 1-2% -- and that can make you millions if you’re selling a product or service! But we’re talking about 76%!

What happens if 76 out of 100 people buy your offers?

What happens if 76 people out of 100 decide to go on a date with you?

What happens if 76 people out of 100 join your cause to better society?

76 people out of a $197 product is = $14,972 for just following a simple 6-step formula that takes less than a single day to put together!

I think you get the picture.

Now, if you think I’m saying that my psychological sequences are going to get 76 out of 100 people to act according to what you have in mind then you’re missing my point. Nobody can guarantee results – not even how brilliant people (and yours truly) think this strategy is. I’m the greatest covert hypnotist of all time (because someone wrote it somewhere therefore it must be true) so you’re probably not going to do as well as I have because I rule.



The truth is, I don’t know you, your education, your level of motivation, or your willingness and desire to learn and actually APPLY any of what I have to share with you. So who knows what these psychological sequences can do for you because I sure as darn don’t! Heck, maybe you can do better. I DARE YOU TO!

The point is, the psychological sequences I’ve developed work!

…and they work well for me and many others that actually use them.

Who Do You Learn From?

No doubt, I’m not the only person on the face of the planet that teaches covert hypnosis techniques such as what can be found in “How to Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught”. While I was the one to have created this community online (well before most people even had internet connections) now you can find 101 different people teaching you their methods to covert hypnosis (which are pretty much the same as you may already have figured out).

But what they can’t teach you are the new methods I’ve developed to psychologically persuade and influence people subconsciously because they don’t know them!

Nope. Not a single person or expert can teach you these psychological sequences – no matter how many “decorations” they put behind their name, except for Ted Ciuba (and even if he did teach you I would more than likely be right alongside him anyway). I created them. I’ve tested them for years. I’ve tweaked them out, and holy moly do they work!

And while everyone promises you to have killer power with using traditional methods to covert hypnosis that they can teach you, I can guarantee you that they don’t know my psychological devices.

Here is a mind map I’ve created demonstrating the power of these sequences:

Imagine that you have this kind of power and just think of the benefits! And while at first blush this may seem complicated I assure you that it is not AND it is


MUCH, MUCH, MUCH easier to learn than “old school” covert hypnosis or NLP techniques any day of the week!

For example, let’s take “Prospect Mentally Rejects Any Competing Offers” as outlined in the diagram above. This isn’t for just “selling”. No way! The same can happen in the dating arena where the person you fancy consciously rejects any other potential lover and chooses you.

You follow?

This is serious social dynamic technology!

So What Are You Going To Do?

Are you going to continue to learn long-winded and outdated covert hypnosis information hoping that someday one of those puny tactics you learn will help you succeed in getting what you want?

Why put yourself through it? Honestly! Why bother when you can bump up to the expert level of covert influence by choosing to learn the more advanced, more effective and safer ways to persuade and influence people subconsciously?

In other words, are you going to settle for mediocre skills or skills on steroids? Which one do you think is better? Which one would you rather have?

Nuff’ said.

That’s why Ted and I have decided that we’re going to take on new apprentices to learn these skills from us personally (if you qualify).

Be Part of History in the Making And Become One of The Only Few Who Will Ever Get The Chance To Discover

These Secrets

You and I aren’t any different (especially if you’re still reading this) so learning this is going to be a real snap. There’s no long patterns to memorize, no redundant skills to develop, very little practice required… in fact, just the first 3 steps alone is often enough to win people to your side and to listen to everything you have to say because they’ll just naturally assume you’re an expert – even if you’re a complete newbie in your niche!

Furthermore, you and I are obviously drawn the subject of covert hypnosis and psychological persuasion. Why else would you be reading about it right now?

Like you, an opportunity to learn the new advanced technology of covert hypnosis doesn’t just come along every day. In fact, the chance to learn directly from a covert hypnotist rarely occurs because in all honesty – they don’t want you to know what they know!


Sure, they’ll tell you “some” of what they know (and yes, the 250 page How to Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught” and 8 hour audio CD’s is only just SOME of what I know), but deep down inside I think we all can agree that they really are holding back on the juicy secrets – the secrets that politicians, religious leaders, gurus, and some of the most brilliant minds in the world use!

And to be frank, if these methods have been used by these people then there stands a high probability that my psychological sequence (and knowledge) had a lot to do with it. If you’ve ever heard of a “Non-Disclosure” agreement then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

And for a long time, I’ve been practically GIVING away my strategies and secrets to my loyal friends and subscribers for the last 3 years because if it wasn’t for you guys I never would’ve generated the success I have had in my life (so I thank you – really, thank you for your support).

The prices I’ve charged in the past is peanuts compared to any results anyone can get in return so I want you to know upfront that you probably don’t qualify to be my apprentice – especially if you just “want” these secrets and don’t plan to use them!

I’m dead serious. I turn a lot of offers away – even people that are willing to pay me $5,000, $10,000 – even $15,000 or more to learn my coveted 13-step psychological sequence because I can tell that they are either going to use it unethically, or they aren’t going to actually use it!

You have to be an extremely motivated person with nothing to lose (as I have been) when it comes to psychological persuasion and actually applying these new covert hypnosis secrets!

Secrets that can:

• Help you to find the courage to eliminate your social anxiety.

• Know more about people than they do themselves.

• Hypnotically capture people’s minds instantly.

• Control people on a mass scale.

• Steal your competitors’ clients ethically and honestly.

• Easily hypnotize them to obey your subconscious influence.

• Positively inspire people to change.

• Establish leadership positions with anyone you fancy.

• Get people to “take your side” and defend your honor.

• Generate a new community of followers that beg to give you money.


• Improve your already existing relationships.

• Become a social GENIUS.

And so on.

These psychological techniques are not for the faint of heart. In fact, after showing only SOME of what this proven psychological sequence is about to a well known internet marketer (who shall go unnamed but I assure you was NOT Ted Ciuba) he was so frightened by the power of it he offered to buy the rights to it because he wanted it to hide it away from the general public!

He said to me on the phone after only sharing with him steps 1-4 of 13 “Nathan, the power of this sequence can ruin competitors so quickly for anyone that is into marketing that I’m willing to offer you money for the rights to it because I don’t think you – or anyone, should show this to people. Name your price.”

After I refused to sell the rights to it (good thing that I didn’t show him the entire sequence, eh?) our conversation ended with him chuckling and asking “You’re not planning on getting into the same business I am in, are you?”

Why would he ask this?

Because he knows that I have the uncanny experience to pull this sequence off and can absolutely ruin his reputation without even mentioning his or anyone else’s name!

Get it?

…kind of makes you wonder if I’m doing that right now, eh?

Clearly, you can see that this isn’t just some silly sequence – it can be (and is often used) as an entire business model to become the “Coca-Cola” in your industry or the “Deepak Chopra” in your community – so to speak!

However This is NOT Perfect!

It’s important to realize that I really didn’t know what I was doing when I first started to put together this killer psychological sequence. In fact, I failed more with it than I had succeeded with it at first but over the last year GIANT success sprung up for me!

Offers to speak at seminars, to do joint ventures, to do phone interviews, people begging me to write them sales copy, to promoting their products and such has been rewarding and a whole lot of fun for us.

Honestly, one simple little conversation on the phone with a basketball coach reported back to me that they had only lost 1 game in the season – and this was just FREE advice I gave to him.


Another man from Canada paid $1,500 to cut through the misleading information and actually learn what it takes to pick up beautiful women. Two weeks later, I never heard from him again for almost 9 months. When I finally did get back in touch with him he said “Oh, yeah. I’m actually busy dating a couple of beautiful women right now because what you showed me works.”

And I only showed them bits and pieces of this psychological sequence!

Now, even though I’m offering to reveal my entire 13-step process to you (if you qualify) it’s important to realize that it’s an ongoing process that I believe will never end. I’m constantly adding, deleting, tweaking, and modifying this formula on a daily basis, but what I can tell you is that the 13 steps I have worked out now are getting amazing results for myself and my clients.

Just imagine… less than one year ago I wasn’t sure about this psychological sequence at all. I didn’t think it was going to work. Nobody has ever shared anything like this to anyone in history so it’s 100% original.

Well, mistakenly I bought into a so called “experts” belief for quite some time that original ideas are no good and that they don’t work! What on earth was I (or he) thinking?!?!

Not only is this original, but it is working! And that “expert” is well, wrong!

One client, that was lucky enough to get a hold of these principles in less than a week was able to put $26,000 in his pocket. He’s a go-getter and actually one of the few to actually *use* what he had learned from me.

Here’s what he wrote me in the email (just days after learning):

“Nathan, this is excellent I just made $26,000 using subconscious selling...

Many thanks for you boldness of researching, testing, refining, and publishing your materials...



As you can see, now THAT is a go-getter right there! He took my concepts, used them, and put money into his pocket and sent me proof by email so that I knew he wasn’t jerking my chain!

Not to mention the “economy scare” as if there is no money to be made or nobody has any money. Intelligent people know that if you don’t spend money then you’re not helping because money is meant to be circulated and not held onto and we can all thank those tightwads who are hanging on to their money while the value of it depreciates because enough of it isn’t circulating!

…deep breath!


I guess they’re not intelligent enough to realize that if we don’t spend it then the government will print more – depreciating its value and in turn it raises prices for goods and services (such as the price of gas) so if you’re one of those people who complain about the prices of gas – just start spending your money already!

This Is NOT The Same Pitch You’ve Heard Before – In Fact I Guarantee That You’ve Never Seen Anything Like It


I’m not a swindler (heck, you probably don’t even know who I am). I don’t just throw my information around in front of anybody. If you’re interested you’re interested. If not, then oh well. You don’t need what I have to share anyway and you don’t qualify.

After you decide to learn my killer psychological sequence from me, PERSONALLY, you’re never going to look at any other offer the same again. In fact, you’ll know what I’m up to, you’ll know what I’m doing, you’ll be able to model what I’m doing, and do the exact same thing!

Furthermore, this psychological sequence is so blatantly simple that I won’t stuff your inbox with thousands of pages, 1,500 audios, 100 videos, and content galore. I don’t know about you, but I’m interested in refined, complete, and straight to the point results you can use the same day you learn them like Matthew did to put $26,000 into his pocket in only a few days after learning them!

Even more, you *aren’t* going to get silly “affiliate offers” to buy something related to what I have to share like most gurus do to you. That’s a guaranteed way for you to get little or no results, period. Those guys are dinks and if you’re anything like me, you’re tired of that same lame ole’ bogus way to do business with honest hard working people!

Why on earth would I send you somewhere else after you get my proven psychological sequence unless I didn’t believe in what I shared with you?!?!?

This is No Accident

Look, this is no accident that I’m coming out of the dark to reveal to only people that qualify to learn my proven 13-step psychological sequence to persuade and influence people that the world has never seen!

Never before have I ever offered this sequence to the general public – let alone learn it directly from me. This is your opportunity to learn it from me personally, one on one.

And what’s more, is I have decided to DO ALL THE WORK FOR YOU. Yes, FOR you.


• If you own a business, I’ll give you a marketing methodology that is sure to give you a flood of orders from your business contacts and prospects by writing you the killer copy that’s proven to get results.

• If you’re looking to use it to become a guru I’ll write out the exact sequence you need to follow that will build you a supportive herd of hungry money spenders – and you’ll be able to keep in contact with me about what your next move should be.

• If you’re looking to get elected as an official, then dammit, I’ll even give you the exact step-by-step mass control campaign strategy that is sure to give you the winning edge that nearly 99.37% of politicians don’t know!

• Hell, I don’t even care if you’re looking for a damn girlfriend. I’ll show you exactly what you need to do to build a reputation that surrounds you with women – no matter what you look like or your current skills!

• Finally, maybe you want to actually LEARN the strategy for yourself and become one of my coaching clients so you can do the same thing I can do for my clients – the opportunity is there for you too if you want it.

• Wait! There’s more! That wasn’t “finally”, THIS is… you will learn a method that we discovered, created, and we will license to you that you can use endlessly to make millions and can use endlessly in any business but you cannot teach this to others that are not an asset to your business.

After we get everything in place for you, the money, fame, fortune, and demand for your services come naturally (trust me, there will be more than enough, okay?) IF you put these strategies into action!

Until now, I’ve only been willing to work with clients that would pay me big money (and that’s probably a big reason why you haven’t ever heard of me before).

And now that I’ve got the experience under my belt, the templates, the know-how and more importantly, the RESULTS of using this psychological sequence that nobody knows except me and only a handful of others that were bright enough to grab it while the opportunity was there when I last taught it, I’m going to go out on a limb here and work with you, one on one, so you can become another success story!

For those of you that do know me and have claimed that I was holding back on what I actually knew, you’re right. The truth is, was just passive income for me. It’s nice to pay the mortgage and living expenses from a single website that is in place making you money whether you do anything with it or not.

And Just When You Thought This Couldn’t Get Any Better Here’s How You Can Profit From This Offer Once

You Attend This Event!


If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’re only going to continue to get what you’ve been getting. If I jumped out of a tree from 20 ft in the air and broke my leg, I’d be crazy to climb up the same tree and jump again.

That’s why I want to help YOU get started with learning this proven psychological sequence by “bribing” you to come to the Orlando Event…

Here’s how it works…

It should come as no shock that as Ted’s friend and subscriber, I want to give to you EXCLUSIVE access to my killer 13-step process during this live event on June 24-26, 2011 in beautiful Orlando Florida so make sure that you clear your calendar!

Of course, the alternative is to just pass this offer up or put it on your “to do” list but by then you’ll be out of luck because there are many marketers promoting this even as we speak and it will probably sell out in a blink (so you have to act fast). And after you attend this event, you’ll be armed with the tools you need to convert your prospects into a buying frenzy!

The reason why we’re “pressing” you to go to this event in a “you’ll regret it if you don’t” way may not be what you think because only to those that attend will be given a very, very special treat.

You see, the night I called up Ted Ciuba and revealed to him my 13 steps for the first time, I spilled the beans. I mean, I really went all out and delivered one of the most incredible presentations that will have your head spinning in excitement!


Because it was recorded live, uncensored, VERY RARE, and will never be released at no cost again, and we want to give you this recording just for attending the event!

In fact, the *only* way you can get this recording is by attending.

This recording I kid you not is solid gold! You know how when you teach something for the first time you cover every single angle of each little topic? Well, this is what this recording does. I spill – literally, EVERYTHING I knew about the 13-steps at the time.

However, a word of caution. I had a couple of “brews” that night as I revealed my secrets to Ted (and hopefully you too) and occasionally I “slip” up and use words that my mom would smack me for if she heard me (and unfortunately I found out by listening to it later that on more than once occasion I slurred my words). So even though I wish things were different from that night, the content is still KILLER and a must have. Plus, we will be giving you the “transcript” in case you’d rather read it, which is cleaned up and PG-13, okay?

So it’s win/win! And only available to those that attend!


What Else Will You Be Learning While You Attend The Event?

• Step-By-Step Examples Of How You Can Use Subconscious Selling In Your Business That Can Put More Money In Your Pocket Right Away

• Fill In the Blank Sales Letter Template That Does All The Work For You

• The Skinny On How Subconscious Selling Works

• “Basement” Underground Recordings of Nathan Revealing His 13-Steps to Ted On The Phone For The First Time (Remember, Nathan was “tipsy” that night, and really spills the beans!)

• Be The First To Enjoy The Benefits Of Learning Subconscious Selling Before It Hits The Open Market!

• Plus, More!

You’re getting everything you could possibly need to get started using subconscious selling right away! Not to mention, all of the other speakers that will be there as well to help you succeed in your business!

Listen, there is nothing more powerful than traveling across the country to get together with like minds, sharing our success stories, swapping ideas, and becoming a powerhouse group of movers and shakers in this community!

This is your opportunity to become part of a select group of people that will have access to the greatest persuasion and influencing secrets to make money, become famous, and attain the leadership you’ve always wanted while others sit back and stuff their face with ice cream, surf the net looking for the next big idea, watching TV, smoking two packs of cigarettes every day just dreaming about having an opportunity like this.

What Was That Dream Again?

You know what you want. You know where you want your business to be. Now is the best time to get started using this Subconscious Selling Technology (and by now, I think you’ll agree). Surely you’ve dreamed of having the house, cars, boats, fancy vacations, ability to go to seminars whenever you please, and becoming a “star” in your community.

Wake up! That chance is right in front of you. Be a dreamer, and then act on the inspiration you may allow yourself to feel!

It’s Easy to Get The Jump Start Right Away!


We’d Love To Hear From You. Please Click Here To Share Your Thoughts Now.


Nathan Blaszak, CH.

PS: By the way, you may wonder if I’m using the 13 steps with you right now. Yes I am. However, even if you were to attempt to “model” this report and use it in your business, you will be missing SO MUCH information about how it is structured that will only be revealed at this event and you will fail! (Seriously). Please tell us your thoughts by posting your comment now.

PPS: If you don’t make it to Michael Penland’s Internet Marketing and Wealth Building Seminar June 24-26, 2011 in Beautiful Orlando Florida You’re CRAZY! Even if you don’t share!