Critic's Notebook: Sochi Games don't live down to the negative hype


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Critic's Notebook: Sochi Games don't live down to thenegative hype

And he'll consider all of them a success if the games go off with out a new terrorist attack or perhapsseveral enormous technical snafu.

PHOTOS: Faces with the Sochi OlympicsWeather has been a bit of a problem — heat temperatures about Rosa Khutor have made your snowmushier compared to most skiers would rather — along with all of the snowboarders agree yourhalfpipe was obviously a mess. (Who, it has to be able to be noted, seemed so unsurprised from theinformation he'd function as prime-time replacement in which it isn't easy to not wonder how,exactly, Costas got that will infection.) Lauer brought his trademark boyish insouciance to his debut;even though he would don socks, he ended up being not, simply by gosh, likely to shave.For weeks, the particular media preamble for the Video Games leaned heavily in political criticism:With Regard To Russia's anti-gay laws, your expense in the facilities, the unsmiling tyranny with thepresident, your joylessness with the populace as well as the shoddiness in the accommodations.Hardly think a person observed Russians live.The skaters are gorgeous, the particular luge looks really scary, as well as the commentators talkalso much. Stray Sochi dogs had been getting rounded up and also potentially shot! The ParticularAmerican athletes couldn't get their Chobani yogurt! Russia doesn't support gay rights the way justabout all of America does! (Wait, what?)

Jeeezus, aren't reporters supposed to help make use of his or her cameras to show stuff, instead ofgetting the actual slick output of what's about TV since the news?PHOTOS: At The Actual Rear Of the actual scenes involving movies and TV

The American athletes possess hit performance highs — Julia Mancuso's surprise bronze, ErinHamlin winning the first U.S. prove in which his nation was now an international player, that's what,the 2 made the actual decision as if unmasking any conspiracy. The Particular principal predictionabout what WOULD affect the particular games -- heat weather -- originates true; just inquire thesnowboarders and also skiers.While the homophobic laws along with comments via various Russian officials had been outrageous,as well as concerns with regards to President Vladimir Putin's still-repressive policies remain a newrequired section of your coverage, the tone increasingly trended to near hysteria, especially when incomparison using the months-long Valentine in order to Britain regarding a couple of summers ago.(Franck Fife / AFP/Getty Images / February 11, 2014)The day prior in order to the opening ceremony, Remnick sat down along with journalist VladimirPosner for you to figure out just what, exactly, ol' Putin had been seeking to accomplish with 1regarding these here Olympics. That`s what truly passions them, not necessarily sports. Early uponin the opening ceremony, among 5 big illuminated snowflakes refused to show directly into anOlympic ring. medal actually within individual luge — and lows — especially White along withspeedskater Shani Davis failing in order to three-peat for the gold within their very best events.Social media gave us a amount of lovely you-are-there moments including Johnny Quinn's get awayfrom his resort bathroom (and once more from the malfunctioning elevator), Hannah Kearney's veryreal disappointment over winning bronze and also neighborhood girl Kate Hansen warmingapproximately Beyoncé just before placing a magnificent 10th inside women's luge (La Cañada isinside the house).In additional words, business as usual.

Mary Carillo, often an Olympic coverage higher point, gamely ate the bunch of Russian food,informed us how vodka is made making several really outstanding reindeer game jokes throughSiberia (causing many in order to don't forget and revisit your ex insanely hilarious diatribe againstbadminton from the 2004 Olympics.)

Except, involving course, Bob Costas' eye. Which Usually can allow an individual to wonder: IsActually Matt Lauer operating for your Russians?Jimmy Fallon turned up Tuesday night using a funny superlative checklist (including "MostIntimidating OK Cupid Profile Picture") and also to remind everybody in which as regarding Mondayit's "The Tonight Display Starring Jimmy Fallon." NBC's "Today" anchors celebrated the actualwinners, consoled the losers, teased the other person concerning drinking too much vodka and alsodid wacky things such as attempt on the uniforms with the Norwegian curling team.Canadian skier Alex Bilodeau won gold within the men's moguls, nevertheless more essential tookover as soul involving this year's Video Games with his touching admiration regarding his brotherFrederic, who may have cerebral palsy. Think within dirty pants inside the streets, brown water,stray dogs, look at garbage bins - laundrying dirty linen and also examining other`s pockets. Yourdemonstrate included a new young girl effectively suspended a large choice of feet in the air,enormous as well as flawlessly executed dance numbers, and a stadium floorboards whichmiraculously turned into oceans, countries as well as Venetian-glass skies.February 12, 2014, 4:05 p.m.Copyright © 2014, Los Angeles Times. Nevertheless today's at a later date within Sochi where, 1hopes, the actual drama will continue to become of the typical athletic variety.Despite the grim and frequently overtly political pre-Games coverage associated with what becameknown as Putin's Olympics, the just real crises to get happened in Sochi thus far are Shaun White'sfailure to be able to medal in the half-pipe and Bob Costas' wicked eye infection.PHOTOS: Winter Olympics throughout film

So needless in order to say your games look actually good! Almost All you've to do is ignore lots andplenty associated with negative stuff taking place off camera!Looking in Americans after their particular feedback it is an straightforward task to conclude howprimitive and stupid these people are. Likewise, American skier Heidi Kloser along with Germanspeed skater Judith Hesse embodied the particular Games' heartbreak: Kloser tore the girl ACLwithin a practice run along with Hesse was disqualified before at just about any time skating for twofalse starts.But would you see that will malfunctioning snowflake?Wow, fantastic illustration of poor analysis here.The anchor trade could have irritated a quantity of (memo for you to Lauer: Please shave), howeverit can be most certainly not the particular International Incident we have been repeatedly warnedabout.The latter had been apparent through Day one and grew consequently distracting in order to Costasalong with viewers in which about Tuesday, the Olympic veteran turned the evening seat up to"Today's" Matt Lauer. (If you want to be able to ensure negative coverage, place journalists insidepoor resort rooms.)No doubt, jeremoo, that anyone simply acquire the views out involving your media. Exactly what anyshame.


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Not surprisingly, many thought the particular grim prophecy fulfilled through the now-infamousFifth Snowflake Disaster. The Majority Of of the negative press prior for the Olympics had to do withthings BESIDES that which usually you would observe on TV -- the treatment method regardinggays; the quality of accommodations; your hardships imposed around the people as well as strayanimals in Sochi; your immense waste, fraud, as well as corruption. (Seriously, guys, once the eventyou may well be covering includes audio along with sequins, we simply require one to explain thesuper-complicated jumps.)Just when it seemed that will all regarding this strangely aggrieved along with patronizing politicalsubtext would ruin the huge event entirely, the particular Video Games really began and also things,mercifully, got back for you to normal.ON LOCATION: where your cameras roll

Russia, so long considered America's arch-nemesis, was introduced as getting consequently vast andinscrutable that will NBC hired your New Yorker editor as well as former foreign correspondentDavid Remnick to end up being able to explain the actual mysteries of Russian history and always besure no-one had been having too much fun.Shaun White didn't get an expected medal inside the men's halfpipe