Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


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  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial





    For sale by owner.

     A 2007 Dodge Power Ram 3500 Diesel !

    "i#$%&" 'r$.

    (70)000 $ilome'res * mos'ly +ig+way

    5., li're engine

    -!'ended #ab * s+or' bo!

    Gray #lo'+ in'erior 

    New 'ransmission) new bra$es.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    Pri#e 2)000.00

     Address/ An#as'er) On'ario

    +is ad was "os'ed by im 1osmas wie

    4+arlene) and in '+e ad was #on'a#' inorma'ion

    or im 1osma) in#l&ding +is "+one n&mber.

    4+arlene 1osma "os'ed '+ese ads on i6i6i and

     A&'o'rader a wee$ or so beore '+e '+e een's

    o May 8'+ ) 20(3.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


     +e 'r$ was s'ar'ing 'o #os' 'oo m+ in

    re"airs. +ey were a yo&ng amily and) li$e

    many yo&ng amilies) money was 'ig+' and '+e

    sale o '+e 'r$ was ne#essary.

    4i! days la'er on May (2'+) 20(3) '+is same

    'r$) im 1osmas 'r$) was re#oered in '+e

    drieway o a residen#e in leinb&rg) On'ario) a

    small 'own nor'+ o oron'o. +e 'r$ was

    inside a large 'railer. +e residen#e was owned

    by Dellen Millards mo'+er.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    +e in'erior o '+e 'r$ +ad been s'ri""ed.

    9ar"e's gone. +e ron' sea's) gone.

    +e ron' sea's were o&nd in '+e same 'railer

    be+ind '+e 'r$ and agains' '+e main rear

    doors o '+e 'railer. +e driers sea') #en'er

    #onsole and "assenger sea' +ad no &"+ols'ery)

    no #&s+ioning) 6&s' #+arred me'al. +ey +ad

    been b&rned.

    Forensi# e!amina'ion o '+e 'r$ wo&ld

    'a$e "la#e in '+e days) wee$s and mon'+s


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    4ignii#an' amo&n's o g&ns+o' resid&e

    were o&nd on '+e inside o '+e 'r$) wi'+

    es"e#ially +ig+ #on#en'ra'ions in '+e ron' sea'

    area) bo'+ "assenger side #eiling and driers

    side #eiling.

    F&r'+er orensi# e!amina'ion o&nd '+e

    blood DNA o im 1osma on '+e inside o '+e

    'r$ in ario&s areas) in#l&ding the inside rear 

    passenger door; rear passenger armrest;

    around the glove bo; and !ront passenger

    "up holder #!ront or rear$%&


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    im 1osmas blood was also o&nd in

    ario&s areas on '+e under"arriage o! the


    +e ron' "assenger side window was


    +e "oli#e also re#oered a spent 3:0 g&n

    #ar'ridge #asing inside '+e 'r$.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    Mr. Millards inger"rin's were la'er o&nd by

    "oli#e orensi# oi#ers on both '+e eterior  and

    interior  o '+e 'r$.

    ;+en Mr. Millard was arres'ed '+e "oli#e o&nd

    in his vehi"le '+e $eys 'o im 1osmas 'r$.


     On May (('+ ) the da+ be!ore '+e "oli#e

    re#oered im 1osmas 'r$ in '+e drieway o

    Dellen Millards mo'+ers residen#e

  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    '+e "oli#e sear#+ed a arm "ro"er'y owned by

    Dellen Millard in Ayr) On'ario) 6&s' o&'side


    ;+ile "oli#e were e!e#&'ing '+e sear#+ warran'

    '+ey lo#a'ed a #rema'ion dei#e) the

    Eliminator .

    +e -limina'or is designed and

    man&a#'&red in '+e >.4.A. by a #om"any in

    Georgia and '+e dei#e is &sed 'o ) among

    o'+er '+ings) in"inerate !arm animal

    "ar"asses large and small&  +e model o '+e


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    Eliminator  '+e "oli#e lo#a'ed on '+e a##&sed?s

    "ro"er'y was large enough !or humans to !it


     I' was o&nd by "oli#e in a s'and o 'rees on '+e

    Millard arm "ro"er'y) away rom '+e arm

    b&ildings) and no' easily isible.

    +e day beore +is arres' on May (0'+) Dellen

    Millard moed '+e -limina'or !rom the barn on

    his propert+ o&' 'o '+e area w+ere "oli#e o&nd

    i'. Mr. Millard did '+is w+ile i' was dar', late at


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    night, and -ith the assistan"e o! his


    ;+en '+e "oli#e irs' saw '+e Eliminator )

    '+ey were s'r$ by i's si@e) '+e lo#a'ion o i' in

    '+e 'rees and '+e des#ri"'ors or '+e dei#e

    w+i#+ were on a me'al "la'e a''a#+ed 'o '+e &ni'

     * .The Eliminator / 0mall and (arge *nimal

    Cremators1&  +e "oli#e +ad no' seen any'+ing

    li$e i' beore.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    im 1osma was s'ill missing a' '+is "oin' and

    Dellen Millard +ad been arres'ed '+e day beore

    or '+e '+e' o im 1osmas 'r$ and +is

    or#ible #oninemen') or abd'ion.

    The poli"e -ere still "on"erned about the

    -ell2being o! Tim 3osma and his


    Poli#e loo$ed inside '+e Eliminator  and i'

    a""eared 'o +ae been #leaned o&') b&' in

    loo$ing s'raig+' down in'o '+e main a&l' area)

    '+e Forensi# Iden'ii#a'ion Oi#er saw w+a'


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    loo$ed li$e bones. 4+e did no' $now i '+ey

    were +&man or animal. +is oi#er 'oo$ '+e


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    and '+e ollowing morning * a 4&nday * '+is

    e!"er' a''ended '+e "oli#e s'a'ion) e!amined

    '+e bones and #onirmed +er ini'ial o"inion '+a'

    '+ey were +&man bones.

    In '+e ollowing days) '+is Forensi#

     An'+ro"ologis' and a "oli#e Forensi#

    Iden'ii#a'ion Oi#er a''ended '+e arm and

    removed, eamined and anal+4ed '+e

    remains in '+e -limina'or.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


     +e o"inion o '+e e!"er' was '+a' inside '+e

    a&l' area was "remated adult human

    remains o! one individual.

    5: bone ragmen's) 2 ir'&ally #om"le'e bones

    and one 'oo'+ were re#oered rom inside '+e

    a&l'. (7 o '+ese bone ragmen's and 2

    #om"le'e bones were deini'ely +&man * '+e

    'oo'+ a""eared +&man. +e remaining ( bone

    ragmen's e!+ibi'ed #+ara#'eris'i#s o +&man


    It -as her opinion that person -as li'el+

    male and under 56 +ears old&


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    F&r'+er orensi# e!amina'ion o '+e

    -limina'or o&nd blood on '+e main +a'#+ area

    o '+e a&l'. It -as Tim 3osma7s blood&

    Dellen Millard and Mar$ 4mi#+ were riends)

    b&' '+ey did no' $now im 1osma and im

    1osma did no' $now ei'+er o '+em. The

    random "oming together o! their di!!erent

    -orlds -ould o""ur on )a+ 8th, 96:, the

    da+ Tim 3osma -as murdered&


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    The Cro-n intends to prove that on this date

    in the late evening hours, Tim 3osma -as

    'illed in his tru"', shot b+ the t-o a""used

    at "lose range, -hile on a test drive -ith his

    tru"'; his bod+ then in"inerated hours later

    b+ the t-o a""used&

    im 1osma was 32 years old) married 'o

    4+arlene and a yo&ng a'+er. e wor$ed &ll%

    'ime in +is own b&siness) ins'alling +ea'ing and

    air #ondi'ioning sys'ems. e +ad +ad no "oli#e



  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


     A' '+e 'ime o '+e arres' o Dellen Millard or

    irs' degree m&rder '+e "oli#e were o#&ssed on

    Mar$ 4mi#+ as '+e se#ond "erson inoled

    and +is arres' on '+e same #+arge wo&ld

    +a""en a wee$ or so la'er.< May 22=

    In order to understand the

    disappearan"e o! Tim 3osma on )a+ 8th,

    96: and his murder, it is important to

    understand the events in the da+s

    immediatel+ be!ore& The -ee'end o!

    0aturda+, )a+ 5 and 0unda+, )a+

  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    On 4a'&rday) May '+) im 1osma was

    "+oned by a "erson '+e 9rown in'ends 'o "roe

    was Dellen Millard. +ey s"o$e or a ew

    min&'es and arrangemen's were made or Mr.

    Millard 'o #ome see '+e 'r$ on Monday

    eening) May 8'+.

    On '+e 4&nday) im 1osma was+ed and

    wa!ed '+e 'r$ in an'i#i"a'ion o '+e "ossible

    sale o +is 'r$ on Monday nig+'.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    im 1osma wor$ed Monday and arried

    +ome aro&nd 5/30 ".m. 4+arlene des#ribed

    +im as B&"se'C be#a&se +e +ad no' +eard rom

    '+e g&y '+a' day and +e was &n#er'ain i '+e g&y

    was s'ill #oming. im) in '+e morning '+a' day)

    sen' a 'e!' 'o '+e same n&mber '+a' #alled +im.

      .Good morning& It7s Tim& I7m -or'ing

    in Hamilton toda+ i! +ou -ant to meet or do

    +ou still -ant to meet at m+ house tonight

    !or = pm$1 +e 'e!' wen' &nanswered.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


     4+or'ly a'er) e!"ressing +is r&s'ra'ion 'o

    4+arlene) and 6&s' a'er 7/00 ".m.) im 1osma

    did re#eie a "+one #all rom Mr. Millard) w+o

    'old im +e was #oming rom oron'o and +e

    wo&ld be abo&' an +o&r.

    I' is no' a""aren' '+a' in +is dealings wi'+

    im 1osma '+e #aller "roided +is name)

    none'+eless '+e 9rown in'ends 'o "roe '+e

    iden'i'y o '+e #aller as Dellen Millard.

    Mr. Millard #alled im 1osma a se#ond 'ime

    as +e was arriing in An#as'er 6&s' a'er ,/00


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    ".m.. A' '+is 'ime) '+e 'wo a##&sed Dellen

    Millard and the person the Cro-n intends to

    prove -as )ar' 0mi"h wal$ed &" '+e

    drieway o '+e 1osmas residen#e on rini'y

    Road on '+e o&'s$ir's o An#as'er.

    4+arlene saw bo'+ +er +&sband im and '+e

    'aller o '+e 'wo) Mr. Millard) on '+eir #ell

    "+ones. 4+e saw '+a' '+ey +&ng &" '+eir #ell

    "+ones a' '+e same 'ime. 4+e 'oo$ rom '+is

    '+ey +ad been s"ea$ing 'o ea#+ o'+er.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    im 1osma 'old '+e 'wo men) Mr. Millard

    and Mr. 4mi#+) '+ey #o&ld +ae "ar$ed in '+e

    drieway) b&' Mr. Millard 'old im )no, the+ had

    got a ride !rom a !riend -ho had dropped

    them o!! and the !riend had gone to Tim


    +ey s+oo$ +ands) wal$ed aro&nd '+e 'r$

    or a brie ins"e#'ion and '+en '+e '+ree o '+em

    go' in '+e 'r$ or a 'es' drie. Dellen Millard

    driing im 1osma in '+e ron' "assenger sea'

    and Mar$ 4mi#+ go' in '+e ba#$ sea'.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    im said 'o 4+arlene '+ey were going or a

    'es' drie and '+ey wo&ld be ba#$ soon. +ey

    '&rned le' o&' o '+e drieway on'o rini'y Road

    +eading nor'+.

    Tim 3osma -as never seen or heard

    !rom again&

    ;+en im 1osma +ad no' re'&rned as +e

    said +e wo&ld) 4+arlene 'ried +is "+one

    re"ea'edly and ea#+ 'ime i' wen' s'raig+' 'o

    oi#email. 4+e also sen' a 'e!' message

    as$ing E&o'e .>here are +ou1. All o '+ese


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    a''em"'s 'o #on'a#' +im wen' &nanswered.

    4+arlene #alled amily and riends or +el" and)

    '+en) '+e amil'on Poli#e.

     As a res&l' o '+e missing "erson

    ines'iga'ion w+i#+ began on May 7'+ 

    immedia'ely a'er ims disa""earan#e) '+e

    "oli#e iden'iied '+ree o'+er men w+o +ad

    ader'ised similar 'r$s or sale on '+e i6i6i

    websi'e and in A&'o'rader online.

    +ese men were in'eriewed by "oli#e as

    '+e same "+one n&mber '+a' #alled im 1osma


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    on '+e 4a'&rday +ad #alled '+ese men aro&nd

    '+e same 'ime. +ese '+ree men were also

    selling diesel engine Dodge 'r$s.

    +e male #aller) w+o made inE&iries o t-o 

    o '+ese men abo&' '+eir Dodge 'r$s)

    iden'iied +imsel 'o '+em as a name '+a'

    so&nded 'o '+em a' '+e 'ime as ei'+er .Evan,

    E-an or *van1&

    On 4&nday) May 5) 20(3) '+e day beore

    im 1osmas m&rder) one o '+ese men wen' or 

    a 'es' drie wi'+ 'wo males the Cro-n intends


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    to prove -ere )r& )illard and )r& 0mi"h , in

    +is 20(0 Dodge Ram 2500 diesel 'r$.

    +e seller 'old "oli#e '+a' '+e one male) w+o

    did all '+e 'al$ing and 'es' droe '+e 'r$) was/

    male -hite, 8751, medium build, ?6 'gs, light

    bro-n short hair li'e a !lat top, "lean

    shaven, 9= to 9 +ears o! age, a tattoo o! the

    -ord .*mbition1 on his -rist -here a -at"h

    -ould be -orn, and other unidenti!ied

    tattoos& He -as -earing light blue @eans,

    orange t2shirt and "arr+ing an .Indiana

    Aones1 st+le sat"hel bag& This male said his


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    name -as either E-an or Evan& +is was Mr.

    Millard. is middle name is -an.

    +e se#ond male sa' in '+e rear sea' o '+e

    'r$. +e seller did no' +ae m+ 'o say or do

    wi'+ '+is "erson. +e 9rown in'ends 'o "roe

    '+a' '+is "erson was Mr. 4mi#+.

     A'er '+e 'es' drie) Mr. Millard 'old '+e seller 

    '+a' '+ey were loo$ing a' 'wo o'+er 'r$s) b&'

    '+ey wo&ld #all +im ba#$ Monday nig+') May 8.

    +is man neer +eard ba#$ rom ei'+er



  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    amil'on Poli#e did &r'+er ines'iga'ion on

    '+e .*mbition1 tattoo and '+ey re#eied

    inorma'ion rom 'wo dieren' so&r#es in Peel

    and oron'o) '+a' a Dellen -an Millard DO1

    (,:50:30 +ad an Ambi'ion 'a''oo. +is was

    #onsidered by "oli#e 'o be a signii#an' lead.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


     +ro&g+ #ell "+one re#ords '+e 9rown

    in'ends 'o "roe bo'+ a##&sed were &sing '+eir

    #ell "+ones in '+e area o '+is mans residen#e)

    the other seller o! the Bodge Biesel tru"') in

    Nor'+ oron'o in '+is 'ime "eriod on '+a' day.

     Also ) #ell "+one re#ords o bo'+ a##&sed

    s+ow '+em 'raelling rom '+e Grea'er oron'o

     Area) '+ro&g+ Oa$ille) 'o 6&s' o&'side '+e +ome

    o im 1osma on May 8) 20(3. 1o'+ o '+eir

    #ell "+ones "inged o #ell 'owers in #lose

    "ro!imi'y 'o '+e 1osma +ome) immedia'ely


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    beore im 1osma me' '+e 'wo a##&sed. +ese

    "+ones were '&rned o immedia'ely a'er '+e

    abd'ion) a s+or' dis'an#e o&'side '+e area o

    '+e 1osma +ome) w+ile im 1osma was in '+e

    'r$ wi'+ Mr. Millard and Mr. 4mi#+.

    ;i'+in a ew +o&rs o im 1osmas

    abd'ion) s+or'ly a'er midnig+' on May 7'+)

    images #a"'&red by a neig+bo&ring b&sinesss

    ideo s&reillan#e sys'em a' '+e Millardair < '+e

    amily b&siness Mr. Millard wor$ed in= angar

    a' ;a'erloo Regional Air"or' s+ows -hat the


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    Cro-n intends to prove was im 1osmas

    'r$ 'owing '+e -limina'or &" 'o '+e +angar and

    "ar$ing o&'side. +e 'r$ and -limina'or were

    ollowed #losely by a e+i#le similar 'o a GM9

    &$on) a e+i#le '+e 9rown in'ends 'o "roe

    was owned by Mr. Millard on '+e nig+' in


    +is same ideo sys'em also s+ows

    images o '+e -limina'or being igni'ed o&'side

    '+e +angar door.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    This, the Cro-n sa+s, -as the

    in"ineration phase o! the death o! Tim

    3osma -hi"h too' pla"e over several hours

    in the earl+ morning hours o! )a+ =th&

     A orensi# ideo analys' will gie eiden#e in

    '+is 'rial abo&' +is analysis o '+is ideo and

    seeral o'+er relean' ideos rom ario&s

    lo#a'ions) da'es and 'imes.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial



    Mr. Millard sen' a message 'o +is

    em"loyees early &esday morning May 7 early

    'elling '+em no' 'o #ome 'o wor$ a' all '+a' day

    as '+ere were Duote .airport politi"s no one

    goes to the hangar toda+, not even @ust to

    grab something1& End Duote. ;+en '+e

    em"loyees re'&rned 'o wor$ '+e ollowing day

  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    missing "erson ines'iga'ion rom '+e news. e

    'oo$ "+o'os o '+e 'r$) in#l&ding '+e HIN

  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


     Also on '+is day) May 7) 20(3) Mr. Millard

    'old +is roomma'e '+a' '+ey +ad s'olen a 'r$

    on May 8) '+e day beore. +is roomma'e 

    already $new '+a' Mr. Millard and Mr. 4mi#+

    "lanned 'o s'eal a 'r$ o '+is $ind. +e

     A##&sed +ad 'old +im '+is "lan on '+e wee$end.

    Mr. 4mi#+ 'old +is girlriend '+a' Mr. Millard

    s'ole '+e 'r$ and '+a' +e

  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


     Mr. 4mi#+s girlriend 'old "oli#e o '+e 'wo

    a##&sed loo$ing or a 'r$ 'o s'eal and 'al$ing

    abo&' '+is a ew days beore '+e m&rder. 4+e

    also 'old "oli#e s+e remembered Mr. Millard

    "i#$ed &" Mr. 4mi#+ on May 8) 20(3 w+i#+

    wo&ld +ae been beore '+ey made '+eir way 'o

     An#as'er 'o see im 1osmas 'r$.

    ;i'+in days o '+e m&rder) Mr. Millard

    #on'a#'ed a "erson +e $new rom "as' dealings

    w+o owned an a&'o body s+o". Mr. Millard

    in'ended 'o "ain' im 1osmas 'r$. Mr. Millard

    also ins'r'ed +is me#+ani#em"loyee 'o


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    remoe '+e de#als and o'+er iden'iiers rom '+e

    'r$ in "re"ara'ion or '+e ma$eoer.

    Mr. Millard #on'a#'ed a riend on May ,)

    20(3) '+e nig+' beore +is arres' and made

    arrangemen's 'o dro" o a lo#$ed 'ool bo! or

    +im 'o +old on 'o. Mr. Millard did '+is aro&nd

    /00 a.m. wi'+ +is girlriend.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


     A'er '+e arres' o Mr. Millard) Mr. 4mi#+

    ob'ained "ossession o '+e 'oolbo! rom m&'&al

    riends o '+e 'wo A##&sed. Mr. 4mi#+ was

    aware o '+e arres' o Mr. Millard and +e 'oo$

    s'e"s 'o gain #on'rol and "ossession o '+e

    lo#$ed 'oolbo!.

    +e 'oolbo! in E&es'ion was sei@ed in '+e

    +ome o Mr. 4mi#+ &"on +is arres' on May 22)

    20(3& orensi" eamination o! the toolbo

    !ound gunshot residue on the interior& 

    +ere was no g&n in '+e 'oolbo! be#a&se Mr.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    4mi#+ +ad already ta'en steps to dispose o!


      Mr. 4mi#+s girlriend 'old "oli#e '+a' Mr.

    4mi#+ 'old +er '+a' +e +ad '+e g&n) b&' '+a' +e

    go' rid o '+e g&n by b&rying i' in '+e ores'. Mr.

    4mi#+ was no' more s"e#ii# '+an '+a' wi'+ +er.

    1eore b&rying '+e g&n) Mr. 4mi#+ 'ried 'o

    sell '+e g&n '+ro&g+ a riend. e was



  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    )r& )illard7s girl!riend will 'es'iy in '+is


    4+e is #&rren'ly #+arged wi'+ A##essory

     A'er '+e Fa#' 'o M&rder or +er role in een's

    a'er '+e m&rder o im 1osma. er 'rial on '+is

    #+arge is "ending. In +er s'a'emen' 'o "oli#e

    s+e said) among o'+er '+ings) s+e was wi'+ Mr.

    Millard w+en +e 'owed '+e 'railer and 'r$ 'o

    Mr. Millards mo'+ers in leinb&rg on May ,'+

    s+e was wi'+ Mr. Millard w+en '+ey moed '+e

    -limina'or in'o '+e s'and o 'rees '+a' same


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    nig+' a'er dro""ing o '+e 'r$ and 'railer a'

    Mr. Millards mo'+ers and s+e said s+e was

    wi'+ Mr. Millard w+en +e 'oo$ '+e lo#$ed 'ool

    bo! 'o +is riends +o&se in '+e early morning

    +o&rs o May (0'+.

     A'er Mr. Millards girlriend was #+arged or

    +er role) "oli#e e!e#&'ed a sear#+ warran' on

    +er residen#e in oron'o and sei4ed !rom her

    bedroom several letters that -ere -ritten to

    her b+ )r& )illard over a period o! man+

    months -hile he -as in @ail a!ter his arrest.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    +ese le''ers aried in 'erms o #on'en') b&' one

    '+eme o many le''ers was Mr. Millard wan'ing a

    $ey 9rown wi'ness 'o #+ange +is eiden#e. is

    girlriend was as$ed 'o rea#+ o&' 'o '+is "erson

    'o ge' +im 'o #+ange +is eiden#e.

     +is was a "erson Mr. Millard #onsidered a

    riend and someone w+o +e belieed #o&ld be

    #onin#ed 'o #+ange '+e +is s'a'emen' 'o

    "oli#e. +is was 'o assis' Mr. Millard as +e

    #onsidered w+a' '+is "erson $new abo&' '+e

    "lan 'o s'eal '+e 'r$ as damning and

    in#rimina'ing inorma'ion.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    For e!am"le) in one s+ le''er 'o +is

    girlriend Mr. Millard wro'e '+e ollowing/ .I! he

    'ne- his -ords -ere going to get me a li!e

    senten"e , he -ould -ant to "hange them&

    0ho- him ho- he "an, and he -ill "hange


     Des"i'e Mr. Millards wri''en dire#'ion a' '+e

    end o many o '+ese le''ers 'o Bdestro+ these

    letters1, '+ey were s'ill in '+e girlriends

    bedroom in A"ril ) 20() w+en s+e was arres'ed

    or +er inolemen' w+i#+ was almos' ( year

    a'er '+e m&rder and '+e arres' o Mr. Millard.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    In '+e sear#+ o Mr. Millards girlriend?s

    residen#e) "oli#e also sei@ed rom +er bedroom

    a DHR% digi'al ideo re#order * '+a' Mr. Millard

    +ad 'a$en rom '+e air"or' +angar and gien 'o

    +is girlriend 'o +old on 'o ) a""aren'ly wi'+o&'

    e!"lana'ion. e gae '+is 'o +er on May ,'+ 

    w+en +e "i#$ed +er &" w+ile en ro&'e 'o

    leinb&rg 'o dro" '+e 'railer wi'+ im 1osma?s

    'r$ in i' a' +is mo'+er?s "la#e.

    +e "oli#e e!amined '+e #on'en's o '+e

    ideo and '+e 9rown in'ends 'o "roe '+a'

    Dellen Millard and Mar$ 4mi#+ are in '+e

  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    +angar on May 7'+ a' aro&nd (/30 am * d&ring

    '+e 'ime '+e 9rown says '+e remains o im

    1osma were being in#inera'ed in '+e -limina'or)

     6&s' o&'side '+e +angar doors.


    +e o&'line I +ae "roided 'o yo& is 6&s'

    '+a'. I' is no' eiden#e in '+is #ase &n'il a

    wi'ness ma$es i' eiden#e. I' is w+a' '+e 9rown

    an'i#i"a'es '+e eiden#e will be based mainly

    on wi'ness s'a'emen's and '+e "re"ara'ion o

    wi'nesses or 'rial.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    Des"i'e '+is) wi'nesses may in a#' 'es'iy

    dieren'ly '+an w+a' +as been o&'lined 'o yo&.

    I '+is +a""ens) yo& are only 'o #onsider w+a'

    '+e wi'ness 'ells yo& in '+is #ase in '+is 'rial.

    o& will +ae 'o disregard w+a' I +ae said i i'

    is no' #onsis'en' wi'+ '+e eiden#e o a wi'ness.

    o& +ae +eard inorma'ion abo&' '+is #ase

    or '+e irs' 'ime o w+a' wi'nesses saw and

    +eard) and w+a' '+ey did regarding '+is

    ines'iga'ion as #iilians) "oli#e or e!"er's. I' is

    no' e!"e#'ed '+a' '+is "i#'&re is absol&'ely #lear 

    'o yo& now. +e o&'line in '+is o"ening is


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    merely 'o assis' yo&r ini'ial &nders'anding o '+e

    een's s&rro&nding '+e m&rder o im 1osma.

    For'&na'ely) '+e 'es'imony o all '+e

    wi'nesses) #iilians) "oli#e and e!"er's) in '+is

    #ase will "ro#eed a' a "a#e w+i#+ will allow yo&

    'o &lly #onsider '+e wi'ness 'es'imony. I' will

    allow yo& 'o de#ide '+e inolemen' o '+e 'wo

    a##&sed and w+e'+er or no' '+ey are g&il'y as

    #+arged or '+e Firs' Degree M&rder o im


    +an$ yo&.


  • 8/20/2019 Crown's opening address in Tim Bosma murder trial


    +e 9rown #alls as i'?s irs' wi'ness

    4+arlene 1osma.
