Cultivation of Medicinal Plants




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There are 2 types of plants (1) Wild (2) Cultivated

1- Wild:Advantages:1- Cheap 2- Genuene so best quality and quantity of the active constituents.*Disadvantages:1- Sparse distribution2- Difficulty to reach to this plants.3- Collection by ignorant unskilled people.4- Ruthless collection that leads to deficiency.5- Insufficient supply so non satisfactory for industry.6- Difficulty of the transport.

2- Cultivated:Advantages:1- Concentrated in small area.2- Easy to reach.3- Sufficient supply.4- Easy of the transport.*Disadvantages:1- Expensive.2- affected by weather changes and insect attacks.3- require large area to yield sufficient supply.4-narcotics plants must be cultivated under control of the government.

Due to

Drying of drugsDrugs are dried for the following reasons:1-To decrease size and weight. (facilitate transportation).2-To facilitate powdering.3-To stop enzymatic hydrolysis.4-To stop action of microorganisms.

Methods of Drying1-Natural Drying:Drugs are spread in thin layers and exposed to climatic heat.If the active constituents or colors affected by sun, the drugs Could be dried in shade.This process takes about 5 days is summer and 15 in winter.

2-Artificial Drying:a-Direct fire: by using heated stones. Here temperature is uncontrolled. Applied only for heat stable drugs.b-Drying chamber: it is a small chamber provided withshelves, door, window, source of injected hot air and thermostat.

C- Drying oven: they are small cabinets having source of heat device for circulating air, a thermostat and thermometersometimes it may be evacuated (called vacuum oven).D- Lyophilization: called freeze drying, the freeze drug isExposed to high vacuum until complete drying.E- Chemical drying: the drug is placing in a desiccators withA strong dehydrating agent as phosphorus pentasulphide

IMPORTANT DEFINITIONSAbsolute dry drug:It is the drug which is totally free from water.Air-dry drug:Is that drug containing an amount of moisture in an Equilibrium With moisture of air.

Changes in drugs during and after drying:-Size and weight. (80%-90% reduction in weight).-Shape and appearance:most of drugs become wrinkled and reticulateBarks: become rolled.Petiole: become curved.Aloes: become glassy.-Texture: become brittle.-Colour: become darker.-Odour: digitalis and hyoscyamous loose undesirable odour.Vanilla acquire agreeable odour.-Taste: Gentian changes from very bitter to slightlt bitteror even sweet.

Packing of Drugs

-Leaves and herbs are packed loose or in bales.-Seeds, fruits, roots and rhizomes are packed in bags.-Packing may be affect appearance of drugs such as sennaWhich indicate the geographical origin.

Preservation of crude drugs

Factors affecting deterioration of crude drugs:I-Physicochemical Factors:1-Moisture:-Activate enzymes.-Hydrolyze active constituents.-Helps growth of microorganisms and insects on the drug.So, sensitive drugs should be stored in well-closed containers.

2-Light:-It destroy light sensitive drugs.-Change colour of the drugs (as rhubarb, digitalis and santonica)-Polarized light caused more rapid change than normal light.So, light sensitive drugs should be stored in Amber-coloured containers.3-Temperature:-accelerate evaporation of volatile oils.-accelerate evaporation of volatile matters.-accelerate deterioration of heat sensitive drugs.-it renders absorbable cotton into non absorbable cotton.

4-Oxygen of air:-causes oxidation of the active constituents.-causes rancidity of the fixed oil.-causes resenification of the volatile oils.

II- Biological factors1-Bacteria and fungi:They attack drugs containing excess amount of moisture and starch.2-Arachnida:-this includes nematode, worms and mites which infect starchy drugs-Nematodes and worms appear as twisting threads.-Mites appear as glistening spots.-they have 4 pairs of legs, no antenna, body composed of two parts, they multiply rapidly.

3-Insects: Attack both entire and powder drugs even poisonous drugs.-Insects include: ants, moths, beetles and cockroaches.Control of insects could be achieved by:a-heat treatment: temperature above 65C which is sufficient to kill eggs and mature insect.b-freezing. Kill all stages of insect.c-Fumigation: suitable for large quantities of drugs byexposing the drug to a poisonous gas or liquid vaporin closed room. The process repeated twice weekly.The gases as:HCN, CCL4, CS2, T-gas (90% ethylene oxide and 10% CO2).d-liming: as nutmeg and ginger, t could be coated by lime.

4-Rodents: as rats, mice and rabbits, they eat drugs and spoil it with urine and hairs, so, drugs should be kept in well-closed containers.

Adulteration of Drugs and its Detection

Adulteration Done by:-substitution by worthless materials.-mixing the drug with inferior quality.-mixing the drug with spoiled or deteriorated drug.

Adulteration of drugs involves the following:1-Sophistication or true adulteration:-Saffron adulterated by Safflower, Calendula or red color threads.-Ergot and nutmeg mixed with molded materials.-Ginger adulterated by adding flour, Curcuma and Capsicum.2-Substitution:-Arabian Senna instead of Indian Senna.-Exhausted drug of Clove and genuine drug.3-Admixture:-mixing of drugs with other foreign matters by accident (not intended).

4-Deterioration:destruction of the active constituents by distillation, extraction, heat etc5-Spoilage:all drugs which are unfit for human or other animal consumption are adulterants.6-Inferiority.7-Addition of worthless materials:as stone sand, dust, husk, marc.

Adulteration of Food and Drug powders1-Byproducts obtained in milling of Wheat, Barely, Rice coat, Maize, Brane2- Seeds as date stone, Apricot stone and Olive stone.3-Various wood: Pine wood, Quassia wood..4-Exhausted residues.Detection of Adulterants:1-Macroscopical characters.2-Microscopical characters.3-Physical properties.4-Chemical properties.5-Comparison with authentic.
