D. Matokovi}, Dje~ji svijet / The World of Children


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D. Matokovi}, Dje~ji svijet / The World of Children

Sl. 3.01 Velike babinje, ^e{ljakovci, 1942.g.

Fig. 3.01 The confinement feast, ^e{ljakovci, 1942

Sl. 3.02 Obitelj iz Vetova (roditelji, sin, k}er i unuci)

Fig. 3.02 Family from Vetovo (parents, son, daughter and grand-children)

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D. Matokovi}, Dje~ji svijet / The World of Children

Sl. 3.04 Obitelj iz Luka~a, (snimljena izme|u 1916. i 1918.g.)

Fig. 3.04 Family from Luka~ (photographedbetween 1916 and 1918)

Sl. 3.05 Lucija{i (obi~aj na sv. Luciju -13.12.)

Fig. 3.05 St. Lucy - performers (a customobserved on St. Lucy's Day,December 13th)

Sl. 3.03 Dje~ja igra "jarac", "kozli}", Graberje

Fig. 3.03 Children game 'he - goat", "kid", Graberje

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N. Matija{ko, N. Rittig-Beljak, Uloga tradicionalnih jela u `ivotu hrvatskih tinejd`era

Role of Traditional Meals in the Menu of Croatian Teenagers

Sl. 4.01 [kolska izlo`ba tradicionalnih jela sjeverozapadne Hrvatske u Radovanu

Fig. 4.01 School exhibition of traditional food in Northwestern Croatia, in Radovan

Sl. 4.02 [kolska izlo`ba tradicionalnih jela sjeverozapadne Hrvatske u Radovanu

Fig. 4.02 School exhibition of traditional food in Northwestern Croatia, in Radovan

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I. [estan, Kana|ani u potrazi za identitetom / Canadians in Search of Identity

Sl. 5.01 Dar (nakit prijateljstva) koji j za autora, kao izraz dobrodo{lice,izradila Rachel Connery (12. g.)

Fig. 5.01 A welcome gift made for the author by Rachel Connery (aged12) from Langley near Vancouver

Sl. 5.02 Inukshuk - Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature

Fig. 5.02 Inukshuk - Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature

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I. [estan, Kana|ani u potrazi za identitetom / Canadians in Search of Identity

Sl. 5.03 Pogled od Canadian Museum of Civilisation u Hullu (Quebec) na kanadski Vrhovni sud uOttawi (Ontario)

Fig. 5.03 View of the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa (Ontario) from the Canadian Museum ofCivilisation in Hull (Quebec)

Sl. 5.04 "Luxton Museum" - Indijanski poglavica pru`a ruku engleskom ~asniku

Fig. 5.04 Diorama at the Luxton Museum in Banff: Encounter of an Indian chief and an English officer

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N. Jelavi} Mitrovi}, [to je to izlo`ba: osvrt dizajnera na temu likovnog postava

What is an Exhibition: A Designer's View of the Subject of Exhibition Design

Sl. 10.01

Fig. 10.01

Sl. 10.02

Fig. 10.02

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N. Jelavi} Mitrovi}, [to je to izlo`ba: osvrt dizajnera na temu likovnog postava

What is an Exhibition: A Designer's View of the Subject of Exhibition Design

Sl. 10.03

Fig. 10.03

Sl. 10.04

Fig. 10.04

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Sl. 10.05

Fig. 10.05

N. Jelavi} Mitrovi}, [to je to izlo`ba: osvrt dizajnera na temu likovnog postava

What is an Exhibition: A Designer's View of the Subject of Exhibition Design

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A. Brenko, M. Randi}, Osvrt na izlo`bu "Narodna medicina" / Review of the Folk Medicine Exhibition

Sl. 11.01

Fig. 11.01

Sl. 11.02

Fig. 11.02

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Sl. 11.03

Fig. 11.03

A. Brenko, M. Randi}, Osvrt na izlo`bu "Narodna medicina" / Review of the Folk Medicine Exhibition

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I. Kolbas, Istra: razli~iti pogledi / Istria: Different Perspectives

Sl. 12.01

Fig. 12.01

Sl. 12.02

Fig. 12.02

Sl. 12.03

Fig. 12.03

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O. Orli}, Muzealci i galeristi Istre u gradu kulture / Istrian Musem and Gallery Team Visiting the Capital of Culture

Sl. 13.01

Fig. 13.01

Sl. 13.02

Fig. 13.02

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Sl. 13.03

Fig. 13.03

O. Orli}, Muzealci i galeristi Istre u gradu kulture / Istrian Musem and Gallery Team Visiting the Capital of Culture

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