David.Lawrence@liu.se Linköpings University Library ORCID


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David.Lawrence@liu.seLinköpings University Library



As a researcher, one often has an identifier in many systems. For example ResearchID (Web of Science), ScopusID, LiU ID (plus previous employment locations), funding agencies…

Information is entered repeatedly for each system

“A. Svensson” is not unique and so for those looking to find about your work (e.g. funders, employers, reviewers…) it can be hard if not impossible

Authors aren’t consistent with their own names:

D. Lawrence, A.D. Lawrence…


The solution: ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID (


Run by a non-profit organization backed by, e.g., MIT, Harvard, Nature, Blackwell-Wiley, Wellcome Trust…

Concept is to create a single ID for researchers where all aspects of their career can be coupled


Funding applications

Local activity

Saves challenges with using personnummer

You control how much of your info at ORCID is public


ORCID Went live, October 2012

Currently more than 1.2 million researchers with ID

VR and other Swedish funding agencies have a new application portal which will make use of ORCID (mandatory)

DiVA SwePub VR

Many journals allow you to include ORCID when submitting articles

ORCID is set to become the de-facto standard for identification in the research world


To get an ORCID (minimum, takes 30 s)

Go to http://orcid.org/

Click on “Register now” (direct link: https://orcid.org/register)

Fill in your name, email address etc.

Send your ORCID (a 16-digit number, often presented as a link: e.g. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3993-9985 (it is the number that is your ORCID)) to ep@ep.liu.se. We will then see that your ORCID is added to all your DiVA posts. If/when LiU centrally starts collecting ORCID, we will send our


Start using your ORCID when submitting articles to journals and in grant applications.


ORCID: advisable

Fill in the biography section with a little about yourself

Provide links to your research webpages


ORCID: if you want

Import publications from Scopus, Web of Science (ResearcherID), European PMC (in theory we could import publications from DiVA to ORCID, but that requires LiU to enter a membership plan with ORCID; at present that is not an option)






Updates and reminders

VR’s (Forte, RJ, FORMAS… ), EU’s rules on open access:

All journal and conference articles must be freely available within 6 months, (12 months for HSS) of publishing date

Follow-up: non-OA material not allowed in project reporting

Chapters and books coming

Data coming

Don’t forget Parallel publishing

Be very careful when choosing journals: predatory publishers are on the rise (contact us: david.lawrence@liu.se)


Updates, cont’d

New national research funding allocation model coming

Proposal for national guidlines on OA:

By 2025: publically funded articles, chapters, books, research data must be OA with a CC-by license.



David Lawrence


