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  • 7/31/2019 DCCC2012OppoBookNC08





    Top Headlines ............................................................................................ 2Editorials .................................................................................................... 2Budget Issues ............................................................................................. 2Business and Consumer Issues .................................................................. 4Campaign Finance Issues ........................................................................... 5Crime & Public Safety Issues .................................................................. 12Economic and Financial Issues ................................................................ 12Education Issues ...................................................................................... 13Election 2012 Issues ................................................................................ 15Energy Issues ........................................................................................... 23Environmental Issues ............................................................................... 25Ethics Issues ............................................................................................ 25Foreign Policy IssuesIraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea ................. 25Gay and Lesbian Issues ............................................................................ 26Gun Issues ............................................................................................... 26Health Care Issues ................................................................................... 27Immigration and Border Issues ................................................................ 30Israel ........................................................................................................ 31Labor and Working Family Issues ........................................................... 31Other Social Issues .................................................................................. 31Personal Finance Issues ........................................................................... 32Senior Issues ............................................................................................ 33Tax Issues ................................................................................................ 33Tea Party .................................................................................................. 36

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    Transportation Issues ............................................................................... 36Womens Issues ....................................................................................... 36

    Top Headlines


    Budget Issues

    Whitley: Nothing the CBO Does is Ever Accurate

    In December 2011, Whitley said, nothing the CBO does is ever accurate. [Cabarrus County Town Hall,12/12/11]

    Whitley Said Military Would Be Downgraded Due to Cost of Obama Visit

    In December 2011, Whitley complained about the taxpayer cost of Michelle Obamas visit to the the fortBragg base and said, but the military is going to be downgraded because of the cost. [Cabarrus CountyTown Hall, 12/12/11]

    Barry Supported Cut, Cap, and Balance

    In February 2012, Barry supported Cut, Cap, and Balance.

    Barry said, Well you know there was a big mantra you heard about 9 months ago to a year ago, frankly it

    goes back to the tea party election, cut cap and balance. We need to cut spending and and cap it, and thenwe need to have a balanced budget amendment. [WIXE Breakfast Club,2/08/12]NC-08: Keadle Said We Must Cut Government by 30%

    In January 2012, Keadle said we must cut government by 30%.

    We have got to cut the government by about 30% at a minimum just to get back to historical averages.We've got to cut regulation just about more than half. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: DCCC has audio footage of this event.

    NC-08: Whitley Suggested Entitlement reform to Solve Deficit Problem

    In January 2012, Whitley suggest entitlement reform and said that 50% of the population need to paytaxes.

    Whitley also suggested entitlement reform, stating that current government spending on entitlements isdraining revenue. The money thatcomes into our taxation system just goes to entitlements, said

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    Whitley. You have numbers that just dont add up. Entitlements have to be reformed. You should nothave 50 percent of the population not paying into the tax baseits just not right. [Laurinburg Exchange,1/25/12]

    NC-08: Hudson Said He is Not a Proponent of Current Military Spending Cuts

    In January 2012, Hudson is not a proponent of current military cuts and called Obamas plan to cutdefense spending ridiculous.

    Hudson is not, however, a proponent of the current military spending cuts. President Obamas plan tocut a trillion dollars out of defense is ridiculous, said Hudson. He wants to bring 100,000 troops homewhen we need more folks in the military as far as Im concerned. [Laurinburg Exchange,1/25/12]

    NC-08: Hudson Expressed Supported a Balanced Budget Amendment and Mick Mulvaneys

    In January 2012, Hudson expressed support or a balanced budget amendment and Mick Mulvaneysradical ideal toforce Congress to pass a budget and live by it.

    We've got to cut spending. We've got to reduce the size of our government, and go back and enforce thelimited form of government that our founders intended. I've got some ideas of doing that. Number one,we've got to have a balanced budget amendment. Number two, we got to have real spending caps. There'sa radical idea that Mick Mulvaney, Congressman from South Carolina has that we ought to forceCongress to pass a budget and then we ought to force them to live by it, what a radical idea? People aresaying he's crazy because if that. [Union County GOP Forum,1/18/12;1/18/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has video footage.

    Keadle Supported Eliminating Education, Commerce, Labor and EPA

    In January 2012, Keadle supported eliminating education, commerce, labor the EPA.

    I would get rid of education and commerce [] labor. Most of them aren't constitutional. They justaren't. And the EPA. All that stuff needs to be defunded. [Keadle meets with Richmond Co Tea Party Patriots,1/5/12]

    NC-08: Barry Said All of Us Need to Sacrifice to Address Spending Cuts

    In December 2011, Barry said all of us need to sacrifice to address major spending cuts.

    All of us need to sacrifice so that we can address the massive spending problems that we have [] WhatI want is to have a real conversation that drives toward great solutions and avoids a lot of rhetoric.[Salisbury Post,12/15/11]

    Robinson Decried Public Spending

    In November 2011, Robinson cautioned against fake conservatives and big government as well asdecrying many forms of public spending and lamenting the level of federal debt.

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    Were in debt to Chinese Communists, Middle Eastern despots, and another group that holds theAmerican people in contemptthe Federal Reserve. [] A lot of people say that returning to thelimits of the Constitution is radical. Ladies and gentlemen, being $15 trillion in debt is radical.

    My track record is never giving pubic money for economic development, and never annexinganyone against their willif people want to live in a city, I figure theyll move there. [] My

    largest donor and my best friend asked me for a grant and I not only voted against it, I publicly

    opposed. [Laurinburg Exchange,11/13/11]

    NC-08: Barry Said Every Single Government Agency Needs a Scrub Brush Taken to It

    In January 2012, Barry said that all government agencies need to be examined.

    Every single agency that we sponsor in the government needs to have a scrub brush taken to it. [SweetUnion Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: DCCC has audio footage of this event.

    NC-08: Keadle Said We Must Cut Government by 30%

    In January 2012, Keadle said we must cut government by 30%.

    We have got to cut the government by about 30% at a minimum just to get back to historical averages.We've got to cut regulation just about more than half. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: DCCC has audio footage of this event.

    Business and Consumer Issues

    Keadle Said He Would Introduce Plan of America

    In February 2012, Keadle said he would introduce the Plan of America.

    Keadle said, And next week, Ill be releasing my plan and focusing on those issues that are key toturning our economy around and getting us more jobs. Im relying on you to help us spread the news ofthe Plan of America and help us spread the word around. And with your help, we can remove the decay inWashington and replace it with what made us great. [Keadle for Congress,2/4/12]

    NC-08: Keadle Expressed Support for Reducing Regulation

    In January 2012, Keadle expressed support for reducing government regulation.

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    First thing we think we need to do is reduce the regulation, reduce the regulatory burden on thebusinesses and more of what's good for America. We need less government, we need more of what's goodfor America, and will have more jobs are failed less regulation. [Union County GOP Forum,1/18/12;1/18/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has video footage.

    Campaign Finance Issues

    Whitley for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report (NC-08)

    In January 2012, Whitley for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report. Whitley raised $54,947.49the 4th quarter of 2011, has $24,950.82 cash on hand and spent $29,996.67.

    Whitley loaned his campaign $27,000 this quarter and he contributed $7,652 to his campaign.

    Expenditures of Note:

    Whitley Paid $16,500 to Consultants. From October-December 2011, Whitley paid $14,000 tofinance management and social media consultants. [Whitley for Congress,1/31/12]

    Fred Steen for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report (NC-08)

    In January 2012, Steen for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report. Steen raised $20,260.00the 4thquarter of 2011, has $19,217.63 cash on hand and spent $1,042.37. [Steen for Congress,1/31/12]

    Contributions of Note:

    Steen Received $2,000 from PACS. In December 2011, Steen received $500 from CarolinasAGC Inc NC PAC and $1,500 from NCUAC PAC.Steen did not receive any contributions fromregistered lobbyists this quarter.

    Another Congressional Candidate, Also a Sitting Member of the General Assembly in NorthCarolina Raked in Contributions from Lobbyists and North Carolina PACs.Since he'srunning for Congress, Rouzer is allowed to raise money for his federal campaign in ways notallowed a sitting North Carolina legislator. State legislators are forbidden to take contributionswhen the General Assembly is in session and are barred from ever receiving contributions fromlobbyists. Rouzer's congressional campaign was able to do both and his first official federal

    campaign report shows a huge take in the first six weeks of his campaign [] On the list areseveral lobbyists, mostly representing Ag industries like the NC Pork Council's Angela Meier andTommy Stevens [] Although the individual contributions outpaced Rouzer's take from PACs,there are still plenty of familiar names who jumped into with both feet, including theaforementioned NC Pork Council, NC Farm Bureau PAC, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NorthCarolina and trial attorney PAC Ward & Smith. [Independent Weekly,9/23/11]

    Steen Would Be Running for Congress While Finishing Term as State Rep

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    In January 2012, Steen was named a person to watch by the Salisbury Post because he would berepresenting a state office while campaigning for federal office, and would be forced to broaden hisperspective if elected. [Salisbury Post,1/1/12]

    Steen Touted His Legislative Record in 2011

    In January 2012, Steen touted Republicans historic year in 2011.

    I have voted just this year 1154 times. That was during 83 legislative days. What we accomplished inRaleigh this year was historic [] We've provided tax exempt status for small businesses, the first$50,000 for a small business is now exempt if you file that on your income tax. Medical malpracticereform occurred this year. We also had tort reform, workers compensation, and regulatory reform.[Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Steen Touted His Legislative Record in 2011

    In January 2012, Steen expressed his support for life and the Defense of Marriage Act for North Carolina.

    Life is very critical. I believe in the defense of marriage also. These are very critical things that we needto do here at the state level and in Washington. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Steen Touted Said The Region Needs a Local Conservative Voice for Congress

    In December 2011, Steen announced that he was running for Congress and said that the Member ofCongress needed to be a local, conservative voice.

    What people have been telling me throughout this region is that we need to have a local voice, aconservative voice, and someone who is in touch with our issues, such is jobs and healthcare. We needsomeone who understands what's going on here at home [] They are telling me someone has a historyof being involved in their community and realizes that leadership starts with listening. They are telling methat someone who has experience of being a representative, and was part of the legislative team that cuttaxes, downsized government, and wasn't afraid to take a stand on hard issues, whether they were local orstatewide. [Steen Announcement for Congress,12/8/11]

    Note: The DCCC has video footage.

    Steen Said DC Has Failed

    In December 2011, Steen said that DC must be down sized and that DC has failed us.

    We know that the federal government must be down sized and we must do it now. I support structuralchanges to create a balanced budget amendment, and earmarks should be stopped in the federal budget.Washington DC has failed us, and has super failed us. [Steen Announcement for Congress,12/8/11]

    Note: The DCCC has video footage.

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    Hudson for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report (NC-08)

    In January 2012, Hudson for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report. Hudson raised $260,374in the4th quarter of 2011, has $238,345 cash on hand and spent $22,043. Hudson raised $88,250 from PACs.

    Hudson also reported $1121 of debt. [Hudson for Congress,1/31/12]

    Contributions of Note:

    Received $43,850 From DC Lobbyists. From OctoberDecember 2011, Hudson received$43,850 from registered DC Lobbyists.

    Received $12,500 from Congressional Staffers. From October-December 2011, Hudsonreceived $12,500 from Congressional staffers.

    Received 40% of His Individuals Contributions from DC Metro Region. In the fourth quarter

    of 2011, Hudson received $77,253 from Maryland, DC and Virginia.

    Received $500 from Congressman Patrick McHenry. In December 2011, Hudson received a$500 personal contribution from Patrick McHenry.

    Received Nearly $47,250 From Members of Congress PACs. Form OctoberDecember2011, Hudson received $47,250. In November 2011, Hudson received $1000 from Texans forLamar Smith. In November 2011, Hudson received $1000 from Mike Pence Committee. Thisquarter, Hudson received $4000 from McHenry for Congress. In November 2011, Hudsonreceived $1,000 from Stephen Finchers PAC, Funding Republicans Supporting Opportunity andGrowth. In November 2011, Hudson received $1,000 from Rooney for Congress. In November2011, Hudson received $1,000 from John Shimkuss PAC, John S Fund. In December 2011,Hudson received $1000 from Buck McKeons PAC, 21st Century PAC. In November 2011,Hudson received $1,000 from Bill Shuster For Congress. In November 2011, Hudson received$1,000 from Mick Mulvaeys PAC, MICK-PAC. In November 2011, Hudson received $1,000from Tom Coles PAC. In November 2011, Hudson received $1,000 from Bill Shusters PAC, BillPAC. In November 2011, Hudson received $1,000 from Tom Graves PAC, FreedomAdvancement Fund. In December 2011, Hudson received $1,000 from Texans for Henry Bonilla.In November 2011, Hudson received $2,500 from Tom Prices PAC, Voice for Freedom PAC. InNovember 2011, Hudson received $500 from Kevin Yoders PAC, YOPAC. In December 2011,Hudson received $1,000 from Jim Jordan for Congress. In October 2011, Hudson received $2,000from Conway for Congress. In October 2011, Hudson received $3,000 from Mike ConawaysPAC, CONA-PAC. In November 2011, Hudson received $3,000 from John Carters PAC. InDecember 2011, Hudson received $250 from Joe Wilson for Congress. In October 2011, Hudsonreceived $2500 from Roskams Pac, Republican Operation to Secure and Keep a Majority. InNovember 2011, Hudson received $2,000 from John Carter for Congress. In December 2011,Hudson received $1000 from Trey Gowdy For Congress. In December 2011, Hudson received$1000 from People for Pearce or Steve Pearce. In November 2011, Hudson received $1000 fromDavid Nunes PAC, NEW PAC. In December 2011, Hudson received $1,000 from John SullivansPAC, Sooners United For Leadership. In December 2011, Hudson received $2,000 from the

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    Future Leaders PAC. In December 2011, Hudson received $2,500 from Kevin McCarthys PAC,Majority Committee PAC. In November 2011, Hudson received $5,000 from Eric Cantors PAC.

    Received $2,500 from Kevin McCarthys PAC, Majority Committee PAC. In December 2011,Hudson received $2,500 from Kevin McCarthys PAC, Majority Committee PAC.

    Received $5,000 from Eric Cantors PAC. In November 2011, Hudson received $5,000 fromEric Cantors PAC.

    Received $1,000 from Texas Cattle Raisers. In December 2011, Hudson received $1,000 fromTexas Cattle Raisers.

    Received $2500 from Valero Energy PAC. In December 2011, Hudson received $2500 fromValero Energy PAC .

    Received $5,000 from PriceWaterhouse Coopers PAC. In December 2011, Hudson received

    $5000 from PriceWaterhouse Coopers PAC.

    Other Items of Note:

    Hudsons Debt is to the IRS and NC Department of Revenue. At the end of the 4th quarter,Hudson owed $791.79 to the IRS for unemployment taxes, $174 to NC Department of Revenuefor payroll taxes and $105.33 to Employment Security Commission of North Carolina forunemployment taxes.

    NC-08: Keadle Expressed His Conservative Record in Iredell County

    In January 2012, Keadle discussed his conservative voting record in Iredell County.

    When I got on the county board, within two months of me arriving on the county board, as advertisedduring my campaign, I was able to make sure that we had cut the deficit that I campaign against by morethan half. I made an original motion to cut the deficit completely[] I cut the deficit by more than a halfand save the taxpayers of Iredell County more than $3 million in one afternoon, and I am very proud ofthat. During my turn on the board, I was a leader in bringing cuts about taxes and spending to more than12%, and I am very proud of that to. In addition, I have brought more oversight to Sheriff's Department,and I forced the vote that made it so that every thing that we said or did went on the record and on arecorder, and that hadn't happened before I was on there. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    NC-08: Keadle Said Hes a Former Chairman of Americans for Prosperity

    In January 2012, Keadle said hes a former chairman for Americans for Prosperity.

    I am a former regional chairman for Americans for Prosperity. I'm not now, and if I were I would be inbig trouble with a lot of people at the IRS [] I stand on that conservative record, and I think as webecome one of the regional chairman was because of that record. Everybody that knows me and mypersonal life or in my brief political life knows that I have very conservative person. [Sweet UnionRepublican Women Forum,1/24/12]

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    Scott Keadle for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report (NC-08)In January 2012, Keadle for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report. Keadle raised $58,155.99 inthe 4

    thquarter of 2011, has $108,643.29 cash on hand and spent $31,706.11. Keadle previously loaned his

    campaigned $70,000. [Keadle for Congress,1/31/12]

    Contributions of Note:Keadle Received $2500 from Alliance Coal. In December 2011, Keadle received a $2500contribution from Alliance Coal LLC PAC.

    Coal Companies Involved in the Deaths of 41 Miners Wanted to Pour Unlimited Funds toSupport Republicans. Several major coal companies hope to use newly loosened campaign-finance laws to pool their money and defeat Democratic congressional candidates they consider"anti-coal [] [Roger] Nicholson said his company and three others Massey Energy, AllianceResource Partners and Natural Resource Partnershave already had some theoreticaldiscussions about such an effort and would like to proceed in developing an action plan []

    Several of those companies have been involved in recent mine disasters that led to congressionalscrutiny of their safety problems. International Coal Group owns the Sago mine in West Virginiawhere 12 miners died in 2006. Massey owns the Upper Big Branch mine, also in West Virginia,where 29 miners died in April. Two miners died in April in a Western Kentucky mine owned byan Alliance Resource subsidiary. [Lexington Herald Leader,7/28/10]

    Expenditures of Note:

    Keadle Paid For Trip to DC. In October 2011, Keadle paid over $600 for campaign travel toWashington, D.C.

    Dan Barry for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report (NC-08)

    In January 2012, Barry for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report. Barry raised $42,010 in the 4thquarter of 2011, has $78,706.62 cash on hand and spent $41,444.44. Barry previously loaned hiscampaign $1,000.

    Barry raised $6500 from PACS including the Pacific Life Insurance PAC, Northwestern Mutual FederalPAC and Association for Advanced Life Underwrit. [Barry for Congress,1/31/12]

    NC-08: Robinson Filed His End of Quarter 2011 Report

    In January 2012, Robinson for Congress filed its 2011 Year End FEC Report. Robinson raised$152,859.94 in the 4

    thquarter of 2011, has $57,079 cash on hand and spent $192594.57.

    Robinson received no money from PACs. [Robinson for Congress,1/30/11]

    Expenditures of Note:

    Spent $117,892 on Direct Mail. From July to December 2011, Robinson spent $117,892 ondirect mail imaging and printing from Eberle Associates.

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    Spent $138,312 on Campaign Consulting. From August to December 2011, Robinson spent$138,312 on campaign consulting from LLC, SNDC.

    Reimbursed Self $8,346 in Travel and Expenses. From August to December 2011, Robinson

    reimbursed himself $8,346 in travel and expenses.

    McHenry Attended Fundraising Event for Hudson

    In November 2011, McHenry was listed as a special guest for a November 3rd

    fundraiser for NC-08candidate Richard Hudson. Hudson had received significant lobbyist support while running for theprimary. [Politico,10/26/11]

    Hudson Received Support from Lobbyists While Campaigning

    In October 2011, it was reported that Hudson was already receiving significant support from lobbyists.

    Hudson held a fundraiser in November that hosted more than 120 influential lobbyists and staffers. Southregion targets at the event also included Virginia Foxx and Patrick McHenry. [Politico,10/26/11]

    Robinson Outraised All Opponents in 8th District Race

    In October 2011, it was reported that Robinson had a decided advantage over his Republican opponentsfor the 8th Congressional district House seat. He raised $176,054 in individual contributions to hiscampaign during the third quarter. [Independent Tribune,10/22/11]

    Barry Filed October 2011 Quarterly FEC Report

    In October 2011, Barry for Congress filed its October 2011 Quarterly FEC Report. Barry raised$84,136.20 in the 3rd quarter of 2011, has $78,141.06 cash on hand and spent $5,995.14.

    Barry received $5,000.00 from PACs and loaned his campaign $1000. [Barry for Congress, filed10/14/11]

    Keadle Filed October 2011 Quarterly FEC Report

    In October 2011, Keadle for Congress 2012 filed its October 2011 Quarterly FEC Report. Keadle raised$115,009.09 in the 3rd quarter of 2011, has $82,193.41 cash on hand and spent $32,815.68.

    Keadle loaned $70,000 to himself. [Keadle for Congress 2012, filed 10/14/11]

    Contributions of Note:

    Keadle loaned $70,000 to his campaign. In September 2011, Keadle loaned $70,000 of hispersonal income to his campaign fund.

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    Received $2,500 from Dr. David Keadle. In September 2011, Scott Keadle received $2,500 incampaign contributions form David Keadle.

    Note: Keadle for Congress still has $20,000 in outstanding candidate loans.

    Keadle Planned not to Contribute to His Own Campaign

    In October 2011, a Keadle campaign said the candidate had no plans to use his own money to fund hiscampaign this cycle, though Keadle loaned his campaign $485,000 last cycle. [Roll Call,10/6/11].

    Robinson Filed October 2011 Quarterly FEC Report

    In October 2011, Robinson for congress.com filed its October 2011 Quarterly FEC Report. Robinsonraised $197,478.90 in the 3rd quarter of 2011, has $96,779.21 cash on hand and spent $100,699.69.

    Robinson received $0 from PACs. [Robinson for Congress.com, filed 10/14/11]

    Contributions of Note:

    Received $21,424.60 in Loans from Eberle and Associates Employees. From July-September2011, Robison received 11 personal loans from numerous people located at 1420 Spring Hill RoadSuite 490 in McLean, VA. The loans were at an 8 percent interest rate and repaid throughout thequarter.

    Received contributions from Team America PAC members. Robinson received contributionsfrom employees at the Team America PAC.

    Received $99,354 in Unitemized Contributions. From July-September 2011, Robinson received$99,353 in unitemized contributions.

    Expenditures of Note:

    Paid $34,406 to Eberle and Associates. From July-September 2011, Robinson paid $34,406 toEberle and Associates for direct mail services.

    Spent $35,600 on Campaign and Website Consulting. From July-September 2011, Robinsonpaid $35,600 to Maelstrom Technology Your Patriot and SNDC, LLC for vendor feeds andcampaign consulting.

    Repaid Loans with Interest. Throughout the quarter, Robinson repaid over $20,000 in loans withinterest.

    Barry Trailed in 8th Congressional Race

    In October 2011, it was reported that Barry raised only $78,136 in the third quarter to Vernon Robinsons$176,054, while the other Republican opponent, Scott Keadle, raised $45,009. [Independent Tribune,10/22/11]

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    Barry Willing to Invest $500,000

    In October 2011, Barry pledged to put $500,000 in his campaign.

    Barry entered the race on Aug. 18, saying he had about $500,000 pledged to his campaign. [IndependentTribune,10/22/11]

    Keadle Trailed in 8th Congressional Race

    In October 2011, it was reported that Keadle raised only $45,009 in the third quarter to VernonRobinsons $176,054, while the other Republican opponent, Daniel Barry, raised $78,136. [IndependentTribune,10/22/11]

    Crime & Public Safety Issues

    Said He Would Offer Articles of Impeachment for Eric Holder

    In March 2012, Robinson said he would offer articles of impeachment for Eric Holder if elected.

    I will offer articles of impeachment for Eric Holder, who supported -- for running that Fast and Furiousoperation which killed American law enforcement, something like three or four hundred Mexicans, inorder to take away your gun rights. That's borderline treason, and it's certainly grounds for impeachment,and I will offer the first call for his resignation, said Robinson. [Stanley County Millennium Club, 3/15/12]

    Economic and Financial Issues

    Keadle Said Jobs and Economy is Problem Number One

    In January 2012, Keadle said economy and jobs are the number one priority. [Keadle meets with Richmond CoTea Party Patriots,1/5/12;1/5/12;1/5/12]

    Note: DCCC has audio footage of this event.

    Barry Wanted to Bring Experience Spurring Growth to Congress

    In December 2011, Barry wanted to bring his experience spurring job growth to Congress next year.[Salisbury Post,12/15/11]

    Robinson Said Government Cant Create Jobs

    Congress or any government cant create jobsonly the private sector can. Im running for Congress sowe can shrink the size and scope of the federal government. [YouTube,11/4/11]

    Keadle Expressed Concern About Trade Deals

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    In April 2010, Keadle responded to a question about what committees he would prefer to serve on inCongress: Commerce, and whatever other committees that would allow me to influence tradenegotiations. The intent would be to mitigate the damage done to our district by unfair trade deals, and tohave a seat at the negotiating table to make certain that any future deals are fair to our district. [CarolinaPolitics Online,4/30/10]

    Keadle Did not Agree to Any Part of the Stimulus Package

    In April 2010, Keadle said he would not support any aspects of the existing Porkulus or any futurestimulus package providing funds to his district. [Carolina Politics Online,4/30/10]

    Keadle Explained Jobs Plan

    In April 2010, Keadle said that to create jobs we must stop all federal spending and regulation notmandated by the Constitution [ ] oppose all tax increases, insist on a balanced budget, and stop theborrowing that is choking our economy and putting our grandchildrens future at risk. Eliminate the IRSand the income tax. Replace with the Fair Tax. Re-negotiate our trade agreements, and insist on fair

    trade policies for American workers. Act immediately to eliminate our dependence on foreign energy andthe terrorist countries that hold us hostage for that energy. Exploit our vast domestic and offshorereserves of natural gas, oil, and coal. Eliminate barriers to the safe use of nuclear energy. [Carolina PoliticsOnline,4/30/10]

    Keadle: We dont need more government

    In September 2011, Keadle said on his website, We dont need more government. [Keadle for Congress,9/9/11]

    Whitley Expressed Concern about Lowering National Debt

    In September 2011, Whitley denied that he was a one-issue candidate by showing concern for othernational issues besides health care. He said he also cares about lowering the national debt, reining inspending, putting people back to work, loosening government regulations and promoting alternativeenergy, it was reported. [Salisbury Post,9/28/11; Independent Tribune,9/26/11]

    Education Issues

    Whitley Released Ad Attacking Kissell

    In March 2012, Whitley released a TV ad criticizing Kissell for working with President Obama and

    Washington liberals to make a mess of our economy.

    The spot was backed with a $35,000 cable buy over two weeks. [rollcall.com,3/05/12]

    Robinson Endorsed by Council Member Norma Carpenter

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    In February 2012, Robinson was endorsed by Marshville town council member Norma Carpenter, aformer Democrat who changed her party affiliation from unaffiliated to Republican in order to bettersupport Robinson. [unioncountyweekly.com,2/3/12]

    Robinson Called Barry a Long Shot Candidate

    In February 2012, Robinson called Dan Barry a long shot candidate.

    Robinson said, There is no question that I'm going to be competitive. Dan Barry is wishful thinking, hehas no organization, nobody knows him outside of Weddington. The hometown newspaper in UnionCounty doesn't even take him seriously there, so, nobody else either. [Conservative Republican forum, 2/04/12]

    Hudson Won Davidson County Republican Straw Poll

    In March 2012, Hudson won the Davidson County Republican straw poll. [the-dispatch.com,3/17/12]

    Hudson Endorsed by Union County District Attorney

    In March 2012, Hudson was endorsed by Union County District Attorney Trey Robinson. [Hudson forCongress Press Release,3/06/12]

    Hudson Endorsed by Dot Helms

    In February 2012, Hudson was endorsed by Dot Helms, wife of the late U.S. Senator Jesse Helms andwas set to serve as the Honorary Chairman of Hudsons campaign. [Salisbury Post,2/11/12]

    Keadle Supported Term Limits

    In December 2011, Keadle supported congressional term limits.

    Keadle said, I think term limits are very important. I think we need a constitutional amendment for termlimits so that you can't go up there and stay, and you're not worried about your next election. We need todo that. In my humble opinion there is no other way to get around it. [Town Hall Meeting Albemarle, NC,12/8/11]

    Keadle Endorsed by Club for Growth

    In March 2012, Keadle was endorsed by the Club for Growth. [Club for Growth Press Release,3/19/12]

    Barry Endorsed by Reagans Secretary ofEnergy

    In March 2012, Barry was endorsed by James Edwards, Secretary of Energy under Ronald Reagan. [Berryfor Congress press release,3/09/12]

    Robinson Supported Market Education Reform, Dismantling Department of Education

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    In February 2012, Robinson said he supported market education reform and dismantling the Departmentof Education.

    Robinson said, I love market education reform. Unfortunately, with the exception of the District ofColumbia, there is no constitutional basis for the Congress to act on education and that's why I believe

    that that the Education Department should be dismantled. With the exception of offering school choice tothe kids in the District of Columbia, which the Congress is responsible for, essentially I am excited abouttaking the regulatory burden off the states, but several states will have to work that out on their own. Ihope I will be ensuring the states that give parents a wider range of choices that use market forces tochange the incentive in education. [Conservative Republican forum, 2/04/12]

    Election 2012 Issues

    Endorsed by Sheriff of Maricopa County

    In March 2012, Robinson was endorsed by Joe Arpaio, Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona.


    Made $14,500 Ad Buy Attacking Kissell

    In March 2012, Hudson made a $14,500 ad buy. The ad compared Hudsons dog to Congressman Kisselland Congress, stating that Hoover the dog consumed everything in sight like Congress, but was a goodwatchdog unlike Kissell. [Roll Call,3/20/12]

    NC-08: Hudson Touted In DC Front Line Experience

    In January 2012, Hudson touted his DC front line experience.

    You need a nominee who doesn't need on-the-job training. You know, I've been to Washington on thefront line to the last two years. I've seen the tricks, I've seen things policy will do []And so I can go outthere day one and be a representative go to work because I know the committee process, I know how itworks, and we can get things done. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has audio footage.

    NC-08: Hudson said he knows how to build coalitions with conservative Democrats

    In January 2012, Hudson said he knows how to build coalitions with conservative Democrats.

    We have to build coalitions with conservative Democrats, which is what we've had to do in the past, andthat's what I know how to do. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has audio footage.

    NC-08: Hudson Said He Would Support Santorum

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    In January 2012, Hudson said he would support Santorum.

    If the election were held today I would support Santorum. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Steen Said Region Needed a Local Conservative Voice in Congress

    In December 2011, Steen announced that he was running for Congress and said that the Member ofCongress needed to be a local, conservative voice.

    What people have been telling me throughout this region is that we need to have a local voice, aconservative voice, and someone who is in touch with our issues, such is jobs and healthcare. We needsomeone who understands what's going on here at home [] They are telling me someone has a historyof being involved in their community and realizes that leadership starts with listening. They are telling methat someone who has experience of being a representative, and was part of the legislative team that cuttaxes, downsized government, and wasn't afraid to take a stand on hard issues, whether they were local orstatewide. [Steen Announcement for Congress,12/8/11]

    Note: The DCCC has video footage.

    Steen Said DC Had Failed

    In December 2011, Steen said that DC must be down sized and that DC has failed us.

    We know that the federal government must be down sized and we must do it now. I support structuralchanges to create a balanced budget amendment, and earmarks should be stopped in the federal budget.Washington DC has failed us, and has super failed us. [Steen Announcement for Congress,12/8/11]

    Note: The DCCC has video footage.

    NC-08: Hudson Said He Would Support Santorum

    In January 2012, Hudson said he would support Santorum.

    If the election were held today I would support Santorum. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has audio footage.

    NC-08: Hudson Attacked Kissell for Choice Record and Pro-Union Record

    In January 2012, Hudson attacked Kissell for being pro choice and pro union.

    He is 100% pro-choice. He is 100% prounion. He voted against ending Obama care this past year. Hehas increased our national debt $4.4 trillion. He has doubled gas tax, or the price of gas. He is been badfor us. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has audio footage.

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    NC-08: Hudson said he knows how to build coalitions with conservative Democrats

    In January 2012, Hudson said he knows how to build coalitions with conservative Democrats.

    We have to build coalitions with conservative Democrats, which is what we've had to do in the past, andthat's what I know how to do. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has audio footage.

    Steen Touted Legislative Record

    In January 2012, Steen touted Republicans historic year in 2011.

    I have voted just this year 1154 times. That was during 83 legislative days. What we accomplished inRaleigh this year was historic [] We've provided tax exempt status for small businesses, the first

    $50,000 for a small business is now exempt if you file that on your income tax. Medical malpracticereform occurred this year. We also had tort reform, workers compensation, and regulatory reform.[Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has audio footage.

    Whitely Released Web Ad Against Kissell

    In December 2011, Whitley released the following ad against Kissell:

    V/O: Barack Obama and Larry Kissell have made a mess of our economy. Pushing for more spendingand higher taxesdefending the national takeover of our health care system. The only way were going tochange Washington is to change who we send to Washington. John Whitley is a doctor, farmer, not apolitician. Hell fight to create jobs and grow the economy the right way. As a neurosurgeon, Whitley willintroduce legislation to repeal Obamacare on day one. As a farmer, Whitley will reduce burdensome taxesand oppressive regulations that hurt family farms and small businesses. And as a constitutionalconservative, Whitley will stand up to the big spenders in both parties. Weve listened to the Capitol Hillinsiders long enough. John Whitley knows real conservative change starts right here in North Carolina.Join the team today. John Whitley for Congress. Because government doesnt know best, we do. [Whitleyfor Congress You Tube, uploaded12/8/11]

    Received Several Endorsements from Fellow Lawmakers

    In December 2011, State Rep. Fred Steen received endorsements from several lawmakers in his challengeagainst Kissell, including state representatives Linda Johnson, Justin Burr, Henry Warren, Craig Horn,Jerry Dockham, G.L. Pridgen, Julia Howard, Grey Mills, Jamie Boles, and state senators Andrew Brock,Fletcher Hartsell, and Stan Bingham. [News and Observer,12/15/11]

    NC-08: Vernon Robinson Attacked Hudson for Taking Lobbyist Money; Hudson Admitted He HadWashington Fundraiser

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    In January 2012, Robinson attacked Hudson for taking lobbyist money saying that if you are thecandidate who took hundred thousand dollars from 50 registered lobbyists, you are not the conservative.

    Hudson Defended Receiving Contributions from Lobbyists

    In January 2012, Hudson defended receiving contributions from lobbyist.

    For example, I did have a fundraiser. I've had several across the district. I had one in Washington,and some people came to that. I will give you an example. Jimmy Broughton, Sen. Helms lastchief of staff, is a lobbyist of Womble Carlyle. One of my opponents have suggested sinceWomble Carlyle is a law firm that represents some clients who are liberal, that I had a liberallobbyist give me money. Well I suggest to you, Jimmy Broughton is not a liberal lobbyist. So I amproud of the support I've gotten. [Union County GOP Forum,1/18/12;1/18/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has video footage.

    NC-08: Robinson Called Hudson A Washington Insider.

    In January 2012, Robinson called Hudson a Washington Insider.

    Hudson has been dogged by a familiar name to many North Carolinians. Former Winston-Salem CityCouncilman Vernon Robinson, a perennial candidate who was the Republican nominee in the 13th districtagainst Rep. Brad Miller (D) in 2006 and a candidate for an open seat in the 5th district in 2004, paintedHudson as coming from the D.C. set. It's shaping up to be a classic Washington-insider-versus-grass-roots-conservative-leader race between Mr. Hudson and I, which is good, Robinson said. He portrayedhimself as the true conservative in the race and said he raised $153,000 in the fourth quarter, not includingloans [] I'm not convinced Vernon is going to be taken seriously enough to be one of the top couplecandidates, he said. [Roll Call,1/26/12]

    NC-08: Robinson Said He Has Never Supported a Tax Increase

    In December 2011, Robinson said that he has never supported a tax increase.

    I was an implacable foe of using public money for subsidizing private businesses, in terms of loans orgrants, under the rubric of economic development, Robinson said. I never voted for a tax increase andnever will vote for a tax increase. [Salisbury Post,12/15/11]

    Nc-08: Hudson Won Cabarrus County Straw Poll

    In December 2011, Hudson won the Cabarrus County Straw Poll.

    It was great to be among friends and family in such a large crowd of like-minded activists dedicated torestoring conservative values and solution-based leadership to our government, said Hudson. I am trulythankful for all the support Ive received here in Cabarrus County. [Hudson Email 12/12/11]

    Nc-08: Hudson Said He Will Work with Democrats

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    In January 2012, Hudson said he will work with Democrats if elected.

    Hudson said that, if elected, he will not be party-blind when it comes to potential Congressionalcoalitions.Im going to get in and roll my sleeves up and build coalitions with conservative Democrats,he said. [Laurinburg Exchange,1/25/12]

    Hudson Said He Leads in Grassroots Support

    In January 2012, Hudson said he leads in grassroots support. [Hudson for Congress, 1/26/12]

    NC-08: Hudson Touted His Washington D.C. Experience

    In January 2012, Hudson touted his Washington D.C. experience.

    I can be effective on day one. I see the games they play in Washington. I've seen how a new Member ofCongress comes in, and all of a sudden how his jokes or her jokes are the funniest jokes have ever been

    told. They call me Honorable, they opened the door for me. They say youre the first person you everheard talk about this issue. And they get caught up in it. Well I've seen those games, I seen the trickspolicy plays and I'm not going to fall for them. I'm going to go up there and go to work day one. [UnionCounty GOP Forum,1/18/12;1/18/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has video footage.

    NC-08: Keadle Sent Out an Email Touting Human Events Naming Him the Leading RepublicanContender

    In December 2011, Scott Keadle sent out an email touting that Human Events called him the leadingRepublican contender among Republican primary voters. [Keadle Campaign Email, 12/7/11]

    NC-08: Keadle Expressed Support for Term Limits

    In January 2012, Keadle expressed support for term limits.

    We need term limits, ladies and gentlemen. Three terms in the house, two terms in the Senate, I willsupport an amendment to the Constitution to make sure that nobody serves more than three consecutiveterms in the house or two terms of the Senate. We've got too many people in Washington who are tooworried about getting reelected and they are not worried enough about the American people. [UnionCounty GOP Forum,1/18/12;1/18/12]

    Note: The DCCC library has video footage.

    Barry Said Jobs and Economy Will Be Key in Election

    In December 2011, Barry said the major election issue will be the economy and jobs.The major issues in the election, he said, will relate to jobs and the economy. Barry is a regional vicepresident with the Principal Financial Group. I help companies, business owners and entrepreneurs

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    protect their businesses, and provide for them to invest in their businesses, so that they can grow thosebusinesses and hire and expand, Barry said. [Salisbury Post,12/15/11]

    NC-08: Barry Doesnt Think His Residency Outside of the 8th Congressional District Will Be AnIssue

    In December 2011, Barry said he doesnt think his residency outside the 8th

    congressional district will bean issue.

    Weddingtonis a town in Union County just outside the 8th District, but Barry says he doesnt think hisresidency there will be an issue for the public. I didnt buy or rent a house to run for Congress, he saidMonday, during a visit to the Salisbury Post. I live where I live. I pay property taxes at the Union Countyseat, which is in the 8th District. My daughter was educated... in the 8th District. [Salisbury Post,12/15/11]

    Whitley Began Campaign

    Whitley began his campaign for the North Carolina 8


    Congressional House district on October 13, 2011.[Independent Tribune,10/22/11]

    Robinson Released Ad Attacking Romney

    In December 2011, Robinson released an ad that aired during the Republican Debate.

    The American family has been under attack by liberals for 50 years. Today, four out of every tenAmerican children are born out of wedlock and every new baby owes $48,000 as his share of the nationaldebt. In three short years, this man (pics of Obama) has destroyed the economy and driven the nationaldebt over $15 trillion. Barack Obama has done to the Constitution what his filthy, liberal friends havedone to the American flag and hes done it with the complicity of cowardly, sell-out Republicans like theone (pics of Romney) who said he hopes the moderates will control the Senate, not the Jesse Helmss.Vernon Robinson disagrees. During his eight years as a city councilman, Vernon Robinson becameknown as the black Jesse Helms for sticking to the conservative principals of Ronald Reagan and JesseHelms. Thats why Vernon Robinsons run forCongress has been endorsed by the sons of both RonaldReagan and Jesse Helms. Im Vernon Robinson, and I approve this message because the only thing Ihave in common with Barack Obama is a good tan. [YouTube, uploaded12/15/11]

    Robinson Airs a New Ad on Fox During Republican Debate

    In December 2011, the News Observer reported on Robinsons new ad.Robinson -- who is

    known for his shock politic -- calls Mitt Romney a cowardly sell out and says the only thing he

    has in common with President Barack Obama is a good tan. [News and Observer,12/15/11]

    Barry Endorsed by Gov. Martin

    In October 2011, it was reported that Barry received the endorsement of former Governor Jim Martin.[Charlotte Observer,10/13/11]

    Barry Served as Mayor Pro Tem. of Weddington

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    In October 2011, it was reported that Barry was serving as mayor pro tempore of Weddington, NC.Weddington is in the western part of Union County and was in the 9

    thCongressional district before

    redistricting and will remain in the 9th

    . [Charlotte Observer,10/13/11, NC General Assembly,2011 redistricting]

    Keadle Received Endorsement of Former Board of Commissioners Colleague

    In October 2011, it was reported that Steve Johnson, chairman of the Iredell County Board ofCommissioners would endorse Keadles campaign. Keadle previously served on the Iredell CountyBoard of Commissioners from 2008 through 2010. Keadles campaign staff reported that the race was offto a good start. [Salisbury Post,10/2/11]

    Keadle Did not Live in 8th District

    In September 2011, it was reported that Keadle lived in Iredell County, NC, which would not beincorporated into the 8th district after redistricting. [Independent Tribune,9/26/11]

    Keadle Supported Constitutionally Restricted Term Limits

    In April 2010, Keadle told the press, I signed a binding contract limiting myself to three terms, andpledged $500,000 in personal assets as a bond. I envision myself serving six years maximum, or until theestablishment crooks find a way to get rid of me, whichever is shorter.I support a Constitutional amendment requiring term limits for both Houses of Congress because I believeit is the only way to undo the present system that rewards corruption and incumbency instead of citizen-legislature. [Carolina Politics Online,4/30/10]

    Keadle Disparaged the National Republican Party

    In April 2010, Keadle said, The national Republican Party establishment has too many people inleadership positions that are either corrupt themselves, or too personally invested in corrupt politicians topolice their own ranks. [Carolina Politics Online,4/30/10]

    Whitley Was Farmer, Funeral Home Owner, and Neurosurgeon

    In September 2011, it was reported that Whitley was a farmer, funeral home owner, and a neurosurgeon.As a farmer he owned and operated All Creatures Animal Sanctuary, which rescues a variety of animalsincluding buffalo, horses, goats, cows, chickens, dogs and cats. [Salisbury Post,9/28/11]

    Whitley Said Never Having Served in Elected Office Would bring Him Credibility

    In September 2011, Whitley claimed that the fact that he has no credentials as an elected official would,rather than raising questions about his credibility, would actually help his standing with voters. Whitleysaid, I see that as a huge strength, Im as free-thinking open-minded conservative as you can find.[Independent Tribune,9/26/11]

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    Robinson Endorsed by Reagan and Helms

    In October 2011, Robinson announced that he was endorsed by Michael Reagan, son of the late presidentand Charles Helms, son of the late U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms. [Charlotte Observer,10/13/11]

    Robinson Supported Obama in South Carolina

    During the 2008 presidential election cycle, Robinson claimed his campaigning was part of a RushLimbaugh-inspired plan to disrupt the Democrats and keep the rivalry between Democratic candidatesObama and Hillary Rodham Clinton alive as long as possible. Obama won 55 percent of the SouthCarolina primary vote and carried nearly every county. Robinson has not explained his actions beyondsaying it was ridiculous for anyone to think he worked for Obama. [Winston-Salem Journal,10/16/11]

    Robinson Announced Candidacy for NC-08

    In October 2011, Hudson announced he would join the race for NC-08. [Charlotte Observer,10/13/11]

    It was also reported, Hudson is considered a top-tier contender by national and North CarolinaRepublicans. He is viewed as having the potential to raise significant funds from his D.C., Raleigh anddistrict contacts. [Roll Call,10/14/11]

    Robinson Served Under Conaway, McCrory, Foxx, and Hayes

    In October 2011, it was reported that Robinson served as chief of staff to Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX),campaign manager on Republican Pat McCrorys campaign for NC governor in 2008, chief of staff toRep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), and district director for former Rep. Robin Hayes (R-NC). [Roll Call,10/14/11]

    New GOP Dan Barry to Challenge Kissell

    In August 2011, Weddington Mayor Dan Barry kicked off his campaign to run against Rep. Larry Kissell(D).

    According to the National Journal Hotline, Barry said: "Today, I announce I am a candidate for Congress.The 8th Congressional District needs someone in Washington who will fight for lower taxes, fewerregulations and smaller government in a sensible, no nonsense manner. I believe Im that person [] Mywork with the Town Council and the people and businesses in Weddington has held the tax rate steady inthese tough economic times. In addition, I am working with local property owners on green space set-asides to preserve our rural character for our children and for future generations."

    According to the National Jounal Hotline, Barry won his election in '10 with 54% of the vote on theissues of low taxes, protecting property values, preserving Weddingtons rural character and for continuedstrong support of the Fire Department and EMS. Barry has also worked with regional leaders to improvetransportation safety. [National Journal Hotline,8/22/2011]

    Daniel Berry, Insurance Executive Entered Race for Kissell Seat

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    In August 2011, Daniel Berry entered the race for Congress.

    According to Roll Call Daniel Barry, a North Carolina insurance executive, has entered the Republicanrace for the 8th district seat held by Democratic Rep. Larry Kissell.Barry filed his Federal ElectionCommission paperwork declaring his candidacy Tuesday, he told Roll Call.

    Im running for Congress to save this country for our children, he told Roll Call. There is a legacy ofdebt that we have to address and that starts with the spending side. We have to get that under control inorder to deliver to our children the same vibrant country that we received from our parents.

    According Roll Call, the newly drawn 8th grew significantly more Republican as a result of redistricting.Kissell won his second term in 2010 with 53 percent of the vote. [Roll Call,8/21/2011]

    NC-08: Keadle Said Hes a Former Chairman of Americans for Prosperity

    In January 2012, Keadle said hes a former chairman for Americans for Prosperity.

    I am a former regional chairman for Americans for Prosperity. I'm not now, and if I were I would be inbig trouble with a lot of people at the IRS [] I stand on that conservative record, and I think as webecome one of the regional chairman was because of that record. Everybody that knows me and mypersonal life or in my brief political life knows that I have very conservative person. [Sweet UnionRepublican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: DCCC has audio footage of this event.

    NC-08: Keadle Expressed His Conservative Record in Iredell County

    In January 2012, Keadle discussed his conservative voting record in Iredell County.

    When I got on the county board, within two months of me arriving on the county board, as advertisedduring my campaign, I was able to make sure that we had cut the deficit that I campaign against by morethan half. I made an original motion to cut the deficit completely[] I cut the deficit by more than a halfand save the taxpayers of Iredell County more than $3 million in one afternoon, and I am very proud ofthat. During my turn on the board, I was a leader in bringing cuts about taxes and spending to more than12%, and I am very proud of that to. In addition, I have brought more oversight to Sheriff's Department,and I forced the vote that made it so that every thing that we said or did went on the record and on arecorder, and that hadn't happened before I was on there. [Sweet Union Republican Women Forum,1/24/12]

    Note: DCCC has audio footage of this event.

    Energy Issues

    Steen Said the US Should Become Self Reliant on Energy Consumption

    In December 2011, Steen said we should become self-reliant on energy consumption in the US.

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    Part of the solution is more energy exploration here in the United States. We can reduce our dependencyon foreign oil when we become self-reliant with energy consumption [Steen Announcement forCongress,12/8/11]

    Note: The DCCC has video footage.

    Keadle opposed Obamas energy policy

    In January 2012, Keadle came out opposed to Obamas energy policy.

    Its been completely the wrong policy. Obama said, before he ever got elected, that he is shutting thecoal mine industry dow