Dec, 11, 2012 Rabbi Ariann's Weekly Message



Rabbi Ariann's message for the week of December 11, 2012.

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Bnai Keshet learners are hopping with the energy of Chanukah!

Our 3rd-7th graders are making their own Fair Trade Chanukah

gelt this week. Our BK Kids' Chorus is preparing for their debut at

Latkepalooza (come ready to sing along!). Half of our 6th graders

cooked and served shakshuka and latkes at our MESH (Montclair

Emergency Services for the Homeless) dinner on Monday night,

after we lit the chanukiah for our students and our guests. Believe

it or not - Latkepalooza it almost here and our short winter break

will be right behind it. Don't forget to bring your family menorah

to light and wear your dancing shoes this Friday night!

For our grown-ups: come join us this Wednesday night for our

second Chanukah cooking class. Max Polaner swears he's got the

secret to the crispiest latkes! Join us at 7:30 for minyan and stay at

8pm for the class! Next Wednesday, join me as we explore

Judaism's views on leadership and leaders. We'll be taking two

weeks to tackle this subject, just in time for inauguration season.

This Shabbat morning, join us for either Chanting or the Jewish

Parenting Book Club at 9am. The book club is B.Y.O.Book this

month - bring your favorite books for talking God with kids. New

members are always welcome.

For our littlest ones, join us for Tot Shabbat this Shabbat at 11:30 in

the Childcare Room. If you haven't joined us for Tot Shabbat yet,

you're missing out! And feel free to take advantage of our Shabbat

morning babysitting and join us for the learning and main service

first! Also, I am organizing a baby and toddler playgroup at BK -

if I haven't been in touch with you yet to ask your availability and

you have a baby or toddler, please get in touch with me and let me

know (!


