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    Birth Date: 05 Jul 2009

    Birth Place: Port Louis,

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    Date of Birth 05 Jul 2009 Sunday

    Time of Birth 09:12:00 AM

    Place of Birth Port Louis, Mauritius

    Ayanmash NC Lahiri

    Local Mean Time 09:02:00

    Sidreal Time 3:55:18

    LT Correction 10:0:0

    Obliq 23.44

    Avkahada Chakra

    Lagna Cancer

    Lagna Lord Moon

    Rashi Scorpio

    Rashi Lord Mars

    Nakshatra Jyestha

    Nakshatra Lord Mercury

    Charan 3

    Tithi Chaturdasi Shukla

    Paya Silver

    S.S. Yoga Sukla

    Karan Garija

    Varna Brahmin

    Tatwa Vayu

    Vashya Keet

    Yoni Mrig(M)

    Gana Rakshas

    Nadi Aadi

    Nadi Pada Madhya

    Vihaga Vayas

    First Letters No, Yaa, Yee, Yoo

    Sun Sign Gemini

    Decanate 2


    Rashi Vrish

    Months Ashwin

    Tithi 1, 6, 11

    Day Friday

    Nakshatra Revati

    Prahar 1

    Lagna Vrishchika

    Yoga Brahma

    Karan Garija

    Favourable Points

    Lucky Numbers 5

    Good Numbers 5, 6, 8

    Evil Numbers 1, 3

    Good Years 14,23,32,41,50,

    Lucky Days Tue, Mon, Thu

    Good Planets Merc, Sat

    Evil Planets Sun, Jupiter

    Friendly Signs Gem Leo Vir

    Good Lagna Lib, Cap, Pis, Tau

    Lucky Metal Silver

    Lucky Stone Pearl

    Lucky Time Evening

    Lucky Direction North-West

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    Planetary Positions at Birth Time

    Planets Dir Rashi Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Qtr Lord Karak ---

    Ascendant Cancer Moon 27:0:0 Ashlesha-4 Mercury

    Sun Direct Gemini Mercury 19:20:28 Aridra-4 Rahu Father Friendly House

    Mercury Direct Gemini Mercury 8:52:29 Aridra-1 Rahu Intellect Neutral

    Venus Direct Taurus Venus 5:51:56 Krittika-3 Sun Spouse

    Mars Direct Taurus Venus 1:7:6 Krittika-2 Sun Courage

    Jupiter Retro Aquarius Saturn 2:23:57 Dhanishta-3 Mars Wealth

    Saturn Direct Leo Sun 22:54:30 Poorva-3 Venus Longevity Enemy House

    Moon Direct Scorpio Mars 25:36:54 Jyestha-3 Mercury Mother Debilitated

    Rahu Retro Capricorn Saturn 7:9:58 U.Sada-4 Sun Desire Friendly House

    Ketu Retro Cancer Moon 7:9:58 Pushyami-2 Saturn Emancipation

    Uranus Retro Pisces Jupiter 2:37:37 P.Bhadra-4 Jupiter

    Neptune Retro Aquarius Saturn 2:8:17 Dhanishta-3 Mars

    Pluto Retro Sagittarius Jupiter 7:41:35 Moola-3 Ketu



















    Jupiter Neptune






    Lagna Kundali

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    Specific Characterstics

    Your nature is strong, forceful and energetic, capable of immense feats of prowess and

    endurance. In strife, you will be implacable, scorning defeat. You will be highly ambitious with a

    strong spirit of conquest. You will have queer and impulsive love-affairs, which may lead you to

    tricky situations to face the music. You will have some devoted followers who could accept you

    as someone born to command and conquer.

    Your spirit is proud and haughty, and you are replete with masterful and governing qualities. You

    will find the gates of honours and dignities open for you as you pass through the journey of life.

    However, if not checked, you could be tyrannical and extremely cruel. You will be highly reputed,

    even famous in your walk of life.

    You passions are quick and volatile which, however, needs to be bridled. With your great

    passionate devotion you are prone to folly in love-affairs. Possibilities of pre- and post- marital

    love-affairs may lead you to dive in hot soup. You may have openly enmic people among male,

    and secretly enmic people among female, friends and acquaintances. You should divert your

    excess energy in some creative channels which would bear fruits in time.

    Mental Qualities

    You will be bold, confident, daring and fond of strifes. You will be sarcastic, wilful, impulsive and

    determined. Your views will be pre-set and fixed, mind will be subtle. You will be fond of

    mysteries, will have an interest in the occult. You may be engaged in the researches. You may

    be an expert in the poisonous chemicals and forensic equipments / materials / procedures.

    Physical Attributes

    According to your Horoscope, you will have a dusky complexion and dark curling hair which is

    unusually thicker at the temples. You may have some afflictions in the lower part of the body (

    right side in case of male and left side in case of female ). You will have prominent brows, sharp

    facial angles and aquiline features.

    General State of Health

    Your zodiacal sign rules over the shoulders, arms, hands, bronchial tubes, fingers, nervous

    system, etc. Your potential problems could be asthma, chest disorders, colds, flu, spondylitis,

    etc. Your shoulders/arms/hands/fingers, trachea, bronchial tubes, upper ribs and thymus are the

    trouble-spots which may need medical attention during some time of your life.

    Stress (if in Administrative job) can lead to blood-pressure related problems. Profession

    demanding lot of travelling can induce problems due to exposure and irregular food-habits.

    All you need is adequate rest and peaceful sleep, regular homely meals with a relaxed mind.

    Yoga could work wonders for you. You should take a lot of carrots, cauliflower, garlic and

    pomegranates.Since the Ascendant has no affliction in your chart, you will be in good health.

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    Since Saturn afflicts the Moon in your chart, you are likely to suffer from colds, contractions,

    obstructions, constipation and weakness.

    Since the Sun is bearing no affliction in your chart, you won't inherit any disease from your

    parents. If you per chance have any ailments, those will only be short-lived. Your eye-sight will

    also remain good.

    Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Taurus in your chart, your neck and throat portions

    are likely to be affected.

    Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Leo in your chart, the part of the body prone to

    affections is the belly region.

    Education and Profession

    You will achieve a good level of education and will hold a Bachelor's degree at least. Besides

    formal education, you will have your interest in some other fields also in which you will excel.

    You will be intelligent and clever as well.

    You may have some specialization or professional training. You will do well in the fields where

    certain special abilities find prompt utilization while the academic learnings do not have much of


    Certain planetary combinations present in your chart give rise to auspicious 'Budhaditya Yoga'.

    This will make you highly intelligent and you will acquire a very good level of education. You will

    secure a Bachelor's degree and may acquire some additional technical qualification like a

    diploma. Your chosen fields could be Analytical and Physical sciences.

    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you an aptitude for application-oriented

    sciences. You will pursue professional courses and learn specialised skills. In addition to a basic

    degree you may persue a vocational course; Computers might be of great interest to you.

    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you an aptitude for Engineering. You will be

    fascinated by the working processes involving the machineries and their own functioning as well.

    You will do well in any branch of Engineering -- be it Mechanical, Electrical, Civil or Metallurgical.

    The planetary combinations in your chart make you specially suited for the Technological fields.

    You will be very inquisitive not only about the principles but also with the working mechanisms

    involved. In addition to a basic degree in Science you may have a degree/ diploma in


    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you a special interest in functioning of living

    beings. You may study Biological Sciences and may acquire education in the Medical field. You

    may be a Physician or a Surgeon; alternately you may be a professional in some other medicine

    related fields.

    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you the qualities of a born

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    businessman. You will be quick to learn the aspects of trade and commerce. You will make a

    fortune by trading and/ or manufacturing activities. As usual in business you may have to pass

    through some slack patches when you will need to excercise control although during the most

    part you will do brisk business.

    Wealth and Inheritance

    As regards family-wealth, this is not a fortunate position for the lord of wealth. You will be a

    spendthrift, although it does not necessarily mean that you will be born in indigent

    circumstances. What actually it implies is that there will always be a desire for more, egardless

    of whatever you already have had or will have. In certain other respects, the position is,

    however, unique. You will have secret love-affairs, leading to jealousy and antipathy of women.

    As regards domestic environments, it will rather better be described as a "closed book" which

    might lead you to peaceful seclusion by own choice.

    In your chart the lord of earnings placed in it's own house is the most favourable and prized

    position. You will have realization of your ambitions and all your aspirations will be reasonably

    fulfilled. Partnership may not be favourable for you. In married life you may have some problems

    as one of your children could be a source of concern while your spouse may be habituated to

    spend money lavishly.

    In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the 2nd aspects the house of inheritance --

    thereby strengthening the concerned house and boosting it's indications. You will receive

    parental property and will be benitted by marriage with a person from a wealthier family. You will

    have gains from your younger co-borns also.

    Marriage and Married Life

    Your chart indicates that you will be married at normal age-period.

    In your chart your Ascendant-lord and the 7th-lord are in Square aspect. This indicates possibility

    of having emotional outbursts and even quarrels at times. You may have certain differences in

    attitude and outlook which may be the root cause of troubles. You will have your relationship

    much improved when you would understand that marriage is not a field of romance but of


    Travel and Journeys

    In your chart most of the planets are situated in 'fixed' signs which indicates that you will seldom

    require long-distance travelling. You will not require changing places in connection with your


    Lucky Stone

    Among auspicious gemstones P.G. PEARL (Moti) will be favourable for you.

    You may take 4 to 6 Rattis of P.G. Pearl in a ring of Silver which should be worn on right hand

    small finger on a Monday of 'Shukla Paksha' or bright fort- night.

    Cheaper substitute of P.G. Pearl is Moonstone or Safed Akeek which may be taken instead in a

    ring of Silver.

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    While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:

    Dadhisankha-tusharabham Kshirodarnava-sambhavam namami Shashinam Bhavatya


    The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the

    weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced

    to 1/2 to 1/3 part.