Dimensions of Health-2




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By:Christopher Ekpo


HEALTH Freedom from disease. A focus on disease morbidity and

mortality frames health within a biologic definition, that is , a body without disease.

However, evidence indicates that complex interwoven forces embedded in the social context of people’s lives determine health.

WHO constitution of 1948 defines it as a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Can be expressed in functional terms as a resource which permits people to lead an individually, socially and economically productive life.

This definition;

Reflects concern for the individual as a total person.

Places health in the context of the social environment.

Equates health with productive and creative living.

Health can not be separated from one’s life conditions.

Neighborhood, social relationships, food, work and leisure positively or negatively influence health long before morbid states are evident.

Individual health cannot be separated from the health of society and that individuals are interdependent with the totality of the world meaning that one cannot be healthy in an unhealthy society or world.


Overall good health and wellness are inter-dependent on five( or six) dimensions, namely physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual( and sometimes mental). 

The five dimensions of health, courtesy, paandhealth.blogspot.com

• The six dimensions of health, courtesy, calchildconcierge.blogspot.com

A model of the three dimensions of health.

Refers to the state of the body;

Its compositions, Development, Functions and Maintenance.

The ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress.

The ability to recognize that our behaviours have a significant impact on our wellness and adopting healthful habits (routine check ups, a balanced diet, exercise, etc.).

While avoiding destructive habits (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.) will lead to optimal Physical Wellness.

Eat balanced diet to keep body and mind energized.

Never skip meals or overeat. Drink enough water  which is

essential for cleansing the body.

Exercise to keep the body fit and increase immunity and endurance levels of the body.

Undergo regular medical checkups to detect illness in its early stages.

Sleep at least for 7 uninterrupted hours daily.

Avoid addictive substances.

Cognitive ability to develop skills and

knowledge to enhance one's life.

Intellectual capacity helps to stimulate creativity and insight in decision making.

Setting realistic goals to help in life planning.

Exploring every opportunity with an open mind.

Being aware of the demands and expectations from you.

Maintaining a positive outlook, especially when dealing with conflicts.

One’s ability to accept and cope with one and others feelings is defined as emotional well being.

Emotions contribute to almost all aspects of our life, it even set the course of actions.

Ability to acknowledge and share feelings of anger, fear, sadness or stress;

Hope, love, joy and happiness in a productive manner contributes to our Emotional Wellness.

Awareness and acceptance of one’s strength and shortcoming essential for emotional well-being.

Ability to handle stress and seek help if needed.

Building strong communication networks among family, friends and peers.

Symptoms of emotional problems; are Hopelessness,  Depression,  Anxiety and even Suicidal tendencies are not always

easily detectable, but can lead to dire consequence

Ability to build and maintain satisfying relationships.

Being socially accepted is also connected to our emotional well being.

We should increase our ability to interact with people and their ideas.

Accept and understand diverse cultural norms.

Build networks among different kinds of people.

Adapt a positive self image. Enhance interpersonal

communication skills.

• To seek meaning and purpose of life is termed as being spiritual

• Our good health is incomplete without being spiritually healthy.

• Spiritual health dimension, refers to

personal belief and value and acceptance or rejection of the creation. 

Ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives.

The ability to develop congruency between values and actions and to realize a common purpose that binds creation together contributes to our Spiritual wellness. 

There are no prescribed ways, to attain spiritual well-being.

It's more a matter of looking inwards, at our own depth of understanding, our existence and creation.

Life as we know is a puzzle; health dimensions are like separate piece that need to be fitted together to make meaning.

Speaks to ability to earn a decent living.

Meet financial demands and responsibilities.

Ability to maintain adequate standard of living.

Maintain a good savings/investments.
