Diploma in Weight Loss Lesson 5 Achieve long-lasting weight loss › shaw-toolkits-webinarslides ›...


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Lesson 5We Are Designed To Exercise

Diploma in Weight Loss

Course Educator: Sarah Devine sarahdevine@shawacademy.com

Achieve long-lasting weight loss

Lesson 5

➢ You will discover how we have become sedentary

➢ You will understand why we need exercise for

optimal weight loss

➢ You will gain the knowledge of how exercise greatly

improves our health

➢ You will begin to discover what exercises may work

best for your lifestyle

➢ Course Interaction

➢ Q & A

Why do we need to exercise?

What is Exercise?

An activity that consists of

physical effort used to improve

overall health and fitness

Our Sedentary Lifestyles

The development of machines,

technology and mass

transportation has made us less


In the U.S., sedentary jobs

have increased by 83% since 1950

Globally, more than 80% of the population is not

active enough

Each hour spent watching

television is linked to an 18%

increased risk of dying from

cardiovascular disease

Physical entrapment- We are not designed to be confined in cubicles, sitting at

desks for long periods of time

The Epidemic of the “Sitting Disease”

The World Health Organization reports insufficient physical activity as

one of the leading causes of preventable death

• Lack of exercise causes 1 in 10 premature deaths worldwide

• Globally, 1 in 4 adults are not active enough

• 19% of those below the age of 18 did not reach the recommended physical activity levels

• 80% of American adults do not exercise enough, according to the American government’s recommendations

• Long periods of physical inactivity raises your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer & obesity

57 millions deaths worldwide are linked to physical inactivity

The Consequences of Being Sedentary

More than four hours per day of screen time increases you risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack, by:


We Are Designed To Move

We have evolved over millions and millions of years to move- our bodies evolved for survival:

• We have over 600 muscles in our body

• We can outrun almost any other animal

• We cool by sweating, allowing us to run long distances

• Our short toes allow for efficiency in running

• Exercise is one of the most effective ways to reduce visceral fat

• Muscle atrophy- Our range of motion will suffer if we do not exercise

• Physical activity effectively strengthens the bones

• Reducing physical activity can weaken the immune system

Children’s neural activity comparison after 9 months of participating in after school physical activity programme

➢ Blue represents low neural activity; red represents high brain activity

➢ Physically fit children have larger basal ganglia and hippocampal volume

➢ Active children demonstrate better memory and efficiency of the brain

Busy Schedules

All you need is 15 minutes depending

on the type of exercise

Common Reasons Not to Exercise

Previous failed attempts

Trying a new exercise routine can

change our experience

No passion

There are hundreds of different forms of exercise to make it


Limited budget

We can exercise at home, for free. Going

for a run also helps clear your mind

Not seeing results

You must do specific exercises for get

specific results. You must also be aware

of your diet

Benefits of Exercise

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

“physical activity can improve health. People who are

physically active tend to live longer and have lower risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2

diabetes, depression, and some cancers.”

Other benefits of exercising:

➢Prevention of excess weight gain

➢Weight loss maintenance

➢ Improves arthritis

➢Reduces anxiety

➢ Improves mood

➢Eases depression

➢Gives your confidence

➢Boosts energy

How Often Should We Exercise?

150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week

75 minutes vigorous-intensity aerobic activity


With muscle-strengthening

activities 2 or more days per week

According to the World Health Organization:

High-intensity and strength training

exercises increase your metabolism for much longer

after you workout

The Obvious: The more you exercise, the more calories

you burn

Anaerobic- Short & intense activity that uses

maximum effort and cannot be maintained for

long periods of time

Known for its intensity

Benefits include:✓ Building muscles

✓ Muscle maintenance✓ Boosts metabolism✓ Improves energy✓ Protects joints

✓ Increase bone strength

Aerobic- A level of activity you can maintain

for a longer period of time.

Also known as cardio

Benefits include:✓ Increase in energy

✓ Increase in endurance✓ Reduced risk of heart

disease✓ Reduced risk of developing diabetes✓ Healthy weight


Aerobic Exercise

Walking Jogging Dancing

Oxygen is used to meet energy needs during exercise


Anaerobic Exercise




Oxygen demand exceeds oxygen supply



Anaerobic exercise is fuelled by energy from the muscles, a process know as glycolysis.

Glycogen is broken down into sugar (glucose) to be used as energy

This allows energy to be used quickly

Result: Lactic acid buildup, the burning sensation in the muscles

What this means:

➢ The total amount of energy (calories) burned is higher during anaerobic exercise

➢ With aerobic exercise, you need to workout longer if to get a similar effect

➢ Thus, results may plateau sooner with aerobic exercise

High Intensity Interval Training


Workout that alternates between bursts of high intensity and periods of moderate intensity or complete rest

For example: Jog for 1 minute, sprint for 30 seconds. Repeat for a total of 15 minutes

20 second stationary bike sprint, 10 seconds slow, repeat 8 times

Benefits:✓ Great for busy schedule✓ No equipment necessary✓ Burn more fat than steady cardio, even 24 hours after the

workout (anaerobic)✓ You will not lose muscle✓ Boosts metabolism

We Need Exercise For Weight Loss

Eating well is only part of the battle

Exercise helps you burn more calories and shapes your body

Combining exercise with a healthy diet is much more effective for weight loss, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, preventing heart attacks, and even preventing certain types

of cancer

Exercise increases lean body mass, so you burn more calories per day

Start Slow

✓Clean your house

✓Walk your dog

✓Park further away

✓Take the stairs

✓Cycle to work

✓Anything that makes you sweat!

Find Something You Love








Doing something that you love is linked to higher


There will be more motivation

You will see better results

You are more likely to stay committed

It is easier to see your results


It adds more happiness to your







Why do we need to exercise?

Peanut Brittle Bars

• Ingredients:

• 1 cup packed dates or figs

• ¼ cup honey

• ¼ cup creamy/nutty natural peanut butter or almond butter

• 1 cup roasted nuts

• 1 ½ cups rolled oats

• Method:

• Toast your oats in the oven at high heat until golden

• Cut nuts into small pieces and dry fry in a pan over medium heat

• Blend the figs or dates in blender or food processor until chunky

• Heat the honey and peanut butter together in saucepan

• Mix all the ingredients together

• Then, spread over parchment paper and let cool

• Once cooled, eat and enjoy ☺

Don’t Forget: Heath & Fitness Meal Prep Guide

Found Under Starter Pack

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QUESTION TIME See you back in for Lesson 6Exercising for Your Lifestyle &Tracking Your Progress


“Achieve long-lasting weight loss”
