District 08 Procedures Manual 2016a - District 8 Toastmasters · PDF fileToastmasters...


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Toastmasters International – District 8


Revised May 2016

District 8 St. Louis, Missouri • www.Dist8tm.org

Toastmasters International – District 8 Procedures Manual

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Table of Contents Procedures Manual ............................................................................................... 3

District 8 Directory .................................................................................................................. 3 The Purpose of the District ..................................................................................................... 4 The Mission of the District ...................................................................................................... 4 District Service Area ............................................................................................................... 4 Toastmasters International Organizational Service Chart ...................................................... 5

District 8 Procedures Manual ............................................................................... 6 Procedure A - Financial ................................................................................................................ 6

Section 1 - District Budget ...................................................................................................... 6 Section 2 - Travel and Administrative Expenses .................................................................... 6 Section 3 - District Events ...................................................................................................... 6 Section 4 - International Convention Expenses ...................................................................... 7 Section 5 - District Leader Training Expenses ....................................................................... 7 Section 6 - District 8 Omer Roberts/Dori Drummond Inmate Scholarship Fund .................... 8 Section 7 - Expense Reimbursement Procedure .................................................................... 8

Procedure B - District 8 Officer Election Procedures .................................................................... 9 Section 1 - Nominating Committee ......................................................................................... 9 Section 2 - Qualifications for District Offices ........................................................................... 9 Section 3 - Selection of Nominees .......................................................................................... 9 Section 4 - Pre-Election Activities ........................................................................................... 9 Section 5 - Nomination and Election Procedures ................................................................... 9

Procedure C - District Officers .................................................................................................... 10 Section 1 - District Executive Committee ............................................................................. 10 Section 2 - District 8 Staff ..................................................................................................... 10 Section 3 - District 8 Executive Committee Responsibilities ................................................. 10 Section 4 - District Council Meeting ...................................................................................... 11 Section 5 - District Conferences ........................................................................................... 11 Section 6 - District Procedure to Discipline a Member ......................................................... 11 Section 7 - Club Procedure to Discipline a Member ............................................................. 13

Procedure D - District Newsletter and Website .......................................................................... 14 Procedure E - District Bulk Mailing Procedures .......................................................................... 14 Procedure F – District Incentive Ribbons ................................................................................... 14 Procedure G - Contests ............................................................................................................. 14

Section 1 - Responsibility ..................................................................................................... 14 Section 2 - Awards and Recognition ..................................................................................... 14 Section 3 - Judging ............................................................................................................... 15 Section 4 - Area Contest Scheduling ................................................................................... 15 Section 5 - Division Contest Scheduling .............................................................................. 15

Procedure H - District Directory .................................................................................................. 15 Procedure I - PDD Committee .................................................................................................... 15 Procedure J - Long Range Planning Committee ........................................................................ 15 Procedure K - TI Ballots .............................................................................................................. 16 Procedure L - Area Director of the Year Award .......................................................................... 16 Procedure M - Division Director of the Year Award .................................................................... 16 Procedure N - District Toastmaster of the Year Award ............................................................... 16 Procedure O - Retired Toastmaster of the Year Award .............................................................. 16 Procedure P - District Physical Property ..................................................................................... 16 Procedure Q - Social Media and Internet Committee ................................................................. 16 Procedure R - District Record Keeping ....................................................................................... 18

District 8 Hall of Fame .......................................................................................................... 18 Change Record .......................................................................................................................... 19

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Procedures Manual

District 8 procedures are established by the District 8 Council and will remain in effect until amended. The District 8 Council may amend procedures at any District Council meeting unless otherwise noted in the procedures description. If notice of the amendment is given to the Council by mail postmarked or email dated at least 14 days prior to the Council meeting, adoption of the amendment requires a simple majority vote. If no such prior notice has been given, adoption requires a three-fourths majority. "He" and variations in this document shall mean "he and she" and variations. Reference to Toastmasters International (TI) Policies in this document is to the policies published in the District Leadership Handbook and any subsequent Policy Bulletins from Toastmasters International Headquarters. If there is a conflict between any District procedures and Toastmaster International governing documents, the Toastmasters International governing documents shall be followed. The District 8 Director may perform editorial changes to the Procedures Manual that are purely grammatical in nature including spelling, grammar, capitalization, and other typographic errors. An official control log documenting all such changes will be created and attached as an Appendix to the Procedures Manual. If you need further information or explanation regarding the District 8 procedures, please contact the current District 8 Director.

• Toastmasters International World Headquarters: www.toastmasters.org P.O. Box 9052, Mission Viejo CA 92690-9052 (W) 949-858-TALK (8255), Fax: 949-858-1207

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The Purpose of the District The purpose of this district is to enhance the quality and performance and extend the network of the member clubs of Toastmasters International within the boundaries of this district, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters educational program by: • Focusing on the critical success factors as specified by the district educational and membership goals • Ensuring that each club effectively fulfills its responsibilities to its individual members • Providing effective training and leadership-development opportunities for club and district officers

The Mission of the District We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

District Service Area The geographic boundaries of this District shall be as follows: Illinois: The part south of the northern boundary formed by the counties (from the Iowa state line): Henderson, Warren, McDonough, Schuyler, Cass, Menard, Logan, Sangamon, Christian, Montgomery, Fayette, Effingham, Clay, Richland, and Lawrence (to the Indiana state line); and Missouri: The part east of the western boundary formed by the counties (from the Iowa state line): Mercer, Grundy, Linn, Chariton, Howard, Cooper, Morgan, Camden, Dallas, Webster, Douglas, and Ozark (to the Arkansas state line).

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Toastmasters International Organizational Service Chart

This chart traces the flow of services, material and programs upward from the Board of Directors through various echelons of Toastmasters International to the ultimate beneficiary, the individual member.

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District 8 Procedures Manual

Procedure A - Financial

Section 1 - District Budget

Each administration shall operate within its budgetary limitations. The District administration shall make certain that 20% of its total income be available to the succeeding administration. This is necessary in that no income accrues to the District until after per capita payments are made by the Clubs to the World Headquarters by October 10.

Section 2 - Travel and Administrative Expenses

a) The District 8 Executive Committee members shall be reimbursed for mileage, at the approved Toastmasters International rate, and parking expenses on all travel connected with semiannual Area Director Club visits, staff meetings, Area and Division Director Training, Executive Committee meetings, District Council meetings and Area and Division contests for the respective Area or Division Director and the Senior District Officers (Top Three). The Club Growth Director and Club Extension Chair shall receive a mileage reimbursement for a maximum of two trips per prospective Club for the purpose of starting new Clubs. The Site Chair shall receive a mileage reimbursement for a maximum of two trips over 30 miles distance one way for the purpose of finding a site for future conferences. A budget item must be submitted at the beginning of the Toastmaster year for this reimbursement. This reimbursement is dependent on available budgetary funds.

b) Assistant Area Directors officially representing an Area Director shall be reimbursed as listed in Section 2a.

c) All District 8 personnel who function with an official budget category shall receive reimbursement for expenses incurred, including postage and telephone, when properly submitted with receipts or evidence of the incurred District expense.

d) Each District officer and Committee Chair, during his first 45 days of office, shall submit a budget of expenses anticipated for the coming term to support development of the District budget. Such budget shall be submitted to the District Director and shall be a prerequisite for reimbursement. Late submission of a budget shall not be grounds for non-payment during the year, providing a budget has been approved and funds are available. Assistance to Area Directors in the preparation of this budget shall be a part of the Area Director training program and shall include a list of last year's expenses for the Area, list of typical Area Director expenses, and a list of anticipated expenses for the upcoming year. After receiving an individual's budget, the District Director or Finance Manager shall provide a detailed description to the individual of specified items that will not be paid.

e) Long distance telephone calls are to be used only as a last resort and should be brief. Reimbursement from the District shall be no more than $4.00 per call. Exceptions to this must be approved in advance by the District Director, Program Quality Director, or Club Growth Director. Approval for calls by one of the Top Three Officers must be obtained in advance from another Top Three Officer. The District Executive Committee shall be reimbursed up to $7.00 per meeting for meal expenses or attendance charges incurred while performing official business of District 8. This shall be limited to meetings where a meal or attendance charge is required for attendance. Meals during speech contests, Club charter events and District conferences are excluded.

f) The District shall purchase Club banners for newly chartered Clubs and present them, if possible, at the Club's charter meeting.

Section 3 - District Events

a) All Area events should be self-supporting. Planning shall be realistic with the aim of creating neither profit nor deficit.

b) All Division and District events should be self-supporting. Planning shall be realistic with the aim of creating neither profit nor deficit. The budget for each District event shall be

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approved by the Senior District officers and the budget for each Division event shall be approved by the Division Director. Any profit shall be paid into the District treasury. Any loss will be absorbed by the District treasury upon concurrence of the District Director.

c) All Division and District events involving advance commitments for meals or meeting rooms will require written confirmation and the signature of the Division Director for Division events and District Director for District events.

d) If complimentary meal tickets are to be furnished at District expense, they must be approved by the District 8 Executive Committee before issuance. The Executive Committee must also approve any compensation to an individual or group for services rendered at these functions.

e) Fees received at District 8 Fall and Spring Conferences will be used to cover conference expenses. It is the intent of the District that every person attending any conference activity will pay the applicable fee. Exceptions may be approved in advance by the Executive Committee.

f) District 8 shall reimburse the meal expense for each contestant and up to one guest per contestant at the District Humorous, Table Topic, Evaluation, and International Speech Contests. This reimbursement shall be included in the District Conference budget.

g) Sale of any item at any District event shall be prohibited unless expressly authorized by the Executive Committee. Prior to granting any such authorization the Senior District officers should explore the possibility of the seller paying the District a percentage of all sales.

h) District 8 will maintain a separate checking account to be known as the "District 8 Conference Account”. This account will be utilized to process all receipts and disbursements for each conference. A Division shall host the event and coordinate with the conference facility; however, it is a District event and the District shall maintain responsibility for the conference. The Program Quality Director, in consultation with and subject to the approval of the District Director will appoint a Conference Chair and Conference Treasurer from the host Division with advice from the Division Director who is encouraged to promote new leadership opportunities. A complete financial report, subject to audit, shall be rendered to the District Director not more than ninety days after each conference for presentation at the next Executive Committee meeting.

Section 4 - International Convention Expenses

a) Toastmasters International reimburses travel expenses of the District officers and the International speech contestant at rates defined in Toastmasters International policies.

b) In addition to any allowance granted by Toastmasters International, when the International Convention is held in North America District 8 will extend up to $600.00 to each of the Immediate Past District Director, District Director, Program Quality Director and Club Growth Director who attend the International Convention.

c) When the International Convention is held in a location other than North America, District 8 will extend up to $900.00 to each of the Immediate Past District Director, District Director, Program Quality Director and Club Growth Director who attend the International Convention.

d) If said officers’ non-reimbursed (Toastmasters International) expenses are less than the District 8 reimbursement allowance, the amount paid by District 8 to stated officer should not exceed the actual expenses.

e) To merit reimbursement, all recipients must attend the International Business meeting and at least two of the educational sessions. This attendance is subject to verification by the District Director.

f) This reimbursement is dependent on available budgetary funds.

Section 5 - District Leader Training Expenses

a) In addition to any allowance granted by Toastmasters International, when the Training is held in North America, District 8 will extend up to $300 to each of the District Director, Program Quality Director and Club Growth Director to attend District Leader Training at the International Convention. In addition they will receive another $300 each to attend Mid-Year Training.

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b) When the Training is held outside North America, District 8 will extend up to $600 to each of the District Director, Program Quality Director and Club Growth Director to attend District Leader Training.

c) Reimbursements will cover hotel, transportation, registration costs and meals at $30 per day ($120 maximum per trip) including travel days. For international travel, required immunizations and travel insurance are eligible for reimbursement.

d) If remaining reimbursements after Toastmaster International reimbursements are less than the District 8 reimbursement allowance, the amount paid by District 8 shall not exceed actual expenses.

e) The reimbursement is dependent on available budgetary funds.

Section 6 - District 8 Omer Roberts/Dori Drummond Inmate Scholarship Fund

The purpose of the fund is to fund inmate Toastmaster dues.

Each prison club liaison sends an email to the Finance Department at TI, with a cc to the District Director, requesting one-half of the dues to be paid by the fund. A specific dollar amount must be referenced. For new members, a completed new membership application needs to be submitted. For renewals, member number, name and Club number need to be submitted. Faxes and scanned documents will be accepted. The District Director scans the email, adds name, signature, designation, and approval date and sends to TI. Payment processing by TI will usually be made a few days after receipt of the request. TI will send the District Director monthly updates reporting the current fund balance.

Section 7 - Expense Reimbursement Procedure

a) A District 8 expense form, provided by the Finance Manager, is to be used for submitting expenses for reimbursement in accordance with the District 8 Financial Procedure.

b) Expense vouchers are to be submitted to the Finance Manager. Reimbursement claims should be submitted to the Finance Manager within 60 days of incurring the expense or by July 31 for expenses incurred in June. Any payments not made prior to the closing of the books for the annual audit shall be submitted to the Audit Committee for inclusion in the Audit Report as Past Administration Obligations. The Finance Manager will pay submitted vouchers monthly.

c) Missouri Tax Exemption Letter: The District has a Missouri Tax-Exemption letter which allows all purchases made in Missouri to be tax-exempt. Members who purchase items for Toastmaster functions in Missouri and expect District reimbursement are required to use the Missouri Tax-Exemption letter. The District will not reimburse members for the tax portion on Missouri purchases except in extenuating circumstances, i.e. purchases made at a Sam’s Club where the District is required to be a member to purchase items tax-free. Copies of the tax-exemption letter may be obtained from the Finance Manager.

d) The District Director, either the Program Quality Director or Club Growth Director, and Finance Manager may jointly establish district bank accounts and shall have signatory authority on all accounts established by the district. District checks must be signed by the District Director and Finance Manager. Checks made payable to the District Director or Finance Manager must be signed or approved in advance in writing by a Program Quality Director or Club Growth Director.

e) The Finance Manager shall provide a written detailed report of all District expenditures to the District Executive Committee members at an Executive Committee meeting during August and February. These reports shall be distributed through email if such Executive Committee meetings are not conducted.

f) Audits shall be performed in accordance with Toastmasters International Policy Bulletin No. 17, which states in part the following requirements: The District Director shall appoint a District Audit Committee by November 1. The Audit Committee shall submit, by February 15, an audit report for the period July 1 to December 31, and a final audit report for the entire year by August 31. A complete District Audit for the prior year ending June 30 shall be presented at the first District Council Meeting following the International Convention. A Midyear Audit shall be presented to the District Council at the District’s Annual Meeting in

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Procedure B - District 8 Officer Election Procedures

Section 1 - Nominating Committee

The District Director shall appoint no more than two members from each Division to the Nominating Committee for a one-year term running from January through December. The Immediate Past District Director shall serve as Chair. If the Immediate Past District Director is unable to serve, the District Director shall appoint any past District 8 Director to serve as Chair. Division representation shall be recommended by the respective Division Directors. If possible, the appointees shall have attended, by the time of their appointment three (3) District and three (3) Area and/or Division meetings within the last three years. The District Director may fill vacancies at any time. No member shall have served on the Nominating Committee the previous year.

Section 2 - Qualifications for District Offices

Refer to Toastmasters International Website: Call for Nominations

Section 3 - Selection of Nominees

Candidate names may be submitted by the membership directly to the Nominating Committee no later than four weeks prior to the Spring Conference.

The Nominating Committee members shall search throughout the District for persons interested in and qualified for the District Offices. The Nominating Committee shall meet within 14 days after the published close of nominations. A quorum shall be 50% of the committee. For the voting items requiring a percentage of the entire committee, the absent members shall be allowed to submit votes by email one week after the meeting. Each candidate shall be interviewed in person or through a letter of candidacy by a member of the Nominating Committee.

Excerpted from Article VII Toastmasters International bylaws:

(d) Qualifications. At the time of taking office, the District Director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director or Division Director or a combination thereof.

Section 4 - Pre-Election Activities

Campaigning Guidelines

For campaigning guidelines, refer to www.toastmasters.org/ Leadership Central / District Leader Tools / District Management / Elections Toolkit / Candidate Campaign Guidelines.


The Credentials Chair shall be the Immediate Past District Director (or any Past District Director if the Immediate Past District Director is unavailable). The Credentials Chair shall issue all election ballots to the District Council members. A list of ballots issued including office and proxy shall be appended to the minutes. Any candidate may have an observer at the Credentials Desk. No member of the District Executive Committee may endorse a candidate for District office.

Section 5 - Nomination and Election Procedures

The District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Division Directors shall be elected at the Spring Conference. The District Director shall serve as Election Chair or may appoint a Past District 8 Director to serve as Election Chair. The Election Chair shall appoint a parliamentarian, familiar with Robert's Rules of Order and with this document. The Election Chair shall use an agenda containing the names of slated candidates and add the names of additional

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candidates as they are nominated. The Election Chair shall read the entire nomination slate. The sequence of elections shall be the office of District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director and Division Directors. No member of the District Executive Committee may endorse a candidate for District office.

The names submitted by the Nominating Committee shall be announced for each office. The chair shall then call, three (3) times, for nominations from the floor. Motions to close nominations shall be out-of-order before the third call or if it is apparent that additional nominations are intended for that office. Evidence of willingness to serve must be submitted by each additional candidate before voting takes place.

Candidates shall present their own two-minute nominating speech. Only if the candidate is not present may a representative speak on a candidate's behalf.

Ballot Counters shall collect ballots after each vote and commence counting immediately. Write- ins shall be tallied as legitimate ballots. Tallying shall be on a Ballot Counter’s tally sheet and results forwarded, via the tally sheet, to the Election Chair immediately upon completion. The completed tally sheet should be attached to the Election Agenda for eventual inclusion in the minutes of the election. Each candidate may delegate an observer to witness the ballot count.

In the event a candidate runs unopposed, a motion may be made from the floor and seconded, to instruct the Administration Manager to cast one vote for the candidate.

Any candidate who receives a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. In the event no candidate receives a majority of votes cast for a contested office, voting shall continue with the use of special ballots and without the name of the candidate receiving the fewest votes. Such procedure shall continue until one of the candidates receives a majority of the votes.

The Chair shall announce that all candidates are qualified for lower ranked offices, except as excluded by the District Bylaws to wit: "No District Officer may be re-elected to the same office for succeeding terms in which a full term has been served except that the Division Directors may be re-elected to succeed themselves for one term." Ballots will be held by the Credentials Chair until June 30 of the election year.

Upon adjournment of the District's Annual Meeting, all election results are final. Results of the election shall be displayed in the Registration Area as soon as possible following the adjournment of the meeting.

Procedure C - District Officers

Section 1 – District Executive Committee

a) Senior District officers: District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Immediate Past District Director.

b) Division Directors. c) Administration Manager, Finance Manager, Public Relations Manager, and Logistics

Manager: District Director shall appoint these officers. d) Area Directors: The District Director shall appoint all the Area Directors.

Section 2 - District 8 Staff

a) District 8 Staff: Shall consist of the Senior District officers, all Division Directors, Administration Manager, Finance Manager and Public Relations Manager. The Logistics Manager shall be a non-voting member.

b) Meetings of the Staff may be convened as required. The Staff should meet in any month when neither an Executive Committee nor a District Council meeting takes place.

Section 3 - District 8 Executive Committee Responsibilities

a) District Executive Committee: Shall consist of the District Staff and the Area Directors per the District Bylaws. The District Director may invite a District Committee Chair to present

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relevant business. b) The District Executive Committee shall hold regular meetings no less than once in each

calendar quarter. c) The District Director is responsible for emailing notice of the time and place for each

meeting and if possible, an agenda, for the meeting to each member of the Executive Committee and to the Chairmen of all District Committees. A reminder notice shall be emailed at least 7 days prior to the meeting.

d) Special meetings may be called by the District Director or by a majority of the Executive Committee.

e) A quorum is deemed to be a majority of voting members. Proxies shall not be valid at any Executive Committee meeting.

f) All meetings shall be conducted according to Toastmasters International governing documents and policies and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be used as a guide for the conduct of a meeting in the absence of Toastmasters International policies and procedures.

Section 4 - District Council Meeting

a) District Council: Shall consist of the members of the District Executive Committee and Club Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education of all District 8 Clubs. Proxies of the Club Presidents and Educational Vice Presidents may be carried by an active member of their Club. No other proxies are valid (per the District Bylaws.)

b) The District Council shall meet at the Spring and Fall conferences. Special meetings may be called in accordance with District Administrative Bylaws, Article X, Subsection b.

Section 5 - District Conferences

a) Conference hosting shall be rotated among the Divisions. Insofar as practical, no Division shall host successive District conferences.

b) Selection of a site within a Division shall be coordinated with the District Director and the Program Quality Director. Insofar as practical, the Conference Chair should be a member of the Division where the conference will be held.

c) Conference dates should be scheduled well in advance, several years if feasible. The District should strive to schedule the Fall Conference in November and the Spring Conference in May. The Spring Conference should be located in the St Louis metro area. It shall be the responsibility of the District Director to publish the Conference location information in an appropriate format to the District.

Section 6 - District Procedure to Discipline a Member

(Refer to Toastmasters International Protocol 3.0, Ethics and Conduct)

a) Resignation or removal of a district officer is addressed in Article VII, Section (g) of the District Administrative Bylaws, which requires no advance notice, hearing, or cause for removal. The district executive committee may choose to remove a district officer summarily or follow the disciplinary process set forth here.

b) An individual member who wishes to express concern about any ethics and conduct or other violation involving a member of the district executive committee, other appointed district official, or an individual Toastmasters member participating in district activities, may submit a written complaint containing reasonably credible information to the District Director. If the District Director is the member charged, the next highest-level district officer replaces the District Director throughout the remainder of the proceedings.

c) If the District Director believes the member complaint to be reasonably credible, a confidential investigation must be completed within a reasonable time. The District Director discusses the findings from the investigation with the complaining member and the charged member (separately or together) in an effort to reach a mutually agreeable resolution. If a resolution is reached, the matter is closed.

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d) If a resolution is not reached, the District Director refers the matter to the district executive committee and informs World Headquarters. The district executive committee determines, by a majority vote, whether:

a. A disciplinary hearing takes place. b. The disciplinary hearing is conducted by the district executive committee or the district

council. e) The District Director serves as chair for the disciplinary hearing. f) This disciplinary procedure is followed for all district-level disciplinary hearings.

a. A hearing is conducted during a regular or special meeting, in person or by teleconference. All discussion and materials are subject to confidentiality restrictions determined by the committee/council.

b. The complaining member, the charged member, and the committee/council members are notified of the date, time, location, and format of the hearing a minimum of 15 days before the hearing. The written notice shall include the proposed disciplinary action and the reason(s).

c. The complaining member and the charged member have the opportunity to participate in the hearing. The committee/council determines the time limit for discussions, as well as the amount of and the manner in which evidence is received, whether in person or in writing.

d. The committee/council receives copies of the original complaint, the charged member’s response and the results of the District Director’s confidential investigation in advance of the hearing.

e. The charged member provides any written, physical, or other evidence (other than his or her oral testimony) to the District Director no later than 48 hours prior to the hearing.

f. At the hearing, the District Director: i. Confirms that a quorum is present. ii. Indicates the hearing is not a court of law, and that the disciplinary process is

being followed as outlined in Toastmasters’ governing documents. iii. Advises that recording of the hearing is prohibited. iv. States that all discussion is limited to the charges and evidence presented. v. Presents findings from the confidential investigation. The findings may contain

sensitive information received from the complaining member and from other witnesses confidentially, and the council/committee may choose not to permit the charged member to know their identity or to cross-examine them.

vi. Provides the charged member with a predetermined amount of time to speak and respond to the charges.

vii. Provides any witnesses speaking a predetermined amount of time to speak. viii. Excuses all parties present except the district executive committee or district

council to discuss appropriate disciplinary action. The charged member shall be excused, even if a member of the committee or council. Any member of the committee or council having a family, business, or personal relationship to the charged member, if the relationship may cast doubt on the member’s ability to render an impartial judgment, shall also be excused.

1. Disciplinary actions may include one or more of the following: a. Private written censure of the member by the

committee/council b. Public written censure of the member by the

committee/council c. Suspension from participation in district events – not to

exceed 18 months d. Suspension or removal from district office e. Suspension from eligibility to be elected or appointed to

district office – not to exceed 18 months 2. Removal from office requires a two-thirds vote of the entire District

Executive Committee. Other disciplinary action must be approved by two-thirds of those present and voting.

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g. The charged member and World Headquarters are notified in writing within 24 hours of any disciplinary action. Depending on the circumstances, the disciplinary process and the result may be kept completely confidential or partially confidential in the discretion of the committee/council. If the charged member or the complaining member has made the matter public, if certain club or district officers should be notified in order to minimize potential harm to other members, or in other appropriate situations, the best interests of Toastmasters International may require discreet communications to others. If made public by the charged member, the Public Relations Manager should be notified in case some clarifying message needs to be sent to the media.

g) The district executive committee’s decision may be appealed to the district council. There is no appeal of the district council’s decision. However, the Board of Directors may, on its own initiative, review the district’s decision and reach a different conclusion in the best interests of Toastmasters International, its member clubs and individual members.

Section 7 - Club Procedure to Discipline a Member

(Refer to Toastmasters International Protocol 3.0, Ethics and Conduct)

a) Disciplinary actions conducted by a club relating to an individual member are addressed in Article II, Section 7 of the Club Constitution. Each club is responsible for handling its own disciplinary matters following Toastmasters policy and protocol.

b) One of the following processes applies if a club considers disciplining an individual member. This includes, but is not limited to, situations in which the International President requests that the club initiate proceedings against a particular member, and situations in which a club considers not renewing, suspending, or taking other disciplinary action regarding an individual’s membership. The club executive committee determines, by a majority vote, at which level the disciplinary procedure takes place: at the club executive committee level or at the club membership level.

c) The club president serves as chair for the disciplinary procedure. If the club president is the member charged, the next highest-level club officer serves as chair.

d) The following describes the disciplinary procedure at the club executive committee level. a. The club executive committee recommends, by majority vote, membership termination

or other disciplinary action. b. The club executive committee then provides written notice of the proposed action and

reason to the charged member. c. After receiving notice, the member has 15 calendar days to respond to the charges in

writing. d. If requested by the member within the 15 days, the club executive committee gives the

member an opportunity to appear before the committee to discuss the issue. The committee notifies the member of the date, time, and location of the meeting.

e. The club executive committee distributes copies of the charges and any response from the charged member to all members of the club executive committee.

f. After the 15-day response time, the club executive committee votes on the proposed termination or other disciplinary action.

i. The club executive committee provides reasonable notice of the agenda item to the club executive committee.

ii. The club executive committee must have a quorum present (majority). iii. In order to terminate membership, two-thirds of the club executive committee

present and voting must vote in favor of termination. g. The charged member and club members are notified of the action taken. h. The charged member may appeal the club executive committee’s decision to the club

within 15 calendar days of the date of notice. If this occurs, the process for disciplinary action at the club membership level applies.

e) The following describes the disciplinary procedure at the club membership level. a. The club executive committee recommends, by majority vote, membership termination

or other disciplinary action to club members. b. The club executive committee provides written notice of the proposed action and

reason to the charged member and to club members.

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c. After receiving notice, the member has 15 calendar days to respond to the charges in writing. If the member requests, the club gives the member an opportunity to appear before the club to discuss the issue. The club notifies the member of the date, time, and location of the meeting.

d. The club distributes copies of the charges and any response from the charged member to all club members.

e. After the 15 calendar-day response time, the club votes on the proposed termination or other disciplinary action.

i. The club must provide reasonable notice of the agenda item to the club members.

ii. The club must have a quorum present (majority of active members). iii. In order to terminate membership, two-thirds of those present and voting must

vote in favor of termination. f. The charged member and club members are notified of the action taken as soon as

possible. g. There is no appeal of the club decision.

Procedure D - District Newsletter and Website a) The District Newsletter and Website shall serve as a principal source of information to the

members. The Newsletter and Website should include noteworthy events and notices and reports of meetings, elections and amendments.

b) Additional notices may need to be sent to District Officers, Club Presidents and Vice Presidents Education and Training concerning special meetings, candidates and amendments per the preamble of the Procedures Manual.

Procedure E - District Bulk Mailing Procedures a) The Public Relations Manager shall be responsible for all mailings made under the District

non-profit bulk mail permit.

Procedure F – District Incentive Ribbons At the Fall Conference, the District Director shall recognize the annual incentive awards.

Procedure G - Contests

Section 1 - Responsibility

The Program Quality Director is responsible for the conduct of the District International Speech, Humorous Speech, Evaluation, and Table Topics contests. The Program Quality Director is the general advisor for the conduct of Club, Area, Division and District contests.

Section 2 - Awards and Recognition

a) Contestant and judges eligibility will be based on the latest International Speech Contests Rules as published by Toastmasters International.

b) At each Area, Division and District contest, the Chief Judge is encouraged to present certificates of participation to the Contest Judges.

c) The District provides award certificates, judging forms and other contest forms for use in Area, Division and District contests. The Program Quality Director will ensure that these forms are available online.

d) The District will provide trophies for the Division and District Speech Contests and other District level awards. The Program Quality Director will ensure that these trophies and/or other awards are available.

e) The District will reimburse Area Directors for trophies at Area Contests for a maximum of $10 per trophy. Area Directors should only order the number of trophies required based on the number of contestants. The requested amount should be included in the Area Directors’

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budget request.

Section 3 - Judging

District 8 shall sponsor a training program for judges to encourage Toastmasters to improve and maintain their judging abilities. The Program Quality Director will be responsible for operating the program, developing seminars, training instructors, and providing training opportunities at least twice a year for Toastmasters in the District. For videos of previous contests, DVDs are provided to the District Director (Procedure Q).

Section 4 - Area Contest Scheduling

The dates for Area contests shall be selected by each Area Director and announced to the Clubs at least one month prior to the contest. Fall Area Contests should be scheduled in September. The Spring Area Contests should be scheduled in March. The Area Directors shall strive to find free locations for the contests. If none available, the District will reimburse up to $15 for each contest day. Any exceptions in scheduling shall be approved in advance by the Program Quality Director.

Section 5 - Division Contest Scheduling

The dates for Division contests shall be selected by each Division Director and announced to the Areas at least two months prior to the contest. Fall Division contests should be scheduled in October. The Spring Division Contests should be scheduled in April. The Division Directors shall strive to find free locations for the contests. If none available, the District will reimburse up to $15 for each contest day. Any exceptions in scheduling shall be approved in advance by the Program Quality Director.

Procedure H - District Directory The District should strive to publish a District Directory by September 1 of each year. The District Directory shall contain the name, address, email address and telephone numbers of all members of the Executive Committee, all Chairmen of District Committees and all Club officers. The District should strive to publish a supplement by March 1 updating the Club officers for Clubs electing officers semiannually. The District Directory should be posted on the District 8 website.

Procedure I - PDD Committee If formed, the Past District Directors Committee shall meet and work in support of the District and its officers, and may not engage in District political activity. The Past District Directors Committee shall meet and work under the direction of the District Director and may only work on tasks assigned by the District Director. The Past District Directors Committee shall consist of all Past District Directors who are currently members in good standing of a District 8 Toastmasters Club.

The PDD Committee Shall:

a) Provide advice and counsel to the District officers. b) Review and offer recommendations in all District procedure matters. c) Be the review committee for any Division realignment. d) Coordinate and provide leadership in the development of the District's long range

planning. e) Assist in the documenting of credentials at all District Council meetings. f) Undertake any such studies or activities as may be requested by the District Director or the

Executive Committee.

Procedure J - Long Range Planning Committee A Past District Director shall be the chair of the Long Range Planning committee. The committee's primary function will be to develop and maintain a long-range plan for District growth, as well as inform and assist the Executive Committee and Senior staff of procedures necessary to accomplish these goals. The committee will present a report annually that will be published in the

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District Bulletin for all Toastmasters of the District. The committee shall consist of any Past District Director wishing to serve, and three past or current members of the Executive Committee. The Senior District officers shall be non-voting, advisory members.

Procedure K - TI Ballots

On or about April 1st all Toastmaster Club Presidents will receive an email from Toastmasters International with instructions for casting ballots at the International Business Meeting held at the International Convention in August of that year. Included will be the slate of candidates running for International President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President and any issues that have come before the Board of Directors for a vote. The Club President shall present this information to the Club for a vote and discussion. The Club President shall then cast the ballot or delegate the District Director as proxy via the Toastmasters International Website. If that Club President or Club representative does not cast the vote before Club elections in July, then they will relinquish the vote to the next elected Club President or the newly elected Club President’s representative. This ballot should be cast or proxy given before the annual International Business Meeting held in August. Should the Club President or a representative of the Club attend the International Convention they may request a ballot from the District Director and vote at the International Business Meeting.

Procedure L - Area Director of the Year Award The Area Director of the Year is awarded a plaque or trophy provided by the District. The selection shall be made in accordance with the criteria and procedures specified in the District Leadership manual. The District shall distribute copies of the criteria to Area Director and Division Director at or before the first Executive Meeting of the Toastmasters year. Recipients are to be listed in the District Hall of Fame on the District 8 website.

Procedure M - Division Director of the Year Award The Division Director of the Year is awarded a plaque or trophy provided by the District. The selection shall be made in accordance with the criteria and procedures specified in the District Leadership manual. The District shall distribute copies of the criteria to Area Directors and Division Directors at or before the first Executive Meeting of the Toastmasters. Recipients are to be listed in the District Hall of Fame on the District 8 website.

Procedure N - District Toastmaster of the Year Award The Toastmaster of the Year is awarded a plaque provided by the District. This award is presented annually to a District 8 Toastmaster for outstanding service to District 8 in the current administrative year or for outstanding service to District 8 in past years. The selection shall be made in accordance with the criteria and procedures specified in the District Leadership manual. The recipient shall be recognized at the Spring Conference. Recipients are to be listed in the District Hall of Fame on the District 8 website.

Procedure O - Retired Toastmaster of the Year Award The Retired Toastmaster of the Year is awarded at the discretion of the District Director to a Toastmaster who is retired from a job/career but still active in District 8. Recipients are to be listed in the District Hall of Fame on the District 8 website.

Procedure P - District Physical Property District 8 physical property will be the responsibility of the Director, Program Quality Director, and/or Club Growth Director and will be used exclusively for Division and District 8 functions.

Procedure Q – Social Media and Internet Committee TheDistrict8DirectorshallappointmemberstoserveontheSocialMediaandInternetCommittee.Itis

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recommendedthecommitteeincludeaWebmaster,aSocialMediaMaster,aPhotographerandaVideographer. Itisalsorecommendedthatadditionalmembersbeaddedtosupportothermediaoutlets.TheChairoftheSocialMediaCommitteewillbeappointedbytheDistrictDirectorinconsultationwiththePublicRelationsManager.Thepurposeofthiscommitteeistomakerecommendationsandadministersocialmediaoutletseffectively,toenhancethedigitalfootprintofDistrict8.Theseoutletsinclude,butarenotlimitedto,theInternet(District8website),emailaccounts,Facebook,LinkedIn,blogs,Twitterandvideos.


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Procedure R - District Record Keeping All requests for District records should be submitted to the District Director. The Immediate Past District Director is responsible for collecting records from his or her administration as outlined below. The records should be submitted to the District Historian by 12/31 of the following fiscal year.

Records to be kept: Source Informative correspondence with TI concerning District operations District Director

Informative correspondence between Director and staff (not sensitive) District Director

District Contest Winners Program Quality Director

Procedures Manual Procedures Chair

Minutes of Council, Executive, Staff & Standing Committee Meetings Administration Manager

Finance Manager’s Report Finance Manager

District Audit Report District Audit Chair

Copies of Communic-8s published Communic-8 Editor

Conference Flyers/Registration Forms/Programs/Staff Rosters Conference Chairs

In addition to the above records, District Directors are encouraged to submit other information covering their years in office to the District Historian for possible inclusion in the District Archives.

District 8 Hall of Fame The Hall of Fame will be maintained on the District 8 website, and will include the following: Yearly Awards Toastmaster of the Year Division Director of the Year Area Director of the Year Retired Toastmaster of the Year Contest Awards International Speech Humorous Speech Table Topic Evaluation Past District 8 Directors

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Change Record Changes recorded prior to 2007: Nov 1984, May 1986, May 1987, Sep 1987, May 1988, June 1989, May 1990, Oct 1990, May 1991, Nov 1991, July 1992, May 1993, Sep 1993, May 1994, Nov 1995, May 1996, May 1997, May 2000, May 2001, May 2002, May 2003, June 2004, June 2006



Written/Revised by Description of Change

05/2007 Dan Darnall, Ron Norgard and approved by the District Council


10/2007 Dan Darnall Updated Hall of Fame and ID contact information

4/2008 Dan Darnall Updated Hall of Fame and corrected typos throughout the document. Typo changes were approved by the DEC.

5/14/2008 Dan Darnall Updated Policy M – Removed the sentence requiring the District to maintain a list of trained Judges. Also added speech winner from Eval and International contests.

8/31/2009 David Mallory Updated Hall of Fame, ID contact information, and 2008/2009 District Contest winners

5/8/10 Mary Kerwin All references to Regional Conference and the words “Policy” have been changed to the word standard or standards per Toastmasters International. Page 6 has been changed to explicitly cite that Area and Division Governor training shall be reimbursed. Page 8 Section 5 The Omer Roberts Inmate Scholarship Fund has been added.

Section 6 wording has been changed to explain time frames for reimbursement; clarification of signature card authorization; and audit time frame. Page 8 Information about the Missouri State Tax Exempt Letter has been added. Page 9 Nomination of District Officers has been changed to agree with TI’s bylaws. Page 10 the date has been changed for ballot retention from District Election at the annual meeting in May. Page 13 District reimbursement for Area Contest trophies has been added. Contest scheduling has been clarified. Page 14 …of the year awards will no longer be provided by TI and will be recognized by the District only. All changes have been made by the District Procedures Committee and approved by the District Council as of May 2010.

4/30/11 Debra Morrissey All references to the words Standard(s) and Resource(s) have been changed to Procedure(s) and Directory. Pages 3 & 4, District 8 Information Line removed. Page 6, Section 2, Changes referring to LGET, Club Extension Chair and Site Chair were added. Page 8, Section 5, District Leader Training Expenses, has been added. Omer Roberts Inmate & Scholarship Fund and Expense Reimbursement Procedure have been moved to Sections 6 and 7.

Updated Region and District Contacts. All changes have been made by the District Procedures Committee and approved by the District Council as of April 2011.

5/2012 Debra Morrissey Email has been added to all references of mail. Updated Region and District Contacts. Page 8, Section 2 added reimbursement for Treasurer training. Page 13, Section 5 changed Area Governor trophy reimbursement to $10. All changes have been made by the District Procedures Committee and approved by the District Council as of May 2012.

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4/2013 Carole Breckner Added TI branding to title page. Updated District 8 map. Updated District mission and added District purpose. Updated Organizational Service Chart. Updated Procedure A: Sec 2.a - Removed 30 mile restriction for LGM & Club Extension Chair travel reimbursement for new clubs, and Sec 3.f - Clarified reimbursement for speech contestants. Updated Procedure B: Added Sec 2 - Qualification reference for District officers, and updated Sec 3 - Clarified deadline for submission of District officer nominees. Updated Procedure C: Sec 1.c – Removed restriction from holding 2 offices concurrently, Sec 1.d – Removed reference to Area Council recommendation of Area Governor candidates, and added Sec 6 & 7 – District and Club disciplinary procedures. Updated Procedure G: Sec 4 & 5 – Removed references to councils. Updated Procedure H: Clarified publishing and distribution of District directory. Updated Procedures L – O: Added website publishing of District Hall of Fame Award records. Updated Procedure Q: Added listing of District Hall of Fame awards to be maintained on District website. Removed District Hall of Fame listing from Procedure manual. Made minor changes to grammar and formatting

4/2014 Carole Breckner Updated District 8 map. Updated contact information for District Governor, Region V International Director, and Region Advisor Marketing. Updated Procedure A: Sec 3.h – Reduced the number of authorized signatures for conference checking account to only District Governor and District Treasurer. Sec 4.b – Increased travel expense allowance to $600. Added Sec 4.c – Increased travel expense allowance for International Conventions outside of North America to $900. Sec 5.b – District leader training: Removed reference to District Treasurer. Added allowance of up to $600 for International conventions outside of North America. Sec 5.c – Modified reimbursements to include meals up to $30 per day plus travel days. Sec 6 – Added Dori Drummond’s name to inmate scholarship fund. Updated Procedure C: Sec 1.c – Clarified offices appointed by District Governor. Sec 5.c – Changed conference dates from Mid-November and Mid-May to November and May. Specified St. Louis metro area as Spring conference location. Procedure G: Sec 2.a – Changed contest eligibility to contestant and judges eligibility. Procedure K – Removed reference to International President. Procedure O – Clarified eligibility for the Retired Toastmaster of the Year award. Made minor changes to grammar and formatting.

5/2015 Frank Yates Updated District Leadership titles throughout document; changed fonts to Toastmasters International branding throughout document; updated District map (moved from page 2 to cover); added District Service Area description (page 4); removed reference to Conference Treasurer having signatory privileges to Conference account (page 7–Sec 3h); added limit of $120 per trip for meals on top 3 training and immunizations and travel insurance to list of eligible reimbursements for top three international travel (page 8–Sec 5c); deleted reference to space for election statement in District Bulletin, clarified that the Immediate Past District Director is the Credentials Chairman, unless unavailable (page 9–Sec 4); when candidates are unopposed, the Administrative Manager will cast rather than place one vote for the candidate (page 10, pgh 5); deleted list of months recommended for scheduling of DEC meetings (page 10–Sec 3b); changed responsibility for district bulk mailings from Lt. Governor Marketing to Public Relations Manager (page 14–Procedure Eb); allows $15 per day reimbursement for contests and requires approval of Program Quality Director for scheduling of area contests after September and March (page 15–Sec 4) and for scheduling of division contests after October and April (page 15–Sec 5); added section on Social Media and Internet Committee (page 17–Procedure Q); removed Summary of Judges Trained from list of records to be kept (page 18–Procedure R).

5/2016 Frank Yates Replaced “Chairman” with “Chair” throughout document. Replaced “policy” with “governing documents” (pg. 3); deleted contact information for District Director, Region V International Director, and Region Advisor Marketing (pg. 3); replaced “service area” with “geographic boundaries” in District Service Area description (pg. 4); updated Map of Service to Members (pg. 5); clarified procedure for authorizing partial dues payments from the Omer Roberts/Dori Drummond Inmate Scholarship Fund (pg. 8); clarified rules for signatures on checks drawn from District 8 bank accounts (pg. 8); updated Pre-Election Activities to conform with governing documents (pg. 8–9); revised Procedure E – District Directory Mailing/Email Procudures to eliminate provision to email District Directory email link, rename to District Bulk Mailing Procedures (pg. 14); revised Procedure F – Director’s Membership Ribbons to District Incentive Ribbons, changed membership retention to recognize the annual incentive awards (pg. 14); revised Procedure R – District Record Keeping to delete District Performance Records Submitted to TI, changed responsibility for Procedures Manual from Club Growth Director to Procedures Chair (pg. 18).
