District e-Assembly for Secretaries



District e-Assembly for Secretaries. Presented by Loren Kuehne, District Executive Secretary Rotary District 5520 e-Assembly April 19, 2014 “Light Up Rotary”. Secretary. Most IMPORTANT position in the Club! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Presented byLoren Kuehne, District Executive Secretary

Rotary District 5520 e-AssemblyApril 19, 2014

“Light Up Rotary”

SecretaryMost IMPORTANT position in the Club!You are responsible for doing or overseeing all

administrative tasks of the club. This work should be coordinate with the Club Administration Director/Chair

You make sure your Club and Member Profiles Data are up to date on ClubRunner (more or ClubRunner later)

Keep the President on-track (somebody has to )

Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines!

SecretaryRecord, maintain, &

report accurate and timely membership changes & attendance records via ClubRunner

Process Membership Proposals

Attendance & membership totals & percentages should be reported to District Executive Secretary by the 15th of each month via the D5520 website. Only online reports will be accepted

Send out notices of meetings of the club, board, and committees

Record and preserve minutes of the club, board, & committee meetings

Maintain selected data directly on the RI Site. DOB now required by RI

Prepare & send to RI the Semi-Annual Report (SAR) within 30 days of receipt

Ensure payment of your club’s annual district dues made by July31st

SecretaryInsure club board holds the annual club

elections by 12/31Report incoming officers and board members

on the District website by 1/31Maintain your current database of members

with addresses, phone, e-mail addresses, DOBs and pictures on ClubRunner as they change. Don’t wait until end of the month/quarter/semiannual period.

SecretaryAssist the your board members in tracking

volunteer hours given to club projects and funds raised activities Track total annual donated funds, Rotary Program participation (RYLA, Youth Exchange, etc) and other necessary data to keep your RI Club Central up to date

Club Central requires collecting the data listed above and was a main training focus at PETS

Maintain current club information (meeting place, day and time, etc) on the District Website/ClubRunner

SecretaryOther Possible Duties

Coordinate all activities related to setting-up, greeting, attendance, guests, & visiting Rotarians at weekly meetings

Coordinate with meeting site to assure weekly set up is correct & a/v equipment is in place.

Record & keep track of members, who are on a leave of absence (LOA.) Alert members when LOAs are about to expire

SecretaryOther Possible Duties

Edit club bulletinDesign Club StationeryWork in an administrative support role with

club directors and/or committee headsMaintain all mail/email/fax correspondence

with Youth Exchange Students, RYLA Campers, any other club supported individuals and Friends of the Club

SecretaryOther Possible Duties

Provide information to current members, visiting Rotarians, & potential members

Create & process sign-up sheets & menu choices for various club events & functions

SecretaryOther Possible Duties

Attend all meetings requested by Board Members or Directors/Committee Chairs

Order new member badges and other club supplies

Coordinate activities related to new membersAnswer incoming Rotary calls, e-mails, &

other correspondence


What and how you can use the District 5520 ClubRunner Site to be a more

effective club secretary.

What’s in District ClubRunner The District ClubRunner site is a great

source of District Information including:Information about Club Administration

(officer manuals), RI Foundation Activities (Grants), help with Membership Growth, New Generations (youth programs), Public Relations Support, Service Project Manual, Training (Rio Grande Academy) and an information exchange for good ideas.

What’s in District ClubRunner The District Calendar for tracking upcoming

events like the District Governor's club visits.The District Organization Chart with contact

information for the district leadership teamA Club Directory, Club Officer Contact

Information, plus When and Where clubs meet.

Remember, this info is only as good as your ability to keep it current

What’s in District ClubRunner A list of upcoming activities and registration

for district events like PETS, the District Conference and the Rio Grande Academy.

District Portal to My RotaryThe District Website is also an information

portal to maintain the information about your club and its members. (Most of this data is uploaded to the Rotary International's Database so you only need to enter it in ClubRunner).

What is the process for maintaining this data?

Where to go in District ClubRunner You simply logon to the website at

www.rotary5520.org , then click Administration and scroll down to the bottom, right hand side of the screen and find the "For Club Executives". The links there are self explanatory.

If you are logging on for the first time, click the “New and Existing Users” link and register.

This is where it all begins.

Managing your Club’s DataThere you'll find the following important links:

Active Member List (current member profiles plus adding and terminating members)

Other Users List (for non-Rotarian friends of your club)

Club Information Page (meeting info and more)Define Club Executive (for naming your officers

for the Current and Coming Years)Club Attendance Report (due monthly by the 15th

following the end of the current month)

Needed Member Profile InformationNameGenderPreferred Email AddressPreferred Mailing Address (for The Rotarian

Mag) with the matching address completed. That Includes the country, state and zipcode.

Preferred Phone with a matching phone listed. i.e if the preferred phone is a cell then there needs to be a cell number listed.

Date of Birth

Remember, this info is only as good as your ability to keep it current

