Domain 5 Flashcards



Domain 5 Flashcards. (240 – 300) Modern Era. 248. During the decade after WWII record number of babies were born in the U.S. Largest generation in American history. Baby Boom. 249. 1 st master planned community (mass produced subdivision) because the baby boom created need for houses. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Domain 5 Flashcards(240 300)Modern Era

  • 248During the decade after WWII record number of babies were born in the U.S.

    Largest generation in American history.Baby Boom

  • 2491st master planned community (mass produced subdivision) because the baby boom created need for houses.Levittown was located in Long Island, NY.Levittown

  • 250Authorized the construction of 41,000 miles of expressways to be built in the U.S.Connected every major city in America.Interstate Highway Act

  • 275By 1960, 90% of US homes had a TV.TV influenced American attitudes toward:Politics (televised debate between JFK and Nixon)Civil Rights (many began supporting)Vietnam (many began opposing)Impact of TV on American culture, particularly in the 60s

  • 1. TV - This invention influenced politics, Civil Rights Movement, and Vietnam2. Air Conditioners This invention allowed business development and growth in hot/humid areas.3. Later - Personal computers, Internet, cell phones allow unlimited connections worldwide.Impact of technology on American life296

  • 276Caused the U.S. to change education to focus more on math, science, and foreign language so that we could compete with the Soviet Union in the Space Race.Impact of competition between the Soviet Union and US in regards to Sputnik

  • 2401947 First African American to play Major League Baseball (played for Brooklyn Dodgers).Led to integration of other professional sports.Jackie Robinson

  • 2871948 Trumans executive order ended segregation in the military & discrimination in US government jobs.Led to civil rights laws in the 60s.Importance of Trumans integration of the US Military and federal government

  • 2511954 - Supreme Court Case that integrated public schools.Reversed Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).Brown Vs. Board of Education

  • Little Rock Nine Incident:Arkansas governor refused to follow Brown vs. BOE ruling and called in the National Guard to keep 9 black students out of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.President Eisenhower sent federal troops in to Little Rock to force integration.Efforts to resist integration of schools288

  • Well known Civil Rights leaderWrote Letter from Birmingham Jail to explain why civil rights needed to be achieved now and not later.Delivered the I have a Dream speech to ask for peace and racial harmony.Founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)Assassinated in April 1968Martin Luther King, Jr.241

  • 1963 - Letter written by Martin Luther King, Jr. to explain to white religious leaders why integration needs to happen now.Letter from Birmingham Jail252

  • 1963 - Speech delivered by Martin Luther King, Jr. in Washington, DC asking for peace and racial harmony.Over 250,000 gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to hear the speech.I Have a Dream253

  • Signed into law by President Lyndon B. JohnsonProhibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender.All citizens now had the right to enter any public building in the US (parks, restrooms, theaters, etc.)Civil Rights Act of 1964254

  • Outlawed required literacy tests for voter registration.Provided money to pay for voter registration programs.Gave the US Department of Justice the right to oversee voting laws.Voting Rights Act of 1965255

  • 278Brown vs. Board of EducationMiranda vs. ArizonaFreedom of SpeechIndividual rightsAll states must abide by Supreme Court rulingsWarren court and expansion of individual rights

  • 2561963 landmark Supreme Court case that requires police to inform suspects of their constitutional rights at the time of arrest.This decision strengthened Americans individual rights.Miranda vs. Arizona

  • Showed how strong the US govt. is that although a president could be killed, the govt. would live on.Lyndon B. Johnson had the support of the people to force his domestic agenda through (Economic Opportunity Act, War on Poverty, Civil Rights Act)Political impact of President John F. Kennedys assassination279

  • Vice-President for JFK and became president after JFKs assassination.Johnsons vision for America was called the Great Society:To give Americans a better standard of living and more opportunities.Medicare.Improved education.Environmental protection.Immigration reform.Lyndon Johnsons Great Society289

  • Part of Johnsons Great Society program that provided medical help for the elderly.Medicare257

  • January Tet OffensiveApril Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. June Assassination of Robert F. KennedyAugust The Democratic National Convention turns violent in Chicago.

    Social and political turmoil of 1968280

  • John F. Kennedys younger brother and closest advisor.Was planning to run for president in 1968 but was assassinated after winning the California and South Dakota primaries.RobertKennedy242

  • 277Great strides toward racial equality were made during the 25 years following World War II.Brown vs. Board of EducationCivil Rights Act of 1964Voting Rights Act of 1965California vs. BakkeCauses and consequences of Civil Rights legislation

  • SCLC Civil Rights group started by MLK, Jr. and other ministers.Used non-violent tactics of marches and demonstrations.Allowed black and white membership.


  • SNCC - Civil Rights group started by college studentsLed sit-ins and Freedom Rides.Originally was non-violent, but later they began using militant and violent tactics.Originally allowed black and white membership, but later changed to only allow black membership and supported a message of black power.

    Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee259

  • Strategy used by SNCC members. Sit-ins involved sitting at segregated lunch counters in the south to protest segregation.Sit-ins260

  • Led by SNCC members.Road interstate buses throughout the south to test the new laws against segregation in public transportation.Some freedom riders were met with violent resistance.

    Freedom Rides261

  • Both SCLC and SNCC were civil rights groups.SCLC was led by ministers and allowed both black & white membership while SNCC was college age students and eventually only allowed black membership.SCLC was more peaceful whereas SNCC began using violent and militant tactics to promote a message of black pride.SNCC and SCLC tactics and changingcompositions295

  • Started by college students to oppose the war in Vietnam.Led protests, marches, sit-ins, demonstrations. Also dodged the draft by burning draft cards and fleeing to Canada.Anti-Vietnam War Movement297

  • The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966.Worked to promote equal rights and opportunities for women.Originated from the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam War movements.Origins and goals of modern womens movement281

  • The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966.Worked to promote equal rights and opportunities for women.Goals included equality in employment, political and social equality, and passage of the equal rights amendment (which was never passed).

    National Organization of Women262

  • A union for Latino migrant workers started by Cesar Chavez in California.Their work led to higher wages and better benefits for farm workers.United FarmWorkersMovement298

  • Founder of the United Farm Workers Movement1965 - Started a nationwide boycott of California grapes in order to force grape growers to give farm workers higher wages and other benefits.


  • 1962 - Wrote Silent Spring, a book about pesticides and how dangerous they are for the environment.Her work led to passage of the Water Quality Act of 1965, the 1st Earth Day in 1970, and creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970.RachelCarson244

  • Book written by Rachel Carson in 1962.Exposed the dangers of pesticides on the environment.Her work led to passage of the Water Quality Act of 1965, the 1st Earth Day in 1970, and creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970.Silent Spring263

  • Silent Spring by Rachel CarsonWater Quality Act of 19651st Earth Day 1970Establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970Modern Environmental Movement290

  • First celebrated in 1970 to raise awareness of environmental issues.Earth Day264

  • 265Agency created by President Nixon in 1970 to set limits on pollution, conduct environmental research, and assist state and local govts with pollution clean-ups.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)

  • Conservatives began questioning the liberal policies of the Democratic party.Conservatives wanted to decrease federal govt. powers (such as social welfare) and increase powers to the state and local governments.Popular conservatives were Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan.Rise of the conservative movement282

  • Conservative Republican who ran against LBJ in 1964.Believed it was not the federal governments responsibility to fix social & economic problems such as poverty & discrimination.Lost the presidential election but contributed to the rise of the conservative movement and the popularity of other conservatives like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.Barry Goldwater245

  • Conservative Republican who became president in 1968.New FederalismEnded US involvement in Vietnam.Resigned due to the Watergate scandal (only president to ever resign).

    Richard Nixon246

  • 291Controversial decisions that changed society and strengthened individual rights.Impact of Supreme Court decisions on ideas about civil liberties and civil rights

  • 2661973 landmark Supreme Court case that legalized abortion in the first trimester.Expanded the constitutional right of privacy to include abortion.Roe vs.Wade

  • 2671978 Supreme Court case that ruled race can be used when considering college admissions, but racial quotas cannot be used.Gave constitutional protection to affirmative action programs that give equal access to minorities.

    Regents of University of California vs. Bakke

  • 268Giving consideration to race, religion, ethnicity, gender to make things equal for a certain group.Affirmative Action

  • 283Nixon visited communist China in 1971 to seek scientific, cultural, and trade agreements.China becomes our ally against the Soviets and our trading partner.Nixon also became the first US president to visit the Soviet Union (in 1972).

    Nixons opening of China

  • 2841974 - Nixon resigns in order to avoid impeachment over his involvement in the Watergate Scandal.Richard Nixon is the only US president to ever resign from office.Nixons resignation due to Watergate scandal

  • 285Due to the Vietnam War (and leaking of the Pentagon Papers) and the Watergate scandal, Americans become angry and distrusting of politicians and lawyers.Changing attitude toward government

  • 247Served as Richard Nixons vice-president.Became President when Nixon resigned.Pardoned Nixon after taking office, which hurt his approval among the American people and he only served as president for 2 years.The US experienced the worst economic recession since the Great Depression while Ford was in office.Gerald Ford

  • 269President Jimmy Carter tried to bring peace to the Middle East by negotiating a peace agreement between the Egyptian president and the Israeli prime minister at Camp David in 1978. This agreement was called the Camp David Accords and was the first signed peace agreement between Middle Eastern nations.Camp David Accords

  • 2701979 - Iranian Revolutionaries overthrew the Shah in Iran and replaced him with a Muslim religious leader.When President Carter allowed the Shah to enter the US for medical treatments, the Iranian revolutionaries invaded the US embassy and took 52 American hostages.

    1979 Iranian Revolution

  • 271When the former Iranian Shah comes to the US, the Iranian revolutionaries kidnap 52 Americans and hold them hostage in exchange for the Shah.President Carter refuses and the hostages are held for 444 days until Reagan takes office.Iran Hostage Crisis

  • 292Camp David Accords were a success.

    Iran hostage situation was a failure.Carters efforts in the Middle East

  • 272Nickname for President Ronald Reagans economic policy: Tax and budget cutsIncrease defense spendingIt hurt lower-income Americans because it cut social welfareLed to recessionReaganomics

  • 273

    The Reagan Administration secretly sold weapons to Iran (our enemy) in order to help fund the Contras who were leading a revolution against communism in Nicaragua.This event is considered Reagans biggest failure in international policy.


  • 286ReaganomicsIran-Contra ScandalTearing down the Berlin WallCollapse of the Soviet Union

    Domestic and international events of ReagansPresidency including the end of the Cold War.

  • 274

    Created a trade-free (tariff-free) zone among the US, Canada, and Mexico.Ratified by President Clinton.

    North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)

  • 293NAFTA was passed during Clintons administration.Clinton became the 2nd US president to be impeached, although he was not removed from office.Relationship between Congress and President Clinton

  • 294Clinton was the 2nd president to ever be impeached.He was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice.He was acquitted and remained in office.Clintons Impeachment Trial

  • 2992000 - One of the closest presidential races in US history. Al Gore (D) won the popular vote but George W. Bush (R) won the electoral vote.This election re-emphasized the fact that the Electoral College is the only true determining factor in deciding presidential winners and the national popular vote has no legal significance.George W. Bush won the election.

    2000 presidential election outcome and role of Electoral College

  • 300Patriot Act Allows the US govt. to hold terrorist suspects up to 7 days without charging them, allows the government to search private communications and records, and established the Department of Homeland Security.Operation Enduring Freedom the US goes into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban because they harbor terrorists.Operation Iraqi Freedom US went into Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein and look for weapons of mass destruction.Response of President George W. Bush to the attacks of 9/11, the war on terror and intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq.

