Domestic Violence There are several different types of abuse or threating violent behaviors such as...



College stats  21% of college students have reported experience dating violence by a current partner  32% experienced dating violence by a pervious partner.  Approximately 90% of victims of sexual assault on college campuses know their attacker

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Domestic Violence at MUDajah Ravenell

Domestic Violence

There are several different types of abuse or threating violent behaviors such as Physical, Sexual and Discriminatory abuse. It’s a behavior that is made from observation in families and society.

Women ages 16-24 experiences domestic violence in a form of relationship

College stats

21% of college students have reported experience dating violence by a current partner

32% experienced dating violence by a pervious partner.

Approximately 90% of victims of sexual assault on college campuses know their attacker

PREVENTIONS in MU Women Center Located in Alumni on the third floor Counselors office Located in South Hall Police station For protection or further assistance Talk to a friend & try to take some


Society Theory Women get caught in domestic violence

because of three reasons1. They have low self esteem. So they will let

that male boost it up and then scare or control them with violence

2. They are in denial, they believe that the male loves them and believe that they are the problem

3. They are afraid to be alone. There is no future for them with out a certain person.

First Step ( Happiness)

Second Step

Excuses, Excuses… I’m sorry I love you I will never do it again You made me do that I don’t know what came over me

Put a Stop to this!

Work Cited "What Is Domestic Violence?" What Is Domestic

Violence? The Advocates, 14 Aug. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

"Cookies on Our Website." 3. Forms of Abuse, including Signs and Signals of Abuse. Devon County Council, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2013.

"Get Help Today." The National Domestic Violence Hotline RSS2. Get Help Today, n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.

"Dating and Domestic Violence on College Campuses." Dating and Domestic Violence on College Campuses. SAPAC, n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.
