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Domaining Training Business Plan

Spring 2008 – Version #1Buffalo, NY


Table of Contents*It is recommended that you read through the dictionary before continuing…

Executive Summary Page 3

Vision Statement Page 4

Mission Statement Page 5

The Company Pages 6-7

The Market Pages 8-9

Product / Service Pages 10-14

Promotion and Sales Pages 15-17

Financial Data Pages 18-20

Exit Strategy Page 21

Dictionary Pages 22-23

Full-Size Boolean Graphic Page 24

Online Resources Page 25

Balance Sheet Page 26

Income Statement Page 27



Cash Flows Page 28Executive Summary

Domaining Training is a think tank of people working together to develop and apply unique methods of buying and selling domain names. The legal form of this domaining business is a partnership. When compared to a person that is acting as a sole domainer, our team-based model spreads the risk out among many parties, increases available resources, and enforces equal profit sharing. This collaboration increases the amount of valuable trend-analyzing creativity available and provides more money to purchase determined domain names. Our business model specializes in the buying and selling of “type-in” domain names. “Type-in” domains are “generic words or terms (describing a product or service in any particular industry) in the .com extension.” Our target market is any business looking to create or maintain a long-term competitive advantage online in their respective industry. We focus upon domain names that will provide our target market with the desired "direct navigation" of their legal business name and/ or industry keywords directly to their own official website or online service. We ultimately provide “digital real-estate” domain names to their end-users.

Financing our company by using personal equity will give us long-term control over our venture. By using the equal distribution of profit from each sale as the only source of revenue, we have ensured that there is a uniform goal focus among all parties. We use a market strategy, designing our whole organization around providing the most sought after products to our business owners and entrepreneurs target market. Utilizing computer assistance in the form of keyword and trend tools only helps strengthen our logical-based purchasing decisions. By limiting our inventory to 100 well-chosen domain names and renewing yearly, we ensure optimal turnover and minimal sunk costs. In order to minimize unneeded costs, we utilize pre-owned resources and have one geographic location (pre-owned property) that the internet connection is supplied to for our think tank meetings.

According to our financial data, our most pessimistic projection is actually very acceptable. The odds that at least 1 out of 100 well-marketed domain names will sell are almost guaranteed. One sale at the average sale price in 2005 would make the investment plan of 100 domain names highly feasible. Our think tank style organization structure and employee compensation plan make our methods of determining domain names far superior to that of many competitors. Using logical analysis and computer tools coupled with a uniform organization focus creates the potential for a highly successful organization.

We choose to limit our product to .com domain names because they have the most potential. In 2007, the .com gLTD accounted for 76 per cent of total sales. .Com domain names bring in the largest amount per sale on average. This makes them have very high demand, and creates fierce competition. The application of the Boolean methodology allows us the ability to monopolize online business concepts that were determined by our extensive trend and keyword methods. The combination of logic, computer-based research methods and the Boolean methodology will create our primary competitive advantage. Using this methodology to stay ahead of the competitors will guarantee quality product and with it our future success.



Vision Statement

Domaining Training seeks to be a leading company in the creation, buying, and selling of domain names over the internet. will become a strong force in the domaining industry as a top provider of “type-in” domain names and an innovator in domaining methods.

Unlike other domainers using established tools and resources, we want to be seen as the leader of new ideas. Being that we are the earliest adopter of Boolean Methodology domain name buying and the creativity of our trend analysis methods, we want to be seen as an organization that is helping this industry grow and expand.




Mission Statement

Domaining Training provides domain names to domain name end-users. Out target market is business owners and entrepreneurs whom wish to establish their business online. We will provide our target market with generic word "type-in" domain names. There are many companies seen as leaders in the domain name industry, and we plan on using their established structures as starting point then applying original methods to establish our competitive advantage.

Domaining Training will be established using the Boolean methodology of domain name creation and trend analysis coupled with fair and aggressive pricing along with ethical trade practices. Our brand image will represent “quality,” as we will be seen as one who avoids domain names that pose legal and ethical questions, while providing affordable trendy “type-in” domain names. All domain names that we purchase and resell will be deemed a value because of our methods used in determining and acquiring the name and the resulting fair selling price.



The Company

Domaining Training is a think tank partnership of 5 people working together to develop and apply unique methods of buying and selling domain names.

Strategies & Actions

Think Tank Organization: Our think tank collaboration increases the amount of valuable trend-analyzing creativity available and provides more sources for shared equity financing. Our work for free, equal profit distribution (after taxes and 25% reinvestment) strategy ensures an employee-organization focus on uniform goals.

Product Strategy: We have designed our whole organization around providing our target market their products in their most preferred highly secure delivery methods of a quality product.

Total Quality Management (TQM): The success of our product strategy relies upon a customer satisfaction and continuous improvement focus. Domaining Training deals in domain names that satisfy the customers’ future wants and we are constantly seeking out trends in a highly developed manner which will allow us to provide a higher quality product.

The Boolean: Our whole plan is to utilize the following Boolean methodology when we make our decisions in the think tank meetings. At the moment we do the formulas by hand, but in the near future our programmer will brew up an automated process for 30+ variables. Imagine putting together your top 5 keywords summarizing the digital real estate trend you determined and the Boolean nearly instantly compiles a list of all possible variations of the 5 words and their different endings. Here is an example.




1) We seek to become a top source for generic word "type-in" domain names. 2) A foremost provider of digital real-estate3) One of the top Industry sources of digital real-estate monopolies

Technological Integration

We have based our technological integration directly off of trends that have been determined over the years since we were first introduced to the internet. We plan on providing the public valuable resources through an open source wiki. This has already been setup and it may be accessed @ . The interactional interface of the wiki will create a positive social collaboration relationship. We plan on working openly to gain insider access to the increasing amount of easy-access free relevant in-depth information available on the internet.

Sharing our resources may seem questionable, but we believe in taking the next steps to establish 100% business transparency. has already been setup so that we may socially collaborate with the public on trends. An open source business model is the logical conclusion, and you may be one the people who chose to download this whole entire plan of our website for free. I hope that you make good use of it, and if you ever feel like coming back there will be a Domaining Training Business Plan wiki. This industry is just developing, so creating a constantly evolving business plan will be a requirement. Sharing this



insider information with the public will show that there is nothing to hide about our business. We plan to soon launch a blog where the partners will post announcement and thoughts daily. Domaining Training will work transparently by becoming a fully-disclosed fellow social collaborator to help customers customize their research for purchases freely.

Instead of acting solely as an intermediary, by just buying and selling products, we have evolved into an infomediary. Infomediaries provide information services that will help their customers to improve their business or themselves long-term. We have done this by providing a trendy business plan, through establishing social collaborator relationships with the trend and resource wikis, and many more other information service based methods that will help sustain their ventures in the future.

A future technological integration that we plan on applying is the use of RSS feeds from online trend and keyword tools websites. This was we can use an RSS aggregator to send us updates on a real-time basis directly to our cell phones. This will also deliver the weekly sales charts from top reselling websites right when they are released. RSS aggregators will help keep us more technologically informed on the latest happenings.

The Market

The Industry

A fairly new industry that has only been around for about 10 years, we are only now learning about the true potential of domaining, buying and selling domain names as real estate moguls would buy and sell property. Considered to be the new real estate of the 21st century, the domaining industry is just getting started. The industry is hard to measure due to the fact that any individual is able to purchase and sell domain names at will; however, as of December 2006, there are an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 individuals globally who report making domaining a part of their business. At the end of 2007, the industry reported its fourth consecutive year of exponential growth and that has attracted the attention of major investors who are looking to purchase domain names as well.

Currently the industry is worth an estimated $2 billion, with industry insiders estimating that will increase to $4 billion by the year 2010 based on the fact that people and businesses purchase about 90,000 domain names every day. According to VeriSign Inc., which runs some of the main domain name directories for the Internet, in April 2007 there were more than 128 million domain names registered, which is a 31% increase over the year before. The domaining industry is one of the only industries defying the general downfall of the economy, showing a 78% jump in first quarter sales from last year.



Within the industry, there is rarely a lull in revenue due to domain parking, where those who own undeveloped domain names can generate revenue through pay-per-click advertising on the undeveloped page.

Customer Profile

Our customers are any business or entrepreneur wanting to set up a website for their company in order to expand their visibility to the public. Also those same business owners who want to buy the right to not only their company name- domain name, but also the keyword- domain names that go with it, giving them more visibility in searches done on search engines, such as Google and Yahoo.

The Competition

The nature of the industry makes anyone that buys and sells domain names our competition. There are several well-known, major companies that consolidate names and buy and sell in bulk.,,,, and are some of the most well known. However, individuals who are interested in domaining are more diverse and larger in number than the bigger companies. Many of the basic computer tools used for domaining are becoming open source, and the more advanced ones are being offered for free as a service by various companies, leading to the possibility for more people to enter the domaining industry.

Marketing Mix

The majority of websites are found through search engines, so in order to receive optimum visibility our company will not only purchase the domain name, but also analyze the current trends in order to capitalize on the most popularly searched keywords. In doing this, we will optimize the visibility of our available domain names for better search engine placement, increased conversion, increased traffic, and a better chance of receiving an offer to purchase our domain name, while collecting revenue through domain parking. This strategy allows the customers to find us, eliminating the need for advertising our sites. The available sites will have a prominent “FOR SALE” sign on the page with a direct link to our company’s email account, allowing for direct access for purchase.

Our company also purchases some of our domain names based on how well they would work for a particular online business model. So the domain name implies the business model, and in promoting the uses of the domain name on the website, we can self-market the domain name.




To understand the concept and business of domain buying and selling it is best explained as digital real estate. The domain is a “house” for the company/idea/expression/etc., just like a store front is to a physical store location. Placing this “house” on a .Com domain name (land) provides valuable search engine optimization and direct navigation capabilities. Trend research and keyword analysis provides us with a first-mover advantage in particular industries. We capitalize on this opportunity by creating digital real estate that may be monopolized, thus creating a uniquely powerful competitive product/ service.


Domain buying and selling has become a popular business for the young, creative, and intuitive. The unique service that we offer is monopolized digital real estate. Our core competency is created by our Boolean Expression Bulk Buyer method. Our method is done by automatically mixing two or more words into all possible various conjugations and word orders to form a list of possible domain names for the same concept, we then are able to purchase all of the mixtures to form a digital real estate monopoly. Each domain name is a unique combination of letters and numbers, but by logically linking multiple domain names to the same concept we have created an extremely unique product that will become our differentiation to other domain name sellers.Ex: When buying a name such as: you have the option to also buy:,,,, www.daynfldraft.comWhen typing in the original name (, the other Boolean produced options will be presented for purchase. Buyers will have the option to purchase all domain name



variation, just one or none. Eventually some customer will be willing to pay the price to inherit an already established competitive advantage in their industry. Selling just 1 domain name out of a whole group purchased will more than cover all costs.

Creation of a Domain Name, How?

There are many ways to form domain names. Creating a domain name can be as easy thinking of a random name or extremely hard, dealing with much research and planning. A few ways to create domain names:

Random thoughts – often time’s people have a feeling or look at a business and find utility in it having a domain in the near future.

Identifying unofficial keywords – Keywords are words that people type into a search box when looking for something online. Google, MSN, Yahoo, Askjeeves are all sources of quick, free research. When typing a keyword a list pops up showing the top results. Normally the higher on the list the more your website is viewed.

Identifying researched keywords – websites like and are becoming popular because they give domainers research data. Wordtracker gathers and analyzes millions of daily searches and builds databases from the results. 7search is a list of the 500 highest priced domain keywords. These are just two of many research websites that can guide you to the correct decision for purchase.

Business Acronyms – Take an already existing business or service and abbreviate the name. They are normally popular for businesses that have a long name.ex. United Bank of Scotland, acronym: UBS

Finding Trends – What is the trend of today, will it stay or is it a fad? Identifies what products are new that may become big as time goes on. Finding a trend early and purchasing a domain name based off of this trend will result in a big sale.

Finding Trends

COLLEGE STUDENTSCollege student with a lot of free-time may choose to further investigate the latest happenings in any industry. UB has a huge international student base, think tanks work best with diversity.

QUESTIONS FOR TRENDS RESEARCH (Reaching logical trend conclusions): Do you see any TRENDS forming in your research? What might become of these TRENDS as they evolve over time? What is the logical objective conclusion of each trend (given unlimited $, power and freedom: limitless, timeless)?

IDENTIFYING DIGITAL REAL-ESTATE MODELS FROM TREND CONCLUSIONSWhat types of online services could compliment the major steps in reaching the ultimate true potential of an industry, given the logical conclusion of each pattern? These online services are your Digital Real-Estate Models.

Online Resources for Logical Trend Research and its 8,000+ trend spotters scan the globe for emerging consumer trends.



World Future Society (WFS): investigates how social, economic and technological developments are shaping the future. It helps individuals, organizations, and communities observe, understand, and respond to social change appropriately and effectively applying anticipatory thinking practices. Through its magazine The Futurist, media, meetings, and dialogue among its members, it raises awareness of change and encourages development of creative solutions. The society takes no official position on what the future may or should be like. Instead it provides a neutral forum for exploring possible, probable, and preferable futures.

Using Trend Tools to identify Patterns

Popularity Trend Tools: Google is a good tool to use for checking word/term popularity.

Since the number of Google pages returned is simply an indication of how many pages contain the word, use some common sense here. It is most useful for product/service nouns, surnames, city names (smaller cities since large city names are obvious buys), etc. Again the number of returns someone wants to see will vary from person to person. I like to see a million pages or more, but a half million might be fine if other tools point to value. 

Comparison Trend Tools Social Media Monitoring. Compare trends in blogs (type in

brands, products, people, or topics):

Our Determined Trends(Based upon the continuation of current patterns)

Social Collaborators: An increasing amount of easy-access free relevant in-depth information available on the internet will be collected and organized by social collaborators. Hackers and computer programmers will collaborate to provide a vast wealth of knowledge on hidden parts of nearly all industries, products and services. Social collaborators use web 2.0 services like, Facebook and Wikipedia.

Business Transparency: Now that insider information is becoming publically available due to angry or jealous people taking down the corrupt people (by informing authorities) or social collaborators and hackers taking down industries. In order to maintain a sustainable business with the current trends of the public seeking full-disclosure (financial and P/S), any business that does not comply will see their brand image tarnished and their products purchased less. Businesses will work transparently by becoming a fully-disclosed fellow social collaborator to help customers customize their purchases freely.

Intermediaries are being replaced by Infomediaries: Stable pricing is not enough to keep customers now and days because there are far too many globalized competitors coupled with a weak dollar. Instead of acting solely as an intermediary, just buying and selling products, businesses will have to evolve into infomediaries. Infomediaries provide an information service that will help their customers to improve their business long-term. These include localizing national marketing plans, establishing social collaborator relationships, recommending future actions that will help sustain the business, and many more other information service based methods.

Open Source CMS: Open source programming has been driving the empowerment of people since the creation of computers. Open source coding is created for the people



by the people from making all the coding public-knowledge and therefore 100% transparent. You may download any Open Source CMS, install and operate it on your very own server for absolutely free. Open source programs have always out performed private venture programs long-term due strictly to their ability to be shared among a much larger user-base, whom tend to “hack” the coding and openly share their results. This type of open collaboration is getting easier and much more effective thanks to the Open Source CMS. Open source CMS now provides the empowerment of the people on an exponentially increasing scale. This is a tool that will be used by the human race long-term.

Wiki: A Wiki is an open source CMS that’s simple to use and provides a stable base for long-term expansion of content. Wikis are bringing businesses and people to a new level of transparency and collaboration. The most popular wiki is Wikipedia and their vision is to “imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment.” They are getting closer than any other human has before. You may download 100% of their vast knowledge resource in under an hour and run it independently on your own computer. Absolutely an amazing piece of open source software.

OpenID : This became the next big thing on the internet only in February of 2008. The "open source" Identification mission is one username for the majority of services on the internet. In Feb. 08 Google joined Microsoft, MySpace and many other industry leaders in adopting this service.

Creative Commons: Public domain multimedia for anyone to use and manipulate. RSS feed aggregators

o Usable on Portable Devices (Cell-Phones)o Your own Custom Internet Portal using Open Source RSS CMS


Resources that are used include computers and a web designer, which we already own. Also we would have to plan for lawyer fees, because as the domain business grows, so do the legal issues. We need a fast internet connection and a server to host our domain names on.

Manpower and Productivity

Manpower and productivity are very hard to measure because buying a domain name is a gamble. The domain names are determined during bi-monthly day long think tank meetings where not much physical energy or costly resources need to be expended to ensure proper levels of productivity. Mental energy is a product of too many extraneous variables to pin-point, so once we become established in a creative heading there is no need to question the levels of manpower. All people think and feel differently, so to ensure maximum levels of productivity we just let the partners do what they want.

We will begin with the owners of the company as the manpower and will spread to more people as it is necessary. Our think tank organization structure and the simplicities of domaining industry make it so that we can’t see anytime soon that we would need extra manpower.

Sometimes though in the process of collaborating a team may develop group-think. The levels of creativity fall unnoticed and the people may make haste choices. There are so many



possible combinations of letters in the English language that the majority of them logically make no immediate sense. Especially during a modern think tank session, because there are so many new industries, products, services, and business models (not even mentioning the keywords) that predicting trends presents a lot of unknown variables. The biggest problem is determining which keywords are correct for an industry that is no where close to standardization. Applying the right keywords for the business model we want to represent will present us the problem of spending a whole lot of money on what turns out to be only fad “pop culture” terminology. Occasionally the mainstream media isn’t using the word and then it goes unsold for years, but sometimes the trends work themselves out and it becomes popular because of some hard-working social collaborators.

We don’t want to risk the above scenario forming a dent in our pockets. So when we think that our creativity is misleading, we seek some manpower beyond the partners and their immediate affiliates. On the internet information is free and the social collaborators contributing such resources provide a great productivity booster. This provide us with the needed diversification of our thought processes by allowing each of the 5 partners to go off independently to re-energize themselves with in-depth relevant knowledge received by their interaction with the social collaborators. A never-ending free supply of “mental” manpower ensures our long-tern stability by boosting our productive creative relevant thinking abilities, thus minimizing group-think and guaranteeing that we don’t have to hire anyone else in the near future.

Whatever the tool or source of creation, it is necessary to buy your idea first!Suppliers

The primary supplier is ICANN, but our main supplier is domain registrars. Domain registrars provide a simplification service for dealing with ICANN complexities. There are many options of registrar’s. Normally a domainer will use one that he trusts and respects and stick with that one. We chose to use the most secure registrar available, They have never had a domain name stolen from them.

Services Supplied

Once we have sold a domain than we have no affiliation with that customer and or domain name. Our service is done before the customer purchases the name. What they buy they own and it is theirs. If there is an opportunity that we can buy the domains back from them, or renew it for them (ultimately taking ownership), than we will look into it and make decisions based on the specific case.


Domain names are strictly bought and sold on the internet through 3rd parties. We utilize the most secure domain name intermediary in the industry, This service requires that the buyer pays 100% of transaction costs. Since we only buy newly registered domain names there is no cost to deliver the domain name. “provides online escrow services that facilitate and accelerate e-commerce by assuring secure settlement.” To transfer the domain from our registrar to our customers registrar takes about 60 days. The buyer sends full-payment to, and upon a guaranteed clearing we send the buyer a domain activation code. They give this code to their registrar, whom submits it to our registrar to begin the domain transfer. Once sees that the ICANN registered contact information is that of the buyer, they wire us the full amount in cash.



The delivery of domain names after a sale takes about a total of 10 mouse clicks spread out over 2 months. No manpower is really needed in the delivery of our product.

Pricing Policy

Pricing is customer relative. If the customer is a small business owner that is just starting up and has no big name yet, than the price for the domain will be cheaper. On the other hand, if the company is major and already has a stand in the industry, than they will pay more for their domain, because it adds more wealth to their company. The pricing is negotiable and offers will be made on a case by case basis.


Research is key success factor for our business. We research what domain names are legal and what are not. Therefore, we guarantee that the domains that we sell are free from legal restrictions and public policy at the time of sale. We stand behind our domains and what we have bought over the years. With that being said, if there is a new law that inhibits you from using a domain that you previously purchased from us, we are not responsible for this. When we sold it to the customer it was legal.

Promotions and Sales

The elements of your marketing strategy

The design of our marketing strategy is centered around our target market- business owners and entrepreneurs. Our goal is to sell them "type-in" domain names.” We primarily target big businesses in major industries. These organizations (as of 07-08) have started purchasing vast numbers of domain names for their future marketing campaigns. Unlike promotional campaigns in other industries we will rely exclusively on our mix of sales channels to promote our products.

How your customers will learn about you and your product/services

1. Directly through our website 2. When the customer "types-in" a domain name that we own 3. On domain name auction websites

Option 1: Domestic promotional reach Utilize,, and Ecom Central to reach

potential customers in the North American market. Option 2: International promotional reach

Utilize,, Ecom Central,, MelbourneIT,, Dnzoom, DomainDiscover, and United Domains to reach the North American, Asian-Pacific, and Australian markets.

4. Through domain name appraisers



The approaches, mediums, and expected sales

Company website

Our company will have a dynamic presence on the web containing a comprehensive listing of our available domain names. Selling domains through this medium is preferred over auction based channels because all profits are thus retained by the company instead of being shared with the domain auction website.

“Type in approach”

When companies are looking for a domain name they often have a name in mind. Those in charge of their ecommerce or promotional campaign will then type the URL into their web-browser. If we own the domain they are interested in they will be directed to a page informing them this domain name is for sale. In addition, pursuant to our domain parking strategy, the user will be presented with a customized page containing targeted advertising related to the domain name. If the user who types in one of our domain names is an individual consumer instead of a business looking to purchase our domain name, we still have an opportunity to earn profits through linked affiliate sales.

Domain name auction strategy

Companies looking to purchase domain names will also look to domain auction sites. These sites are run like traditional online auction sites such as eBay with millions of domain auctions running at a given time. The premier domain auction sites partner to offer two distinct promotional packages to domain sellers. The first option targets domain buyers in North America using,, and Ecom Central. The second option targets domain buyers in the Asia-Pac, Australian, as well as the North American markets by listing your portfolio of domains on,, Ecom Central,, MelbourneIT,, Dnzoom, DomainDiscover, and United Domains. The auction sites then take a 10% or 20% cut depending on the promotional package chosen. See appendix below.

Pricing Strategy



Option 1: Basic (10% Commission on Sales)

Option 2: Expanded (20% Commission on Sales)

Price Determinants:

Each domain name is unique and needs to be priced individually. Different attributes affect the price of a given domain:

1. “Top Level Domains (TLD)” TLDs are the extension at the end of a domain name (.com, .org, .biz).

Certain TLDs such as .com are worth more than less popular TLDs such as .tv.

2. Domain length Short domain names carry a higher value than long ones. The reason for

this is simple: shorter domain names are easier to remember. 3. Alphabetic vs. Non-Alphabetic characters

Domain names that contain just letters are worth more than domain names that contain letters and numbers, or letters and hyphens.

Market value:

1. The more potential buyers out there for a particular domain name, the more the domain name will be worth.

2. The more popular the domain name or parts of the domain name are in search engines, the more the domain name will be worth.

Commercial Value:

1. The more valuable a domain name is for a particular company the higher its market value. Ex: If State Farm wants to purchase for its new marketing campaign a significantly higher dollar value can be charged.




Financial Data

We plan on logically minimizing all startup and operating costs, financing equally with personal equity and limiting our domain name inventory to 100 domain names at any time.

Expected Financial Results

Through utilizing a vast amount of free resources and pre-owned assets, we have constructed a financial plan that is highly feasible. There are minimal market entry costs to startup a domaining business since the only resources needed include a computer (pre-owned), open source software (free), a connection to the internet ($50 a month), and about $10 per domain name (yearly). In order to minimize unneeded costs, we have one geographic location (pre-owned property) that the internet connection is supplied to and used during weekly meetings.

Startup Fixed Costso Equipment

5 Computer(s) (5 people) $1500+ each (fixed cost)

o 5 x 1500 = $7500 Yearly Variable Costs

o Utilities 1 Internet Connection

$50 monthly (variable monthly cost)o 12 x $50= $600

o Rentals 1 Server Rental

$5 for basic server (variable monthly cost)o 12 x $5 = $60

100 Domain Names



$10 per domain name (variable yearly cost)o 100 x $10 = $1000

TOTAL COST (with pre-owned assets) = $1660 TOTAL COST (without pre-owned assets) = $9160

We treat purchasing a domain name as a yearly rental from ICANN. ICANN rents the domain name to a company, who then reserves the right to rent (renew) it again yearly. By renewing every year our company holds direct rights to determine its future usage. We may pay for more than 1 year of a domain name rental but choose not to, because having yearly renewals maximizes mobility if a domain name was a bad investment. Selling a domain name with multiple years of prepaid rental remaining creates unneeded expenditures.

Personal Equity Financing

The $1660 to startup and operate a business with a full product inventory for 1 year is much smaller than the normal business model. We have taken full-advantage of this opportunity by using our personal equity to finance the whole venture. The $1660 divides among 5 people to cost $332 individually.

Employee Compensation

The partnership format of Domaining Training allows our company to forgo a scheduled compensation plan. Instead, the partners will only be paid their share of the 75% of the profit (after taxes) when a domain name is sold. 25% of profit will be kept on hand to cover operating costs. These may include lawyer fees, new equipment, or one of the many unknown variable.

Balance sheets, income statements, cash flow projections

** Refer to charts attached **

Optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic projections

Our industry projections analyzed have created a very optimistic future. In order to minimize extraneous variables, these projections will be based off of the ability to sell a domain name or not. The following projections are for “renting” (purchasing) 100 currently unregistered .com domain names at $10 each. The market price being used is a very pessimistic portrayal of actual financial figures. The 2005 average market price of any domain name is $4956.42, and $9,700 for a 2005 .com domain name. According to the following research data reported by respectable industry insiders there has been an exponential growth in the values of domain names. By realistically applying market growth trends, the true potential average .com sale in 2008 may be $15,000- $20,000.

Optimistic Projection



Sell 100% (100) of our domain names at the 2005 average market price ($4956.42) generates a profit of $493,760. The optimistic projection ROI is an astounding 29,745%.

Pessimistic Projection

Sell 1% (1) of our domain names at the 2005 average market price ($4956.42) generates a profit of $3.356.42. The pessimistic projection ROI is an impressive 209%

Realistic Projection

Sell 15% (15) of our domain names at the 2005 average market price ($4956.42) generates a profit of $72.686.30. The realistic projection ROI is 4,378%.

o REVENUE= 15 x $4,956.42 = $74,346.30o COSTS= $1660o PROFIT= $74,346.30-$1660= $72.686.30o ROI= $72.686.30/ $1660 = 4,378% ROI

Average Industry RevenuesAn article in the USA Today, citing the Domain Name Journal magazine and market researcher Zetetic, reported that the average price per any domain name sale increased from $3933.91 in 2004, to $4956.42 in 2005, and up to $7285.78 in the first 3 months of 2006. This is an increase of 26% 04-05 and 47% 05-06. These numbers are for all top-level domains, not just .com.


The .com gLTD goes for much more money than any other prefix. According to consolidated data from DNJournal, and, three leading independent companies tracking the domain name marketplace, the average sale price of a .com domain name sale in 2005 was more than $9,700.




Exit Strategy

The objective of setting up this business is to achieve capital growth. If our business fails to generate enough cash flows to cover the cost of hosting our portfolio of domain names we will take steps to stem losses.


1. If cash flows prove to be insufficient we will first stop purchasing new domain names and accelerate the listing of current holdings on domain auction websites

2. If this does not alleviate cash flow problems we will sell our portfolio of domain names to a third party and discontinue operations

If illness or death of one or more of the principals proves to make business operations impossible, the company will pursue the second option listed above.



Dictionary Direct Navigation: If someone is interested in a topic x, they might type into

the address bar rather than use a search engine to find information on the topic. Domain Name End-Users: Final foreseeable owner of a domain name Domaining: The business of buying, selling, developing and monetizing Internet domain

names. Domainer: One who partakes in domaining. Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD): is a top-level domain used (at least in theory) by a

particular class of organization. These are three or more letters long Keywords: Keywords are the words people type into a search box when they’re looking

for something online. The search engine uses the keywords to decide which web pages to deliver in the results pages.

“Type-in” domain name: Generic words or terms (describing a product or service) in the .com extension.

Digital Real-Estate Dictionary Boolean (Methodology): The method of automatically computing all possible

combinations and variations of two or more words with nearly all possible tenses. Used to purchase the variations of a domain names for a particular digital-real estate model.

Business Concept(s): Any business-relevant concepts/ methods that pertain to the business model. May combine business keywords and add action verb. JUST IDEAS

o ex. Selling HDTV Products, Supplying Customers Promotional AV Schwag, Distributing Product Price sheets

Business Keyword(s): Any Business-relevant keywords/ phrases derived logically from the business model. JUST WORDS

o ex. Business Name, Employee names, Location, Audio, Video, Audio Video, HD, HDTV, Promotional Schwag, Price Sheets, Products



Business Model: Any particular structure and organization of a business and its products/ services.

Business Online Analysis: The process of choosing how and what parts of a specific business model should be presented online.

o To provide the highest possible level of: FILL-IN-THE-BLANK service, quality, exposure, satisfaction, efficiency, info, etc

Content Management System (CMS): A program used to create a framework for the content of a Web site.

Digital Real-Estate: Any Digital Real-Estate Model coupled in a package with 1+ relating Digital Real-Estate Domain Name(s).

Digital Real-Estate Domain Name (DREDN): Domain name whose word composition contains relevant keywords and phrases that act logically as a “type-in” domain name for any particular (specific) online business model, online industry model or industry concept internet service.

Digital Real-Estate Industry: Buying and selling of digital real estate Digital Real-Estate Model: Any particular Online Business Model, Online Industry

Model or Industry Concept Internet Service. Digital Real-Estate Monopoly: Purchasing all possible variations of Digital Real-Estate

Domain Names (using Boolean keywords) for a specific Digital Real-Estate Model. Industry Concept(s): Any Industry-relevant concepts/ methods that pertain to the

majority of an industry model. May combine industry keywords and add action verb. JUST IDEAS

o ex. Audio Video Trends, AV Hacking Industry Keyword(s): Any Industry-relevant keywords/ phrases derived logically from

the industry model. JUST WORDSo ex. Audio, Video, Audio Video, HD, HDTV

Industry Model: The shared aspects of business models practiced by the majority of businesses in a particular industry.

o May include structure/ organization, products/ services, concepts/methods. Industry Online Analysis: The process of choosing how and what parts of an Industry

Model should be presented online.o To provide the highest possible level of: FILL-IN-THE-BLANK

service, quality, exposure, satisfaction, efficiency, info, etc Online Business Model: The online CMS (website) representation of a business model

derived through its Business Online Analysis. Online Industry Model: The online CMS (website) representation of an Industry Model

derived through its Industry Online Analysis.



The Boolean (Manual Method)



Online Resources





Domaining Training Balance SheetAssets Liabilities and Owners' Equity

Cash 0 Liabilities  Tools and

Equipment $7,500 Accounts Payable 0

Account Receivable 0 Notes Payable 0

Internet Connection $600    

Server $60    

Domain Names $1,000 Total Liabilities 0


Total Assets 9160 Owners' Equity  

Retained Earnings 0

Equity Capital $1,660

Pre-owned Assets $7,500

Total Owners' Equity 9160   

Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity 9160

Income Statement



For the year ended

DECEMBER 31 2008

Credit Debit

Revenues:Equity Financing $1,660

Domain Name Revenue 74,346

PPC Advertising

Total Revenues 76006.3

Expenses:Auctions & Appraisers $0

Legal $0 Rent $1,060

Utilities $600

Total Expenses -1660

Net Income 74,346 

Reinvest 25% 18586.575

Pay Owners 75% 55759.725



Cash Flows

Transaction In (Debit) Out (Credit)Domaining Training Cash Flows

Startup Costs and Financing

Equity Financing $1,660 Server Rental ($60)Internet Utilities ($600)Bought Domain Names ($1,000)

TOTAL……………….. $0.00

Transaction In (Debit) Out (Credit)

Domaining Training Cash FlowsFor the year ended

DECEMBER 31 2008

Equity Financing $1,660

Sold Domain Names $74,346 PPC Parking RevenueServer Rental ($60)Internet Utilities ($600)Bought Domain Names ($1,000)Owners Compensation ($54,514.75)TaxesDomain Auctions

TOTAL……………….. $19,831.25