Dr. Bonizella Biagini Head, Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Operations GEF Familiarization...


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Dr. Bonizella BiaginiHead, Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Operations

GEF Familiarization SeminarWashington, DC

January 17 – 19, 2012

Accessing Resources from LDCF and SCCF

Adaptation and the role of the GEF

• Adaptation is the process of reducing the adverse effects of climate change on human and natural systems. It refers to the efforts made to cope with actual change as well as the process of adjusting to expected change.

• The UNFCCC requested the GEF to manage the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) in 2001. The priority of these Funds is Adaptation.

• TODAY: More than 700 million dollars raised in voluntary donor contributions to the two funds (LDCF and SCCF).

Completed spring development in Kebele, Ethiopia (SCCF)

How to access LDCF and SCCF funds?

• Consistency with 3 Adaptation strategic objectives:

1. Reduce vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate change – e.g. reduced risks to economic losses through implementation of adaptation measures

2. Increase adaptive capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change – e.g. within relevant development sectors and natural resources; diversified and strengthened livelihoods and sources of income

3. Promote transfer and adoption of adaptation technologies – as defined under the Climate Convention (example: SCCF-TT Jordan)

• Two step-by-step, user friendly guides developed by GEF Secretariat:

1. ”Accessing resources under the Least Developed Countries Fund” GEF/LDCF.SCCF.9/5/Rev.1, available at the GEF website

2. ”Accessing resources under the Special Climate Change Fund” GEF/LDCF.SCCF.9/6/Rev.1 available at the GEF website

LDCF and SCCFLDCF• Established to address the special

needs of LDCs under the Convention

• Only existing Fund mandated to finance the preparation and implementation of NAPAs

• 48 NAPAs funded already and 47 LDCF projects approved

• Available resources = USD $180 million (as of 30 November 2011)

SCCF• Available to all developing

countries, parties to the Convention

• Established to support Adaptation and Technology Transfer activities, short and long-term

• 31 projects approved • Available resources = USD $26.4

million (as of 30 November 2011)


Innovative Features of LDCF/SCCF


• Incremental cost• Global benefits• STAR• Co-financing


• Additional cost principle• NO Global benefits requirement• No STAR• Existing BAU Financing • Higher MSP ceiling for LDCF ($2M)• Rolling basis approval for LDCF

Additional Cost Principle• The idea that coping with the adverse

impacts of climate change imposes an additional cost on vulnerable countries in their effort to achieve their development goals.

• Adaptation Benefit: ability to achieve development goals despite a changing climate.

• This principle distinguishes those projects from the standard GEF practice which funds on the basis of incremental costs.

• Full costs associated with meeting additional costs imposed on the country by effects of CC, are supported by LDCF and SCCF.

Youth planting mangroves, Kiribati (SPA and LDCF)

Areas of Intervention: LDCFFood Security and Agriculture drought resistant crop, farming techniquesWater Resources Management resilient water infrastructure, rainwater harvesting, micro surface and ground water treatment facilitiesDisaster Risk Management Integrated disaster risk management strategies, glacial lake outburst floods hazard managementCommunity Based Adaptation forest management, mangrove restoration, alternative livelihoods, strengthened animal health systemsNatural Resources Management efficient wood management, ecotourism, fishing around mangroves, renewable energy useHealth climate change challenges incorporated into health programs, use of medicinal plants to treat diseasesInfrastructure critical infrastructure

List of LDCs

Completed NAPAs – 47 countriesCountry Name Date NAPA Posted

1 Afghanistan Sep-092 Angola Dec-113 Bangladesh Nov-054 Benin Jan-085 Bhutan May-066 Burkina Faso Dec-077 Burundi Feb-078 Cambodia Mar-079 Cape Verde Dec-07

10 Central African Republic


11 Chad Feb-1012 Comoros Nov-0613 Democratic

Republic of Congo


14 Djibouti Oct-0615 Eritrea May-0716 Ethiopia Jun-0817 Gambia Jan-0818 Guinea Jul-0719 Guinea-Bissau Feb-0820 Haïti Dec-0621 Kiribati Jan-0722 Lao People's

Democratic Republic


23 Lesotho Jun-07

Country Name Date NAPA Posted24 Liberia Jul-0725 Madagascar Dec-0626 Malawi Mar-0627 Maldives Mar-0828 Mali Dec-0729 Mauritania Nov-0430 Mozambique Jul-0831 Nepal Nov-1032 Niger Jul-0633 Rwanda May-0734 Samoa Dec-0535 Sao Tome and


36 Senegal Nov-0637 Sierre Leone Jun-0838 Solomon Islands Dec-08

39 Sudan Jun-0740 Tanzania Sep-0741 Timor-Leste Sep-1142 Togo Sep-0943 Tuvalu May-0744 Uganda Dec-0745 Vanuatu Dec-0746 Yemen Apr-0947 Zambia Oct-07

Areas of Intervention: SCCFWater Resources Management drainage and water-saving technologies, increased reservoir capacity through energy efficiency of turbines

Agriculture/Land Management drip irrigation, drought and salinity resistant crop varieties

Infrastructure Development infrastructure for alternative water sources, e.g. climate resilient roads and harbors

Fragile Ecosystems repopulation of coral reefs, buffer zones and biological corridors between vulnerable wetlands

Integrated Coastal Zone Management beach reinforcement and nourishment, protection structures (e.g. jetties, groins, breakwaters)

Health heat-wave warning systems, surveillance and response for malaria epidemics

Disaster Risk Management early warning systems

Cross Cutting Issues information sharing systems to monitor crop choices and contingency crop plans, and pest and disease severity

BAU Co-financing and Adaptation Cost – Irrigation example

Full size project cycle (for LDCF above $2 M and SCCF above $1 M) – 2 STEPS

Medium Size Project Cycle – 2 Options

GEF 5 Programming and Policy Reforms - Summary

• A new project cycle of 18 months• Fewer steps in project cycle (council reviews

FSPs only at PIF stage)• One template• Multi-trust fund and multi-focal area projects• Programmatic approaches• Direct access (NPFE & convention reports)


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